Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

To Have A Drink....[Free Roleplay]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma walked through the Susukino District, he'd been training all day and now that night had finally arrived he intended to have a good time. The seventeen year old Uchiha knew of a small and shady club, down a sordid avenue. Most people stayed out of these alleys unless they were prepared to be on the constant alert. The red eyed youth however came here for his thrills, one of his favorite clubs were here and they catered to his 'tastes'. Sure enough of he got to the Club, the clubs sign had faded long ago and they'd not bothered to fix it, seeing as their regular customers weren't bothered by it. When Akkuma entered the club he saw only a few patrons within the club and one of his favorite dancers was on.

"Kazu bring me a bottle of sake and some smokes.." he said with a wink.

Akkuma had been coming to this club for a few months now and loved it he'd never once been swiped for I.D or had any trouble develop. It seemed everyone here kept to themselves and like to stay out of each others way and that didn't bother him. Akkuma wore thin silk Samurai Garbs that were of fine quality, he wore Geta sandals as his footwear. His long meduim dark blue hair, was straight and definitely one of his more unique physical characteristics. The air in the club was filled with a pungent mix of alcohol, smoke, sweat, not too mention the occasional shout or outraged argument over in the gambling corner. The dance floor was always occupied whether by the paid staff members or the drunken patrons who'd finally worked up the courage to dance. The Uchiha youth prefered to have some drinks and socialize, not too long after Akkuma had completed a brief scan of the club and its occupants did Kazu arrive with the shinobi's sake and smokes. The blue haired youth had a slender yet muscular body with great muscle definition and tone, there were no physical blemishes such as scars or sun spots. Once Kazy had poured him a drink and lit his smoke for him did the man leave, Akkuma downed his sake taking a draw of his smoke as he refilled his glass.

He wondered if anyone here was in a chatty mood perhaps he'd have a closer look at the patrons. 'Surely someone here will be up for some drinks and a good conversation, then again everyone could want to be left alone.' he thought to himself never really planning anything to far ahead when it came to his leisure. Akkuma is a charismatic and intelligent shinobi who happens to be just a little eccentric but everyone has their quirks.

[OOC: Come on peeps !]
(Akkuma basically looks like a blue haired mix between Madara and Orochimaru appearance wise.)

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC: Picture his voice to be Alphonse from FMA brotherhood.

Sordid Avenue did exactly what Kirito wanted it to do. Normally he always cursed his feminine face and features. As a seventeen year old you would think by now that he would have developed at least some childishness out of his body. He always wondered why it was that remained at the body figure he was. Thankfully he had yet to really develop a taste for either men or woman in terms of a more social arrangement.

This area however provided people with a chance to try and abuse a female looking member and start fights. Since Kirito only ever got a real thrill from battle he found a nice little…arena so to speak…and as such made money beating the locals in weapon or fist fights. Never before had he been so happy as when this area started pulling the youth into it’s depths and allowing him to almost form a reputation for himself. Which is a real shame because once he had a reputation here, his fights may only get less and less frequent. Zero losses in that shady arena was rare and he wondered how long the people of this area would allow that to continue.

He was informed there was a club nearby that he could get a drink and relax. He was worried at first of someone giving him a place to lower his guard. He was however on a high from his last fight. He opened the doors to actually see a pretty solemn place. He had a great grin on his face and walked straight up to the bar where it was. He drew a little attention and he only glanced at the dancer that was going on about her business.

On his waste was arguably his favorite weapon. Even though sometimes it forced itself to state this he ignored it for the most part, only giving it a partial sheath due to it wanted to be shown off all time.

On his way to walking up to the bar one person stood out to him. He was good at judging peoples strengths and was not sure if he was there to relax or if he was looking for someone. He felt that they were at least similar level in strength. He hid his worry well and came up to a seat that was one away from the blue haired man and said, “Excuse me bartender I am parched after a recent encounter with some people…would you mind if I just had a water to start me off tonight?”

The bartender gave him a very curious look as if not sure what to expect from this person but poured the water and said, “Sure thing sweetheart.” Inner irritation worked its way inwards but on the outside he simply smiled and gave the bartender a thank you.

Once the water was given to him his eyes sparkled and he drank the water very quickly and shouted again for another one. The bartender just chuckled a bit and gave another water to him.

Glancing over at the man with the blue hair he merely stated, “Your hair is very nice. Is it natural?” He was not afraid and to be honest for once in his life did not feel like just sitting around. Besides he was still feeling great after his victory.

OOC2: My grey eyes tend to stand out and the fact most people generally see me as a female. Beyond that I just want to say that the looks of your character scare me.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
edited and deleted because link broke​

The blood red eyes of Akkuma assessed the youth as he walked through the doors, the fact that the young man was obviously a shinobi like himself. The blue haired Uchiha couldn't help but let out a small and devilish chuckle when the youth asked for a drink and the bartender had replied in his typical usual gruff voice with a 'no problem sweetheart' the youth began to drink his water while Akkuma's eyes scanned the club for Kazu. 'Mmm he must've clocked off damn it..' he thought with a silent sigh. The Anbu-in-training looked back at the grey eyed youth who he noticed was currently looking at him. Before he knew it the shinobi youth had said "Your hair is very nice. Is it natural?" the teenager appeared to just be in a social mood and this Akkuma didn't have a problem with.

"As a matter of fact it is my real hair color...your blade looks nice." his voice was smooth, gentle and yet there was something eerie about the long haired Uchiha. He refilled his sake and motioned for his fellow shinobi to join him holding up a second glass of sake. Those entrancingly red eyes of Akkuma's had a welcoming look in them, if the blonde haired youth joined him he would notice the small sharingan tattoo the youth had on his right collarbone.

"I'm Jinkotsu Akkuma." he said with a small nod of his head, those thin feminine lips of his curving into a small beautiful smile. The Uchiha was hoping he'd found himself a knew drinking partner, this youth was probably one of the most sociable people he'd seen in this club. Other then the dancers that was, but they were only sociable for pay and Akkuma wasn't in the mood to pay for a drinking buddy right now. The red eyed seventeen year old wasn't worried about the fact that this new arrival had a blade, because he had his sharingan. Was Akkuma really assessing the threat level of this youth? Of course any shinobi would be stupid not to take in his surroundings and constantly be aware of those around him. Being a shinobi there was always a risk this was inevitable, the only thing that wasn't inevitable was being prepared for the unexpected.

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kirito noticed that the man thought it was funny that he ordered water. At least that was what he perceived it to be. Either way he shrugged. Kirito did not drink, simple as that. It was something that he knew inaccurately messed with his senses and that would leave his mental blade dull. He simply could not have that. Never was their time when he wanted his mind to be fuzzy. It was why he trained himself to be wide awake as soon as he was pulled out of his dreams. It was either out or not and nothing in between if he could help it. Water never messed with him unless it was poisoned but that was another thing entirely.

The man responded to his question by saying that his hair was indeed very much real and natural. Kirito found that very entertaining and he noticed that the man brought up the fact that he had a very beautiful blade. Kirito blinked his eyes a few times and then immediately looked down on Azreal and he felt her rage burn deep within her sweet blade. A sweat drop appeared on his face and he closed his eyes and chuckled putting a hand behind his head and responded with, “Yes, Yes she is a very beautiful blade. Though I must admit I think she does not like what I did to her original master. I am very happy though that I could pull her over to my side. She has to listen to me now.”

He looked down at her and patted her hilt. “I hope one day she accepts me though so we can reach our potential. Until then I’ll just try to get used to her anger.” Kirito opened his eyes again and smiled. The reds of his were lovely yet the boy decide that staring into a man’s eyes were normally a bad thing. Most could not tell he was male and the last thing he needed was another man thinking that he was a female and liked him. Yet he had to admit the man was very inviting.

He noticed the tattoo and was about to ask a question about it when the man introduced himself. He noticed that the man paid much attention to him and continued to eye him up. When the drink was offered Kirito shook his head and said, “Cannot have my mind flagged down. I’m no drunken fighter.”

He blushed a little bit and got up and bowed to the man and said, “My apologies I have forgotten. My name is Heriashi Kirito, Special Jounin and Blade crafter. I also specialize in crafting things with Diamond. My personal favorite hobby is the collection of rare and interesting weapons. Sort of like Azreal here.” He then proceeded to sit back down and continue his water.

“What would you explain about yourself to a total stranger, also if you keep your eyes on me like that you’ll have to take me out for dinner.” He was reference to judging him on his strength but he hoped the man caught onto his humor. “Sorry my humor is weak since I normally do not socialize much. I’m on a high from winning a fight I was just in.”

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled as his fellow shinobi talked about his blade as if it were alive 'I wonder if he's a nanjiro..' he thought to himself but perhaps it was to much of a personal question so he would leave it for now. "You talk about that blade as if it were alive...its always nice to see shinobi tied to their weapons." he said with another friendly smile 'I suppose it would be rude to activate my sharingan to check out his chakra..' he thought with a mental chuckle. "I'm sure you and your blade will become one before you know it with time the bond will build." he said this time with a devilish grin. He understood what the teenager meant when he had said he didn't like to get his mind slowed down, plus that he wasn't a drunken fighter. Akkuma on the other hand was he loved it, but because it also gave he a brief pause about the thoughts and unforeseeable future of a shinobi's life. The red eyed Uchiha gave a devilish grin at his new acquaintances introduction "lSuch a well informing introduction.." he said with a devilish chuckle and wink.

"Ah if I knew it would be that easy I wouldn't have taken my eyes off you." he said with a flirtatious wink. His voice smooth and velvety, possessing a charming nature to it. "Well I'd say I like to consider myself a charming yet deadly shinobi, perhaps a bit eccentric and unique. Ambitious to say the least, quite stubborn and a fiercely loyal friend. Not to mention the perfect lover.." he said with a devilish grin and charming chuckle. He tipped his head back downing the last of his sake before refilling his glass, his blue spiky hair sitting perfectly to compliment his beautiful features. Placing the glass on the table when he finshed his chicks getting a slight blush to them from the alcohol "Oh and I forgot to mention master of the Uchiha bloodline...and one day future Anbu Sennin." his voice serious for the last six words, as he said this the sharingan burning brightly in his eyes, the toma's spinning briefly before he de-activated it. Akkuma smiled once more at Kirito before continuing "How's that for a new introduction? Fighting should be a last resort, it leads only to pain in the end." he said with another friendly smile, yet their was still an eeriness to the sharingan wielder.

'So he likes to fight perhaps this meeting will prove useful he could be a valuable bond by the sounds of it, being a blade crafter...' he'd be sure to remember Kirito's name and face. After all he had plans and he would need people who were willing to do what was necessary to complete such a task. The Uchiha refilled his glass continuing to smoke his cigarette, wondering where his new found friend had been fighting and what had initiated this conflict to begin with.​

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Akkuma stated that he was happy to see someone who had a special tie to their weapons. Kirito agreed though he wondered if this blade would ever really accept him. He was a monster after all according to some and to the others he was simply a shinobi meeting the needs of the world. When he patted the blade again to try and settle it he smiled once again at the man next to him. He seemed nice enough which was good enough for Kirito. Being a man of average intelligence he neither suspected anything nor did he immediately say there was nothing wrong.

The man seemed to give a lot of grins. They also seemed to remarkably resemble devils. It was a little awkward for him considering the negative connotation the Oni gave in this world but Kirito was once again not a person who based things on words but on the actions of a man. Until he proved distrustful he would simply accept that maybe he had a few interesting quirks.

Kirito could not help but blush a little at the comment that he made parried off of his comment about watching him to much or he would need to buy him dinner. He drank his water during this time because looking at him would make him feel a tad bit uncomfortable.

The list that was given to him he took in order. Charming…okay he could go with that. Deadly…well Kirito had yet to see any proof of that so he would put that on hold at the moment. Eccentric and Unique…looking at him alone proved that but he was very interested in knowing more about those points. Ambitious and stubborn…once again yet to really be seen. Loyal friend has yet to be seen but then again Kirito really never made friends so he would not be able to comment on how good he was on the matter. Finally he mentioned that he was the perfect lover…ehh…Kirito was not super interested in that but if it came up he would still mark it down mentally.

Kirito watched as he took another drink down and the red could be passed over his cheeks. Well someone was slowly moving down the train to happy town. He aimed to be Anbu Sennin which was very cool and Kirito perked up a bit at the concept of him being the leader of the Uchiha clan.

“Ahh well that explains why you have such pretty eyes and a tattoo such as that.”

Kirito smiled and nodded to him and said, “Well honestly that was a very good presentation of your personality. As for your opinion on fighting. I totally disagree. It is the only thrill ride you can find in light, I suppose other than like jumping from roofs or something but no better time to prove your worth than in a hardy combat with someone. Pain only happens to those who are slightly worse.”

Kirito was not sure if he trusted him or not but there could be worse people around. As such he looked over at him and said, “Just curious. What have you done today that you feel a need to drink?”

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma chuckled as Kirito commented on how his mastery of the Uchiha bloodline explained his pretty eyes and tattoo. "Thank you I don't think I've been complimented on my eyes before.." he said with a small nod of appreciation. Listened carefully to the boys description of fighting and thrill that it gave him and he sighed. 'Why is it that most find glory in battle, when it truly is a sad thing. "Thinking like that is fine when its simply duels that your fighting in. But what about when your fighting for your life against an opponent shinobi? Both of you commanded by your superiors to kill the other because they're an enemy. Do you ever think about the family they could have? The pain it will cause them? That by fighting we are only continuing the circle of hate that fuels this shinobi era, have you ever pondered these things? I believe you must accept the consequences of every action and when we live the lives of shinobi, along with the belief we don't deserve peace for the pain we cause during our lives." he said with a small almost sorrowful smile. Perhaps his grey eyed friend would understand his opinion of fighting now and why he had come to the conclusion, physical pain was the most bearable pain he'd experienced.

Akkuma flashed Kirito a devilishly handsome grin before saying "Today? Nothing yet, its more of a preparation of what is to come.." the red eyed Uchiha said with a mischievous chuckle. In truth Akkuma really had been up to nothing in particular besides training he usually didn't have to worry about his shift until it was getting later in the night. The blue haired Uchiha stood up and stretched picking up his empty sake bottle and carrying it over to the bar, placing it down he looked at Kirito. "Oh and I don't need to drink I just like to give me targets the advantage of having a level mind. Well I guess some would call it an advantage.." he said with a small smile before tapping no the bar for a glass of sake. "So what gives you your opinion on liquor?" Akkuma wondered would it simply be the 'my body is a temple' argument, or something more either he was enjoying his night quite a lot socializing with his fellow kumo-nin.

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC: Double Post too OP

Kirito was surprised at the concept that he would not have been compliment on his eyes. In fact so much so that he even stated it. “There is no way people could not call them beautiful. Not only in the power or the gifts they give to the user but also just the sheer difference they bring. The red eyes with the black tomoe are just gorgeous. Not only that but the latter designs that are only gifted to those who are truly special with the gift…it’s like mother nature hand painted her own beauty into those eyes. Truly you of the Uchiha are blessed by nature.”

Kirito sighed happily but then chuckled to himself at the half rant he just gave. Honestly there was nothing more fulfilling than finding something of beauty in the world. Yes those eyes could be used to do terribly unspeakable things but you cannot ignore Mother Nature and her blessings and not call them for what they were.

He listened to what the man was speaking about. People often chastised him for his choices. Some people were developed to craft and create, others were made to be parents, and at this point he honestly saw himself as a true warrior. He agreed that in duels and things like that it was fine. Did he ever think about their families? To be honest no, he would never kill someone who was so weak they could not even fight. The circle of hate seemed to be going into a deeply intellectual thought that Kirito normally just side stepped over so he himself did not have to think about it.

Kirito smiled gently and simply said, “Sorry. If you are a shinobi or fighter you take that risk. I became a warrior because I never felt more alive then when my life is on the line. I hate sitting in this village not being on a mission. I normally dislike being social. I try to train but it does not give quite the same thrill. Until I find something that gives me as much as what fighting gives me then I’m going to continue what I am doing. I can’t stop people from hating me and honestly if I end up harboring all of their hatred then at least they do not hate someone else I suppose. So I guess in a sense I agree with you but do not plan on changing anything.”

When he mentioned that he was just waiting for later Kirito yawned a bit and wondered why it was people stayed up late. He was already tired but maybe that was from his fight and less from actual loss of sleep. He shifted and stretched a little as well.

He told him it gives his opponents a advantage or put them on equal ground. Kirito looked very confused and said, “I find that a little insulting if someone did not fight me with everything they had. Alcohol prevents that.”

When the second question came over to him he breathed glanced at the dancer with contempt and then turned and looked back over to him putting his elbows on the table and placing his chin in his hands. He sighed and said, “Honestly, I do not have any friends and I am unsure how many people hate me. I have obvious trust issues and really only speak to people if need be. I never enjoyed getting to know people unless it’s directly after a battle high. I do not, not drink because I am afraid or anything. I figure whomever they send to me will be strong than the guy I upset and I want to give him everything I have when I can. I expect his A game and it is only fair I do the same. Then whoever is best gets to remain and the other perishes or goes to a hospital.”

Kirito cracked his knuckles and smiled as he made it to his last point. “Nothing feels better than beating a strong opponent and nothing drives you harder than when you lose.”

He shifted again and stood up to stretch much like Akkuma did. He glanced around the room and did not notice anyone of importance and just made his way back to Akkuma. “You are a bartender or do you have something else planned?”

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: Sorry for the double post totally didn't notice it xD
Akkuma felt himself blush as his fellow shinobi talked about the beauty of the sharingan eyes 'Should I show him...though do I want people to flaunt it just yet?' he thought about showing Kirito his Mangekyou Sharingan. The master blade crafter then began to go more depth about his point of view and Akkuma's lips formed into a devilish grin as he chuckled. The red eyed Uchiha tapped on the bar again and yet another glass of sake was handed over to the seventeen year old shinobi, he slowly swished the sake glass in a circular motion. Deciding he would show his fellow shinobi one of his best weapons, Akkuma's pupils split into three tomoes in each eye. The sharingan formed and he continued looking into his drink listening to his new buddies next statement. "Ah but you see I've performed some of my best work whilst being intoxicated, I've been considered a master of the drunken style." he said smoothly with an almost distracted tone.

Akkuma's Mangekyou sharingan formed as Kirito told the Uchiha about his opinion on the feeling of victory over a strong opponent, whilst also mentioning the driving determination to get stronger when losing a fight. The long straight spiky hair of the Mangekyou wielding shinobi swayed right as he turned to face the blonde haired shinobi. "I have a similar belief except slightly different." his tone was smooth and velvety as his Mangekyou Sharingan locked eyes with his grey eyed friend. Akkuma laughed loudly at the thought of him being a bartender here "Haha know they'd only be so lucky they wouldn't need security not that I don't help them out when I'm here. That's why I get free I figured I'd let you see the Mangekyou Sharingan I figured you'd appreciate it." his eyes showed him Kirito's chakra it seemed to flow weirdly but then again Akkuma had seen some pretty weird color even chakra of different color. Once Kirito had gotten a good look at the Mangekyou Sharingan he would de-activate it. "Well I do have to start my shift in a couple of hours but until then the only thing I have to do is keep my alcohol levels up." he said with a small devilish smile.

"I don't suppose you have something in mind do you? I wouldn't mind some company to burn the last couple of hours with until I had to head off." he hoped Kirito was in the mood to hang out. Then again if not he always had more sake to drink iAh sake if I ever run out...I don't wanna think about that.' he thought to himself before downing his glass of sake and placing it on the bar. Akkuma looked at the bartender saying "I'd like my scrolls..." his tone had a serious tone too it, the bartender nodded and retrieved four scrolls from under the counter. Akkuma tied one small scroll to each forearm with a bit of silk rope and then strapped two Large Summoning scrolls onto his back using silk rope again. The bartender placed a traveller bottle of sake on the counter for Akkuma which he tied around his right wrist pulling the cork out to have a quick swig before outting it back into place.

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
The man with blue hair got yet another drink which as Kirito explained his viewpoints made him question how much this man could handle in such quick sips. He also wondered if chakra was at work here because the man did not seem to be the least bit intoxicated.

The fact that he was a master of the drunken fist was something that he personally found really cool. While he actually wondered if being intoxicated actually made you better at the style, he figured that with the origins coming from it, it might have some merit from the connections. He shifted a little and then began to wonder if you could drunken fighting without actually being drunk. Kirito did not believe that the advantages outweighed the issues when it came to that style of fighting.

Kirito watched as the man looked at him and the design for his Sharingan evolved into that of the true wielder. This was the ultimate version of the eye and he had only seen it once before. This means was wonderful and to be honest he almost did not hear what he was saying while Kirito stared into them. While the man would be able to see his silvery chakra and see the chakra emanating from the scrolls in his bag, he would also notice a yellow chakra and a white chakra. All three seemed to be in contest with the other to be the rightful chakra of the body.

Kirito responded with, “Once again I am jealous of those beautiful eyes. The things that can be accomplished with them in combat is amazing.” Kirito had never really been interested in obtaining Sharingan eyes. He could if he really wanted to but right now that was not his primary goal and he was happy with what he had been given.

Downing another drink and getting equipped with his scrolls, Kirito could only respond with, “Well to be honest I do not necessarily ever hang out. All I really do is fight and then wait for missions or come back down to this area and fight again. I lead a pretty simply life.”

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma was surprised at Kirito's chakra pattern and the colors within it he had never seen anything quite like it before. "You have an amazing chakra pattern and color quite unique I've never seen anything like it before." he said in that smooth and velvety voice of his perplexed at the nature of Kirito's chakra. He would have to look into it at a later point, however for now while his grey eyed friend said he did nothing than fight. "shall we go and fight then?" he asked his fellow shinobi a hidden glint for bloodshed in the deepest parts of those blood red eyes of his. After all it wouldn't hurt for Akkuma to warm up before patrol he'd enjoy a little exercise after all, not too much a better look at the shinobi before him in battle. Judging from the amount of chakra and the way it moved the Uchiha had gathered that Kirito was no normal shinobi, an exception for what reasons he didn't know. So for now he would simply study him and his combat style the way he would utilize that chakra of his.

The blue haired shinobi smiled before saying "So Kirito if you don't mind me asking do you have any family in Kumogakure?" he asked in that smooth and charming velvety voice of his. After all it wasn't uncommon for there to be orphans in a shinobi village such as Kumogakure. After all Akkuma had become an orphan early into his childhood not too long after he had joined the Kumogakure Academy for shinobi. Luckily Akkuma was a prodigy in the Ninjutsu and Genjutu arts, it didn't take long for him to achieve the rank of Genin. With the money from missions he was able to rent out a small one room studio and provide himself with the essentials spending his free time training. He knew not everyone had this childhood some had lost one parent, some still had both, others had never known their families. So much pain in the shinobi world and the circle of hate and pain only got bigger he sensed there would be much bloodshed to come in the future.

Something he would have to bring himself to become comfortable with, not that he wouldn't be able to deal with it but he'd rather adjust to the feeling so he didn't have to block out his emotions for his lifestyle. The reason Akkuma had asked this question was simple he wanted to know if Kirito had any ties, loose ends as it were. Anything that could stop the possibility of him joining the Jinkotsu. Yet again Akkuma had decided to place someone else under his possibility list. 'Someone like himself would be a great asset to the clan. Not to mention he has a good personality and seems stable.' he thought to himself analyzing the what he knew of Kirito further.

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kirito smiled at him and nodded. He did have some pretty colors in it. “Well of course I do. I have three bloodlines after all.” As most people knew having three bloodlines that were active was impossible. That was the cool part about Kirito. He was a Chimera. When Akkuma mentioned going out and fighting for a bit Kirito shot up out of his chair. He was already halfway to the door when he said, “Sure I would love to duel you. Besides what better way to bond than that?” While he was certain that this guy probably would rather drink and share stories he was the one who started it. As such Kirito turned and busted out into the empty area. Sure this would be good enough.

Kirito heard the question and looked back confused. He put a hand on his chin and said, “Yea I have a father, mother, and Uncle. My uncle was the last Medical Sennin who left to go do research. My father is the leader of the diamond business in this world and my mother never comes home so right now in the village I am alone but that does not really bother me much.”

He shifted a little bit and he turned towards the man in front of him. He held out two scrolls and he pumped a little chakra into them and suddenly two swords appeared in his hands. The first one in his left looking like this:

First Sword (Left hand):

Second sword (Right Hand):

He held them out and got into a fighting stance. “Any rules other than not to kill each other or cause major property damage?” Kirito was so excited he forgot to mention anything about asking Akkuma about his family. A fight was about to happen and as such Kirito got absorbed into it. His mind totally focused on winning.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma was surprised to hear that the youth before him had three bloodlines 'I thought such a thing wasn't possible but then again it would explain that weird chakra..' he thought to himself definitely interested in the battle that would follow. However there was a slight worry in the back of his mind he wasn't stupid his sharingan had allowed him to glimpse Kirito's strength and he knew he had a hard fight before him. 'So he has family but none currently present within the village, I'll have to discuss his situation with him further..' he stopped thinking about the matter when Kirito ran out into an empty area summoning two of his extravegant blades before entering into a fighting stance. 'Great and the majority of my strengths lie in my bigger attacks...' he'd have to formulate a plan somehow and he knew his comrade wouldn't make it easy by the looks of him.

The red eyed Uchiha laughed devilishly "Lets try to ensure that the Main Branch or Anbu don't consider us a nuisance..keyword try." he said devilishly with that charming smile of his, the Jounins voice smooth and velvety as he walked towards the opening. The blue haired drunken nuisance than retrieved one of his two scrolls unfurling it and summoning his Scythe the Uchiha Clans Symbol engraved into the blade of the weapon. With the Scythe in his left hand he placed the scroll back into its original position up his right forearms sleeve. The Uchihas Sharingan burned brightly in Akkumas eyes spinning the blade around him with ease in a test to see if it was still balanced and hadn't been tampered with by the staff of the establishment. Resting it on his right shoulder the pole of the scythe in his right hand the blue haired Uchiha was in a loose stance, his body had a slight sway to it his eyes taking upon a drunken look. Something about the aura of the man before Kirito would have changed a dangerous chakra building up within his body, as the shinobi continued swaying on the spot.

The Uchiha's sway seemed to possess a movement of rhythm to it Akkuma could be heard drunkenly humming a song his swaying building before with one final sway he ninja dashed forward a drunken and dangerous look focused on Kirito his sharingan burning brightly. As he approached Kirito the Anbu in training jumped into the air twisting his body in a blur swinging his scythe with him in another blur. The whole time his sharingan not moving from its locked position on Kirito, as the six foot and two inches tall shinobi twisted through the air he kept a tight grip on his scythe ready to twist his body and the flick the scythe if necessary to lock a counter strike. The seventeen year olds blade making a high pitched screaming noise as it cut through the air towards Kirito, both sides of the blade possessing razor sharp edges. Once Akkuma had determined the success of the attack and dodged if necessary he would than activate his Mangekyou Sharingan before using a low level wind jutsu, from his mouth the gust used with two intentions the first as an attack against Kirito to test if he was alert. The second and main reason was to launch Akkuma back from the blade wielding Chimera, to safer distance for attacking and defending. Although he had no doubt the shinobi would try to keep the close distance between them both then again Akkuma wasn't familiar with the mans technique. He just hoped the ability of his Mangekyou would pay off along with his training and that he would have some success in this fight.

Passers by had already dashed off not wishing to get involved in a shinobi battle, only needing to see the two standing off at the start of battle to know they didn't want to be involved. Hopefully if any Main Branch or Anbu members came to assess the scene they would see it was just a harmless spar between comrades. They were outside the club in one of the bigger sections of the shadowy district, the sounds of the sordid avenue filled the already. The sound of laughter mixed with music, the occasional scream not to mention an overwhelming smell f alcohol, tobacco smoke and various other odors one could expect in the Sordid Avenue.​

OOC: Jutsu+Actions:
1: Item summoning -Scythe
A technique that allows the user to utilize Summoning Scrolls used for the purpose of sealing items. After having stored various tools and equipment within these rolls of parchment, a shinobi with this skill may summon their belongings at any time through this method of summoning. Variants include a simple set of handsigns, swiping blood across the scroll, or simply channeling chakra to the seal. Whichever the method is, this skill allows a seemingly unarmed shinobi to call upon even the largest of weapons instantly.
Prerequisites: E-rank, at least one usable Summoning Scroll
Rank 3: Allows the user to store and summon Heavy Stacks within Summoning Scrolls.
Cost: 100 Cp per summon
- This jutsu is required to use Summoning Scrolls.
- The AP cost of summoning an item from a scroll equals the standard cost of drawing the item you're summoning, with and an additional cost of +.2 AP for items summoned from Small Scrolls, or +.3 AP for items summoned from Large Scrolls.

2:Sharingan - Activated Passive
The Sharingan is a unique Eye condition occurring only to those with Uchiha blood. Rumor has it that these eyes stemmed from the Byakugan as a mutation, and they do have similar properties to back this theory up such as allowing the user to view chakra. The Sharingan allows the user to comprehend the attack of an opponent almost before the attacker knows what attack they are making, this is done through tracking their movements by studying their chakra. The user's proficiency with this ability is visible through the amount of Tomoe circling the pupil, and with more mastery, the user will unlock more and more of it's capabilities.
Rank 3: +1.5 Dodge, +1.5 Accuracy
Rank 3 cost: .5AP; 450 Cp to initiate, 210 Cp/Rnd.
- Only applies when the user can see their target and/or attacker.

3:Elemental Channeling~Wind Element - For .5 Ap activation, the user may choose to channel a Base element into an equipped weapon. This allows the user to cast a Jutsu attack of this element (And any Advanced Elements with this Element as a Major) through the weapon without the use of handseals. Only one 'Channeling' may be active at once, and the user loses 400 Cp/Rnd.

4:Jump Lunge
A technique that allows the user to use the length of their pole to gain momentum. This technique is performed by the user rushing forwards, stabbing their staff into the ground, and letting the momentum carry them into the air and assist in smashing their staff upon the opponent with full force. Due to the acrobatic nature of this technique, their opponent often finds it difficult to hit while this technique is performed.
Prerequisites: 110 Taijutsu, Can only be used with a Polearm/Staff.
Rank 3: User gains +2 dodge against the next strike directed at them, and strikes dealing 755% damage at +2 accuracy.
Cost: 330 Cp

5:Mangekyou Sharingan
Mangekyou Sharingan - Activated Passive
The Mangekyou Sharingan is a heightened form of Sharingan, and is distinguished from a normal Sharingan through its appearance, which changes the form of the tomoe. The appearance of the mangekyou differs from user to user based upon their own traits, there are hardly ever two Uchiha with the same pattern. In this stage the Sharingan is far more powerful and has the potential to utilize very powerful techniques, although the sheer amount of chakra utilized can have damaging backlash upon the User's eyesight, slowly deteriorating their Vision.
Rank 3: +3 Dodge, +3 Accuracy.
Rank 3: .5AP; 900 Cp to initiate, 430 Cp/Rnd
-Only applies when the user can see their target and/or attacker.
-Sharingan Rank 3 must be activated for a round prior to activating the Mangekyou.
- The effect of Mangekyou Sharigan replaces the effect of the regular Sharigan and the Mangekyou cost becomes the new overall cost.

6:Air Bullet
A jutsu that creates a condensed sphere of air, that when shot is capable of blowing the target off their feet, leaving them defenseless and open for a quick moment while they regain balance.
Prerequisites: D Rank
Master: Blows a gust of wind doing 810 damage at +2 Accuracy. This has a 16% chance of causing the 'Gaspless' effect.
Special Action - Gale Palm: By paying +20% Cp, this jutsu may use Melee Accuracy, which increases the 'Gaspless' chance by +8% but lowers accuracy by -2.
Special Action - Air Barrage: By paying +10% Cp, the user may divide this attack into up to 3 smaller wind blasts. 90% of the base damage is divided equally into however many bursts of bullets are created, and each is made at +2 Accuracy. Base `Gaspless` chance is increased by +4% and then divided equally.
Master Cost: 240 Cp
- The 'Gaspless' effect inflicts suppression and causes the victim to pay +10% Ap to their next Action. This may only happen once per use.
Edited for jutsu and actions

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Try was a very interesting word. “Try is such a hard word to follow.” He smiled at him and watched as he decided to make the first move. He summoned a Scythe which was a rather interesting choice of weapon. Such an inappropriate weapon. It does not flow well and is a pretty straight forward attack. Kirito felt himself get a little more comfortable seeing that. Akkuma put the blade on his shoulder and Kirito watched him sway a bit back and forth.

Drunken style…Sharingan…those eyes are what he needs to worry about more so than anything else. Kirito had researched those eyes and knew that there was no way he could effectively fight him. Eyes that fast would give him amazing perception. Kirito needed to rely on having a body that could out move the other one. Even if he could see it coming…if he could not react in time then he could win.

Kirito watched as the man suddenly charged out towards him. Honestly, he figured Akkuma knew he was a swordsman and charging at a melee opponent was an interesting choice. Kirito watched as his eyes never once left looking at him even though he jumped into the air and started to twirl. The air seemed to move with him but thankfully he jumped. His point of attack would be an obvious choice and Kirito held out his blades to block.

He drifted backwards so instead of block he would move with the force of the blade and skirted backwards. His eyes upgraded which caused Kirito some concern and then a gust of wind was launched into Kirito. The wind shot out from his mouth and Kirito wondered when the man had had time to make the hand seals required for such a technique. Kirito could not block this gust of air and thus took it to the body. He was knocked back and took the damage but it was nothing he could not shake off. He landed on his feet but noticed Akkuma put some distance between him and Kirito. Jerk…

Kirito knew that Genjutsu was bad due to the Sharingan eyes being able to see through them at a better rate than most. This made his choice of combat very simple. He would need to use Taijutsu.

Kirito would sheath his blades and begin running towards Akkuma. Lifting up his hands Akkuma would notice the grey chakra moving through his body. Suddenly ten small bone bullets would launch out of his hands towards Akkuma. While they were in mid flight towards him, Kirito’s chakra color would switch to a yellow hue and suddenly he would warp out of existence.

Right before the bone bullet would be close to the target Kirito would appear behind Akkuma with both of his blades glowing. Chakra was surrounding them increasing their range and cutting power. Kirito’s chakra was now glowing red/orange with chakra energy and through movements of quick sheathing and slashing he wanted to get in a few attacks.

Kirito figured that either Akkuma had to focus on the sword slashes or the bone bullets. Either way the second his combo ended Kirito would change to yellow chakra, warp away to nearby rooftop, and hide out of Akkuma’s eye sight and then suppress his chakra as best he could.

Kirito knew that Akkuma could watch his movements and even his chakra, but teleporting would defiantly cause him to lose eye contact and would give him an edge. By edge he meant at least putting him closer to equal footing.

OOC: Jutsu used in spoilers:
Battoujutsu - Secret Sword Technique
One of the deadliest moves learned in the Nanjirou's Aresonal, this move combines sheer strength and speed to ensure quick victory. Only a Nanjirou can pull off the quick movement and inhumane speed required to draw and sheath the sword for a move like this, combining strength and speed in the blink of an Eye. It is said that when mastered, One cannot even see the Nanjirou draw and resheath their blade during this technique, much less the actual strike.

Rank 1: Strikes at 880% Damage at +2 accuracy
Rank 2: Strikes at 925% Damage +2.5 accuracy
Rank 3: Strikes at 970% Damage +3 accuracy

Cost: 2 Ap; 600 Cp

- May only be used once per round.
- Takes effect as though it cost .5ap
- May only be used if Iaido has been used at least for a full round.

Bone Bullets - Ranged Taijutsu
A technique that allows the Kaguya to rapidly detach and regrow the first bone of the fingers, shooting them out at a high velocity much like the effects of a gun. Though rapid fire is inaccurate, the amount of projectiles shot often makes up for that shortcoming.

Rank 1: 5 Shots at 120 points of damage each at -1 Accuracy.
Rank 2: 7 Shots at 200 points of damage each at -1 Accuracy.
Rank 3: 10 Shots at 200 points of damage each at -1 accuracy.

Rank 1: 200 Cp, 1.5 AP
Rank 2: 475 Cp, 2 AP
Rank 3: 675 CP, 2 AP

- Uses Ranged Accuracy, but receives all physical buffs.

Quicksilver Step - Space/Time Technique
Taking their ability to ignore the boundaries of what is possible and impossible to the literal translation, the Seikon member steps through reality itself and appears somewhere else to strike while avoiding attacks with ease.

Rank 1: The user warps next to one opponent within 10 feet. The user's next melee attack gains +1 Accuracy, and has a 5% chance of being treated as a Sneak Attack.
Rank 2: The user warps next to one opponent within 20 feet. The user's next melee attack gains +1.5 Accuracy, and has a 10% chance of being treated as a Sneak Attack.
Rank 3: The user warps next to one opponent within 30 feet. The user's next melee attack gains +2 Accuracy, and has a 15% chance of being treated as a Sneak Attack.

Special Action: For 1 Ap, quicksilver step may be used in the same way as Body Switch. This may only be done once per round, and the user gains all penalties associated with it. This is an activated Auto-dodge.

Rank 1: 1 AP, 200 Cp
Rank 2: 1 AP, 250 Cp
Rank 3: 1 AP, 300 Cp

- This is modded as if instantaneous and may be used reflexively.
- Accuracy and Sneak attack bonus only apply to the user if their next action is a melee attack, otherwise they lose their buff.
- If used while in Stealth mode, this allows the Seikon to use a Melee Sneak attack without suffering a stealth penalty to their attack.
- If used while in Stealth mode, this allows the Seikon to use a Melee Sneak Attack and remain in stealth. This only applies to the first Melee Attack made after using Quicksilver Step.
- The user may only remain in stealth as a result of using this jutsu once per round.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: Sorry it took so long ><;

Akkuma smiled drunkenly knowing his tactic had worked although he was more worried about the signs of strategy that were taking place on his opponents face. The blue haired Uchiha saw the grey chakra surge through Kiritos body as he launched ten bone bullets towards the Anbu in training, which he would have been capable dodging if he weren't in his intoxicated state. Jet black flames ignited the air in front of the Uchiha drunken master there the flames swirled in the air around Akkuma forming a fiery black shield, using the flames of Amaterasu in his Kagutsuchi jutsu. Simultaneously Akkuma noticed Kirito vanishing in a yellow flash of chakra or at least that's the color that was shown to the Uchiha through his Mangekyou, just as the bone bullets had almost reached the flames his opponent re-appeared behind him. However Akkuma couldn't tell if the youth had attacked him again as he'd maintained focus on the incoming bone bullets watching them disintegrate in the flames. Unsure of whether Kirito was had attempted to continue his assault as just as quickly as he had flashed behind Akkuma he was gone again.

The flames subsided extinguishing into a hazy black smoke, blood trickled from Akkumas right eye along with various burn marks over his body. He'd chosen to go for slight injury compared to the heavy wound he'd have received from Kiritos assault, there was a deadly intoxicated focus in the Mangekyou Sharingan that scanned the area for his sparing partner. Dropping his scythe Akkuma began to form handseals at an amazing speed, upon completion a small sphere of chakra formed in the air above him. The flying orb than began to search the surrounding area for the shinobi that was now lurking among the shadows "You forget the power of the Mangekyou my friend, now my jutsu will weed you out." he said drunkenly into the night as he surveyed the area. Akkuma knew he'd have to somehow end this soon or his chakra supply wouldn't allow him to keep up such a large usage of chakra and high level jutsu, which didn't bode well for him because his opponent had been allowing him to wear himself out. But the seventeen year old wasn't worried it was a friendly spar and the medical ninja of Kumogakure were extremely talented and he possessed confidence in their abilities, if the situation did result in serious injury which was a possibility with high ranking shinobi. There were only a few more moves he could try and he didn't want to use those unless he thought his Mangekyou would fail to be all he needed.​
1: Amaterasu - Doujutsu Ninjutsu[/i]
While Tsukuyomi is considered the most powerful Genjutsu, this technique is it's counterpart, claimed to be the most powerful Ninjutsu, and with good reason too. This infamous Technique creates Hellish Jet-black Flames spontaneously at the center of the user's vision, and once released these flames are said to burn for days without end before becoming extinguished. These cursed flames are said to be as hot as the sun, and little is capable of stopping this fire from consuming everything in it's path...Except for the Bleeding of the user's eye's as a result of the tremendous energy released from the sharingan.

Rank 3: Ignites the Uchiha's point of vision in black flames at +2 accuracy, causing 2,850 Fire Damage a round.
Special Action - Kagutsuchi: Instead of Covering a target in Amaterasu, the user may coat themselves in a shield of Black Flames, Hp equal to Amaterasu +40%. This effect lasts one round, and if a melee attack is used against the user the attacker must make a Ninjutsu check against the Uchiha to determine if they take damage equal to "Amaterasu's" Damage. A target may only take damage from attacking this barrier once per round.
Rank 3: 3 Ap; 2,500 Cp and 840 Hp to initiate, 800 Hp and 400 Cp per round maintained.

- Requires Mangekyou Sharingan to be activated.
- After the initial "To-Hit" roll, Amaterasu automatically deals it's fire damage to its target every round without fail as long as the Uchiha can still see their target. As such, this may only be used on one target at a time.
- The first round damage is dealt as soon as Amaterasu hits but hits at the beginning of every round after.
- Amaterasu automatically bypasses barriers, armors and shields and also ignores any and all Damage Reduction.
- Damage done and blocked may be increased with Fire buffs.
- This jutsu does not stack in any way or form.
- The special is considered a Chakra Armor.

2: A technique which creates a small sphere of chakra that hovers around in search of a target. Once a target has been found, the sphere releases a concentrated beam of bright light to illuminate the area it is centered upon.

Prerequisites: B Rank, Shadow Tactics, 3 Mastered Anbu Jutsu

Rank 3: Focuses a bright beam of light upon a target at -1 Accuracy. While active, the victim loses -2 Stealth and takes 950 damage. Stealth attempts made while effected have a 28% chance of failing.
Rank 3 Cost: 1200 Cp, 600 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to 3 rounds, and requires a Nin check each round active.
- If the target avoids this technique, the light randomly searches for another target to focus on.

3: Will of Fire - Passive
The possess a burning passion deep within them which can never be truly quenched, their undying flame allowing them to seemingly bring forth the potential of flames far better than anyone else could ever attempt, or desire.

Rank 3: Fire Jutsu damage is increased by 15%.

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kirito thought that he had a decent plan going for him until the shield of black fire popped up. Kirito only managed to get in some of his attack before he knew he had to re-warp out of there. He had heard a rumor about the black flames and how if they touch you, you honestly cannot escape them. Kirito felt a rush in his blood and he could not help but grin. Sure currently he was hiding but it was all a part of the strategy. If he gave himself sometime this guy would indeed burn out most of his chakra and by doing that would lead him to victory due to him knowing he was probably the better taijutsuist. Sure he could be very wrong but he had a funny feeling that he was right.

Suddenly Kirito saw search beams coming out and started to look for him and he figured that these would eventually find him regardless of whether or not he came out. The Anbu lights were a technique that he used and to be honest he usually never saw them not work. Quick was something he defiantly needs to be. Thankfully speed was his middle name.

Kirito had forgotten about the man’s eyes and seeing chakra. How could he have forgotten about the eyes. He was so caught up in blood lust that and battle heat that he was not thinking about how to win. That was just silly of him. Well if speed is what he thinks will him the day then he will certainly do just that. Enough flashy transitions, time to really pull out the stops mr. black flames.

Kirito’s chakra turned yellow and suddenly he popped up from the building wall he was hiding behind and took the search light damage right in the chest. This however would not be enough to stop him and he warped right over to where Akkuma was.

Kirito used his quick silver step and shot instantly into Akkumaright before him he sued his distortion wave technique. And then quickly teleported again. With his yellow sunder reality blade he quickly started to alternate between each few slashes and teleports.

Should a retaliation come he would try and use his body switch to avoid the counter and get right back in there, eventually not caring if he took damage. All he could think about was to be faster and move quicker. It was the best thing he could do against a drunken enemy. Faster…Faster! Faster!!

Quicksilver Step - Space/Time Technique
Taking their ability to ignore the boundaries of what is possible and impossible to the literal translation, the Seikon member steps through reality itself and appears somewhere else to strike while avoiding attacks with ease.

Rank 1: The user warps next to one opponent within 10 feet. The user's next melee attack gains +1 Accuracy, and has a 5% chance of being treated as a Sneak Attack.
Rank 2: The user warps next to one opponent within 20 feet. The user's next melee attack gains +1.5 Accuracy, and has a 10% chance of being treated as a Sneak Attack.
Rank 3: The user warps next to one opponent within 30 feet. The user's next melee attack gains +2 Accuracy, and has a 15% chance of being treated as a Sneak Attack.

Special Action: For 1 Ap, quicksilver step may be used in the same way as Body Switch. This may only be done once per round, and the user gains all penalties associated with it. This is an activated Auto-dodge.

Rank 1: 1 AP, 200 Cp
Rank 2: 1 AP, 250 Cp
Rank 3: 1 AP, 300 Cp

Destruction Pulse - Offensive Area Ninjutsu
Focusing for a moment on their control of reality and energy, the Seikon releases a forceful pulse that temporarily destabilizes the very atomic structure of those caught in its path causing both extreme disorientation and pain.

Rank 1: Destabilizes reality within a 12x12 area. All targets struck by Destruction Pulse take 910 Damage at +1 Accuracy, and suffer -.5 Accuracy and Dodge penalty for 2 rounds.
Rank 2: Destabilizes reality within a 16x16 area. All targets struck by Destruction Pulse take 1370 Damage at +1.5 Accuracy, and suffer -1 Accuracy and Dodge penalty for 2 rounds.
Rank 3: Destabilizes reality within a 20x20 area. All targets struck by Destruction Pulse take 1780 Damage at +2 Accuracy, and suffer -1.5 Accuracy and Dodge penalty for 2 rounds.

Rank 1: 2 AP, 350 Cp
Rank 2: 2 AP, 500 Cp
Rank 3: 2 AP, 600 Cp

- This Jutsu may Automatically target two separate Targets.
- This Jutsu may be buffed by physical damage buffs. This does not receive any weapon-specific damage buffs, such as styles.
- Accuracy and Dodge penalties do not stack.

Quicksilver Pursuit - Warping Taijutsu
Utilizing their unique skill to step through reality, this technique utilizes the same tactic of attack as Quicksilver Step. The Seikon steps entirely outside the boundaries of the human limits, warping to the position of their target and decimating them with a quick, nearly simultaneous strike to their opponent.

Rank 1: The user warps and strikes the opponent twice, each strike dealing 370% Damage at +1 Accuracy.
Rank 2: The user warps and strikes the opponent twice, each strike dealing 385% Damage at +1.5 Accuracy.
Rank 3: The user warps and strikes the opponent twice, each strike dealing 385% Damage at +2 Accuracy.

Costs: 1.5 AP, 700 CP

- Quicksilver Pursuit cannot be negated through Auto-Dodge.
- Should the target attempt to Body switch this technique, the Seikon reappears nearby them and gains +1 Accuracy against them.

Synchronized Multipresence - Special Fighting Style
It is said that Seikon clan members are omnipresent; that they are everywhere at once when they choose to be. This is only partly true, as the Seikon have the ability to overcharge themselves with their reality bending energies, releasing it in such a way that seems to distort the reality around them. This creates multiple "clones" of themselves, afterimages created by their energy that appear and fade at random moments nearby around them.

Rank 1: +1 Dodge. The first attack used after dodging an attack with Body Switch has a 50% chance to be considered a sneak attack.
Rank 2: +1.5 Dodge. The first attack used after dodging an attack with Body Switch has a 60% chance to be considered a sneak attack.
Rank 3: +2 Dodge. The first attack used after dodging an attack with Body Switch has a 70% chance to be considered a sneak attack.

Cost: 2 Ap, 620 Cp to initiate, 300 Cp/Rnd.

- This is treated as if it were a physical fighting style.
- The user exhausts at an above average rate.
- While this is active, the user may use Body Switch without Kawarimi/Clones, and instead substitute with an "After-Image". All Normal body switch rules and limits apply.

Transpositional Flurry - Warp Combo Taijutsu
Who's to say that the Seikon's abilities are limited to a single strike? This technique utilizes the Seikon's powers to vanish and reappear nearby an opponent, striking them from a random direction before warping at blinding speed to another position for another strike, repeating this process multiple times and causing the victim to feel as if they are being surrounded by multiple foes.

Rank 1: The user warps and strikes their target, repeating this process 4 times. Each hit deals 270% damage.
Rank 2: The user warps and strikes their target, repeating this process 5 times. Each hit deals 270% damage at +1 Accuracy.
Rank 3: The user warps and strikes their target, repeating this process 6 times. Each hit deals 270% damage at +2 Accuracy.

Cost: 2 Ap, 700 Cp

- Only 4 hit's may hit a single target.
- Attacks may be Called Shots.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma was surprised to see his comrade teleport into the searchlights beam taking the damage from it before warping into the blue haired anbu in training, before using a technique that made him feel as if he'd been scrambled to pieces. The Uchiha's head rang painfully along with his vision going blurred, next was a relentless barrage. It required all of Akkuma's will to stand as Kirito sliced him each time with his blade warping out of the way after each it. 'Effective method, damn it.' was all he could think as the blades carved through his flesh. After he'd taken all he could the Uchiha's Mangekyou Sharingan deactivated as he collapsed from the wounds, Akkuma supported himself with his right hand. Blood trickled down his right eye and poured from the wounds he had received from Kirito, the Jinkotsu leaders retainers ran out from the bar.

"Good match...we shall have to have another session soon." he said in a strained attempt at his usual charming voice, once he was able to he'd begin training immediately he couldn't allow this defeat to last long. The two men nodded to Kirito throwing him a letter of invitation to the Jinkotsu Estate within the next few days. After that they disappeared with their master in a puff of smoke, Akkuma had found himself someone to duel with and to help push his limits. There was no denying that he appreciated this bond Kirito was his comrade now and would be treated as such by those of his clan.

"Your a stupid fool! You risk too much with your drunken games!" the voice of the clans public relations woman echoed in his skull as the clan medics healed his wounds and gave him ample supplies of sake. "Watch your mouth..." he said and she quickly obeyed becoming silent and nodding apologetically. "The bond and experience gained from today will be of great use in the future I know this." he said with a small smile he hated having to allow rage to enter his thoughts, he disliked the negative energies he got from such thoughts.

Topic Left

[sorry need this slot for a mission! Will pm you with a link to a topic in the estate in a few days]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
