Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Transportation of Goods (Frost B rank Mission Event)

Amura let chakra run through her ghostly hand. She didn't waste time, as her target was the Uchiha. Chidori! It hit Maikeru as a full hit. She smiled, of what she had done. It was after that, that she was blinded for a brief moment, her eyes blurred, not able to see right.

Xano moved forward to heal Amura, but then he was stopped, by none other than Katsu. "Nice kid. You're smarter than the usual kind of victims."

Amura noticed something coming at her, so she dodged out of the way. Xano in the other hand, was hit by a simple taijustsu. The ghost walker hachimon readied to dodge out of the way, but was hit hard in her heart. She let out a short burst of radiation chakra out, but felt like it didn't hit. And then she got hit right at her heart again, along with more bleeding, and more heart breaking.

"Little girl, we won't let you win so easily." Xano brought his Grimlight down on Reicheru, making all of his strikes hit the girl. He made handseals and made a mist appear out of his mouth to take out Katsu. He then dodged out of the way when another strike was coming his way.

Amura let loose hit upon hit on the Uchiha boy. Not all of which hit. But even the boy with his mangekyo Sharingan can't avoid everything.

She focused on the boy. Not really looking at the eyes, for that would be stupid of anyone to do.

(Actions sent)
(Probably last post before irl things come and someone else picks this mod up. So just wanted to say, it's been great to rp with you all)
Panting. That was the only thing that Maikeru could hear through the blood pulsing in his ears. The ragged, shallow breaths that seemed to rake at and constrict his chest. Even with all the adrenaline pumping through his system, he was quickly reaching his limits. His new techniques were taking a heavy, heavy toll on his chakra network, the drain of them still something his body hadn’t acclimated to and grown to adjust for. He was near the end of his ropes, and he would have to end this quickly, very very quickly.

“Maikeru..” A voice rang out in his head again. This time more solid, more.. Real. It wasn’t just a gathering of emotions urging him on in the back of his mind. No, this was a real voice. Gravely, and deep, it had the sound of one who had seen many battles. “Use me, Maikeru. You are treating me like a regular blade when I am far from that. Unleash the wrath of the storms on them!”

As Maikeru looked in front of him, to Yin, he saw something shimmering behind her. As he blinked his eyes, trying to clear what he thought was a mirage, the image became clearer. He saw an older, grizzled man. A large scar ran across his nose, with deep brown hair that seemed to hang down to his back if it wasn’t neatly tied into a high pony tail. At his side he held a blade that seemed to massive to actually draw, and his body was draped in blue clothing. He looked at Maikeru with a stern grin, before giving the Genin a smile.


The hand of the man reached down to his Katana, and Maikeru found himself doing the same movements. The slow draw of the blade, the sound of steel against wood sounded so real to him, he was curious if the others could see it. Was he going crazy? If so, he needed to snap every battle.

“This is my greatest secret, Maikeru. The omni flash.”

The young Uchiha could feel the chakra from his body being drawn into his sword as it hungrily ate it up. It was more than that though, the chakra wasn’t just being drawn from him. The blade was forcing the chakra to go through not only change in chakra nature, but change in chakra shape as it drew it down it’s steely length.

Lightning crackled against the blade, sending sparks flying all around Maikeru, as he found himself unconsciously following the image of the man behind Yin. A small smile creeped along the face of Maikeru as his Sharingan focused on Yin. This was it, this would be the blow that would end it all. All he had to do was hit..

(460 words)
Katsu had always fought uphill battles. Against more skilled, more intelligent, more powerful, and more numerous. And yet, he came out victorious every time, because he, too, was ‘more’, and was always becoming ‘more’.

It seemed that Rei and Mai had properly beat up the girly, but she wasn’t out yet. As he fought Afro, wrapping him in yin chakra and restraining his movement, Katsu saw his opponent form some handseals, the intent unknown except that something was up. And, throughout all of Katsu’s fight, he learned that whenever his opponent wanted to do something, whether or not he understood what it was, he could only gain by preventing such. With some finesse, Katsu refined a fine blade of yin chakra which burst from his blade, striking Xano’s hands and forcing their chakra control to go haywire. The chakra blade broke off now, fragments still stuck into his enemy’s hands.

Katsu continued his onslaught, hitting some and missing some, his genjutsu successfully deceiving Xano on occasion. ”How do you like that, huh?!

[WC: 172]

[Actions sent]

R O U N D - T H R E E
HP: 15,412 + 603 - 1,688 + 142 + 195 + 197 = 14,861[lb][/lb]
CP: 4,751 + 282 - 2,040 = 2,993[lb][/lb]
Status: Mangekou Sharingan, Weapon Equipped [lb][/lb]
AP: 8.5 - 6.75 = 1.75[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 9
HP: 11,855 - 2,360 = 9,495[lb][/lb]
CP: 12,767 + 493 - 1,502 = 13,260 [lb][/lb]
Status: Ancestral Weapon, Wrath Seal[lb][/lb]
AP: 6 - 5.5 = 0.5[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 6.5
HP: 9,473[lb][/lb]
CP: 6,316 + 275 - 1,251 = 5,340 [lb][/lb]
Status: Weapon Equipped, Defensive Stance[lb][/lb]
AP: 6.5 - 6 = 0.5[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 6.5
Amura [lb][/lb]
<B>HP: 2,203 - 593 + 348 - 300 - 2,461 + 882 = 79 [lb][/lb]
CP: 13,975 - 1,545 - 300 = 12,130 [lb][/lb]
Status: Bleeding Rank 3, Opened Wounds, Dazed, Gates: 3, 6, 7[lb][/lb]
AP: 7.75 - 6.75 = 1[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 8
Xano [lb][/lb]
HP: 16,710 + 614- 50 - 99 - 1,418 - 1,552 - 1,953 - 186 - 1,969 - 2,700 = 7,397[lb][/lb]
CP: 13,315 + 468 - 1,770 = 12,013[lb][/lb]
Status: Bleeding Rank 2, Sprained Hand[lb][/lb]
AP: 6.25 - 6 = 0.25 [lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 6.25

  • 0.00 Seconds
    • Katsu performs a hidden action!
  • 1.15 Seconds
    • Katsu strikes at Xano's weapon - called shot attempt! (Partial - 50%!)
      • 55 Damage Dealt
  • 1.67 Seconds
    • Reicheru uses Thunderfist on herself!
  • 2.30 Seconds
    • Katsu strikes at Xano's hand - called shot attempt! (Hit! Roll: 14 - Sprained!)
      • 110 Damage Dealt
    • Xano's Mystical Force is interrupted!
  • 2.65 Seconds
    • Maikeru uses Flight Aerial Strike on Xeno! (Hit, Critical) (Third hit: Miss) (Dual Weapon Strike: Hit!)
      • 1,418 Damage Dealt.
      • + 142 HP Gained Back.
  • 3.10 Seconds
    • Amura attempts to Suplex Maikeru! (Hit!)
      • 1,688 Damage Dealt
  • 3.75 Seconds
    • Katsu uses Magnum Break against Xano! (Hit! Bleeding Roll: 97 - Unsuccessful)
      • 1,552 Damage Dealt
  • 5.29 Seconds
    • Maikeru uses Kill Driver on Xeno! (Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Miss, Partial 50%, Partial 75%, Hit, Hit, Critical) (Dual Weapon: Hit!)
      • Bleeding Roll: 93, 31, 5 - Rank 1 (Stopped at 5 - Blood Rack Triggers)
      • 1953 Damage + 186 Bleed Damage Dealt
      • + 195 HP Gained Back
  • 5.42 Seconds
    • Reicheru uses Focal Blade at Amura and Xano Clone via an augment!
    • Amura: Body Flicker! (Auto Dodge)
    • Xano Clone! Critical! (Roll: 19)
    • Amura counters with Step in Flash against Reicheru! (Hit, Hit!) (1,160 Damage Dealt)
    • Xano Clone is dispersed!
      • Clone suffers 2,658 + 330 TF Damage
  • 7.20 Seconds
    • Xano uses Skeletal Fortification on the knocked out Amura! (Heart is lowered back to normal status!)
  • 7.94 Seconds
    • Maikeru uses Executioner on Xeno! (Hit!) (Bleed Roll: 66 - Unsuccessful)
      • 1,969 Damage Dealt
      • + 197 HP Gained
  • 8.66 Seconds
    • Amura uses Scalding Ash Cloud against Katsu and Reicheru!
      • Katsu: Miss!
      • Reicheru: Hit! (1,200 Damage Dealt) (Reicheru is in a ash cloud!)
  • 9.17 Seconds
    • Reicheru strikes with Executioner against Amura! (Critical! Roll: 16 - minus one point!) (Bleeding Roll: 99)
      • 2,461 Damage Dealt
  • 9.60 Seconds
    • Xano uses Mystical Hand on Amura!
      • +882 HP
  • 10.00 Seconds
    • Katsu uses Executioner against Xano! (Critical!) (Bleeding Roll: 2 - Bleeding Rank 2)
      • 2,700 Damage Dealt

    • Moderator Notes:
      • This particular color is referencing healing of Hit Points or Chakra Points via abilities, augments, etc.
      • This particular color is referencing bleeding damage being taken.
      • All maintains and status have been accurately updated.

      As always, I am a human being and the chance for an error does occur from time to time, if you believe to have stumbled across one send a personal message to my inbox. Additionally, you may contact me via discord @Kazabot.
"Tch." Katsu had been meaning to completely prevent the Afro's attempts to heal his partner, but alas it was not to be. He'd cancelled the first attempt but another slipped through. That had to be dealt with more properly, it seemed. "Hey, Rei, Mai. The girly looks pretty beaten up, help me out on this guy here."

With that, Katsu re-engaged, a smile on his face, but this was different from the usual bloodthirsty facade he put up as he fought. This was true joy, not a self-induced illusion to drown out greater pains in his life with pointless fist fights. He had been skeptical on this whole idea of fighting as a team of swordsmen, however he had to admit that this was truly an enjoyable fight, not because of the fear or pain or violence. It was his comrade, the comrades and friends who fought besides him and shared the pain and fear.

"Again!" Katsu roared, charging back at Xano.

[Actions Sent]
Xano, no matter how many times the boy had interrupted his healing attempts on Amura, were stopped. But he didn't let that faze him one bit. He knew the girl could go on forever, and be unfazed. The kids, on the other hand, looks like they are slowly losing their chakra. Pitiful, to say the least. The one that might have been worrisome is the Uchiha boy, but looking at him now, he seems to be close to running on empty on chakra.

He was hit hard by said Uchiha boy, but he got back up. He wasn't going to give up just yet. No, not when he was having this much fun!

Amura, on the other hand, suplexed Maikeru not even a second after he had hit Xano. But Xano wasn't going to have a break anytime soon, he felt something cut him, and then fire. Damn! Stupid magnum break technique! He was then bombarded, hit after hit.

Amura seen the girl with the sword coming towards her, and instantly flickered out and appeared by her side, "Close, but you'll have to do better than that to beat me." With that said, she did two quick, hard jabs to the girl, hitting with such force behind her punches.

Xano reached his hand out, from his pummeling, and managed to make Amura's heart better than it once was before, of having the punishments it has endured. He then went back to his original being beaten up.

Amura weaved some hand seals, and then breathed out. Ash filled the area in front of her. It didn't hit the Katsu boy, but at least the girl with the sword was caught in her trap. Out of nowhere, though, she was hit with the sword.

Xano ran up beside her and managed to bring her health up more. He was then hit hard, from behind.

"Haha." The Hachimon laughed. "I'm surprised that none of you even tried to ask about our intentions, only assumed that we are the bad guys in this whole ordeal. Ready to jump into a fight, but never asking questions of why you are even wanting to fight. Or why we wanted to fight."

Xano stood next to Amura. "Amura, what do you think you are doing?" He asked her.

"Let them at least have an inkling of why we are here." She turned to her comrade. "That's if, they live, of course." She focused her attention back to them. "Tell me, doesn't it feel different out here than it does in the Village? And I don't mean it feels more safe and secure there, no. What I mean is that there was something in the air. Something that empowers you. Your village has something that your leadership is too naive to even realize what they have. I even doubt they know of such an items existence." She then shrugged. "Anyways, I guess it's time we end this."

She walked around to the tied up people. She studied one of the faces of the terrified people. "These people, they never wanted to be dragged into this mess. Though our mission is quite different than what you think it to be. Sometimes I wonder about just reshaping this country. Us Frost. We look after each other. And from just spending my own small time with everyone in Leaf, I can tell that a good majority of you all just don't care." She untied the ropes that were holding the people hostage, and then said. "Even with an actual enemy right outside your walls, you all still want to fight each other on the inside. How gullible are you all to be fighting amongst yourselves during a war, hm?"

She then turned to Xano, and nodded. The Afro Ninja let the people get up. "We are letting them live. But they still won't pass us until you three beat us. Don't think of this as us becoming friends. We at least show mercy, where your higher ups don't."

The men got on their horses and into the carts, watching, waiting to see what the three Leaf Ninja would do.

"Now, when you all are ready, let's end this senseless fight. I have things to get to."

'Again with the monologuing?' an incredulous Reicheru thought to herself as she did a mental check on her teammates. Maikeru was running low on chakra, but aside from that they seemed to be holding up alright. None of them had been struck in any vital veins, so their bleeding was minimal. Good. Though she didn't have the advantage of being able to see into their minds, it was clear from the damage their enemy had taken that the Konoha Genin were more of a challenge than they'd anticipated, and based on their words it's possible they still didn't see the position they were in. Reicheru's cool gray eyes quickly took in where and how deeply they'd been struck, and her training informed her that while they may be able to block out the pain, the bleeding would quickly render both of them unconscious.

"Terribly sorry about there, where are my manners? Though I suppose it's not a common habit to inquire of the intentions of someone who ambushes your friend, places you under a genjutsu and ties up civilians. The whole 'actions speak louder than words' thing, y'know?" Still, the monologuing continued. Reicheru gave her companions a confused, 'do you know what she's talking about?' look when Amura started going on about something in the air and some sort of… item? What on earth did that have to do with anything? Oh well, they could ask her about it when they brought her in for questioning.

Finally, Amura neared the civilians. Reicheru raised her blade and her nostrils flared, but before she could get a warning out she was dumb-founded by the claims the woman made. Surely, she'd lost her mind. As Xano approved and let the people go, Reicheru's jaw dropped and she raised her palm out face up in a mocking fashion. "Am I being punked? Are you two for real? 'They shouldn't have been dragged into this'? 'We show mercy'? Can we please not forget who ambushed who, here?! No, you don't get to act so self-righteous after all of this. We are taking medicine to sick and hurting people. YOU'RE the ones the jumped to fighting and bloodshed when we didn't give an answer you liked; we have asked you to reconsider! WE are protecting our own! No, Konoha isn't perfect, but we can admit it! Sounds like Frost has you brainwashed not to be able to see in the freaking mirror!"

Gritting her teeth, Reicheru readjusted her hold on her blade and gave a mental nod to Katsu. 'Yeah, with those wounds she won't last much longer. Looks like you've knocked Xano up pretty bad too; too bad he doesn't realize it. Let's end this - that's the first thing that traitor has said that I agree with.'

[WC: 463]
[TWC: 4009 / 5000]
[Actions Sent]
Panting, Maikeru raised his blade once more. It seemed that no matter how much damage they did to the frost, no matter how much force they exerted against them, they just wouldn't get it. With his Sharingan, he could read them with far greater clarity than they could likely read themselves. They were far more battered than his team, even with Maikeru's quickly depleting chakra values. He smiled wearily as he swung Kusanagi around for the next flurry of blows the two sides were likely to unleash on each other. Inhaling deeply, and exhaling slowly, he ready his body.

Although the enemy were fond of monologing, Maikeru was done with it. He was tired, he was weary, and he just wanted to rest. His chakra was close to the point of burning him, and he could tell that his Sharingan was not as crisp and clear as it had been at the start of the fight. He guessed the Mangekyo Sharingan took more toll out of him than the baseline, his body hadn't had time to acclimate to the change in perception yet and it was running him dry.

He looked to his team, giving them a small nod. He was glad they had stuck with him, and that they had backed him up. If it wasn't for them, well, he didn't know if he would still be standing, despite the boons in power he had gained over the course of his fight. Reicheru, Katsu, he hoped that this squad of swordsmen would last forever, with Danni joining their formations when she was ready.

As soon as Reicheru dropped her final word, he dropped his stance. Charging in towards Xano, sharingan spinning, and blade at his throat.

[Actions sent]

Current Ninpocho Time:
