A single knock tapped on the door to the office, drawing Kaori's attention towards the sound. Perhaps this was the person that Kaori would be shadowing. Would this person be knowledgeable in what Kaori wanted to excel in? Would this person be 'people-friendly'? Would this person even treat Kaori like a human being and not like another tool or a number? Those answers would remain unanswered until she actually spoke to the person and actually interacted with them. She knew that this person wasn't one of those filthy ANBU scumbags, so that isn't much of an issue. Her eyes dawned upon the woman that entered only to see a professional looking woman with hair as white as snow and glasses taht covered up her interesting pair of eyes. Something about this woman's eyes intrigued her as other interesting eyes intrigued her.
Listening to the woman's greeting made Kaori feel uncomfortable, hearing formalities being used. It was strange hearing such formal words outside of her capacity of the Shrine and to Yomi no-less. She doesn't remember ever addressing Yomi in a formal fashion, but the time will come, some day, in which she would have to do so. But for the time being, she would continue acting as herself instead of putting on a professional persona for the sake of discipline. The only thing she really feared now is people knowing about her relationship with Yomi and crying out about how 'unfair' her relationship with Yomi was. While Kaori didn't expect to be treated any different while in the hospital or during official business, she wouldn't think that nepotism would ever happen with her. It wasn't her style and she would most likely reject any form of nepotism. Some may argue that her outright promotion today was a form of nepotism, when in reality, Kaori was busting her hump until this day so it wasn't a surprise that she was given the promotion.
Her eyes dropped down as the woman, who she would shadow, held out a gloved hand. Kaori looked to her own hand for a moment, noticing gloves (combat gloves) were worn almost constantly. She then turned to look back towards the other woman's hand and took her hand in greeting. She had no reason to be hesitant. A test in trust was stupid at this point and unnecessary. The group HAD to trust one another in order to save lives so any fantasies that Kaori had of the woman concealing a poison dart in her gloves was simply stupid to begin with. She wasn't in ANBU, so she didn't have to constantly watch her back at all hours of the day.
Yomi took the time to introduce the two to one another. So this person had the name Tsukasa Mikasa. Something in the back of her mind, Mina rather, said, "
Oh, Kaori. Your home is my home," the voice from within the glove said directly to Kaori. The spirit with the gloves made the silly joke that only Kaori could hear. The one who wore the gloves, however, resisted the urge to tell the spirit within to can it and that it wasn't funny. Kaori gave Mikasa a smile as she shook her gloved hand with her own. "
Nice to meet you, Sen.." she said with a slight pause. "
pai~~" she said, letting some of her immaturity squeezed out of her. She liked teasing people and the two could easily hear her restraint. The professional world will take a little getting used to.
It was then confirmed that Kaori would be shadowing this woman. Oh, the irony. Thank you, Daisy for scaring Kaori to death of flowers! Kaori turned to look towards Yomi, ignorant of Mikasa's major and nodded enthusiastically. "
Of course! I'll need to study all the different disciplines to get to where I need to, right? So studying under Mikasa-senpai," she said before turning to look towards Mikasa for a short while before looking back to Yomi. She continued, "
would just make the knowledge I obtain more diverse right?"