Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Transfixed Resolve [Private]

Oct 23, 2012
They drudged in silence as the shadows of the gates passed over their faces before they stepped once more into the light of the village. She breathed in a heavy drag of Kumogakurian air, so fond of its own unique scent. Somehow, she always felt more stronger after such long journeys. Invigorated, or reinforced like a blade sent through a fire furnace. She was reforged and ready to make this village great. Yes, the future was so certain for this promising kunoichi. Her eyes always watched the things ahead. She would not falter.

She stopped, closing her eyes to feel the warmth of the sun on her face, with a quiet Masaru at her side. She exhaled deeply and gazed at the clouds above. “This village is changing. A shifting wind envelopes us, Shinomiya. And you have done me proud while I was away.” She faced him sternly, fixing her eyes on his headband. “Well done and welcome to the Main Branch as a full fledged shinobi of Kumogakure no Sato.” She bowed to him, keeping her head low to cover her smile of genuine joy. Something rarely experience by anyone. Only those who now slept eternally had seen such a smile. She would do them both proud and make sure to give everyone in the village a reason to smile such as this.

That does not mean I am entirely pleased yet. Tell me, were you able to catch the eye of our superiors? Did you happen to make any allies while at the academy?” She inquired after finally standing tall. They continued to stroll down the main way, making their way towards the Seki district.
Masaru had been unaware of it while she was still in the village, before he was a Genin and before she had to go off on a mission. Despite not having been together for long his body had gotten used to the feeling of being by her side, there was a warmth in his body, from a place that could only be called the soul. The comfortable pace that was kept as the two walked, it reminded him of the day the had left. There was an urge to smile from the boy, but as his body was already accustomed the urge was repelled and his face remained characteristically stoic. While the silence was comfortable he needed something to focus on, as he was sure to be drilled about his experiences in her absence, as was evident by her query at the gates. Masaru focused on the click of their shoes as they walked. There was an unmistakable rhythm, one that Masaru found himself mimicking with a tap to the side of his leg.

He managed to get the tempo down when she decided to stop. His gaze was upturned, watching as she breathed deeply. What was it like to be away from a place that was your home for so long? Regretfully he couldn't begin to imagine what kind of feeling it could be. Even when he had learned that he and his mother were moving from Raiden no Me there was no sense of discomfort or bitterness, perhaps it was because he was leaving with his mother or maybe it was that he had no particular connection with the capital that he was the least bit sorrowful to leave it in favor of the village of shinobi. Perhaps, when he gained his first mission outside of the village, he would be able to experience the same things his mentor did? He decided that only time could tell.

Her words of praise were taken with a grain of salt. While happy with the declaration he could not feel proud, after all he had yet to tell her of his exploits. He could only conclude that she was referring to the headband around his neck with the symbol of the village carved into it. Ever since he had received it he had made sure to wear it every day as a reminder of his promise, the unnatural feeling of weight around his neck did good to ground him when he wandered the city or did various tasks such as training. Even now he was very aware of the glinting metal around his neck, more than just a symbol of status it was a contract between him and the village with more weight than just was tugging at the back of his neck. As she continued he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth. It would do more than acquiring the rank of Genin to please the Spymaster of Kumogakure. She asked of him two other things besides the command to grow stronger while she was away, and one of which he felt he accomplished while the other was less satisfying to think of.

Masaru faced her while speaking, looking the Jounin straight in the eye with all seriousness in tone and stature. He stood straight and rigid, taking this to be a report to a superior as opposed to informing a family member of events past. “Before graduating I took part in a class on etiquette taught by the Sennin Tanaka Hikari-sama herself. I took it as an opportunity to not only brush up on my own skills, but to also study my fellow classmates, I did not expect Tanaka-sama to be the instructor, but that did not effect my approach of the class. I didn't find my classmates to be particularly skilled in manners, though some did surprise me to an extent, nonetheless it was much to be desired. After all was said and done Tanaka-sama informed me that I had made quite an impression on her and that she found me to be fitting for a position after graduation, saying that she filled it as a Genin herself, though there were no specifics given on what the position is.” If one only eavesdropped on a few words they might have guessed that Masaru was bragging about catching the eye of the Sennin, however he was as rigid as ever without even a hint of pride coming through.

“As for the other part of our promise, regretfully I have not been able to fulfill it. While I did make a few attempts at interacting with my fellow classmates there was only one whom I was able to even hold a conversation with, and even then it was after I had graduated. Unfortunately there were no students at the Academy who sought me out, and nor I them due to lack of interest. For this task I have failed you, Shima-sama,” Masaru, bent at the waist, gave his deepest bow of the day to the black haired beauty before him. There were no excuses to make, and he honestly told her the reasons why he had failed the task she set for him. His face held no look of pain or regret, he was as tempered as ever waiting for her response and eventual punishment for his failure.

[Topic Entered]
The rigidity between master and student may have seemed tense and cruel for any on looker, but their seriousness was what made them understand what was expected from one another. She would not have a fool carrying on in her name, nor would he have a teacher who lead him into a lull of easy promotions. She didn't have his opportunity as a child, even when she was older Masao was not truly her teacher but someone she emulated because many looked up to the man. Haruka wasn't about to waste such a chance for Masaru. The boy had so much to learn in such little time. He lacked the years and experience that most his age had.

Still, she was proud of Masaru. Only a year in the academy and he already graduated. He even managed to catch the eye of a Sennin. She smirked amused by the news of his prospect of promotion. She knew what Hikari wanted of him, to be chief ambassador, but the child did not. She decided not to tell him, for the sake of keeping him humble and focused on his tasks at hand. Haruka wanted to discuss in further length with her Sennin about Masaru's chances for higher positions first.

A glum air hung over Haruka as she frowned, crossing her arms to show she was not pleased. Although, she wasn't as mad as she seemed, she needed Masaru to understand the consequence of failure. Even if it wasn't entirely his fault. She imagined him to be a difficult child to get along with. He behaved far too old for his age. Among a group of carefree children who had yet to understand the horrors of war that forced Masaru away from them. Of course, he had seen the cruelty of humanity firsthand with the loss of his father and the scorn of the Shima clan.

While I am pleased to see you have done most of what I asked by growing stronger and catching the eye of Tanaka-Sama, I must regretfully find some suitable means of punishment to make up for that which you lack. You've done the best you could, so don't berate yourself. There will be many missions when you are older that you will fail, but you must learn to take what you can from the loss and move ahead.” The crow set a firm gaze at the Shinomiya, hoping to see her advice settle in his memory.

I have a few tasks I've already decided for you. Studies I've thought of during my trip. Free your schedule up for me in two days and meet me at the library. There are people I must see today and reports to be made. I trust you'll be alright by yourself for the rest of the day?” Of course he would be. He spent an entire year alone. An entire year... How infuriatingly lonely he must have felt.

Until then, Shinomiya-San.” She nodded her head before heading in opposite direction of where he stood. An odd, unemotional reunion for the two. Despite how much they cared and thought of one another, this was their way. Neither of them expected to change it. Their expectations of each other would only mount up as the next few days would pass.

[Topic Left]
With arms crossed and a displeased look on her face, not at all unexpected, Masaru listened patiently to the advice that was given. His mentor's words, while not soft, were spoken with wisdom and experience that Masaru had yet to achieve. While he thought himself leaps and bounds above his classmates in temper he was made painfully aware of how young he was and how much he still needed to grow to be useful to Haruka. He was grateful that she took the time to help him, and not for the first time he found himself thanking the Creator for being able to have such a dutiful mentor to guide him.

Despite the negativity associated with failure it was also known that one could better grow and learn from mistakes; however, as he knew very well, there were times and places to fail. Such was a time, when he was still growing and learning the workings of being a shinobi to be of use, however if what Tanaka-sama said was true and he was placed in a considerable position then mistakes would have to be little to none. The pressure felt from such expectations was enough to make any child his age fall, but he was not any child. He was Shinomiya Masaru of the Shima Clan, and as there was always work to be done he had no time to wallow under such pressure.

He raised his head and listened to Haruka's plans for him. Even while away on a mission she had taken the time to spare thoughts to his learning, she was truly a fine mentor. The Library, a place he had yet to thoroughly visit in the time he was lax. Despite appearances he was not a studious type, but considered taking an interest in old texts despite already graduating, after all one could never learn too much. “Of course, Shima-sama,” he bowed in farewell, watching as she walked away to tend to further duties. The life of a Spymaster seemed rough, but he knew that he must prepare himself for endless tasks if he was to be of proper use to her. Turning on his heel he made for the Bibliotheca Conscientiae to scope it out before their next meeting.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
