Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Time To Party with the Sunans [Req Entrance]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Topic Entered with Clan NPC - Miroku Kaza

Kaza walked forwards with his lover he had been sure they had to be near the village, before long on the horizon one could make out a structure. Before long the structure would expand into a massive structure known as the Toraono Dojo, the official entrance to the village. "We made it..." he would whisper as he moved his arms around his lover. Those forest green orbs held his lover with joy, he could see the hunger in his lovers eyes.

"I need you to feed before we go in..." he would whisper to his lover he didn't want to risk a war because his lover was thirsty & drained someone. The Emissaries head was tilted to the side, exposing his neck as his hand firmly grasped Satou's hair pulling his head down. "Drink." the young mans voice was warm yet firm, he knew his lover would hesitate. Forever worried he would lose control & drain the Emissary. A risk the man was willing to take to keep his lover safe, the demon tormented him as his hunger grew.

Which was why the young man liked to keep his loved satisfied, the thought of him suffering at the demons will caused him pain. Besides he found it quite enjoyable if he was honest, it had a euphoric effect that washed over you. Coupled with waves of pleasure, so it wasn't exactly like he was suffering. In truth he often thought his lover suffered when he drank from him, the way he looked at him sometimes. As if he would keep some unseen monster from harming him.

When Satou was done Kaza would pull out his scarf and wrap his neck. Leaning up he would place a hand around his lovers waist, his hand resting firmly upon his lovers rear. Soon they would be at the village who knew what mischeif & adventures awaited the two. Dressed in the clan robes with his fur cloak that his lover had crafted for him, even in the heat he held himself with the composure one would expect from an official of his position.

Any strain or physical exhaustion was pushed behind the mask of Kaza the Emissary. As they approached the Dojo, his Crimson scarf billowing in the wind.

[Please wait for Satou to post ^_^]
Oct 22, 2012
The sands weren't all as unpleasant as he thought, as his pace was casual alongside his lover. Their strides almost synced within walking up to the structure known as Toraono Dojo. The place looked rather nice, all be it for the damage the wind and elements of the sand country has touched. The demonic man stood still as he breathed in heated air to find his mouth dried once more. His chest felt as though it was on fire, his throat coated with razor blades. His lover spoke up, mentioning they had arrived at the location they had sought out. "So this is the gate to Sunagakure?" He mumbled looking about only to suddenly have his gaze pulled onto soft, tender flesh.

His love, his Kaza, grabbing hold of him and begging to drink. It pull the strings in Satou's chest. His burning eyes under his shades must have been more noticeable. He removed the shades, showing his eyes had the brightness of two sun's sitting in the sockets. Being pulled in closer, whispered a command that he knew he could never resist. The hesitation was very little compared to before, it almost made him feel a bit guilty for being so quick to accept the offer.

His mouth gently pressed against Kaza's soft neck, a sharp pin prick of pain and the flood of drug euphoria soon came for Kaza. For Satou, he was lost in the haze of taste. The warmth that coated his throat, the burning in his chest slowly subsiding. Stop, that is enough. One pint was enough to not notice any difficulties, but it wouldn't last more then half an hour in this heat before he becomes dehydrated once more.

His kissed and licked the droplets that spilled from the two small pinholes in Kaza's throat. "Thank you love." He whispered softly. Satou looked rather dazed, the euphoria of having a drink was similar if not more then what his victims feel. It took him more mental strain to stop then physical. He had to calm down as he was kissing Kaza's neck more as though he'd bite again. As he kissed Kaza's soft locks. "Once inside, I might want more." Kaza could hear the heat behind Satou's voice.

He stayed slightly aloof leaning against Kaza. "Can't wait to have a nice cold bath." Dressed in a bright "Hawaiian" shirt with shorts and sandles. His skin was now more tan after a few hours in the sun, which made him look more human then the marble white skin he had up in the mountains.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A soft growl could be heard, it wasn't threatening at all it was more like the sound a rather large feline would make when awakened from a deep slumber as if to stir itself to movement while letting others know it was moving. As the golden light began to fade a small rift opened as a warp seal was used. With it the scent of a male feline, the desert sands pure and holy, and the scent of a rather well kept kitchen emerged as Toraono Kuro’s true Akuma/Earth Court form emerged with his rinnegan sage eyes engaged, they were violet with a large golden ring around the main portion of the pupils. Akuma Kuro stood at six feet, two inches, weighing in at two hundred and sixty pounds. Kuro’s silver gray mane of hair had a reasonable amount of muscle mass to conceal. With a twenty one inch neck Kuro’s hair couldn’t conceal very much even as it cascaded to the center of his upper back. Violet eyes with gold slits peered from a chocolate brow with large ebony horns growing from where a normal man’s temples would be. He wore a sand tone obi around his thirty six inch waist. The obi allowed Kuro to carry his honor blade in a specialized bone sheath. Kuro wore his battle pouch on a second sash just above his right hip. Adjacent his sacred blade Kuro wore a pair of collapsed fuuma shuriken, and last but not least Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his hakama just atop his fighting gi shorts with his ANBU serum and summon scrolls. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his ANBU gear without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. With his anbu arm guard and leggings Kuro covered the runic terran markings of his right hand and both legs. His left arm however looked like living metal and had a smooth metallic sheen with faint shimmers of golden chakra around his clawed hand. Kuro’s tail swished back and forth its tiger stripes faintly surging with fire chakra. His black gi top opened to show his overly muscular upper body with Ancient sigils faintly shimmered across his collar bone.

He smiled at the two lovers scenting easily the passing of blood and the smell of pheromones used by those trapped in the embrace of amor. It wasn't often that two beings could be found so openly in love especially in the desert where love was easily swept aside by the need to survive. Kuro bowed his head with a slight nod before announcing himself. "Welcome to Sunagakure and the Toraono Dojo, I am Toraono Kuro... may I check your passports?"

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza chuckled as the waves of euphoria ended he could feel his loves passionate kisses to his neck, knowing he craved more of his Crimson life. Satou planted a gentle kiss upon the top of his head saying that he might desire more once they were inside. Something Kaza would happily give more of himself to the being that had stolen his heart. "I'll make you earn it..." he would say with a wink to his lover.

When Satou said he couldn't wait for a cold bath Kaza smiled "Im sure it won't be long the Sunans are pretty efficient with their Gates, particularly the Toraono." no sooner had he spoken did the Emissary heard a growl. He wondered if the source of it was a Toraono, though just in case the kikaichu within him prepared to exit their host. Before long a rift opened and a massive being stepped out before them. With the sheer mass of the being and the extent of the combat articles he wore Kaza had a pretty good idea who they were being greeted by.

Kaza was surprised by the mixtur of aroma's that came with the beings arrival he couldn't quite work out what they were. But they eased any initial concerns he had about the being before them. It introduced itself as Toraono Kuro, asking if he could check their passports. Odd usual passports was demanded of one this seemed like a question, far friendlier then the usual gate guardians he dealt with. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Lord Kuro. I am Miroku Kaza.." he would give a deep bow to the being before continuing.

"..this is Ketsueki Satou, Jounin of Kumogakure & my lover." he would say with a warm smile to the massive being before him his gaze briefly shifting to his aloof lover. No doubt he would be quite excited at the sight of Kuro he had seemed intrigued by meeting great beings. Sunagakure certainly was not lacking in intriguing characters that often captivated one. "I was away on Clan business in Kumogakure, I could debrief you if you'd like?" he would say calmly to the massive being.

Kaza outstretched a hand with his passport in it, while he waited for Kuro to take it his gaze would shift back to Satou. "The Toraono are kin to my clan when Lady Seika & Lord Akkuma marry are houses will be united." he would say to his lover no doubt he had wondered why Kaza had been so upfront with the being. His gaze lingered on his lover his arm finding itself around the being subconsciously.

[Kaza Passport Given - Miroku Clan Passport ~ bearing sigil etc {Would show he has been to Kumo multiple times and Suna}
[Hey Kuro! ^_^]
Oct 22, 2012
As he stayed leaning against his lovers posture. His dark burning eyes under his shades had smoothed out to their warm chocolate color. His passion was simplistic in soft kisses to Kaza's forehead and hair. Kaza mentioned a clan by the name Toraono, which escaped Satou, couldn't say he met before perhaps? His smile didn't fade, even at the sound of something awakening within the structure. Satou remained rather calm, not even preparing for what was to approach. His body had seemed complacently relaxed in Kaza's grasp. He feared nothing in this world, and the next. And before a great being who stepped forth from a portal of unknown power. Satou remained as he was, cool as the mountains of Kumogakure. Watching and listening to his loves words as he took off his backpack and rummaged through his stuff to fetch his passport while Kaza handed his over. Waiting for Kaza to finish speaking, for himself and for Satou it seemed.
"As my man says, names Satou. From Kumogakure, nice to meetcha Kuro-Dono. We should all chill after and get wasted. Invite anyone you want, my treat. I wanna enjoy my vacation with my love, have some awesome memories to go home with." He moved forward handing over his passport. Upon getting closer. Kuro, with his special eyes would see something else that not many humans could see.

Of course the creature in front of Kuro appeared as man, yet his body was altered by demonic corruption. Fangs in his wider smile. Dead pale skin which was somewhat masked now by the tanning out in sunlight. His eyes were unnaturally warm, almost glowing. Though what was most apparent to such special eyes was Satou's aura. An aura he keeps within, but those who can see the truth, see "it". By it, one refers to the Elder one. It's presence was the void itself. Satou was surrounded by it. An infinite dark that one could not see through but merely stare upon, it covered the man from head to toe. Satou almost radiated with it under his skin and figure. He had handed his passport over and waited with Kaza close to him. Returning to kissing Kaza's hair playfully. It was so long that he'd felt relaxed around someone intimately. Giving off no outward sense of his demonic possession other then the strange mass of energy surrounding Satou. It gave a feeling to Kuro, that it was almost as if it were staring at him.

I wonder what would happen if I made you throw catnip at him....

Are you @!#$king serious?

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro read them carefully after checking the chakra seals on the passports before adding his own. "It is good to have you both visit. I will be in the area for a while between duties so If I manage it I would be honored to personally sit and talk with both of you. I pray that your love remains as strong as time and that you have a safe stay here. Welcome to Sunagakure. The Miroku compound within the dojo itself is finished in its entirety and you are more than welcome to stay here or venture into the village itself for more adventurous accommodations. Also if you want to give me some catnip that would be wonderful, we have a family of tigers inside that would be very happy to have some. "

Kuro smiled again as he handed the passports back unaware that he had heard Satou's inner thoughts due to their proximity and having caressed his hand with his left hand while receiving his passport. With Kuro's seal it was recognized that these men were active visitors and officially welcomed within the Village.

Access Granted :)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza smiled at his lovers words of course he wanted to invite everyone they were here to party after all. The young Emissary bowed at the Sennins words "Thank you Lord Kuro that means a great deal to me." he would say although he was unsure what to make of the mention of Catnip. If only he knew the Demon had been tuned into his lovers mind, who knew what he would see with those Rinnengan.

"Of you had the time Lord Kuro could you possibly update me on what Lord Miroku has been doing? How have the clans relations with your villages faired? Are they getting better or have we hit some road blocks?" the young Emissary would ask, he knew things were shaken before he departed. Although Osagi had said he would do his best to handle things he wondered if he had been capable of doing so.

His gaze slid to his lover wondering if he had any catnip somewhere, perhaps Kuro had smelt it on him. Was he about to watch him get pounced upon while he was searched for catnip? Admittedly the Emissary had to utilise the majority of his control to restrain himself from bursting out with laughter. For he had just imagined the rather large Sennin pounce on the Demon & rubbing up against him until he was given catnip. The thought was most enjoyable but he doubted the Sennin would have appreciated the thought.

[Access To Village Granted] ~ Whoop
[Still in Topic]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro smiled as he escorted the couple into the dojo, which set the guards at ease as Miroku Clan guards ran forward to assume standard duties for all Miroku Clan personnel and guests whom entered the dojo. "Things have actually gone well enough, there will always be suspicion that the Miroku Clan is staging a coup or attempting something else nefarious but what remains is that our clans and families are doing exactly what it appears to be and no less. We are merging through marriage, friendship, and blood pact to share the burdens of business, family, and of course shinobi life. I am certain that were the Miroku Clan not as strong and unusual as they are no one would even turn an eye our way. We do have some wall construction projects coming up and it would be of great help if any of your masons could assist."<i></i> The smell of spiced liquor and slow cooking meats and vegetables would reach them as they passed the kitchen areas.
Oct 22, 2012
(Sorry for late post, lack of sleep is killer.)
(Still in topic)

Satou laughed as they were being escorted he pulled a pack of cigarettes out to light himself one. "Don't mind the voice in my head, he's an ass sometimes. Well, most of the time. I don't have catnip, heh." He could hear the demon in his head chuckle. This creature is amusing, we should invite him into your mind sometime. No thanks, I have enough trouble dealing with you roaming around in there.

As they walked and Satou stayed quiet as he listened a bit to Kaza and Kuro. His fingers snapped in front of the cigarette to light and inhale slowly. The gentle white wafts around his head would draw stairs as the smoke itself seemed to take odd shapes around Satou. He stayed close to Kaza, his arm around his love. He wanted to be as close as he could be. He felt uneasy most of the time, but now having someone to worry about. The demonic man had to keep a watchful eye out for him. "No, I won't lose this one." He answered to something As he smoked and walked along he glanced at everything absently. Almost enthralled with the architecture of the building, and how it contrasted to Kumogakure's.

Listening to the news about Kaza's clan Satou felt more involved then he should be and it was the smell of liquor that made all the words suddenly sound like a muffled instrument. Soft smell in the spiced liquor made his mouth water a bit, not to mention food as well. His feet almost stopped moving but they kept in pace with Kaza. Though his head veered in the direction of the kitchen. God's be damned, I need a drink.

And a shower. Looking at Kaza, imagining a nice bubble bath cuddling together in heated water. Tugging him close to kiss soft cheek. smiling warmly at the intimate thoughts and being in awe at the new world he was looking at. Playing back some of the words his ears picked up, he glanced about looking at all the accommodations and staff moving about. The smell of human blood under skin hit him a slightly as people walked past him, but the cigarette blocked most the smell.

"I use to do construction work," He paused as he tried remembering the last time he built walls, houses, and homes. And then seeing them fall apart and chip away from elements and years, centuries. "A long time ago." He chuckled. "If I can help in any way, let me know." He spoke rather calmly as he puffed on his cigarette. Wondering how large is the dojo, then laughing mentally at the thought of getting lost here.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza was surprised when Satou told, Lord Kuro nit to mind the voice in his head. How curious perhaps the demons could hear one another? It wasn't such an outrageous ability, Lord Akkuma had some peculiar gifts as well due to his demonic nature. He smiled at the exchange between the two men, the emissary couldn't help but think the two would make good friends.

The Agent sighed at Kuro's words of the suspicion that still lingered on his people, how unfortunate it was. They sought to make this place their home yet they faced suspicion & doubt, no wonder they hadn't pledged themselves to the village yet. Kaza was surprised to hear that the Toraono were engaging in blood pacts with the Miroku, between that & the marriages they would truly be kin. If they were sharing business & of duties then it seemed they were committed to one another.

Lord Kuro followed by saying he doubted anyone would have been concerned by the union of houses had it not been for the Miroku Clans power & peculiarness. Something that Kaza would understand, but surely the sunans of all people were used to odd. So long as nothing caused stopped them from establishing the self within the village it would only be a matter of time before there was no getting rid of them.

Satou said he wouldn't lose this one, not soon after pulling Kaza closer. Giving him a small kiss, before saying he had experience with construction & would be happy to help. Smiling warmly at his lover the Emissaries eyes would turn to Kuro. "I'm glad here things are underway without problems..hopefully sometime in the future people will come to fully accept us. Now in regard to the construction of a wall you have my word, that our masons will provide you with any aid necessary." the young man would say as they walked through the halls of the dojo, the wonderful array of scents that wafted from the kitchen was particularly enticing.

Two guards escorted them wears the clans hooded robes, various equipment & weapons could occasionally be seen as they walked with the small group of shinobi. "Also I'm not sure if you are aware, but in the outer region of your country is our mobile fortress. We have quite a menagerie of features there, I only bring this up because there are some in particularly that might come in handy with heavy lifting." he would calmly say as he & Satou followed Kuro. With his arm around his lover he knew nothing would go wrong though, Satou seemed a bit on edge. He couldn't tell if it was because they were in an unusual area or it was just the hunger taking its toll.

[Apologies on the wait]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
They reached the chambers of the Miroku Embassy within the Toraono Dojo with a swiftness that reflected the skill of the Miroku guards that accompanied them to the inner chambers. Hot tubs of combined Toraono/Miroku engineering were set just inside. The meals that the kitchens had been preparing for the people of the Toraono clan and for their many guests were delivered shortly thereafter. Spiced meats of many types were placed at the disposal of the Miroku embassy as well. It seemed there were some liquors that were specially made for the Miroku compounds as well. After four cases of liquor were set inside the entryway Kuro made a mark on the delivery checklist upon the wall. He turned to his guests and smiled genuinely. "Forgive my mental intrusion my demonic powers have been unbalanced as of late but they will not harm you. You have to have a distinctly strong mind for me to involuntarily communicate with you via telepathy. You are quite exceptional as have the many people of the Miroku clan been since our entreaties began. Please enjoy yourselves and I will check on you after I finish some more errands. I will discuss your capacity to assist in the construction of the village walls later as well." Kuro bowed easily before proceeding to head off to check on other errands while waving.
Oct 22, 2012
As they walked the halls of the Dojo, Satou had remained rather solid yet relaxed. When they finally reached the part of the Miroku Clan's room. And to Satou it was just as lovely as a the rest of the dojo. Admiring the structure and designs, his mind tried looking back at such similar patterns spanning over centuries to see if he remembered anything like this. Nothing came forward as he remained silently gazing about at people, structures and any form of artful designs that intrigued him to pause for moments. He stopped when they had found themselves being catered to, once Kaza and Kuro had finished talking about the clans business and of duty. Kuro apologized for intrusion into his mind and about his tribulations with his power. Satou only smirked and laughed a bit while saying. "Don't worry about it, I know how difficult it is sometimes, trust me. I'm nothing special, i'm just used to people playing around in my head." He ruffled Kaza's hair playfully. "Yeah, don't hesitate to yell at me to help around. I might be on vacation, but I like to keep busy at least." He then bed farewell to Kuro. Finishing his smoke he disposed the butt into a small cigarette snuffer in his pocket.

His attention turned back to the food and drinks placed about and being served. Without walking to gather the food he immediately headed to the sound of heated water rushing through a hot tub. He looked as though he had zero inhibitions to his body as he immediately began taking his shit off, stuffing it into his bag as he through his traveling bag by the side of the hot tub. His upper body was something of normal sight to shinobi, but to those new to such a life would be shocked to see a man's body mapped with so many scars. Lines covered him like a story that spanned longer then one could count, they only looked more pronounced with his tanned skin from being in sunlight.

His body eased as he stretched his arms and legs a bit from ache. His power were beginning to loosen as they reached out to the tables and people bringing food and drinks, taking plates,filling them with small assortments, bottle brought levitated to his hand across the room as he pulled the cork out with his teeth and spat it at his belongings. First foot in the water felt incredible, the rest of his body easing into the heated water was indescribably pleasing as he sighed deeply while taking swigs of the delicious liquor as though it were water. Only now he needed was the comfort of his lovers body laying against his in this luscious luxury. Plates of food hovered gently around him as he picked and chooses among the plates in between drinks. Looking to his love, waving a hand for Kaza to join him.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza was surprised to hear that the Miroku had already established an embassy within the Dojo, he noticed another change as well. The sigils of the clan held that of the Toraono & one of the another clan he was unfamiliar with. He would have to acquaint himself, no doubt they were allies like the Toraono. They made it into the inner chambers & Kaza wasn't surprised to see an amazing Hot tub bathing spring. It seemed the clans engineers had worked together with the Toraono, as he noticed some changes in design. 'It seems in my absence things have indeed progressed quite well...' he thought to himself with a smile. Noting some bottles of what he guessed where liquor, he wondered if they were from the Toraono. They had quite the reputation for the quality of drinks they produced, different to the Miroku.

It was said Toraono drinks were so sweet it was as if the recipe had been stolen from the Heavens. Where as the Miroku brewed their liquor for strength, often watering down the drinks they served to non-clan members. There had been a few who had drunk themselves to death with their potent brews. Kuro said he had a few errands to attend to but would return when he had completed them. "Until your return Lord Kuro." he would say with a bow, turning to his lover after they had said their farewells. Satou wasted no time making himself at home, using his gifts to acquire some food & liquor. Kaza chuckled walking over to one of the baths & removing his Fur cloak & remaining clothing. Sliding into the water he let out a satisfied sigh waiting for his lover to join him.

[Sorry for wait, next post will be better. P.s I'm back]
Oct 22, 2012
After all the pleasantries were said and done with. Finally the quiet somberness of the room flowed as Satou laid in the soothing hot waters with his lover against his chest. Their bodies touching intimately under water, while Satou preoccupied himself with the delicious wine. Of course, being a demon, having a liver that just never quits. He'd never found a drink that could sooth his alcoholic tendencies. But the drink was indeed good, as he polished off two bottles and the buzz lasted more than a few minutes this time. "Sunagakure has some delicious booze." He smirked and gave a small chuckle when pouring a glass for his Kaza. "And the man I've found from this land, i'd die for." He whispered into his lover's ear as he pecked at Kaza's throat.

"After this "bath" i'd say we go find some decent cloths for myself in a more, personal setting." He forgot to hold back jaw strength and accidentally sank his fangs into flesh. The sudden smell and taste sent shiver through his body. "Sorry." he mumbled as he absentmindedly licked the shallow mark. He laughed into his bottle of booze. The things you put me through, my Kaza. Well he tastes good at least, and is fun in bed. Shut up, please shut up, having a nice moment!

"After we get dressed up," He paused between downing more wine, picking lightly at the assortment of food hovering around on plates and dishes. But now and then he kept kissing the fresh mark, taste of blood still on his lips. " We should go out and have you introduce me to your friends. Wear me around town love, draped about your shoulder's. I wonder how many looks we'll get." He grinned a rather devilish grin. Even giving a genuine laugh to seem at ease as he laid back into the water, letting it seep into his skin.

His muscles ached, his inside churned as the dryness of the desert was mixed with several bottles of alcohol and small assortments of food that didn't want to sit well. As Satou sat there in the water, his head resting on Kaza's shoulder, his eyes on the water. Slowly the water began to change, it was becoming red, darker, thicker than water. Satou could only sit there as the water him and his lover bathed in slowly turned to a pool of blood. The smell flooded his nostrils, was it real?

He could feel it around him, and his body gave a knee jerked reaction. His eyes looked upon Kaza and saw his throat torn out where he had gave a small mark. He blinked violently threw and empty bottle aside, swashing his hand into the water to hit his face. It's not real! He looked once more. It was water, Kaza was ok. He breathed, burning light deep within those chocolate worried eyes. "I think I've bathed enough." He barely made the words audible as he got out of the water and looked for a towel to cover himself.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza smiled with joy as he relaxed in the waters with his lover. The demon's words about the liquor made him chuckle "That they do...they truly have it down to an art form." he would say as he lay in the water against his lover. When Satou poured him a glass along with his words of love the Emissary beamed with joy at the words. His lover leaning in & giving him a peck on the neck. Saying how they should go find some clothes in a more personal setting. Causing the young man to chuckle, when a small pinching sensation pierced his neck. He could feel the blood trickling as Satou mumbled an apology as he licked at the shallow wound. Laughing into his bottle he couldn't help but giggle at his lover as the youth took a sip of wine.

Leaning in he placed a gentle kiss upon his lover to let him know it was okay. Satou spoke more of going out & seeing the village. He wanted him to introduce him to his friends around the village. Friends? Kaza hadn't really thought about making friends, he was always focused on work. Perhaps now he'd get the chance to meet some new people, with his lover at his side he knew that anything was possible. Though he chuckled when Satou joked about the looks they would get, kissing at the wound every now and then.

Satou rested his head against Kaza & the young Aburame felt at peace. Though all he wanted to do was drag his lover to a dark room & ensure his hunger was quenched. "I'm sure you'll get along fine with the sunans. They are a uniquely eccentric people from my experience..." he stopped speaking as Satou moved suddenly as if he'd just seen a ghost. He stared at Kaza with a look of horror upon his face, throwing his bottle aside to smash upon the wall he quickly splashed water over his face. The Emissary quickly raised a hand to stop the guards from proceeding any closer, only Akkuma out ranked the Emissary.

Kaza stood as his lover said he thought he'd bathed enough, he could see a crimson glow in the depths of his lover's chocolate gaze. Wrapping a towel around himself Kaza stepped out of the bath & held a hand out for his lover. "Come my love...why don't we go somewhere private?" he said with the calmness only a diplomatic figure of his experience could muster in the situation. Hiding his rage at the demon within his lover for putting the man he loved through this. No doubt it had been playing tricks on his mind once more. One of the guards guided Kaza to his chamber, it was down a series of halls. On there journey one thing would be apparent the Miroku took their security seriously. There were guards stationed at every entrance & exit, even patrolling through their portion of the dojo. When he got the chance he would give this demon a piece of his mind.
Oct 22, 2012
Satou didn't hesitate to take Kaza's hand, to stay close to his love, the anchor of his sanity. Feeling his warm soft hand in his solid cold hands felt relaxing. He wanted to just pull that body close, to feel the softness of skin, the warmth and heat under it, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh and feeling that warmth spill out. Satou had to stop to breath and snap out of his daze as he felt himself slipping somewhat. The world was twisting, he tried to keep his eyes low and closed to not lose his balance. But even his sensation of touch was becoming numb. He knew what was transpiring but he couldn't stop it. All he could smell and hear was the wood burning and crackling in the fireplace.
He was in the room, sitting in that disgustingly old fashioned winged chair before a roaring fire sitting in an old cobblestone chimney. Surrounding the chimney were bookcases upon bookcases as much as one could peer around and above. the books slowly sliding from the shelves to move along the room and swap places with other hard covers. Satou could barely move, he could feel the energies bind him to this place, he could not even force pain to wake his consciousness.

He cussed as he stood up slowly, feeling as though he weight ten times more then usual. His feet could only shuffle, head turning to look to his side, finding no creature sitting in the winged chair a few feet beside his own. Again Satou cursed aloud as he slowly forced his body across the room, at the far end, an escape. A nice wooden door before him. Every step felt excruciating, he could feel bones snapping in his legs as the weight intensified, muscles burned as if on fire. He made it about four feet from his chair before his legs snapped completely under the weight and he screamed out as his body slammed into the wooden lacquered floor, his face smearing into the ground, feeling as though its enlarge hand was pressing his skull into the hard solid floor. "Kaza......Kaza......" Everything was going dark.

Satou's body abruptly halted, the hand holding Kaza's gripped tightly. Yanking gently to pull that body into his. Satou's strong arms pulled Kaza forcefully into and embrace, his wet rough lips kissed across his, tongue violently trying to separate lips to taste. Fang's gently biting into Kaza's lips, cutting them and licking the blood as the rough kissing traveled to soft,warm flesh of Kaza's throat. The demon's gentle whispering voice touching Kaza's ears as he kissed below them. "My sweet sweet Kaza, I so missed the feeling of you.The taste of you." The demon smiled through its kisses and whispers. Satou's eyes were a blinding bloodshot red, Kaza wasn't speaking to his lover, but to monster within. It's blackened aura slowly fell around his body like an ethereal cape. The cape slowly flapped and wrapped around them both.

Kaza could feel the chakra like a warm blanket holding him to Satou's body, covering the sight of what the demon was doing to Satou's lover. The demon's fingers gently playing against Kaza's naked skin and even underneath the towel. It's lips kissing, fangs gently gnawing at the flesh of this creatures skin. The demon summoned a bit of power to lift their bodies up of the ground and carry them slowly along, gesturing it's hand through the cloak for the guard to pay no mind and continue.

If the gaurd bothered the demon. He would kill the guard within a breaths time, snapping the creatures neck. Though the demon assumed Kaza would be displeased with senseless killing. So it simply followed till they were brought to a room. It opened the door with invisible forces as they gently floated through the doorway, closing the door without word to the guard as the demon carried Kaza to bed, the sheets delicate to the demons body as it pressed it's mortal love against them.

The rough kissing to soft skin. "So my love, after my quick snack. I was thinking we could go find some nice sights and maybe dine on a few mortals along the way, of course, i'll be good. I promise not to kill any of them. Well, less you want me to kill them that is." The demon laugh as it kissed and suckled a spot till blood clotted. Leaving a nice large bruise, Feeling the heat of blood under the skin. Without word or warning it sank it's fangs deep into Kaza's flesh, hot juts of blood flooded it's mouth and moans sounded through Satou's voice as loud heavy gulping followed. Leaving Kaza with the invasive surge of euphoria threatening to drown him. But this feeding was more rough, pinning Kaza to the bed, the pulling of blood, felt like the monster wouldn't stop.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza walked down the hallway with his lover when the man paused taking a breath, the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand. Without a word or sign he released kikaichu from his feet, preparing for the worst. Too many of his kin were around if whatever this thing was had finally decided to come out he would need to keep them away. Suddenly Satou's grip hardened to one that hurt as he pulled the Emissary close against his body. His embrace was forceful & violent letting loose blood wherever his lips wandered. Goosebumps ran over Kaza it was the first time he truly considered his lover draining him dry. It was both a mixture of fear & pure exhilaration. Then it spoke & in that moment he was certain it was not his lover in control.

Instead of those chocolate brown eyes, a set of dangerous red eyes held him in their gaze. Tangible darkness seemed to flow around the two engulfing them, it felt warm to the touch. The demon didn't waver in its embrace of Kaza & he knew this was his chance. Now he could learn more about this creature, maybe even come to an agreement with it. "Here I was thinking you didn't like me..." he would say it the demon almost teasingly. He blushed seeing the faces of the guards nearby they didn't seem to know whether to intervene or leave. Before long they started to float moving down the hallway, when the guard saw the creature gesture for him to ignore them he decided it was best he did. They knew Kaza could handle himself, at least his many friends could.

Soon they made it to the quarters & the door opened, no doubt due to the demon's abilities. The door would close behind them as they entered & Kaza was delicately placed upon the bed by the demon. It pressed its body against his, softly kissing down his body. He could taste the iron of blood spilling form his lips, pooling slightly at the side. Where it had fed from his neck there was a slow trickle down the nape of his neck to his collar bone. Those forest green eyes widened, it wanted to go out into Sunagakure...and see the sights with him? 'Is it asking me on a date?' he thought to himself blushing brightly, he hadn't expected that from the demon. Even offering to behave unless he wanted it to do otherwise, what was going on here.

Kaza blushed as it suckled at his skin bringing blood to the surface "Okay but you have to..." his words were cut short into a sharp gasp of pain as it bit down on his flesh. Blood flowed from the wound & it moaned in satisfaction, it drank from him with a lack of restraint never done by his lover. Waves of euphoria washed over Kaza flooding his mind & senses, he could barely feel his arms being pinned beside him. Even though the force was enough that there would undoubtedly be bruises left behind. The more it drank the weaker he felt, the less able he was to resist the flooding of euphoria that filled his mind. His instincts demanded he flee from this creature, his mind was in a state of euphoria that quickly eased these concerns & fears. He'd had dark fantasies about this moment, he could never remember how they ended...

[OOC: Sorry on the wait!]
Oct 22, 2012
What sheer joy the demon felt, reveling in this supple, warm body underneath it. It's flesh was so supple as it's nails dragged, it's fangs pierced.the blood was flowing like water as the beast drank, it could hear and feel the soft beating of Kaza's heart begin to wane and with that, it stopped. It elongated tongue licking upon the fresh bleeding wound. It was not heavy enough to be lift threatening, no, the demon did not want for Kaza's death. Not yet at least.
Satou's hands raised along the wooden floor, nails scrapping as he dragged himself across the floor, feeling the overwhelming pressure crack along his back, screaming out as he felt his hips shatter. Yelling for Kaza's name as he was dragged from one end of the room where the doors await, his escape. Dragged all the way back to the infernal fireplace. His nails splintering along the lacquered wood, leaving bleeding fingertips. Still, he would not falter. He could taste it, he could taste Kaza's blood and it infuriated him. "D-don't....Touch him...." He mumbled before his head was slammed vicious into the hardwood floor.H e felt the impact, the room spinning. His nose was crushed an bleeding. Yet his rage, his anger. It was boiling inside. He felt hot, as though on fire. Probably from the pain, yt his mind was on Kaza. His had struggled to raised by his side. pushing broken bones to move a broken body. The pain was excruciating, but he must steel himself and bare it. And to he did. Slowly under the weight of invisible kinetic energy, Satou dragged himself once more. His arms almost snapping under the weight, as he screamed pushing his limp body bloodily along wooden floor, he continued to utter. "Don't touch him.....don't touch him...."

It's bloodshot glowing eyes looking over the creature before him, curiously smiling. Playing its fingers over the mortals chest. "No, no I do not hold ill feelings towards you my pet, you are lovely, as Satou choose wisely a delectable morsel. I too fancy you. Yet not in the sense that mortals do for other mortals, no, I fancy your mind. I fancy the way you scheme my dear." It slowly loomed over Kaza, it's burning eyes almost held a heat to them that threatened to bore into Kaza's gaze. Seeing the euphoria of its dark kiss still pooling in Kaza's eyes.

It's fingers and nails gently ran along Kaza's skin, cutting lightly across his chest a thin light cut that drew pebbles of red along Kaza's skin. The Demon happily licked its tongue along the bloody line. "We're going to have to feed you a bit better though." The demon laughed lightly. "Salts a little low, as well as sugar." He laughed a little more as the demon laid beside Kaza, still pulling the lithe body close to him, the demon kissed Kaza's forehead, fingers playing through his hair. "I will do nothing of the sort that you tell me. I know it is in my vessels best interests that I behave myself here. Though, as to what extent of my behavior will be, will be determined on what we do, my dear "Kaza"." The demon put emphasis on Kaza's name. It's devilish smile wider then before.

It leaned over Kaza once more, without words but action, taking him roughly by the hair and forcing head back to sink its fangs into the flesh once more, to partake a mouthful or two. Then stopped as the euphoric waves wash over Kaza again, it's voice low as it moved up to whisper into Kaza's ear. "If I drink a bit more, you'll be upon death's door. Just a couple more mouthfuls and you will be what many mortals fear." Its lips kissing bloody kisses as it smiled and continued. "But I can give an escape from death. I can remove your mortal life, pour my blood into this body and make you forever." Again a soft series of whetted kisses along cheek, jaw, then neck. The burning of it's fangs sinking into flesh, another mouthful, then it stopped again, sooner. Kissing and licking the wounds clean, leaving Kaza weakened and wounded, yet not dying.

The demon stayed leaning over Kaza, it's burning eyes staring unblinking. "Tell me, my sweet pet. Tell me that you want to be with Satou forever, and I will make it so." It's gently hand petting Kaza's cheek. "Say it Kaza." It whispered while smiling a bloody smile.

Satou reached the door, his arms took everything from him to reach up and grab just the door handles. Hoisting himself up was indescribable pain, as every bone in his body flex in shattered pieces and wanted to move. He cried out as he gotten to his feet, feeling the splintered bones threatening to rip apart. Holding himself to the door, he could feel the forces of the demons power trying to pry him off the door. But his hands stayed on the door handles. The rage was boiling through his skin, he could feel the unnatural strength build in him with the taste of Kaza's blood. "Don't touch him. Don't touch my Kaza!" He yelled the last few words as he cocked his whole body backwards then propelled forward, Smashing his head and body into the doors with so much force, that he blasted the doors open and was free.

Satou blinked, breathed in as the first thing to greet him was the heavy taste of blood in his mouth. Staring down below him was his lover, cut up and laid bare before him. The blood that leaked from the wounds sang to him, invited him to take more. He was shaking, His eyes were blurring to the blood lust. He leaned in, eyes glazed, yet instead of partaking in the blood. Satou quickly cover Kaza's wounds with the cloth sheets that now stained red. "Kaza. My sweet Kaza." he mumbled through held breath and held back tears. He wanted to cry as he pulled Kaza gently into his arms and cradled him. Kissing him and stroking his hair and cheek. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry I ever let that monster come near you." He breathed. His whole body was shaking, out fear, or anger. He couldn't decide which was greater at the moment.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Blood trickled down his body as its tongue traced its way along the blood flow, lapping at the blood that spilled from the wounds it had inflicted on him. It looked down at him & smiled at his words. Fingers danced along his chest as it spoke to him. Kaza didn't know what to think of its words & he was even less comfortable about how much this demon could come to know of his schemes. Those vividly bloodshot eyes held him in a piercing gaze, with such intensity he felt as if it were looking into his very soul. With the effects of the euphoria slowly leaving his mind, he became more aware of just how dangerous this situation was. Yet he could not shake this feeling deep within his stomach, a yearning to see just how far he could take things with this demon.

Small beads of crimson spilled to the surface of his skin as it traced those sharp nails across his skin. It lay almost crouched over him licking the blood from his chest. Apparently he needed to eat better the demon told him that his salts & sugars were low. Before laying beside him & pulling the weakened shinobi towards him. It laughed again kissing his forehead & once more playing with his hair. When the demon spoke to him next he didn't know what to think of the words it said to him. 'Doe's it mean...' his thoughts however were broken as the demon grabbed him by the hair pulling his neck back. Once more those fangs sunk into his flesh & the tide of euphoria threatened to beset his mind again.

The Agent felt weak, the demon moved whispering into his ear. Was it saying that it was going to kill him? He began to struggle futilely against it, in his current weakened state there would be no over powering the demon. It continued speaking as if it didn't notice his efforts, saying it would only take a few drops of blood & it could make him forever. For a moment he wanted nothing more then the eternity this creature offered him. Kissing down the pinned shinobi feeding from him again, further weakening him. Kissing & licking at the wounds, his mind was swimming with euphoria. Thoughts of blood & eternity, could it really be that simple?

Pressed against his weak & blood covered body was his demonically possessed lover leaning over him. It told him all he would have to do was tell it he wanted to be with Satou forever & it would make it so. 'Satou' grabbed his chin telling him to say it, those forest green eyes looked into those intensely bloodshot eyes. A fierce determination within them "I love him..."</COLOR><i></i> he would weakly say, those forest green orbs looking deep into its gaze. <COLOR color="#00BF00">"Please...don't hurt him anymore...I'll do anything." he begged the demon, hoping it would agree to cease tormenting his love in return he would do as it pleased. What would he do when he regained control & saw what it had done. Like some twisted mockery of the man he loved, it was not something he would forgive. In this moment he promised he would make this demon pay, no matter how long it took him.

Just when Kaza thought things couldn't get worse here the expression on Satou's face vanished to that of horror & pain. Quickly he was embraced & wrapped in the sheets now stained with his blood. Satou murmured to him trying to hold back his pain, Kaza could only feel guilt as he looked up at his lover. Satou cradled him, kissing him & stroking his hair. Apologizing for ever letting the demon come near him, but Kaza knew what it wanted to now. With that he knew he could set terms maybe even form an agreement with the creature. But for now he didn't want to cause his lover anymore pain, leaning against his lover he would faintly whisper. "My love...its okay. Our 'friend' was just saying hello." he would say with a pained smile trying to ease his loves concerns. "Everything will be okay...I promise." he would say faintly, closing his eyes in the embrace of his love.

Edited to fix coding & to fix an auto correct xD
Oct 22, 2012
His ease came quickly, his breathing slowed when hearing the soft words and even more gentle caress of his lovers hands. "Kaza..." Satou breathed as he kissed soft lips. His warm charcoal colored eyes looked over his lover's body, all the wounds, they still bled lightly. He could feel his breath catch in his throat. The creature did take a lot, he knew what it's goal was and he still felt chilling shivers down his spin. Hearing it's deep laughter in the back of his mind, his eyes close. Going to that place.
The doors shattered open to the library as Satou kicked his way into the room. "You foul @!#$ing creature!" He cursed as he glared down the monster, sitting in a winged chair in front of a massive fireplace. He rushed across the room, almost flinging his entire body through the air with a mad lung at the demon. "You dare harm him! You dare harm someone I dearly love! You disgusting monster!" His body slammed into the form as the creature stood and swatted the large chair to a corned of the room. Taking the full force of Satou shoving them both into the massive fireplace, the flames and logs exploded around them as Satou didn't stop there, he kept driving the beast into stone and fire. Punching and slamming his bleeding and breaking fists into the monsters solid horrid ill colored mass of flesh that appeared unscathed from the assault.

No matter how many times he slams its infernal face into soot,dirt and stone. It rears it's hideous, insidious glowing eyes at Satou. It had enough with the third attempt to bury its cranium into solid earth and smashed it's hand across Satou's face, knocking him clear off the creature as the force was empowered by unseen energies. Satou staggered to his feet. "I'm going to kill you!" He went to lung once more before the creature could recover. But it's invisible hands grab his shoulders and legs. Binding him to the floor. Choking him and then slamming his face into the ground.

"You, can not kill me. You, can not be rid of me. Less you end your life. And than what would we have Satou?"The demon laughed deeply. Satou, refusing to simply lay down without resistance, slowly forces his head up off the ground to look up at the menace hovering over him. "I would be free of you, and you would be no more." He spoke through bleeding mouth as the monster crushed his insides and spine, screaming out in pain as blood rushed to his eyes.

Satou blinks, breathing, looking about the room. His shaking came back. But slowly he eased when he knew Kaza was beside him still. Kissing his forehead and holding him, gentle fingers through his hair. And the smell of Kaza's blood all over him, the taste in his mouth. Satou couldn't resist, even if it was just cleaning the wounds. Soft whetted tongue slid along each wound the demon had made on kaza's body. Only once or twice Satou had to pause himself from biting down or suckling at a still lightly bleeding cut. Once Kaza was cleaned up, Satou wrapped Kaza and himself in the blankets, holding his exhausted lover close, gently kissing his warm forehead, Satou's fingers gently playing in Kaza's hair as they hold each other in the dark quiet of the room. "We should plan to meet your friend another time love, you should get some rest." He laid by Kaza's side enjoying the warmth of Kaza's body keeping him comfortable, making him feel human.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
