Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private This Disciple is Mine, There are many like it but this one is mine! [Req Miya]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
The sun slowly rose on a misty morning creating stretching and shifting paths of light that danced off the frost making it seem like the village was glowing with the radiance of the first rays of light. Ayeka happily padded her way through the slowly awakening streets, her hood hiding her face from view but anyone who looked at her could tell the tall girl was immensely happy today. Her lips were upturned into a grin so large that her jaw ached and her cheeks were warmed to a rosy red as she hummed a nameless upbeat tune her head shaking from side to side as her joyous aura became infectious making others who passed her by smile at the ninja or wave though Ayeka was too shy to reciprocate the gesture. Now you may be wondering why Ayeka was so happy today and the answer was simply because the academy has finally approved her for taking a student on as her apprentice and the student Ayeka had her eye on was the little samurai from her class. Turning into an to cut across the busy streets Ayeka had to take a moment to let out an excited her squeal. "We are gonna go on adventures and I'm gonna teach her my sword style and everyone is gonna call me the best mentor ever! Oh I hope she accepts, of course she will but......." Excited thoughts danced behind Ayeka's eyes as she turned out of the alley ignoring the vendors who had been startled by her squeal as the academy gates finally came into view.

It didn't take long for Ayeka to head inside the Academy to confirm the paper work for the transfer reasonability for the student and soon Ayeka found herself out on the training fields just outside of the academy. The school would have sent a message to Miyako herself stating a ninja had shown interest in taking her as a disciple and would like her to meet them before she made her decision leaving Ayeka to await her new students arrival. Ayeka herself sat in the centre of the her head bowed in a seemingly meditative stance but in reality she was just trying to stop herself from shaking in excitement like a small dog.
Today was the day! Someone had taken interest in the young maiden, wishing to take her under their wing. She had received permission to get out of class a little early to go to the meeting. Miyako gathers her things, katana gripped tightly in excited paws and bounds out the door. Passing through the hallways to her destination, hopping along in simple glee as the sleeves of her haori sway with each skip. This was simply a proposition, not something Miyako absolutely had to accept if she wanted to keep her options open. Well, delusional thoughts of self importance from a girl desperate for recognition, but the idea of playing at being unattainable - almost like a princess- caused the girl to giggle. Miyako would absolutely say yes, without a second thought, if it were Ayeka or Keniwa that had requested her.

She makes it to the exit leading towards her destination. The training fields. Her hand shakes as it extends to open up that door. It's intimidating. A new step on her journey. A milestone for a little bunny that's been way over her head from the start, escaping from a lovingly suffocating family for the chance of freedom and fame. A legacy that she wanted to carve out with her own hands to prove that she doesn't need to be coddled and spoiled (she just enjoys it). It was a complicated feeling, almost contradictory in nature. Miyako recalls her first day in Konoha at Hokage Rock, thinking about how great it must be to be almost worshipped, memorialized forever and still, even in death, watch over the village. A guardian and protector, loved and respected by all. That's the idealized version of fame that Miyako strives for.

Miyako steels herself, ready to take that next step on her journey and cracks open the door. An anxious peek before stepping out and her heart pops. Ears twitch as she gasps a silent scream, wholly in jubilation, scampering over to meet her new mentor. The decision was instantly made, even before the question was ever asked. "Ayeka-sensei! You want me as a disciple!?" Miyako dives at the tall. reserved dragon, squeaking in joy as she wraps around for a hug, hanging off her side. "Awaaa! I'm so so so so happy!" She chirps, looking up with gleaming smile and excited eyes.
It wasn't long before Ayeka's forced meditations had evolved into a full on nap as she waited for her new student due to her lack of sleep the night before due to nerves and despite the relative coldness of the season the winter sun was still shining enough that it had warmed Ayeka scales and allowed her to drift off allowing for one little bunny to ambush her the dragon. A loud of shout of Ayeka sensei followed by Miyako rocketing into the girl middle was not the best wake up for the girl as the wind was knocked out of her but she still managed to find enough breath within her lungs for a surprised yelp. "Ehhhh!!" Ayeka looked around in confusion for a moment before she realised that she now had the steel grasp of Miyako around her stomach and the girl face now buried in her chest while yelling how happy she was at Ayeka being her sensei now. "AH Miyako-chan!" Surprised but thankful the girl hadn't knocked her over and instead ending up in her lap Ayeka found her own arms has snaked around her student form in reaction to being embraced.

"Ah um Y...Y..yes I for you my pupil.....If what you really want." Ayeka face had already heated up to a full blush at her student apparent excitement. "Ah Miya-chan could you let me" Ayeka had wanted to come across as the cool teacher here but her student joy was infectious that Ayeka couldn't help but smile. Despite that however Ayeka still wanted to do this more officially and she had a small gift to give the girl in commemoration of this event.
Miyako was fully taking advantage of her sneak attack, relishing the warm embrace of the dragon caught meditating, still and tranquil as the morning dew. Just a little longer. "Oh, oops! Sorry, I got a little too excited! Hehe~" Miyako releases her scarlet-cheeked sensei from her clutches, shuffling back to give her the space to formally levy her proposition. The answer was going to be an immediate, resounding "yes", but there's a certain degree of ceremony to these things. Miyako bows in respect, then rises, twinkling glitter stars reflecting the dreamy wonders of a girl taking one step closer to her dream. As much as Miyako adored the other adults she had met thus far, it was hard to argue that Ayeka made the perfect mentor. Both in terms of personality and combat prowess. Ayeka was soft and fierce all the same, with a familiar style of fighting that Miyako envisions for herself. This was all logical justification forher decision, but it really came down to something far simpler. Ayeka was her favorite. The memory of her first visit to a food stall on one her first days in Konoha had imprinted on her so profoundly with a sense of intrepid security. Ayeka made Konoha feel like home.

"Of course I'll be your pupil! I was really hoping it would be you." Miyako giggles, swaying back and forth with her hands locked tightly together behind her back. She stands patiently, containing her excitement the best she can, ignoring her explosive impulses to dive at her sensei again. Prim and proper, as a young maiden should be. "I'm really, really... happy~"
Ayeka couldn't help but smile at Miyako's infectious attitude making Ayeka feel like that she had chosen well for her first student as she felt her motivation to teach this girl to the best of her abilities skyrocket and with that in mind Ayeka stood, turned and then kneeled before Miyako much like a knight errant though Ayeka's gigantic 6 foot tall form still towered over the younger girl despite taking a knee. Observing Miyako for a moment as the girl giggled and bounced Ayeka gently brought a hand up to gently pat the girl on the head as she smiled fondly with eyes full of care before the older girl finally looked down with a grimace. 'This is gonna suck!' Ayeka thought as she stared down at her own chest or rather the large plated scale that sat above Ayeka's chest covering the majority of her collar bone and stretching down to cover a portion of her heart with a thick scale that glistened in the light. Taking her hand back Ayeka held the appendage up her palm facing the sky while her forearm extended sideway across her chest. Staring into Miyako eyes with a serious albeit still nervous expression Ayeka smiled to reassure Miya as her arm began to bulk up, corded muscle seeming to grow and stretch before scales trailed down the arm and Ayeka's fingers twisted into the clawed talons of a dragon before said claws moved to Ayeka chest in order to grasp the scale at her heart.

"Tachibana M...Miyako, From thi...this moment on are student. In commemoration of this I of..of..offer this to you. " As she spoke talons pierced flesh as Ayeka pried her heart scale from her chest as trickles of blood ran down her stomach causing the girl to groan in pain as the scale came free leaving behind a bloody gouge that was already filling with a fresh scale as Ayeka's Kinjutsu worked overtime to replace the missing scale. As the scale came free Ayeka offered the piece of her hide to Miyako. "This is my he...heart scale. In a dragon it is th..there most heavily armoured sc...scale. It's strong and us...used for armour. Take my to protect you my st..student." With that Ayeka waited to see what Miyako would do as Ayeka waited for her injury to regenerate enough she could move again.
Her heart was thumping in anticipation of the ceremonial inheritance between master and pupil. The imposing dragon kneeling down, soaring above the bunny's horizons even still, with a reassring expression glowing across her face. Miyako almost blurted out a lighthearted joke about being too young for marriage to settle the fluttering butterflies in her stomach before thinking better of it. This was not the time or place to tease. It was an honor. Truly. Miyako just stared in admiration, proper and respectful, hands tightly clasped together against her tiny chest as if to still her beating heart.

Ayeka starts to change, her arm becoming more dragon than human as it swells with protruding scales replacing skin. This was nothing new to Miyako and yet still just as awe-inspiring as the first time she saw Ayeka transform. 'Ayeka-sensei is the coolest!' was the only thought parsing through Miyako's empty little head, not understanding in the slightest why she had partially transformed now of all times. Ayeka's draconic claw had reached for her own heart, or rather the scale that adorned it, stabbing pointed nails to pluck it from its resting place. "Ah- A-Ayeka-sensei!" Miyako gasps, but refuses to turn away no matter how squeamish she became. The dissonance of flesh being split apart by talons dyed in crimson and the pale knuckles of a small girl squeezing so tight she could pop. An extended hand from her master holding out her heart, as symbolic as a promise can ever get. The pressure, the expectations, the naiveté. The snowstorm that creeps in on destined spring.

The bunny decides she would brace this storm. The weight of a promise she would wear around her neck, always reminding her of what she strives for. Miyako steps forward, steady hands embracing the scale as she kneels down, bowing her head with grace. "It's an honor to be your pupil, master. I'll wear your promise around my neck for as long as I live, close to my heart, so I'll always feel safe."
As Miyako took her scale relief flooded through Ayeka, she had feared that she was a poor ninja that slowly she would become useless to the village as her friends and family took on more responsibility especially as her brother continued to treat her as a liability as if he felt that she had become more unstable since he rescued her but Miya was proof that someone still needed Ayeka and that she was still useful to the village. She couldn't help it but give the biggest most beautiful smile she had ever given, the kind of smile that poets would describe in their fantasies and musicians would create ballads for as a gentle blush painted Ayeka cheek, her eyes closed as she savoured the moment with her student before finally her nerves gave out and Ayeka retreated back into her hood, the material shadowing her face so only her blowing blue and amber eye could be seen within as she stood back up. "I kn...know you will M..M..Miya chan......" Ayeka's words trailed off as different presence exerted it's presence on the black dragon as a fanged smile appeared with the hood as Ayeka's body posture became more confident. "I hate to ruin this darling Mommy, daughter moment but your bleeding a lot. " Aria's tone and voice was different from Ayeka's whose tone and speech was gentle and soft like water while Aria's was a lot huskier and brasher donating a very sudden and often jarring change for others as the second personality took control over their shared body.

Placing a hand over her chest Aria felt her body respond as she concentrated her chakra as the blood that had been flowing down her stomach soon became a trickle as a large black scale started to grow in from the edges of the wound. "Sorry about the sudden entrance kid but I was about to bleed out there for a second." Aria burst out into a boisterous laugh at her exclamation as if it wasn't a bid deal "Nice to meetcha by the way I'm Ayeka soul sister! Names Ryu Aria." Aria jabbed a thumb at herself as she introduced herself to her possibly very confused student before grabbing the bunny by the scruff of her scarf making sure not to choke or hurt the little thing as the girl was held up to eye height for an inspection. "OH yeah you will do. Not a bad find Ayeka well not time like the present. Lets get this training started!" Throwing the younger girl over her shoulder like a bag Aria began to walk out of the training ground heading for a special practice ground she had set up for the young girl ahead of time. "I'm gonna turn ya into the best swordswomen ever even if it kills us." Aria gave the girl a fanged smile from over her shoulder before one again bursting into laughter as she walked.

[Topic Left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Time:
