Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Titans Can't Keep Me Here [Force Exit]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Date: Thursday
Time: 6:32 AM
Location: Titan's Keep
Info: This thread takes place after the Modded Mission I'm doing.​

It had been bothering him for quite some time. That group of strangers and what they he had overheard them discussing had been consistently popping back up into his head. His nagging suspicion of people was getting the better of him. Making his way back to the exit of the village to which he truly didn't belong, Kagemaru once more, simply walked away. He'd gone through a small ordeal with Ginjiro and had been paid quite handsomely for his efforts so now Kagemaru was rocking a newly bought outfit that resembled a monk's robe. Long flowing white sleeves with a black satin trim on the end, and his pants were similar in color but bunched at his knees where the black satin wrappings were. His ragged blindfold was now replaced by a black silk one and any signs of dirt on his body had been washed away and heavily cleaned in a bath house. One could consider him a newly reborn man. Though in this village he still held little to no identity which was entirely fine with him. Very few people knew his true identity in Leaf, and he was happy with that. Fewer people knew who he was in this Stone village. His business with Kuroyuki would have to wait until later. The two of them had already set up date for him to help her with whatever problem she had.

He was off to Moon Country. He didn't know exactly what was in store for him there, but being the inquisitive type that he was, he was sure that there would be plenty of information to gather there. Kage wasn't entirely convinced that the men going about what they talked about were the right ones for the job, but he'd at least make sure they weren't harming anyone who didn't exactly deserve it. He cared little for regime changes, or assisting with a coup. Those were politics and pens. Kagemaru was no politician and he was most assuredly a sword. Kagemaru didn't consider him a hero in the slightest regard. If the entire group proved to be too much for him to handle, then he'd have to take them out another way. The one named Akkuma seemed to be the ring leader in all that chaos. Kage would focus on him for the time being but the others he'd met that day were potentially even more dangerous. The man with the Sharingan, Akechi. His eyes were powerful indeed. However, the one with the Rinnegan was even more a mystery. At least with the sharingan, Kagemaru had an inkling of what to expect, but he'd only heard rumors of what a Rinnegan could do. And those rumors were terrifying. The woman that was there held no doujutsu that he could tell but being in the company of two extremely powerful doujutsu users, and a demon, he assumed she was just as strong in her own way.

A truly terrifying group of people they were and every time he thought of them, a small shiver ran through him spine. It was an odd feeling of unease that he'd not felt in nearly a decade. He was alone on this one as he dared not ask Ginjirou for help. The boy had seen enough death for now. Kage would let him be to his own devices. He knew no one else but Kuroyuki and she was busy with her own things. So he was alone. Ironically it was how he preferred it to be when he went on missions, but this one seemed particularly out of his league. And considering his league was very high, that was saying something.

For now, he would focus on exiting the village. Security had been increased since he'd last been here. More guards posted upon the various points on the walls and he could see practically all of them. Though if they proved to be as inattentive as they were when he entered, then it didn't matter how many they had.

[S Rank, Run time = 30 minutes + Alert Level 2 = 90 Minutes total run time.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
All things considered, Endo really ought to have been doing everything but handling gate duty. He had Souji for that, along with a few other important people on his payroll. Heck, thinking about it now, that payroll was starting to look ever so close to being defunt now that folks weren't liking the fact that he did more desk work than training. Wait, who was that! "You there, a word for a moment?" He tried to stop the guy but there was no guarantee that he could.

ooc: on my cellphone.

S-rank run time 30 minutes = caught


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Date: Thursday
Time: 6:35 AM
Location: Titan's Keep​

There wasn't too much Kage could say when he was stopped. He knew full well that many places like this had entry and exit procedures, so when the stranger stopped him, he simply turned to the voice of the man that called out to him, and with with an inquisitive look on his blindfolded face, Kagemaru responded flatly:

I assume you mean me... He was mildly annoyed at being halted, but he didn't much care for making a beeline out of the gates. He already shouldn't have been in the village from the get go, but what were they going to do if they found that out? Kick him out of the village? He was already on his way out so that notion only seemed all the more unlikely. His current assumption was that he was being stopped as a routine check. Nothing to be up at arms about so he would remain calm during the current situation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sliding an earthy toned hand to adjust his glasses, Endo dropped the hood of the cloak that he was wearing and smiled at the individual before him. With a polite nod of his head he immediately got to the point of his stopping the man. "I'm terribly sorry for stopping you on your travels but I've a question that's been bugging me for the longest." The confessional seemed to roll off of his tongue as if he had been languishing the fact. Shaking his head as if he'd questioned if it was indeed a good idea to go on or not he went further. "Is it better to be loved or feared? Simple, no, and yet I can barely sleep for fear of finding out that my own conclusion is far from the best path." Wait, he hadn't exactly asked the man his name and here he was pestering him with philosophical inquires. Slapping his palm to his face he groaned. "Oh how rude of me, I never introduced myself. Tsuchikage Inu Endo, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Mr . . . " The question was harmless enough but Endos emerald eyes passively scanned the mans face for any feature of a frown. Offending people just wasn't his personal idea of good people skills.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Date: Thursday
Time: 6:36 AM
Location: Titan's Keep

The man was odd indeed. The question he posed to Kagemaru was seemingly out of the blue but Kage chalked it up to happenstance as the world was vast and it was filled with all kinds of people. However as it turned out, he was also the Kage of this would be village. Something that Kagemaru would or SHOULD know if he were to continue his facade. Though now that he knew the mans status it may or may not have become infinitely more difficult to leave this village with ease. But for now, Kage would play along with this odd Kage. A polite smile in response to his introduction, Kagemaru would respond with

Are there many who don't know who you are Mr.Tsuchikage? He asked in a way that insinuated that Kage already knew who Inu Endo was. After all, if Kagemaru was a villager then this should be common knowledge wouldn't it?

At any rate, its a pleasure to meet you in person. I'm no one of significant importance. You can call me Kuromaru. Using an old family name to mask his true identity, Kagemaru would go on and answer his question.

As far as your question goes... why not both? Your enemies should fear you and your subjects should love you. I believe thats key in any lasting position. For every one person below you that supports you, your foundation is that much more solidified then if you were alone. And though people may feign support through force, or fear as it were, that support is weak and easily broken through an equal amount of fear or force. But support through admiration is a far stronger bond. Ah... I've begun to ramble and its far too early in the morning for such philosophical discussions. Letting out a small yawn, then excusing himself he would stretch a bit before continuing.

I've got a bit of traveling to do but I'd be more then happy to continue upon my return Mr.Tsuchikage. He had already done too much by indulging the Tsuchikage's question in the way that he did but the damage was done. Hopefully if he steered the conversation into him leaving the man would wave him off in hopes of finishing their conversation later.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Endo chuckled to himself. "You'd be surprised how many people mistake me for another brown face in the crowd. I much rather prefer it this way honestly." Listening to this Kuromaru speak though, he had a valid point, the only problem was that Endo himself was between the very greatest of rocks and hard places. "You know, you make a good point. There was a time in which I was feared on the battlefield but all of this paper pushing has made people forget and now all they do is moan about how I'm not seen versus recognizing the fact that the land in and of itself is in a relatively peaceful time period." Pondering over the fact he shook his head and dismissed his first thought which was to do the reverse of what Kuromaru suggested. Realizing the subtle hint of timeliness, Endo allowed the man to be on his way. "Alas, won't hold you much longer. Thank you for your time. Travel with the safely swift." With that, he nodded respectfully and went on his way. Now he himself needed a vacation.

OOC: Topic left, Kagemaru allowed to leave.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Date: Thursday
Time: 6:36 AM
Location: Titan's Keep​

A temporary hitch in his exit, but all seemed to be going well. He'd heard little of this Tsuchikage, but it seemed the man was troubled. As they were about to part ways, Kage would reply to his parting messages in kind then be about his day.

Anonymity can sometimes be a great tool. Especially for those with the mind to use it correctly. And if people believe you to be weak, simply prove them wrong. Shouldn't be that difficult for the Tsuchikage? But maybe after my trip to Moon, we can come back to this subject lord Tsuchikage. Fare well. With that, Kagemaru made his way out of the country and followed the chakra trail of Akechi to wherever it was leading him.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
