Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

To Jutsu, or not to Jutsu, That is the Question [Open]

Aug 24, 2012
In recent times the Medical Sennin finds her lingering about the academy grounds strengthening, returning to a previous time where a majority of her day spread to the newer generations. Gradually the maiden leaps upon the courtyard wall, pacing forward with hands clasped behind her back. Mikasa's ocean blue hues scan the turf, surveying the land for any signs of students; as far as she were aware, class was not in session. Pausing, the maidens hand extends outwards to illuminate a teal hue, pulsating outwards to spread an emotional barrier within grounds. The kunoichi's emotion projections were the result of the fortunate heritage she were, Empathetic, a rarity in the realm of shinobi, yet one capable to understand surface emotions while projecting there own.

Those within the immediate vicinity would be met with a sense of joy, subtle, however bubbly never the least. Springing forward her frame maneuvers gracefully to land upon the emerald terra below. To the woman's immediate left was a training pond, without any thought chakra coats her leather boots as she strolls towards the middle. In the rear of her thoughts, Mikasa banks on the notion of attracting an individuals interest in hopes of conversing while teaching one of the more common techniques. A miniature lesson without necessarily being considering a dull learning experience.

Casually her boot lifts to strut against the waters surface, springing forward a light mist to ripple outwards, "Far too quiet, perhaps this is free studying time?" she inquires aloud. Truth to be told, Mikasa taught numerous lessons on the grounds, yet on this day she felt foreign to the notion of the academy due to the nearing graduation of the many bright student population. Tilting her head back, her gaze aims towards the sky and soon enough she becomes lost in thought.​
A young boy was playing on a swing outside the academy grounds. He looked at the academy with sullen eyes. "The academy is a fun place they said..." Kaito thought, slightly disappointed at what he just experienced. He had his first class earlier. They talked about several shinobi fundamentals, the different types of elements, hand signs, ninja types, chakra manipulation, etc. All this morning, they did nothing but talk. "I know it's important to learn about theory and stuff but... I just want to do chakra stuff already!" He let out an uncontrolled burst of frustration, typical of what a young child would do in his situation.

A teal-colored barrier went through Kaito and replaced his anger with great pleasure and happiness. His face crunched up, showing his confusion. "What just happened? Why am I feeling happy all of the sudden? I was angry at something earlier, right?" his train of thought kept on and tried to make sense of what happened to him. His thoughts eventually centered on an older woman standing in the middle of a pond. "Wow... She's walking on water! I wanna do it too!" he moved on and stood at the edge of the body of water, wondering how the woman did it. Upon closer look, the woman was looking towards the sky and was seemingly lost in her thoughts. "Um... Ma'am? If you don't mind me asking, how are you walking on water?" he asked with pleading eyes.​
"Ngh" a sigh of frustration escaped Hoheto's lips with his face contorted in a frown. The uchiha in the past few days, had been tasked with bringing supplies to the academy; a mission he had readily accepted hoping to escape the shackles of boredom. But over time, Hoheto grew weary of his regular routine. With each crate dropped in the academy's storage room, he knew he was coming back; to him there was no escaping like he'd been bound to the place. Sometimes he reflected on his actions wishing he had stayed away but late did this knowledge came. He had no choice but to face fully the effects of his decision.

"Four down, one more and I'm done for today" said Hoheto in a sigh of relief while releasing his hands from the crate. The sun was at its peak with the wind all but nonexistent. Drenched in sweat, the uchiha had nothing but the air from his nostrils to cool the heat around him as he was far spent. He dropped to the ground trying to regain his strength in the course of some minutes rest. All that was left of him now, was his journey to the leaf's supply store and back. But upon his stay on the ground, he noticed the passing of a teal-coloured barrier which forced a bit of energy into him. Gradually, Hoheto noticed a change in his mood as if he had been subjected to some form of sorcery. Inside of him, he could feel a sense of joy he was certain wasn't there before. He sprung to his feet searching for the source. Slowly, the uchiha moved from place to place till he happened upon a lady standing motionless on the academy's training pond with a boy close to its edge. He couldn't tell what they had going but from the distance he percieved the kunoichi's chakra as similar to the barrier he felt go through him. Without wasting time Hoheto scaled the fence before him, moving close to the leaf duo. Chance he believed was before him to learn something new.

"Please ma'am, could you teach me that?" He asked politely, paying little attention to the lad he saw next to her.
An academy student was training in his new jutsu “I need one more day until I master this jutsu”Kaito said.He was so tired as he was training day and night for a week now to master this technique.”This jonin said I needed more chakra control i will do my best to master it before he comes again”.A teal-colored barrier then passed through him he was happy for a change he then went to the pond to see what is happening there he saw an academy student and a Genin. the Genin then said”Please ma'am, could you teach me that?"Kaito then said “please ma’am teach me too I need more chakra control to beat my father!”he said excitedly​
In the rear of the Medical Sennin's peripheral an azure matted hair lad appears, swiftly setting off to the pond's edge to greet the platinum mane woman. Sapphire hues plead towards her, Mikasa wouldn't turn down the request in any event. A wafer grin aims towards Kaito, tenderly her leather boots press against the surface as she elegantly waltzes across the brilliant blue waters, "Of course, I would love t-" she is cut off on the sudden arrival of yet another individual. Raven tendrils cascade down the back of the older than average, in appearance, academy student. "Is it becoming a common trend to allow ones hair to grow to such lengths?" Mikasa ponders in thought.

Shockingly the lad wishes to learn of the basic shinobi and kunoichi technique as well. Pressing against the emerald turf, the medical nin eases off the pond, leaving behind a wake of ripples; swashing against one another in an effort to claim dominance. Truthfully, she hadn't imagined the display would result in a sudden attraction, normally one ignored her antics until she gave the usual afternoon or the crack of dawn lesson. Before her thoughts would collect, the duo transforms into a trio, in response Mikasa's head tilts gently to the side - her digits delicately prodding at her chin. "Yes, I will instruct all three of you." her vocals vibrant with a soothing sensation similar to the bubbly radiance projected about her.

Unsure of the amount of instructions required, the kunoichi's mindset defaults to teaching a child, "Water walking is more difficult than tree climbing, so why don't we start there?" she suggests with a light chuckle. Glancing around, it wasn't difficult to locate a large oak tree on the grounds. Motioning for the group to follow suit, the Sennin halts a few feet from the tree, "Foremost, you will have to learn to project your chakra to your feet. Imagine your chakra a suction cup, or a glue if that helps." she begins, "Another method is focusing on your core, imagine a river flowing outwards from your midsection. Guide this river downwards towards the sole of your feet." Mikasa continues, pressing her own foot against the trunk of the tree prior to taking a few steps upwards.​
”so all I should do is just projecting my chakra to my feet that’s easy” said Kaito. he then tried to project his chakra but he failed miserably ”wow that’s harder than I thought” said Kaito surprised that he failed.Mikasa then said ”Another method is focusing on your core, imagine a river flowing outwards from your midsection. Guide this river downwards towards the sole of your feet.” ”ok so I have to focus on my core” said Kaito.he tries to do as Mikasa said he then feels some of his chakra under his feet.”I can feel it I can feel the chakra under my feet!” said Kaito excitedly​
Kaito's eyes rose when he saw the woman walked up the tree. His jaw slackened, surprised at how easy and effortless the woman did the technique. "I'm gonna do that too!" he told the others and motivated himself.

He mulled over the instructions the woman the trio earlier, 'Imagine my core as a river flowing outwards' he willed himself to do as instructed. He could feel the hypothetical river flowing outwards from his midsection. He guided the imaginary, calm waters towards the sole of his feet.

His feet was stuck on the ground. He couldn't move an inch from where he was standing. "Ugh... Sensei?" he shrugged his feet, trying to get himself out of the sticky situation, "I can't move my feet. It's stuck on the ground. How do I stop it from sticking?" He asked, panicking because of his glued feet.​
"It shouldn't be that hard" Hoheto kept to himself following the med-nin's instructions. His featureless eyes observed the struggle the academy duo faced. Not that it could be helped. Unlike him, certainty pointed at this being their first lesson on anything chakra—the first of many lessons they were to face. He could only hope the passing of time transformed their current strength into something to be reckoned with.

Pulling his long black hair backwards, Hoheto motioned forward, closing his eyes. "Imagine my chakra a suction cup" his mind flew back to his instructor's words as he neared the tree. Moving closer, the uchiha involuntarily glanced up toward the thick bark that clothed the old oak tree. He rose his foot against the sturdy brown mass of wood before him, pressing gently on it. But to his wonder, that was as far as he could go. Still fresh to the aspects of manipulating chakra, he found himself struggling trying to replicate Mikasa's feat. The chakra under his feet wasn't nearly enough to have him glued to it. As such, his features contorted in bewilderment, as his mind was made to access an endless list of "could have and should have's". "Almost certain I did everything right" the uchiha shifted his gaze to Mikasa puzzled.
A wide array of emotions clot the airways, Mikasa's ocean gaze shifts between the trio with a delicate grin on her features. The Medical Sennin didn't expect extravagant results, but she found the surprised antics of the blonde lad joyous; widening the grin on her features dramatically. Allowing her leather boots to daintily caress the bark of the oak wood, the Sennin ascends to the nearest branch to perch. "From your various facial expressions, it would appear each of you are undergoing different predicaments." the kunochi murmurs towards the group below, her tone whimsical. Initially she gestures towards the Uchiha lad, his bewilderment of not being able to properly replicate abundantly clear. "I believe you are overthinking your approach. Do you know of any jutsu?" Mikasa questions.

Pausing for a moment she awaits a response, "When you perform a jutsu what do you imagine? Do you overthink the process or do you allow your body to feel the motions necessary?" the Sennin offers as an odd type of advice. "I picture my chakra flowing outwards. an endless river, but this may not be the most suitable for everyone." she admits with a sly grin. Turning her attention to the aqua hair lad, Mikasa chuckles gently, "Do not panic, the moment you panic is the exact moment your defeat is ensured. The same visual of projecting chakra outwards, imagine a clogging the flow, similar to a damn." she offers, finding the best lessons those learned through there own trails.

"Once you understand the basics of halting and allowing your chakra flow will you create the pseudo adhesive effect. A flowing river into one which does not flow, a constant on and off switch." the Sennin summarizes. Ultimately her vibrant hues settle on the excited child, motioning for him to attempt to climb, walk, to her current branch, "Let us see what you got!"
Kaito looked down and examined his glued feet, "Ahh... So I just have to stop the flow of my chakra eh?" he focused on his core and imagined a river flowing towards his feet. Using sensei's advice, He mentally built a short dam which served to stop the river's flow. "That should do it," he raised his feet and said, "It worked!" his eyes went wide. He looked around in order to find a tree he could use the technique on. He walked up to a tree near the blonde-haired boy. He heard the boy yell out, "I can feel it! I can feel the chakra under my feet!" Kaito grinned at the blonde, "You got it!" He stood near him and said, "Let's go up the tree together."
Kaito looked around and saw the aqua hair lad coming his way.He got it too. he then said “Let’s go up the tree together.” Kaito then said “Let’s do it!”Kaito tried to climb the oak but when he tried to do it he climbed about a meter and then he fell.”it’s harder than expected”Kaito said exhausted.he tried it again but this time he climbed a meter and a half.”at this rate I will never catch up to my father”said Kaito he then looked at the medical ninja and said ”is there a way that I can accelerate the process?”asked Kaito​
"A few" Hoheto replied curious as to why She asked. He remained silent, tuning his ears to Mikasa's next set of words. "Odd" the uchiha remarks, "I've never given much thought to the process involved" He follows with a soft tone, looking at his hands—his right foot willed off the tree. Narrowing his gray eyes all the way down, the genin steers off to the week past, where he last conjured a ball of flames; the feeling Mikasa spake of he sought to recall and absorb back to the present.

Almost nonexistent to those around him, Hoheto assumes a stance akin to the one before as he tries to recollect the event leading to the execution of his technique. From his time in the dense growth of shrubbery around the forest of death, he remembers the feel of chakra streaming within his interior. "Now, to extend and maintain this flow to my feet… An endless river with a clogging flow" He spoke to himself, taking a lungful of air.

Gently, he taps on the bark of the tree with his sandal, having the base coated in chakra without much thought to the quantity required as he'd been instructed. With his eyes yet closed, he observes a bond between his foot and the tree. Slowly, he follows with his left, aiming for a spot higher.

Advancing at a slow pace, Hoheto released his eyes in view of his progress—his lips separated in a grin. Barely four steps in, gravity tugged at his being, warring against his progress. "Wo-ahh!" His voice reaches out to Mikasa already reversed in position. "How do I walk upright on this Sensei?" He follows from an inverted perspective.
The trio proceeds to defy the odds of bolstering the strength to scale even a single meter, Mikasa's gentle grin not faltering. From her introverted perspective, the world a grander place, the endless abyss of azure replaced with structures and forestry. "There isn't a way to accelerate, practice makes perfect and this will take time to master." she affirms to Sen Kaito. Glancing towards the excited opposing Kaito,the Sennin feels his oozing charisma and innocent nature pooling outwards, re-gesturing for him to join her on the perch.

The Uchiha lad, not that she were aware of his genetic make-up, inquires of how to walk on an entirely different perspective, "I would try running." the medical kunoichi replies with a faint chuckle. Hoheto had a natural advantage over the two youngster, being able to manipulate chakra to form various techniques would be the corner stone of mastering the wall walking methods. Curiously her tundra gaze fixates against the academy grounds clock, realizing the time that had passed, the teal chakra about her boots dissipate. Abruptly the maiden flips forward to land in a kneeling stance on the emerald locks, "My apologies, I have to get ready for a session in the morning and a few additional tasks." Mikasa explains in a ginger tone.

Waving her hands to and fro, "I implore for you three to continue, despite my absence. I look forward to hearing of your successes!" she addresses before pacing forward towards the main academy entrance. A single hand rises above her shoulder to signal a true departure, "Until we meet again! I am sure it will not be as long as you think!" In the midst of her stage exit, the kunoichi felt embaressed for not introducing herself, however there was always their next encounter.

[OOC: Topic Left Unless Stopped]​
Kaito watched as the Kunoichi walked away from the trio of students. He waved at the woman and shouted, "Thanks Miss Kunoichi!" He looked back at the others and noted their progress. The black-haired lad was horizontally standing at the side of the tree which showed off his skill in chakra control. Kaito smiled and commented, "You're doing great! Watch me, I'll climb that tree too!"

He took a step forward and planted his foot against the bark of the tree. He prepared his chakra and let it flow outwards, like a stream of water. A tiny alarm echoed throughout his immediate surroundings, breaking his concentration. He took out his watch and looked at the time. His eyes widened at what the watch displayed, "It's already late! Mother is waiting for me!" He ran towards the academy's gate, worried about how his mother would react. He looked back and waved at the other two boys. "Bye! It was nice learning with you guys!" He sprinted towards his home and never looked back.​

As the Kunoichi left the the field Kaito waved good bye to this mysterious Kunoichi he then tried to climb the tree again this time he did more progress than before “Well this was better than before”.He tried it again and again until this time he succeeded to go to the top of the tree and stand there “At last I did it” said Kaito then the other blue haired lad left “I wish I see you soon” said Kaito.”Kaito you succeeded at last” said a jonin excitedly to Kaito.”Yep said Kaito.”Well we should go” said the jonin.”ok I got to go. see ya”said Kaito to the Uchiha lad while going out of sight with the jonin​
[OOC:Topic left unless stopped]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
