Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Time To Play The Game (Private)

”Yes, very limited. But not as much as you imagine. Someone with skill can craft a devious plan for their opponent. At which point you know they're a schemer. But the very best schemers, when handed a chess set, feign ignorance of the game with such belief that they truly cannot win at it. Those people can convince the world they are innocent, pure beings without a single black bone in their body. And they are good at it.”

Hoshikata raises his glass up to take a sip of the liquid within and when he sets it down he reaches out and moves his queen up and to his left. From D1 she moved to C2, and the beginning of the end was nigh. ”No one? I was your first unchaste kiss?” He was surprised, something she could likely tell from both his voice and the look on his face. She could probably even feel it rolling off of him.

”Well, I hadn't been aware of that. No wonder you reacted as you did. Was it truly so horrible a thing, however? I would like to believe that my lips are not so poisonous as to illicit such a reaction in the future.” No one else had so much as kissed her. That was a doozy. Hoshikata had assumed that she had atleast gotten that far. True, she'd told him that she had not been with anyone else, and had mentioned an infatuation with only one person but to find that she hadn't even given in to hormonal impulses in her past was shocking.

Best to drop this subject sooner rather than later. He didn't think it would do either of them any good to bring up things in this line of conversation. ”I see I'm making you uncomfortable however. I do not wish to do so, perhaps yet another change?” In truth he had no idea what to move to, so as he rarely did, he winged it. ”What got you interested in psychological medicine?”
She leaves the conversation of chess and politics behind, already annoyed with the chess game right in front of her to begin with. Not that talking of… kissing was any better, although the surprise from the Isaki was really amusing. But no, even in missions, she had not kissed anyone. If there were missions of the undercover nature, things such as espionage and seduction, Akihiko would be the one who would deal with the physical aspects while she took on a more passive role, sitting back as an observer and a commander.

Akane took a sip of her own tea as well, although it had gone lukewarm by now, and shook her head. “It wasn’t… horrible; it was just unexpected,” she admitted, trying to hide the slight blush that managed to creep onto her cheeks by taking another drink.

When the blood in her face returned to normal again, she looked down at the board. Seeing the queen moved, she knew her lost was inevitable. It was then too that she realized her lost was inevitable on both accounts and she looked up at the man with an appraising look. “If you did let something slip out unwillingly, you would tell me that you had meant to say it… Isn’t that right? This was a bet you never meant to lose and yet you asked for a silly prize,” she said with a small sigh. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the idea as to why a silly kiss would be seen as a prize for victory.

She did not answer what interested her so in the field of psychology, thinking he would forget it as the next words left her lips. “I know when I’ve been beaten,” she sighed, raising her hands up in a mock surrender of gesture. The chess game was getting annoying anyway, if the annoyance in her tone was any indication. But she wasn’t going to actively offer his prize to him; he’d have to go and claim it as she kept seated in her chair.
He could see the impatience on her, sense it almost. He was no empath, but there was a tension to her from the muscles in her face to her very long look at the board. He was pleased to hear that the kiss wasn't a complete travesty, however. Hoshikata had been told before he was good at it, but he'd never before known if the women were serious or if they were just playing at him for money or power. No one had ever come after him for any other reasons.

Perhaps therein lie his sudden attraction to the woman before him. He knew she didn't want his money, she had her own. And she didn't want his power, she'd proven herself well capable in that regard. And she had come to him that night under the roof of ancient ruins. She had come to him, and in doing so had come for him. Not for his money or power, not to be famous or to flaunt her latest catch. She had come for the man. She was the first woman to ever do so.

So in a way that night was a first for both of them. And now here she was, giving up on the game of chess and realizing part of the trick to their game. Hoshikata slides the chess board to the side of the table, rising from his chair as he does. His eyes remained on her, on her face, as he stepped around the table and took her hands in his own.

The Seer raises her to her feet and lets one hand go, his own moving to the small of her back as he leans down and brings his face to inches of her own. ”Vel'bol inbal dos xunor ulu uns'aa?” With those words he would take his prize, his arms suddenly wrapping around her as he gently pressed his lips against her own, eyes closing. And then an intensity he'd not shown in years would arise as the kiss went from tame to passionate.

From lips to tongues.
There was a surprising lack of good company in Cloud.

Well, perhaps not surprising, given their general reception at the gates, Tatsuya acknowledged. Maybe they didn't like visitors, particularly groups of visitors who were heavily armed and obviously ninja. He still felt it was the height of paranoia, but then, he wasn't a village nin anymore. The greyed-out infinity symbol on his lower right jaw, invisible to all without a similar mark of their own, testified that.

So why not seek out his friend? Hoshikata probably needed a distraction from the likely grating stupidity of the Cloud nin, and his siblings were likely asleep or at least resting. He might try to get to know Temujin, only the man seemed vaguely intimidated by him and he didn't want to push it. It probably had something to do with his manipulation of the void during the mission earlier.

He didn't bother knocking. Why would he? There was no point in pretending he wasn't in fact barging in, and less in letting himself be refused entry. Not that he thought that was likely to happen.

He flipped out his lockpicks after a couple glances around to make sure he wasn't being watched, and it was the work of about ten seconds to jimmy the lock. Shoving the picks back into his pocket, he pushed the door open, humming merrily.

"Hey, Hoshikata, up for a game of--"

Then he stopped.

Huh. Well. There's something you don't see every day, came right before well, this is a switch from subtle disdain, followed by, guess she didn't need a nap after all.

Instead of snapping, flipping out, or demanding his best friend get his tongue out of his sister's mouth, Tatsuya instead strode over to the chessboard, eyed their positions, and remarked, very mildly...

"You're quite bad at this, Akane. Maybe I should have taught you when you were younger?"

Given the people involved they probably would realize very quickly he wasn't fronting anything, he genuinely wasn't mad. Surprised, maybe, since he hadn't expected them to get along and certainly not this quickly, but not upset.

[Topic Entered]
It was stupid of her to propose prizes to this little game anyway, before she looked over the bet itself to see if she even had a chance of winning. She deserved to lose, one would suppose, for that rookie mistake. Which was why she willingly let herself be pulled up to her feet although one could not ignore the slight tensing when the man put his hand on her back. She mentally insisted that she was only tense because an enemy shinobi could easily pull a kunai and stab her in the back. But this wasn’t as an enemy shinobi but her betrothed and she shouldn’t be this nervous.

Akane licked her lips nervously before Hoshikata could lock his with hers. And she thanked the gods at the tameness of it, at first. But she couldn’t help but let out a moan as the action grew fiery and passionate, giving the Isaki an opening to slip his tongue in… This wasn't what she was thinking when she talked of learning about the Isaki tongue.

Her mind went haywire as she tilted her head and started to kiss him back. This… this wasn’t like her! And of all the things to worry about, she worried about her own inexperience, figuring her reciprocation probably clumsy. Her stomach started to feel funny, much like her head and her grip tightened on Hoshikata’s hand. Her other hand went up to rest on his cheek.

But then it all crashed when she heard a familiar voice, far too near, unsettled that she didn’t notice his presence in the middle of their… kissing. She stepped back, taking a deep breath but couldn’t quite fight the blush off her face. “Isn’t this the moment where a big brother chases after the guy kissing his sister with a fire axe?” she snapped, trying to remain as calm as she could be. She had, after all, heard tales from their peers about, what she thought was rightfully, protective older brothers. “Or at least tell him that there will be no kissing until marriage?” No, she wasn’t supposed to be doing this. She was Shoukyou Akane, the fearsome medic from the psychology department, sister to the Shoukyou heir not… not a hormonal teenager! Reluctantly, weakly, she pulled her hand from Hoshikata’s and removed the other from his cheek and brought up the latter hand to smack Tatsuya with enough force that would break a concrete wall.
Her return was certainly speaking of her inexperience and that only fueled his own desire. As he felt her own hands on him he would fall into the moment, the world around them forgotten. For the moment, the only thing he thought of was her. All the racing thoughts in his mind, the schemes and plots and tricks he had planned, would stop. To her own abilities it would be as if a maelstrom of emotions would simply shut off from him, to be replaced by something warmer.

And then a red, seething anger would escape as that voice sounds out. His golden eyes fly open and Akane would break the kiss, bringing a bit more anger to him directed at Tatsuya. And then she would get embarassed. The world would return, the moment gone. He was tempted to throw his best friend out of the closed window and watch him explain to the locals why he was climbing on a statue in honor of one of their old heroes.

He let her speak first as he gathered his wits about him. What had happened, he was unsure, but it was certainly the first time he'd been rendered stupid like that. Finally a loud crack sounded as his betrothed brought her hand into Tatsuya's pretty face so hard he was sure it broke the rules of physics.

”Well, I don't think you can deny having earned that one...” He clears his throat, his hand instinctively squeezing on nothing before noticing her own had been removed. He realized how he was acting, and in a blink a change came over the man. His face went still, his eyes hardening somewhat.

”Tatsuya, it's called a lock for a reason. It's there to keep private things private.”
"Well, considering as you two have been engaged since we were all children, it would be rather silly of me to get upset, wouldn't it?" Tatsuya said rationally, slightly confused. Not to mention he had done far worse than kiss his fiancée, and Akane knew it. So why would he begrudge her doing the same thing? It wasn't as if he expected her to remain some chaste maiden when he was a complete playboy. "Besides, I'm fairly certain you can defend your own virtue. If you didn't want to be kissing him, you wouldn't be, so..."

It wasn't as if kissing was even anywhere near a big deal for him, anyway. It might not have been something she did much or on missions, but he most definitely did--and often. And more than that. And for more shallow reasons than she plainly had.

The next he was aware of was a stinging pain in his cheek as his head snapped to the side. All right, ow. Admittedly he had probably deserved that for the cheeky remark, but he wouldn't have done anything to her had she walked in on him in a similar position.

He restrained the first thought from coming out his mouth, which was 'I'm impressed you managed to reach up that far,' and settled for rubbing his cheek and wincing slightly. That had been a hell of a slap, and he didn't fancy earning another one. Plus Hoshikata's look was also fit to kill.

...That's interesting. So he's not playing with her then? That's the only thing I'd actually worry about in this case. Hmm.

"That's going to bruise," he said lightly. "Hoshikata, I would have thought that you would long since have realized locks don't actually keep me out of places. Nor a lot of other people, in fact--doors aren't as secure as you'd like to think, and we are in neutral at best territory and oughtn't to be distracting each other from potential threats. You can't possibly have missed the reception we got at their gates; they're ready to jump us at any moment. In that event, I'd rather not give them any more opportunity to sneak up on some of us if one of us sneezes in a direction they don't like. Once we get into the wilds again, or to Moon itself, then you can feel free to indulge in each other's company all you like."

He paused, and then glanced at his sister, a polite smile on his face.

"I apologize for not treating you like a child, sister," he said with a sweeping formal bow. "I was under the impression you were able to make such decisions for yourself without me to guide you and act the mother hen, threatening your dates at spearpoint. If I ought to correct that in the future, please let me know now."

The words weren't actually part of any formal apology, but the cadence was. Like all their family traditions though, it was steeped with hidden meaning, in this case an obvious bite of sarcasm.

Does she want to be treated like an adult or not? I can see where Akihiko might rather be thought of as a child, but I was under the impression that sort of thing angered her. Or does she just want a measure of distance from him...? Are they getting too close too fast?
Akane looked at the elder brother she so usually adored and looked up to and saw red. Yet it would not do good for an Empath’s emotions to be out of control as their power lay behind that and could be deadly if let loose; anger was most dangerous amongst other things. A few deep breaths calmed her down as she realized that, yes, she was acting childish even by her standards as one of the notorious Shoukyou twins. He was right… had she be in danger, she would be capable of disembowelling the Isaki herself. But it was a harmless kiss between two people to be married, that was all, right. Right. Erm.

“At least don’t half ass an interruption if you’re going to do it at all,” she said, at a lack of what else to tell her brother, crossing her arms and looking off to the side away from the two of them. I-It wasn’t that she was enjoying the kiss or not enjoying the kiss! It was just, ugh! What the fuck was Hoshikata doing to her? Was she under some form of Genjutsu? She was pretty sure this was not the effect of the compulsion she used on the guard during their little prison break out as she had been put under it by her brother when they trained in the skill. This must have been some advanced Genjutsu she hadn’t heard about yet and it was quite clever utilizing all the senses the way it had with her. N-not that she would accuse the Isaki already until she got proper proof that what she was feeling was because of a foreign source.

She huffed, brought out of that line of thought as Tatsuya continued speaking. “And if it was a Kumo nin looking to ambush us, I’m sure there would be a headless body were you stand right now. You were merely a familiar presence,” she said in a steely manner, baring teeth to show just what she felt about that. These Cloud shinobi were not making their stay pleasant at all, even in the few mere hours and there was no way she’d become any more comfortable until they were out of here. It didn’t work that way. A shinobi either stayed paranoid or grew more wary especially in what could be enemy territory. “We should get out of here as soon as we are done with business.”
For Hoshikata things were even more confusing that for Akane. Never before had he had this happen. To so completely lose control like that was unheard of for him. The patriarch of the Isaki clan would take a deep breath, and then release it. Two more of these had calmed him down enough that he felt capable of responding to everything going on around him finally. It was a unique day when he was at a loss for words, he didn't like that feeling and yet knew if he had the chance to repeat the day he would do it all the same.

”I'm aware of how little a lock would do to stop you, but I didn't think you'd find my door locked and walk on in anyways. But you have a point on it being dangerous here. I am more aware of the danger than you. Still, I do not think they will come into these rooms here. To them we are a threat, and they don't know the extent of our power. They would likely sit back and wait for us to stick our heads up instead of attacking in a place we have had time to fortify. I specifically chose this hotel for the lack of bugs...and there are guardians who recognized you and would alert me to someone they did not know trying to enter.”

At his words, a presence would be felt passing through the room. To Tatsuya it would be a sensation, a spirit of a long dead warrior of honor, but Akane, with her own gifts, might even see as a spirit passed through Tatsuya and stepped out the door to stand watch. ”Remember this, my dearest friend, I am never without my own protections.”

With those words he walks to the window and pulls the curtains, letting the arrogant statue outside look in. Akane had spoken no truer words in the time he'd known her. They were ill suited to this place. Phyically for his companions and mentally for them all. ”I couldn't agree more. As soon as my business is up, we shall go. It won't be long. I merely need to meet with the Raikage to discuss this Kage Summit of his.”

Golden eyes turns back to them, lingering on Akane for a moment before hardening again. ”Both of you may as well sit, however. We're going to be here for a long time.” He chuckles and walks over to the table, lifting his glass to drain it. ”The Isaki Tongue is an ancient one, and only two people in this world know it. I think we need to increase that number. Then we can converse without anyone knowing what we're saying.”

“Are you ready?”

(OOC: Teaching the Isaki tongue!)
It was a sad day indeed when Tatsuya of all people was the most well-adjusted and emotionally healthy person in the room. Then again, he might well be the most emotionally healthy person in their entire troop, and wasn't that a charming thought.

He grinned at Akane, a touch of playfulness in his air. He could tease her some more, but there was really no point in doing so.

"My interruptions are classy, thank you very much." The grin shifted to a roguish smile. "Although I do wonder if you'd react half as well as I did if you walked in on me with someone...? Ah well, I doubt that would ever happen. I'm the soul of discretion, you know that." All of this was accompanied by a sparkle in his eyes; one didn't have to be an empath to know he was teasing lightly, without malice.

If they're actually falling in love...wonder of wonders, is it mutual? Hmm. Well, if I ever need a leg up on's doubtful, but best to keep my options open.

Especially as a counter to the moment of weakness after their mission he was now certain, upon reflection, his friend had caught. He needed a pressure point in return, since he was actually fairly certain that Hoshikata wouldn't hesitate to exploit him if he felt it necessary. He didn't begrudge that at all, but he had to keep it in mind. At the very least, he had Academy and youth stories, and telling either one of the twins was a credible threat, depending on the reaction he felt like evoking at the time. If Hoshikata cared about Akane for real, and not as part of some ruse--likely, by the way he was reacting, so caught off-guard--then certainly he would care about her opinion on him. (And Akihiko would honestly probably just cause collateral damage of all kinds.)

"Sister dear, please think strategy," he scolded lightly. "If we kill a Cloud nin in their village, even if they were the instigator, the rest would swarm us like sharks to fresh blood. Were there a headless body lying in front of you we'd have to go, and fast. Although we probably should anyway--they're jumpy, and this is not a pleasant environment."

He was, perhaps, less worn than he acted--more bored than worried, more alert than tense. It was still unpleasant. He hadn't realized how much he'd taken to freedom until he was within the chafing confines of a ninja village again.

Yes...definitely thrown off. He was subtle about his inspection, but he felt fairly sure his friend would catch it anyway. That's only good, honestly. They'll both be happy in that case. Honestly, why would I get mad at this development? I can't think of a downside to it, unless they decide to throw me out a window or something.

"I was bored," he said easily. "I'd talk to my brother, but I'm fairly sure he's asleep. I'd become acquainted with yours, but I think he may be afraid of me. And honestly, I'm happy to leave these Lightning nin to their own devices; they certainly seem to prefer it. Besides, we won't be here long enough for there to be a point, and I don't intend to cause a scandal in a paranoid country by flirting with someone who may be some obscure form of Cloud royalty. Although I must point out there's a flaw in your thinking there--they would lose little by attacking us on their own turf with their numbers and better understanding of it. If they believe we are deserters from Mist that is enough for the try."

He tilted his head and suppressed a slight shiver at the feeling of what must have been a ghost passing through him.

"I'd place seals, but I wouldn't have time to remove them if we had to leave suddenly." He tilted his head. "And I suppose so, provided you covered all of your angles, though it does little for the rest of us--particularly when we're out."

Kage Summit? A sense of foreboding rose up in him. That a bad idea. If the Kage themselves were all to meet, there would be no juicier target for any force that intended the world ill. Not to mention every village would vie to work things to their own needs, and Mist could easily do something treacherous to them. So of course he wishes to finagle his way in, yes? If such an event with potential for disaster exists, then naturally he wants to be there so we can get our best possibility out of it.

Masa probably wouldn't backstab them, but there was no telling about any of her retinue, or other elements in Mist.

He didn't voice any of this. None of it would be new speculation.

He raised an eyebrow, but nevertheless sat where offered. Hoshikata give away knowledge for free? It was intriguing, even though Tatsuya didn't fancy himself a student of languages.

"That beats developing a complicated sign language," he said flippantly. "Ah, little brother's nap will make him miss this, how sad. I take it the other is the brother you have with us, and not the one you left in Mist, yes?"
There was a mutinous look on the girl’s face as Tatsuya chided her about strategy. This wasn’t chess and she very well was good at strategy outside of the game. She didn’t voice anything out loud but he should know that one couldn’t become a medic without being good at details and at… body cleanup and she was very good at taking care of corpses if her track record was any indication. She merely let herself quietly seethe, knowing anything she said could and would be used against her by one of these two anyway so it was better to speak as little as necessary if she didn’t want a bloody headache.

She saw the presence more than the spirit itself when it was called. Akane was not one who communicated with ghosts, even with her connection with the undead, but the emotions of the deceased were very much familiar to her. It was interesting, nonetheless, whenever the dead without a body did appear. Ghosts and spectres were rare while zombies and monsters like the creation of Frankenstein was as common as can be in her life.

The girl was pleasantly surprised though as Hoshikata opted to teach them the Isaki tongue. She had really been a fool with that bet, seeing as he must have thought to teach them this in the first place. “I do hope you don’t mean the other Isaki to be Karurosu,” she said with distaste, having met that certain Isaki in the Sanatorium under unpleasant circumstances. She was somewhat glad when the medic did not join their exodus, probably a little rat traitor anyway. Taking her seat from before by the chess set, she crossed her arms. “That brother of yours make Akihiko looks like a shining pillar, if I do say so myself.”

Speaking of the devil, er, boy, Akihiko popped his head in through the unlocked door with a grumble. He looked quite peaky and scanned the room, having felt her twin sister’s presence there along with a certain Isaki. But, seeing their elder brother with them, the twin brother relaxed a little before asking: “Why wasn’t I invited to this party, huh?” Not that he needed an invitation as he walked in and leaned on one of the walls. “So, mind telling me what I missed? Did the Cloud nin attack you guys or something?” he asked more questions with a tilt of his head.
”Well, I suppose my room is about to become the Shoukyou Refuge. Come in, and shut the door behind you.” He wasn't annoyed at the presence of Akihiko now that Tatsuya had ruined the mood, but he was growing more annoyed at the fact that a closed door apparently meant little to his companions. He half expected Temujin to come walking in and pretending his owned the place any moment now. Then again, he would welcome that since he did have some business to discuss with him...

Hoshikata walks over to a cabinet and opens it, pulling out an old tome with flaking leather binding. This he sets reverently before those before him and opens it up, smiling to those now in the room. ”This tongue is old, but the syntax is quite simple. There is no unique conjugation or swapping of nouns and verbs. In fact, it's very similar to Mizugo in that it's almost entirely just a translation of words, since the two sprung up around the same time. Now, we'll start simple. I is Usstan. Moving on...”

The lesson was a long one, and indeed the sun had set outside before he was confident that they had absorbed some of the knowledge. While one certainly didn't pick up a new language in one sitting, they should atleast be able to speak pidgin Isaki for the moment. He would follow up in the coming days with more lessons and have them speaking it as naturally as they did Mizugo or the common tongue.

”That's enough for the day. I've heard so much of my own tongue that I grow weary of hearing it.” He looked tired, for indeed teaching could tire him greatly. Hoshikata walks to his chair and slumps more than sits in it, sighing and rubbing a hand down his face. ”Any questions?”

"Not at all, brother," Tatsuya said, with a slight smile. "I'm sure Akane can give you the full story later." His cheek would still be slightly red from the slap mark, but he knew it would heal fairly quickly. Probably before the afternoon was out in fact.

He was unsurprised to see him there, honestly. Where one twin went the other could easily follow, if they felt like it that was. And obviously they felt like it.

He quirked an eyebrow at Hoshikata. Really, what did he expect them to do, wander around aimlessly in a village full of people that jumped at their very presence? After that, there wasn't exactly a lot to do in a hotel. Besides, they didn't have a whole lot to hide from each other. Well. All right, they probably did, but nothing any of them would do in a hotel room anyway.

"That would be our fourth language, of a sort," he said lightly, thinking of the seals their clan used that did not quite comprise a whole language, but most of the useful bits of one. "Although I suppose people don't really speak one of them. Why not, I've nothing better to do."

He assumed by the lack of response or invitation that it was indeed Temujin who already knew the language, and not the apparently-lamentable other Isaki brother, who was still back in Mist of all things. Or else it was going to be very awkward when the rest of them started conversing in it.

Tatsuya was decently good with his tongue--innuendo intended--and not half as book dumb as he'd ever pretended to be at the Academy, not to mention the similarity in structure made it easier than a full other language would have been. So at the end of it, he shrugged.

"Not really. It's all memorization from here. Which will come with time." He paused. "Temujin knows it, right? We didn't just make the rest of this trip awkward?"
Akane had a displeased look on her face when their inquiries about which brother knew the language was left unanswered. While Tatsuya meant to take that as a sign not to worry, thinking that it was Temujin who knew it, she still thought it may have been that Karurosu kid. The displeased look was also because of the fact that she was not looking forward to explaining what happened here and she was pretty sure she’d have to omit a few, a couple of things from her twin for all their sake’s.

She was already here anyway and had asked to be taught this. So thinking she would leave during the lesson would be daft. Akihiko decided to park his butt too and listen in, definitely interested. But, by the time the lesson had ended, he was having a hard time really focusing, listening with half an ear and mostly looking outside the window.

Nau,” the twin sister said with a shake of her head. No, she didn’t have any questions considering it seemed simple enough if you already knew Mizugo. As Tatsuya said, it was mainly memorization from that point on and Hoshikata was an acceptable teacher, compared to reading through numerous scrolls in the Kirigakure library to even get an idea of the water cipher.
He nods at their acknowledgement and lack of questions. Akane's use of the language to respond made him blink at her for a moment. He was quite tired, but he still had something he wanted to speak with her about. Something he did not want her brothers to hear. Still, he didn't think she would like it if he just booted the other two out.

A glass of water is poured and drank before he finally rises from his chair and begins stretching his arms and legs to work out the kinks in them. ”Well, now we can talk to each other without others overhearing. I don't suggest you talk in this tongue around Karu without concern, however. He knows it, and he's liable not to tell you he does. In fact, should we lay eyes on him again, don't talk in it period.”

Always the schemer, he knew his brother was likely to hide his knowledge of it just to get something on his friends. Karu had been learning from him, he did not doubt, but he did doubt that his brother had learned all of the tricks he would need to outsmart the patriarch of the Isaki. Just the thought of his Karu, the clansman he'd left behind, caused a pang of something from it. Not sadness, not regret. Anger, perhaps.

He looks to the three before him, and as his eyes settle on Akane, he mentally shrugs. ”Well, it's been a long night. Akane, I would like to discuss something with you. In private.”
Tatsuya raised an eyebrow and contemplated silently. The fact that Karurosu wasn't with them wasn't an immediate red flag, but he had remembered how Hoshikata had insisted to Masa that his younger brother not have access to any of the family businesses or properties. That, combined with this, made him wonder if he was one of the reasons they'd left Mist. Certainly he wasn't on their side.

If he wants us to dispose of the kid...well. I suppose we might end up doing that, hm? It's not like Hoshikata to let such a thing lie, if that is the case. And certainly not following with his family is enough of a mark of treachery. I think Karurosu's days may be numbered, and that number might not exceed the next time we see him...

Of course, he wasn't a hired goon, so he'd only do that if it became necessary and he agreed with the judgement, or if Hoshikata somehow became in actual need of his assistance.

He gave Hoshikata a silent look. If there was anyone else he could actually trust his sister with, it was her fiancé. Tatsuya had little care for 'virtue' so long as everyone involved agreed to it, and he did, somewhat, trust his friend to keep her safe. Particularly now he knew that safety was actually being taken into consideration. So he nodded and stretched.

"Good idea. It's getting rather late, so I think I'm just going to grab a bite to eat before heading to bed." He looked at Akihiko significantly. "Maybe you should do the same, brother? We can leave these two alone."

[Topic Left]
To hear her thoughts be confirmed about Karurosu being the brother to know this language made the girl frown. So Temujin did not know it and the brat did? Well, that was a problem wasn’t it, especially when the kid didn’t seem particularly loyal to his family with how he stayed behind in Kirigakure during the mass exodus. The twins did not know of the fact that Hoshikata refused to give any of the properties to the younger brother but their initial meeting in the Sanatorium was enough for a dislike to build for the young Isaki.

Akane had to raise a brow though as Hoshikata tried to discreetly remove his brothers from the room. “But…” Akihiko did look apprehensive at leaving his sister with the Isaki at first but, trusting his elder brother’s judgement, nodded and perked up. “Um, sure, let’s check out the restaurant down the block, Tats, yeah?” he said, shooting a look at Akane and rolled his shoulders casually.

The female give him a small smile and a nod of his own, deciphering the hidden message behind that small gesture. “Buy me something too okay? You know what I like,” she hummed, watching as her two brothers headed out the door before looking back at her betrothed with a questioning glance. “You wanted to discuss something then,” she said, straight to the point before retaking her seat from before, taking a look at the chess board they played with before and taking note of the pieces briefly.

  • OutOfCharacter | Marked for Training at 251 Words
As Tatsuya looked silently, Hoshikata would look back. Akihiko's short protest was noted and ignored as the elder pulled the younger along out of the room. Those golden eyes watch as they leave, as Akane saw them out and retook her seat. Then the smile on his face slowly fades to a look of concentration as he watches her, noting every minute movement. The twitch of facial muscles to move her lips and jaw, the way she sat and her posture, how she held her limbs whilst sitting. Everything was a clue. But this was a puzzle he was unsure he was going to be solving now. This puzzle might infact be better left unsolved, but Hoshikata was not a man to leave something behind like this. For the moment he would consider his response, and finally sigh and give one.

”Indeed I did. First, however, I note some apprehension at the mention of Karu knowing the tongue. This is a problem for us, one I intend to resolve on our next stop to Mist. For the moment, I ask that if you don't trust me on it then don't worry about it. He's there, and can cause no trouble for us here.” One hand rises and he rests his chin in it as he leans forward to peer at her, eye to eye. In truth Karu could cause them trouble, but only if he knew where they were and what they were up to. At the moment he didn't know either, so while he was a wild card in the plans he was one without a knife to attack. Hoshikata didn't think him worth worrying over yet, and so he wouldn't do such. Let him linger in Mist without his family to back him.

”I'm not a man given to powerful emotions, Akane. I am in control at all times. And yet, twice now, with you that has proven not to be the case. I have let feelings, feelings I am unfamiliar with, overwhelm me. This can be quite distracting and a cause for concern for most people.” One in the ruins, a passion and jealousy had arisen in him. And again tonight he felt that passion, and something warm than he hadn't felt in years. He liked thinking he was not given to passions, but perhaps he had instead not found the things to invoke that passion in him. If she did so it would be interesting, but would also beg the question of why she would do so now when she never had before. Hoshikata had seen her bewitch a prison guard, a trick he could not do. Perhaps.....

”But I am not concerned, which actually creates more confusion for me. I must ask, have you enchanted me with some magic as you did the guard in that prison?”
The girl tried to ignore how the man stared at her, as she rested her elbows and linked her fingers together in front of her face. Her brows furrowed in thought, dislike for the boy growing as she sighed. As much as it was disgusting to have to make an enemy out of someone related to you, she had no doubt that Hoshikata would have to do so with Karurosu if push came to shove.

The first law to any long standing, powerful clan was the law of family. Honour friends and allies and be wary of your enemies but family is the source of all things, remember that. When no one else, friends, colleagues, village, can shelter and protect you, your family will. When love is lost in other places due to disagreements and differences, family will be there with open minds and doors. When it is you against the world, family will be behind you as your strength as you are theirs. There should be no place for selfishness in the family unless there is no other choice…

“I will trust you with that matter, Hoshikata-kun. And I will extend a helping hand if need be, for the safety and future of our clans, as I’m sure my brothers will too,” she nodded, crimson eyes looking up into those ethereal gold ones head on. Just one word of agreement amongst them and she was sure she and her brothers could cut off the poisonous branch if the Isaki himself was unwilling or unable to do so.

Akane had to blink though, at her betrothed’s next words. Was he… was he, in fact, accusing her of using a charm on him? Well, honestly, it was a logical accusation as he saw what she was able to do to that prison guard, but… She couldn’t quite hide the amused smile on her lips but was grateful as her mouth was hidden behind her linked fingers. She had to wipe the smile off as she lowered her hands then as she raised a brow again at the man. “Are you saying that, had I done what you said I did, I was able to overpower you in the mental field without even you knowing? I’m not sure whether to be insulted or to take it as praise.”
Indeed family was important, it was family to whom you could turn when the entire world was against you. Blood ran thicker than water in every tongue. But sometimes family could turn poisonous, and Hoshikata knew Karu had little reason to love his clan leader. Hoshikata had tortured the boy, physically and mentally; he had bullied him his whole life and treated him like a pawn in a grand game of chess. In truth, he felt no guilt for it either, for Karu was nothing more than a pawn. And when the pawn needed to be sacrificed for the greater good of the game, you did not hesitate to put it in a position where it could not recover.

”I'm merely asking if you have, not saying you have. While I pride myself on keeping my mind mine, I'm not so arrogant as to think my defenses impregnable. So it has come to this: either you have found some way into my mind and have put a charm upon me, or I must accept that you are having a rather unique effect on my behavior.” A very unique one. Maybe it was just that she didn't want his money, or want the power he could be seen to have. Hoshikata had long ago been trained by his parents to bury his feelings, to not feel them. That training had lasted decades, shaping him into the thing he was this day. That training had led to him killing them both to attain the power to kill a god. That training had never faltered until now.

”Of course, if you had you would never say yes. But, if you had you would also feign innocence at this point instead of amusement. So you have not.” He leans back in his chair and takes in a deep breath as he begins to think. So his mind was still his own, and she had not wormed into that. That meant that something far more subtle, and far more dangerous to him, was going on here. In all his years he had locked down emotions. Hoshikata did not love. He did not feel sympathy or compassion. He was not, to put it succinctly, a good person. But something was changing because of this woman before him.

He was feeling emotions again.

”If that is the case, then I think we need to get something out of the way. I have a good many secrets. Things not even my best friend, your dear brother, is aware of.” The Seer rises from his chair and walks over to her, sitting closer to her. The smell of her was suddenly in his head but he brushed the thought away and spoke once more. ”Those secrets are going to come out sooner or later if our relationship progresses. So, I'm going to give you an out for some of them. Anything you wish to know, ask. But, in return, I wish the same from you.”

Current Ninpocho Time:
