Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Trial by Fire [Private Exam]

Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi stood in the field as the night crept in, tonight was the night that someone would either become a legend or fall in the grass never to rise again. The black and red mask of the Sennin shone against the water as he stood silent and prepared, his sword buckled against his back as he let the wind gently tug at the bottom of his robes in those few seconds. Yukio had been an influence in his life since he had come to the village, he had seen the boy turn into a man. He felt his heart beat in his chest as he closed his eyes.

“I hope you are prepared, you have come so far, now you must pass the last hurdle in your life. Progress and aspire, drive and survive, come here prepared my son”

The words falling from his lips like a breeze in the darkness, the Sennin had summoned those chosen as he allowed himself a few seconds to breath out, the breath turning to frost in the air as he stood there. His body tense and prepared to fight, his chest heaving in and out as he waited for their arrival. The Sennin allowed himself to take a deep breath in as he looked for answers, dreaming of things that they could be. Takeshi found himself staring at the stars, counting each one as he stood alone.

The branch had change, it had adapted and become strong in his time since he had taken on the roll of Sennin. He had ups and he had downs, he had good and bad days like anyone, but the branch has continued its strive. He had seen the branch become strong and become something on the lines of crazy. Takeshi knelt on his knees as he looked out on the lake knowing full well that he had to allow Yukio the chance that he wanted, the chance for him to better himself inside of this life.

Takeshi allowed himself to press his hand to a headset it seemed that he would summon the other person to judge the man that was coming before them. He would be allowing himself to summon the one that would take the exam.

“Yuki, it is time my love, trial by fire meet me in the training grounds. It is time”

[Summoned Yukio and Yuki]
it didn't feel like any other night the air felt heavy as Yukio walked through the field towards Takeshi and though he never usually felt tension in his body tonight would be different the words Takeshi had used to summon him gave hint to the gravity of the situation at hand and in the long run he had come to expect the worst arriving exactly when requested. Though he wore ANBU robes over his combat gear the Hyuuga had left his mask behind as it had been so many times before he wanted to see eye to eye with his Sennin words leaving his lips with a serious tone. "Though I expect summons from time to time even I can see something is different about this one, the air feels off and its something I haven't felt for a long time."

It wasn't in the literal sense though reading the atmosphere was always a useful skill for anyone to develop assisting in knowing when the right time to be serious and the right time to be jovial were appropriate and this moment would be the former. With his robes catching in the breeze there was a brief pause hundreds of thoughts and scenarios passing through his mind with every second had he been a lesser man the act would have sent him spinning into panic but for the Hyuuga it was not the case taking a deep breath as the air left his lungs.

"So what is it you wish of me to call me at this hour the only thing I assume is it is a matter of great importance." he expected a straight forward answer as he always did from Takeshi though as it had been many times before what that answer would be was a mystery, that sense of uncertainty sent a chill down his spine and within a few moments the answer he received would decide the next few moments rather quickly eyes focused intently on the man.
The air was cold and inky black, she had been called her by Takeshi with a very particular mission, one that and been on the books for a long time coming, the atmosphere was thick with tension even though Yukio was yet to arrive the Uchiha was serious, almost more serious then she had seen in a long time. From her placing in the shadows she could seem Yukio approaching, he was alone looking almost completely dwarfed by in encroaching blackness of the moonless night. He walked slowly she could see that he body was wound like a tension coil ready to strike. This is going to be fun,

Yuki stepped out of the shadows and walked across the training ground to her husband’s side, she walked past her former student Yukio and smiled it wasn’t a smile of a friendly greeting or of joy it was something a lot more sinister like a fox grinning at a rabbit. The female looked over the male to he had grown taller, however, he was still thin and gangly his hair falling in a mop over his head it was hard to think that this cold eye male was once a young boy that arrived at her class one day, she was impressed at how far he had come since that day however he stood before her and Takeshi now ready to face the hardest task of his life. To see if he was ready to join the rank of an ANBU captain, Yuki was very much looking forward to seeing the fight that the Hyuuga was going to put up.
“I hope you are ready little Rabbit,” She grinned menacingly at Yukio, she knew he probably had a inkling of what was in store for her calling him that name, if he didn’t know he soon will as soon as Takeshi gave the signal.
Takeshi pulled himself up to his full height as he turned around the mask showing the demonic grin that most people had become used to seeing. This trial, this method was tried and tested from the ANBU, with the absence of Maki now it seemed that the Sennin was stepping in to fill the gap. To join the group you must be able to stand with the group logical in thought but once you put that out to someone they had to really consider there options and see what would happen when backed into a corner. Takeshi allowed his eyes to narrow down as he wandered beside Yuki.

“Thirty Seconds, you get your white hood and prove yourself worthy of the rank of Captain inside of my Branch. Under that and you leave, and we carve your name off as just another want to be who fell at the last hurdle. That is the conditions. Now let us see how far you truly have come to be standing with us now”

With that all said it was time to fight, this was when people would break or find their own strengths. Takeshi had his ways to make sure that this test would push the Hyuuga further than he had been driven before, if he faltered and broke now there would be no place for him inside the Branch. This exam was a fail and be expelled exam, Yukio knew that he would be required to take this fight up. Takeshi allowed his hands to come together as he summoned the purple aura around him.

[B-Mod Called]
Welcome to your Modded Fight!

I will be your moderator for this fight! Send, in a PM, your actions and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.

When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.

If you feel that I may miss something, please feel free to add in a list of passives or effects that you wish to be given special attention, or just a list of all of your passives works as well, whichever.

Lets have a nice fun fight on this one, remember both of you will be under a 48 Hour time limit since the B-Mod goes up. Right now lets get ready to rumble!​
There was little movement from the Hyuuga save the occasional twitch from his fingers eyes narrowing on the pair as a deep breath left his lungs it was clear the steaks were higher than ever before and one slip up could see him exiled from the ANBU branch but no less would be expected considering what the outcome would be should he survive this. Emotion filled Yukio in those few passing seconds those who stood before him were people who were both his teachers and the closest thing he had to family but all that was on the line now at risk of being shattered in a single moment.

These thoughts were a fleeting moment however every moment spent thinking were precious seconds spent becoming unfocused and blinded by doubt letting the glow of the Hakumei fall behind closed eyes there was a short time to clear his mind the twitching sensation coming to a halt the image to anyone watching like looking upon a statue. When the Hyuuga's eyes opened once more the calm glow becoming two focused points in the centre of his pupils shifting with every movement "Well if that's the case I'll have to show you I'm not the helpless rabbit I once was"

His words were carried with confidence it was the minimum requirement to even consider victory in these circumstances irrelevant thoughts would have to be left behind and everything that wasn't being used to assist in the situation was not worth the time or effort to think about slight adjustments being made to the combat gloves round his arms as he raised his fists to them. "I'm ready to begin"

[Actions sent]

Hyuuga Yukio HP = 34,560 – 1382 + 17 - 7,200 - 300 – 1036 - 575 = 24,084
Hyuuga Yukio CP = 28,350 – 3960 – 2750 = 15,543
Natural Energy = 6,097
Status: Sage mode, Divination seal, Jyuuken Stance, Easy breezy
Ap: 10 – 9 = 11ap next round

Uchiha Takeshi HP = 39,000 – 165 – 575 - 390 = 38,835
Uchiha Takeshi CP = 39,000 – 600 – 1580 = 36,820
Corrupt Energy = 11700 – 1000 – 2000 = 8700
Status: Head Sprained, Bleeding Rank 1
Ap: 10 – 7.5 = 11ap next round

Haku Yuki HP = 39,000 (750 Barrier) 1560 - 780 – 165 - 460 = 36,660 (125 barrier (Renewed next round))
Haku Yuki CP = 39,000 – 4500 – 560 = 33,940
Status: Elemental Cloak Stage 1
Ap: 10 – 9 = 11ap next round

Rin Hp = 18,900 - 575
Rin Cp = 16,200
Status: Feels like snow
Ap: 2.5 next round

Hp = 1586 – 575 = 1011

Hp = 1586 – 575 = 1011

Hp = 1586 – 575 = 1011

Hp = 1586 – 575 = 1011

Uchiha Takeshi uses Dark Invitation against Hyuuga Yukio and Haku Yuki - 0 Seconds (Hits Yukio, Hits Yuki)

Hyuuga Yukio Enters Wind Chakra Style - Easy Breezy using Initiative = 0 seconds

Hyuuga Yukio Equips Combat Gloves using Initiative = 0 seconds

Uchiha Takeshi activates Sharingan using Initiative = 0 seconds

Haku Yuki Enters Elemental Manifestation- Stage 1 Elemental Cloak using Initiative = 0 seconds

Hyuuga Yukio Enters Jyuuken stance = 0.5 seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Basic Strike called shot - Head - Targeting Haku Yuki = 0.5 seconds (Hits, Called shot failed)

Hyuuga Yukio uses Basic Strike called shot - Head - Targeting Uchiha Takeshi - 0.5 seconds (Hits, Head Sprained)

Hyuuga Yukio enters Sage mode = 0.5 seconds

Haku Yuki uses Vanishing world against Hyuuga Yukio = 2 seconds (Hits)

Uchiha Takeshi uses Corpse soil to summon the horde = 2.5 seconds

Haku Yuki uses Red Snow = 4 seconds

Uchiha Takeshi Uses Impure World Resurrection to summon Rin = 4.5 seconds

Hyuuga Yukio enters Eight Trigrams Divination Seal = 5 seconds

Haku Yuki Uses Fluorite Spikes = 6 seconds

Uchiha Takeshi does a Hidden action = 7 seconds (Hits)

Zombie 1 Basic strike against Hyuuga Yukio = 7.5 seconds (Miss)

Zombie 2 Basic strike against Hyuuga Yukio = 7.5 seconds (Crit)

Zombie 3 Basic strike against Hyuuga Yukio = 7.5 seconds (Miss)

Zombie 4 Basic strike against Hyuuga Yukio = 7.5 seconds (Miss)

Hyuuga Yukio uses Funhouse against Uchiha Takeshi and Haku Yuki = 8 seconds (Hits Uchiha Takeshi, Hits Haku Yuki)

Red Snow Auto hits Uchiha Takeshi and Hyuuga Yukio and psuedo-clones(Takeshi bleeding rank 1, Clones 2 and 3 reflect) = 10 Seconds

Changed - Red snow hits Funhouse clones

Hyuuga Yukio HP = 24,084 – 1382 – 1236 - 1236 + 6391 + 1509 – 7293 – 1632 – 346 – 11,261 – 575 - 1728 = 5295

Hyuuga Yukio CP = 15,543 - 1236 – 2880 - 1236 – 6422 = 3769

Natural Energy = 6,097

Status: Sage mode, Divination seal, Jyuuken Stance, Easy breezy, Bleeding Rank 1

Ap: 11 – 10.75 = 10.25ap next round

Uchiha Takeshi HP = 38,835 + 1586 = 39000 – 7260 – 6120 – 3864 – 2252 – 575 – 390 = 18,539

Uchiha Takeshi CP = 36,820 – 500 - 450 – 1530 – 3300 – 2640 – 2000 – 2750 – 2750 – 120 = 23,590

Corrupt Energy = 8700 + 1586 = 10,286

Status: Head Sprained, Bleeding Rank 1

Ap: 11 – 10 = 11ap next round

Haku Yuki HP = 37,380 - 780 (750 barrier – 150 - 600) – 6000 – 6120 – 3300 + 1560 = 22,740

Haku Yuki CP = 33,940 – 520 – 560 – 740 – 1530 – 2200 – 560 – 510 = 27,320

Status: Elemental Cloak Stage 1

Ap: 11ap – 9 = 11ap next round

Rin Hp = 18,325 – 7260 – 6270 – 3630 – 189 = 976

Rin Cp = 16,200 – 1567 – 2750 = 11,883

Status: in Shadow Dimension, Bleeding Rank 1

Ap: 3.5 – 3 = 3.5 next round

Hp = 1011 – 68 – 7260 = Dead

Hp = 1011 – 68 – 1927 = dead

Hp = 1011 – 68 – 8167 = dead

Hp = 1011 – 575 = 436

Uchiha Takeshi uses Dark Invitation against Hyuuga Yukio and Haku Yuki (Yukio Hit, Yuki Miss, Zombie 1,2,4 hit, Rin miss) = 0 Seconds

Uchiha Takeshi activates Mangekyo Sharingan using Initiative = 0 Seconds

Uchiha Takeshi equips Sword using Initiative = 0 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Basic Strike called shot - Legs against Takeshi (Hits) = 0 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Basic Strike called shot - Legs against Haku Yuki (Hits) = 0 Seconds

Haku Yuki reacts with Quality Break (Miss) = 0 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses limit break = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Fist of Sin: Wrath against Uchiha Takeshi (Hit, Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Fist of Sin: Wrath against Haku Yuki (Hit, Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Fist of Sin: Wrath against Rin (Hit, Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Fist of Sin: Wrath against Zombie 1 (Hit, Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Strikes - Chakra Circulatory Assault against Uchiha Takeshi (hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Strikes - Chakra Circulatory Assault against Haku Yuki (Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Strikes - Chakra Circulatory Assault against Rin (Crit, Hit, Crit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Strikes - Chakra Circulatory Assault against Zombie 2 (Crit, Hit, Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit, Miss, Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio Fist of Virtue Chastity against Uchiha Takeshi (Miss) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio Fist of Virtue Chastity against Haku Yuki (Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio Fist of Virtue Chastity against Rin (Hit) = 2.5 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio Fist of Virtue Chastity against Zombie 3 (Crit) = 2.5 Seconds

Haku Yuki uses Life Corrosion = 2.7 Seconds

Uchiha Takeshi Uses Desert Tendril Unleashed against Hyuuga Yukio (Hits clone 1 damage reflected, Hits clone 2 no reflect, Clone 3 hit Reflects) = 2.7 Seconds

Haku Yuki uses Rain Dance = 4.5 Seconds

Zombie 4 Attacks with basic attack (Auto Dodged) = 5 Seconds

Uchiha Takeshi uses Darkness Falls against Hyuuga Yukio (Crit, Hit, Hit) = 5.4 Seconds

Haku Yuki uses Ice Shards against Hyuuga Yukio (Crit, Partial hit 50%, Miss, Hit, Miss, Miss) = 6.3 Seconds

Uchiha Takeshi Using hidden action against Hyuuga Yukio = 8.1 Seconds

Uchiha Takeshi Dragon Flame bomb: Dragon Hydra Against Hyuuga Yukio (Miss)

Uchiha Takeshi Dragon Flame bomb: Dragon Hydra Against Hyuuga Yukio (Crit)

Uchiha Takeshi Infernal Ember Against Hyuuga Yukio (Miss)

Rinku Mimoto Uses Shadow Dimension Against Hyuuga Yukio (Miss) = 8.6 Seconds

Zombie 4 Attacks with basic attack (miss) = 10 Seconds

Red Snow auto hits everyone bar Yuki

Hyuuga Yukio HP = 5295 – 1382 – 1036 – 2484 – 4620 = Ko’d

Hyuuga Yukio CP = 3769 = Ko’d

Natural Energy = 6,097 = Ko’d

Status: Ko’d

Uchiha Takeshi HP = 18,539 + 3070 – 1936 = 19,673

Uchiha Takeshi CP = 23,590 – 2480 – 3030 = 18,080

Corrupt Energy = 10,286 + 3070 = 11700 [Max]

Status: Head Sprained, Bleeding Rank 1

Ap: 11 – 10 = 11ap next round

Haku Yuki HP = 22,740 - 780 (750 Barrier – 750) – 1237 = 21,503

Haku Yuki CP = 27,320 – 520 – 560 – 1090 = 25,150

Status: Elemental Cloak Stage 1

Ap: 11ap – 9 = 11ap next round

Rin Hp = 976

Rin Cp = 11,883

Status: in Shadow Dimension, Bleeding Rank 1

Ap: 3.5 – 3 = 3.5 next round

Hp = 1586 – 68 = 1518

Hp = 1586 – 68 = 1518

Hp = 1586

Hp = 436

Takeshi uses Dark invitation against all present = 0 seconds (Hits Hyuuga Yukio, Hits Haku Yuki, hits Zombie 2 and 3,

Hyuuga Yukio Uses slime trail using initiative = 0 seconds

Hyuuga Yukio uses Basic Strike called shot Head against Uchiha Takeshi (Hits Head Sprained) = 0 Seconds

Hyuuga Yukio reactivates Funhouse = 0.48 seconds

Haku Yuki uses Ice blast against Hyuuga Yukio = 2.22 seconds (Hits, 2 reflects)

Uchiha Takeshi uses Shinra Tensei against Hyuuga Yukio = 2.72 Seconds (Miss, 1 reflect)

Uchiha Takeshi uses Newtons Apple against Hyuuga Yukio = 2.72 Seconds (Hits), Hyuuga Yukio is Knocked out
<COLOR color="#3299CC">

It seemed that the fight had finished, Takeshi allowed his hand to come up as he dragged the Hyuuga off the ground, with a flick of the wrist he slammed the man down into the ground with a dull thud that could be heard around the place. It was clear that he was out of the fight now as he stayed down. Takeshi allowed himself to watch as the ground kicked up dust from the man before Takeshi allowed a breath to come out as it signalled the end of the fight, it was clear that Yukio had given everything and fallen in the hurdle.

“Well Yuki, that seems to be the fight over for now, I have to admit I am impressed his lasted this long, he has caused some serious fighting back and for some reason I have to give it to the man that he has supposed the expectations of myself, well lets get him somewhere that he can sleep it off I believe, he doesn’t look to badly broken that he will need medical attention so at least we don’t have to take him there this time.”

Takeshi allowed himself to grab Yukio by the arm and hauled him against a tree in the shadows, as he looked around for something to find he sighed to himself at the pointless nature, standing over Yukio takes allowed himself to consider the boy for a few minutes before he looked towards Yuki it seemed that he was satisfied with how it went. Takeshi looked at the sky before allowing a small laugh to come to his lips.

“Well you’re a fool for trying to win this fight, but I have to admit you did surpass expectations on this one, so I have to give you credit there. At least when you wake up you will find this waiting for you. Congratulations and I am proud of you Yukio, turning up is the point of this exam not winning it, Captains are those that put everything on the line for someone else, for the village if needed. Congratulations though you will not hear this”

Takeshi allowed himself to place the white hooded robes of the Captain down on Yukio as he turned back to Yuki before allowing a small nod to come here way it seemed that he had give Yukio the approval for the promotion. Leaving the man in the field he started to walk away from his at that moment.

[Topic Left]
[OOC: Yukio promoted to ANBU Captain]

Current Ninpocho Time:
