Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Track it down x [tutor] Kuro

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi already took his own time to get towards the destination that was on the walk. He had taken some water with him, his bow and just a happy mood. He heard the birds, the rustling of the trees... He heard many things and soon was already noticing a thing or two when just looking in towards the entrance.
There had been some time past since he had even seen this person... As he recommended about a year maybe two already in between... But since there was an exam coming up... You never knew what would come in handy right now. Yet he had been more then glad that the other would like to learn something right now, even if it was just a small thing.
Izumi would stand near the forest so the other could easily spot him. He hadn't spoken so much towards him but today..... He was going to give it a try to teach him a thing or two today...

Izumi slowly would tilt his head a bit by bit before noticing some things for himself. He sighed softly and started to stretch himself out. It was taking the other their sweet time to say the minimum... It made Izumi sit down and just enjoy the sounds and the rays of the sun on his skin. It had been a while that is had been such a great weather in ages.

[Tutor for Kuro.
WC: 235/1500]


New Member
Oct 6, 2016
An all black figure slowly walked through the bustling and burning streets of Konoha, while emitting a sort of Demonic Aura to push away the bystanders from being able to come even near him. That Izumi.....Willing to teach me his skills, knowing that the exam is coming up soon Kuro snickered in delight of knowing that he is going to learn something new and exciting. As he continued to walk towards the forest, Kuro started to really feel the heat of the sun, causing his clothes become heavier as time went by. What was even worse was that he was carrying his spear on his back which made it even heavier to walk.
After all the excruciating pain, he finally saw Izumi who seemed to be enjoying the surroundings, which incited a small sigh from Kuro He always get excited at the smallest things, He shook his head.
"Hey Izumi!" Kuro shouted from a distance with his hand in the air waving towards the white-haired individual while retracting his demonic aura back into his body to ensure that not any misconception arise. "How are you doing?" He asked when he got closer and let out his hand for a hand-shake while his spear was leaning against the front of his left shoulder to make sure that there's enough time to reach for his weapon in case of any surprises.

Posts: 1/5
WC: 229/1500

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He was just leaning back on his elbows and enjoying the sound for a time... He didn't bother having a mask or anything right now, he wasn't even working... But he did have a huge smile on his face and he started to learn more and more back until he was just flat out laying down on the ground. He was having a soft smile on his face, but that face changed when he heard some rustles and footsteps coming in closer.

Izumi wasn't that common with his name being used in public, so for a small moment, his eyes were a little wide before he snickered at his own reaction. "Thank you Kuro," he said and shook the hand first. "Doing alright... Some time has passed, hasn't there..? From our last encounter?" He smiled brightly and stood up after that. Grabbing his bow and wasn't showing off that he was scared of their surroundings. Even though that he was speaking everything in a more fluent type, he still was using his hands to sign also. An old habit that stayed for now. "How are you doing? How was the tra--... Do... you have it hot? If you want we can sit in the shadow.." He spoke soon a bit worried about the other and offered a movement towards the shadow. "I will teach you how I always track down things, I learned it from my dad and so on I heard.." he smiled soft and looked behind him towards the forest. "Don't worry... I will keep my Byaku up when I do not trust the case and have a clear look more ahead of things.
[ 2/5
WC: 511/1500]


New Member
Oct 6, 2016
As soon as Izumi started talkin Kuro jumped in surprise. "....Wha....What? You could speak all this time?" He asked while a look of betrayal slowly sprouted onto his face. Luckily, that look was soon washed away, No need to be surprised now I guess Kuro shrugged in acceptance while casually walking into the forest with the spear in hand. Oh, don't worry about it.....its just a little heat, I consider this kind of a training method......Not really.....All my pair of clothes are black..." He stated as he looked down at the ground, as a distance memory resurfaced of him buying dark clothes to cover his wounds and hide the blood. He then quickly shook his heads to relieve himself of those thoughts, Never.....Never again He let out a hollow laugh.
"Well let's continue then shall we" A smile slowly crawled onto his face before he stepped into the forest with a calm and relaxed manner, but invisible to others, a powerful aura surrounded a large radius around Kuro, in order to prevent any sneak attacks from happening.

Posts: 2/5
WC: 406

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
"....Wha...what? You could speak all this time?" A goatish grin crept on his face when listening to him. "No... I couldn't before." He explained a little soon after in a more gentle tune. "I have been born and raised using sign language only... it was Berserk who taught me how to use speech." He smiled soon upon telling that. "It took me a couple of years... and it still isn't that perfect if I were, to tell the truth." He had seen his face and had hoped this would explain a whole lot and in case it didn't there wasn't much else to do then.
When he had mentioned if they should sit in the shade because of the sun he soon heard that wouldn't be helping that much at all. "Ah... alright.." He said n top of that. "Alright... let's get going... I will explain a couple of things till we finally are in the center of the forest and we start," he said and would nod a few times.

"As you know I will be teaching you how to track things or objects down... Objects are an easier target then moving things. Which we will be focussing down upon today. Everything with weight... Will leave a print..."

"Alright... let's start with, what do you notice?" He would give it a small moment before he would give a few hints for the other. "What... looks different, is there anything you would notice. Sticks snapping under a weight, for example, grass stamped down, bushes twigs moved out of the way... Anything from big to small.."
If he wouldn't be getting it right now Izumi would slowly walk towards a place and stand by it, hinting it out but not say anything yet. "In order to track something down... You always need to stay on guard, check and try to memorize every single thing. That way... if someone or something does escape... you can easily go after it.." He spoke towards him, taught him in a way.
He would slowly move a little further and you could actually see Izumi taking note on every step he set down and eventually they were on a little more open space instead of really crowded. Izumi had tracked a bit when he noticed multiple tracks through each other.

In this open space, he stretched a bit and looked towards him. "Could you turn my words in your own.?" He asked to see if he had indeed listened towards him.

[Twc: 927


New Member
Oct 6, 2016
Kuro keenly listened in on Izumi explanation on the art of tracking, before being allowed a track of footprints which seemed to be deeply imbedded into the ground. "So what I'm thinking is that the heavier someone is, the deeper the indentation there is on the ground, which will usually means that the person we are tracking is probably carrying something.....which can clearly be seen by these set of footprints", Kuro explained while looking around the place for anything else out of the ordinary, then something suddenly caught his eyes, it was a piece of torn cloth stuck onto the end of a small branch further down the path. "I found something......the person seems to be in a sort of hurry........because look all the vegetation around the place.....its all been stamped on, Am I right so far?", Kuro asked while slowly looking backwards at Izumi who seemed to be just standing there looking at what he was doing.
Then a small cry resonated trhoughout the forest, "What....was that?" Kuro's ear perked up like a dog to listen while slowly following the footsteps only to be met with a dead end a few minutes later, "What is this.....Where did the person go? Izumi, do you have any idea where the noise came from?" He turned around to see Izumi still staring at him....not speaking at all. Can he really even speak? He let out a long frustrated sigh as he pulled down his face mask to be able to breath in the fresh air, then an inspiration hit him. "Could we maybe use smell to track him down?.....Wait......How are we going to do that?" Kuro blurted out the question to Izumi without even putting in some thought into the idea, which caused him to look down at the ground in embarrasment.

Posts: 3/5
WC: 706

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi was honestly wondering if this person would indeed listen to him and listened to what he had been trying to teach him at this rate. He would slowly tilt his head as he was listening, looking to what the other was saying as right now. He would nod as they went through and even took a look at himself. "Well... Something... or someone was in a hurry indeed..." He commented on that and would frown. This wasn't the class he had been set up so far... All he knew that they were chasing down a bear who had been killed today... Not this... He would soon look on his guard as a rather strange sound came from the place.
He looked towards Kuro and had a frown on his face. He was thinking rather quickly in his mind about what their options were at this moment... "What....was that?" He heard the other speak and Izumi simply shook his head.
He knew that they could run into trouble right here and right now... "Could we maybe use smell to track him down?.....Wait......How are we going to do that?" right that moment... Kuro said something absolutely brilliant.
As this wasn't the plan he placed his fingers close to his lips and made a loud sharp whistle going through the woods. Just a few moments and there his canine beast was levitating behind him. "Inya..." Izumi only said and the wolf nodded in response. "I know... Their scent isn't one common from the leaf." And with that said... Izumi instantly got defensive. "Kuro... We have unwanted company.." Was what he said and started to walk towards him. "Track the tracks fast... if you run intro trouble... I am right behind you to help you out... You were on the right track just now." He still wanted this to be a lesson... But as far as they knew... They were alone and this wasn't the case.
[Twc: 1250


New Member
Oct 6, 2016
Kuro looked at Izumi who continued to stand there while staying silent with his gaze frowning down upon the tracks. Then, as he introduced the idea of tracking through the use of smell, Izumi's eyes lit up in brilliance, Did my idea actually make sense? Kuro's face srunched up at the thought of his idea actually making sense. The idea propelled Izumi to summon his canine beast, which surprisingly caught his attention. Even though the beast only reached his chest height, it still emitted that domineering aura which made it look taller and grandeur with its glistening dark blue fur flowing with the wind, and its dark eyes contained a sort of fiery power, as it seemed like it was going to explode in anger.
Kuro quickly shook out of his trance, and started to follow the beast as it started to track the scent of whoever or whatever was here. After a few mintues of walking through damp forest, the beast finally reach a dead end. "So.....there's no scent from here on out? This is going to be a prob--" He stopped mid-sentence as he noticed a a piece of skin stuck to a tree branch, which quickly followed with another pair of footsteps causing Kuro to subconsciously follow it with the beast and Izumi behind him.
Then, as they got closer, a pungent and rotting smell wafted it way across Kuro's nose, prompting his face to scrunch up in disgust as he inched himself closer and closer to the smell, only to be met with a dead scratched up body, oozing with blood like he was killed not long ago. "I think whatever or whoever killed this nearby so be careful", he let out a small nod as he calmy looked around to see whether anything is out of place.

WC: 1009
Posts: 4/5

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi had told Kuro to keep on going, tracking as how he went... But there was one thing Izumi too, didn't look at anymore. The other tracks that were telling a story as they went. He completely ignored those as he went following Kuro. Inya, the wolf behind Izumi, was drifting above them and slightly behind them as if she were on a look out kind of position right now. Once they got towards a spot... it had ended up on a dead spot. "This is it..." Said Izumi with a bow ready in case of shooting needed to be happening right now. "Tsk..."
Izumi's attention was drawn towards Kuro who slowly walked off towards a side. He followed and so did the beast, but eventually, Inya stayed behind of them both. "Urg... that smell.." Was a comment Izumi made before pinching down on his nose, tears already dwelling up. It was looking like a scene you would find in horror stories... There was a badly scratched up body, torn clothing in every place you would look... And blood had been oozing... This was recent. "Urg.." A shiver ran across his spine. "This... wasn't my plan on a lesson.." He said and looked to Kuro if he had the stomach for this. "It seems like remains of a person..." He continued and started to look around, looking on tracks... It was right that moment that Inya made a howl which Izumi knew enough. "A bear..." He said in a whisper. "Kuro... a bear was here... Bears are horrible climbers, get up high with me now.." He warned the other, wanting him to get out of that place rather alive than dead. "It is close to the forest of death... So this isn't a place for the weak hearted..." He said and looked back... "If we track it, kill it and call it a day... that is fine by me... Otherwise, we retreat and report it back to ANBU... as I have no idea how to handle from this side..." He was plain honest with him.

[Twc: 1595

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
