Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Tradition calls for dango

Akamine Sota

New Member
Oct 19, 2023
OOC Rank
In the middle of the day, when the sun was screeching and the streets were bustling, Sota was — per tradition — up to trouble. Perfect days like this called for perfect mischief, and following the events of yesterday, the boy decided that a crowded area would be his saving grace in the off chance that he was caught. Not that he would be, of course. But before he would get down to business, he needed a sugar kick. Or, he simply had a craving. Either way......

Maneuvering his way through the busy, large roads of the Oak district, Sota eventually settles for Azumi's dango shop. In the middle of the street, he spots the big banner, and simply — halts, interrupting the pace of those behind him. "Hey!" "Watch it, brat!" Nobody to which he offers an apology. Instead, he swaggers forward, nearly shoving into an older lady and pauses right by the short queue that'd formed for the popular shop.

One look to his left, another to his right, then he moves towards the first target he can spot. Throws a finger at them, and demands; "hey, you. Buy me a dango."

wc: 192
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
He had never really tried this thing called Dango before... not really sure what to make of it at all... never actually trying much things sweet, much rather preferring the toughness and savoury flavour of a hearty beef bowl filled to the brim with rice or ramen. Although Akio had always spoken about how delicious it really was and it even seemed to somewhat resonant with Otami the first time he met her. So why not? Making his way in to the short queue which surrounded the shop and waiting patiently for his turn in line so he could purchase a treat himself.

As days were now and with his new found rank he would keep his tremor sense active at near all times, it helped him to stay in tune with the surrounding area being able to notice an irregularity or disturbance on the earths surface within a few hundred meters. And not so far away it seemed that someone was halting through the bustle of the oak district which seemed to somewhat annoy the ones around them, nothing major really likely no need for him to step in unless a brawl was about to take place. However... the aroma of Dango really made him wish for his Shinobi duties to be done for now.

Calmly waiting in line it appears someone is approaching him with a certain amount of swagger all too similar to a certain pig that he's seen one too many times for his own liking. "hey, you. Buy me a dango." Panning his head and tilting in slight confusion he was somewhat... impressed that out of all the people he could have asked he came to Keniwa. "A dango..? For free?" It was a weird ask thats for sure, but they seemed to be quite young and slim maybe in need of something to eat with a ballsy attitude. "I could get you something far better than a Dango, but you'd have to work for it. Are you part of the academy by any chance?" He doubted that this boy knew anything about who the one before him really was, much to Keniwa's enjoyment, people look at you differently for being a Sennin, and whilst it was an important role, he was still just a human.

Akamine Sota

New Member
Oct 19, 2023
OOC Rank
Behind Sota's index finger stood a much taller man, rough and grit shaping everything from his posture to his aura. A question is met with another. Not anger — nothing close to the venom that Sota's so used to. Honestly? It surprises him. Pulls him into a moment's worth of silent deliberation. But a moment's only that; a moment.

"Like what," he challenges, suspicion narrowing his eyes. "And so what if I am?"

Then, he takes one good look of the other. Eyes him down, sees experience written in his hands — particularly his knuckles.

Suddenly, Sota's fists go down the pockets of his jacket, and whatever nasty look he'd worn across his face is replaced by something prettier. A smile of some sorts, one that suggests cordiality. "You gonna make me beat up some kids?"

wc 133


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
A traditional sweetness on a stick... Overflown with rice flour and sugar dumplings skewered on a bamboo stick. There were a lot of different versions all over the place... Even so many different ingredients to be used, from different type of flour to differences as green tea or Azuki bean paste inside. He was always taught by his chef dad to eat it when the forest nuts were dropping out of the tree, as that would be the best time to teat them too.. Yet he loved to just eat it with some soy sauce-based syrup over it and some green tea... But this was not the same timing...

Just as he took a big bite of the dango ball he saw Keni. His mind flashed back to when they were younger and the note he had gotten. Out of a reflex he tried to open up his mouth and talk at the same time. Which resulted in him having it in his windpipe. A fierce coughing was met and he even balanced his remaining dango stick on the plate. As soon as he got the food swallowed properly he would look at them with tears welled up and a hoarse voice.

"Keni, long time no see..." He would comment while he stood there in his casual clothing, he had a day off from the shinobi world and he was glad no one hardly even knew him to begin with. He had heard the kid beside Keni earlier too. "Beat up kids...?" He questioned and tried to avoid Keni's gaze knowing he was now under his jurestriction these days and he... may or may not had the best reputation in the Byoin left alone the academy. A kid that never had been taught once was a Chuunin... A joke to be held. "Are you being bullied or something kid?" Nova questioned the guy and would tilt his head.
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The kid was brave for sure, determined even, much more competent than he ever was at the same age, it was only really around fourteen that he became closer to his current self... at that age he relied a lot on his best buddies Akio and Kiriyomi. It was something to admire more than anything and really if he could hone in on this confidence... heh a deadly weapon in the near future would be in the making. As the kid looked the Kyoujouran up and down he placed a tightened fist on the red hair's chest using a modified version of tremor sense, an ability in which he had adapted from his late friend Aria. It allowed him to sense the strength and power of an individual and it wasn't hard to see that whilst his physical body could use a lot of work and his chakra was at a base level, his spirit was... ragged? No... sharp, perfect for refinement.

Bringing his fist down he listened as the boy talked, smiling back at him and chuckling "They'll be no need for beating up any kids, not that I doubt your abilities. Although It's good to make allies all around you, I certainly wouldn't be where I am today without my teammates, I am sure there is plenty in the academy you could meet." Despite his miniature lecture he did want to see more of the punk like kid in front of him, "I would like to test your capabilities see what you are really about if your up to it, truth be told I am not the softest of teachers though, however like previously said I will certainly reward you after." Reaching the front of the queue he swiftly ordered two dangos and gave one to the boy in front of him. "Eat up now, it'll give you some energy!"

Taking a bite in to the dango the sweet flavour swirled in his mouth a mixture of delight and newfound bliss couldn't stop him from clasping his cheek with his free hand and slightly blushing with a small smile on his face turning his head in joy his eyes locked with Nova. His smile quickly faded however as Nova seemed to be coughing horribly as soon as he attempted to greet Keniwa. Dashing over to his aid he'd spin round and pat the hyuuga on the back trying to get the cough out and whatever caused it. As Nova seemed to recover he happily sighed "It has been a while Nova, you okay?" Moving back over to Sota he'd smile and look at the two of them, "This is my friend Nova, he's pretty strong, definitely knows how to beat up a miscreant. That's for sure" Pausing for a moment he would chuckle "And I am Keniwa, although my friends call me Keni despite my preference being my actual name... that's Akio's fault. I was going to teach this kid a thing or two, you are welcome to join us Nova if your up to helping me teach him something.

Akamine Sota

New Member
Oct 19, 2023
OOC Rank
There's a movement in his peripheral that Sota manages to ignore for an impressive moment or two. Nearly misses it, what — with a stranger's hand poking at his chest and all. But then the boy — (older looking, long golden hair) — decides that dango is the food he'd like to go out over and explodes into coughing fits that has Sota snickering.

"Bullied?" It takes him a moment but then his expression twists. "Yeah, mister. Please help me..."

Sota turns back around, ready to point at the rough-looking guy only to find his earlier demands met. "Nevermind. He just talks a lot. Hey, hey — what kinda reward are we talking?" After all, going on a spiel about abilities and capabilities and tests only to leave out the sweet part? That made no sense in Sota's book.

Speaking of sweet, Keniwa makes a good job of selling it when he eats his dango. Looks goofy at first, but then has Sota digging in, himself, one hand still stuffed inside his jacket while the other held onto his stick. Before the first taste of sugar can invade his senses, Keniwa goes on to introduce the two. Much to Sota's disinterest.

"You guys genin, or what? No. You're definitely at least chuunin." His chin nods in Keniwa's direction.

wc 215


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Luckily it helped Keni to the petting on his back, with eyes welled up he would greet the other. He was kind of at a loss how to address Keni nowadays... Not sure if they still held the same relation as in the past,or that the authority was getting to him. "It has been a while yes... I still wonder about your note in the past tho... We have to talk that out one day because it still is stuck in my head!" He had learned to speak up a bit more but couldn't help that he got a slight blush over it and would look to the kid once more. "I know how to beat them up just fine yea, so far luckily no kill count." He would shrug after and listen a moment. Akio... That was a long while back, wondering he was doing he would look at the kid.

Not everyone was a shinobi in the world, something which Nova was very confident to know as he had a father who had no chakra nature at all. So for this person to assume something, was something he would question. What did he know? What could he know?
He would look towards the child who said he was being bullied but then his stance. "Yeah, mister. Please help me..." His eyes hardened a little. "Not that it matters, but it actually looks more the other way around... That you are a bully and you need to be hit back and forth around..." He spoke as casually as he could and in an attempt to be as less aggressive as he wanted to be. When he heard talk about Keni and chuunin or genin, a part of him had to laugh. If only... Yet he would Keni be the guest to answer it. As for him... He was somewhat cautious of this person and didn't wish to answer it. "Maybe, who knows." He answered and would eat the last skewer of dango while listening to both of them. This time he did not let it go to his windpipe.
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Catching up with Nova he was confused by what he meant by a note, "A note? The only note I remember giving you was the invitation to the capture the flag game. Other than that i'm not really sure what you mean..." Although as Hyuuga responded to the Kyoujouran's previous statement it made him cough a little of his dango out in surprise. 'No kill count...? Oh right, I never told him.' "Yeah neither! I don't really like the idea of having a kill count or anything like that, feels... weird. " Unfortunately for Sota he had picked the wrong person to try trick Nova seemed to have handled him pretty easily but to Keniwa this was somewhat of a funny situation eating his dango and quietly laughing to himself as Nova casually straightened the academy student out.

He doubted that the chuunin would actually hurt or lay a finger on the red haired boy despite his antics, not wanting to risk any sort of confrontation the dark skinned man made sure to keep the conversation casual. "Oh, chuunin? Yeah I'm a chuunin." It was unusual for Keniwa to lie through his teeth like this, but he was sort of glad the boy had no idea who he was, a change of pace in the busy new days that he was going through at the time. He could only hope Nova wouldn't reveal who he really was. Whilst the Kyoujouran was a sennin he still did have a love for fun games and the like. "Alright kid, I'll buy you as much as you can eat from wherever you want today, if you can..." Digging in to his pockets he brought out a small letter slip which seemed to contain something thin yet clearly prominent. Finishing the rest of his Dango with a happy and content look on his face, gulping it all down he'd smile. "If you can take this slip from me! But we shouldn't do it here, we'll do it later." Looking up at the sky it was likely sometime in the afternoon there was still plenty of time. "I'm going to catch up with my friend Nova now, but your welcome to stay and chat. When the sun begins to set meet me outside of the academy alright?"

Now he was genuinely curious about this note scratching his head in thought "Now about this note Nova what did it have on it?"

Akamine Sota

New Member
Oct 19, 2023
OOC Rank
Ah, yes. This is more of what he was used to; looks sharp enough to suggest venom, malice. Disappointment. Or, in Blondie's case, intimidation. A bigger kid calling Sota a bully? Jokes played themselves. Any hints of amusement died down before they could let out, however.

Instead, Shota's hand slid back out of his pocket, and a foot challenged forward. "You wanna try it?" he spat, his dango tossed to the wind. Empty courage fueled by ego; something that others often warned would land him in the hospital one day if he didn't quit. But, like a habit that died hard, he'd never been able to contain it. Poked his head into danger more often than not, and collected bruises like trophies.

Keniwa speaks up, confirming his statement. Then, he goes on to introduce the nature of his little game only to, seconds later, delay said game. "What? Then why'd you — argh. Whatever."

Hands are shoved back within the comfort of his jacket before he adds "you better buy me anything I ask for," grit colored words meant for Keniwa.

To Nova, Sota simply offers a dirty look. Another crude display of his manners — or lack there of. Then, strides off, the mutters under his breath unheard.

wc 205


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Nova's eyes remained those of a harder person when the other was trying to taunt him. He kept his ground and didn't go into it originally... but boy... did he want to punch this child right now. The only reason he didn't do it right as of now was because of Keniwa standing right there. A breath was taken through his teeth as he counted for a few moments.

When the boy left... The glance that he got, wanted him to punch him right there so badly, so badly... that he already had made a fist, squeezed it and his jaw tightened... he had to really restrain himself there, and once the boy was gone... He kept looking at the kid with sharp and cold eyes. "You know... That took a lot of patience out of me... and frankly next time Keni, I don't care what the situation is.. I will hit him." He spoke to his old knowledge friend. If they were still that... He actually didn't really know if they were or weren't.

When the other asked for the content of the letter... Nova had to scrape his throat fora moment and got a bit awkward. "Erm... when we got the invitation for the picknick kind of thing... You erm... Mentioned something else. Regards my fangs, about wanting hugs and... erm... yea..." He actually wasn't getting that great out of his words and started to search in his pockets. He actually carried it with him.. Through the time it was worn and most of the words were left out of it... But he did hand it back to Keniwa. "This... I erm... Want an explanation... And if you need a hug or not..." He muttered and wasn't so sure of his own gut right here and now.. "I will still punch that kid next time." He tried to spin directly away from the note.
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
It was clear tensions were high between the two, however it was clear that Sota was making his exit, much to Nova's happiness. Watching his fist tighten Keniwa started to panic, due to prior experience he knew fights in public were the worst of the worst. Though as Nova would take a breath as the academy student left, he also took a sigh of relief, glad that an entire street fight hadn't taken course. "I would not worry too much Nova. He is just a silly kid, I am sure he will grow up soon enough." It had been a long while since Nova and Keniwa had talked one on one yet over the years there was many times where they had likely met with others and made small chatter. But his mind sat with this letter, it was years ago? What could it have meant he had no clue and barely remembered what he wrote on the letter he sent out to everyone.

Although one word brought everything back to in a horrible black flash, his mouth slightly gaping open in shock... there was no way that it had been found. No... it couldn't have been?! His confession letter that he was going to send to Keiyaku all those years back. As Nova continued to describe it and brought out the very thing itself it was like several arrows were being launched straight in to his chest and stomach, god was it truly awful. "Uhm... Nova I do not know how to say this is any other way but uhm. That was a letter meant for someone else." Swiping it from the hyuuga's hand with speed and precision he instantly pocketed it. Also trying to move form the conversation as his face began to blush an embarrassing red. "So uhm.. what have you been up to?"


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He saw how the mouth of the other started to fall open he knew that this wasn't going the way he had it planned. He saw as it was snatched away and his ears had caught it right before that. ' See... Idiot... It was a mistake after all. You should have come forward that day to not get your hopes up! Or anything... What did I even expect.' He would laugh a bit awkward to play it away. "figured, I do hope you confessed to them before this letter will get to them thought.." he spoke before he saw the other being red. He played the mask and smiled soft and polite, while his chest felt tight.

"Not much... Not sure what I want to do in life, finally got to settle on my own. I have a roommate, it's Otakemaru." He spoke and would look to Keni. "I should probably leave... I hope the kid get's on his feet quickly, otherwise he will end up in the gutter sooner or later." He said and would start to walk away, fully out of view if Keniwa let him. ' Idiot nova..'

[topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
