[col]Two letters. Two letters were sent, both containing the same message, to two big names in the village know as Kumogakure. The first, to a clan known for their long standing relationship with the village, as well as the powerful bloodline each member holds which gave their group such power. Beyond that, only rumors. This letter contained not only the invitation to meet, but asked for permission to meet in their residence. Upon receiving a letter of approval, a second was immediately sent to the second clan. This was was known for their successful businesses in several industries, as well as their contributions to Kumo over the years. And most recently, for the drama caused at the village's lightning festival. This group, too, had many rumors revolving around it. These letters were sent by an ancient clan, who were accepted into the village years before the notorious Demon Wars that plagued Kumo. Their powers and title were stripped from them after being falsely accused for taking up arms against the village and its people, but those who knew otherwise saved them from exile, or even death.
"So a reclusive group obsessed with blood and a family made up of business people..." The girl assigned to ensuring the success of this meeting was none other than Kyodo Tesaki, the daughter of the Kyodo clan's current leaders and the most likely candidate for the future Matriarch. "How the hell do they expect me to convince these people to go along with our idea?" She whined as she and a group of small hooded figures walked through the village. They were all headed for the Chigokai's residence, where the girl hoped to strike a deal between the clans that would be beneficial for all parties involved. It was sunny on this day, and surprisingly warm as well. For Kumo, anyways. Tesa's large black horns shone in the sun, and brought attention to not only her, but those that followed her as well. Whispers could be heard from most of the commuters on the street, each one asking "what's going on", or "who could they be?" But who could blame them? It wasn't every day you saw a girl covered in summoning signs with large horns being followed by a group of little demon people in cloaks, right? But despite any attempts to berate or frighten the girl, she went on without even noticing anything different.
This wasn't because of her oblivious nature however, it was because nothing was different. Those damned demon wars made most of the villagers, shinobi, and government officials hate anyone associated with demon kind, so a clan that coexists with them isn't exactly a welcome sight. So everything said, is something that was most likely heard some time ago. Most people didn't take the time to think of something creative anymore, always shouting the same damn insults they always have while she marched happily on.|
After a bit of walking, it was pretty obvious the group had reached their destination. Strange architecture, massive walls, blood red colors.. Tesa couldn't think of anything else that would make the building more obvious! "For a clan who's supposed to be reclusive, they sure like to show off their wealth." Masuta commented.
"Don't go saying anything like that during the meeting, might make me repeat it. And that is a rumor, so it might not even be true!" Even for fellow clan member's, seeing other people talking to themselves was always a strange sight to see. Not only that, but it was always a bit awkward doing it in the first place, most others don't realizes that there's another living being inside each of the clan members, so to them it just looks like they've got a bad case of the crazy's. Almost as soon as they arrived at the large complex, they were greeted by a young female servant, accompanied by an older servant of the same gender.
"If you'll come with us, our lady is waiting for you in the Maze Gardens." As the young girl held her hand out to the side, the large door leading to the entrance opened slowly, and once the group began moving again, so did the servants. The pair made sure to stay a few steps ahead of them, and would take sudden turns here and there without warning.
The group of fledglings looked around, fear in their eyes while Tesa continued to be her happy self. Further in now, the sound from the outside world seemed to be blocked out entirely. No footsteps, no haggling, no yelling. It was almost surprising how well concealed such a large building could be, and it only got worse once they entered the center of the maze. But at this point, the lack of sound wasn't what mattered. On the opposite end of a medium sized table, was a disturbingly large, pale woman arguing with the first male servant they'd seen since arriving. There were plenty of servants on the way, but it almost made it strange to see one that had male extremities since all of those ones were female. The servants that led them to this place bowed and exited, leaving only the group with Tesa and the woman and her servant. The girl simply stared for a few moments, before realizing it might be a better option to say something. "Kyodo Tesaki, I'll be representing the clan that asked you here today." She gave a slight bow before spinning on her heel and facing the hooded figures, "Go on then, introduce yourselves!" Each of them gave her a blank stare, then looked at the large woman without saying or doing anything.
"You know they won't..." Masu sighed.
"Shut up! You never know!" Tesa whispered as a reply before spinning back around. "Sorry about that, they're still young. New surroundings. Unfamiliar faces. All of that, I'll set em' straight later. Mind if I take a seat?" If Ookami allowed it, the demon girl would take a seat and get comfortable, "Guess we're still waiting for on more huh? I'll save all the business stuff for then, how was your day?" Small talk would be her only salvation, there was no way she would survive with absolutely no talking. Even with all of the servants bringing various food and drink items in for everyone to enjoy.
"So a reclusive group obsessed with blood and a family made up of business people..." The girl assigned to ensuring the success of this meeting was none other than Kyodo Tesaki, the daughter of the Kyodo clan's current leaders and the most likely candidate for the future Matriarch. "How the hell do they expect me to convince these people to go along with our idea?" She whined as she and a group of small hooded figures walked through the village. They were all headed for the Chigokai's residence, where the girl hoped to strike a deal between the clans that would be beneficial for all parties involved. It was sunny on this day, and surprisingly warm as well. For Kumo, anyways. Tesa's large black horns shone in the sun, and brought attention to not only her, but those that followed her as well. Whispers could be heard from most of the commuters on the street, each one asking "what's going on", or "who could they be?" But who could blame them? It wasn't every day you saw a girl covered in summoning signs with large horns being followed by a group of little demon people in cloaks, right? But despite any attempts to berate or frighten the girl, she went on without even noticing anything different.
This wasn't because of her oblivious nature however, it was because nothing was different. Those damned demon wars made most of the villagers, shinobi, and government officials hate anyone associated with demon kind, so a clan that coexists with them isn't exactly a welcome sight. So everything said, is something that was most likely heard some time ago. Most people didn't take the time to think of something creative anymore, always shouting the same damn insults they always have while she marched happily on.|

After a bit of walking, it was pretty obvious the group had reached their destination. Strange architecture, massive walls, blood red colors.. Tesa couldn't think of anything else that would make the building more obvious! "For a clan who's supposed to be reclusive, they sure like to show off their wealth." Masuta commented.
"Don't go saying anything like that during the meeting, might make me repeat it. And that is a rumor, so it might not even be true!" Even for fellow clan member's, seeing other people talking to themselves was always a strange sight to see. Not only that, but it was always a bit awkward doing it in the first place, most others don't realizes that there's another living being inside each of the clan members, so to them it just looks like they've got a bad case of the crazy's. Almost as soon as they arrived at the large complex, they were greeted by a young female servant, accompanied by an older servant of the same gender.
"If you'll come with us, our lady is waiting for you in the Maze Gardens." As the young girl held her hand out to the side, the large door leading to the entrance opened slowly, and once the group began moving again, so did the servants. The pair made sure to stay a few steps ahead of them, and would take sudden turns here and there without warning.
The group of fledglings looked around, fear in their eyes while Tesa continued to be her happy self. Further in now, the sound from the outside world seemed to be blocked out entirely. No footsteps, no haggling, no yelling. It was almost surprising how well concealed such a large building could be, and it only got worse once they entered the center of the maze. But at this point, the lack of sound wasn't what mattered. On the opposite end of a medium sized table, was a disturbingly large, pale woman arguing with the first male servant they'd seen since arriving. There were plenty of servants on the way, but it almost made it strange to see one that had male extremities since all of those ones were female. The servants that led them to this place bowed and exited, leaving only the group with Tesa and the woman and her servant. The girl simply stared for a few moments, before realizing it might be a better option to say something. "Kyodo Tesaki, I'll be representing the clan that asked you here today." She gave a slight bow before spinning on her heel and facing the hooded figures, "Go on then, introduce yourselves!" Each of them gave her a blank stare, then looked at the large woman without saying or doing anything.

"You know they won't..." Masu sighed.
"Shut up! You never know!" Tesa whispered as a reply before spinning back around. "Sorry about that, they're still young. New surroundings. Unfamiliar faces. All of that, I'll set em' straight later. Mind if I take a seat?" If Ookami allowed it, the demon girl would take a seat and get comfortable, "Guess we're still waiting for on more huh? I'll save all the business stuff for then, how was your day?" Small talk would be her only salvation, there was no way she would survive with absolutely no talking. Even with all of the servants bringing various food and drink items in for everyone to enjoy.