Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Travel by Sea [Entering Country] -- Kazuki, Natsuru, whoever else


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: You guys could have skipped me. >_> I totally forgot about this place despite being reminded.


It was the only option, to allow a harbinger of chaos into the fold. Even chaos had a thread of predictability because in the end it was still a game of odds. She would look over at Kazuki's sister, this was usually where she bucked the majority and did her own thing. The time where she would try to break away, play match maker, fall into the sea. She could have assisted with the latermost but she deemed it too great a risk, the was uncertain of the assessment skills of the shinobis in her company and she did not want to force an altercation if she did not have to. It was the variable with the greatest probability but the odds were sadly not in her favor.

”Lead the way Takeshi.”

Kazuki announced. Hardly any intervention from the Reaper's hyperactive sibling. There was a moment of hope when the girl stopped, somehow effected by her words. the corner of her mouth twitched -- success. She would approach Michi, the oracle uncertain what the girl would do she waited with a smiling expression that felt strange because they were muscles that she did not commonly use. She would place a hand on her forehead, she would not feel the chill, she was just as cold as the Senju. It was a trait bestowed upon her by her hybridization into the Deep Court.

"That sea sickness must have really done a number on you...just wow. Nii-san I think we broke her."

"Not at all," she tried to make a laughing noise. It was forced, not particularly charming but not obviously manufactured either. "I am just look'n forward to some bond'n," it was hard to talk like that. She felt like she was getting dumber as the moments passed. Yes, she had pride and it was not lessened by the loss of her humanity, if anything it was enhanced it. "After all I never get any social time with this handsome fella," she was referring to Kazuki of course. She wanted Natsuru to interrupt, to do something but she seemed more than happy to socialize with Yuki. Again, the odds were not in her favor. Nine out of 10 times the girl would have bit, insisted that they be sent off on their own to procreate or something equally awkward, potentially shouting her intentions the entire time. She just had to interact with Natsuru on the tenth time. She out out a protracted breath in frustration.

The verdant-haired Uchiha to take point and Michi would open up her notebook and start to sketch something as she slowly started to walk. She did not want to turn her back to the Kohonans, she did not trust their intentions, specifically those of the male that seemed to know Kazuki prior to his admission into Sunagakure. She was writing down numbers, the only one that might recognize them would be Takeshi if he was near enough to see but she would not share her notes with him willingly. She was writing down numbers. An estimate that would not be far from the exact truth, his height, his weight, the diameter of his arms and his waist. The range of motion his legs utilized with each passing step. Where his heel landed and how his weight was distributed. He was a target of her obsessive interest and edification. Necessity was the mother of many things, she saw him a a threat and she only knew one way of removing a threat.

The Occult Sennin would join the last Oracle’s side. He would once again offer her a shiny orb and she would instinctively tense. Her hunger was painful and intense, she could feel herself salivating like a Pavlovian canine. She would swallow hard and then attempt to distract herself as she looked back down at her notebook.

”I am offering you this again. This is part of your nature now, the act of consuming souls. You may not like it, but sooner or later, you will need to partake in it. Your survival will depend on that.”

"I'm..." she tried to say fine but instead she let out a strange wheeze. She could not say the word. She could not say a lie. 'I don't want it' -- a lie, she desperately did. 'I will be fine' -- she did not know that. 'I don't need it' -- she did. "I want to preserve my humanity for as long as I can," she admitted. That was truth enough it would seem. Consumption was a wasting disease for her kind, hybrids that is. There was a reason that eating your own kind was taboo and it went deeper than social convention, morals or even hygiene. She knew that she would eventually break and the corruption would change her, take what little she had left from her. Her hand shook as she made a gesture that he could put it away, devour it himself, do whatever he needed to do with it.

”You also wanted to ask me something. What is it that you wish to know?”

She shook her head, "it was a mistake to ask." It was a question about them, a question that she did not need to know the answer to. besides, she was not entirely certain that she wanted the answer. "Never mind Sennin Senju." She would walk alongside him in relative silence until they reached a restaurant, a busy place it would seem. That was good, the densely populated space would limit those with a code and it would give them the advantage if they needed to hide. She smelled the air, it smelled of fish and pungent from the booze that freely flowed inside of those worn walls. It was not desirable but it would do. She took a series of breaths as she tried to calm her nerves, she was far from fearless but she knew how to be brave. She would not leave Kazuki's side as they entered but she would wait for him to enter the establishment before her. She was trying to keep an eye on him but he was an autonomous being that made his own decisions good or bad and while with effort she might be able to manipulate him she was not able to control him.

While the wait staff was finding them a place to sit the Uchiha would approach her Sennin. Yes, there was a possessive term associated with him.

“Kazuki, while everyone is getting seated I have a request for yourself, I know it is not in my place to ask of such things, but I request an audience alone for a few minutes. A lot is going to change and I believe that as my mentor and teacher you will give me the insight I need before things become hectic, and your experience would prove valuable, I request only a few minutes of your audience time while we are getting seated, I shouldn’t keep you from the food long but would appreciate your advice right now, one of the few people who will give it to me honestly.”

"Why?" She asked hopefully before Kazuki could answer. "Is there something to share that you would not want your wife to hear?" She was indeed saying this loudly, over the restaurant chatter so that Takeshi's wife could overhear. Women could be a bit overbearing. Men secretive, their desire to grasp control of situations resulting in tense relations. She knew that she could not force Kazuki to stay nearby, if she tried too hard he would step away into foolishness as an act of defiance. She was just hopeful that someone with some power over him or Takeshi would intervene. She was not particularly troubled by spilling his blood on the floor of this crowded restaurant, it was a terrible change in her this past year since the transformation that bothered her less with each passing day. Still, there was a part of her that did not want to for the sake of social relations, hers with Kazuki not hers with potentially dangerous foreigners. Natsuru had power over the Sennin even if neither of them realized it. It was intangible but easy to define as love. "Or should I simply take offense to the fact that you are about to say... or do something untoward in my absence?" She was certain that it was the later. There was little he could share that she would not soon find out, that she would know before she came back to the table, not that Takeshi or Kazuki knew that. not that she cared about the things that she did not know in the way that she used to since her seals were broken.

"Natsuru order for me," she relented as she raised her menu in front of her face, the fold in the stiff plastic covered sheet holding the menu upright. She was up to something behind there, she always was. Her eyes would peer over the menu for a moment and she would glance at Kazuki and Takeshi, then she would seem to stare off, her visage would simply sink behind the menu out of sight.

Yamanaka: Mind Transfer Cast on Takeshi.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Table Title
Kazuki had known Michi for a while. He knew how she spoke, what kind of words she used. Hearing her speaking in such a way, using such terms, was not befitting of her. Natsuru knew her for a much shorter amount of time and even her was quite perplexed. ”Give me a moment.”</GLOW><i></i> she would request before approaching the last Oracle and attempting to place her hand on the older woman’s forehead. ”That sea sickness must have really done a number on you… just wow. Nii-san I think we broke her.”<i></i> ”Not at all”<i></i> the Deep Court Hybrid would rebuke, ending her rebuttal with a laughing noise. From the Senju Overlord’s perspective, it seemed forced, but it was not his place to point that out. ”I am just look’n forward to some bond’n. After all I never get any social time with this handsome fella.”<i></i> Reaper couldn’t believe his ears. That was so out of character of her he was baffled. ”If you say so.”<i></i> the White Wolf would mutter.[lb2][/lb2]
Natsuru would return to Yuki’s side and their little entourage would start searching for a suitable place to have a meal. The woman formerly known as Michi would immediately grab her notebook and she would begin scribing something. Once he had joined her side, the Shadow Sword tried to glance the contents of her latest writing, but he only saw numbers that told him nothing. He didn’t know what she was thinking, but his gut instinct told him it concerned a certain green haired Uchiha. Regardless, he would once again try to offer her a soul, something she desperately needed, despite her constant refusals. ”I’m…”<i></i> she would begin though she never finished that sentence. The Occult Sennin thought he could see Michi’s internal conflict. She wanted to accept the soul, she needed it desperately, but she couldn’t, she wouldn’t. This was, however, a struggle she couldn’t win. ”I want to preserve my humanity for as long as I can.”<i></i> she would admit. Kazuki only nodded in response. He could understand that, even though he had forsaken his, a long time ago. The crystal would be enveloped in shadows that would compress themselves and vanish. The offer still stood and he would be there to present it again.[lb2][/lb2]
”It was a mistake to ask.”<i></i> the last Oracle would respond, shaking her head. It would seem she would refuse to reveal what she had wanted to ask of him earlier. ”Never mind Sennin Senju.”<i></i> she would further reinforce the notion that he should let it go. The Senju Overlord would shrug. He was not one to easily give up, if at all, but he would let it pass this time. He saw her struggling with the events unfolding before her very eyes. Takeshi’s presence was a source of preoccupation for her, perhaps even more so than Reaper’s trip to Konohagakure. The rest of the walk toward the restaurant would be done in silence. Silence occasionally broken as Yuki and Natsuru chitchatted. The White Wolf didn’t pay much attention to what those two were talking about because he was using his senses to scan the surroundings for possible threats.[lb2][/lb2]
The Leaf Sennin allowed his wife and the Senju Hyuuga to enter before him. It was a deliberate move, quickly explained as he began speaking. ”Kazuki, while everyone is getting seated I have a request for yourself, I know it is not in my place to ask of such things, but I request an audience alone for a few minutes. A lot is going to change and I believe that as my mentor and teacher you will give me the insight I need before things become hectic, and your experience would prove valuable, I request only a few minutes of your audience time while we are getting seated, I shouldn’t keep you from the food long but would appreciate your advice right now, one of the few people who will give it to me honestly.” Takeshi would remove his hand from Kazuki’s chest. ”Why?”<i></i> Michi would question before the Occult Sennin could even think of an answer. ”Is there something to share that you would not want your wife to hear? Or should I simply take offense to the fact that you are about to say… or do something untoward in my absence?”<i></i>
Reaper listened to it all without saying a word. His mind had been settled the moment the Uchiha spoke and, unfortunately for Michi, his mind wouldn’t be moved by what she had to say. ”I will join you shortly.”<i></i> he would tell her, motioning for her to go forward without him. <GLOW glow="darkred">”Speak.” Kazuki would address the current ANBU Sennin for Konohagakure once they were alone.[lb2][/lb2]
[MFT - 784]​
Black Omen
Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin[lb][/lb]



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[Getting absolutely swarmed at univeristy and my plans to post keep getting delayed further and further as such please skip me this round and possibly the next. Consider her ordering something from the menu and sitting down. Also she would find probably the most-weird-sounding item on the menu for Michi.

As for the questions asked of her - "Oh nobody special. Not enough time when I have to try and find someone of nii-san and he hasn't really been playing ball. And frankly I'm not sure who is ruining the chances for whom in these situations." With a typical chuckle.

"Being popular is not always a good thing. Let's hope it's not popular for being cheap on the alcohol side."

Again apologies. After over a month of exams and coursework hand ins basically daily it's getting ridiculous.]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi finally had a moment alone with Kazuki, he knew full well that everything was changing, and he had to come to terms with that. But he wanted the calming words from someone that he knew would keep him straight. It seemed that Takeshi was prepared for everything, but he did not know how to fully talk about what was changing though he wanted Kazuki to have the understanding and any words of wisdom that had to be said, glancing as the ladies seemed to have shuffled inside. IT seemed that he finally had the opportunity that he wanted, he would have a private word with Kazuki and he didn’t know where to start.

“I want to give you the heads up, after having the talks this morning with the other Sennin of Leaf. I have been elected as the new Hokage. I will be replacing Umashi in the role and things are going to change, I just wanted to see if you had any words of wisdom for me before I just went into this blind. I normally would have tones to say but right now I find myself just blank of answers, something that never happens but here we are”

Takeshi allowed himself to breath out, it seemed like he had finally managed to get everything off his chest and it felt good for him to do so. He allowed himself to look around as he tried to check what the current condition of this place was he knew that his words had time to set in Kazuki’s head. The man still held an impressive figure ever since Takeshi had remember being taught by him, that was a bond that would never die no matter how much time passed he knew that there would always be that connection between the two of them. That was something that he had to admit he was happy with, he had been glad when he had learned of the survival of his old teacher though it was a shock to find him in Sand he had come to terms about that and accepted it.

“I just wanted any advice, but I figured I would give you the heads up. This way you know before we go into this meeting later, but I wanted to make sure that you knew this information first. I hate dropping surprises on those I know.”

Takeshi allowed a small smile to cross his lips, though it seemed that he was giving a genuine smile in those few seconds. He knew full well that at least his smile was sincere he just pondered on how Kazuki would take the news. That would be key on how this conversation went, though the smell of food was getting to Takeshi as he allowed himself to smile.

“Shall we join the other ones at the table, I am hungry and could do with some food if I am being honest. Besides I hate to keep ladies waiting it always ends badly.”

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
Yuki was lead to the table with the two other females that had joined her, she waited for the other two to sit before she herself took a seat. Inside was a lot more crowed then it was outside, and she couldn’t help but wonder to herself if that was in part due to the more traffic coming through the port then normal or if it was always as busy as this. She took the menu from the holder and let her eyes scan over it looking for something that took her fancy but there was nothing that was jumping from the page. The food her seems fancy and despite her titles Yuki was not one for fancy foods, she signed before putting then menu back down again.

The Haku’s eyes looked up from the paper seeing the other to looking at her, Michi didn’t really seem to be with them but Yuki put that down to the sea sickness she sighed and raised the menu again using it in part to hide herself from the gaze of the to the woman present that was making her feel a little uncomfortable. While have meet people from her past she was really hoping that Takeshi wasn’t going to gone much longer, lucky for Yuki one of the many rushed waiters approached the table to take their orders. She orders Takeshi some meat Ramen dish and herself a Miso soup and some seafood thing and more importantly a bottle of Sake and as she was feeling generous two glasses.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: Totally stopped checking here, thankfully Kazuki reminded me (twice). When I leave you waiting like this, feel free to skip over me.


Michi would do Takeshi no harm because he had not harmed Kazuki. The Oracle woman was rather paranoid, especially regarding the Sennin. It was not that she distrusted him, she had no reason to and he had proved himself several times over as being unwilling to cause her harm without a direct reason and she would give him none. In fact she respected him in a number of ways, he had a social grace that she lacked despite his cold demeanor as he was able to receive such warm greetings from these Kohonans. It was the Kohonans that she did not trust, it was illogical to do so. Kazuki was in theory a lost asset oh Kohonagakure, he had their secrets and a lineage that made him a integral part of Leaf's community and history. Most people would see his absence as abandonment, some might take this as an opportunity to force him to return. He would not be much good to them, not anymore. Sunagakure would never give him up either, he had created close bonds with the Kazekage, the other Sennins and had learned a number of Sand's secrets as well. Secrets that Sunagakure would also be unwilling to relinquish. This would leave the two nations at an impasse.

She would simply wait inside of Takeshi, her consciousness looking through his eyes. She needed to know what was shared. Why it was so important that he be taken away. The news he shared, the statements he had were not enough reason, not to her at least. Her body was of course fixed in that seat, unmoving but still living and breathing. Hunger gnawed at her, even while she was in this disembodied state. She knew what she hungered for but she refused. She was strong enough to starve if necessary, or so she honestly believed. She was of course wrong, a ravenous hunger takes away one's will, one's greater sense and eventually it would take hers. Just not today.

She would not return to her body until Kazuki was back at her side. She of course felt restless and impulsive inside of Takeshi. A longing glance at a steak knife. The contemplating of throwing him out to sea. She could do it, she could risk it all -- her life only recently regained and her longevity promised. Why would such a logical being go to such extremes? Because she had earned something alongside her losses that was intangible yet mutable and indescribable. He had done nothing wrong yet but there was something going on in the back of her mind, a fear that had crept there the moment they met. The moment she had learned that Kazuki was summoned away. The belief that their intention was to take him away.

She had no allegiance to Sunagakure, she never did. Sunagakure served as a tool for her to get revenge on the Diamyo for her imprisonment, the death of her order and the terrible son she had spawned from his seed. Sunagakure was the lesser of evils, an alliance she would maintain not because she had a love for the community but rather because she had hate for another. She was going above and beyond for Kazuki however, she did the same for Kashi because she felt something for them, she saw something in them. Was if love? Quite possibly, not that she understood it. There was not a philosopher, scholar or Oracle that truly understood such an unfathomable concept. However, she would kill every person in this room dead if they posed a risk to Kazuki.

Takeshi would feel something, a stirring. An impulse for self harm that was not his own. But he would not be forced, as quickly as the urge would come it would dissipate. She was not going to kill him. She was not going to harm him. Not now. Not yet.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Table Title
“I want to give you the heads up, after having the talks this morning with the other Sennin of Leaf. I have been elected as the new Hokage. I will be replacing Umashi in the role and things are going to change, I just wanted to see if you had any words of wisdom for me before I just went into this blind. I normally would have tones to say but right now I find myself just blank of answers, something that never happens but here we are.”<i></i> Takeshi would announce. Kazuki was surprised to say the least. He had never expected to hear his former pupil declare Umashi was going to abdicate in favor of the green haired Uchiha. Not because he didn’t believe in Takeshi but because he never expected to see Umashi parting ways with Leaf after what had happened. “I just wanted any advice, but I figured I would give you the heads up. This way you know before we go into this meeting later, but I wanted to make sure that you knew this information first. I hate dropping surprises on those I know.”<i></i> The Senju Overlord would simply nod in response,l his mouth still shut as his mind raced in a myriad of thoughts. “Shall we join the other ones at the table, I am hungry and could do with some food if I am being honest. Besides I hate to keep ladies waiting it always ends badly.”<i></i>[lb2][/lb2]

The White Wolf would shake his head. ”Stay your hand. They and your hunger can wait a bit longer.”<i></i> Reaper would announce. ”You have to understand one thing. I have served three different villages and I have held many positions before. ANBU, ANBU Captain and ANBU Sennin for Konohagakure. Jounin and Diplomat for Iwagakure. Jounin, Sennin, Diplomat, Wind and Ranger Lord for Sunagakure. But for all the power I might have, for all the influence I might possess, I have never been Kage. I cannot give you advice based on personal experience, but I will give it nonetheless.”<i></i> the Occult Sennin would explain his reasoning before actually sharing his advice. He would gaze his former pupil for a full minute. In a way he was vastly different, but he could still see the young boy, clumsy and eager to learn and impress. He sincerely hoped Takeshi knew what he was getting into or he would lose himself. ”The Kage of a Hidden Village is the highest position one can attain and only a few ever do. Once you reach that rank, you become the village’s military leader and upon your shoulders rest the weight of an entire population. People will look up on you, now more than ever. You will become a role model and you cannot fail, ever. In the Fire Country and more so in Leaf, there is the Will of Fire. A way of life that dictates we are all a big family and as Hokage, everyone in the village becomes part of your family and your main priority. Yes, your wife and future sons are your actual family, but the rest of village will be it as well. I may not be able to visit Konoha that much, if at all, but you can count on me for advice, just shoot me a message and I will answer as soon as possible.”<i></i>[lb2][/lb2]

And that was it. There was nothing else he could say about that matter. It was time to enjoy their meal. The Shadow Sword would motion for Takeshi to enter before him.[lb2][/lb2]

[MFT - 592]
Black Omen
Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin[lb][/lb]



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The blue-eyed woman would slowly scan the room as she couldn’t help but ever so slightly sway from side to side in her chair. It was an expression of nervousness and alertness in a way and at the same time she was just plain well… bored? For a lack of a better description that might just be it. Her present retinue was not the kind that would really react to anything specific. Michi and Kazuki were statues. No other way to put it. Takeshi… well she never did quite get him. Probably her brother’s influence and all that. In the end that just meant he was classed with the other two. Yuki was the only mystery she had left. If Natsu was to consider the people she associated with it would be sufficient to assume that the current konohan kunoichi could easily be classified as belonging to the same group as the others, yet that didn’t quite seem to be the case.

As Natsuru’s gaze fell on the haku she couldn’t help but study her, try and find any mannerisms or anything such as a nervous habit. ’ Well would you look at that’ The Senju couldn’t help but smile ever so slightly as she found exactly what she was looking for – unlike all of their other compatriots, well Michi wasn’t one, but that is beside the point, Yuki showed discomfort. Interesting. This would need to be. Natsu would prop her elbows against her table as she rested her chin on her hands. ”So how have things been in Konoha since, well you know…””<i></i>

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to listen to the man, knowing full well that Kazuki had years on himself and even his experience could speak for itself, his words though the Sennin would never allow himself to admit it, gave him the opportunity to look up to them. As he listened to the words being spoken by Kazuki he knew that the man at least told it to him straight, he knew full well that there was no going back, no turning away from the position he would be put in. All he could do was walk forward and he knew that the rest of the village would be walking with him each step of the way.

“I will not fail Leaf, I have done so once before to my shame, it will never happen again. You taught me that much, though how much has changed since then, before we go in I want to ask you one thing Kazuki, one thing that you asked me way back when, and that I have to ask now. Just tell me this, no matter what happens, are you happy? Have you found that peace that you needed, I just want to know if it came to you after the fall of leaf?”

Takeshi allowed a moment pause before he looked around the area he was in, a small smile escaped his lips as he made sure not to dwell on it. He didn’t want to have Kazuki over think it and it wasn’t his place to allow that to happen. As he patted the man on the shoulder gently and took his gesture in good intent he stepped inside the place ot meet up with the others, scanning till he found them before walking towards them he allowed himself to wave at the group.

“I see we have found a seat, thanks for saving the seats. So has anyone decided what they want to eat yet? Guess I should have a look at the menu.”

Takeshi allowed himself to wait for Kazuki to join them though he was already glancing at the menu and trying to figure out what took his fancy, he allowed a small laugh to escape his lips as he pondered on the what to order, this was something he missed, being able to relax and chill out with no worries. No concerns at all, though that would be gone from his life soon and he knew that.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Table Title
Takeshi would enter the restaurant before Kazuki and the Senju Overlord was about to follow, when the hair at the back of his neck suddenly raised. He would swiftly turn around and after a quick scan of his surroundings, he found nothing out of the ordinary that would cause his senses to react that way. The White Wolf turned back around to finally enter the place when he was stopped by his earpiece receiving a transmission that there was a potential Sunan student in jeopardy. "You will excuse me but urgent matters call my immediate attention. I will return as soon as possible."<i></i> he would announce from the threshold. He would give two meaningful looks, one to Natsuru and the other to Michi before turning around, for a second time, and he left the scene in a hurry.[lb2][/lb2][Topic left due to inactivity]​
Black Omen
Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin[lb][/lb]


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
