Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Wonders of Botany [Tutor] [Req. Akio]

Apr 19, 2021
OOC Rank
The crisp morning air clung tightly to Shishiwakamaru's skin as he made his way to the Byoin. The warm sun was cresting over the mountains, giving way to morning and shooing away the night. There wasn't a hint of wind, to honest the day was quite perfect. The best time for a little tutoring wouldn't you say? Entering hospital he would inhale deeply, taking in the sterile, sanitized smell of the lobby. Shishi would wave to the receptionist before making his way down the hall towards the location he had tutored with Sennin Nao. The gardens were what he was after as it provided him with everything he would need today.

Once in the garden Shi would remove from his bag an assortment of supplies. Cheese cloth, for straining, a bunsen burner for heating, etc. Pretty much anything and everything they might need today. Today's lesson would be on herbs and their assorted uses for medical applications. Shi remembered the antidote Nao had helped him create, and would be taking a page out of their book for this lesson. But for now he was waiting for Akio to make his grand appearance. Shi was quite excited for this day, he was more than thrilled to know that Akio also wanted to join the medical field. They were going to be the best of medical buddies for sure. Together they would scale the ranks of the medical branch and make a name for themselves and prove themselves dependable and useful for the village as a whole.

[OOC - Post 1/5 - WC: 254/1,500]
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It had been a morning that Akio spent like many others, waking up early, seeing the sun rise amongst the canopied horizon that surrounded the Senju clan complex, eating a simple vegetarian breakfast of a few onigiri and some pancakes filled with a sweet red bean paste as he strolled along the lightly forested trail that led toward the core of Konohagakure. It was a beautiful morning, and one that the young Senju had been looking forward to ever since Shishiwakamaru promised to teach him more about the art of being a med-nin. This was the boy's dream, that one day he could make a difference in the lives of those he loved and cared about through not only battle and warfare, but through knowledge, care, and a practiced healing hand.

Approaching the Konoha Byoin, a place that Akio had spent some of his afternoons trying to absorb all he could from the way that the assigned shinobi there operated, the sunny young boy was thrilled. So many of his days had been spent standing by and watching, but today, he thought, would be different, he'd finally be learning in a more hands-on way. That excitement and craving for knowledge had made the trip to the hospital complex fly by, and as Akio approached and saw Shishi waiting for him and in the renowned garden of healing herbs that the byoin held, no less, he beamed with a great big smile. Waving his hand in an exaggerated and emotive display of greeting, Akio called out, "Hey Shishiwakamaru! I'm ready to learn!"

[WC: 260 .:. Post 1/5 .:. Total WC: 260/1500]
"Hey Shishiwakamaru! I'm ready to learn!" Shishiwakamaru would excitedly wave back to his friend, Akio. "I'm so glad you could make it today!" The pair would comedically greet each other, yelling from a distance. Shi would wait until he got closer to continue; "I'm so hype to teach you what I know. I learned some really interesting stuff from Sennin Nao just the other day. But I've been doing some research and I think I can provide an interesting lesson today. So..." Shishi would rub his hands together showing he was gearing up for another utterance. "Firstly, I'm going to be showing you a little bit about herbology and its medicinal uses. Not everything is all chakra healing this, magic green hands that, no. Sometimes it's just as effective to use what's around us congruently with medical ninjutsu. In fact in a lot of ways it just makes more sense to do it that way, at least for the not so lethal things. An herb is not going to be much help if you lost an arm or something hahaha." Walking towards the garden, waving for Akio to follow him, he asked a most important question. One that Nao asked him the day he learned all this stuff. "What can you tell me about herbology and its applications? I don't want to go over something you already know is all. No need for redundancy right?"

[OOC - Post 2/5 - WC: 489/1,500]
Akio's enthusiasm for all things natural made Shi's intended lesson almost seem perfectly designed for him. And the young Senju listened intently, his characteristic smile never leaving his face as his new instructor returned his greeting and began to explain the medical herbology lesson that was to come. It filled the young nature-lover with joy to hear that in some cases the plants and herbs that he'd grown to love could be as powerful as the mystical healing jutsus that the med-nin shinobi of the Konoha Byoin so often employed when treating injured Leaf ninjas.

Of course, Akio wanted to know all of it, how chakra was so integral to shinobis' health, the jutsu that allowed the med-nins' green auraed hands to wipe over a wound and cause it to disappear, even the more mundane medical sciences that included wound dressing, illness prevention and treatment, and even surgery. However, this was far and away the single facet of medicine that most naturally interested the young Senju. He had spent many days out in the forests with his grandfather, learning about plants and their effects, and this was an opportunity for him to flex that muscle that he'd already been training and utilize his knowledge of nature for the purposes that would one day make his shinobi career.

So as Shishiwakamaru started off by asking what he knew about medical herbology, he was quick to answer and show off what all those years spent mostly in the outdoors had provided him in terms of nature lore. "Plants, herbs, and roots can be used in tons of ways! Grandpa taught me about lots of natural remedies! Like how roots like echinacea and goldenseal can make stuff like colds and flus go away. And valerian can make you sleepy if you're up too late. Some of 'em can take down swelling or reduce inflammation, like garlic and chamomile. Other ones, like ginger roots, can make tummy aches go away. And some can even make it easier to breathe if you're sick or wheezing or have asthma or somethin'! I think gingko is the one that does that!" Akio's enthusiasm was immediately apparent as he proceeded to list off half a dozen ways to utilize nature to help peoples' health with nary a second to catch his breath. And the way that he spoke about each common herbal remedy like they were magic made it clear that to him this was just as mystical and interesting as the amazing and fascinating techniques that med-nin of the village employed using chakra.

[WC: 424 .:. Post 2/5 .:. Total WC: 684/1500]
Shishiwakamaru's eyes would widen in surprise to the vast amount of knowledge Akio possessed. Staying true to his Senju linage, Akio proved himself most resourceful and educated about such things. Shi was pleased all the same, it was good that he had a working knowledge about the basis of herbal medicine. It would make it easier to teach him in the end. "Color me impressed, you might actually know more about plants than me. All my knowledge is from reading books, I imagine yours is more hands on experience. But this is good, knowing the basics makes this easier, sorta. Hahaha" Kneeling down he would gesture to a plant. "This one is called Yunnan Baiyao. Today we will be working with this plant to create a paste that helps staunch bleeding. So first we want to pluck the flowery part that looks like a green star. Then over here..." Shishiwakamaru would stand and walk over to a nearby plant with a red bulb-like flower on it. "This one is called Notoginseng, the part we want are the roots. Though you can use the leaves for tea if you wish. These two mixed together will help stem bleeding as well as provide some anti-inflammatory qualities along with pain management." Standing back up Shi would walk over to the area he set up with various tools n' such, Akio in tow, and began to give instructions.

"Now, I want you to take what I just told you and using anything here you see fit, and create a paste from it. Or if you have anything on your person, that would be acceptable as well. While you're at it, make us some tea. I'm quite parched and I've never tried ginseng tea before." Shi looked forward to watching Akio work, just as Nao had watched Shi work it out for himself. This one was fairly simple, and Shi was certain Akio would be able to perform the task easily. Therefore he needed to up the ante a bit. Working in this sort of situation was too easy, what he needed was a bit of pressure. As Akio began to get to work, however he saw fit, Shishi would speak some more, giving Akio's task a little twist. "All this is well and good, but the real lessons are learned in the middle of battle. What would you do if you had a time limit?" Sink or swim time. Shi pulled out a kunai and cut open his palm. Streaks of crimson liquid came pouring out and down his arm, dripping into a quick growing pool of blood. "Better hurry before I bleed out..." He wasn't actually going to bleed out from a simple cut on his hand, but he was in a great deal of pain. If done properly the concoction would not only slow the bleeding and help coagulate, it would relieve him of the pain he was feeling. Adding one final quip he would leave Akio to his business. "And don't forget my tea~"

[OOC - Post 3/5 - WC: 992/1,500]
Akio listened intently as Shishiwakamaru replied to his exuberant rant about simple healing herbs, and the young Senju felt a keen sense of pride at the fact that he had impressed his med-nin mentor with his expansive, though basic, knowledge of plants. For once, he felt like a true Senju rather than the air-headed happy-go-lucky wild child that his parents tended to paint him as. Following Shi as he pointed out a couple of more exotic plants, ones that the Senju had not recognized from his reconnaissance during his adventures in the forests, Akio did more than listen. He leaned forward, getting a close look at each, inspecting the number of leaf groupings, the shade of their viridian hues, their flowers, buds, and stamen. It was one thing to know what a plant did, but Akio knew that it was equally important to be able to recognize one from a similar variety. After all, one plant might be healthy and could supplement certain physical functions, while another that could look almost identical could be poisonous and harmful.

Additionally, as Shishi made clear the tasks that the young nature-lover was to perform, Akio responded with his usual jubilant tone. "No problem sensei! I've done some of this with Grandpa Itsuki. Plus, I actually like makin' tea! I'll be quick!" However, his jovial expression quickly changed to shock as his medical mentor drew a kunai and quickly cut a deep laceration into the palm of his hand. Akio's eyes went wide, his mouth hanging agape for a moment in surprise. However as his senior shinobi said, "Better hurry before I bleed out... And don't forget my tea~" Akio's expression of surprise faded into one of pure determination. Quickly and methodically, and surprisingly without a single word, the young looked over the tools at his disposal and immediately got to work.

He quickly palmed two mortars, one pestle, and the Bunsen burner that the Nara clansman had procured for this assignment. He filled one of the mortars to the top with water, placed it into a circular rack, and lit the burner beneath it with a very low flame that was so much less intense than its usual jet of fire that it spat ever now and then in small gouts of flame. As the water began to heat, the sandy-haired boy wiped sweat from his brow that was more a result of the intensity of the situation than any heat that the burner had produced, filled about a quarter of the other mortar with water, then quickly sped over to the plants in question.

Though he was acting quickly and with urgency, there was a deliberate quality to the young boy's motions. He didn't go so fast that he'd spill the water, and as he plucked the green star-shaped flower of the Yunnan Baiyao, his hands were steady and careful, making sure that he got all of the effective part of the plant but not taking so much that the herb might suffer to produce more from where he was pruning it. Akio quickly placed the flowery star-shaped leaves into the water to begin to soak as he then delicately pulled the Notoginseng from its planter, noting the large bulbous root that hung from its thin stem. He set the mortar down and with a quick flourish, he cut through about half of the root with his kunai, and quickly replanted the remainder into the hole in the dirt that it came from.

Then, with continued expediency Akio diced the root into much smaller and more manageable slices. Not only would this allow the roots to soak the remaining water in the mortar more quickly, but they'd make it far easier for him to knead them with the pestle as was necessary. And finally, as he began the work of grinding pestle against mortar, mixing the herbs together and beginning to break them down into paste, Akio took a seat in front of the Ginseng plant. Placing the mortar into the crook of his knee so he could continue to work its contents with one hand, Akio began to pluck the smallest leaves of the ginseng plant with delicate precision. He knew from Itsuki's insistence, that the smaller the tea leaves, the better the tea ended up tasting, so Akio made a point of trying to take only the smallest ones.

Before long, the Yunnan Baiyao flowers and the Notoginseng root had congealed into a nice thick paste, having absorbed most of the water that he had originally placed in the bowl. Akio quickly got up, taking the now-finished paste in one hand and holding a good handful of tea leaves in the other. Akio quickly grabbed two of the cheesecloths and a beaker. He placed one over the top, secured it with a tight piece of twine, and emptied the contents of the mortar into the cloth, letting the excess water drain into the beaker and leaving just the paste. At the same time, he'd begun crushing the tea leaves as best he could within his palms. They wouldn't break down as easily as if they'd been dried, but he managed to get them separated enough that they would release their fragrant flavors more quickly once submerged in the now-steaming water he'd been heating. He quickly tied the second cheesecloth around the bundle of leaves, leaving a section of the twine long so that he could hang the edge over the side of the other mortar, turned off the burner, and let it begin to steep. Only now did he finally look back to Shishi, saying, "It's gonna take a minute. The paste needs to drain and the tea needs to steep. How's your hand?" His words still came out with Akio's usual energy, however there was a seriousness to them, a focus that he rarely displayed outside of these kinds of situations.

[WC: 977 .:. Post 3/5 .:. Total WC: 1661/1500]
"It's gonna take a minute. The paste needs to drain and the tea needs to steep. How's your hand?" Shi would look down at his hand and back up to Akio, shrugging a little as he did so. "I'm not dead yet, so I say it's doing ok. Still hurts a little though." Shi would walk over and inspect the tea and the poultice, noticing how slow it was draining. "It's draining pretty slowly, perhaps there is a way we can speed up the draining process?" Deciding to give the answer to Akio directly rather than let him stumble over the thought, Shi would take the cheese cloth and began to spin it around. "I don't have a minute to spare, I'm losing blood fast." He, of course, was not in fact dying or losing blood that fast. It was more exaggeration to get the point across. The point being you don't always have time to spare in real life situations. "By using the centrifugal force of spinning this, we can force the excess water to..." Shishiwakamaru suddenly stopped looking all around him. Being caught up in the teaching moment he failed to realize he was sending spurts of dark colored liquid all over the room.

Shi would snicker a bit in response to this mess. "I, uh... ooops? I will clean that up later hahaha." Handing the poultice back to Akio Shi would go over a simple medical jutsu. "Now what we want to do is place the paste directly on the wound, not in, just on. We're not stuffing a turkey here." Shi would hold out his hand to allow Akio to apply the paste to his hand, wincing a little as he did so. Once the paste was applied Shishi would demonstrate the Coagulation medical ninjutsu. A basic, but most useful, technique that involves the user providing a steady, and precise flow of chakra across the wound. Using a type of yang release, the user will use their physical energy to help in the sealing process that the body naturally has.

"Now I want to show you a basic medical ninjutsu, it's called the coagulation jutsu. It helps with bleeding by super charging the bodies cells to heal faster. The real hard part is controlling your chakra. Using medical ninjutsu requires very precise and careful chakra control. Fundamentally, it requires one to convert their chakra into a state that can be accepted by the recipient’s chakra system without rejection, much like blood types and how they have to match up. It's a little like that. I'm going to show you by doing it on myself, mostly because if not matched up perfectly you could actually damage the cells rather than heal them. So basically you are transferring chakra, but in a highly specialized way." Shishiwakamaru would perform a very small series of simple handsigns and then placed his undamaged hand over the paste-covered wound and began to channel a bright, green chakra into his own hand. "While it is primarily used to heal others, it actually works best with your own body as the chakra does not need to be changed to support a foreign chakra system. So I suggest practicing on yourself, or an animal, such as a fish." In a few moments Shi's hand was fully healed and no longer bleeding. The paste made the work significantly easier and provided some much needed pain relieve in the process.

"Now remember, the greater the injury then the more difficult and time consuming it is to heal And not every wound can be healed. Scratches, bruises, burns and stab wounds are the easiest wounds to heal, followed by broken bones, torn muscles and severed tendons. Anything beyond that will require a med-nin of considerable power and ability, or multiple healers at once." Shi would walk over to a nearby basin and wash his hands of the blood and leftover paste. Drying his hands off he would turn to Akio. "Now, how about some tea, eh?" Surely by now the tea would be nearly ready. He hoped it would taste good, even if making the tea was merely to serve as a distraction and a joke.

[OOC - Post 4/5 - WC: 1,690/1,500]
As Shi explained the urgency that was necessary, and displayed how swinging the bag around would allow the water to drain quicker, Akio brought a hand quickly to his forehead. With a slap of hand against skin, he thought, 'Why didn't I think of that!?' Though when he removed palm from face, he quickly realized that Shishiwakamaru was quite literally painting the surrounding area with blood. While other children might've turned pale from squeamishness or at least look shocked by the display of gore, Akio's determined and serious demeanor instead broke immediately and he laughed with childlike glee. Something about the Nara's realization of what he was doing was just hilarious to the young Senju, and by his mentor's demeanor he could now tell that he'd likely been overstating his wound a bit.

However, as Shishiwakamaru continued with explaining the proper use of the poultice and, perhaps even more interestingly, the Coagulation jutsu, Akio's determined focus returned. He paid close attention as Shishi explained the intricate and impressive control required to perform medical jutsu, and the young Senju's brow furrowed when he'd said, "So I suggest practicing on yourself, or an animal, such as a fish." Something about the statement clearly struck a nerve with the young boy, but he stayed silent and listened up until Shishi asked for the tea.

Akio then pulled his kunai out himself and said, "No way. I could never cut up an animal just to practice jutsu... No matter how useful it might be. I'll practice on myself. Tea can wait." And with a sharp plunge, Akio grit his teeth and stabbed the point of the kunai into his hand. He was surprised how much it hurt. He'd taken dozens of scrapes on his wild treks through the branches of the village's forests, even broken a few bones, but a weapon wound was something new and different to Akio. His hand instinctively shook, far more than he'd expected it to, but with a determined and forced composure he mimicked Shi's movements, followed the instructions given to him, and somehow formed the green aura of healing energy around his hand. It took only moments for the wound to close and the bleeding to stop, but the pain itself did remain. Once he'd finished Akio held up a hand to display the nearly identical cut to Shishi. "I did it!" He proclaimed, his bright smile returning despite the pain. "Now it's time for tea!"

[WC: 405 .:. Post 4/5 .:. Total WC: 2066]
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"I did it!" Oh my golly goodness! Shishiwakamaru was not expecting his younger friend to do exactly as he did. He did it for a dramatic flare to the lesson, but Akio took it serious. But I suppose imitation is the highest form of flattery, so Shi was honored and proud that Akio had the courage to cut himself with the kunai. Most kids his age would freak out at just the concept of self harm, or blood for that matter. Akio was a cut above the rest of the average fodder in this village, that was becoming quite clear to the young Nara. "Well done, Akio. I'm so amazed that you got that so quickly, it took me a whole hour to figure it out on my end. You've got a knack for this, you're gonna make a top notch med-nin someday, believe it!" Now with the tea ready the pair would enjoy a steaming cup of ginseng tea."Now it's time for tea!" Shishi would nod in agreement and would pour his friend a cup, followed by a cup for himself. Taking a small sip Shi would smack his lips together as he tasted the bitter tea. "Yep, that's horrible tea hahahaha!" And with that the lesson had been wrapped up. Shishiwakamaru would stay behind to clean up the mess he had made. Thankfully he knew a clone jutsu and would have multiple helpers to aide him in the clean up. Akio had done well today and showed true promise in the arts of medical ninjutsu. He would make a fine med-nin in time, there was no doubt about it.

[OOC - Post 5/5 - WC: 1,961/1,500 - Leaving Topic]
Akio swelled with pride as his med-nin bud praised him for catching onto the Coagulation jutsu so quickly. If he was honest, he was equally surprised that it came so naturally. Just as Shishiwakamaru had predicted, being able to perform under pressure, or in Akio's case even thrive under it, was a sign of a capable shinobi. If a little cut on the hand was enough to deter him from completing the task at hand, there's no way he'd be able to adapt when the situations really got dire. "Thanks Shishiwakamaru! I think I only got it so quick 'cause you're a really awesome teacher! And... It won't be just me! We're gonna be med-nin buds all the way up!" Akio said with childlike glee. Finally taking a well-earned sip of tea, the young Senju, unlike his Nara counterpart, didn't turn his nose up. In fact, his eyes went wide and with a smile he exclaimed, "I kinda like it! Warm and earthy... I think that's kinda my style!" Finishing the tea, Akio helped Shishi and his other helpers clean up the Pollock-like mix of blood-spatter and drained poultice from their earlier exercise and went home with a new sense of confidence in both his chosen path and his own medical abilities.

[WC: 212 .:. Post 5/5 .:. Total WC: 2278 .:. Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
