Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Time To Party with the Sunans [Req Entrance]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza looked up at his love he seemed distracted as if he'd retreated inwards once more, perhaps he sought to combat the creature within him. The Agent wanted to provoke the beast further to learn more about it, but he couldn't put his love through anymore pain. Not tonight, he held his love close as he licked at his wounds. A low buzzing could be heard within him, the kikaichu were displeased. Their host had been attacked, they would not allow it to happen again. "I'm sorry for making you worry..." he could with all the warmth he could muster in his weakened state. Slowly his eyes would close his breathes coming with more ease as he fell asleep. Exhaustion & fatigue claiming his mind, next his Satou he was safe. Even if the beast was within him, he knew his love would not let it out again.

The Agent smiled in his sleep, dreaming of the day he bested the beast & freed his love from its torment. It would be a dream that would come to haunt his every thought, fuel every action he took from this point. If only he knew things would soon get even more complicated, as was the way of life. No matter what this world through at him he would over come it. Nothing would keep him from his love, that he would ensure. But first he would need to gain some control, he had lost some tonight & was now in a position of unease. For now though his mind wondered back to those woods, back to that time they escaped the outside world. It was a moment that he wished had lasted forever, but that had been a fools dream.

[Topic Left/Finished?]
[OOC: I shall post in our other Dojo thread now. =P sorry for the wait]
Oct 22, 2012
As Satou laid there with Kaza in his arms, his beloved was resting. Falling into a deep sleep from exhaustion, and with it he held such a smooth warming smile Even the last whispering words were sweet and warm, that Satou almost cried in silence. Kissing his lovers forehead, still warm and soft. He did not turn him, he did not taint his beloved Kaza. This soft lamb in his arms, kissing his loves lips gingerly so not to stir his sleep. Gently settling Kaza into bed and covering him with lavished sheets to tuck him in. "Sweet dreams my love." He whispered as he stood by the bedside.

He paced to the middle of the room and sat on the floor, he would not leave the room physically but had to go somewhere mentally. "I swear he won't touch you ever again." He whispered as he closed his eyes.

He jumped into his mind, the farthest depths. Hitting the sandstorm clear on, diving into the icy oceans. Punching the doors to the library open, his whole body accelerated as he screamed out. "I'M GOING TO @!#$ING END YOU!" He hurled his body through the air with great force, as bookshelves are torn to splinters around his as he passes them by. The demon stood in great haste as it flung its winged chair across the room at Satou, that could not impede his anger. Satou blasted through the furniture and kept on in unrelenting speed across the vast library. Smashing into the demon at what one would see a train at top speed. Satou's collision sent the demon and himself clear through the stone fireplace and solid brick wall into a void of darkness.

Their bodies tumbled as each delivered bone crushing punches to each others face. Finally Satou deliver a close knee and was able to elevate his foot, slamming it into the creatures chest and sent it flying back sprawling to it's tendril limbs to stand. Satou got to his feet quick, his rage still consuming him as he lunged once more with deadly force to collide and tussle with the demon.

Yet his body was halted by unseen forces as the demon raised its three fingered hands to summon energy. Satou braced his feet against sands as the desert as the world around them blinked into existence with shattering speed that one would feel visual whiplash. But Satou was used to the mind games and ignored the deathly heat of the sun over his head as he was preoccupied with being crushed by kinetic energy pushing him away from the demon. His feet were bare in this dream, his clothing gone as he battled the demon in the nude.

He screamed out as he could feel the sand scrape under his feet, he was pushed inch by inch by the energies smashing his face,chest and arms. But still he braced on, pushing with all his might, all of his anger. Images of Kaza suffering flashed before his eyes, the weak outcry of Kaza's voice. That was all it took for his rage to consume him. With a violent scream, he puled back and flailed with all his might his own power that shattered the very air itself like a crack of lightning and exploded a thirty foot crater around the two. Satou was engulfed in malice driven blackened chakra.

"NEVER. TOUCH. HIM. AGAIN!" He screamed as he punched the air with each word sending a shockwave that could topple buildings with each punch. Blasting the demon across the sands as its morbid form ragdolled across the hot ground. It roared something fierce and unnatural as it got up, unfazed, but rather angered. It rushed across the sands with blinding slithering speed, like some grotesque snake shooting straight towards the enraged Satou. And Satou did not wait for the demon to come to him, he blasted from the crater across the sandy plains straight at the demon with a punch extended. The two collided with blinding speed that crack the fabric of the world around them when fists met fist.

The explosion of force tore sand and earth for miles around in a swirling vortex of forces as the two were locked in a deadly struggle of kinetic energy against one another. The energies taring through each body as blood and gore strewn about around them. The vortex soon collapsed, all the sand and earth fell around them as both separated breathing room. Satou was badly torn apart, his left arm was partially ripped from his body, hanging by a few peices of flesh and bone. His guts and chest torn apart as his he bleeds out slowly. His right leg was broken. He couldn't stand anymore, he was broken and dying in this dream like world. The demon across from him, it's suit was torn to shreds it's body a bloody mess of horror that tried to solidify into the fine suit, its tendrils burned and torn in different places, it writhed in low like him. But it did not say anything, it merely stood, brushing its suit off caused it to look just as new. It's body slowly regenerating. It would not be destroyed or defeated so easily.

Exhaustion and defeat fell over Satou as the creature slowly paced towards him. Raised its hand to offer Satou to stand. But Satou could only kneel there as he bleed out, laughing. The creature slowly lowered its hand. Satou spat at the creatures ugly squid like face. "F@!# you! Don't touch him, or i'll come back in here-" He grunted in pain as he forced his broken shredded leg to stand before the monster. His guts smearing the heated sand under his bleeding feet. "I will kill you. Even if it kills me." He cough up blood and the world faded. But the demon didn't stop things there. He grabbed Satou suddenly by the hair, yanked him about to fall on his back that jarred him and almost caused him to black out. But what kept him in this place was the sudden sheer pain along his back as the demon dragged him across the desert, his body spilling out across the sands he was dragged over, his back being torn from the jagged rocks and sheer sand against bare skin. His screams must have filled the void of space as everything went dark from experiencing too much anguish.

Satou fell forward, shaking and breathing heavily as he adjusted to reality. His limbs were still attached, his hands over his chest and gut that mapped scars of his past. All the horrors this body felt, in reality and within his mind. As he sat there breathing, listening to the silence of the room and the ever soft breathing from Kaza. He was still sleeping,

Satou didn't know how long he had been sitting there but both his legs felt numb as if asleep. Probably a few hours. I'll let him sleep more, he deserves it. Satou laid back on the cold floor that soothed his burning back. The images of him being torn apart as he was dragged across the sands flashed through his mind. He breathed and tried to find his calm place. Getting up and joining Kaza in bed, but couldn't fall asleep. Never could sleep like everyone else. Instead Satou gently petted Kaza's hair while kissing his forehead. Awaiting as many hours as it took for his love to sleep and awaken.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza awoke his love wasn't beside him sitting up his eyes searched the room for his love, those tired green orbs saw him leaning forward on the floor at the end of the bed. Quickly he used the Aburame clone technique with some quick chakra concentration usage he stealthily climbed to the ceiling. His clone taking the agents place upon the bed, when Satou lay down holding his clone he felt a pang of guilt. It was his lover, now he would think he didn't trust him. The aburame's body froze...did he trust him? Could he? Kaza knew that his love would do anything to keep him safe, but was that enough. Deciding he would have to come up with a plan, he dropped from the ceiling landing on his lover, his limbs precisely next to his lovers body starring down at him with a devilish grin.

"Did you give him a beat down & tell him I wasn't his?" he would ask giving his lover a gentle kiss & glowing smile before resting on him, his hand tracing the scars that lined his lovers chest dancing from one to the next. While he tried to comfort his lover who looked distressed, how foolish he must look in his current state. But he needed to show Satou that he didn't care, that no matter what this demon did he wouldn't let it get between them. His clone dispersed the kikaichu burrowing back into their hosts body once more, if only his love slept it would have given him the time to freshen up. So that the evidence of what had happened only hours earlier did not feel so fresh to his love, he knew it was a pain that would eat at him.

"No matter what happens Satou...I'll always be here for you. Nothing will scare me away, no pain is too great. So I don't want you to worry..." he would warmly say to his love, trying further re-assure him that this was nothing just another risk. This world was full of them, in a world of monsters & demons. Singular beings capable of devastating whole nations, why should one more be of concern. What had happened was merely the first test they would face, in what would be a long journey. Together they would grow Kaza hoped that one day that pain that always lurked in the back of his loves gaze would be gone. But he knew the burden he carried, let alone the cruelty of this world. It would be his goal to rid his love of that burden, even if it meant carrying that burden himself.
Oct 22, 2012
Laying beside Kaza, he felt peaceful and at ease. His fingers gently playing through dark locks of hair. But something felt off, he couldn't put his finger on it. Perhaps it was the lack of rest and the mental strain that made him feel uneasy or uncertain. But it was seconds after this unrest that he felt a change in the air. Something or someone was above him, only knowing this when Kaza dropped down from the ceiling to be on top of him.

Satou had to flex and stiffen his body to stifle the energy that raised around him. Like a vacuum sucking in air, all the chakra released in a second around him sucked back in. Looking up at Kaza, smiling down at him. He laid there blank faced, Slightly from the shock of energy he pulled back into himself and some confusion as to what Kaza was doing. He glanced over at the clone laying beside him, then back to his lover laying over him. He finally let out his breath, his eyes burning as he pulled his demonic aura back inside,slowly smoldering to a warm chocolate brown. He didn't appear bother by Kaza's actions, he thought it was funny and smiled. He breathed for a few seconds, listening to his lovers words. Only replying quietly in softened voice. "Yeah, taught him a lesson he won't forget." He said casually with a half baked smile. Of course he had to lie, he wouldn't dare let Kaza know the extent of his torture, the brutal battles he had to endure.

Kaza leaning in to kiss, his warm whetted lips on Satou's, made his solid body soften underneath Kaza. Letting his lovers warmth spread over him, breathing a sigh and when Kaza pulled back to talk. Satou just pulled him closer to keep kissing him, he didn't want this moment to stop. But he had to stop being so greedy, he let him finish talking after Kaza did his weird jutsu with his bugs. The clone had dispersed into the small swarm and crawled back into his lovers flesh.

The sight always did bother him a little. Yet he knew the Aburame clan was particular about insects. An image in his mind would pop into his head when he saw insects. An image of a mount of bugs mutated and contorted into demonic horrors. In the mass of horrors were humans reaching out to him screaming for help as they were slowly devoured. Satou would always have to blink the images away, his eyes would be sore and he'd feel a crawl along his skin.

He laid there, looking up as Kaza laid over him, his fingers playing along his scars mapping along his body. Each with a story to tell, some come from the same tale, others from individuals. Some from himself. He stopped Kaza's hand from touching them, bringing his lovers hand to his lips. Kissing Kaza's soft warm hands. Kissing lower, he didn't realize his lips were following the gentle pulse underneath the skin. He stopped and went back to kissing Kaza's lips while holding his hands above his body as if Kaza could pin his hands to the bed.

"I'm more happy than words can describe that you're here with me. That you love me, need me. And I will always cherish every waking moment by your side." He leaned up off the bed, kissing lips, then cheek before laying back. "I won't let anyone harm you, not a hair on your head will ever be touched so long as I draw breath. So don't you worry, about me. Because so long as I have you by my side. I fear nothing." He smiled more genuinely. Laying his head back. "So, what should be do now? Get ready to go out and meet some of your friends. How bout your family?" The thought made him laugh a little.

"Oh gods, I never asked if I'd meet your parents." He chuckled. "Hope they don't mind their son dating a demon?" He smirked as he kissed Kaza and playfully grind against his lover. Suddenly grabbing Kaza and switching places so he would be on top. The movement was fluid and easy, his strength allowed him to set Kaza gently against the bed. Holding Kaza's arms above him. Now leaving him in a very vulnerable position. Smirking he kisses those soft lips he couldn't resist, along Kaza's jawline, but stopped when he felt his chest empty out and the rising burning in his throat tightened. He breathed and kissed back up along the jawline and his cheek. "Maybe go out for something to eat, grab some breakfast and take me around town sight seeing?" He had to preoccupy his mind.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
When he dropped upon his lover he saw that dark energy rise up to meet him, though Satou quickly drew the dark energy back within himself. That gaze of his shifting to the clone & Kaza with a slight smile he tried to comfort his lover saying he beat the demons ass. He knew the man before him wouldn't tell him the whole truth, that he was struggling every day. In their attempts to protect each other from pain would they only end up inflicting more upon each other? Only time would tell all Kaza could do was pray they made the right choice. That their love would overcome the obstacles thrown at them, as hopeless as it seemed.

After he'd kissed his lover, before he could make his own attempts to re-assure the man he loved Kaza was embraced once more passionately. When his lover had finished embracing him the Aburame ended his jutsu, calling back his kikaichu. Kaza had been surprised by how calm his lover had been, the first time he had seen his kikaichu. With time he'd come to accept them as a part of his lover, after all they were literally a part of him. While he lay there fingers tracing the scars that lined his lovers body, Satou grasped his hand moving it up to his mouth. Satou began kissing his hand, before starting to move his affection lower down the Agents body.

They embraced passionately once more Satou's hands held above his head, pinned against the bed. Satou declared how happy he was in every moment the Aburame was with him, that no matter what would cherish each moment by his side. Leaning in he kissed his lover, gently grabbing his bottom lip with his teeth teasingly as the kiss ended. He promised he would never let anything hurt him, that so long as he drew breath he would not allow it. Quickly following by saying Kaza needn't worry about him for so long as he was by Satou's side he feared nothing. Kaza gave him a warm smile leaning in & giving him a intimately sensual kiss. Asking what they should do now, he would sit back & listen to his lover. Keeping his hands above his head still "I'd like to introduce you to a few members of the clan if you'd be okay with that?" he asked the thought of Satou being introduced to the clan after the brief encounters that had happened was worrying.

Though he was certain once they understood his loves predicament, they would be sympathetic to the position Kaza had placed himself in. Osagi though was another story & Akkuma...that would be the most interesting. Satou asked about Kaza's family & he gave a small smile. "They departed this life long ago...but I know they would have loved you." he would say with a warm smile, well except his father maybe. He had been a stubborn man, the only person who had been capable of swaying him had been Akkuma. Satou flipped him over, so he was now on top of Kaza. Hands above his head unable to resist his love kissed down his neck, moving his attention lower.

Pausing he began to move his affection higher once more, he wondered if his lover was currently battling that unquenchable hunger. "Sure...I wouldn't mind catching up with Lord Kuro. Perhaps we could organize lunch somewhere and have him join us? There is certainly a lot to see & if you get bored I'm sure you could always go Sandwyrm hunting." he would say with a chuckle, imagining his love coming back into the village with a massive Sandwyrm being dragged behind him.
Oct 22, 2012
This nice, calm moment of laying in each others embrace. Talking about the plans for the days spent together. Satou couldn't help but have a genuine smile on his lips. It felt nice to act human. To be social with new people in a new land. It was rather breath taking for a creature who's life has been so secluded in mountains and other harsh terrain. Satou rest his head upon Kaza's chest, just gingerly laying his weight on his love. Exhaling. "Of course. Would love to meet them, I bet their a rather interesting bunch." He chuckled, but his smile faded a bit when Kaza mentioned the fate of his birth parents. Satou immediately moved back up to kiss his love and whisper. "I'm sorry love, I bet they would be proud to see you-" He grinned and laughed. "In a bed with a monster like me." He gave his goofy smile while kissing softly. Once done kissing his lover, Satou rolled off the bed and began getting ready to go out and party with Sunagakure.

Listening to Kaza talk while he threw on some proper dress pants, a nice dress shirt, then fumbled around the room for a tie and his pack of smokes. He needed the air not to reek of something. His lips felt a bit dry.
"Would be cool chilling with him. I bet he throws mad parties." He paused, spun about to a small pilled of his belonging he thrown about. Old ruined clothing that when on closer looks one could see the cloths almost centuries in style apart. Digging through an old jacket he found a pack of smokes. "Haha!" In a second he had the cigarette in his mouth and it was lit before Kaza could blink. Satou puffed on his cigarette several times, looking over at his lover still in bed. "What? Something bout, Sandwyrm?" Satou's mental catalog formed in his mind, began flipping pages. Then remembered running across the desert laughing like a drunken fool wearing nothing by a cloth over his mid section, carrying a bottle of wine he "borrowed" from a stranded caravan. Which the caravan owners were devoured by a Sandwyrm, which the wyrm chased him across the desert for several hours.

The thought of sweet revenge made the demonically possessed man laugh a little. "That sounds awesome. Whatever you wanna do love. As long as I have you with me,." He sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for Kaza to get read. Satou leaned back and played with his smoke, using little bits of energy to move and form the smoke into objects. "I'd love to see what the people of this village do for amusement. Maybe i'll want to stay for quite some time." He played a small cloud into a heart shape, then shot and arrow through it, winking at Kaza. "Come on love! Lets go." He jumped up and sauntered to the door, opening to look out in the halls. Not anyone around. "Hmm, quiet hours." He rolled the cigarette on his lips. "Where to Lord Kaza of Clan Akkuma?" He snickered at the title.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: Sorry on the wait tried posting a couple times but my internet has been touch & go

Kaza smiled at his lovers words if only he knew how interesting they were, a cursed clan of archivists turned warmongers. He chuckle at his lovers next comment giving him a small push & wink. "Haha is that so?" he would say leaning in & giving his love a kiss. His lover rummaged through the room looking for clothes & smokes. After he'd mentioned hanging out with Kuro his love commented on how he thought the Sennin would throw good parties. He did not doubt that from what he understood the Toraono had a penchant for hospitality so no doubt their parties were extravagant.

Satou exclaimed with joy when he found a smoke & in a blur-like movement he had it lit. In almost just as short a time he had inhaled half the cigarette, as he lay there he chuckled at the man as he casually noted the Sandwyrm. "Of course you heard that bit..." he would say with a chuckle to the shinobi. The words from his lover made him smile warmly as the demonically possessed shinobi remembered what he'd said, saying it would be awesome & so long as he had Kaza by his side he would be happy. "My love with you by my side I could walk into Pandemoniam & fear nothing if you were at my side." he would say to his love in response.

"I hope you do...wherever you go I'll be by your side." he would say to his love with a warm smile. His love sat back on the bed & Kaza leaned forward to give him a kiss before standing to get ready. With a shake of his messy bed hair he walked over to his wardrobe & removed his Agent gear. sliding on his arm guards, protective torso piece & taking out his syringe belt. Next the Agent took out his Kimono, the attire was made of fine silk that had been dyed black. Red lotus blossoms covered the garb all with the kanji for cursed in the middle of them. Once the Kimono was over his armor he strapped his syringe belt full of his assorted toxins around his waist. Next he slid his feet into a pair of Geta he now stood almost as tall as Satou. The last item he removed was a Ninjato as he strapped the item to his side he turned to face his love.

A warm smile came across his face as he saw his lover laying back manipulating the smoke into a heart & arrow. With a devilish wink he made the Agent chuckle, Satou jumped up making his way to the door saying they should go. Opening it he almost sounded surprised when he said it must be the quiet hours, but if he'd known the clan there was no such thing. He felt an uneasy feeling begin to grow in his stomach, he almost wanted to ask his love if they could stay in. Though when he saw the joy in his lovers eyes he pushed the concern away, they would be fine so long as they were together. Hearing his lovers words he smiled once more "Haha Lord Kaza...that has a good ring to it." he would say with a wink to his love as he walked towards him.

Stopping before his love he would lean forward & pluck the smoke from his mouth. Taking a long breathe he would begin to kiss his love, slowly exhaling the smoke as he did so. Giving a satisfied sigh once their lips had parted, he placed the smoke back in his lovers lips. "Shall we? I'm sure the sunans will be eager to meet you." with those last words he would depart from the room with his love, ready to embark into the vast desert village & explore his new home.

[Clan NPC Kaza Topic Left w/ Satou]
OOC: I'll start the next thread & pm you the link
Oct 22, 2012
Satou was tightening up his tie as he watched Kaza dress so elegantly, Satou could feel the tension in him rise a bit when seeing weapons and gear. But reminding himself that this world is filled with nothing but people who could jump at you with blades and poison on a moments notice. Looking at his tie and simple shirt, simple pants, going without socks or footwear. Making himself look simple and almost unnoticeable as someone strong or important. It was one of the way he's been able to survive and avoid conflict. When you look like some homeless guy who is constantly smoking and drinking, not many would bother you or pick a fight.

He laughed a little when Kaza made comment to his "lord" title. His beloved Kaza was his joy and fun, taking the cigarette from Satou's lips. Satou's warm ember eyes watched as Kaza inhaled a good amount of the cigarette, then forcing a long deepened kiss that he could feel the exhale, and gladly slowly inhaled the smoke, as lips parted, he leaned back against the door frame exhaling with a smooth breath. Cigarette returned to hang on his lips. "I can't wait to party and enjoy myself a little bit."

By all the gods I love him. Satou chuckled as he closed the door behind him and sauntered down the hall alongside Kaza, smoking his cigarette. Throwing on his black shades to hide his demonic eyes, he wondered how much of a hangover he's gonna have after the party.

(Rolling out of thread with NPC Kaza)
(Gonna be awesome :D Can't wait!)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
