Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

This Letter Stinks (of reptile) <Req Raikage>

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Rei strolled through the new tower hallways with a grace and speed that belied the actual weight she carried despite her image. Deception and planning ahead was once again slowly rolling back into her overall habits after restructuring the branches in her part of the military; something she hadn’t worried about since being a secret weapon. However the difference of then and now were nearly night and day. It was an absolute joy that she didn’t have to live this way 24/7 as she once had. The ability to simply stroll down the corridors, rolled up letter smelling of sun-baked reptile in hand, was something she never would have been allowed to do not even six years ago. Yet as she approached the ornate doors that led to the Raikage’s office, Rei couldn’t help but pause for a moment and wonder if it was wise to be so open about delivering a letter.

Lately, letters had been a big something in the village. One had been penned by Miro and signed out by Kitsune to go village to village in declaring their sudden independence from the other villages based on the last few attacks on their gates. It had been a slippery situation that Rei was closely monitoring by making sure the border security to the entire country was being locked down as hard as it could be, but truth was she was grasping at straws. The Judge System would help in the long run with criminals trying to be blatant about their crimes, but there was far too many spots along Lightning’s borders with Fire that were rampant in wildlife. Some of the Hunters Branch volunteered to keep an eye in that area, but Rei knew full well they’d be too distracted by the things living out there to keep a full eye out for people. Thankfully the KIO was keeping her appraised of every dirty dealing they could find, but even that in turn was putting a strain on her militants trying to keep the peace for the entire country as opposed to the mountain village. Things were easily three times as hard as they had been, yet Kumogakure was chugging along somehow.

Deciding that it no one else save the Sennins would even know how to interpret the letter, Rei simply let herself in after two knocks, a pause, and then three knocks to let Kitsune know it was her. She stepped into the Raikage’s lavish, yet modernly simple, settings and strolled casually up to her friend and boss’s desk to gently lay down the strange smelling parchment.
I think a certain old shinobi of ours is looking to stay a bit longer than intended,” Rei stated knowing full well of Umashi and his legendary status among them. Honestly she remained completely surprised that a man of his standing and wisdom wasn’t offered the Sennin title before her. Rei could only assume he wanted nothing of it due to how many things he already had responsibility for, but now he spoke of tending to those obligations and it didn’t seem to outwardly be in the betterment for Lightning. No one begrudged him his visit to family in the Fire Country when he left, but then no one expected him to stay and help the Fire Country either. With the previous letter Miro carried some time ago this one came at an unfortunate timing.

[MFT = 570wc]
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune gave a quick wave at Rei as she entered, though she was on the phone with a noble that had somehow gotten the reception to relay the call through the tower up to her office, and said noble did not take no for an answer, so she ended up sternly rebuking them for wasting her time, and slamming the phones handset back onto the base unit, hanging up on the noble very abruptly to prevent them from getting another word in. ”These damn vultures. If it wasn’t because I was reasonably sure that I’m partially immortal, I’d say they’d be the death of me!” she exclaimed and then buried her face in her hands for a second or two, composing herself before sitting upright again.

”So. What brings you by, Rei-chan?” she asked, as Rei put down a roll of parchment on the desk. Kitsune raised an eyebrow. Who used parchment in this day and age? What did they think this was? Some kinda of parallel society stuck in the middle ages, in a lot of aspects? She grabbed the parchment and gave it a read, then a second more thorough read. Various expressions slid across her face as she read it and at the end, she looked up at Rei. ”I daresay you’re right.” she stated simply.

She sighed, and pinched the bridge of her nose, ”Well. How does this sound for a plan, then? On account of his key assistance in the whole Tenouza/Shogun succession debacle: He keeps his Kumo rank, and gets the added title of High Diplomat. He gets to be Kumogakure’s liaison to Konohagakure, to restore diplomatic relations to at least a neutral point. He’d also get an indefinite leave of absence from the ANBU branch. Though, of course, he’d still be bound to keep Kumo’s secrets… Secret.” she posited, while looking at Rei to gauge her reaction to everything.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Rei sighed and looked a little worried, to say the least. While Umashi's origins weren't exactly extremely secret, at least to the upper eschelon, it was concerning to see a member of ANBU plant roots so far away from Kumogakure. How would they manage to keep an eye on the man to keep him from spilling state secrets? Rei had no doubt that the man was within the utmost trust of the village leaders given a number of very good reasons. Yet the ever pestering reminder of the number of their black ops that had defected lately had her on edge. There was already a lot they had to work on changing as far as security went when Monika tore through the streets; including banning certain types of music. Then there was Shinjo's casual murder of both a Genin and common wheat trader before he just simply vanished. Miro more than had her work cut out for when she got back, and the doctor didn't envy her fellow Sennin in the least on this task.
"My only issue, is how will we for sure know he can keep those secrets? I don't lay doubt on Umashi's ability to keep his allegiance, and the kami knows that this act could help Kumogakure's relationship with a major military power besides...but how hard would it be to simply entrap a trusting man and bombarded with Genjutsu until he gave up the Elephant's Graveyard? We need a fail safe to ensure Umashi's interests stay well within Kumo's. Can't just have a soldier of his calibur and rank simply decide he's going to settle back down in the trees after learning our secrets."

Rei took a hefty seat in one of the chairs before Kitsune's desk. The wood groaned in complaint to the Sennin's actual weight as the legs bent slightly. She sighed while putting palms to her eyes trying to use the vast information available in her head to find a solution. Before long too long, one finally reared its ugly head.
"There is a number of...draconic, things we could try to keep secrets but they're all more likely to dissolve trust between us even further. I know of a cursed mark specifically that can be placed on a shinobi within certain perimeters that would keep them from spilling secrets - or die. But then, he'd have to be willing to take it, and that leads to another conundrum. What if we arrive with that answer and he doesn't accept? It could start a real conflict considering the attack on the gates, and I don't know anything of how the ANBU Sennin's mission is currently doing either. I'm not certain on many other options we could have though, because the secrets he knows are precious and could very well end our fledgling current state of government. Hell, just the ANBU post information he has! Until Miro comes back and changes out positions, that information alone could potentially leave a giant hole in our defense against invaders! Yet..." Rei sighed heavily, "Yet, I don't think we have much option. Damned if we do, damned if we don't...we'll just have to let peace between Konoha and Kumogakure solely rest on that man's shoulders."

"I accept on your conditions, Kitsune. I don't like this, but it doesn't look like we're going to have much a choice. How shall we deliver such an important response? In person?"
Nov 3, 2012
OOC Rank
Fifteen years ago...

Deep in the Ancient Forest, a young man's azure eyes reflected the light of a daytime sky covered in sheets of greys and whites that perfectly matched his hair and the clothing he was adorned in. Those Santaru eyes glowed once more, their color paling and shifting to hues of white as they had in sporadic waves ever since he'd awoken in that far off frozen wasteland. Despite his attempts to control and bring to rein the tumultuous stirrings of his emotions, his bloodline continued to stir the skies and cause a seemingly endless light snowfall to follow him wherever he went. The winter walked with him, unshakable as his own shadow, a white umbra that was cast above rather than below.

Shirokouu thought back on the path that brought him here, his father's assassination, the pain of being forced from his home, the surging and churning chakra that danced uncontrollably within him since his reawakening, and the peculiarities of the series of events that led him back to the village of clouds, too unlikely to be coincidence. Raiden... He wondered soundlessly if this deity he'd heard mystical whispers of had more control over his fate than he did himself. But then he remembered the words of his father, echoing in the confines of his troubled mind. "The gods are merely the consciousnesses that each of us reverberate..."

His father's stoic words rang through Shirokouu, he could hear them clear as day, stirring him to his core. The Santaru so often wished that he had inherited his father's sense of calm, his perfect control of self, and perhaps a part of him did reflect that. However, he couldn't still the growing storm that stirred deep within his soul, nor the one outside that caused the ever-present snowfall that followed him deep into this primeval forest. As he passed into a rockier clearing, his now shining white optics passed over a cave entrance and he thought to himself, if he couldn't spare himself the cold, he resolved to spare the city and shinobi that had shown him such kindness from the chill of the wintertide that rose in his wake.

Walking into the cave, the young man's shimmering oculi lit the path. He was surprised by the cavern's depth and before long he was far enough in that the sounds of swirling winds were gone from his still mind. There he took a seat and opened the pouch at his hip, removing a palm-sized shallow bowl, a small flask with metal rings that lined its bottom, and a humble tin container. He poured the tea, an ancient recipe that somehow still kept hot despite the freezing chill that he'd been walking through, and sipped it from the shallow disc as he crossed his legs and closed his glowing eyes. His hands moved to open the tin in a practiced motion, one he had done countless times since his father's passing. Pressing the incense into a cone between his fingers Shirokouu placed it within the bowl and with a spark from his fingertips set the aromatic alight. There, deep in this foreign cave, the young man found the elusive inner peace he sought, falling into a deep meditative trance, but the outside world would not share in it.

Shiro's eyes continued to light the area around him in dimmed oranges and pinks, his bloodline-infused orbs shining through the eyelids, a telltale sign that though his mind was under control, the forces that his bloodline called remained wrathful. The storm outside raged silently and the temperature continued to drop. Snow piled and piled, and with the coming of minutes, then hours, then days, the cave filled, a peal of lightning called out into the forest, striking the rocks at the cave's entrance and leaving the Santaru sealed within ice for a second time, trapped in a temporary tomb of his own creation.

Nine years later...

Years passed, seasons came and went, and the Kakihara clansman dreamed, his trancelike meditation perpetuated in his static frozen-solid state. In this world of somnolent slumber, Shirokouu dreamt of clear skies and sunlight and the world outside slowly calmed to match it. He remembered being a child, worn out and exhausted after his training with Takayama, laying upon the leaf-laden ground of Konohagakure after countless attempts at his father's test. Like it was still that sentimental day, he recalled looking up through the canopies, the sunlight silhouetting the sea of leaves that hung above his head, causing the light to dance upon his face. Shiro was at peace, and the time he'd spend in slumber felt like mere moments.

By the time he'd awoken, the storm had long since faded. And bit by bit, the permafrost that encased the young man melted and thawed. Dripping wet and covered in the last remnants of the frost that encased him, Shirokouu leaned forward in the darkness and collected his aged belongings, placing them back into the safety of the stark white pouch at his side. He stood on legs that felt far weaker and shakier than he'd expected or was used to, the toll of the time spent still. Placing his hand upon the rock that stood as guardian of the cavern he'd chosen, he burst it apart with a loud crack of lightning, sending its shards flying and clearing the way for the moonlight to cascade upon his pale white skin.

However, the peal of booming thunder he'd created was not the only sound that roared into this chaotic night and Shirokouu's body tensed out of instinct as he heard the telltale cries of combat. He did not wait to think as he dashed toward the sounds of conflict and before long came upon the aftermath of an attack on a group of what must have been low-ranking Kumogakure shinobi. One looked familiar to him, a man reaching mid-age with a dark beard and shaggy black hair that fell from his head. He looked surprisingly similar to one of the shinobi that had greeted him at his entry to the city, but was far too matured to be the same man. 'His father perhaps...' Shirokouu thought to himself, checking his pulse to reaffirm that he was indeed still alive.

'I need to get to the administration and warn them of these intruders.' The young Santaru resolved, dashing towards the center of Kumogakure proper. As he fled through the streets, however, his skin would be met with a familiar tingle, his hair standing on end like static before a strike of lightning. But it was not a bolt of electricity that would leave the man standing wide-eyed. Instead he saw the air before him twist and tear, forming a hole in space, an after-effect of the meddling of the Tenouza and the unknown Temporal Strider that was involved in the conflict. Shirokouu didn't know the group, their goals, or the plot that was taking place in the background of this time in which he was a newcomer, but he would feel their presence as he stared into the chaotic void that stretched before him like a rip in reality. It seemed to draw him in, or rather it stretched out to meet him, and before he knew it he was pulled into the tumultuous space between times.

Tumbling and turning as the Santaru fell through time itself, countless worlds, events, and times seemed to exist all at once in the roiling chaos of this place between time, until he finally burst forth in a loud crack and roll of thunder that could be heard easily throughout the halls that stood outside the Raikage's office. Shirokouu immediately found himself in surroundings that were strange and unfamiliar. The stillness of being enclosed within the massive building was immediately noticeable to the young man as looked around the Torre Empirea for signs that pointed to where he was. This place, however, was foreign to the Santaru and it immediately put him on edge. He pulled on his gloves, tightening them as he tensed his muscles and scanned his surroundings.

Near-silent footfalls that Shirokouu's trained ears knew could only be well-practiced shinobi patted against the paved floor of the most futuristic building that Shirokouu had ever been in. He didn't have time to look around the scenery whose strangeness to him begged for his focus, as before he had a chance to do much more than react he was surrounded by foreign shinobi. Wherever he was, it was clear he wasn't supposed to be here. Shiro backed up towards the doorway behind and his eyes began to glow as the adrenaline coursed through his veins. He knew well that he would not make for much of a challenge should he choose to engage with the half dozen Kumogakure ninja that surrounded him, cautiously approaching, and with a flurry decided to make a break for it. Tearing the door behind him open, he crashed into the room and was met by an ornate and well-equipped office, as well as two unfamiliar shinobi that he immediately felt the imposing presence of.

Shiro's eyes quickly gazed out the window, his only remaining avenue of escape, but they went wide as he realized how high up he was. 'I-impossible...' He thought, having never seen buildings that towered like this in his life. The young man steeled himself, realizing that he was in no position to do anything but surrender to circumstance, and grit his teeth to quell his shuddering muscles as he raised hands to his sides in an obvious sign of non-combativeness. "Where.... Where am I?" He asked. Shirokouu was usually very calm under pressure, almost sagacious, and he knew well that it was much more prudent to stay silent in a situation like this. But his question flowed out in staggered and heavy breaths, spurred by pure instinct, and the existential fear of the ordeal he'd just experience was still clearly written on his face.

[MFT .:. 1650 Words]
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune scratched her head, because it wasn't like there were any better alternatives to the situation at hand. Either they offered the position as a form of goodwill gesture, or they risked losing Umashi to Leaf which was entirely unacceptable due to just how much he knew about the Kumo inner workings... Rock, meet hard place. "So, step one: we institute a policy for ANBU, that they all are equipped with seals that prevent them from spilling secrets. We could do it as a trial run where only the ones heading out of the city limits get it inscribed, and then they have it removed once they've returned." Kitsune suggested, knowing that Miro would likely have a word or five to say about that, but with Miro being off in Wind Country somewhere, someone had to give executive decisions around there, and Kitsune wasn't Commander in Chief for nothing.

"And step two: we'd probably have to go in person, or Leaf'd never stop giving us grief about yet another Raikage decision without the Raikage delivering it." she said and rolled her eyes. As if she didn't have a metric crapton of work running a country here. "Besides, I'm sure he'll be pleased with the outcome, as it shows great trust in him as a person." she mentioned, referring to Umashi. Kitsune then typed up a draft of a formal document on her computer terminal before swivelling the monitor around to show Rei the contents.

Formal Letter said:
This letter serves as proof of position.

By the order of the 11th Raikage:

The position of High Diplomat of Kumogakure is hereby bestowed onto Umashiashikabihikoji.
He will hereafter serve as liaison to Konohagakure, to restore diplomatic relations with Konoha.

"I'd say that should do nicely, don't you, Rei?" Kitsune asked her friend, hoping she'd agree, but as she did, the doors burst open, and a stranger rushed into the room, seeming quite confused about where he was, with a squadron of guards chasing in after him. Kitsune raised her hand to prevent any unnecessary violence in her office, as it wasn't all that long ago she'd had to have some of her furniture replaced due to overzealous guards and a messenger entering the office in a, in the guards words, suspicious manner.

As the young man asked where he was, Kitsune replied before anyone else could: "The Raikage office in Torre Empirea. Now I'd like you to take a seat. Take a deep breath. And then explain how you managed to somehow get to the top floor of a building where there's chakra locks and biometric access scanners halfway up, and on every floor.". Her tone was calm, as she figured it wouldn't do anyone any good if this escalated. Besides, Rei was there, and she packed an even larger literal punch than Kitsune did.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Cursed marks would indeed put a practical stop to situations such as this. If Umashi had been planted with one before leaving the contents of the letter and their response would have been so much more simple. Now, it was clear they needed to plan a trip. Rei was already looking incredibly stressed at the thought of having to deliver the letter in person at that proposal; but what could they really do? This was unprecedented and the relations with Konoha were shaky at best. Allowing their shinobi this awkward request would move towards the goal of forming peace with another major power in the world…which was something Kumogakure needed. Their new government was just that - new. They had barely enough properly trained man power to run everything. A new ally, along with Bear, would provide enough layers against their back against any opponent willing to cross all those borders that Kumogakure could finally focus on the true problem that plagued their shores; the ocean. Pirates were among the larger problems they faced now, as well as smugglers. Rei was even starting to get rumors that the slave market might be starting to pick up again as if to spite Miro’s efforts. Honestly the doctor remained bemused that slavers could even think of existing in Kumogakure after how hard the ANBU Sennin annihilated the original black market.

Kitsune typed up a small letter, swiveled her screen, and Rei leaned forward to take a gander when she felt it. Noticing ripples in the flow of time and when it was being toyed with was a rare talent, but because of that war, the entire upper echelon of shinobi in Kumo had it. The hairs on the back of Rei’s neck stood up and she glanced at Kitsune with a look that said, “be ready.” Time ripples weren’t an immediate feeling, she had learned. Whoever had altered the course would have already been moving by now so the duo had no real time to prepare. No sooner than Rei’s silent message cross did the door fly open. Rei unleashed a modicum of her true power in response. The chair beneath her already having problems with her weight began to splinter as she tensed her muscles; ready to spring like a tiger. Her eyes regarded the intruder like a stain on her favorite shirt and that look alone had been known to suck the oxygen out of a room. Yet the open hand of her leader held back the guard that had already began hunting the intruder and settled the Sennin down somewhat. She cautiously stood up and pushed the chair back towards the door with a nudge of her foot; it would need to be sadly replaced. Sad because, it was one of the few chairs Kitsune had made of nice wood that actually supported Rei’s hidden weight.

I’m just as curious on that,” Rei stated, repeating the Raikage’s own musing, “That system is brand new too. Only kind of person who could slip past all of that right now would be a traitor; but I know every single member of the Main Branch and I have never seen your face…” Rei’s eyes locked on Shiro’s, marveling to herself at the beauty of their hue but moved to place herself between the man and Kitsune regardless. Hopefully he had a good excuse.
Nov 3, 2012
OOC Rank
It was almost cosmically comical that the Sennin of Kumogakure had just been talking about a hole in the village's defenses moments before the young Santaru suddenly appeared from a hole in spacetime within the tower of the Raikage, having mysteriously eluded the traps and sensors that secured the tower from any outsiders, and perhaps even more strange that these two leaders of the village of clouds were just speaking about relations with the Leaf when one of their lost sons came crashing through the door. Coincidences like these seemed to follow Shirokouu throughout his whole life, no matter how far he traveled from his home among the forests of Konoha, but it was exceedingly rare that he was in a position to know or find the humor in them. This was no exception.

Sweating and still breathing heavily, more from his violent experience with time itself than the disadvantageous circumstances he found himself in, the young Santaru's brow was pinched into the shape of a 'U' between his two shining white eyes. As Kitsune told him to sit, he eyed the one chair that remained intact across from the Raikage's desk. Every instinct, every bit of training he'd received told him that standing was far safer, that he shouldn't give up a defensive posture that might afford him at least a sliver of a chance at escape should things go awry. The situation was clearly still tense and a hint of worry crossed the Leaf shinobi's face as he heard the word 'traitor', but nevertheless Shiro found a slight relief in the fact that the unknown but clearly powerful pair of Kunoichi seemed to prefer talking things out rather than immediately attacking him. Plus, he certainly wasn't confident he'd come out of a fall from these great heights unscathed.

The voice of his father came to him as it often did when he was conflicted. 'Calm~' The sound within his mind stilled his tightened muscles, and with a stoicism that belied the quick beat of his heart, he slowly and serenely took a seat in the chair. Those shimmering pale hues that had caught Rei's gaze finally calmed as he stilled the chaotic tumult that coursed within him from his harrowing experience, his eyes fading to their usual azure. Suddenly, as his adrenaline subsided, all the inconsistencies hit the young man's psyche at once. How could he be in the Raikage's office? Wouldn't he have known if Kumogakure had massive structures like this? If so, these women certainly don't meet the description of the man that Yuii had recommended he meet. Where are the unknown assailants he'd encountered? If the village was under attack, why were these two so calm? And most notably, how did he get here? All these questions and more flooded him at once, all in a mere couple seconds of hesitation. Something was wrong, and too many pieces were out of place, but perhaps the two that he found himself in a room with would be able to provide the answers that he couldn't supply himself.

So, despite his racing mind, Shirokouu's expression was peaceful and unclouded as he began to answer, "If I'm completely honest... I don't know how I got here, nor anything about your security. This place is foreign to me. But if you'll allow me, I'll share what I do know..." The white-clad Santaru began, his voice as calm as snowfall and his words coming out with eloquent formality that was beyond his years. He looked between the two for a moment, his eyes scanning their expressions for signs of interjection, before continuing. "My name is Kakihara Shirokouu. I am here as a refugee from Konohagakure. I'm sure you both know well the tragedy of the daimyo's attack on the Village Hidden in Leaves. I was lost on a path unfamiliar to me and trying to get home, given precise directions by a traveler to reach my path once more, and for the second time, I unexpectedly found myself here at your gates. Also for the second time, I was met with grace and kindness by the shinobi here." Shiro nodded to the two kunoichi in a gesture of appreciation for their culture and his treatment before resuming his tale. "I was greeted there by two young and energetic shinobi who introduced themselves as Biru and Tedo, and was allowed entry by a young kunoichi named Kagetsu Yuii." While the cadence in the all-white shinobi's voice and the look in his sky blue eyes coincided with the fact that he spoke the truth, he also spoke words that couldn't be true. At least not in this time.

Shirokouu raised one of his hands in what he hoped was an obvious sign of pacifism as he very slowly reached its opposite into one of the pouches at his side, producing the temporary passport that Yuii had given him. He had no way of knowing, however, that the document was dated just over 15 years ago. He placed it on the desk before Kitsune and pushed it slowly across to her. "In fact, it was strange coincidence that young Yuii was the one to allow me entry. You see, the first time I came upon this village was long ago, when I was but a young Genin, traveling outside my village for the first time to attend the inter-village Chuunin exam." Even this practice of villages coming together to raise their fledgling shinobi to higher status was long since abandoned in these days of political tumult. "I found myself lost and was pointed towards what I thought was the path to catch up with my teachers and classmates, but instead I found myself staring up at the grand gates of Dragon Tooth Pass. Back then I was shown great kindness by the shinobi here. And after a brief stay, I was escorted back home by the former Raikage, Kagetsu Kiyo, as well as a man named Joukuu. I found them to be both kind and wise. So I assure you, I am here for no subterfuge. My fondness for this village and its people goes back to my youth." He added, noting the stares of what he surmised was surely suspicion. The young man looked no older than his mid-to-upper 20's and yet he spoke of events that took place over 40 years prior, ones he couldn't have been alive for.

Nevertheless, Shiro continued. "Upon entering the village, I was told to await word from one of my compatriots who was also here in shelter from the crisis back home, and to visit with the Raikage should I find him with the time. If this is his office, at least I am accomplishing one of those tasks. However, a simple meeting was not the reason I found myself rushing toward the central complex of Kumogakure." Shirokouu looked between the two kunoichi for any signs of recognition. He'd hoped that the two would know Sunuke, the brother-in-arms he had hoped to reunite with, even if he didn't know his identity.

As he remembered what came next, Shiro paused in his storytelling and exhaled a deep sigh, his eyes looking down in a moment of self-reflection. "You see, I am Santaru, a bloodline I have been told your village knows well. However, since childhood I have struggled with the storm that resides in my blood. In times of emotional vulnerability, I sometimes find it difficult to quell the clouds that follow me. Entering your village was one of those times, and while it brought with me soft snowfall rather than lightning, I did not wish to bring the cold to your doorstep. To remedy this I found a quiet cave in the forests within your village and sought to meditate as my father taught me, while I awaited word from my brother of Konoha. This meditation was disturbed by an unsettling feeling, and as I exited the cave I found that my instincts were correct. Your village was under attack by forces I have no knowledge of. I sought to warn the village leadership and began to make my way into the village when..." Shirokouu's words stopped once more, his brow furrowing slightly at how insane and impossible what he was about to say would surely sound.

"When I came upon something impossible. It looked to me like a tear through the air itself, a rip in reality that I couldn't avert my eyes from... I have no other way to describe it... In moments I was engulfed and when I finally fought my way out of the chaos, I found myself here, these guards surrounded me," He continued, gesturing toward the door behind him. "And I ran into this doorway seeking escape..." Taking a deep breath, he added one final remark. "I am sure this all sounds very unlikely. But it is the truth." Shirokouu finished with calm conviction, his gaze shifting slowly between the two, gauging their reactions as he awaited their response.
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune sighed at yet another one of her chairs having been ruined. She shot a look at Rei that said "This is coming out of your budget" before turning her attention to the newcomer as he sat down in the chair, observing him closely with her Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan eyeball, and artificial golden eye combo. As the young one began to explain his story, Kitsune paid close attention to the details in it, like the fact that he was a refugee, which hadn't really been a thing so much in more recent time. That had happened years and years ago at this point. He mentioned Biru and Tedo, two gateguards that Kitsune knew well, so that checked out. Then mentioned Kagetsu Yuii, one of the people that'd vanished alongside so many others.

As Shiro gave a bit more backstory, he mentioned being escorted back home by a former Raikage, and a man namde Joukuu. Both names Kitsune knew, one from history books, the other from reading old reports. But clearly the dates didn't match up when he was talking about his youth, and the events in question having taken place actual decades ago. He then mentioned needing to find the Raikage if 'he' had time, and if this was 'his' office. She held up her hand to pause Shiro "You are indeed in the Raikages office. My office." she stated, adding emphasis on "my", to underscore that she was the Raikage now. And had been for over 10 years. She then lowered her hand so Shiro could continue.

Santaru, huh? Now that was a development Kitsune hadn't anticipated. Kumogakure was indeed familiar with it, given that it originated here. When he then explained how he'd fallen through a tear in the very fabric of space and had ended up in the Torre, it dawned upon Kitsune why the time disrepancies were all over the story. The kid had fallen through time and space! She'd experienced something similar during the war against Tenouza, with being trapped in a pocket dimension for an undetermined amount of time, yet with no time having passed at all. It was Shiro's luck that she was the one being told the story, as others might've considered him mentally unstable, or worse.

"I believe you. Having tried something similar not too long ago, it doesn't sound that unlikely to me." she said giving a slight shrug "Besides, you're talking to someone that's died twice yet still walks the world, alive and well without aging. she said before turning to Rei "I'd be remiss if I didn't believe some slightly extraordinary stories, wouldn't you say, Rei?" she asked her friend and sennin. Hopefully Kitsunes calm demeanor and gentle manner would help to ease the mind of Shiro, even if he'd just fallen out of time and landed in the most secure area of Kumogakure.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The subtle giant leaned back against the closest wall. Her stance was anything but relaxed, but she didn’t feel like exposing a more threatening posture by just standing there. The doctor took in the man’s full story, nodding and actually making facial expression of surprise at some of the revelations. Someone who had walked through time…the very thought was something of a hard comprehension as, by his stories, this man was born in an age before she had even entered this mortal coil. Her left hand was cocked under her chin, gently rubbing it in deep thought.

No, actually,” she replied to Kitsune though her eyes still focused on the male, “Weird stuff like that happens throughout the world. I mean, if I had a hundred yen for every time I’ve personally witnessed it, I’d only have 200 yen - but it’s still crazy I’ve gotten to see it twice!” It added up. Between the time ripple and an unknown having actually made their way to the top of the Raikage tower without them knowing, Shiro’s story felt like the missing piece. He also seemed to be very honest in coming out with who he was despite being from a village Kumogakure was on shaky terms with. Of course, Rei wasn’t 100% sure if this youth was a shinobi or not either; but that wouldn’t matter in the long run. No doubt when they decided upon visiting Konoha for diplomacy they could bring Shrio along and he could prove his identity there.

Well, Madam Raikage, what shall we do with him? I don’t think there are any faults with his story in my ears, but we are in some troubling times…
My suggestion would be to take him with us back to his home once we’re prepared for the trip. He can roam the village in the mean time but with an escort. I’ll have someone from my branch keep tabs on him,” Rei said with a knowing glance to tell Kitsune she didn’t just mean the Main Branch. Her eyes turned back towards Shiro,
Just be assured you know, we are not on great terms with Konoha and our gates has felt the wrath of many shinobi recently - so your actions will be heavily monitored.
Nov 3, 2012
OOC Rank
Shirokouu couldn't help but be surprised at how unperturbed the two Kumo shinobi seemed to be by his story, which sounded odd to even his ears as he told it. And as shocking as that was, he was even more surprised by Kitsune's statement. 'Wait... She's the Raikage?' He thought, his mind performing a double-take as his brow furrowed in slight confusion. That bewilderment grew as he heard about the strained relationship between Cloud and Leaf in this day and age. To his time-addled brain, Konohagakure and Kumogakure had a long-standing peace, at least before the Daimyo invaded the Village Hidden in Leaves.

Shaking off his perplexed look, he responded. "I'm honored at Kumogakure's kindness once again, but... I have to ask. You two seem to know more about what happened to me than even I do. And, while I have my doubts that even Konoha has great relations with Konoha since the daimyo's invasion, I had always considered the shinobi of the Village Hidden in Clouds to be allies. I hate to ask more of you after you've graciously heard me out and offered me safety away from those events, but I have... questions. Where or... when am I?" He started, the pieces beginning to fit together in his sharp mind. "And furthermore, what happened to me? Are the shinobi I knew still here? And why are relations with Konoha strained?" There were so many more questions than these that flooded Shirokouu's troubled head, but a few answers were better than none for now, and he looked towards the Sennin and Raikage with an expression of genuine concern. 'This is not the world I left...'

[MFT .:. 275 Words]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to gather her thoughts. With a sigh she nodded to Rei. "Yes, that sounds like the best course of action." she said, agreeing with her friend. Then, when Shiro asked where or when he was, Kitsune turned to him and began answering the questions: "You are in the Torre Empirea, the practically newly constructed administrative hub for all of Lightning Country. In other words, I run the country from here. After a recent holy war, the country was left without a Shogun. Then came a civil war where nobility couldn't agree with who should lead, so I staked my claim given my own titles beyond being Raikage, and now Kumogakure is the seat of power of Lightning Country, and the Head of State is the Raikage. Aka: Me. As for when you are, that's a tougher question. I remember the refugee crisis, but that's been... Some 20 years ago, or so. I can't say if the shinobi you knew are still around, or if they left to do their own things though."

She paused and looked at Shiro, then at Rei. "I'm sorry, I know that's not much to go on, but I'm not sure what else to tell you in that regard. As for why the relations are strained, that'd be due to the latest debacle, with missing nin attacking our gates; Leaf knowing that it would happen, but not sending a warning; And their last envoy being, well, an asshole, to be frank. Maki was his name." she finished her explaining, and then came the time for more exposition, maybe some questions: "So, you mentioned Kagetsu Kiyo. I remember her. Our 1st and 7th Raikage. That'd also fit with your story of falling through time, given that nobody has seen her for a fairly long time now. As you might've guessed, my appearance doesn't indicate my age. For example, the one to administer my Genin exam was a Jounin by the name of Santaru Ryuuto. Who went on to become the 5th Raikage. I myself, hold the position as the 11th. Had I not been around for as long as I have, your story would definitely not check out in my book."

Adjusting her position, Kitsune looked at Shiro with a soft, yet piercing gaze. Her artificial eye glowing it's usual golden color, while her other eye was a deep, dark purple. "So, I'm going to ask you a question. And I want you to answer it honestly. When you slipped through time, who was the Hokage at the time? If you remember, of course." she asked, trying to get additional points of data for the puzzle that was Shiro's story, and the timeline she was building in her head.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Rei continued to simply stand there and enjoy the situation. Adventure was on the horizon and it was much needed. The Sennin’s blood was starting to get a bit frantic at the thought of staying in one place for too long; a curse of having nomadic ancestors. Things were in place, though. The new Lightning Courts across the country, each helmed by a powerful judge with skill comparable to a Jounin, were a good first defense. With a mostly united country it was less likely that an outside force would be able to actually get very far in; and forget trying to take over. Then if they could make it past the Courts they still had to deal with Kumogakure herself. For the first time in years the country was finally in a stage that the leaders could start back on diplomacy with other major powers. Of course, such diplomacy wasn’t exactly crucial for a country like theirs, one in which most things were self produced. Anything else they needed could be bought through trades from the surrounding seas. Honestly with the whole attacks on their gates, it wouldn’t be hard to simply write off the other powers on the continent they all shared and could easily just start massing more power.

But then Umashi went to Leaf and sent back a request to stay. While it wasn’t exactly on their agenda to let go of powerful soldiers to be at the call of another military, they’d be fools to not think of the opportunities. A situation like this was nigh unprecedented, and Rei’s mind raced with the possibilities an alliance with Konoha could produce for Kumogakure given the nature of the trade. If they wanted one of their best, they’d had better be ready to pay for him. Umashi was too valuable a resource in his knowledge, strength, and wisdom to simply let the trees steal him away.

The thoughts of diplomacy and the kami only knew how many hours stuffed into an office full of walking nukes trying to write out a fair trade soon began to become boring, and thus did the Sennin’s eyes started to focus on their guest a little harder. His clothing made his body hard to map out, but she could tell he was more lithe than she cared for in a man. His posture and eyes, a startling azure shade, spoke to her on the levels only other warriors understood. Rei didn’t think much of the man as far as his forward appearance went, but she couldn’t help but wonder how well he could fight. While Kitsune began working on an expositional dump that the doctor had no way of adding to, she began to imagine what it would be like to do combat against the Santaru; a thought that had never crossed her mind before…
Nov 3, 2012
OOC Rank
Shirokouu scratched his chin as he pondered on the answers he'd been given. They weren't a ton to go off of and he had no way of knowing what the future would hold when he finally did return to Leaf. Two or three decades away in shinobi years was more than enough time for almost anyone that he knew and loved to either have passed away or be aged well into retirement. The Santaru tilted his head down, looking at the floor for a moment as he let his mind wander on that inevitability. 'So not another world, but another time then...' He thought, the melancholy washing over his face as he heard the Raikage's question. He took the brief moment of recollection to look over the standing Kunoichi. Something about the way she seemed to study him, locked on his eyes and body language, intrigued him. She was sizing him up. It reminded the stormy shinobi of his early days and how those watchful eyes of the grey man judged his every move. But this young woman carried herself with a weight that even that man couldn't muster.

Finally shifting his eyes back to Kitsune, Shirokouu answered. "Well, the First Hokage, Kami, had recently retired. And in the face of the onslaught that the daimyo brought with his betrayal, a man named Umashiashikabihikoji was named Hokage on short notice. I did not have time to get to know the man, but I've heard that he is a true hero." The Santaru answered with resolute honesty, wondering how much had changed in the time that he had gone. 'If they mentioned relations and missing-nin from Leaf, then the village must have re-established order. That must mean that either the daimyo installed his own people or the shinobi of Leaf succeeded in taking it back.' The man's hand returned to his chin as he pondered the thought. "If you don't mind my inquiry, who is the Hokage now? And... what became of the Daimyo?" Shirokouu asked, resolving that if he had been honest and forthright, perhaps the pair of kunoichi he was in the company of would as well. "And... While I understand that the situation is tense. I have love for both Konoha and Kumo. My home and heart, as well as the village that has protected and guided me kindly when I have strayed. If there is anything that I could offer that would aid in mending those broken bridges and starting a process of healing and recovery, I would be honored. In fact... Respectfully, I would request it." The man added, the look in his steely blue eyes holding not an ounce of disingenuousness and beginning to glow a soft pale blue as his inner passion rose.

[MFT .:. 460]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune twitched ever so slightly at hearing a certain name get mentioned as having become Hokage. What a funny coincidence that this entire conversation with Rei started because of him, and now it's coming back around to him again. Interesting. She chuckled when Shiro said that he'd heard Umashi was a true hero. "Oh that he is. He was a great help during the Tenouzan Holy War, that we had to end. Mainly because it was a war against us and all chakra users. He helped keep one of the fronts we were fighting on calmer than it would've been." she mused, running a hand through her red mane of hair to adjust it's positioning.

When Shiro then asked who was the current Hokage, Kitsune would answer, "Well, it would seem that the 4th Hokage has resumed the position after the 5th stopped performing her duties adequately. So that would be a man named Uchiha Takeshi." It seemed inevitable that she, and Rei, would have to go to Konoha to try and sort all this... Crud... Out. Including the whole Umashi situation, which also wasn't exactly great. She looked over at Rei, as if to elicit her thoughts on the matter, in particular pertaining to their time leaper. Hopefully Rei'd have some kind of input on the situation, given she'd likely be involved in it as well. And hopefully the position she'd be giving Umashi would tie him closer to Kumo than Konoha. The man simply knew too much about Kumo's inner workings to be allowed to join the Konohan military again. And yes, Kitsune very much understood the hypocrisy of that thought, given that Umashi'd literally been the big cheese of Konohan military, yet hadn't spilled any secrets or anything.
Nov 3, 2012
OOC Rank
The perplexed Santaru shinobi got even more food for thought as the Raikage proceeded to explain how Umashi, the man he knew only as a former leader of the Village Hidden in Leaves, was one of the people who aided Cloud in their fight against the Tenouza, another faction that Shiro had absolutely no knowledge of. And his confusion only rose as she mentioned that the current Hokage was the fourth, or sixth if you counted him again after his successor. 'That's four more....' The young man pondered, his eyes still emitting that same pale blue glow as he battled with the truth that he'd missed a whole age. His stoic but determined exterior certainly belied the swirl of emotions and thoughts that formed a tumultuous tempest within the man's time-addled mind.

Following Kitsune's unique eyes as they passed over him towards the foreboding kunoichi, Shirokouu wondered what she would have to say about the present situation, and even more than that, how she and the Raikage would react to his own request to be involved in the efforts to restore the once-cherished peace and friendship that existed between the lands of Leaves and Clouds. Slowly and casually, so as to not raise any undue suspicion that he was reaching for some sort of weapon, the Santaru brought his ever-warm flask to his lips, sipping a bit of the calming blend of tea he regularly carried. And as he awaited their verdict, his eyes passed back and forth between the two leaders of Kumogakure, and in the silence he offered one more empassioned statement. "Fact is... The way I see it, I exist between worlds. Past and Present... Life and Death... Leaf and Cloud..." He began, thinking the last comparison to himself. 'Between Heaven and Earth...' Pausing for a moment before continuing, his eyes began to shine paler still, the determination and passion of his self-awareness fueling them. "And, like the electricity that my bloodline is known for, I believe that the best thing that I can be is a connection. A living conduit that can hopefully bring light and energy back into the relationship that our two villages once shared." He let his honest and heart-felt words hang in the air, hoping that the two powerful kunoichi among which he sat would see that he was genuine in his earnest conviction.

[MFT .:. 391 Words]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
You certainty have an interesting place in today’s world, that’s for sure,” the brooding Sennin finally chimed after a moment. While Shirokuu caught up with history, Rei was already using her mind to fish out mental lists of everyone on duty today. Out of small group of spies at her direct behest only two of them would have the time and resources available to keep an eye on their time traveling guest; and of those two, only one wasn’t on vacation. Unfortunately that was really all she could come up with. Anything the man could do as far as to help their village came up blank. There was a number of smaller things the village always needed a little help with. Gathering certain herbs in the upper reaches of the mountains, basic security details, getting some fresh eyes on the legalese…especially that last one. Rei could not believe the amount of scams taking place within the shinobi village from outside sources, and while she had quickly culled a great deal of the idiots not watching their step, she was no onto the big fish known as merchant royalty. None of which a stranger leaping through time could outright help with. Even with regards to the amending the relationship with Konohagukre, she wasn’t exactly sure how Shiro could help.

I, however, don’t know much in the way of you helping us. I can offer you a chance to perhaps teach if you have the time. A traveler from ages ago would certainly have lost techniques or knowledge of old training that has been forgotten. We certainly invite you to join the Raikage and I on our diplomatic mission when it begins, but other than a small chance at teaching all we can offer are the comforts of our modern city.” The Sennin looked over to her friend,
Our situation keeps expanding doesn’t it? Time is still fragile, Umashi, the attacks on the gates, Konoha, and now a blast from the past. I’m going to get started on assigning tasks and arraigning the traveling documents. I’ll send you a list on the members of our traveling party via personal message when I’m done. My soldiers will be on standby for whenever you’re ready, Raikage-sama.

Rei was normally not a very formal person, especially with Kitsune, but there was a guest in the room and a show was in order. She straighten her stance back up and offered Shiro a strong handshake,
Welcome to Kumogakure. I hope you find your time here enjoyable, and that we can help with your…temporal displacement,” before moving to open the door and leave the office. Two soldiers outside in formal wear stood guard waiting for Rei to step out and immediately began to walk with her as she moved away from Kitsune’s office. Two more guards all but appeared from thin air to take their spots.
Hisame, I want a full document on everything we have on Kakihara Shirokouu on my desk in an hour. Kotome, I want you to rouse the Guild and have them send whatever Devil Hunters they can spare and a list of Judges with the least amount of work on their plates.
Yes mam,” was the only response before both suited shinobi vanished, darting in opposite directions. Rei opened a door leading onto a small balcony and stepped outside to inhale a deep lungful of mountain air. She’d have to try and enjoy the crisp cold while she still could before hiking into the jungles of Fire Country.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped/MFT]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune scratched her head and began typing a few things into the computer terminal on her desk, and after a short delay the sounds of printing were heard. It was a single sheet of paper, giving Shirokouu a temporary visa for the duration of his stay in the village until they could get underway. She signed it and added her seal to the bottom of the paper. "Keep this document on you at all times, Kakihara-san. It'll ensure you aren't treated as an illegal visitor, despite your... Odd circumstances in arriving here." she said, handing him the paper. "I'll be sure to let you know when we're ready to depart. Until then, you're free to explore the village as you wish."

She turned to Rei and nodded "We've much preparation to handle before we can leave. Oh, speaking of preparation." she paused and grabbed a small box from her desk, handing it to Rei. "I had this made for you. It's a forgery-proof passport. The gate guards know how to check the chakra signature in these. It already has your details on it, all you have to do is infuse your chakra into it, and it'll be as unique to you as your fingerprints are." she explained, glossing over that it was the prototype for a new model of passports that she'd been tinkering with in her spare time. "I'll be sure to let you know when we're ready to depart. Until then, you're free to explore the village as you wish." she said to Shirokouu, while shooting a look to Rei that said 'keep monitored', before turning back to her computer and getting back to work.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]
Nov 3, 2012
OOC Rank
Shirokouu was left with mixed feelings at the end of this unexpected meeting with two of the four highest ranking members of Cloud. While they'd shown him nothing but gracious hospitality, and extended that further with well-wishes for understanding his condition, he couldn't help but be slightly frustrated. To him, the era he'd stepped into seemed worlds apart from the one he left. Former alliances were tenuous, friends and allies were long gone, and once again he found himself stuck in between. The thing that stung the most, however, was when Rei had said, [color=“[COLOR=rgb(243, 121, 52)]I, however, don’t know much in the way of you helping us."[/color] It was like he was an old relic that had lost its use long ago. Perhaps he was. His time had long since passed, after all. Had he lived the life other shinobi did, he would've been retired by now... If he was lucky enough to have survived that long.

As Kitsune wished the Santaru well and gave Rei an interestingly unique passport, he stood from the chair, placed his knuckles against his outstretched palm, and bowed his head in a sign of respect. "I hope to one day be able to prove myself useful enough to repay the kindness you have shown." Shiro said to both, hoping the words didn't inflect with his feelings of uselessness. Asked to or not, the steely eyed young man resolved that should he find the opportunity to make a difference in the tumultuous relations between the two villages he now felt connected between, he would take it. Rei quickly exited the room, quickly going to work at finding what little there is to know about their strange temporal traveler. She'd likely find old passports from his former visit, a log of his travels with Kiyo and Joukuu, interactions with two notable men named Jeishii and Ryuuto, and, if she dug deep enough, record about his father who had formerly been an ANBU Captain of Leaf. Truth be told, the Santaru had made a name for himself only as a wanderer, most of his interactions with greater forces only happenstance. But perhaps it was a bit odd how many notable shinobi he'd happened across, present company included. "Thank you again, Lady Raikage." He added as he walked out the door. He felt compelled to see if any that he still knew remained around, and figured the gates would be as good a place to start as any.

[MFT .:. 405 Words .:. Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
