Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Time To Play The Game (Private)

In all honesty, the Isaki was doing much the same to the Shoukyou. It says a lot about the difference between them that he would admit to it and she wouldn’t, not yet. Albeit she did not have the exact same training as Hoshikata did, she and her twin went through a similar one to keep control of their Empathic abilities after all. One had to learn to move amongst the currents of other people’s emotions without drowning in it whilst controlling one own’s emotions to not let it crash like a wave over others. She supposed… that he was getting to her like he did because she couldn’t quite use her brother as an anchor for such an intimate emotion. That was a more comforting thought, rather than thinking it was slipping through her defences because of how strong the feeling was.

Akane had to look away though, at mention of secrets. He was offering her answers to any question she would ask him… but only if she responded in kind. It was tempting… but; “I would rather let secrets lie as they are and only let them rise when it is the proper moment,” she said, looking back at Hoshikata with a small smile and a tilt of her head. Oh, sure, she was curious but the exchange had the possibility of not being all that fair. She might ask something he would easily divulge to her brother and ask something she would be hesitant to share in return or the other way around. Besides, she still had some secrets she wanted to keep close to her chest.

“I think, in a relationship such as ours, everything should happen in due course, if at all,” she added, as a form of explanation. She folded her hands over her lap and looked at Hoshikata as if she was searching for something. What that meant, she would not say, as she continued: “But I assure you, I have not charmed you nor attempted to do so like I would others. And I do not really have anything specific I wish to know, no.” She wouldn’t bother if that was the case, forced, false love, even if it is for an arranged marriage. Besides, the effort it would take and the repercussions of such actions were appaling.
He sits silent as she rejects the offer, his smile coming back. Full of surprises, this one, and he knew he wouldn't be solving the puzzle that was Akane so easily. Still, he hadn't expected her to say yes, and indeed was looking more at how she said no than what her answer was. If she had agreed, well he most certainly would have taken advantage of that to find out what he wished to know, but he thought he could do that easily enough in other ways without having to resort to a silly game. And there was one question he did want to know either way.

”Very well. But may I ask you to answer a question anyways? Just one. When we were in the ruins the other night, and we were talking. You brought up Koroki...and responded to my jealousy with a mix of anger and embarassment.” Once more he leans in to her, his voice dropping just slightly as he speaks his next words. ”But I did not voice my jealousy. And while I know I am not perfect, I don't think it would be written on my face, as it were.” Indeed, his only reaction to it that night had been cutting his eyes up to her own.

Then, as usual, his face was frozen in a mask, something so easy for him to do. But somehow she'd known what he was thinking. ”So, I ask this. How did you know what was going through my mind?” He had heard of only a few people capable of reading thoughts. Many had some demonic history in them, or touched by beings of the void. He doubted Akane was either of those. That still left the question of just what she was, in fact. She could tell what he felt, or thought, or something. It was a gift that not just he, but their entire group, could use if needed, much as the whole group unknowingly benefitted right now from his political ties and his ability to read people through means mundane and supernatural.

Oh he had no intention of using her, indeed if he'd been thinking clearly enough he would be alarmed by that fact. But he was not, and he had no thoughts about how she could be useful to him personally. Instead he was worried about their group, about the company he was now keeping, leading. He was feeling a burden he had never felt even when he led an entire village. He was feeling like a leader, and for the first time in his life realizing it meant more than just himself.
The question catches her off guard and it takes her but a moment to recover. She thinks, a while of how to say it, for even if their Empathy was no great secret, it wasn’t one she usually shared with those who did not already know of it. The girl thinks once, twice and thrice before humming: “Why don’t I show you instead of telling you?” she says, reaching out a hand to take a hold of his. And she waits to see if he would retreat his hand but thinks he is brave, much braver than she and thinks he would not do so.

And she closes her eyes, mentally letting down her emotional barriers which seemingly ages her a few years in an instant, as the onslaught of emotions attempt to take her away. Sometimes, she would think it like a great ocean but, after so long with barriers up, it becomes great whirlpools, trying to pull her along, twisting and turning and spinning at dizzying speeds. But she has mastered her Empathy long before and she sorts out the current and eases its flow. The Emotional Torque of the world, as one could call it, flows through her chakra and she feeds a portion of it through her hand to Hoshikata’s so that he can feel a fraction of what she does. It is not in the body but in the soul or essence of what has life.

She focuses her Empathy, not letting herself and the Isaki to an extent, by all the people around them, even if they were all separated by walls. Akane focuses first on her brother, the nearest, as they exit the hotel and, as she was in tune with her twin the most, it was easy to sense, feel, see the emotions in the boy although it was not as simple as that as humans and their emotions were complex things. Happiness, excitement, playfulness predominantly spun and spun around her mirror image before she pulled away and focused on someone else, going as far away to a Cloud nin on the other side of the building, paranoia, fear, aggression lurked in the heart of this one. Empathy was both a beautiful and ugly thing.

Slowly, Akane lets go of Hoshikata’s hand and puts it back on her lap, opening her eyes and setting up her mental barriers once more, closing herself off from the sea of emotion as effectively as an Empath possibly could. She tilts her head slowly, as if adjusting to the physical world; “I did not know exactly what was going through your mind. But I could guess,” she laughs. The mind was not an open book for one to read anyway, even with those of the mind rending techniques of the fabled demon clans. Nothing was that simple. She blinks once more, finally grounding herself to this reality again and takes in a deep breath. "Does this mean I can ask you something as well?"
As she takes his hand, indeed he does not retreat but lets her take hold without anything more than one eyebrow rising over the other. He’d expected words, but actions were louder than words and one could explain much more in much less time than if they tried to talk about it. He watches her, his eyes studying her features as she closes her eyes. These Shoukyou were certainly a clan that was easy on the eyes, and here he’d thought he’d never seen another beautiful thing in this world. And then the floodgates open.

A surge of emotions hits him, and he can only guess their source to be the woman before him. A brief impression of her brother flashes into his mind before he’s nearly overwhelmed by the cat-like nature of the man’s emotions. As if the world were a game, and he was the one playing it. This was certainly a unique gift to have, something he had never experienced in his time in this world. He could guess what people felt through their spirits and their physical cues, but she could go right to the source. If that had been all Hoshikata would likely have not paid too much mind to this demonstration however, due to limited uses. But it was not all.

He got the impression of another, one he did not know, before the negativity floods him. If her brother had nearly taken him down, this one was trying to erase who he was. The muscles in his neck suddenly tighten and bulge as sweat breaks on his forehead. While his mind was locked tight, the touch between them was a gateway in that this emotion was using. I am not this man. The thought flashed through his mind with a sudden clarity. I am Isaki. I am the successor of a god. I am a god.

By the time she raised her mental barriers, he had already beaten back the tide himself, and the sweat was quickly drying from his skin. He would watch her open her eyes and frown slightly. She dealt with much more than he had ever given her credit for. He wondered for a moment if Tatsuya was even aware of what she could do. ”Indeed you may. Fair would be fair, after all.” If she wanted the secrets out slowly, then he would not rush them, but he would not hide either.

He was growing tired of hiding.
She could still feel the emotions clearer than usual, the stubborn things trying to slip in through the floodgates, and she feels the Isaki’s weariness. “I should have warned you; I apologize,” she says, although she is impressed, knowing that a lesser person, one with weaker will would have a harder time getting over the experience. It could have been considered a test of sorts whilst being the answer to his question. And, had she intended it to be a test, she could see that the man passed beautifully, to be able to compose himself in such a way.

Akane could remember days as a child when both she and her twin lacked the control they had now. There were days where one, if not both of them, would lose themselves to the emotional torque, the currents of the world and either be an empty husk of a person or a raving mad lunatic, trying to kill anyone who got close depending on how the emotions ran then. Those days were rare but, when they did happen, it was horrible and painful to children who could not understand it yet, for children who had to feel every single thing those around them felt when they used to be unable to do so. It took more than ten years to have the control they did now.

Thinking that the time she had given him was fully sufficient for him to be grounded, the smile dropped from her face into a look of seriousness. “I would like to know what you plan with the family, both yours and mine,” she asked, no, stated firmly and without hesitation. Others would perhaps question as to why she was asking what he planned as well with the Shoukyou clan as it was brother Tatsuya’s duty to lead them but the two clans were intertwined now more than ever. She wouldn’t begrudge it against the Isaki patriarch if he asked the same question to the Shoukyou heir.
One day he might tell her how close he'd come to the edge that night, but for now he wouldn't. Instead he watches her grow serious, and at her question he pauses and furrows his brows as he thinks on it. Their exodus had been rushed, and when the Isaki had left they had nowhere in mind to go, merely an idea to get out of that village. Hoshikata had led them, as he always would lead them, on their chosen path because he felt it the right one. Mist had become something different, something vile. The Shoukyou joining them had been a surprise, pleasant but unexpected nontheless.

”Honestly, I don't have any plans for our families at the moment. I fully expect them to get to Moon, and settle in. I can promise you that my own family is going to begin trying to buy the village out from under its own feet, but that would just be my kin being their usual selves and not some ulterior motive on my part. I'm not too concerned with the clans as a whole so long as they don't go starting a war with the locals and manage to behave themselves properly.”

“I am more concerned with those following me on this small journey instead. You, your brothers and my own brother. I am very concerned on what we're going to aim for. The reason I came to Cloud was to get a feel for the Raikage. I also wished to learn as much as I could about the people of this village, about the history and the culture, so if I ever do end up as an enemy, I know where to hit to make it hurt. And if I ever need an ally, I know what words to say to twist them into such. I asked you all to accompany me because it suited my purposes at the time to have comrades to give a show of power. Now....I have different reasons for wanting you all with me.”

“And then there are my plans for Moon. I'm sure your brother has some idea of them already, but certainly he isn't seeing the big picture. There is going to be a meeting between the four Kages. I intend to make Moon the place of that meeting. It's a neutral zone, and if I can oversee it, then I can keep the conversations and decisions aimed at something that would help us more than not.”

He rises from his chair and goes to the window, opening the curtain, then the pane itself to let in some cooler air. ”We're going to be weak before we get strong. I intend to cultivate as much goodwill as I can so that if someone does attack us, there are people to help remind them why it's a bad idea. Once we're able to stand on our own feet, then I can use those ties to keep us in an advantageous position with the other villages.”

He turns around to face her, his face a study in seriousness for once. ”This is how I think, Akane. Always thinking of how to use things to help me. How to abuse things to get my way.” The sound of his boots on the floor would be loud in his own ears as he walks to her and drops to one knee before her, his hand seeking her own out. ”Except when I'm thinking of you.”
As far as she knew, the plan had been to resettle both clans on the island of Moon. The side trip to Cloud had been a welcome surprise… if it weren’t for their lukewarm welcome. She knew that their travels might be the last she would see the outside world. Whilst she was a shinobi of Mist, she was mostly dedicated to her country and to her family. But now that they will be in a new home, she will have to focus on her family more especially as this marriage would extend it towards the Isaki clan. Moving to new territory was worrisome though, knowing they wouldn’t have the same power they had in Mist. It would take a bit for them to be settled comfortably as shinobi can.

But the plan about garnering powerful allies like the Raikage, an entire village even, was very insightful indeed. “I worry about that part of your plan, seeing how they treat us here,” she chuckled with a small shake of her head. It would take a lot of effort to even plant the tiniest seeds of an alliance with these Kumo nin. Succeed in it though, it wouldn’t matter if they weren’t one of the great shinobi villages. “But I can see what you’re aiming for and I do… approve of it. It would be best to make sure we don’t have enemies of great number. I take it that this means we’ll be visiting the other countries too.”

Her face softens whereas he is serious though and she returns his gaze steadily. That way of thinking, some would find it villainous but she found it admirable. There was resourcefulness, cunning and cleverness, ambition and determination, self preservation and power. Anyone could be great but it would take the will to do what one must, even if one has to do despicable things, in order to achieve true greatness.

She takes his hand, grasping it with both of hers and smiles down at him beatifically. “I appreciate it, Hoshikata-kun. And know that I do not shun you because of your way of thinking,” she whispered, lifting his hand and laying it where her heart would be. “I hope you will allow me to be by your side through all this. I wish to see where it will all go and wish for your success.”
This whole situation with Akane was something new to him, something so completely and wholly without precedent in his life; a long life full of social interaction that had never once resulted in his getting this close to someone on an emotional level. He had been somewhat nervous during his revelation of how his mind worked to this woman, and her approval of it removed that nervousness and replaced it with a satisfied feeling. Someone had accepted Hoshikata for who he was as a person and not who he was as a figure. Being new ground, he wasn't entirely certain how to go from crawling to running here, but he was similarly not the type to flounder about when he could simply do what he did best. He would talk, and let the words come as easily as ever for him.

”Their actions so far were those of caution, and gave away a weakness in their thought. I had no doubt that they'll listen to the words I say, however. And even should the Raikage not believe them, his people will.” As he spoke to her, he felt her heartbeat going softly in the palm of his hand, and he was suddenly aware of the warmth of her body transferring to his limb from that contact. He was aware of how close he was becoming to this woman, and the irony of it compared to the distance they'd been at only a few weeks ago. Still his gaze met her own, golden eyes peering into red. Everything was coming in sharper to him right now. ”And yes, we must go to Leaf and Sand also. Otherwise, there are likely those who will see us in our new home and feel threatened. They will attack. We cannot have that.”

He wanted to kiss her again, to press his lips against her own and drink her in, but something held him back. He felt this was the wrong time for it, perhaps, or simply that the one earlier had been enough for the moment. Instead of doing so he would simply stay still and look at her as he took in her words, and finally after a long moment of silence he would close his eyes and take in a deep breath. ”I would rather you be nowhere else. And it will not be my success. All of us will have our parts in this, and we will share in the achievement of it.” Indeed, the five of them would be a team, if he had anything to say about it. And when in a team, glory was not to the one but the whole.
Akane hummed contently, hearing how Hoshikata made excuses for the Kumo nin. There was such a thing as caution but there was also diplomacy and manners and being civil. They had done none of that, as far as she was concerned, and it made them seem like lessers to her. A better shinobi would be able to be cautious yet be seemingly civil at the same time without showing all that… bravado, as they might put it, or show of force. At the very least, they should have tried to hide their presence and be there to watch but not interfere unless necessary. There was a thing called Stealth too.

A home though… if all this was necessary to protect it, then she will give her all in this endeavour. If she must go to Leaf and Sand, to the four corners of the world, then she will. And to know that it is expected her to be there, it only fuelled the fire of her resolve. “I will do my best then and hope I will not hold you back,” she smiled, lowering their hands and patting the top of Hoshikata’s before she stood up.

She let his hand fall from hers as she slowly made her way to the door. It was getting late into the day and she had far extended her stay from the original invitation. Besides, she ought to make sure her brothers weren’t in any sort of trouble. “I’m… afraid I must take my leave, Hoshikata-kun. I’m sure there are things you must be doing as well,” she said, formally once more, if it weren’t for how bright her smile was. “I look forward to the days to come with you,” she added with a small bow of her head, leaving without another word.
  • OutOfCharacter | Marked for Training at 300 Words and Topic Left
He watched as she left the room, feeling a sudden lack of her. How odd that in the short time of the exodus they had gone from a cold distance to this. Hoshikata rises from his position on the floor and walks to the door, locking it. Sure, Tatsuya could get in easily enough, but with the Seer alert and not tonsil deep in his fiancee, he would find the Isaki leader much less forgiving than before about such things.

Besides, he needed to sleep.

(Topic left)

Current Ninpocho Time:
