Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

To Take A Stroll [Requesting Kushin]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma walked down the Avenue that he'd been warned to stay away from. 'I'm sure I will encounter at least one unique soul who has potential.' he thought to himself. The demonic mercenary was always on the lookout for new contacts or potential allies and these kinds of people could often be found in sordid places. Of ill repute or standing but the youth knew you often found colourful and resourceful beings full of potential in these places. Strolling down the Avenue the two horned blonde demon walked calmly ahead he could feel many eyes on him from the interconnecting alleys. Strolling onwards he let his demonic aura seep out and he felt the presences scatter away. Vermin..." he muttered didn't even have the heart to attack when they out numbered him.

Surely there is someone worth meeting here after all the warnings I got about not going down here. So far I've seen nothing to warrant such warnings. Perhaps the fun will start soon if it doesn't I might have to make some of my own surely there is a sake establishment somewhere. 'Patience I should probably listen to the advice I give others...' he thought with a sigh.

Edited to fix spelling error and do this MFT =P


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The past few days had been interesting, and Kushin needed time out.

A man Kushin respected, one of the few who he thought might have been able to have a conversation with Kushin and a man who had acknowledged Kushin only recently was dead. Or suspected dead. A body hadn't been found. But for Masao's sake he had better be dead. Perhaps it was the idea that he wasn't dead that most upset Kushin. After all, the man was someone that Kushin felt would be the most loyal to the village.

The other issue was how Kushin had always demonstrated his emotions. Violence. Looking back to that meeting he couldn't help but look at himself as some kind of spoiled child. He'd snapped at another Sennin who'd attempted to keep him in the room, and had then shortly afterwards committed an act which could have been described as mutiny. He'd left and then told every shinobi under his command to ignore a particular mission type no matter who gave it to them.

It took a good chunk of the Raikage's potential forces out of circulation should he want to go ahead with his plan, and it could potentially place other shinobi in harms way. Especially as they would not receive medical aid should things go the way they could under the worst case scenario.

But the worst case scenario wasn't one which he had truly voiced.

The worst case scenario, and the one which had truly upset him was that Masao had saved Enishi with his last act.

These were the thoughts going on in Kushin's mind as he sat in a dark corner of the alleyway he walked through. Rodent remains littered his surroundings, every single one seemingly killed by a different element.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma continued his walk down the Avenue when he couldn't help but notice the man who sat in an alley he was approaching. The chakra was massive he could feel it from where he stood. The demonic teenagers ocean blue eyes landed on the man 'He could be quite dangerous....all the more fun.' he thought to himself. Approaching the man upon closer inspection the blonde haired demon felt as if the man seemed defeated. It angered the teenager to see someone with such chakra who could hold so much potential sitting about like that. The change in the sound of his Geta footsteps picked up pace as he approached the man. "Get up." growled the seventeen year old, his voice rumbling even though he'd barely spoken.

There was something about that aura that reminded him so much of the time when he'd thought himself lost. Back when he'd been locked in the worst of the Kirigakure cells, left with one arm waiting days for a medic. Finally after creating a jutsu he regrow his lost limb, not long after he'd been pardoned by the Mizukage herself. Next had been leading his clan through the deadly blizzard to a safer land to rest while he travelled here to Cloud. 'I've survived...I've come this far, so can he.' he thought angrily. "Look if you give up and just let the world beat you then you may as well die." he said coldly and bluntly.

But his body language changed as he spoke his next words that held a fiery passion in them "Or you can fight till the last breathe, tooth and nail if you fucking have too! But never give up, its not the shinobi way." those ocean blue orbs were locked on the man and Akkuma didn't know what would happen next. A variety of things could but he would have to wait hopefully his words would at least enliven the man.

edited to fix errors


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A boy approached, Kushin could feel his blood rush through his system. Yet Kushin ignored him. He was busy thinking about how he'd behaved, and accepting it, because the first stage to fix something was to accept that it existed. When the boy spoke at him, telling him what to do there was a flash of anger and a swelling of power associated with it. The boy continued to speak while Kushin remained seated. The accent was one he recognized, and Kushin knew immediately he was not a shinobi from the village. He was no-one that Kushin cared about. Yet Kushin could only presume that he thought he was doing the right thing. What he was really doing could have been very dangerous should Kushin not have been thinking about his lashing out.

Kushin turned his head to face the boy, his eyes told of his anger for he had not completely calmed himself.

This is not me giving up. This is me taking a time out. He said barely less than a growl.

You may live long enough to learn that sometimes taking time to think about what has happened is a good thing. To just continue marching onwards without thought other than the blind idea that not doing so is giving up will get you killed. His voice had calmed a bit by this stage, he was regaining his self control.

I have acted out of how I want to act due to grief. I am reflecting on that so that I don't make the same mistake in the future. This is what one calls learning. Leaning back against the wall he looked skyward. His eyes searching for nothing in particular.

So what brings you into this alleyway?

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled devilishly as the man reacted in way he'd not expected he had yet to stand. Let alone show the amount of aggression the teenager had expected 'Interesting so he's headstrong and wise to.' he thought to himself. The demonic youth smiled a devilish grin his gaze held power and danger.

"I came to this alley seeking allies for my clan, Mist is lost. We are migrating to the outland to settle I hope to find an ally of this country for my clan. And perhaps make some of my own for personal interests....well and to hunt my brethren demons but I was hoping to get your Raikages permission before doing so." he said calmly he'd not held anything back though something was still in his gaze one of curiousity.

"What of yourself why would you come to this alley in a time of grief? I would destroy whatever caused my grief...or use it to fuel my ambitions. Not that taking the time to learn about ones mistakes isn't essential. But they're are better times, in times such as these preparations must be made the world is in a troublesome state. It will take a great many like minded people to save the people." he said resolutely standing tall.

Then he gazed up at the sky before speaking "After all if we don't try we'll never know...I've got to fight for my dream. Every obstacle the world has thrown at me I've overcome, but I can't slow down its not just my fate but the fate of my clan. Along with all those I wish to protect.." he said looking down at the man once more.

"Do you want to come have some sake? My shout the drink always helps in a time of grief." Akkuma said with a smile after all he had interrupted the man in his time of grief but he felt right in doing so. After all sitting about doing nothing but thinking can e dangerous but discussing those thoughts could be a lot more healthier.



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kushin watched and listened. He was after allies and was from Mist. His Mizukage was in this village as well, perhaps he should mention that... perhaps not. He did mention his own personal interests, which would lead Kushin to feel that doing so would undermine that idea. The boy went on to discuss Kushin's issue, asking why he was here effectively instead of going about destroying what had caused it. Kushin wondered at the strife in Mist which enabled shinobi to live to his age and not realize that not everything was that simple?

Though by this stage he was beginning to understand the boy in his own way. Proud, egotistical, and to a degree stupid. A dangerous combination. A barrier between himself and his goal would simply be destroyed, that was how he thought, he didn't look for a door which might best enable his getting through it. Not every wall could be passed through by force.

When the boys eyes moved to Kushin once more he would notice Kushin's frown, unbeknownst to him this was Kushin's normal expression.

He offered Kushin to join him for sake.

I don't drink. Alcohol, like drugs, numbed the senses, Kushin liked to have his about him at all times.

Pushing himself to his feet he stood, a fairly short man that he was. This conversation could at the worst be useful.

I will join you however you need to answer me a question first. What are your views on the Isaki clan of Mist?

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The mans words shocked the seventeen year old demonic mercenary how could the Cloud shinobi not drink 'Each to their own I guess...' he though to himself with a small smile. Personally the blonde haired youth wondered what a sorry state he'd be in without the substance. Than the man said he would join Akkuma but first he'd have to tell the man what his opinion on the Isaki's were. 'Mmm I only really met one Isaki member and he was a likable fellow. What was that medics name...' he thought to himself.

"Well in truth I've only met one Isaki that I know of and he was a respectable man. But other then that I don't really have an opinion on the clan. I do know that it is Hoshikata's clan...but I hope to make allies of the Isaki and Shyoukyou and form a strong bond with my own clan." he said with a smile and a nod. "Any particular reason you'd like to know why?" he asked before noticing the height difference between himself and his companion. 'I wonder what his age is in comparison to my own surely they're can't be too much of an age difference.' he thought before giving a small stretch.

"Oh where are my manners I'm Miroku Akkuma head of the Miroku Clan, may the Old Ones watch over you and yours." he said with respectful bow. Before standing and giving a devilish grin "Well sir since you don't indulge what shall we do?" he asked curiously. The demonic teenager wanted to find out more about the man, he felt as if the both of them would learn and benefit from this bond. Truly though he did wish to test his skills against this man his chakra was amazing. Though that would undoubtedly be a discussion for a later time, who knew but he would definitely place the challenge before the day was through.



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A man who wanted to make allies with the Isaki. Potentially dangerous, and potentially a bad position to be in should Kushin have made his personal intentions clear. Yet at the same time it opened up many opportunities for he who bore the clans name.

Nodding silently he listened as the youngster introduced himself. Now the choice was on Kushin's table.

My name is Isaki Kushin, Medical Sennin of Kumogakure.

He introduced himself fully, it wasn't often he used the name which had been bestowed upon him through the contract which came with his marriage. Looking at the boy before him he seemed to likely be about the same age he had been when that marriage had taken place. Only six years ago as well... time seemed to go faster as he got older, though he was in his prime as far as Shinobi age went.

He'd noticed most shinobi either gained some form of immunity to aging, or retired around thirty. As far as he was aware he'd not become immune to age.

We can go and get you a drink should that be what you desire. I will have water. Taking my mind away from the infinite possibilities which a current situation has forced into it would be a nice reprieve.

Unless there's something else you'd rather do?

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled as he waited for the mans introduction and his mouth dropped from surprise. Not only was their an saki Clan member before him, but also a Sennin of Kumogakure. 'The Old Ones work in mysterious ways...' he thought to himself before listening to what the man said next. 'Well...' he thought before opening his mouth to speak. "Its my pleasure to meet you. In that case I would like to propose a treaty or alliance between the two of our clans...after we've addressed that I'd like your assistance in arranging a treaty or contract between Kumogakure and the Miroku Clan. Once these maters there is a final item that I would like to tackle..." he spoke calmly and friendly with a wide smile on his face although his voice was hesitant towards the end.

"I would like to challenge you...if you'd permit me as a gesture of good will. An establishing of the bond between us and hopefully what will be not only between our clans but kumogakure." he spoke with authority and a tone of power. The seventeen year old new what he wanted and he would waste no time in this he was sure. How would Kushin take to this wondered the youth and would it be the positive reaction he so dreadfully hoped for.

"This can all be done while having drinks or whilst battling therefore I will leave the decision to you. Although we could do one before the later, it would simply depend on what your willing to do Kushin." he said in a charming friendly tone. Still trying to get over his disbelief of how lucky he'd been in his trip to Kumogakure so far things have gone amazingly well. Now hopefully its not the calm before the storm but if its my lucky time for he needed it now more then ever if he was going to get his plans underway and accomplish what he needed to.



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Yes, he suspected this would be the reaction, not the fight part though. Kushin didn't like fighting, especially on even terms and particularly when it could mean giving someone who in future could become an enemy an advantage as he would have learned something of Kushin's combat techniques.

The younger shinobi was very eager, and Kushin could understand why. Seemingly more than everything he could have hoped for had fallen into his lap. He had the opportunity to do what he'd spoken only moments earlier.

I am not able to agree to any alliance from either position unfortunately. This would likely be a let down for the boy, though Kushin wondered whether he would recognize that Kushin had a say in matters, but didn't have any true ownership over them.

I am a Sennin and so have a voice amongst the leadership of the village, but could not approve any alliance by myself. Also I am mearly a member of the Isaki clan, not the leader, that would still be Hoshikata.

Also I do not enjoy combat when I can avoid it. I believe the last time I was in a combat situation was to train my subordinate and tet a potential leader in the medical branch. Which was true enough... the fight with the contract creatures was something separate entirely and wasn't something he needed to discuss let alone reveal.

Perhaps a drink and further discussion would be best for now... though of course by drink Kushin was thinking of water ...and we can figure out the best way I can aid you. If I feel more like a duel later on perhaps then I could indulge you. It depended on much. If Kushin felt that he might be valuable in an alliance of some description then of course testing his combat ability was an obvious next step, especially as that seemed to be something the boy was interested in and thus should be quite good at. It would also give Kushin more of an idea on what he was dealing with. And with his knowledge in jutsu he could easily come up with a battle tactic which strayed from how he normally fought.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma had not been expecting those first words and they came as a blow but he stood firm, listening still as the sennin spoke.When the sennin said he didn't like combat Akkuma spoke once he'd finished waiting for the man to finish his last words before doing so. "In that case would it be possible for you to speak to the Raikage, even some positive I'm sure we can work something out." he said with devilish grin. "As with the Isaki Clan that is fine I will seek out Hoshikata..." he said with a friendlysmile clearly he was still satisfied with the way the course of events had unfolded.

"As for the battle...I was just interested in seeing your jutsu. My clan is a clan of archivists but I shall explain that over drinks." he said with a small bow of his head. Before gesturing with his hand in a sweeping motion showing that Kushin should lead the way. To make conversation for the walk the demon had his hands in his robe pockets when he spoke his next words "Any news of Mizugakure or of any of my fellow people? What of Masa did she get out alive?" he asked casually but the last question had weighed on his mind for quite sometime.

Those ocean blue eyes scanned the path before them as they walked and he asked something else that had been on his mind. "This village has a rather high amount of demons within it....why? What draws them here or have they always been here?" asked the demonic teenager wondering if he'd find some information. After all he could not help it he was obsessed with knowing everything about this world and all the majesty and power within it. Demons therefore were naturally a interest of his due to this.



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kushin nodded at the others reaction to his inability to help. He knew he could have chosen a more manipulative path, claimed that he could do both and used the boy. But something told him that doing so would not have ended with the best result. For those who are so open with their asperations it was sometimes best just to be honest, it told them they could trust you, and then they would be more easily used in future.

What he said about battle was curious, though Kushin was going to vocalize his thoughts he was interrupted by the other who then asked about his compatriots. Kushin turned and began leading them towards a nearby bar or eatery. Whichever turned up first. And once more he was unable to answer before another question was asked.

That could become annoying.

As they walked towards the eatery Kushin decided to answer them in a different order.

Several Mistians have made it out alive, we have been visited by several on all accounts and I recently sat with Masa over a drink. She was then meeting with the Raikage, I've yet to know how that meeting went.

They then entered a small bar, only large enough to seat 5 or so people at the bar itself. Nothing fancy and they were practically outside with only a few sheets between them and the outside air. Yet they provided enough cover to enable the heaters to warm those at the bar despite the crisp mountain air.

Demons have been a part of Kumogakure life for as long as I have been alive. We were subject to an invasion around that time, it was an age where gods were born and demons were destroyed. Though despite this we have since found that we have an unusually high number of them here still. I couldn't answer why we do... but we do.

The bar tender looked at Kushin and immediately started pouring a juice. Upon placing it on the bar he turned to Akkuma and asked what he would like. Kushin's distaste for alcohol in a village of alcoholics was something which was known across all bar tender.

Once the drink had been ordered Kushin then decided to let Akkuma know something about the futility of his proposal with regards to noting Kushin's jutsu.

I would die from chakra exhaustion before I could cast all the jutsu I know. He said turning to the boy. Indeed. He knew more than 200,000 jutsu in total, not that he actually knew that number specifically, but that was the total number of jutsu he knew when everything was taken into account. And yet he was still learning more.

[ooc: is an actual number if you take all the E-B rank jutsu and have them count twice (jutsu expansion) and then multiplied it against itself (jutsu combination) to come up with the total number of jutsu Kushin actually knows. Sure, most wouldn't be useful, but they're still jutsu.]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke continued his slow stroll down the quiet streets of Kumo. There wasn't much going on, maybe everyone stayed indoors from the cold weather. It didn't bother the young white haired lad too much. The weather in Kiri used to give him the chills as well, at least until he got adjusted to the frosty climate.

With only an unzipped jacket covering his torso the boy raised his eyebrows at the sound off his stomach rumbling. 'Aww man! I just ate. All this grubbing is going to tear a hole in my pockets.' The boy was off from the courier job he started working. It was something to keep him occupied while in the foreign village.

He continued on looking for a place to grab a plate. Tis was when he stumbled upon a familiar chakra signature. As he moved closer he noticed another unfamiliar but powerful chakra. 'A shinobi of the village perhaps?'

His thoughts of grub was pushed to the side as he entered the small bar the two were located at. "Akkuma!" The boy shouted, drawing a bit of attention to himself. A grin lay on the younger boy's face. He hadn't seen his older brother since he was behind the cell in Kiri.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled "I'm glad to hear that...particularly about Masa I hope the Old Ones watch over her." he said before looking at the drinks the bartender had and deciding it was best to go for a sake. "Just a bottle of sa..." he was cut off as a familiar voice boomed through the little pub stall. "By the Old Ones! I'll grab four bottlesof your sake bartender!" roared Akkuma standing and embracing Uziuke in a hug. "Brother I wish for you to meet Kushin, Kushin this is Uziuke my younger brother." said the demonic sjinobi smiling a devilish grin. "Sit Uziuke have a seat and a drink with us." he said before turning his attention back to the conversation. "Interesting...I was just wondering because I have an interest in decreasing that amount if I could get the approval." no sooner were the words spoken that something dawned to Akkuma. 'Thats around the same time father would have left Kirigakure....interesting.' he'd have to think more on that later now he was here for something else.

"Likewise but I was more interested what particular type of jutsu you would fall to in a time of need. Plus I feel the best way to establish a bond is by battling someone. Now in regards to how you could aid could you aid me Isaki Kushin? I'm sure we could find a quite a few ways our bond could be beneficial to all parties." he said with a large devilish grin. For the Demon Sage was certain that both parties would benefit greatly from such an alliance. Akkuma just needed to know what Kushin wanted after all what could a Sennin of Kumogakure and member of the reputable Isaki clan want for. 'A few drinks and no doubt he'll feel comfortable enough to let me know what he desires...' he thought to himself passing Uziuke a bottle and uncorking one for himself.

"To Comrades!" he roared as he would knock his bottle against Uziukes and Kushins juice in a cheers. "Hopefully tonight is one of success and the beginning to a great friendship." he said in that devilishly charming tone of his. Those ocean blue eyes watching Kushin with a warm friendly look to them. Akkuma had grand schemes foolish grand schemes, but often fools were the only ones capable of accomplishing such things. The demonic shinobi wondered if the Old Ones watched the events that took place in the tiny little shack of a bar. 'If you scared because I'm coming for you.' he thought with a small grin and another gulp.



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A brother in the village? Interesting. That was what Kushin thought. It could be good or bad depending on how he'd been treated of course, though Kushin didn't see a look of exhaustion in the mans eyes, there was no sign that he'd been physically mistreated either. Though his mental perception abilities were always fairly limited by his lack of understanding how the human mind worked.

He was introduced and nodded his head to the other, wondering how much he'd heard about Cloud's Medical Sennin, and thus what his perceptions would already be of Kushin. Certainly if he'd sought any knowledge on Cloud's leadership he'd have heard at least one negative story about how the medical sennin is less medical and more murderer.

Attention quickly turned back to the topic being talked about and the idea that he hoped to reduce the number of demons in Kumogakure had Kushin give an unconscious shake of his head. Cloud had sent many missions into the many known zones to close off the demon world from their own. Though many had been successful nothing had seemed to change... instead Cloud just lost knowledge as to where they were coming from and had to spend yet more resources regaining that knowledge. It seemed as though the worlds were permanently linked in some way.

He frowned at the comment regarding how Kushin could aid him. Kushin didn't think that was the issue here. He was linked in many ways to a great number of key things in the shinobi world. Not least of which his control over his branch and power within Kumogakure. So really it was how would this man... and his brother... be of service to Kushin.

Raising his glass, juice spilling from the enthusiastic knock that the other gave and Kushin's own lack of knowing how these kinds of things worked. He was not used to being included in a friendly environment. He was normally excluded from them.

Indeed, the last person who said anything nice to him died within a week.

What is it that you wish to achieve? Kushin asked, lacking the social courtesy to hold back from asking what was the obvious question.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
