Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

To Find An Apprentice {Free RP REQ Students}

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: Come play! I promise I won't bite! Reward for participation will be seals for every Academy Student! {A little incentive for you guys} You don't have to be students! Even if your a chuunin or jounin coming to keep an eye on a foreign shinobi that's cool! ^_< look forward to roleplaying with you!
Akkuma sat at an empty table that was reserved specifically for himself and what he hoped would be at least one guest. You see the demon had left a series of flyers all over the village in key points, such as the Academy and main plaza districts. The demon had about five minutes to kill until it was the time designated on the flyers, sighing he asked for three glasses and purchased two bottles the Ramen Inns finest Sake along with a bottle of Apple juice that been chilled. Next he uncorked one of the bottles and poured himself a glass of Sake, he gulped the glasses contents down in one go. Refilled it placing the glass down on the table in front of him, lighting up a smoke the demon inhaled a long deep breath. Letting out a long satisfied sigh 'Surely it won't be that hard...' he thought to himself quelling the nerves that had tried to sway him from his path.

After all training pupils was a tricky task let alone finding ones who wanted a foreign shinobi as their sensei. But Akkuma wasn't any normal sensei his methods were to say the least 'unethical' but no one could deny that he produced results. Inhaling another deep breath of the smoke placing it in the ashtray as he exhaled, it continued to burn as he retrieved multiple scrolls from a void. Lastly was a big leather bound book, the Kanji for forbidden emblazoned on the front.

Once he had set them on the table he prepared himself for what he hoped would be the arrival of a new student, possibly more then one. Picking up his now half burned smoke he took a final draw before putting the tobacco stick out in the glass ashtray. Looking into the glass of sake he sighed swirling it, before gulping down the contents. Placing the empty glass down he stood, it was time and he wanted to be standing when his guests arrived. Towering at a height of six feet and two inches, the blood red eyed half demon had a wide grin upon his face. Those razor sharp shark-like teeth were exposed in the demons best attempt to give a welcoming smile, perhaps this would be their first test. Those who came would at least need to have the heart to approach the demon, whether scared or not he would not pass them off. Everyone had limitless potential for greatness they just needed the right focus or shove of motivation. Akkuma seemed to possess a knack for giving people just that, always pushing those around him to better themselves.

Do You Seek Power? After A Sensei That Can Help You Achieve Your Dreams? Look No Further! Tonight At Six, Have A Meeting With Destiny At The 'Ramen House Of The Gods'

Miroku Akkuma ~ Demon Sage & Mercenary of the Wastes

"Now it's up to you, will you take the first step necessary to finding power? Or will you let your resolve falter and ignore your desires. Show that you can have the will necessary to succeed."
{The red is the flyers left around town}

Edited to fix auto correct error xD


Jun 12, 2014
"Do You Seek Power? After A Sensei That Can Help You Achieve Your Dreams? Look No Further! Tonight At Six, Have A Meeting With Destiny At The 'Ramen House Of The Gods'

Miroku Akkuma ~ Demon Sage & Mercenary of the Wastes

"Now it's up to you, will you take the first step necessary to finding power? Or will you let your resolve falter and ignore your desires. Show that you can have the will necessary to succeed."

“A Sensei?” Miko tasted the words in his mouth as he said them out laud. He indeed needed a sensei, after what happened the previous day at the academy. Masaru-sensei was able to stop multiple attacks simultaneously without breaking a sweat. He had prepared himself for that kick; he had a combination of strikes already in mind, all gone to waste because he set them off at the wrong time. Why was he trying so hard to aid Yukiko? He didn’t feel any attraction to her, and he didn’t see her as a friend, for he had only just met her. This day, class was just ordinary, they learned about the culture and history of the lightning country, the boring stuff.

It was time to step aside from the academy; he couldn’t leave of course, because he needed to graduate in order to become a genin. Why was this guy looking for students anyways? Miko pondered on this questions as he made his way to Susukino District.

Upon arrival, he noticed a strange man standing up beside a table. There were multiple bottle of sake on the table, and only one of apple juice, he seemed to be expecting people. “Perhaps he is the one? Why is he trying to find students anyways?” The guy had a slightly demonic look, he was the kind of guy you would not approach without a reason, but Miko was confused enough at the moment. The tome with the kanji FORBIDDEN, took his attention, perhaps he could teach something useful… something that would set him apart.

Miko wasn’t the type of guy to give in to emotions, he had his twin brother for that matter, but Jun wasn’t with him at the moment. Miko was the type of person that instead of letting his emotions lead him astray and render his focus, he would harness the power of love, hate, greed, lust, and many others to aid him in battle, for passion gave him strength, and strength lead to power, and power leads to the victory he desired.

He stopped in front of the man, and held the flyer in front of him. “Miroku Akkuma?”

Naoki Yukimura

New Member
Jun 14, 2014
Ooc: Sorry for the short post work sucks:-(,

Scanning the Dawnbringer's Plaza in the Susukino District for a place to spend his earnings from his previous E Ranked Mission Yukimura could not settle on a place to satisfy his appetite. The breeze outside was refreshing. Suddenly Yuki was slapped in the face with with a piece of paper.

Do You Seek Power? After A Sensei That Can Help You Achieve Your Dreams? Look No Further! Tonight At Six, Have A Meeting With Destiny At The 'Ramen House Of The Gods'

Miroku Akkuma ~ Demon Sage & Mercenary of the Wastes

"Now it's up to you, will you take the first step necessary to finding power? Or will you let your resolve falter and ignore your desires. Show that you can have the will necessary to succeed."


said Yuki to himself as he reread the flyer. The boy had no clue what a demon sage was, but after the events that took place at the academy the other day he needed to get stronger. The paper seemed to have been written by Miroku Akkuma. The boy began heading for the Ramen House, it was almost six. Upon arrival Yukimura saw one of his classmates Miko, who oddly enough wasn't with his twin at the moment. Miko was holding the same flyer to a man. Yuki walked over and also help up the same flyer. "Sensei?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Was this anger or was it concern that filled the Anbu's heart? Today he had forsaken his composure even for a brief moment to make his way here. Fully garbed in his Anbu gear Yuuto did not wish to give a moment's waste to allow this "Demon Sage" to do whatever it is he wished. This flyer that had been going around the village had drawn the attention of some. They ranged from old souls seeking a second chance at life, and younger ones seeking power. There were dirty men who sought to seek this man out in hopes of gaining whatever it was he's selling. Yuuto however was the difference. He was here as Zenku, loyal Anbu Soldier of Kumogakure, and this one would be damned if he allowed that demon to get his way.

The so-called proposal with Hayata Shin only brought worry to Yuuto's mind as it had not been confirmed nor denied. To allow demons and mercenaries to scurry about as if they owned the village. Was this what Kumogakure was turning into? After Juyomonji's birth there was a new insight to the dark arts. It was a realization that the powers he was dabbling in were far darker than expected. However he'd use them for the better of his Clan and his country not for himself. I can't believe this man, barely know him and he's posting things around the village. Demon Sage? Are you kidding me? Who does this prick think he is! Yuuto's mind was in a fit as his thoughts raced ferociously. Another voice one much calmer and wiser spoke in his head as well. It was Juyomonji, the Spirit of Rage. His mortal coil was resting within the Primoridal Realm waiting to be summoned if needed. However in a sense Juyo, was walking around throughout the shadows unseen by this world but phased by it all the same.

Calm your hand boy it's shaking far too much. As soon as you walk into this Ramen Shop he'll know that you're a foe. Coming in your Anbu gear is a bad move he'll just disguise his attempts at what he's doing. At least you're not wearing that ridiculous mask anymore. Plain ones are easier to manage.

Yuuto would begin to speak back at his spiritual passenger. Your concern is deeply appreciated but what do you expect me to do if I'm not to wear my Anbu mask? I need to solidify my position and that I am of the Anbu to apprehend him if he does something I do not like.

And what exactly has he done? Has he broken any laws that you know of? Has he maimed anyone in your presence? Kumogakure it seems has changed since my last life. We openly allow dark techniques and demons run amok. However you can't relate the half breed's deeds to his brethren although for all we know he's in line with the Demon Invasion seeking to usher it in like that old fool.

Yes possibly but as you said I have no proof. You're right but this is not something I can show up as myself. I have it... give me a moment. Yuuto would form handseals performing the transformation Jutsu to change his face to that of a burned victim and skin into that of a paler pigment. The green eyes he coveted were now a deep red disguising himself on this front was becoming somewhat easier. His body had banged up lately the and the Anbu had been sporting first aid wrap around his body as normal as it was to wear a shirt. So he tore some of the bandages off and wrapped them around his face as to play the part of a burned victim better. The Anbu mask was hidden within the cloak as the hood was brought up to cover his "black" hair.

Yuuto entered the place where this Demon Sage was going to perform his miracles along with other souls who were seeking assistance. There he was standing and awaiting people to flock. Surely the owner of this Ramen shop would not be happy but a simple generous amount of yen would not be apart of his task here. One final piece of advice came from Juyomonji before he awaited.

Do not let my visions of the Invasion tamper with your judgement. Keep calm and await this child to do his work. When you understand what it is that he is doing then you strike if need be.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma noticed a young man sizing him up before approaching him and holding up one of his flyers the youth inquired if he was Akkuma but before he could answer yet another student approached him. Calling him sensei in a hesitant way. Smiling he bowed deeply to the two youths "Indeed I am Miroku Akkuma." he said with a large grin straightening up from his bow "Please take a seat boys help yourself to the apple juice...feel free to have a perusal of the study material for today." he said with a gesture to the scrolls and tomes. Turning to walk back to the table and smiled when he felt a large source of chakra approach the doors, hearing it open he looked back. Seeing the poor sight before him he approached the table and grabbed a bottle of sake. With that he walked back to the bandaged man that had entered, stopping close enough to look into his eyes.

Handing the bottle to the man "On me friend.." he said with a small smile but his hand paused as a realisation came over him. A large grin spread across his face as he leant in close enough to whisper "I'm glad to have someone watch my teaching methods..." his words were barely audible before he placed the bottle in the shinobi's hand. Akkuma was an ex-anbu and a Dark Sage he knew a transformation when he saw one, though he could only conclude that it was perhaps an anbu sent by Shin to ensure Akkuma behaved. "Join us." he sent with a gesture before moving back to the table and sitting down. Pouring himself a drink he downed it in one "Firstly just let me ask you this...what made you come today?" he asked the three before him those blood red eyes would watch them intently as they answered. On the table before them the various scrolls had content referring in great detail experiments performed and conducted by the demon. Various work related to the Jutsu that he possessed including the ones of his own unique design. Also was the youths work on dimensions and the various beings who existed in or between dimensions. Finally his tome in which consisted all of his research in both the subject of Senjutsu Chakra and its uses in Reanimation&Curse Seals along with all of his research and writings on demons, his Jutsu for hunting them and finally an extremely detailed recounting of every experiment and death/autopsy that he performed on them along with every encounter he had with them.

"Truthfully now...what are you prepared to do for power? Are you certain that the shinobi way is the path you wish to take?"
the boys would hear the demon speaking directly to the two within a mental link he sent out to them, another technique of his own design. Plus this way they would be a able to answer honestly. Once he had heard their answers he would move one of the scrolls that contained the Jutsu he had created to the boys so they could read it.

"What I'm about to demonstrate is one of the many techniques I have created...when I lost one of my arms in a battle long ago..." Akkuma stood and placed a synthetic material mat under where he now stood. The demon gathered Senjutsu chakra as he prepared the Jutsu he had created to fix that problem. "You see using my knowledge of Senjutsu chakra and utilising my demonic genetics I'm able to regrow severed aware what your about to see is graphic but as shinobi you must adjust. I have the owners permission to do this that's why we are the only people here only those interested will be shown..." with those words he withdrew a small Tento blade from a void that appeared before his hand, with a quick flash of movement he severed his left arm. The limb falling onto the material Akkuma had placed down, blood dribbled from the arm and his shoulder. His face barely shifted from the pain he felt, for the seals caused one far more pain. Even shifting into his demonic form hurt more, black chakra began to become tangible around him. "You see Senjutsu chakra is usually a natural chakra but I directly taint it with my spiritual essence. This allows me to absorb it into my flesh and utilise it to regrow said limb. As I will now demonstrate.." as he finished speaking the wound began to extend, blood, muscle sinew, veins, bone within moments it was just a skinless arm. Finally the skin healed but the arm was a pale white even more so then his usual complexion the nails black and sharp, his skin had a marble like appearance.

"Thus my limb is regrown but the arm is more demonic due to the adaption of the demonic genetics. You see I am a half demon, most people only have demonic ancestors but my father is actually the Demon Lord Miroku. I'm a half-breed...but I guarantee you, that you will find no man who has slain as many as more...nor devoured as many souls. I don't just kill mother died at the hands of that bastard. I devour them so that they're essence is consumed..." he said with a smile producing another copy of his tome. An exact replica of the one on the table from yet another void. "As you will see I have catalogued the effects and risks with doing so." he finished speaking and opened it up to the page where it started on his Soul Devouring Jutsu and other demon related information handing it to the bandaged shinobi. Then he opened the other tome up to the same page and handed it to the boys.

With some quick hand seals the blood, arm and material all disappeared as if it had never been there, an old anbu technique he still used. "Any questions so far don't be shy.." he asked with a smile.

Custom Jutsu May Use All Of Them So Here They Are
Custom Jutsu:

1: Name of Jutsu: Miroku Clan [Archive Jutsu]

Link to Approval:

CRPJ's Effect: Creates an exact replica of any book, scrolls or tablets. Using his basic knowledge of senjutsu chakra Akkuma copies the item.

Requirement: Must have item intending to copy in users possession.

Reason why it cannot be used in battle:
It takes complete concentration and for one to focus their senjutsu chakra in a more higher level than usual. Maintaining the focus required would prove impossible in battle.

2: Name of Jutsu: Corpse Messenger no Jutsu [Demon Sage Jutsu] [Requires Dead Soul Technique/Corpse Soil/Jutsu Creator]

CRPJ's Effect: Allows Akkuma to use corpses as messengers using a seal to store Senjutsu chakra. The seal ensures that the corpse does not decay until the destination is reached. Unless battle is initiated in which case the seal senjutsu flow is interrupted and the corpse decays at an extreme rate, reaching full decomposition in a matter of seconds.

Example RP of how it will be used: Akkuma needed to report back to Masa however he still hadn't finished all of his 'personal' tasks. Summoning a corpse Akkuma uses his Corpse Messenger no jutsu to create a corpse tasked with informing the Mizukage of his current location and the status of his objective. One would not notice the corpse was a corpse unless they got close enough to smell the scent of old death or have some chakra sight. Capable of conversing and traveling all terrain so long as the seals senjutsu chakra is not running out.

Reason why it cannot be used in battle: Its impossible to focus the chakra and store it within the seal whilst in the heat of battle, attempting to do so is impossible as it generally takes approximately five minutes for the process to be completed. The heat of battle would also make it impossible to manipulate the senjutsu chakra in the necessary way.

I'm happy for limitations to placed on this for example, can only have x amount of corpse messengers active at any given time. Or corpse messengers must stay within same country as user [would prefer if didn't have to do this but if it means the difference between approval and rejection I'll do it.]

If you believe there is need for more limitations or extrapolation I understand and am willing to do whatever would make the team comfortable with the jutsu. ^-^

3: Name of Jutsu: Devils Gate [Demonic Ancestry + Gate of Enma Mastered]

CRPJ's Effect: Allows Akkuma to warp within a topic, by moving through Enma's plane. By creating his own version of the Gate, a black void opens up absorbing the half-demon and warping him to his required destination. Can take a single person into through the gate with him, entering Enma's plane.

Example RP of how it will be used: Akkuma was meant to be meeting an informant in one of local pubs to gather information in regards to a small gang who had been causing a lot of trouble. Not wanting to be late or risk being followed he used his Devils Gate jutsu to move through Enma's plane appearing at his destination.

Reason why it cannot be used in battle: It would be impossible to open the Gate in the heat of battle the chakra manipulation and focus required would be impossible in the heat of battle. Attempting to do so could trap one in Enma's plane forever, a place no one wishes to be trapped.

*Only usable within single topics [So cannot be used to move between topics
*Cannot be used for things such as Forced Exit/Entry, Running/Fleeing, etc.
*If wishing to warp with someone else requires their OOC permission.
Happy to accept any extra limitations the team feels are necessary. ^-^

Accepted Here

4: Demonic Regrowth:

Link to Approval:

CRPJ's Effect: Can be used to regrow arms, legs and the demons manhood.

Requirement: Dark Sage/Corpse Soil Mastered/Demonic Ancestry

Reason why it cannot be used in battle:
Due to the concentration required to perform this jutsu is impossible. One needs to be able to focus on the arm as its rebuilt its not just one whole thing its thousands upon thousands of muscle sinew and veins. Along the other essential parts of arms, though due to his demonic DNA being used as the base cells the limbs will show demonic traits.

5: Binding Seal Jutsu

Link to Approval:

CRPJ's Effect: *Limits
May only have five-ten binding seals in effect? [Must have ooc approval]
Death upon breaking contract terms [Of course naturally anyone is more then able to roleplay the seal simply burning or not even doing anything at all as per the getting to choose if it affects them clause. Its up to the individual players whether they follow through with the death.]
(Mainly for Akkuma so if he breaks one of these contracts he dies [obviously at Suicide Costs/Penalty]

Requirement: Demon/Dark Sage

Reason why it cannot be used in battle:
The sealing procedure takes five minutes, not to mention the control needed to scribe the seal upon to people simultaneously would be impossible in battle. Plus senjutsu chakra cannot be manipulated the necessary way in the heat of battle with the air thick with different elements.

6: Soul Devouring Jutsu

Link to Approval:

CRPJ's Effect: Used to devour souls and absorb spiritual energy.

Requirement: Demon/Dark Sage

Reason why it cannot be used in battle:
To take someones soul they must be dead or fatally wounded. [Requires OOC permission]
Unable to maintain the focus needed to manipulate the senjutsu and demonic chakra simultaneously during battle.
Used to Raise Demonic Rank [Will be using 'Demonic Rank for personal plot reasons [demon hunting/recruiting/demon scholarly pursuits]
Ten Sinners Souls = E - Rank
Thirty Sinners Souls = D - Rank
Fifty Sinners Souls = C - Rank
Eighty Sinners Souls = B - Rank
One Hundred Sinners Souls = A - Rank
Two Hundred and Fifty Sinners Souls = S - Rank

Demon Souls Worth ~ One hundred sinner souls regardless of spiritual strength.

7: Demonic Challenge {Approved Here}
Requirement: DS/DA
Reason it cannot be used in battle: The preparation time alone to gather the senjutsu chakra would be suicidal to attempt within a battle. Not to mention the risk of losing control and suffering senjutsu damage.
Limitations/Restrictions: Used to challenge demons, can be heard only in roleplay player is in. [For my demon arc]

8: Demonic Mindlink {Approved in link provided above}
CRPJ's Effect: Allows Akkuma and up to X-amount of people to communicate via telepathy.
Example RP of how it will be used: Akkuma could feel the meeting heading down a bad road and decided to inform the others of their next actions "Alright be prepared watch the guards I'll get the old man." thought the demon he heard his teams acknowledgements and their usual rowdy thoughts of what they'd do should that happen. Chuckling he smiled a wide devilish grin as the first guard reached for his katana "Now!" thought the sage and his team disabled the two guards before they could even get a strike off. While Akkuma moved with blinding speed towards the old man coming to a stop in front of him. "Now that was silly wasn't it..." he said with a confident grin upon his face.
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: It would be impossible to maintain that kind of link in the heat of battle the chakra control required to accomplish such a feat is impossible to acquire.

9: Corpse Preservation Jutsu
CRPJ's Effect: Preserves A Corpse In A Sealed Coffin
Example RP of how it will be used: Akkuma didn't have time to work on this intriguing specimen he had to track the other one before he got away, with a few quick handseals and the use of his Senjutsu chakra the corpse was safely stored in a sealed coffin in the same dimensional void as his copy of the clan archives. This way the corpse can be used at a later date for experiments or for jutsu use. The sealed coffin keeps the corpse in an almost stasis like state unaffected by the effects of entropy.
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: The senjutsu chakra requires full concentration should one attempt this in battle the result becoming stone and one back with nature gone from this world.

10: Approval Link
Name of Jutsu: Miroku Clan [Archive Dimension Jutsu]
CRPJ's Effect:
Allows Akkuma to store archived information, items such as tomes, scrolls, jars of organic material, tools, corpses {preservation technique}, other samples. Mainly a safe way of storing any archivable goods that only he can access.
Example: Akkuma had finally come to an agreement with the man now he just had to ensure the document remained safe so the man couldn't go back on his word. With a smiple hand seal and his mastery of the Senjutsu chakra the demonic ninja opened a small dimensional void around his hand that held the document. Smiling he retrieved his hand from the void without the contract and closed the dimensional void "Now its safe and away from anyone that would want to compromise it..." he said with a life knowing the man would have hoped to swap it with a forged document he had a reputation and that had been his downfall. Now the man worked for Akkuma bound by the contract he'd signed thinking he could remedy it by scamming the youth as he did others.
Requirement: Dark Sage / Miroku Clan
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: Attempting to open the dimension in battle would fill one with somuch senjutsu chakra they'd become a permenant statue as a warning for those who fooled around with senjutsu chakra.

I look forward to roleplaying with you all! Yuuto, Yukimura, Miko thank you for joining the thread ^_< curse seals for all if you want them
Also edited to fix auto correct mistake and put greeting in
Edited to put this to
Also role played it as he could tell it was a transformation but can't see through it so doesn't know who he is ^_^ if you want I can edit it

Hotaka Kyo

Jun 17, 2014
Kyo had found a flyer as he was running his daily route working on his cardio and on occasion attempting to work on fine tuning his chakra control by running up the sides of buildings as best as he could. It had caught his attention as it stood out amongst the other plain brown flyers with its red paper,"Probably the entire reason for the red." he thought as he looked it over, It was apparently a Demon sage mercenary looking to teach tricks of the trade to help those that wanted to be more powerful, "Likely has some other reasoning behind it, but this could prove to be both interesting and useful. One can always use more power." Looking at the time he gave a bit of a start, it seemed that it was already time for them to meet up, luckily he wasn't too far from the Ramen House of the Gods, so he would be able to make it if he hurried. Rolling the flyer up Kyo set off as fast as he could towards his new found destination, "Wonder who else will show up, possibly someone I know?" he pondered as he ran in and out of the crowd dodging people as he went. While it would possibly be faster to use the roofs instead of the streets he wasn't about to chance falling, he hadn't recovered his chakra enough to do much wall running and the fall could affect his other training just to shave a few seconds off of something he wanted to investigate.

By the time he arrived it seemed that he had found Miroku, there was also two familiar faces and one strange one that he didn't recognize there, Miko and Yukimura, two of the other students who had been in his class with instructor Yuuto's class just the other day. "Least I'm not the only one I know who found that flyer intriguing enough to check out." He gave them a little wave as he moved around to stand with them and listened to what the man was talking about, apparently he was fixing to demonstrate a technique he had developed on his own. He began to speak about Senjutsu, something Kyo wasn't at all familiar with, "Got to remember to ask Instructor Yuuto about it when the Ninjutsu class starts." Kyo then blinked after he realized what else the man had just said, "Demonic genetics? Really?" The man then summoned a Tento and quickly cut his own arm from his body, Kyo leaped back expecting a great shower of blood and for it to spurt all over the place with every one of the man's heartbeats, it didn't though it simply dribbled from his arm and shoulder, and the man barely even reacted to it at all, "That's crazy, even with a jutsu to regrow your limbs purposefully destroying your body to display it doesn't seem something a sane person would do." Kyo watched as black chakra began to take form around the man as he spoke about Senjutsu charka once again, apparently it was natural but he tainted it with his spiritual essence and this allowed him to regrow his limbs. "Perhaps it also numbs the pain that would normally be felt as well? I know techniques that allow you to ignore it easier, perhaps simply an advanced form of that?" Kyo pondered as he watched the man’s arm regrow from the gaping hole left by his previous arm, the bone, muscle, veins and blood reformed a skinless arm quickly before the skin formed pale white, though his fingernails where black and sharp, "Likely due to his demonic nature I'd guess." Kyo had calmed down; the shock on his face gone as he listened to what the man spoke of next.

He explained that his arm was that way due to his demonic genetics, then claimed to be a half demon with his father being a Demon Lord Miroku. He then claimed that he had slain many, "Not that big of a deal, many people kill." Kyo reasoned, but it didn't stop there. No, the man continued to speak adding that he devoured souls as well. "What? You devour souls? Nope, I need to leave now." Kyo thought as he frowned heavily with a look of surprise showing through. The man was smiling as he continued and produced a tome, Kyo didn't wait around, he was leaving and leaving now. It was one thing to use odd Chakra and such, it was completely another thing to devour the souls of others and speak of it like he did. As Kyo was making his way out of the shop he heard the man ask if there were any questions, while he had several running through his mind he wasn't stick around to ask them, no way no how. Him being a half-breed was one thing, but him devouring souls, that was something completely different, his parents had spoken of the Demon war that they had fought in two decades ago. To him it had always just been stories, but this man had brought them to the forefront of Kyo's mind and solidified them as something more than that, and he was sitting here in their town freely admitting it. "Isn't that completely illegal? Even if it isn't the Anbu should probably know that this guy is here, someone like that shouldn't be here." Kyo though furiously as he headed to the exit of the shop, he would walk to the exit but take off running as soon as he hit the entrance, he would need to tell someone quick.

OOC: No offense intended, just saw an opportunity to roleplay a bit :).

(Leaves thread)



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Akkuma approached Yuuto offering a him drink that he would happily decline but do so in silence. This demon fellow had a nasty habit of offering people alcohol as if they'd take a spiked drink. Even if it wasn't that's how he'd accept it. It'd seem that the Demon Sage knew it was a transformation jutsu but no matter he did not know Yuuto and he would not. However who he would know is Zenku. Speaking in a more serious tone he'd lean closer and whisper back. "Not while I'm on duty." These were the same words he uttered back at the gates when this same boy offered him sake. Yuuto did not believe he was truly that kind.

Miroku Akkuma began to discuss something about his techniques and how they were created. He warped Nature Chakra, and twisted it with his demonic genetics something that a man in Kumogakure shouldn't have been so proud of toting around. You could call it prejudice but the sting of the demons would not leave not in two decades. His parents had battled in that invasion, hell his spiritual companion did and here was a half-ling speaking as if it was in good practice. However Yuuto did not chalk people up to their heritage but the merit of what made them. However this demonic boy was not helping his case as he continued his demonstration. Lopping off his arm the Anbu was not phased he thought to be an illusion as if the young man's body was almost unworldly as he watched. He'd take great care to take notes of this technique as black chakra began to change it as a skinless arm would grow back. It was quite the trick but not something one could attain if they did not have demonic blood in them most likely. At least not with his method. It became clear to Yuuto the possibility of what angle this man meant to pursue but he'd wait before moving.

He began to explain that his father was a demonic Lord a true demon. This did not bode well surely Hayata Shin knew this before making some pact with the half-breed. What exactly was going on with these men from Mist and why was Hayata so comfortable with letting them run loose. Thank the gods that Fuu was watching over Sairasu. No matter all the pretty words in the world that man could spin a tale for all Yuuto knew. However he was more trustworthy than this demon and Hoshikata at least off first appearance. He would throw in the jumbled part about his mother as an odd token to say he hated his father. However he exclaimed the man devoured souls, and admitted that he also devours souls with a grim smile. If this wasn't a sign to strike Yuuto did not know what was but instead he'd allow the Demon Sage to finish weaving his troubled story.

Akkuma would then create copies of his tome and pass it around. He wanted people to pay attention to a specific part but Yuuto dug deeper if he could. Any information about his techniques was useful and if he had enough time then a catalog of his own would be made via the "Snapshot Jutsu". He could only hold so many but it was fine, with each shot he Yuuto could later reproduce in the birth of his shadows. It'd be something to bring up to Hayata Shin later when he confronted him on the recent behavior of the Raikage.

It seemed as though his students were drawn here clamoring around the man as if he was their savior or some sort. How easily power poisoned the minds of many however did they truly know where power came from? The Cursed Seal Yuuto placed on himself was out of necessity but he'd never simply wave it around as a token for others. It was a dark technique that utilized tainted and twisted natural energy. Senjutsu the ultimate form of pure natural chakra being perverted with darkness and malice. That was the nature of a cursed seal down to it's very core. It would seem that the demon sage showed his intelligence by destroying the book's presence wiping all physical traces of it's conjuration. It did not change the memory however and this was still something Yuuto had saw.

The Anbu would stand and reveal the mask from his cloak. He'd place it on his face and firmly sigh before speaking. "I wonder though, you know these techniques are extremely dark in their essence worse than any transplant or medical monstrosity our people could have developed. If what I'm gathering Demon Sage, then we have quite a bit in common." Yuuto would wiggle his fingers in the air producing a lime green aura and rune like scriptures through the air. They would fade as quickly as they appeared but the point was still there. "However the difference between you and I is that I'm not handing out dangerous tools like these without caution. I'm not openly admitting to being of demon lineage and devouring souls as a delicacy. I wonder however you knew that a watcher was here and you still proclaimed to show these techniques. Are you bold or insane?

Everyone who wishes to may leave and Miroku Akkuma I here-by detain you under the power of the Anbu Force in Kumogakure. I wish to question you for your open practices of dark arts and admittance to soul devouring. If you knew the place where you reside then you'd do well to pay respects to some of these people whose families were devoured by the demons not parade around your abilities as one. I also have high reason to believe that you conspire to transmute some of these people into half-lings with your demon blood. If the what I have stated is false then feel free to speak the truth at the Anbu HQ. Now will you come peacefully?"

The deal had been brokered and it was up to the Demon Sage to decide. Even though he was a man clearly claiming to help people his methods did not bode well not in Yuuto's eyes. He did not want to see boys like Yukimura, and Miko travel down the wrong path. If he could have had it any other way then he'd have never taken this power from Uka but his was not a choice it was that or the death of his clan. With all of these innocents here hopefully if Akkuma had any honor

There were not many who had seen his tomes and whether or not they saw the dark techniques did not mean they would be able to utilize them immediately. If Yuuto was right then the power of the Demon Sage relied heavily on demonic altering of the chakra system and the chakra of the techniques. However there were other methods to achieve a similar effect but who knew if this demon knew them.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: The books are still there it was just that synthetic material
Akkuma sighed as the third boy ran off "I had hoped that it would be received better..." he said out loud, though he stopped when Zenku began to say that his experiments were worse than anything their government could have done. "I knew Isaki Kushin, I know for a fact your government did far worse. I've spoken to Shin he is proof of that...or do I know more about your government than you?" he said smiling a very dangerous shark-like smile before adding in "Secondly I only devour the souls of demons! You think I like being thrown in with their lot all the time? I've slain more demons then you could them the fate they give most mortals." he said with a controlled smile.

"Feel free to take a copy I have multiples...I know your village encouraged them once. I will come peacefully only because I am a diplomat but I take great insult in this. Lastly Zenku I wish to speak to Ayumu your Sennin, so far I have demonstrated no forbidden techniques. Ayumu my comrade should at least understand, I demand my brother Uziuke must be contacted." he finished speaking with a sigh, Akkuma wanted to snap. To fight this man before him how dare he and if he went to the HQ he would be at the anbu corps mercy. Being an ex-anbu that was not a thought he liked at all he tensed up as he spoke. "Zenku, radio Shin or Ayumu unless I hear one of them give authorisation I can't do that. As you said many people still aren't over the demon wars and I won't be another person to vanish to a crazed offence not that I think your crazy but. Too much is at stake...unless you will give me your binding word that I will have the right to contact my brother and Ayumu..." he said out stretching a hand that was coated in black chakra.

"Understand severe pain and death is what will happen if I have been mislead so far I am not aware of any ill intentions I am believed to have done here. I am an ally of Kumogakure...whoa transmute them into half-lings? You realise it they're parent would have to be a...see so your one of the anti demon guys huh or is it cause I'm a foreigner?" he said clenching his hands into fists those blood red eyes focusing intently on Zenku.

"Radio them's clear your personal issues about demons have altered your ability to think clearly in this situation. I will defend myself if you attempt to harm I think you should leave. Unless you want to stay and be my witnesses to this mans accusations." he said I clenching his hands and preparing his chakra. "We can resolve this peacefully here and talk about what ever you want here. Otherwise contact your superiors...unless you want to try taking me in?" he finished tilting his head a manic sinister grin upon his face. The owner of the shop looked around hesitantly obviously worried about his store.


Aw and ^_< it's all good so long as we have fun

Edited to put this
Sorry for posting out of order but figured Akkuma would react xD will wait for everyone else to post now


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto sighed before giving the man a response to the accusations of Kushin. He was a man that did not excite the Anbu's bones nor did it make him feel any sympathy. "Kushin is but one man, he does not represent the entire government. However I wholeheartedly disagree with some of our government's practice and if given the chance I would abolish them without hesitation." He was speaking bluntly on the open forbidden techniques that were passed around. They were as bad as any and usually came with a price. Far too often were things like these ignored in favor of glorifying them. However as he said before it was the merit of people not their origin.

"I've slain demons and creatures but that does not explain why you absorb their souls. Also souls are a delicate matter. For men such as myself who can communicate with them if they're erased they are gone. Just because you claim to consuming a demon's soul I am to believe that is all you've had. I do not know you and the aura you breed is full of malice. If I offend you so be it, but you cannot expect the military to allow any more chinks in their armor. We shinobi work tirelessly to keep things in control and it's acts like these that undermine that effort." His voice was becoming more stern more agitated with the demon sage in front of him.

When more accusations were thrown back at Zenku who only stood there allowing the half-breed to get his fill. "Anti-Demon? Depends on the demon. I believe in merit more than origin sir. However I do not believe in letting a man have an inch of room to pass on potentially dark and dangerous techniques if I do not have to. This is experience speaking not emotions as you so boldly seek to put it." His voice was controlled as he could tell the demon boy was trying to play from another angle. A call came in through his radio, people were being sent to this location likely due to someone not finding comfort in his flyers or performance. As the demon sage continued Yuuto stopped speaking allowing him to speak freely. He was fumbling over his words proving himself to be less of a negotiator the more he spoke. It is when he began to throw insults that things began to get hectic. Yuuto was quite composed but was heavy on believing in justice. It is when threats were thrown his way did he not view this man as a wild-card.

"Hold your tongue please. It seems more Anbu or Soldiers are being sent to this location now. You are not my superior you do not order me. This is not a democracy this is a military establishment that houses civilians. In the end we are tasked with watching over these people and every person who is from another territory comes with baggage we must be weary of. Three incidents from mercenaries and mist shinobi have been burned prominently into my brain. You slinging around your title of demon sage is what brought me here not a deep seated hate for demons on a war that happened two decades ago. However it is when you showed your techniques did I get concerned because once again this is experience speaking. Now I've been nice about this and you dare threaten me? Do you truly want to try and fight me? Yuuto would stop speaking and place his hands behind his back. The anbu would begin to pace back and forth slightly while keeping his eyes on Akkuma never letting the man out of his sight.

"Consider your position. I've seen your tome so let's not split hairs. We know your techniques are questionable, we know you've claimed the use of altering them with demonic genes. How does that look when trying to teach another? Senjutsu which is natural chakra being manipulated into dark malice? You've already ran off a child, and now there's a call out for others to come. You fight me.... in my home, my village, one of the Anbu Corps. Who do you think they'll come after, me or you? You throw around Hayata Shin's name as if he's in your pocket and I'm supposed to take orders from you because you are the Demon Sage of Mist? Do you know your old Mizukage, Hoshikata? He is one of the roots of my distrust for your people personally. It's weariness and I reserve the right when I'm protecting the land that my family sleeps in." He'd stop moving standing still in front of the demon before offering a hand.

"I do not need to radio them but if it will put you at ease [Taps headpiece] Calling the Raikage's Tower or the Anbu HQ. This is Zenku and I've arrived on the Demon Sage in question. I want to bring him in for questioning as I do not trust what I've seen. He refuses and wishes confirmation from Ayumu or Hayata Shin and if not given such he assumes to threaten me. I will be bringing him to the Anbu HQ, hopefully unharmed away from civilians and possible innocents. I would like to question him on the manner of his techniques and his intentions with them." The call would end as he'd stare at Ayumu smirking under his mask. If this boy thought a simple threat frightened him he had more to learn about this life clearly then.

"You can stop your childish grin. It has no effect whatsoever on me. I've called the higher ups and as stated others are on their way. Do you wish to really push your luck this far? I seek no violence but be rest assured another threat and that wish may very well end. Now we can discuss this in private quarters away from prying ears or you can start a fight with Anbu in the middle of the village for having suspicion and wanting to discuss it not drag you in kicking and screaming." He'd still hold open his hand hoping that Akkuma would simply follow than be rash.

[Sorry Guys didn't want to cut you off but I may be gone for the rest of the day]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Yuuto's post said:
A call came in through his radio, people were being sent to this location likely due to someone not finding comfort in his flyers or performance

Well for Kane it wasn't the fact that he didn't feel comfortable with the flyers being posted throughout Kumogakure like it was Akkuma's own personal billboard for the rest of the world. It was more the fact that he knew that words like "power" would trigger Academy Student's brains. Heck anyone at that age is looking for an excuse to be stronger, to be the best. They want to prove themselves because they all want one thing. They want to be able to protect their village, to become the strongest they can be, all in all, to protect their loved ones whomever that may be. Being the gate captain had its perks in these times of need. He could hear all frequencies, barring the Kage's and Sennin's secure lines, to and from the Raikage tower. Not that it mattered because by the time Kane got there, on the outside of the building, he heard a man (Yuuto) talking about Kirigakure. The Chakra Master stepped into the building, still listening to everything they were saying. He wore a complete white get up; a white under shirt, white pants and a long sleeve white shirt to go over it. His shaggy long hair was as it was normally, nothing special done to it in any regards. He had a sword on his left and a belt pouch full of Senbon on his right. His Kumogakure Shinobi headbead was tied tight to his left arm above his shoulder

"Now Now boys... lets not lump all Kirigakure Shinobi together." he said as he walked closer to Yuuto. It was Evident that Kane was a Kumogakure shinobi now but his past was his past. His eyes stayed fixated on Akkuma, but spoke to Yuuto. "Yomoko Kane, previously the Chakra Master of Mist, now the Gate Captain of Kumogakure. Just call me Kane though, ANBU-san." He had way too much chakra in his body and it was always a good idea to let some out from time to time. His chakra aura could be seen through any type of doujutsu, spiritual or non, due to his chakra essence was tied to his own soul. It was be a bright green color if able to be seen but regardless it could be felt by everyone. It wouldn't effect anyone but it could be felt in a matter that felt unnatural to most, not human even.

He turned his attention to Akkuma and spoke "You really should be more discreet. Some of us from Kiri have moved on and settled down elsewhere and the way you are acting you are only going to end up causing issues in our lives. The villages will start wanting to interrogate us all because of what you are doing. Go to some other place, go bother another village. But don't come here and try to do whatever you want just because you can't move on. Grow up and move out Demon slayer. This is mine and some others new home. We don't need you fucking it up for us either. Instances like this, is what causes the issues. Give up peacefully so we can handle this nicely." His eyes stared down Akkuma. He wasn't happy with this guy being here. Kind of like the new guy stepping on your turf, not cool at all. He continued to watch Akkuma while now addressing the students You three should go now. You don't need to be here to witness anything. Go to your homes immediately. That's an order." His orders were to Kyo, Yuki and Miyo to get them out of here and to the safety of their own homes.

WC: 606


Jun 12, 2014
Demons, souls, conjured tomes, and weird people… Miko didn’t like where this was going. He came for curiosity, but that curiosity for his sake had already vanished. “To hell with these people, I’m out of here.” His thoughts were running wild with regret of showing up in the first place. AMBU were starting to show up, and it was starting to draw in some high ranking people as well, this was not going to end well for the Demon Sage, it seems.

Miko looked at Yukimura, perhaps they should follow Kyo’s example after all. “Oh well… Yukimura, lets just leave… this wasn't a good idea in the first place.” He would wait for the boy’s response before leaving on his own.

(( Miko leaves the thread ))


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke didn't need to be contacted, for he noticed two demonic chakras from afar off. "One belongs to Akkuma, but the other..." The boy spoke aloud to himself, though the snow white Fox that walked next to the boy listened intently. The two traversed the alleyways of the party like district. "Of course Akkuma is holding that public class for his sage teachings. Maybe he met another just like him... or something." As the boy and his Fox continued out of the alley they each noticed a kid running as though he'd just seen something horrid.

"What's That kid's problem?" The kid had a faint trace of chakra. Maybe one of the ones frightened by the dark arts. Either way Uziuke found himself walking in the opposite direction. He was able to pick up a bit of commotion at a nearby ramen shop. He counted three significant chakra auras. One obviously Akkuma's, the other two maybe belonged to Kumo-nin. As if knowing that there would be trouble inside, the snow white Fox laid near the entrance of the shop. It closed it's eyes as if it were going to sleep.

Uziuke found himself entering the shop with his hands in his black fur coat pockets. It was zipped halfway up, revealing a bit of fur that was inside the jacket. Also one could make out the kanji for astral and hell on his chest. Khaki shorts were worn at his bottoms. Immediately the boy noticed Akkuma getting his head lectured off by what appeared to be an Anbu. Shortly after the nin with the green chakra aura spoke softer words, but still presented Akkuma as an issue. The three seemed to be too engaged to notice him, so he strolled around the them taking a seat next to the remaining students. He grabbed a bottle of sake, taking a few sips before whispering to the kid next to him. Uzi figured he wasn't much older than the student, he was only 15. "Hey kid, what's going on here?"

Though he really didn't need to ask. He continued to listen to the Jounin finished his speech. Afterwards Uziuke threw his bottle behind the counter, smashing it into a wall. It caught even the owner of the small shop's attention. Uzi vanished from his seat reappearing in a standing position atop the counter. "I told you I didn't trust these guys brother. They let us in their village not trusting us at all. The meeting with their Raikage proved to be for nothing. They watch us, insulting us as though we came in with the desire to destroy their village. If anything we've helped them out by keeping their streets clean of the demons that ARE causing the problems!"

The boy jumped down to the ground below, now looking up to the three towering above him. First he looked to the Anbu that looked ready to tear Akkuma's head off. "Your hatred for my brother's teachings is uncalled for. The ones that came here did so on their own free will. The village should teach them the difference between what's wrong and right. Maybe then they won't be as eager to learn about such forbidden arts." Looking to the other Kumo nin Uziuke couldn't help but look at him in disgust. Why? "And you. Leaving your Mist brothers and sisters behind in turmoil. You so easily sell yourself to this village? The same ones complaining about our home village? The black swirls in the boy's red eyes began to spin rapidly displaying his anger. He then looked to Akkuma. "Bol som liečený ako odpadky v kontajneroch od tej doby, čo sme zadali. Som pripravený odísť, to je jasné, naša pomoc ani náš druh je tu chcel."<i></i>

After his words of the demonic tongue the boy placed his hands in his pockets. 'They are so prepared to fight but we are the destructive ones. Yeah right.' The boy's eyes shifted to the entrance the shop. He was sure owner didn't like the look of things.

Translation: I've been treated like the garbage in the dumpsters ever since we've entered. I'm ready to leave, it's obvious our help nor our kind is wanted here.

MFT | WC: +200


May 11, 2014
Fuu arrived at the scene just as a bottle smashed inside, silencing the room. Quietly he slid in the building, catching the end of a foreign mans tirade. "Your hatred for my brother's teachings is uncalled for. The ones that came here did so on their own free will. The village should teach them the difference between what's wrong and right. Maybe then they won't be as eager to learn about such forbidden arts." Growling audibly, the tall ANBU froze in the doorway, taking in the scene from behind his spider styled ANBU mask, clothed from head to toe in his black robes.

He, like most Kumo shinobi, had received a report of some foreign garbage trying to corrupt the student population through the use of dark techniques. This had only served confirm Fuu’s deep seated distrust in anyone of foreign descent, and he had sped like an arrow to the location. The man knew it was inevitable, with his villages slack entry protocol, that somebody from another country would find his way in a stir up trouble. Today, it seemed as though there were two culprits, two strange looking men speaking with a duo of cloud shinobi, one of whom Fuu recognized as Zenku. Judging from how heated the one man was speaking, it was safe to assume he was responsible for the broken bottle on the ground.

The emotional man continued to rant, calling the other Cloud shinobi a traitor and essentially insulting him before spewing some foreign language to his accomplice. This foreigner was everything Fuu had imagined when he pictured the refugees. Whiney, entitled, inconsiderate and loud. Fighting back a smirk, he lifted his mask and turned his head, spitting a glob of mucus out the door and onto the street outside before lowering his mask and turning back around. Keeping himself in front of the door, he cleared his throat and spoke up, careful not to stumble over the dialect.

“Δείτε πώς τα σκουπίδια επιστρέφει φιλοξενία μας” He said loudly and fluidly, addressing the two Kumo shinobi in the room. His voice was dripping with venom as he glared at the foreigners in front of him, his cold blue eyes boring into theirs, unfazed but what he saw there. "Εγώ λέω να τους συνοδέψω έξω Στείλτε τους στην πλάτη στα κατεψυγμένα ερημιά τους. Ας τους αφήσουμε να φάνε το χιόνι” In the ANBU's mind, this constituted some sort of crime, the attempted corruption of an Academy Student. If he could, he would send them packing out of his village within the hour.
[spoilername="Translations"]1.See how the garbage returns our hospitality.
2. I say we escort them out. Send them on back to their frozen wasteland. Let them eat snow.[/spoilername]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: Don't mind me....
Akkuma could feel his rage building how dare they have the gall to insult him, they had any idea what he had done for their village they would silence themselves. "It's apparent that all you Kumogakure nin have no faith in your Raikage...secondly he looked at Kane. I wouldn't lump you in with the mist nin lot on a bad day, it's pathetic how you try and kiss their ass. Your not a mist shinobi your a coward who saw another chance to live within boundaries. Now you offer us insult?! You all have no idea!" the demon spat on the ground before them as Uziuke appeared from a void.

"I have performed no forbidden Jutsu here! How do you falsely accuse me and threaten me you fools. Since when was it a dogs duty to disobey their master?!" he roared his voice literally shaking the buildings walls it was so full of chakra. Akkuma began to laugh, it was a laugh that instilled fear and caution within his foes. "Know this when Kumogakure needs help, that the Miroku Clan will not come to its aid. You have destroyed a bond that would have saved your village.." he said those last words with a somber look upon his face as Uziuke spoke up.

After hearing Uziukes words his anger rushed up again as black chakra became visible swirling around the demon he looked at his brother and there was sadness in his eyes as he spoke "Teraz odchádza ... Nebudem tu zostať a naďalej sa urazil po všetkom, čo sme urobili." with a few quick hand seals all of his work vanished. "Where leaving now." his words were short and cold yet, if anything it sounded like the demon had been hurt by this encounter. Akkuma sighed as black chakra opened up a void to the demon realm before them "Come Uziuke to the gates then back to the wastes..." as he finished speaking to his brother his gaze slid up to the three before him.

"You can escort us, but don't try to stop us." he said this time danger burnt in his eyes, Akkuma had been betrayed by those of Kumogakure. Against all his hopes it had happened now he would not return "Let Shin know that our agreed upon deal and the services offered by my clans have been cancelled. Your actions today have caused this." Next he would enter the void with Uziuke and the Kumogakure nin if they wished to escort him out. The shop owner looked hopeful that all that would happen would be a broken bottle.

Akkuma would sigh once in the void "Goodbye comrades.." thinking to the encounters he had previously had with Kumogakure nin. Good memories and he had hoped they would create more. The void would close when it re-opened the sight before them would be the Kumogakure Gates.

We're leaving now! I will not continue to stay here and be insulted.

Attempting to leave topic with Uziuke and whoever escorts us to the Gates.
If we're allowed to leave thread will post a link to new Gate topic (you can come through the demon realm to ^_< )
It was fun while it lasted my Kumogakure buddies ;D
Also like the Alucard laugh link?


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke watched as yet another came in, mouthing his own opinion. It was the same as all the others before him. The tears in the boy's eyes surfaced, but not a tear dropped down his cheeks. His expression remained the same however. The anger within him couldn't be hidden due to the arch in his eyebrows and the scowl he wore.

The boy emitted a low growl as he stepped through the void. As he did so a purple aura surrounded him as dark markings began to devour his skin. He needed to release what he was feeling otherwise he'd explode. It seemed Kumo wasn't prepared for what the two nin had to offer.

The white Fox looked as Akkuma opened the void. It was time to go. It had it's fun roaming the village alone. Finding Uzi and Akkuma on the same night of departure just happened to be coincidence. If it had not, it probably would have stayed a bit longer in the Cloud Village. Walking into the void after Uziuke the Fox nonchalantly yawned.

[ Topic Left ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto sighed at the trouble that had been brewed. All he wanted to do was take in the hasty demon, at first there was some malice in his thoughts. However who would deal with such acts if people like him didn't. Whatever Hayata Shin was doing could not have been worth this trouble if he was allowing hot tempered demons to run around as they wished. It was hard enough keeping shinobi who don't agree with your nature around you and under your thumb but to keep unknown deviants wouldn't help either. Yet for all Yuuto knew Akkuma could have been a good man with misguided methods.

The only thing that he wished for was to drill the demon with questions and find out his intents before allowing him free reign to seek out converting people to his ways. As he saw before it would not only be shinobi that entered this place it would also be sleezy folk, and depraved humans. Nothing unknown like this was going to help make the Cloud Shinobi's job easier if they didn't know what was going on. As the two demon brothers left Yuuto walked over to the counter and brandished some yen for the owner of the ramen shop. "For your trouble..." and then a voice would ring throughout his head. "Boy..." the voice would say as if to remind Yuuto of something else. "Yes I know Juyo I will not falter no need to worry.

"Look it's been a long night for all of us and I'd rather not have anymore trouble. Now please keep everything of this night to yourself. You're a good man and don't need this kind of business right?" He'd turn now, his voice almost sounding tired now that the demon boys had left. He'd stare at Yukimura who had not left yet, the boy was ballsy but it seemed like he was alone. He couldn't really just leave the child like this and watching over two demons didn't really seem to come first in his opinion. Not when they were leaving as fast as they did. Two more Anbu showed up to the scene but they had already missed all the action. "Sorry boys, the demons are gone. Head for the gates and meet them there. See that they are escorted safely from the gates. We don't need any bloodshed tonight, Kumo's seen enough of that."

Yuuto would walk closer to Yukimura before speaking. He'd open his arm as if a gesture for the boy to walk ahead of him. "Naoki Yukimura right? Allow me to get you somewhere safer than this, or we could eat here. I'm sure you have a lot of questions about what you saw tonight. I may be able to explain some of them." He'd let Yukimura make the decision but leaving him alone was out of the question.

[Edit: Leaving with Yukimura]

Naoki Yukimura

New Member
Jun 14, 2014
The Boy's body was numb from all of the distasteful talk about demons and monsters. He turned towards his instructor. Yuuto was giving the kid the lead to walk in front of them and the option to have some lunch and discuss what had taken place. The boy confirmed his name to his instructor with a light nod.

"i only wanted to get stronger I didn't know this would happen"

Confessed the boy as he walked ahead of his teacher.

"I think we should eat somewhere else"

Said the boy with a light smile.



May 11, 2014
It was over as quickly as it had begun, Zenku leading the remaining student out for questioning and the foreigner’s teleporting away in a huff. With a smile hidden behind his mask, Fuu walked briskly up to the shop owner and tossed him a coin purse before spinning on his heel and heading back out the way he came.

Support your local business kids.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
