Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:43:52

Today's the Day! [PVT]


Active Ninja
Oct 28, 2012
Yomi sent Besito bright and early to Kaori's house. Early was an understatement as the sun had barely rose from its perceived slumber. Besito would bark until Kaori emerged and hopefully he didn't get attacked by the Shrine Knights in his attempt get the horned girls attention. It wasn't his fault he was large and imposing but he'd eat them if they attacked. Besito would drop off the note to Kaori once she revealed herself before going on his merry way.

Very Official Looking Note That Is Official
Tenkawa Kaori,


Medical Sennin & Main Branch Co-Sennin

Yomi sat her desk with a cup of tea. From the looks of it, she was ending her day rather than starting it. Exhaling she looked at the clock as usual, waiting for the horned girl to arrive. The sooner she got here the faster Yomi could confess.
The sound of barking could be heard at the Shrine's gates. One of the guards, without knowing the source of the noise shouted expletives at the creature barking until the man opened the gates to see Besito standing outside. The guard looked at Besito for a brief moment before closing the door. "Fuck that," exclaimed the Shrine Knight as he turned to walk back into the building. It didn't take long for Kaori to be awakened by the Shrine Knight that opened the door and to be informed of presence of Besito. Kaori let out a large yawn as she rubbed her eyes, looking towards the pale-white Shrine Knight that woke her up.

"A large wolf? Oh, it's Besito. Just let him in," she said as she rolled over in bed.

The Shrine Knight cleared his throat and stomped his foot once. "I don't think that's wise, Priestess," the man said standing firmly with what he said before Kaori sat up in her bed and turned to look at the Shrine Knight. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes bloodshot. She was not a very pleasant sight to see in the early morning. "Probably another message for me from Yomi, ugh. What does she want this early?" she whined as she waved the man off so she could get dressed.

The man stood still for a moment as Kaori's eyes opened wide as she shoo'd him away. "Seriously, you're not going to see me naked so get the hell out!" she shouted as the man snapped back to reality and nodded his head, leaving Kaori's bedroom. With a single grunt, she laid back down in the bed once again. She used to get up this early in the morning when she was the one solely taking care of the Shrine, but since then she had slacked on her duties and simply relegated the responsibility to other people (most of the time). She still performs her duties for the Shrine, being the leader, but she doesn't perform her duties every single day due to her trying to become a shinobi.

After a moment, she walked outside to see the Shrine Knights starting to break down in annoyance as the large dog continued to bark and bark and bark until Kaori approached. She signaled to the Shrine Knights to open up the gates and then she saw Besito. Her eyes lit up and she rushed in to give the creature a hug. The Shrine Knights, on the other hand, sighed in relief and looked on in horror as she saw Kaori embrace the large man-eating creature. There was a message for her?

Besito dropped the message before taking off. The message, once she opened it up, was straight and to the point. She was summoned by Yomi and she didn't really know why. This wasn't the usual summons for training so what could this be? She pocketed the note and waved to the Shrine Knights.
"I don't know when I'll be back, but be good guys!" she said, being extremely friendly to the Shrine Knights. "If I come back and the Shrine is still in one-piece, I'll give you all the next 2 days paid vacation!" she shouted out. Upon hearing the promise of a paid vacation for the next two days, they all chippered up and waved to Kaori as she left. You best bet they'd guard the hell out of that Shrine!

Kaori took off like a bolt of lightning until she found herself in front of Yomi's door. She cleared her throat and opened up the door to see a cup of tea set out in front of Yomi. She eyeballed the tea then eyeballed Yomi. "You wanted me?"​

WC: 616
"I did."

Yomi looked at Kaori and asked her to close the door behind her and to have a seat. She sipped her tea for several moment, eyeing her from the mug before addressing the girl. It had been many years since they crossed each others paths. It just so happened that Yomi was around to receive the call that would change both their lives forever. Since then, the two had made such headway in terms of personal growth that they had crossed the threshold of Student / Teacher into friend. It was not that reason Yomi would do this today, however. It was more of what Kaori had exemplified since they came together. She was strong, determined, and had a willingness to learn that didn't falter even when she knew the Branch was falling into certain ruin. Showing up for her classes/tutors and keeping Yomi accountable in making sure she taught her, was something that deserved to be praised. Besides, long before Yomi came to be in this position, the horned girl was already in the care of Yume and under her tutelage. Clearly there was something about Kaori that made Sennin notice her. And while Yume's and Kaori's relationship was decidedly different than theirs, the Goddess reasoned that as Sennin, the Pop Star saw something; the same something that Yomi did. Years later, Kaori's devotion would finally be rewarded.

"As Medical Sennin, I'd like to formally invite you to the medical branch to serve as a Medic-in-Training, or MiT. Do you accept?" Yomi reached into her desk and pulled out a standard issue white lab coat. Over the left breast pocket, Tenkawa Kaori was hand-stitched in lavender thread, directly underneath it said MiT. She pushed it towards the priestess and awaited her response. She hoped that she was still of a mind to be a part of the branch. Yomi didn't think she could stomach a rejection especially when the only other option, currently, was ANBU. She sipped her tea and waited for whatever Kaori had to say.
Kaori closed the door behind her and walked into the office. Something about Yomi's tone in the letter sounded either urgent or that she did something wrong. Kaori tried to keep her head up as she approached Yomi's desk and remained standing for Yomi to talk. She didn't know the pretense of what was going to happen, so she didn't know whether to act friendly around Yomi right now or to act like an inferior shinobi to Yomi. She cleared her throat and stood straight up.

The two, what started as a guardian/protectee relationship, becoming teacher and pupil to becoming close friends. She awaited the verdict of what Yomi had to say. She winced, at first, when she invoked her rank only for her demeanor to change when Kaori was told of her new promotion (or possible promotion) to a Medical Ninja in Training--or MiT. Kaori's eyes lit up and she furiously nodded her head in response to whether or not she would take the rank. "Of course!" She wouldn't pass up this opportunity.

Tears began to fall down her face as she nodded, wiping away with her palm. ~I finally did it, Mina. I finally became a ninja like you wanted. I wish you were here with me, in person.~ Kaori said with her inner voice towards the spirit that lived within the Gloves of Divine Dragon Flame.

~Good job, Kaori! I'm happy for you. Congratulations! Took you long enough, you know? <3~ the disembodied voice of the one Kaori spoke to, within her mind, replied to her to where only Kaori could hear.

This was something that Kaori wanted for a long time, in Mina's memory when she was still alive. This was the driving force behind Kaori wanting to become a ninja; a means to respecting the life that treated her like a human being--the first time Kaori had felt love for another person. In Mina's case, it wasn't a romantic love but it was something more pure and innocent. Being the age of 8, she didn't think of romantic love but the love of friendship. Mina was her very first friend, one who started to tear down the walls within the dark room that Kaori had been imprisoned in, and by becoming a shinobi Kaori was able to respect her promise to her dead friend. Kaori cleared her throat and looked at Yomi with moist eyes before walking around the table and hugging her. "Thanks, Yomi!"​
Yomi smiled and nodded in approval. "Very good. Welcome to the Medical Branch." Yomi pushed away from her desk, and walked over to Kaori. She put her arms out to hug her.

"Congratulations, Just Kaori." Yomi placed her hands on her hips after letting her go. "First assignment is for you to officially learn our nin-specific language. Do not stop or pass go, go directly to the library when you leave here." Yomi went to sit back down in her seat, picking up her teacup.

"Unfortunately, your learning will have to be under someone else for a bit..." Yomi wasn't ready to reveal to her exactly why that was. She only had just found out before she sent Besito to collect Kaori. She still had to tell Umashi and she hadn't come up with a way to tell him. Perhaps she would run it by Asuka first so they could brainstorm a way to tell him. It occurred to her then that she needed to TELL Asuka as well. Telling the wife she was to be a mom probably ranked highest in the list of things that she would never have to do. Suddenly telling Kaori seemed like the better idea than telling the other two. She would provide Kaori with a partial truth and in a few months time she would provide her the with the whole truth, including who she was seeing.

"I have much on my plate and I would like you to experience things outside of me for right now. I promise it will make more sense to you in a few months. Okay?" Yomi asked. Kaori really didn't have a choice but the Medical Sennin hoped she would be understanding.

"In the mean time. I think I have the perfect person for you to shadow." Yomi continued to sip from her teacup while she waited for the person to arrive.

Yomi is currently Pregnant:
Yomi_V2 - Today at 4:22 PM
Heads Pregnant Tails Not Pregnant
NadekoBOT - Today at 4:22 PM
@Yomi_V2 flipped Head.

[ooc: Kaori, You are free to request your new banner now. =).
Requesting Mikasa ]
'Just Kaori' received a hug from Yomi. This was probably the first time she felt any physical affection from her, causing her to hug her even tighter. 'Just Kaori' was fine enough at the moment as she planted her face directly into Yomi's neck, angling her head just right so she didn't accidentally prick Yomi with her horns. However, the time to release the embrace had come and Kaori gave Yomi a little salute! She had to go to the hospital to learn the secret cipher. Not only that, but she also had to spend some time getting her passport so she could travel freely between countries. A big step for Kaori, indeed!

Kaori's jaw dropped a bit when she was told that she'd have to take the tutelage of someone else for a while. She canted an eyebrow and tilted her head in confusion. She didn't understand what she meant by that. She was in disbelief as she turned to look towards Yomi for a bit with a single word escaping her lips, "Wha?" she asked. Well, it seemed that Yomi just had too much going on right now for Kaori to take up all of her time. As much as she didn't like the idea, she understood and responded with the nod of her head. It was now Kaori's time to step-up and do her thing.

"Don't worry, Mama Yomi, I'll make you proud!!" she said as she gave Yomi the thumbs-up without actually knowing that Yomi was pregnant. Awful choice of words, perhaps? But then Kaori was informed that someone would be the person she'd be shadowing. This turned the enthusiastic into inquisition. She lowered her hand and turned to look towards the door, anticipating who would actually walk in through, the person she'd call 'Sensei' for quite some time now due to Yomi's little hiatus.​

Kalidscope spheres would wander about the petite confines labeled as her office, far from ideal in her opinion; however beggars couldn’t be too particular. Unadorned ivory walls and a single charcoal file cabinet were the only main focal points outside of the center piece upon her rosewood desk, a stargazer lily. Cautiously her digits would waltz along the petals, the lasses physiognomy blank, yet her nostrils hovered mere inches to inhale the perfume being produced. “How will you aid my research this time around?” she inquires in a delicate tone, the exact amount as her fingertips frolicked about with.

Before her inquiry could possibly find solace would an interruption of quite an unexpected degree would ensue. Squeakily the entrance of Mikasa’s make shift office would open, “Are you certain that is correct?” she responds with a tilt of the head, attentively pressing the eyewear along the bridge of her nose. An eyebrow would lift upwards, the sole gloved hand streaming through the platinum mane, “If you had to wager on this note, on a scale of one to ten, how certain are you that this is for me?” she inquires further.

A few moments of conversation would pass, “Alright, you can go as Tsukasa Mikasa, not I.” she summarizes to the messenger, extending a single digit outwards before violently thrusting forward throughout her sentence. “No?” she pauses, stroking her chin gently, “You’ll bring me fresh flowers?” she sits forward excitedly, “Sounds lovely!". The grin upon her face widening considerably, "Oh! Bring me Botulin Toxin as well and I’ll see to what this is about. Deal?” she offers, extending the gloved hand outwards.

In no time flat would the hallways resonate with faint echoes, each step with deadly precision. A single knock upon the door would notify the occupants of her arrival, lightly pressing the office door a jar to intrude. The maiden had spoken to the Sennin on a few occasions, but for brief instances as she found herself occupied with floral research. “You summoned me, ma’am?” her head bowing respectfully before adjusting her optics against the one situated directly across from her superior. Tipped horns were certainly eye catching, but stranger items had been observed in the field.

“Greetings.” her concealed hand extending outwards towards the unknown lass. Would the youth exhibit any caution and refuse to take within her grasp the gloved hand? Perhaps Kaori would attempt to grasp the opposing non-gloved hand? Only time would tell..
From the mouth of babes...

While Kaori didn't know how true her statements were it was funny to hear right then. She wondered what it would be like now, since, it was just their patchwork quilt of a family for all this time. Would Kaori be jealous or happy? Would she babysit or leave the child(ren) with her Shrine Knights while she napped? Only time would truly be able to tell, but, for now all the possibilities seemed equally feasible.

Then, Mikasa entered her office.

It was not lost on Yomi that Kaori would probably be terrified to work with Mikasa in the beginning once she realized where her interests lie. Although not a Yamanaka, like 'Daisy', she spent her time researching poisons and all manner of flora and could be viewed as a little odd. But they were all odd in their own little way and so long as Mikasa didn't forcefully poison the Priestess, there really shouldn't be an issue. Mikasa entered the office and promptly said her salutations. Yomi motioned for the girl to have a seat

"Good Morning Tsukasa Mikasa. This is the newest member of our team, Tenkawa Kaori. Since she is an MiT I would like for you to train her and allow her to shadow you." Yomi would not force the woman to take on Kaori and since there was no conversation before hand about it, she understood if she needed time to think it over. Truthfully, the Sennin could train Kaori herself for another month, but, with the sudden change in her circumstances, life was coming at her fast. There were no longer enough hours in the day to do everything she needed before it became too hectic.

"Is that something you would be interested in?" Picking up her teacup she took another sip as she awaited her response.

OOC: [Daisy (real name Yomi) is my NPC and a Leaf Med Nin. She was my PC before I OCR'd into current Yomi. To avoid confusion we call her Daisy because she grows Black Daisies (she is also crazy...she hears voices, etc.)
A single knock tapped on the door to the office, drawing Kaori's attention towards the sound. Perhaps this was the person that Kaori would be shadowing. Would this person be knowledgeable in what Kaori wanted to excel in? Would this person be 'people-friendly'? Would this person even treat Kaori like a human being and not like another tool or a number? Those answers would remain unanswered until she actually spoke to the person and actually interacted with them. She knew that this person wasn't one of those filthy ANBU scumbags, so that isn't much of an issue. Her eyes dawned upon the woman that entered only to see a professional looking woman with hair as white as snow and glasses taht covered up her interesting pair of eyes. Something about this woman's eyes intrigued her as other interesting eyes intrigued her.

Listening to the woman's greeting made Kaori feel uncomfortable, hearing formalities being used. It was strange hearing such formal words outside of her capacity of the Shrine and to Yomi no-less. She doesn't remember ever addressing Yomi in a formal fashion, but the time will come, some day, in which she would have to do so. But for the time being, she would continue acting as herself instead of putting on a professional persona for the sake of discipline. The only thing she really feared now is people knowing about her relationship with Yomi and crying out about how 'unfair' her relationship with Yomi was. While Kaori didn't expect to be treated any different while in the hospital or during official business, she wouldn't think that nepotism would ever happen with her. It wasn't her style and she would most likely reject any form of nepotism. Some may argue that her outright promotion today was a form of nepotism, when in reality, Kaori was busting her hump until this day so it wasn't a surprise that she was given the promotion.

Her eyes dropped down as the woman, who she would shadow, held out a gloved hand. Kaori looked to her own hand for a moment, noticing gloves (combat gloves) were worn almost constantly. She then turned to look back towards the other woman's hand and took her hand in greeting. She had no reason to be hesitant. A test in trust was stupid at this point and unnecessary. The group HAD to trust one another in order to save lives so any fantasies that Kaori had of the woman concealing a poison dart in her gloves was simply stupid to begin with. She wasn't in ANBU, so she didn't have to constantly watch her back at all hours of the day.

Yomi took the time to introduce the two to one another. So this person had the name Tsukasa Mikasa. Something in the back of her mind, Mina rather, said, "Oh, Kaori. Your home is my home," the voice from within the glove said directly to Kaori. The spirit with the gloves made the silly joke that only Kaori could hear. The one who wore the gloves, however, resisted the urge to tell the spirit within to can it and that it wasn't funny. Kaori gave Mikasa a smile as she shook her gloved hand with her own. "Nice to meet you, Sen.." she said with a slight pause. "pai~~" she said, letting some of her immaturity squeezed out of her. She liked teasing people and the two could easily hear her restraint. The professional world will take a little getting used to.

It was then confirmed that Kaori would be shadowing this woman. Oh, the irony. Thank you, Daisy for scaring Kaori to death of flowers! Kaori turned to look towards Yomi, ignorant of Mikasa's major and nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! I'll need to study all the different disciplines to get to where I need to, right? So studying under Mikasa-senpai," she said before turning to look towards Mikasa for a short while before looking back to Yomi. She continued, "would just make the knowledge I obtain more diverse right?"​

Heads, Mikasa's puppet hand dislodges during Kaori's handshake.
NadekoBOT - Today at 12:22 AM
@Kazabot flipped Tail.

Kazabot - Today at 12:22 AM

Fortunately the maiden took the liberty and proper precautionary measures to ensure the attachment during the handshake remained sturdy; however a piece of her truly longed to view the expression the lass may have made make as the scenario streamed within her musing. “Pleasure, Tenkawa-chan.” she replies with a dainty simper. Mikasa’s evanescent gaze settles against a similar pair of adornments, this particular tidbit was of great interest as not many within the medical community found wearing any sort of glove necessary outside of laboratories or rounds.

Never the less, the notion of having one shadow her was entirely unfamiliar. Truthfully to turn away a request of a Sennin was nearly unheard of, yet the choice entirely based upon her own direction. Delicately her digits would streamline wispily through her platinum locks, before settling down upon an open seat. Elegantly her leg waltzes onto the opposite, hands cupping. “If that is what you wish, it would be a new experience for me as well.” she concludes, considering this the most proper course of action to ensue without burning down any bridges.

Daintily her index surges upright, indicating a momentary pause, “Any specifics you wish to discuss concerning Tenkawa-chan? Rather, any information I should be aware of?” she addresses before fixating her gaze upon the orchid and coral hue tendrils. “Your hair is very beautiful, quite similar to my favorite flower.” she compliments as best as she can, however her words were nothing but truthful. “I look forward to our time together.” she states in a friendly tone, the grin upon her lips widening.

In the corner of her peripheral did she take notice of the beverage, she becomes under the impression that those with the fancier offices also were able to indulge in finer items. In an instant. a spark of thought would ping throughout her mind, “If I am able to meet your expectations or higher, I wish for you to allow a window in my office with a window planter.” she emphasizes with a nod, excitement in tone rising ever so slightly. It was no secret she purposely took upon one of the smaller spaces, if not competing for the tiniest in a general sense. Rumor has it that her station had once been a janitorial closet.

On an entirely different note, to be referred to as a ‘senpai’ would require time to adjust towards. “If I may.” she turns the entirety of her conversation towards the newly dubbed shadow, “On your next available opportunity, I would like to listen to your story and where your focuses lay.” Swiftly swiveling about, without missing a beat, a gloved hand would outstretch towards the Sennin, “Do we have ourselves an accord, ma’am?” she gently issues.
Yomi placed her cup down and looked between Mikasa and Kaori as they exchanged formalities. The Medical Sennin was lucky to have such agreeable people to work with. She could not ask for a better bunch of people, quirks aside. It made the good days better and the bad days tolerable knowing that if shit hit the fan an order would not be met with murmurs and there would be no dissent within the ranks. She hoped by giving them options and treating them like people rather than tools it would make working together much easier. As she went to answer Kaori a non-descript faceless Main Branch member entered her office. Apologizing for the intrusion, he handed her a piece of paper. Unenthused with the officer's interruption she glared at him for a long time before reading the papers content.

Scanning the paper she sighed and sat back in her chair. "I see...thank you for the update." If it wasn't one thing blowing up, it was always another. Dismissing the officer while folding the paper in half she gave her attention back to the ladies within her office. "I'm sorry about that, and no there is nothing you need to know, besides the fact that I have exceedingly high expectations for Kaori." Yomi eyed the note on her desk and shook her head. The news upset her for a plethora of reasons, but, mostly because she didn't understand what people thought the Forest of Death was. It wasn't a park for picnics and dinner dates. Apparently the extra signs put up did not deter the brave shinobi of Konoha. As far as the note was concerned, Reoku was seen entering a few days ago and had yet to emerge. There were a lot of things that could be happening, but of course she gravitated towards the worst case scenario. The Forest had him. Perhaps he was still trying to get a handle on his chakra on his own and decided to go to do it in a 'safe place'. Yomi couldn't be sure, but she wished that he gave her and Akuma a little bit more time to help him.

Pulling her from her ruminations were Mikasa's demands.

Yomi looked at her and blinked several times, trying to figure out if the person across from her was real. Her 'demands' sounded so sweet that the Medical Sennin thought she would get a tooth ache.

"While I won't be approving any construction on the building to install a window, I can move you to a larger one with windows and I see no reason you cannot have the window planter. By the way Mikasa, you have to learn our nin-specific language as well; It's a requirement." Small allowances such as this made it so that people had no issue doing what they needed to do when it came down to taking orders.

"Now, if there is nothing else, I have a sudden matter to attend to." Yomi looked between the two girls hoping the conversation was over.


[OOC: In regards to Reoku, for story purposes, he was last seen entering the Forest of Death and has not emerged.]
Kaori flipped her hair upon the compliment given to her hair. "Ah, gosh, thanks," she said. It was nice that someone gave her a compliment. Lesser beings may have been offended when someone told them that the way they looked was appealing. If said correctly, it could be quite flattering, and the woman before her did say it properly. This gave Kaori a brownie point or two, making working with her seem possible. It would fee weird to not work along-side Yomi, but it was probably for the best that the two separated in order for Kaori to properly grow professionally.

The following was something Kaori found strange. A simple request for a window and some kind of plant to go on the windowsill. Was this hospital so old that some office, that were able, didn't have a window? Even offices that didn't face towards the outside have windows, most with some form of decal that stated who the office belonged to. It must've been a cramped and claustrophobic office for it to not have even a single window in it. However, Yomi already responded with moving Tsukasa to another office; another, bigger office. Kaori simply smiled as the two conversed about professional matters that didn't particularly concern Kaori.

"Certainly!" Kaori responded. It only made sense that Kaori answer her new mentor what her plans were for the future. How else would Tsukasa know how and where to take them if she doesn't tell her where she wanted to go. Kaori simply raised a finger, about to mention that she had a couple things to do before Yomi chimed in to mention the specific language that was needed. Kaori simply lowered her finger and smiled. That was exactly what she was about to say. "I also need to get a passport. Perhaps after all of that is done, we can sit down and talk about all of that?" Kaori asked.

"Well, if you need me, Tsukasa-senpai, I'm going to go to the library to learn the language and then I'll be going to the office to obtain a passport. So, maybe, day after tomorrow I'll meet you in your, um, new office?" Kaori asked, hoping the woman actually got her new office.
It was at that time that Yomi had stepped out of the office, herself, waving goodbye to her as she did. She then turned her attention back towards Tsukasa and waved to her. "Seeya~" she said before leaving out the door and went to go take care of some business. Well,
not before she took a little bit to silently show her excitement at the rank-up she just received.​


The conversation between the superior and herself advanced smoothly, although the kunoichi didn’t wish to depart from her current space. Thus, in the end she would not be meant with an adequate response. Unfortunately, the maiden already were to continue as planned, growing together with the orchid and coral hues known as Tenkawa Kaori. Truthfully, Mikasa was going to obtain her objective, by entertaining Yomi she couldn’t foresee any particular issues with disobeying the general lackadaisical blueprints the construction were to allow.

Faintly her head would nod in agreement of deluging and educating herself further within the Konohagakure society. “As you wish, ma’am”.

Oddly enough the Yomi took the initiative, leaving the premises, allowing for her two underlings to converse within the confines of her personal office. “Indeed, I meant what I spoke, to learn more about you.” she pauses briefly, “It will aid the both of us when we work together.” she summarizes gently, “Until we meet again.”

Alone, her kaleidoscope gaze wanders about the office of the medical sennin, her entire frame not budging even the slightest degree. Tsukasa Mikasa would not allow herself to be relocated into any other work environment, unless her new working spaces were to be of this particular one. Daintily would she rise upright, pressing the flats of her hand against her attire, smoothing downwards.


Cautiously, the spectacles would fold gently together, clipping upon the collar of her crimson attire. Hushed steps would be taken, treading with the utmost care upon the superior flooring. After all, damage to the headquarters central office was not necessary; one day she was going to develop the room with a revitalizing breath of life. Creeping upon her visage, a thin grin snaked upon her lips, “This room is going to need quite the remodeling to fit my tastes.” With that, the door would silently come to a close behind her.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:43:52
