Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Time to change [Hokage Topic]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to stand in the office for todays meeting, he had called the three here after knowing that the summons had been made to each of them, he allowed himself a few moments to ponder on the decisions that he had made, though he knew that the future would be changing he needed to change with those times. He needed to know that everything was in order and wanted to get everything sorted. The papers in front of him where significant in the future of the village, the choice would need to accept by his Sennin and he knew that much.

“Now the future is here, I will come for the three weeks that you requested, I will learn and I will improve for the sake of the village. Now I need this time to prepare, I understand where to meet you, I will come alone as promised and I will not falter in what I need to do at all.”

“We will be waiting”


The demon and the angel vanished in a split second from the office as he sighed to himself, his contracts had summoned him to change and he had decided to take up that call. As he stood in the office in his own silence and thoughts now he would have to wait and see what would come of this. He pondered those answers to himself and wanted to know what his Sennin would make of all of this. That was down to what they would say at least.

[Summoned Kenshin]
[Summoned Mikasa]
[Summoned Yukio]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It was not often Yukio found himself summoned to the Hokage’s office if at all walking through the halls of the Mansion he scratched the back of his head curious what this meeting would entail. In the end question and pondering were pointless as he would find out sooner rather than later what his Hokage required of him whether it be a mission or a simple assignment within the leaf village the Hyuuga would complete the task to the best of his abilities knocking on door before entering as he had done many times before stepping in with a polite bow in greeting.

“Here as requested lord Hokage.” There wasn’t much to say in that moment, taking his place infront of the man’s desk as he waited. There was a brief moment his mind wandered eyes drifting across the room thinking of how long it had been since his last visit to his place back when he had first made captain and arrived during the Sennin meeting back when the troubles around leaf had only just begun. Crossing his arms the Captain would wait, left for a brief moment to wonder who else would be arriving in the coming minutes.

[Topic entered]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin walked from his to Takeshi's room.He was summoned and he arrived wearing his Sennin robes and his golden waistband showing he was a clan head. He would be also wearing his black training outfit. He skipped the military vest this time. He found Yukio there and waved in greeting.

"Yukio! Nice to see you. Been a while. Takeshi I hope all of yous are doing ok." Kenshin would say.

Kenshin would stand across from Yukio looking between his rival and the Hokage. He wondered who else would be called to this meeting of the minds and what else it would be about? Well only time would tell.

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
A disgruntled mess, the Medical Sennin's forehead presses against the oak wood workspace, spectacles cast to the side and hidden among the abundant files. Faceless individuals notify her of a direct summoning from the highest ranking official in Konohagakure, naturally she raises upwards with a series of wisps. Searching listlessly through the village hidden in the folders, she clasps a hold of her eye wear to secure them on the bridge of her nose. A swift glance of her shoulder would reveal the foul appearance of the kunoichi; to appear before the Hokage in such a state wouldn't bode well. Tenderly her digits attempt to press down the bed hair to no avail.

Fortunately within the Medical facilities was the fairly common showering rooms and within half an hour the maiden refreshed. Damp locks cling to the rear of her neck, but her appearance would have to suffice. Coating herself with the usual ivory medical attire, Mikasa heads towards the Sennin and Hokage building. In the rear of her mind the gears turn, wondering how dusty her unused office had become.

Daintily she waves her hand, dismissing the notion as she allowed access into the structure. Windy stairs take her to the main flooring of the office that begin to head towards Takeshi's location. In the distance words can be heard echoing about and indicating she had not been summoned alone - as well as being the final participant to arrive. Shaking her head, a thin grin spreads across her lips. A faint knocking would suffice to announce her presence as she leans into the room to peer at the ANBU Captain Hyuuga Yukio, the Main Branch Sennin Kenshin, and her lord Hokage in the rear. "Good afternoon, gentlemen." she beams, utilizing her heel to close the door behind her. "Is it safe to assume Maki-san will join us?" she inquires with an inquisitive look.​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi waited for the last one of the group to walk in, he allowed himself to nod to each of them as he showed them each the respect that they where due today. He allowed himself a few moments before he took a chair as well, looking at each of them he allowed a smile as he waited a few minutes for deciding to speak, this time giving them his full voice and showing them what the future would hold. He relied on each of them in one way or another, and each had in turn shown him the kindness that he would expect of a friend in that situation.

“I have to take a leave for a while, to be exact just short of three weeks, as such I need those to act in my stead to be elected and decided. In this matter I have decided to take a trip to expand myself as the Forth Hokage, to learn and become a better leader, a better person and one that will do this village proud, I know the times are not right for this but even so I have decided to make this trip as it is needed for myself. That means in my stead, I have decided that Mikasa, Kenshin the two of you will act in my place. Work together but know you have the power and authority of the office of the Hokage in doing so until my return. If either of you have an objection, now would be the time to speak of it?”

Takeshi allowed his attention to turn to Yukio, it would be strange to summon him to the office without cause, but in fact it was quite the opposite, the reason this man was stood here was for a cause, he had helped assist Takeshi in a lot of things, and continued to show his ability to lead, as such the position that had been untouched for so long would now be filled.

“Yukio, you have shown your abilities to work for the interest of this village, a cool head will be required for the following days, as such you will be the right hand of this office, a position that has stood empty for so long now, will be filled by you. As such I am giving you the position of Advisor to the Hokage. With this comes the promotion to the rank of Leaf Sennin, an office in this mansion and the powers to promote, demote, investigate and be the very will to my words in such situations. Do you accept these conditions?”

Takeshi allowed the silence to fill the room in those few moments, he knew that each one of them where being asked a lot, but he had the confidence that they would not fail him, they would not falter. He believed that there will of fire would show itself, and this was the opportunity each of them had wanted, today was there chance to prove it.

[Mikasa will be Acting Hokage]
[Kenshin will be Acting Hokage]
[Yukio is promoted to Leaf Sennin]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
As each of them arrived Yukio gave a polite bow in greeting as was expected when meeting the Sennin in such a formal meeting. "A pleasure to see you both again." His attention was quickly turned back to Takeshi as he began to speak, and safe to say what he spoke to them was unexpected. With the Hokage taking leave it only made sense to leave those closest time him in charge in his absence the Hyuuga Nodding slowly in agreement though this did not explain why he had been summoned though that was answered only a moment later.

There was a long silence from the man, unsure of what to say in response to this taking a moment to breath before nodding. "You have my gratitude Takeshi, I will accept this position and complete my tasks to the best of my ability." Turning to Kenshin and Mikasa there was another thing to say to the two from this point that only made sense given what was about to happen. "To this end in Takeshi's absence I will assist you two in your duties as I would Takeshi, Should the need arise of course though you are both capable individuals both me and Takeshi have faith in."

From that point it was simply a matter of waiting to hear what Kenshin and Mikasa had to say on the matter, though this was somewhat out of the blue each of them had duties to perform and given their positions unexpected circumstances would rear their heads on an almost daily basis to that end it would be interesting to hear what they had to say.

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would blink as they were joined by Mikasa and then at the announcement.

"You are leaving now? In the middle of this? And without your guard? This seems a rash decision. Unless you are leaving some of yous here that is. I am honored by the position of co Hokage and I will work together with Mikasa. Yukio, congratulations. We are now both Sennin! As expected of my rival!" Kenshin would say but he would still look at Takeshi questioningly.

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
A whirlwind of decisions and news shakes through the very foundation that is Mikasa; instinctively her cerulean gaze drifts between the trio before her. Deciding to select the ANBU Captain to become the new Hokage advisor wasn't far fetched, considering the Medical Sennin had brought him out from the shadows of the leaves numerous years ago with her initial endeavors to unite all three branches. Never the least, a very difficult shoe to fill and hopefully the transition would prove to hold little friction for the Hyuuga.

Taken aback, she disregards the initial explanation of declaring a temporary village figure head.

"You are wishing for an absence during a critical time in village?" she inquires in a dry tone, far from her usual vibrant. Flabbergasted, the kunoichi is unable to deduce why she continues to process the conversation, "With all due respect, this isn't the first time you have claimed to change yourself for the village, Takeshi-sama. It is disheartening to learn you are still attempting." Mikasa speaks bluntly, "Furthermore, with the recent actions from Kenshin-san, I disagree with the notion of placing him immediate command of effecting the entire village further. You both act without thought and that is exactly why we are in a difficult predicament." she reminds the party in the room.

Truthfully, there was not need for a temporary Hokage, when the village currently requires a stable one, two heads butting against one another would do neither of the Sennin good. Pressing her index finger against her forehead, Mikasa attempts to rationalize the situation once more. Kenshin continuously boasts of wishing to be nothing more than a guard, so the idea of him accepting was perplexing. Although, the kunoichi would chalk that up towards his shinobi pride and undertaking the challenge another form of shielding those around him.

A wisp escapes her pursed lips, an additional inquiry would be aimed towards the newly promoted Hyuuga Yukio, "As an advisor, you feel the need for our village leader to leave in times where our village members are beginning to investigate a threat? I would be shocked if you believe so, Yukio-san." a brief pause, tundra orbs settle onto the Main Branch Sennin, "You are also far too accepting of the situation as well.."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed the objections to come his way as he allowed a small smile to come across his lips as he looked from the three of them. It seemed that Mikasa was always seeing flaws in everything, while Kenshin was happy to go along with the flow, some would call them polar opposites in mentality, but they did have some similar attributed, but he wouldn’t tell them that. As he allowed a few moments to pass he allowed himself to stand up as he looked to them, knowing full well that they would have to adjust to what had been told to each of them.

“I will return, but this decision was mine as Hokage to take, as such I have taken it, Mikasa and Kenshin you will have to work together to improve the village in my stead, while I am away make sure that everything goes smoothly, when I return I want a full run down, this also gives opportunity for both of you to work together and build some inter branch relationships up, I expect you to use this opportunity and not question my actions. When I return I will expect to see the changes.”

Takeshi allowed himself to glance to Yukio, it seemed the new Sennin would be dropped in the deep end but he had been a Captain long enough to know how this worked, he was sure that Yukio would be able to live up to his expectations, as he allowed himself a nod to each of them, he decided to wrap this conversation up.

“I will fill you in when I get back, but this leave will see me improve myself in combat, diplomacy and all the tasks that are expected of me, fear not I will be back soon, but now I must leave, I will expect a full report when I return Yukio.”

With that Takeshi vanished, the path summoned by the others as he left the office Empty, having the smoke dissipate leaving the office once more empty of the Hokage, he would be back and stronger than before it was time for him to face what was required of him, to walk a path he must take alone and when he returned he would be able to look at the issues that where in front of him from Frost. It was clear that he had a lot of things to over come.

[Topic Left]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
He could understand the others concern however he had his reasons to trust in his Hokage's judgement nodding to Takeshi as he took his leave. "Understood I will be sure to have everything prepared for your return." As the man left the Hyuuga turned his attention to those who remained it seemed he would have to clear the air as to why he had no objection to the mans choice, the least he could do considering the position they were left in in the aftermath of their discussion.

"I feel i must explain my reasoning, you both hold good points this is unprecedented given the crisis the village finds itself in, However, There are also times where we as those closest to him must be willing to give leeway to allow actions to occur." Taking a few steps towards the door it seemed Yukio would have his hands full in the coming days the first order of business moving into his new office given his position. "We've known him long enough now to know Takeshi is not a man to make foolish decisions, if he has reason to leave then i have no doubt there is good reason behind it. Trust among us is the crucial after all and should you require my assistance in the coming days you may find me in my office as i said before i will give you all the assistance i can offer."

With that he had no more to say on the matter leaving the room in silence to return to his own work and let the two ponder on the next steps to take with their new positions for the next few weeks.

[Topic left]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would listen and watch Takeshi disappear and Yukio leave, leaving himself and Mikasa alone in the Hokage's office. Fitting since they were now both Hokage for the moment. Kenshin would turn to face MIkasa his grey eyes meeting the blue.

"I think we started off on the wrong foot Mikasa from some time ago and while we may never see eye to eye on things, we both agree that we want Leaf to succeed. And allow me to clarify what I meant earlier. This situation sucks. I would be hard put to find a worse position to be put us in. And I am fully aware of Takeshi's... need to go find himself. I agree that is an issue especially as one who believes that the best way to learn to be a leader is to be a leader. One cannot learn to be a leader by running away from leadership. I did not wish to talk to Takeshi about this at the moment because it was obvious that he was leaving regardless of our disapproval or approval. As such, we deal with the hand we are dealt with. I fully expect to and want to have a talk with Takeshi after this whole Frost business is over should we survive this ordeal. I wish for you to be part of that conversation. I will also talk to Yukio about this as well. I still trust Takeshi but this pattern of behavior does not behoove Leaf. I look forward to working together with you Mikasa and I hope we can work together smoothly. I will be in my office if you need anything." Kenshin would bow to Mikasa and then leave, leaving the door open.

It was time to start shoring up what defenses they had and hope that Takeshi came back sooner rather than later.

[topic left]

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Konohagakure was a flourishing village, the previous leaders prior to the Medical Sennin laid down a sound foundation that yet to quake and crumble; truth to be told she was unsure if the thought of collapse within the realm of possibility until recent times. Lurking on the outskirts of the gates an unknown force threatens the well being of the youth and uprising generation to surface. Sharpened deadly steel poses to strike at a moments notice and tensions between the community become far more patronizing than previous years.

Despite the looming facts, the moss hair leader was hellbent on pardoning himself to once more journey to find himself for the umptheenth time. Nails begin to dig into the flesh of her palm, in response tundra orbs dart between the newly crowned advisor and her co-hokage to be. Had the entire village gone into a state of madness? Yukio had begun to become an entirely different individual than the shinobi she once felt immense happiness radiate between. Swiftly he chalked up the entire event as a norm, to place trust in one who continues to disappear and reappear at later points in time and leaving Mikasa in a state of disbelief.

Raven locks sway to and fro as he the Hyuuga pardons himself and departs from the Hokage office, meekly her ungloved hand stretches outwards as a means to halt his progression and garner his full attention to no avail. His broad shoulders had become foreign, his demeanor no longer than teenage ANBU personnel conflicted with following the path of a singular unit of shadows. Why was it that each and every individual her digits caressed, Takeshi's tainted in response? "Yukio-san..." her vocals a mere shell of her normal radiance, moisture threatening to gather and cascade onto the luxurious carpet she stood upon.

Shaking her head, her negative emotions are held at bay as the Main Branch Sennin begins to explain the logic running through his mind. Initially the kunoichi is stunned, how clueless could one possibly be and how forgiving can one truly amount to be? "You state that you wish to speak to Takeshi-san about his predicament, yet you find it better to await his return before conversing? Have you no sense?" she inquires, "It has become clear to me that the flaws the village showcases have become far too visible. I pray that we are able to once more shroud a veil." Mikasa adds, "Although I am unsure if I will be able to return the statement of looking forward to working with you further, Yuu Kenshin-san." the Sennin whispers as the ivory hair brute disappears as if anything in the air had been justified, let alone cleared.

Silence befalls the empty room, frustration continues to surge through her veins, despite her best efforts of being a beacon of hope - one item failed to occur. Tsukasa Mikasa had not effected those remotely within her ranking and heavy burden befalls onto her shoulders. How could one hope to possibly path the way for the younger generations, when she failed to correct the behavior of the current leading members? Had her efforts thus far only continued the necessary cycle for the same loop to continue over and over? Her left hand jabs into the walling closet to her, vibrations slither to indicate the sensation of pain and for the initial time in a significant period, she felt frustration.

"What a hassle you are being..." a listless voice calls from the recesses of the office. Raven locks and identical frigid glacial orbs peer from the shadows. Their last encounter had been prior to obtaining the role of Medical Chief, for he promised to not interfere and slumber until required once again. "I do not require you." she murmurs in a defeated tone, his form emerging and lazily he crosses the room to stand before the platinum mane Sennin. Instinctively her right hand forms into a fist, her weight is shifted as she lunges forward to deliver a blow to the visitor; however her movements are restricted as both begin to stifle a yawn in unison. "I said I do not require you!" she declares aloud for the second time, the male unwavering. "I heard you initially and I am not here to aid you to the extent you expect. To be perfectly honest with you, I wish to continue my slumbering, I am still fatigued from my long journey after so many years." he responds in the same drooling tone.

Awkward movement ensues as the pair take seats, the unknown a master of shadow possession techniques - despite his recent awakening his prowess had not faded. Leaning back in the arm chair, the obsidian retracts in a slithering movement, snapping against his feet and freeing the maiden; however she remains frozen due her own accord. "At times it is best to have a difficult conversation with yourself, so let us both cut to the chase . . . Mikasa-san." he begins as her usual bout of happiness is no where to be seen. "What do you propose, Kaza-san?" she interjects, the Nara is swift to silence her further with a slight of hand, "I allowed you to have the eyes. You sadden me by never utilizing the gifts I bestowed upon you. You have the capabilities of changing this very village, yet here you are drowning in thought in the office of failures." he indicates with a forced pout.

Leaning forward she glares at the spiral optics, "I never once asked to be this way!" she remarks, "Of course not, but you sought to free yourself, rather I sought to split myself? Its been so long that I am unsure of the original intentions. You are the brightest part of me, that much I can not deny." the aging shinobi explains with a sigh, "Truth to be told, I await for your journey to cease so that I may reclaim the part of me that I foolishly got rid of." With that particular remark, a flush of crimson surfaces on her features as she stands tall. "Do not belittle me, I am not the part of you that is innocent anymore! I did not ask for this life, but to make it my own! To not heed your logic, yet here I am struggling to stay afloat in the realm of possibilities! Are these thoughts my own or ours?! Are they your-"

She is silenced, the counter part stands in a similar fashion, "Why must you make this so complex? There is a simple solution to this. You pretend that we are different, when we are not. State your name." he demands in an icy tone, vocals enough to cause even the brightest of warriors to cower, "T- Tsukasa Mikasa." a faint murmuring ensues. "Do not patronize me with your falsely given. Cease these antics at once and do not knowingly kneel at the finish line! Finish what you started! What is your name!?" his eyes illuminate, piercing through the dimly lit room.

Crimson optics blossom, the eyes of the given and the same he took from another had been a borrowed power. However, this time she would make use of them. "I'm . . . . ."

The curtain falls.

[OOC: Topic left - thread marked for Kinjutsu Removal.]​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
