The banner of the strong-blooded folk was waving in a pale night, hanging in pairs from rafters at a patio entrance. Hazy gray clouds painted the sky in swirls, illuminated by the rising moon in full. It was just after sunset, and Kaji Okada spent a moment in waiting and took in the view from a garden on the Chigokai clan’s illustrious compound. Of course, a man the likes of Kaji would have never been invited to such a place under normal pretenses, but as the ANBU’s Grand Commander there were occasional duties that required his presence. Even shinobi at the height of authority found themselves at the beck and call of the establishment, often paying respect to certain controlling forces within the village. With noble houses being a major contributor to the village’s military might, Kaji was expected to treat an invitation to meet with one for dinner as an honor. Only having commoner roots to his name, Kaji usually had a distaste for such a gathering, but when it came from one of his peers in the ANBU branch, he obliged without hesitation. Like many of the operatives in the organization, Kaji did not know Terumi personally, but her renown and accolades proceeded her. So, when the kunoichi famous for her blood-lance had something to discuss with Kaji, he came with intentions of seeing what he could do for someone who had done so much for their village.
After the aforementioned dinner and what must have been a couple of hours of discussions, Kaji asked for a moment to take a call on his headset and stepped out for some fresh air. Basking in the moonlight, Kaji took in deep breaths of the thin mountain air, invigorated by the night chill. A glass of dinner wine had his core feeling warm and he was in good spirits, albeit a bit contemplative and withdrawn. Standing there, he dressed sharply; the way you’d be expected to when the company at a noble’s dinner. His long obsidian strands were tamed and held back in a loose knot, revealing his angular facial features. Those emeraldine eyes were in a forty-yard stare, lost in thought. His posture said awakened, and his physique said top of his form. He was lithe yet strong beneath some designer linen suit getup that was picked out for him by an aide. The dress wear felt out of place on Kaji, but the surroundings in the yard brought him comfort. It was pruned to be a stone garden, beautiful and elegant, while perfect for casual training or meditation. It was an attractive setting, suitable for light sparring but not prepared for the extreme practices of shinobi like the Grand Commander or the Ladies of the House.
“I was just admiring the grounds,” said Kaji when he heard the sound of a sliding door sweep behind him. “Guess time just got away from me.” He spun around slowly to acknowledge the company who appeared in the door, seemingly surprised at who he found.
- Kaji Okada has entered the thread.
- Using ANBU Sennin Thread Slot
- Requesting Enatsu
- This is a private thread. I guess Chigokai might be in the vicinity though.
After the aforementioned dinner and what must have been a couple of hours of discussions, Kaji asked for a moment to take a call on his headset and stepped out for some fresh air. Basking in the moonlight, Kaji took in deep breaths of the thin mountain air, invigorated by the night chill. A glass of dinner wine had his core feeling warm and he was in good spirits, albeit a bit contemplative and withdrawn. Standing there, he dressed sharply; the way you’d be expected to when the company at a noble’s dinner. His long obsidian strands were tamed and held back in a loose knot, revealing his angular facial features. Those emeraldine eyes were in a forty-yard stare, lost in thought. His posture said awakened, and his physique said top of his form. He was lithe yet strong beneath some designer linen suit getup that was picked out for him by an aide. The dress wear felt out of place on Kaji, but the surroundings in the yard brought him comfort. It was pruned to be a stone garden, beautiful and elegant, while perfect for casual training or meditation. It was an attractive setting, suitable for light sparring but not prepared for the extreme practices of shinobi like the Grand Commander or the Ladies of the House.
“I was just admiring the grounds,” said Kaji when he heard the sound of a sliding door sweep behind him. “Guess time just got away from me.” He spun around slowly to acknowledge the company who appeared in the door, seemingly surprised at who he found.
- Kaji Okada has entered the thread.
- Using ANBU Sennin Thread Slot
- Requesting Enatsu
- This is a private thread. I guess Chigokai might be in the vicinity though.