Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Troubling Thoughts [Private- Masao]

“Do Natsu, I too like you. A lot.” The blond felt the blush return with a vengeance, no doubt his face matched the tablecloth at this point. Not only her words but the gentle caress of her fingers and the touch of her lips against his fingers.. The Spymaster felt like a twelve-year old. Save for the fact that a twelve-year old would likely know better how to behave himself in such a situation. “Your salmon, madam and monsieur.” Takeshi spoke, pulling Natsu out of his revelry and Haruka’s hand out of his own.

For a moment, Natsu considered killing the man. Finally the Jonin had gotten to what had to be at least third base with the Shima woman and now the maître was happily interrupting that moment for salmon. Of all things to bother with! Sir, the Kingslayers are attacking. Sir, your coat is on fire. Sir, you should not drool so obviously over the woman. Yes, those were relevant matters to inform Natsu of at such a time. Not that the salmon was ready. Sighing, Natsu nodded and Takeshi presented the duo with their plates and cutlery. “Shall you be deciding on the wine then, monsieur?” Finally relenting, the Jonin nodded.

As he opened the menu with one hand, Natsu was hit uncomfortably hard with his inexperience when it came to wine. Certainly, he had drank it before. But the Shinobi had never been tasked with picking one. Certainly not out of a two-hundred item list, filled with names that each sounded more obscure than the previous one. “Any wine in particular you prefer? Red or white, perhaps rosé?” Natsu asked, subtely sneaking his hand forward as he spoke to touch Haruka’s again. Feigning ignorance about the action, he pretended to be fully focused on picking out a wine. After the two had chosen, either one of Haruka’s picking or a ‘Chateau Montagne – Rouge Filles’ on a random guess by Natsu, Takeshi nodded and departed again.

Natsu’s fingers in the meanwhile would hopefuly have found themselves entwined with Haruka’s as he tried a bite of the salmon. “Not bad.” He offered, a little uncertain what he could say at the moment. “Have you chosen your main dish yet?” He inquired, before boldly offering his own idea. They had been very open just now after all. “Truth be told, I’m not too used to this fancy stuff. I have half a mind to just ask for the burger. At least that I know wouldn’t kill me.” The Jonin said, only half-jokingly. Hopefully Haruka would share similar sentiment and not smack him over the head with the menu.

[Word Count: 434]
[Marked for Training]
Haruka knew she'd never again find greater pleasure in the world than in flustering poor Natsu. More seriously, Haruka never find greater comfort ever again if she was not intertwined in his touch. His warm flesh soothed a soft smile onto her pale, pouty lips. Takeshi couldn't have any worse timing, but most waiters hovered around in high class restaurants. They were quick to the needs of the customer and quick to get them to the bill.The cutlery chimed with a delicate ping as Takeshi quickly laid them across the table. Lastly he set the salmon out for both before inquiring of wine.

We'll have the Champagne Brut Rose de Saignee.” Her choice was a rosè of moderate value, but fine taste. She enjoyed much sweeter notes of wine, but was versed well in a large variety. It seemed natural for her to take control of the order. Also, she didn't want Natsu to spend a needless amount of yen on a bunch of crap just because it sounded fancy and looked expensive. Takeshi excused himself to let the pair eat in momentary peace. Her heart began to thunder as Natsu sneaked back towards her hand. She didn't think that topsy-turvy wave of motion at the pit of her stomach would ever go away. Frankly, she didn't want it to. Gently her fingers parted their way in between his to take their rightful place. “It's a bit smokey today.” She knit picked regarding the fish after chewing on a piece.

None of these dishes really jump out at me...” The Shima maiden mulled over the menu with a frown. “Truth be told, I hold a dislike for such a pompous atmosphere. Dinner was only a means to see you. Although, I never thought you'd be so bold with your affections towards me as you have tonight.” Her hand lightly squeezed his own for comfort. The distance across the table was far to long. The ideas began to click across her mind as she schemed a getaway. A smirk danced its way across her painted lips. She leaned forward against the table. With a mischievous whisper, Haruka suggested, “say, why don't we ditch Takeshi and go to a real restaurant? Know any good burger joints? I think your wallet will thank me and your nerves probably will too.” Her lilting giggle spun a quiet echo around the secluded area.
"I never thought you'd be so bold with your affections towards me as you have tonight.” Natsu turned crimson at the Crow's words. If she hadn't been smiling he would've pulled his hand straight away and started apologizing. He still was of half a mind to at least do the latter. Yet before he had the chance, Haruka leaned forward. Slightly intimidated and still very much fearing for the safety of his life, the Spymaster was surprised at the actual intention of the whispering. "A burger joint? Are you being serious here?" He inquired, not taking the Shima woman much for a girl who'd much down fast food if she could avoid it.

"Hmmhm, turth be told I do not really, no." The blond would respond honestly. "I meant it more as figure of speech. I don't go for fast food that often." Donuts he might chomp down on like mad, but fast food was something the Spymaster stayed far away from. Just like coffee. Something he'd more than once gotten a weird look for in return. "However, I think I may hav an idea. Follow me!" Natsu suddenly decided, extending his hand. Should she take it, he'd drag her along right after dropping the Main Branch's financial support card. They had after all made costs for the restaurant already.

Running along the streets. leading Haruka along by the hand, Natsu laughed. It had been such a while since he'd done something so stupidly spontaneous and reckless. And the girl on his arm was the sole reason he felt okay doing it. At long last, he came to a stop in front of an apartment. Having refused to say anything about their destination, he wondered what the Shima girl was thinking as he pulled out a key from his pocket and rummaged with the lock. As it opened, he motioned for her to follow along inside. Running up the stairs to the highest floor, he came to another halt. "So, burgers I may be terrible at, but donuts I made some today and was hoping to share them with you. That is, if you don't mind coming inside for a few?"
She giggled at his shock. "One hundred percent serious." They still had so much to learn about each other before they'd ever become good teammates. And more importantly, before they'd ever be close enough to call each other lovers. For now, that wasn't a matter that crossed the inexperienced Shima's mind. She frowned playfully as he admitted his lack of knowledge on good fast food spots. She quickly thought it was silly of her to suggest such a thing. Maybe he preferred the refined Haruka, as opposed to this girl that she thought might be able to relate to him much more. Just then he extended a hand out to her. Her almond eyes flashed with curiosity, but she trusted Natsu to not entirely screw the night up. Her hand fell into his as she rose up with him to make their great escape.

As they tumbled through the street in playful fashion, Haruka's eyes couldn't stray from Natsu. He was vibrant, an explosion of life that the cold girl had never known. She wanted to feel alive with him forever. Charged with the touch and hope he gave her. The loneliness swept out when he blew in. She wasn't so alone anymore. Not as long as she had him. As his laughter rang through the empty street, Haruka smiled sweetly. She'd protect him. She'd keep that smile on his face for the rest of his life. And, one day, she'd see him as a great man. He was destined for Sennin. Destined for Raikage even. She followed him tirelessly, occasionally asking him where he was going. The young Kaguya kept it all a secret as he held onto her hand tightly.

"This is where you live?" She questioned as he pulled out his keys. Her pale skin tinted with rosey blush as she thought about the impertinence of two young people alone in a private place such as this. Haruka glanced over her shoulder, looking around for anyone. The climbed step upon step. The Spymaster had the pent house. A fitting place for him to perch and watch the village below him. "Oh? Donuts?" He wasn't as dastardly as she thought. She was a bit relieved and only slightly disappointed too. "Yes, I'd be happy to oblige." He seemed pleased at her response as he ushered her inwards.

The place wasn't as she had expected from a single, young man. He kept many of his belongings in tight order. Even the decor was highly fashionable and had a good flow to the room. His far wall of the living room was replaced mostly by windows that gave a romantic view of Kumogakure to the east. The view overlooked a man made river that flowed through the veins of Cloud. The buildings were all aglow as dusk began to fall into night. The sky outside burned as a blissful river of red. At the door, Haruka removed her shoes. Her feet pitter pattered after Natsu's on a wooden floor. Two other doors connected off from the dual living room and kitchen. She could see his study from where she stood, through an ajar door. It seemed to be the only chaotic part of the house. "This is rather nice." Haruka crossed the room to the window. "It's so beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen such a sight. The wall around the estate keeps everything away from us..." Her voice grew quieter as she realized just how lonely the Shima were. They tried so hard to keep everyone away from them.

Spinning on her heels, she faced him. "So, where are these donuts?" Her smile appeared again like magic.

Current Ninpocho Time:
