Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Time for the demons to play [Req Kuro] [Free RP]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma could feel the excitement of those that dwelled here as he was lead towards the dinner destination. Occasionally he would see the odd servant look at him and quickly vanish only to what could assume would be perform gossip. How he did enjoy being the centre of attention in situations like this. As he walked he took in the designs around him it was absolutely amazing he couldn't believe it, attract all the Miroku Clan had been one of the most complex clan holds he'd ever seen. This was just as amazing with it's mixture of magic and architecture. The demon lord froze and his eyes shifted to look at the ground below him. He could not see it but he could feel many working desperately below him, he could feel the determination the secret fears that crept on their minds. So it would seem they didn't intend to do nothing about whatever predicament Suna was in, little did they know that Akkuma would be leading his own attack against the Gates the very next morning. What a surprise it would be if he saw them there during his attack.

"Simply amazing..." he would whisper to himself in regards to the determination of the sunan Toraono he wondered just how long they had been working on their project. Turning to the entourage that followed him "Please ensure that Hiro and Maga are seated either side of me, they do not eat. I must give them their sustenance. Now let's proceed before I find myself to intrigued by what I find." he would say not wanting to miss the dinner. He'd follow the servants once more those eyes that looked into your soul and saw your fears, desires, lust and madness. Those crimson orbs that held one in their gaze and entranced everything about him was desire and chaos incarnate. Now he was getting hungry...

MFT yay dinner time xD would be cool if they linked up at the maw

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: Sorry for the wait

Akkuma's guardians were promptly brought to his side and to his surprise he found them dressed in the latest Toraono Clan battle gi's, gauntlets and shin guards as was expected of any escort team. They were seated directly behind Akkuma so that he might sit at the head table. Directly across from him was Seika although she now wore a subdued and embarrassed look upon her face she too was now dressed quite comfortably although her weapon still sat upon her back she somehow made it still seem like the most natural thing in the world to have at a dinner table. She smiled to Akkuma before looking at her stepfather Kaibudo whom had an almost disapproving yet grim smile upon his face. Her mother on the other hand looked delighted and practically shined with pride and faith in her daughter's choice in a possible suitor. On either side of Seika yet just behind her sat Taizen the hybrid monk whom resealed Seika before she attempted to consume Akkuma and Raizen another half brother whom looked to be Taizen's twin expect he had an electric blue tint to his otherwise black hair where Taizen as a monk had none. Midori sat at Queen Azame's left hand and Shiori sat at her right while Kaibudo stood at her shoulder. At first Akkuma was taken aback at why the patriarch of the family was not sitting at the head of the table then he noted his position and remembered that Kaibudo was not called Lord Kaibudo, he was the Grandmaster of the dojo and Azame's personal guardian and in a sense male concubine. He also noted that everyone (all the females to be exact) actually seated at the table save the twin brothers directly behind Seika and Kaibudo all had royal titles. They were the nobles of the main branch of the Toraono Clan. Queens, Princesses, Duchesses, and a Baroness, all the titled members were women. Azame looked Akkuma over and gave an approving nod and an all too sincere grin as she opened the conversation before dinner was served. "It seems my eldest daughter Seika was quite taken in by you, but then I can look upon you and see why, you are different yet much the same as many of the strongest men of our clan yet from what I am told you delight in chaos and freedom, things that easily seduce women of order and compromise. It is also apparent that you have exceptional powers at your command to even be able to withstand and then call upon her inner presence. Such things are to be treasured here but my Grandmaster and otherwise husband feels you do not wish the best for this country he senses nothing but challenge and war within you, what do you have to say on your behalf? Before you answer know that I only ask these questions and make these statements because were my daughter to name you her suitor you would become hers and she would be able to place you over her inherited estates and I consider all my daughters far more precious than the lives of you and your entire demon lineage and court so please choose your words HONESTLY... I will not strike you down for being who you are only for lies at my table and dishonor to my own."<i></i>

The gauntlet had been thrown as it were and Lady Azame was very serious but she was only asking the questions any mother of providence and distinct lineage would.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled as he saw his companions how proper they looked in their garments. The eighteen year old looked at those in the room instantly he noticed something the men were seated behind the women, in fact he got a very distinct sense that the women in this household wore the pants. Those crimson eyes of his rested upon Seika and he saw the shy embarrassed smile upon her face. "Lady Seika it is good to see you are okay...please do not fret over what happened earlier." he said in that devilishly charming tone of his before bowing his head in greeting to them all before his gaze slid to Queen Azame. "Queen Azame it is an honour to be your dinner guest.." he would say with a deep bow and that mischievous grin of his, before taking a seat at the table.

Queen Azame spoke and Akkuma listened to her words the demon couldn't help but give her that devilish grin of his as she said she understood why Seika was taken by him, although she proceeded to say her husband had fears of what he would do to their country. "I can assure you that the attraction is fact it would probably prove more prudent for me to say that I have found myself infatuated with her...but first shall we address your husbands fears?" he would ask in that confident and charming tone of his. "Your husbands fears are not unfounded I am a Chaos Demon who has devoured thousands of souls from other demons. He'll I even gained my position on the council of seven for devouring one of the High Lords souls..." he would say his gaze sliding to Seika giving her a smile. "I can assure you Queen Azame that I consider Seika's life more valuable then the High Court or my lineage as a Chaos Demon." he would say in that strong certain and confident tone of his.

"Lastly...War is not something I wish just for this country but for the world. You see during this time of peace and decadence the world has grown stagnant and weak. Mist has frozen over, Leaf was lost to chaos, Kumogakure is on the verge of civil war and stone has closed it's gates...this world is in a sorry state. Why? Because peace has made humanity weak, a former shadow of it's glory compared to the world that existed in the Elder days. This is something that cannot be allowed." he would say those crimson eyes of his looking into Azames. Those eyes of his burned brighter then the fires of hell and burned with the desire for chaos. "Queen Azame, all I ask for is war. War so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Merciless and bloodthirsty war to ravage these lands and make strong the people once more. A war whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire! I will remind this world why it once feared the dark and ensure that the perpetual wheel of hate that must exist for shinobi to have a purpose is contained. This is both my duty and my burden..." he would say to Queen Azame with a confident smile she had wanted honest that was as honest as it got. Pausing he looked to Lady Seika "...Lady Seika has honoured me with her acceptance of my pursuit of her as my Queen. But I would like to know where you stand Queen Azame, but before you do I ask that I be allowed to say one more thing..." if she gave him approval to continue he would begin the next part of his speech.

"Yes I am a Demon Lord, yes I'm a Chaos Demon, yes I devour souls, yes I play god by resurrecting the dead and the experiments I do...but I would never harm Seika. I'd destroy anyone who threatened to harm her, slaughtering their family, destroying their household and reducing their homeland to an uninhabitable wasteland. I'd give Seika the heavens if she asked it of me." he would say in a tone that dared anyone to challenge his declaration for Seika. None would keep them apart, not the gods, not the old ones who lurked below and not even Queen Azame the fire that burned in his eyes would make those thoughts obvious. That shark-like grin was upon his face and he wondered what everyone in the room thought of him. What was Seika tanking? What was going through the minds of her brothers and sisters? Lastly what was Kaibudo and Azame's thoughts on Akkuma now and what he had to say. He'd find out soon enough...

All good Kuro! ^_^

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Queen Azame understood Akkuma's views entirely but what Akkuma did not know is that there were many wars going on even now and the peace that normal men and women outside the circle of warrior families was just a shell over the bloody yolk of the egg. Queen Azame nodded her approval for him to continue speaking even as Kaibudo relaxed after Akkuma declared his protection of Seika as he feared she'd be abused as an instrument of war. Not that she wouldn't enjoy herself in that effect either. Kaibudo spoke now... "That is a wonderful view of the world and I approve of your quest and your actions to gain power... you may want war here but you're missing the great war going on outside these lands."<i></i> Queen Azame squeezed Kaibudo's hands lovingly but with a steel grip that even Akkuma could understand it was the grip of a warrior not a hand fed Queen. "You have eased my husband's fears, please continue to tell us about yourself and your plans."<i></i>

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled at their words once the Queen gave her approval his gaze slid quickly to Kaibudo "I have a vague understanding of what you speak of...perhaps we should have a more illuminating discussion about this at a later time." those crimson eyes slid back to Azame. Now she wanted more information on him "My father is High Lord Miroku...I will devour his soul. I seek to devour Pandemoniums (queen of hell) soul, but more importantly...I seek to fuse the realms. All the spirit realms brought to exist with this one...just imagine how strong humanity would become under that threat. But not just humanity all of us, it will be as awe inspiring as the elder days once more OSS and deities will walk among us. The Kage, the Daimyo's all will bow before me I shall be the King of Kings and Lady Seika will be my queen..." he said those crimson eyes looking to Seika.

"...together we'll make gods tremble and planets move." he would say in that confident charming yet devilishly sinister voice. Akkuma could feel Higa and Maga looking at him, no doubt they were deeply horrified only the council was privy to the knowledge he spoke. Once more his gaze slid to a Queen Azame "Tell me would your clan participate in my plans. Lastly...these greater wars you speak of enlighten me more on the subject if you would do me the honour Queen Azame. I have to admit that it's a topic I find most intriguing but few seem to possess knowledge on the subject or atleast haven't been willing to share it." he would say with that devilish shark-like grin his eyes burning brightly.


Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Queen Azame shook her head at the request to participate..."We are honorbound to uphold Sunan law, there are those among us whom can be hired or can of their own will follow you into battle should they so choose but I cannot willingly assign my entire clan to any one man King or not without a direct decision from Sunagakure's council and a true undeniable threat to Wind Country, even if it were inadvertently provided by your own efforts. We are more than just warriors here, we have scientists, magi, scholars, students of all variety, families, and children may the gods watch over their innocent hearts whom depend on us for stability, protection, and teaching. Once you have a son or daughter of your own, you may not be so quick to seek the easy route of all out war. As far as the demonbeast's wars that have raged for millenia and will possibly do so till they are all sealed or until time collapses, you must be careful should you engage one of those kaijuu, to this day only one has been defeated and that one was slain by a Tenchi, an otherworldly being the likes of which only traces of which exist in this world today (eyeing Seika sternly for a brief moment before returning her attention to Akkuma) although demons rise and fall in history those of the heavens are only rarely seen or allowed to exist because their existence reminds human kind that they are still insignificant to the heavens."<i></i>

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled so only some of them would be able to unless the Sunan council gave their permission which meant one thing in his mind. That he needed to find these council members and convince them to join his agenda. "With all due respect for my children's future is one of the many reasons I work towards war..." he would say before looking to Seika so she was a Tenchi descendant, judging from Queen Azame's reaction.

"Well you'll find I'm full of surprises...but more importantly I am a fool. So unfortunately I don't know when to give up and am capable of achieving the unbelievable. Underestimating me is inadvisable." he would say as he leaned back those crimson eyes of his locked into her. Nothing she had said had deterred him, it was clear that this was the path he would walk. Now it seemed the fates would have them take part whether they wanted to or not.

"Tell you what Queen me to the nearest Kaijuu and as a declaration of my love for Lady Seika I will defeat it." he would say in that devilish tone full of confidence and certainty. Perhaps the rest of them would think him arrogant and that he had a deathwish. But when Azame looked into his eyes she would see that fire, in that moment she would see the potential he had to be even more terrifying then the monsters of the elder days. "I won't kill it for such a creature is a remnant of the elder days...but I will defeat it for Seika. Which also brings me to the topic of Seika's brothers I wish to face them in combat. As the first of my trials to prove my worth." he would say they would be able to feel his aura as if it tried to weave itself towards Seika. Even in the presence of all these beings he could feel her energy, he'd always feel her.


Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Queen Azame smiled content in Akkuma's affirmations... "I would be honored to send you on such a quest for my daughter's hand but what she requires of you is hers to decide. Even though the beasts are the size of mountains they cannot be tracked easily. Otherwise I would point you and a a tracking team out into the maelstrom and wish you luck. As far as facing my twin sons in combat you will have to wait for my youngest to emerge from the recent attack on Suna, as the only married son I have he has first say on who faces who and for what reasons as once my youngest son married he became the first royal male of my blood eligible to rule and when it comes to his elder sisters I defer to his judgement unless they are threatened. I imagine you two will fast become friends when you are able to meet him."<i></i> Kaibudo had left Azame's immediate size to supervise a team of meat bearer's bringing a rare delicacy a side of sandwyrm steak. It was over twenty feet long but exactly two inches thick with absolutely no fat.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma sighed it appeared things were not going to be as simple as he'd hoped yet then again when was anything simple when he was involved. Smiling that devilishly shark-like grin of his he'd give a small nod to Queen Azame. "I see..." those crimson eyes of his slid to Seika "My Lady what would you ask of me? What would you have me do as a declaration of my love?" he asked in that devilishly charming tone of his, those eyes burned with passion, chaos and lust when he looked into hers. While he held her gaze his next words would be spoken to the queen "I have business in Suna...who knows I may see your son. But if not a meeting as prompt as possible would be appreciated. I will find one of these monsters and defeat it to honour your clan." he would say before winking to lady Seika, the scent of the steak made his head turn and he licked his lips.

Sighing he looked once more to Queen Azame "I must apologise...I agreed to the formality of dinner. But I do not believe the type of sustenance I require would be...acceptable here." he would say with a small apologetic smile. He leaned closer and as he did she would see the faint black hue to his veins barely visible unless one focused. The way his jawline was almost snake-like, the slits to his eyes and the faint black cloud-like coloration on the edges of his irises. In this moment she would realise that Akkuma now suffered from Soul Diablorie addiction, his body now unable to gain sustenance from anything other then the souls of others. The half demons body was taking on permanent changes getting slowly more demonic with each soul, eventually it would be too much and he would die. If she kept looking for more physical signs she would see that both of his arms almost shimmered in a pale flesh coloured marble. The demons limbs had been regrown so many times that his demonic genetics had started to become the most dominant in the body, no doubt this was another reason behind it.

It would seem the boy had indeed twisted himself to accomplish his agenda, Akkuma couldn't help wonder how she would have reacted to see the bubbly blonde haired youth he had once been. The thought made him chuckle how different he'd been 'How naive...' he thought suddenly to himself he'd been more foolish now, but then again even the younger him hadn't been foolish enough to dream to conquer the world. Those lips formed a small smile before he said "Do not worry though I have dinner waiting..." he said with in a tone that would remind them that he was not the average demon. He could feel Maga shift behind him nervously 'Ahh so he is the one that they have chosen...' he thought to himself he knew the council had been getting cautious, the man was saddened by what he knew would come next.

Those crimson eyes held Queen Azames in his gaze "I must apologise for what is about to co..." and he was cut short as the man who sat to his right stabbed through the back of the chair and into Akkuma with a blessed blade. His flesh sizzled and the blade tip dripped his black blood "Maga your a fool...the council has sent you to your death." he said in a deadly cold tone. Pushing the chair back with a simple hit of his elbow the blade and chair were back and in the blink of an eye Akkuma was before his associate. With blinding speed his right hand flew forwards grasping the mans head channeling demonic energy into his body.

Crumpling he attempted to slash at Akkuma with a hidden blade attached to his wrist, the motion was stopped as his body was sent into a deadly fit from the unnatural energy coursing through him. With a sigh his scythe was in his hand glistening dangerously "You have betrayed me and the clan by listening to those fools..." with that he used a lethal technique known as annihilation to behead the man, Akkuma hand glowed as he reached out and grasped the air before the mans body. Soon enough a blue and black orb would began to emerge from the mans body and once it had the demon would grasp it and hold it up to his mouth. Those crimson eyes looked into Seika's as his jaw dislodged in a very snake-like fashion, she needed to know all of what he was. With that he began to swallow the demons soul using his soul Devourer technique, with a large gulp it was done and his jaw locked back into place.

With a few quick handseals the body disappeared along with the blood and the sword, Akkuma moved back to the table and Higa used a low level gravity Jutsu to move the chair to his lord. The demon sat as the chair reached him perfectly timed his solar seal was active and already his flesh was sewing itself back together as if the wound had never happened. "You have my sincerest apologies...I had hoped the council would have waited but it seems they were more eager then I thought..." he would say before he turned his head to the side those crimson eyes sliding to Higa. "Deal with it." he said in a dangerous tone and Higa nodded silently as he stood bowing to the Toraonos and vanishing into the shadow behind his lord.

"Please enjoy your dinner." he said in a calm tone as if he had not just killed and devoured a man before them! let alone one of his own clansmen. Granted the man had stabbed him through the right chest cavity and lung 'I wonder what they think of that?' he thought to himself though his mind had already begun to to go down another path of thought...

6: Soul Devouring Jutsu

Link to Approval:

CRPJ's Effect: Used to devour souls and absorb spiritual energy.

Requirement: Demon/Dark Sage

Reason why it cannot be used in battle:
To take someones soul they must be dead or fatally wounded. [Requires OOC permission]
Unable to maintain the focus needed to manipulate the senjutsu and demonic chakra simultaneously during battle.
Used to Raise Demonic Rank [Will be using 'Demonic Rank for personal plot reasons [demon hunting/recruiting/demon scholarly pursuits]
Ten Sinners Souls = E - Rank
Thirty Sinners Souls = D - Rank
Fifty Sinners Souls = C - Rank
Eighty Sinners Souls = B - Rank
One Hundred Sinners Souls = A - Rank
Two Hundred and Fifty Sinners Souls = S - Rank

Demon Souls Worth ~ One hundred sinner souls regardless of spiritual strength.

Also if you've seen soul eater how they eat souls imagine that =P

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Queen Azame didn't even blink as she knew full well the appetites of the truly demon touched, her youngest son was her best example next to her husband. "We sincerely understand Lord Akkuma, the business of politics and assassins is a constant never ending challenge. However if you were to sample the steak you will see that we took your needs into consideration. The soul of a mighty beast is contained within this steak, that is what gives it that special flavor that demon blooded seek as they grow older. We also have criminals in holding cells sentenced to death for their crimes against the people that are more than accessible for a snack. Make sure you take care of your wounds Lord Akkuma, holy blades can be toxic to demon blooded."<i></i> Like that he was accepted among them servants even arrived to take the husk of a beheaded body away. No one was sickened or even flinched, in fact many approved of his decision and a new chair and clothing was offered for the blood that had spilled during the confrontation. They did not offer medical assistance as that could be received as a sign that he needed assistance and that he was somehow weak. Akkuma actually felt a warm divine aura and he could feel Seika's inner spirit hungering, a hunger that could never be sated. Seika looked away as she blushed and her sisters chided her for it. Taizen and Raizen nodded sincerely to Akkuma not that their approval was needed but they could understand him better now.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
