Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Trust me I'm a doctor...

Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
The sky is a smooth grey, just grey calm and numb. No disturbance, not even a bird, not one sound to be heard for the exception of a single person wondering along the street. The boy proceeded to the meeting location from where the woman had told him to that he'd find her to see what she had in store for him. Dokuso came closer to the double doors to the free hospital. His smug expression gazing up to the building and its two story bland cement color. Of course it wasn't going to impressive to look upon but he wondered truly if there had been any purpose of her telling him to seek her here of all places. He always wanted to learn more about how the body had worked, but that was only to figure out a poison that was best to use or learning the vital points to strike. Pretty much how to do damage to the body rather than actually healing the body which could be useful for him to heal himself in the long run. The only downside would have to be that he would be helping other people in order to gain that power which still didn't sit well with him. But then again having a little experience with other people could actually be useful.

Dokuso was dressed in his usually attire. His most consistent feature was his black rimmed glasses and straight black hair that came down to his neck with some of his locks covering and framing his face. He is usually wore bandages around his ankles and arms for stylish purposes. He was seen in a black shirt sleeve shirt, black pants with a ninja pouch on his back waist, and ninja sandals with spikes for traveling into the mountains. His forehead protector was tied about his neck like a scarf, the Konoha leaf sign had been slashed to show how bad he was.

“Well I wonder where that lady was.” He said to himself, looking from left to right. He was seeing a few medical nins around. But besides the few who had been out probably on break or something, they seem relatively normal. He scratched his head in confusion, wondering just where the hell he could find the woman that he sought after. “Well then I guess I'll just wait out here in the open until that lady decides to show.”

With that he stood on the sidewalk, leaning back against a street lamp, Dokuso waited for the woman. Going into his ninja pouch to pull out a kunai, sliding his middle finger into the hole on the hilt of the kunai, aimlessly spinning it to ease his boredom while he waited. His glasses getting that glare to them to make it hard to see his eyes, growing impatient as the minutes went on. Some of the normal medical nins which he didn't pay attention to seemingly avoiding him by either staying away from him or crossing the street due to their lack of ability to fight while those who could fight kept a close eye on the boy in case he tried anything. He of course never really paid attention to the looks or his surroundings as of now. He seemingly was deep in thought.

“Oi, what do you mean we can’t proceed with the window installation due to building permits?!” she demands, palms slamming upon the receptionist desk. Mikasa’s tone showcased signs of aggression, fingertips rummaging about through documentations and wishing nothing more than to crumple up the single item halting her advances. Murky ocean eyes scowl upon the faceless lass in the center, “There is a suspicious youngster outside?” she tilts her head to the side, tapping her chin curiously; admitting temporary defeat for her personal conquest. Unfortunately, it would appear that she were the only one capable to 'take care' of the the potential situation.

Swiftly she twists about, her direction of interest shifting dramatically, while her digits fumble about to clip her eye wear against the crimson collar. Both arms press outwards, crashing the doors of the entrance wide open in a dramatic fashion, her platinum hair not in her usual neat fashion – on this grey morning, quite the opposite. Admittedly, the medical-nin found herself unable to identify the academy student due to their last encounter within the rain. “You are frightening off everyone.” she comments dryly, examining the dark attire of younger shinobi with a raised eyebrow.

. . . . . . Brain blast.

The item which caught her attention, Maru’s spectacles, aided her significantly; the thin line upon her lips begins to curve, “Hardly didn’t recognize you, Dokuso Maru.” she struts forward, extending a hand out to the lad if he so choose to accept, “Not a drowned rat today, huh?” she comments gingerly. Mikasa found it quite inappropriate to comment of the kunai she left in his care, however she would make an exception, “You can keep it as a reminder.” a pause, in case the male found himself in a state of confusion, “The kunai, if that is even the same.” she motions towards the steel before pivoting upon her heels. No time to waste, today was quite the busy season. “Familiar with flowers and basic toxins?” she inquires, not glancing back as the medical-nin opens the medical facility doors. “If not, you will be.”

Ivory hallways would greet the lad, bustling with activity – from other medics scurrying about to unknown destination to the more obvious attending to patients. “Mikasa-senpai, the items you requested are in your office.” A raven hair male with equally dark ocean blue eyes would remark in passing, the only sign of acknowledgement would be a faint nodding. Their travels would twist and turn until reaching one of the corners of the left wing, her office with a petite sign reading ‘Tsukasa Mikasa’.

Upon opening the door would Maru be greeted with a single rosewood desk, an ivory file cabinet, a vase with a sole stargazer lily in the midst of the office space, and not a single window; although, on the table various vials of toxins. “Today, we will be studying toxins.” she explains, “Each made from a different flower.” It never once dawned upon Mikasa that she forgot to state her name, but at least Maru would become aware.
Maru waited for what seemed like an eternity, continuously flipping his kunai out of boredom to help him remain patient. Although flipping the kunai that was given to him in his last encounter in the rain didn't seem threatening, at least to him, the people around him saw it as suspicious. They even went as far to stop working so they can watch Maru until someone called for him to be removed from hospital grounds because his very appearance was unsettling. Not a moment too soon someone came to tell him to get lost already.

The first thing that he heard was that he was frightening everyone off, and he smirked to himself. “Well then I didn't know that they'll send the person who invited me here to send me off so soon.”He said, the boy seemingly recognizing the voice almost instantly. Maru continued to flip the kunai in a similar manner that she did on that stormy day to jog her memory, looking up to get a good look at the woman who hardly remembered him with his golden colored hues for eyes. What caught her attention was his glasses and the kunai which almost instantly told her who he was.

Dokuso chucked to himself, seeing her strutting to him and offering a friendly hand to the lad which he happily took part in shaking with his free hand. “Nice to see you again… Not tied up that is.” he said, poking fun at himself from the helpless state he managed to escape from. At first he looked confused because she only said that he could keep it as a reminder, but then he realized that the woman was speaking about the kunai she gave to free himself. “Well I was about to give it back, but since I can keep then thanks.” He said, putting the kunai in his ninja pouch before dropping his hands at his side. Moving off of the streetlamp to follow her to the doors of the hospital.

She asked him if he knew anything about flowers and basic toxins, of course he did knew about the basics but of course he didn't answer he right then and there. Regardless, he followed in behind her looking around at the activity of the hospital— medic's scurrying about to tend to the patients who had been either sick or wounded. A man even greeted the woman whom Dokuso would soon find that her name is Mikasa. They traveled through twist and turns, Maru slightly chuckling to himself at the misery on some of the patients faces. Some of them looked as if their lives were over, while some looked to be doing well.

After a moment of looking around, they finally made it to Mikasa’s office. The first thing Dokuso would notice is the rose wood table and the vials with different kinds of toxins. Each toxin had came from a different flower according to the woman. Dokuso approached the desk, taking one of the vials that contained a dark colored liquid to examine it. “Interesting. Do you know what these toxins can do to a person or is that what we are going to find out? You know I've been researching on a fungus that can cause body to release a type of chemical into the brain that produce a feeling of dread into those poisoned by it.” He said, seemingly interested in what would she would have to say. Mostly because it involved a study he was actually interested in, looking back at her. He was already coming up with a plan to weaponize the toxins, with further research, he might can be able to hence the effects on the deadly chemicals.

Fidgeting about with her spectacles, would she begin to tidy herself up; portraying the role was quite often beneficial when dealing with the youngsters. After a brief intermission, her platinum mane settles, temporarily caged until their time to depart arrives. “These particular toxins?” she eyes the lad, Maru’s interest in the toxins took the maiden by surprise, although she had to admit his self-proclaimed research on fungus was most impressive due to his age. “I would say I have an above average knowledge on such items.” she muses, before shifting a light azure filled vial, “Though these are mixtures of several plant life – which we will be testing, I have no idea the outcome.” she addresses towards his initial inquiry.

Mikasa was becoming quite pleased with herself, lady luck smiled upon her the day she ran across the drenched student, his responses quite different from the norm. “Before we begin researching the potential effects, I want to clarify a few items with you.” she states, coming to settle within her armchair, cerulean orbs fixating upon the lad before her. Three digits extend upright, the grin upon her lips dissipating as quickly as it appeared, “One. While in this building you are under my supervision and any wrong doing you may attempt will place me in a bad light.” A pause, her gaze darkening, “Any foul light cast upon me will come back and hurt you in more ways than one.”

A pin drop could be heard if to be dropped, following the silence her facial muscles relax and the happy go lucky nature returning, “Two. My research is not published as of yet, meaning it is a secret between us.” she explains, surely he would be able to understand the importance of hiding details until a later point as most shinobi to be common knowledge built upon this foundation. “Thirdly, depending on this goes and your cooperation, I will be speaking with the academy head to place you into my care, an intern if you will.”

The medical kunoichi understood perfectly that the lad was not going to mesh well with others his age, but by removing him from his environment into a far more suiting one would he be able to shift the path in which he sought to take. Ultimately he was free to choose his own journey, yet an opportunity this glamorous would not come often. “You would attend classes at the academy as per usual, but this path allows you a venue you usually are unable to use.” she tempts him. Mikasa continues to toy with the vial, shuffling the glass between her fingers – enjoying the twisting of hue and the specks of debrief wafting about.

“Interested? If not, you can go back to your everyday noble world of classes, as you so declare them to be.” she smirks, throwing out the bait and awaiting for the fish to bite.
He was of course listening to her explanation of where the toxins had came from, her self proclaimed knowledge on toxins didn't seem to surprise him one bit. Dokuso of course had done his own research from the comfort of his home, but he never knew that he'd have an actual lab dedicated to the same kind of research. He set the vial back down with the others, giving his full attention to the medical kunoichi. “Interesting, so you've created several mixtures of poisons but have yet to test them?” He phrased it as a question, but he spoke the statement as a matter of fact. “Then let’s find a more suitable place to do our–” before he could finish his sentence, the woman laid down the rules he must follow in order to research with her. He leaned in, putting his elbows on her desk and rested his head on her desk as Mikasa, who have yet to introduce herself, went on to explain the rules.

The first rule was that while he was in the building he would be supervised at all times, so if he was caught doing anything foul deed he would do will lead to an extreme punishment. Dokuso saw her expression darkened which made him snicker in his heart. He guess stealing these toxins is out the window, sad really. Some of these toxins might could be usual in melting through concrete or wood which could be helpful to silently sneak into houses or counter wood style weapons. He stared at her dark expression, seeing it change when a pen dropped right on point which made the tension in the room disappear and then she continued from where she left off.

The second rule was that he should tell no one of his workings with toxins, this was understandable because if this research falls into the wrong hands then toxic warfare will increase. Not to mention telling other people what he would be doing will be like telling the enemy so he could live with the idea of not telling a soul about their research. The third rule was that depending on his cooperation with her, she will talk with the academy in making him a intern here at the hospital. The way he looked at it, this was a win win situation. It wasn't a secret that he didn't fit in well with people his own age, this opportunity will allow him to actually do hands on research that could possibly make him a fortune.

Of course, all he has to do was say yes to the medical kunoichi and it'll be done but he let a few moments past to think of this offer. Sure he had hands on experience and has some of the skills in crafting weapons out of toxins. However he was just making it seem like he wasn't sure because he doesn't want to make it like this was too good of an opportunity. Instead he leaned back as if he was getting comfortable. “Well then…” he paused, gesturing his hand so he'd look credible. “As you I have a few hands on experience myself with toxins, so if I get to work with you, chances are is that we could make a substance worth publishing about. So the way that I look at it, it's really all for my benefit because I believe if I'm able to get your attention it's more likely I'll get others that will pay me more.” Maru said, with a smirk on his face but then finalizes with….

“But seem as though you got to me first, I'll be more than happy to work with you on the conditions that you actually tell me who you are because you have yet to tell me. Once you give me that it’ll be a deal but you see I need to know who am I working with like how you already know what kind of person you're dealing with, right? " He held his hands out as a sign of trust, he had been curious who she was but she never once told who she was or what did she do. So to satisfy his curiosity, he made it a part of the deal. "So if you don't mind tell me about yourself."

Curiously the woman leans forward, finding it quite amusing the academy student had the brass to add conditions to an extremely generous offering to begin with. Maru might have been slightly confused of the situation he was in, Mikasa had yet to take anyone lower than a Medical-Nin in Training prior to this situation. Truth to be told, the kunoichi being unable to peer directly into the mind of the lad wouldn’t find out the motives of making wealth based of his research, thus continues without a hitch. “I’ll let you in on pieces as the time comes, not all information is necessary at once.” she comments, shaking his hand.

An amusing child, yet a child none the least; however he becoming her issue as of this moment. Perhaps one day they would have a sibling-like relationship or that of colleagues? Only time could tell. The hand in which grasps against Maru’s clicks, gears become oddly audible and her wrist dislodges from the arm entirely. “I take my research very seriously and at times one has to face the consequences.” Mikasa explains in a dry tone, yet her facial expression remains happy-go lucky. “I began experimenting due to other medical research dead ending with what I wish to accomplish, so I turned to plant life.” a pause, “An uncharted territory.” she concludes her vague explanation.

Silently her arms joint locks against the gloved hand, once secure would she loosen the grasp upon the lads hand to lean back within the comfort of her armchair, yet again. Tsukasa Mikasa wouldn’t go into any greater detail of potential locations of artificial replacements, for now left up to the imagination of the youngster. Maru finally had learned one of her more obvious secrets; the single gloved hand had not been for fashion, but to mask the abnormality. “It isn’t because I am afraid of others viewing what is underneath the glove, I use it as a constant reminder.” she notes, locking her oceanic orbs against his spectacles.

Cautiously her teeth press into the fabric of the glove, tugging upwards to reveal the contents beneath. Each finger a work of art, puppetry, yet lodged in the joints and locks would the lad view various flora petals that mysteriously remain unshriveled. In order of the thumb moving across: a petal of a stargazer lily, a fiery begonia, a fuchsia dahlia, a magenta orchid, and finally a coral lotus. “Decoration for my enjoyment.” she adds, before gloving the exposed prosthetic.


“Does this suffice for now?” she inquires gingerly, returning her attention to the vials upon the work space. Without a warning she uncorks the dark blue, pressing the contents against her lips, gulping the liquid all at once. “We are testing these on ourselves, but if you are afraid the door is right behind you.” The medical-nin motions with her prosthetic.
[spoilername="Poison Mixtures"]
OOC: I did a dice roll for myself prior to creating the list.

:game_die: 1d7 | Kazabot In the end, the result was: 6

Feel free to do the same or pick any![/spoilername]​
Maru sat quietly, awaiting an answer. Of course the woman answered with a I'll tell you everything later which made him huffed.”Fine I'll find out eventually. “ he said, as he shook her hand which felt odd when she grasped a hold of his hand. He even heard the sound of gears moving as her hand went up and down– then it came completely off! Usually this would be the part where he would panic, but instead he looked rather excited. “Well I be damned! You never didn't tell me that you were a cyborg! That's very fascinating!” He exclaimed, holding the hand to his face as he began studying it, the small child within him that still loved Science Fiction seemed to have broken through behind that usual darkness that child would be hidden behind. Because of the artificial limb more questions popped into his head. How did she get the arm? What did she use to make the limb? Did she lose the other one in battle? How much of her body was artificial?

As the questions seemed to pop in his head left and right, she had enough time to reattach her arm then released her grip to move back to lean back into the her seat. It was one of her obvious secrets which got him having more questions than answers about the woman that have been yet to be answered. Clearing his throat, he got back into his usual mood rather quickly.”Well it was rather an interesting thing to show me, you should show me how to create an artificial limb one of these days.” He said calmly, peering back at her with a smirk. She didn't seem shame to show people, and she really shouldn't be shamed because it was a sight to behold.

Putting this rushing thoughts aside, he watched her show her full prosthetic arm. The arm almost looked liked that of a puppet, each joint in her hand and arm were visible for better movement. It was decorated with designs of many different flower petals and vines which almost looked as a form of a tattoo. Maru wanted to ask more about her but it seems that it was time to test the toxins. However, what would they test these poisons on exactly? There are no mice around nor is there any willing test subjects around, so he wandered if they will be going to a lab to test these toxins– but then he saw her down a dark blue liquid of minor black fog without a second thought. Then after she declared that they will be testing these toxins on themselves!

He looks at each one to determine which one would be the most likely to kill him. The black one seemed to be the deadliest so he scratched that one off, green is never really a nice color but the light blue one seemed like the best out of a crappy situation. Dokuso reached his hand out and touch the vial with the yellow liquid. “Heh scared? This won't do nothing but boost my immunity to the damn thing so down it goes. Bottoms up! “ Maru said confidently, it was probably some test to see if he was brave enough to do drink the toxins head on. He uncorked the vial then, turned the vial up to his mouth to swallow the light blue liquid rather quickly before setting the vial down. The only reason why he did drink the poison was the fact that has was at a hospital while doing it, giving him a sense of comfort knowing he'd be in the best of hands if it gets bad. He didn't feel no ill effects right away, gazing at her wondering how is she holding up over there. Making it like a contests to see who will crack first.

Admittedly Maru was a sight to behold, willing to subject himself to research. “I am not a cyborg, thats far from the truth.” Mikasa begins to correct the academy student, “Its puppetry, I connect it via chakra threads.” she summarizes, not wishing to bore the young man with the details – unless he personally inquired of further details. Upon being asked to teach the lad her trade secrets, a grin spreads across her features, “I don’t see why not, but hopefully not for yourself.” she teases, though deadly serious in the same instance.

Fortunately Tsukasa Mikasa plucked the correct mindset from the walls of the academy, although the medical kunoichi was quite confident she would be able to convince the academy head to bend the rules. “Bottoms up…” she comments in a brooding fashion. Inwardly the senior had a similar thinking process, worst case scenario one would be able to attend to whatever mishaps occurred on this day. “Hopefully you are correct, a toxin that boosts immunity would be a sight to behold.” she suggests, leaning forward upon the work space in a state of blossoming excitement.

“How do you feel?” she tilts her head to the right, “I feel fine, a bit full of energy, but nothing I can’t handle.” she comments, rummaging about to locate a quill – nearly knocking over the vase upon her desk in the process. “Here, write down any oddities you experience.” she murmurs, locating a set of quills, passing between them a bottle of jet black ink and a piece of parchment to bear down on. “Oh, that was quickl;y lived, I feel fine.” the medic announces in a disappointed tone, a few blinks later, "Nothing to worry about as of yet!" she adds, the manner in which she spoke becoming hastier overtime. Then, without warning. . .


The coral hair kunoichi lurches forward, her brow crashing furiously upon the rosewood. As for the vase? The vase would rattle to and fro, fortunate enough to survive the unexpected quake. The glimmer within her azure eyes dim, no further sounds would emit, though the potential risks of the ingestion she had been fully aware of. Her entire world begins to grow dark, unable to communicate and the sandman making his rounds quite early; at least in her general opinion. How would Maru react? Would the lad be able to manipulate his own muscles to move? Would he not even be phased by the toxin?​
The boy was smirking confidentiality, setting the now empty vial with the others. “Heh” he snickered at the medical kunoichi’s question. “I feel just fine. That tasted more like water than a poison.” Maru remarked, snobbishly adjusting his glasses by pinching the side of the black rim with his pinkie held up. Upon his statement, he watched the woman rummaging through her desk, nearly knocking over the vase which the boy kept eyes on the medical kunoichi to see what she was up to only to be hit with a small spasm in his right shoulder. That caused him to wince a bit, using his right hand to rub his left shoulder to sooth the uncomfortable feeling. Of course he played it off like everything was okay because he doesn't want to seem like he's caving in already. His ego told him to keep up the act.

“Yeah, so write down anything that seems out of usual,” he would say sharply, the lad reaching out for the quil a bit slower than how he would normally move. Maru’s muscles twitched, shakingly reaching for the piece of parchment to pull it closer to him, then he would grab a the ink bottle and moved it toward him as slow as a sloth. As he looked up– he saw that the toxin was getting a hold to the medic too which made him grin. “You holding up okay over there, you are seem tried..” His voice started to sound stained, as though the boy was lifting heavy weights when he spoke. Seeing the medic blink a few times, her movements getting sluggish but she still seemed full of energy. There was nothing to worry about, she said hastily– before she crashed onto the table with a hard WAM! Rattling the table so hard it nearly knocked over the vase.

Maru would had laughed the now passed out medical kunoichi but he could hardly find that strength to do that. Moving now had been a struggle, a cold sweat came down his forehead… Damn it feels like my body is hundred times heavier. He thought as he looked over at the quil, it took the lad five minutes to reach the quil that had been right in front of him the whole time, and nearly ten minutes to open the bottle of ink and dip the pen inside of the ink which he eventually knocks over and ink leaked onto the table! His right hand now sitting in a puddle of the black liquid that slowly began to beed into the edge of the paper. Crap

He thought to himself, then using all the strength in him to lift his heavy right hand up. Moving it at pace of a snail over towards the paper to hover over it, ink dripping from his hand onto the paper in small droplets as he looked down at the paper now covered with ink, making the paper look worse than it already had been. Crap. Maru repeated in his head then his arm gave out and his ink covered fist slammed right into the table, the vase that haven't fell before now crashed onto the floor and shattered into pieces on the side of Mikasa’s desk! Maru inched his hand off the paper to see that he left a even bigger spot of ink in the shape of his clenched fist. The paper looked like a poorly done finger painting, which got the lad to actually yell in complete frustration. “CRAP!”

If the sound of her vase smashing to the ground didn't wake up the medical kunoichi, then his loud scream was sure to get her out of her slumber depending upon how deep her sleep is.

The hands of time would tick away, each moment a blur and Mikasa in a light slumber. Regrettably the dreams in which all sought to have evaded her, the lads shouting and sudden shattering of the vase cause her to stir. Shaking hands press against the desk, hoisting her head upright, yet she found herself in a state of confusion due to smooth and wet texture of the rosewood. Obsidian ink laced her digits and gloved hand, “Now, wasn’t something?” she murmurs to herself, nearly forgetting the presence of Maru. “Oh!” she becomes alert, her gaze fixes against the struggling male, he also seemed to not have written down any sort of notes; an odd initial concern.

Never the least was she able to determine the toxins had taken quite the toll upon their ragged forms; hastily she weaves a set of hand seals. “Hold still.” she murmurs, her exposed fingertips becoming clad in a faint sparking of electricity. Under normal circumstances Mikasa would enjoy the effects on another and toy with said individual, but not on a younger student. System Shock, her palm pressing against the chest of the youngster, delivering a faint tingling sensation.

Throughout the recovery time, Mikasa begins to clean the mess they created and fortunately the vial stand remained nestled upon the desktop. “How are you feeling?” she inquires in a sympathetic tone, pressing the back of her palm against the forehead of the student. No fever from what she could deduce. Releasing a faint wisp of air, the kunoichi leans back within the armchair, producing a goblet. Her index finger uncurls, a faint stream of clear liquid fills the cup – to slide towards the young man. “Not to worry, this is just water.” she states cheekily before rummaging about for a notepad to bear down on.

“Tell me, how did you feel and what did you feel?” a pause, “What did you observe of me? I don’t recall anything outside of hearing your annoyance.” a brief intake of air, “When you slammed your hand upon the desk, I assume that is how the vase ended up on the floor, did you feel pain of any level?” Tsukasa Mikasa, un-phased by the situation that just unraveled between them. Detail, detail, details, that is which she sought for. Hopefully the young man was not considering getting cold feet, though she would not fault him as many would not dare to swallow a toxin in the first place.​
Maru's yelling actually got the woman to stir, although the poison might have put her down for a moment the toxin had been too weak to put her in a deep state of sleep. However, Maru's toxin seemed to last a little longer because it affected his movements, his hand still on the table covered in ink. Some of the ink even bled onto Mikasa's gloved hand, the boy's continued to struggle with every motion to try and wave his fist into the air to see if he was recovering– but his hand moved in slow motion. His fist idea was to struggle until he was able to sweat the poison out of his pores from seeing how quickly the medical kunoichi had recovered, he figured he'll be able to do the same. Then signs where weaved, Maru stopped struggling to look at the woman who had a electricity sparking from her fingertips!

“Hey wait a second! The effects are only a–” before he could finish his statement, her hand pressed against his chest then the small currents of electricity broke down toxins within his body which gave him his normal movement back with a tingling sensation in his chest. Upon gaining his movement back he waved his fist into the air to see if his movement were fine and they were. The young shinobi letting off a sigh of relief before turning his attention to the medical kunoichi. “Well thanks. I owe you one” Is what he wanted to say to the woman for having helped him, but instead he came up with a better way of thanking the female for healing the lad when he seemed to need it most. “You do know that the toxin wasn't deadly let alone was it strong enough to last more than a couple of hours. You told me to struggle until I can't struggle no longer. So unless I'm on my ass damn near dead you don't step in and help so I can prove MY strength without any handouts… but regardless thanks for wasting your chakra on healing a minor disadvantage.” Maru said, the closest thing to a thank you for helping me that she'll get from the prideful lad.

Of course, Maru thought that if he was able to endure a little longer, he'd might of would had kicked the effects of the toxin by himself like how Mikasa did hers. But the fact that she used some technique to heal him before herself made it seem like he was in danger which he clearly wasn't in any sort of danger. Regardless, he reached out for the cup of clear liquid then gripped it. “'ll take your word for it, “ he said turning the cup to his mouth to let the water flow down his throat before putting the cup down.

“As for how I felt at first I didn't feel anything but a slight pinch here and there from a scale of four,” he remarked, leaning back in his chair as he continued his explanation. “That was when my moments gotten slower, every time I wanted to move faster I would have a muscle spasm and I would start to feel like my body is ten times heavier like the gravity has changed or something. Other than the slow movements, that was the only thing that I notice and mind you that this kind of poison last a pretty good while if it happens to be if a higher degree. To summarize my statement, the light blue poison affects the ability to move around freely.” The boy finished, then gestured his ink covered hand to the medical kunoichi's direction.

“What I notice about you is that you were looking a bit tired, then you just fell in your desk and went to sleep. Of course you awaken when hearing loud noises so I guess that your poison was equivalent to a sleeping medication which doesn't actually last long. Plus from how light the sleep is, it'll be a great tool to use for someone who has to sleep ‘with one eye open’ "He stated, reaching for his cup again so he can take another mouth of water and swallow it. Twirling the cup around in his hand thinking of what else did he notice about her while she was sleeping, he thought of her not noticing him when she first woken up but then again that seemed normal. Then he thought that maybe something happened inside her sleep that he wasn't aware if, so that was something to address. “But did you dream at all? Do you even remember what the dream was about or was it just pitch black?”

The boy asked, curious of her possible answer if she decided to choose to even answer her question. Seemingly he was able to overlook the events that happened before for the good of the research, then he remembered something. He snapped his fingers to try and jog his memory about what he was going to say and points at her.”Oh! What were those poisons anyway? I want to do some more research at home.” Although he asked, he had doubts that she would even give him that information because of her mysterious nature.
Maru’s initial reaction was far from the expected response, his gratitude felt very prideful, however most teens were; in short she would widen her smile and poke fun at the lad. “Oh? So you are able to be somewhat of a softy.” she comments, her digits beginning to run along the rim of her spectacles – ultimately removing them from her features. Fortunately Mikasa had not damaged the eyewear with the sudden impact upon the desk top, not wishing to do so. “Oh? I’ll allow you to struggle next time so that I am able to identify the symptoms.” she addresses with a coy grin.

Scribbling of the pen would ensue as Maru describes his initial discoveries, the medical-nin giving her utmost attention towards him. “Muscle spasms?” she inquires, raising a brow and jotting down a note to inspect further at another time. “You still were capable of speaking freely, yes?” she further questions, “I am sure that ANBU would love to grasp their hands on this as a means for interrogation or for prisoners in general.” Mikasa smirks yet again, dropping the quill to contemplate the portion relating towards herself.

“Light sleep indeed, but this a watered down version of the toxin, but if a simple noise can stir the poisoned individual then you are certainly onto something.” she concludes with a wispy sigh, only Maru’s thought seemingly useful. Prodding her index against her chin would the maiden fall into a temporary state of pondering, unable to recall of any dreams, “Not that I can recall, no memorable dreams.” she indicates, taking notes on a clean parchment. The lads sudden snapping of his fingers distracting her thought process and azure optics fixating against the academy student, “An advanced poison technique and an above average one.” she answers truthfully, having nothing to lose nor gain by exposing of said information.

“At home?” she begins before shaking her head, platinum locks swaying daintily about, “Perhaps one day I will allow you a lab here to do so.” Giving him a potential future to look forward towards. Would Dokuso Maru find himself in a state of shock or that of gratitude? Never the least the show would still go on, as swiftly as the initial sampling would she pluck another vial free of its holder and against her pursed lips. The forest green liquid would hastily be gulped, her index finger wiping away against her lips, certainly not the most pleasant taste, “Quite bitter.” she complains, extending a hand outwards for the lad to do the same.

Seemingly her eyes would lower towards her fingers, ever so slowly the maiden lifts them up and down, examining if any effects were taking place. Seemingly out of nowhere, the kunoichi felt quite heavy, her digits coming to a halt and gloved hand no longer responding. The prosthetic puppetry affected by chakra threads, “Maru, lift my gloved hand and remove the glove for me. I am unable to, it seems.” she states in annoyance.​
Maru watched as the quil went from one end of the paper to the other. A bit disappointed that he wasn't able to take the vials home but he was able to work with her in the lab so he couldn't complain too much. Maru smirked warmly at the woman, nodding so it'll show that he his gratitude for possibility giving him access to a proper lab. No more homemade lab equipment or having to find safer substances to study. He'll be able to study right from here so it was settled, he continued to answer her question, trying to contain his excitement of that the woman had offered him. “Yes I was able to speak at least without a problem really. I suppose the Anbu would want to use this as a tool to get prisoners to talk, or to at least so down a suspect if they were able to vaporize the substance into smoke bomb, but I can’t guarantee if you could be able to talk correctly if the poison was at full potential” He said, folding his hands in his seat.

He made a mental note that the woman wasn't able to recall a dream, probably it was due to not being sleep for too long. Then again if they did allow the poisons to stay longer in their systems, it is possible to study on the long term effects these infections could have on the body. Maru looked up to see that the medical kunoichi was chugging down another vial already without having fully recovered from the last one she swallowed. “Wouldn't've be a lot smarter if I was to drink that one while you sat and observed my side effects. I mean I'm fully recovered and you haven't even had the proper time to expel the poison from your system– I don't know about you but taking them back to back might end up with unintentional side effects. “ Maru warned, even though that she probably already knew the potential risk.

Regardless he watched the medical kunoichi lower gaze to her hands, seeing no ill effects right away. But then out of nowhere he saw that her gloved hand didn't seem to be active. She asked for him to lift her gloved hand and remove her glove for her, which he did so without a problem. Maru scooted the seat back, then moves over to the her side. He would then reached for her gloved hand to lift it off of the table, then pinched lightly on the fabric of her glove to carefully remove the glove. “So how are you feeling? Feeling any more side effects that you can think of at all?” He asked curiously, placing her glove onto the table before setting her arm back down. Grabbing the quil, he took the same sheet of paper that Mikasa had been writing on and waited for her to tell him about what is she feeling.
The medical-kunoicho may have appeared to not thoroughly process the information of leaping from toxin to toxin; however she was quite confident in her abilities. In any event, Mikasa nods, “Half of the fun is experiencing the side effect yourself, as you understand it far greater than observing it.” she explains in a sadistic sense. Truthfully, she was not incorrect with her statement as many of the greatest minds utilized their own wellbeing as scientific measuring devices. Exposed to the world was that of her prosthetic hand, the puppetry ceasing to function.


Cautiously her functioning fingertips course across the masterpiece, tenderly lifting each end piece. “I control the movement via puppet strings, rather chakra.” she explains, lifting her azure gaze against the glasses of Maru. The Yamaka clans poison certainly lived up the reputation, never did she suspect to actually be unable to utilize the very essence of all shinobi and kunoichi. Admittedly, the very notion was upsetting, not she would allow this to showcase itself on her features, “I am unable to control my chakra properly.” she mutters, attempting to reattach, nearly naked to the eye, teal threads to no avail.

Each attempt would fizzle out, dissipating into a thin veil of zephyrs, fluttering upwards endless. “Outside of that, nothing out of the usual. I didn’t think the dosage was quite so potent, but it appears even the lightest of this toxin ceases function on a basic level.” she pauses, widening her grin a bit, “Frightening, no?” she inquires, leaning forward to the best of her abilities upon one arm. “Can you imagine the horror of being unable to access what you trained for years on end?” she continues with a chuckle, “Poisons certainly are entire beast of their own class.”

While Maru would more than likely find himself jotting away with the quill and ink would the effects begin to subside, one finger at a time resuming function. After a considerable amount of time would the threads find the sanctuary between the groves of each knuckle, tapping on the work space to indicate the effects no longer lingering. “Stronger dosages would more than likely result in an elongated time.” she states, nodding her head and not bothering to sheathe the modification. The medical kunoich would fan her hand outwards towards the vials, signifying the academy student would be stepping up to the plate next.​
Maru nodded to the medical kunoichi, she sounded like some sicko who would like to subject themselves to that kind of pain for discovery in which he wouldn't press no longer. The boy gazed up from the paper to give a glance at the prosthetic arm again, noticing that she was trying to get it to move but to no avail which he also wrote down that the subject's arm had ceased to function due to her not being able to control her chakra property. Gazing up at to try noticing that there was a hint of tension in the woman's voice. Like that tension people will have when there was a uncomfortable presence in the room, but the boy kept his composure.

As the woman spoke, he wrote down how she was feeling which he couldn't help himself but to grin on how she seems to be freaking out from not being able to use her chakra strings. “Yes very freightening indeed,” he agreed with her giving a glance up at the wide grin on her face, seeing her leaning forward to the best of her abilities which got him wondering if she was able to move the rest of her body freely. He looked back down then continued to write, he could hear the frustration in her voice from not being able to use her chakra strings and to sort of calm her he held his hand up, then looks up at her. “Relax already, you're getting worked up over a temporary drawback.” He said,slightly giggling to himself.

Maru continued to jotting down what he notice down, writing bullet points on what could long term effects would possibility do to a person if given a stronger dose could do to a person. Looking over the paper to see that the medical kunoichi was starting to get her movement back, seeing the mechanical finger beginning to twitch a bit, seeing her prosthetic arm beginning to come back alive the boy made a final note before turning the quil and the notes over to Mikasa, knowing that it was now his turn to take another drink but the boy had a bit of trouble in deciding so he picked the black one because it was is favorite color. He opened the vial, then turns it to his mouth to swallow the poison down and Maru stuck out his tongue. The boy's face turned sour from the very dry plant like taste but then he quickly put on a strong face. “Now we wait for the effects to kick in.” He said, starting to feel a suddenly sense of being extremely tired like he just got out if bed...
The kunoichi would disregard the statement of the older woman to relax, the lad seems to mistaken her interests. Within that few moments, not being able to manipulate her chakra was quite frightening, yet the potential uses were far out scaled any potential distress. “Bitter or sour?” she inquires, azure optics shimmering in anticipation. Truthfully, the maiden was going to ignore the obsidian liquid, not keen on the unknown side effects of that particular concoction. Never the least, her hand stretches towards the quill, retrieving the same Maru had been utilizing, ready to jot down any odd behavior.

Initially, Mikasa would not be able to identify the drowsiness the academy student underwent, tapping the end piece of the writing utensil impatiently. “Nothing?” she tilts her head gently, gliding the feather against the bottom of her chin, “Is your hearing impaired!?” she questions in a loud tone, as if the child deaf. “Can you move your body normally?” she continues to rapid fire inquiries, “Can you even speak?” she finalizes before inhaling a deep breath, nearly winding herself.

Curiously her sights fall upon the remaining vials, plucking each individually and placing them to the side for another day. “Tell me, Maru, how long do you think you will struggle against that toxin?” she asks, pressing off the armchair to come to a stand. Without as much as a single sound, the kunoichi crosses past the workspace, the distance between them becoming minuscule. “Nothing odd with your eyes, from what I can tell.” A pause, “Your glasses make it difficult to view through though.” she admits, reaching forward to remove the eye-wear, if so allowed.

There had always been an odd glare upon the young man’s frames, perhaps this would be initial greeting. “Don’t keep me in suspense any longer, surely your body is reacting in some way to the poison . . .“
Maru blinked a couple times, of course he was unresponsive for a moment because it felt like he had no energy. But then he jumped, from when the woman suddenly started to yell at him as if he was deaf. “I can hear you loud and clear, I'm not def.” He murmured, lifting his hand to push his glasses onto his face… very slowly. His hearing was okay, that was established when he heard her screaming. His speech sounded as if he was exhausted, but the boy was indeed able to speak. The only thing that had been heavily wrong with him was his slow movement, which seemed to be at least 5 or 3 seconds slower. Of course he was analyzing the symptoms for himself before he told the woman anything.

“As long as I have to,”her vaguely, lacking in any energy whatever. The boy stared down at his own hands, moving each finger uncaringly while the medical kunoichi drew her conclusion that there was nothing wrong with his eyes. But the glare in his glasses isn't helping much in showing what exactly was wrong with him so he started to answer when he finally could actually explain what the toxin had done. “My movements are slow as you can see– I'm not alert… My energy is completely drained and I don't really have the strength to really do anything. Besides that I can't find anything odd.” He said in the form of pause and murmurs so low you'd have lean in to hear what he was saying.

Then upon him stating the side effects first handedly his glasses were removed from his eyes, as a reaction he lifted his hand lazily to his eyes and closed his eyes to rub his eyelids in hopes to not feel as tired. “Lady I already told you that it doesn't affect my sight,” he said removing his hand so she could see for herself. Bedsides the very exhausted look in his golden colored eyes, they seemed just fine. “See. So the removal of my glasses wasn't really needed.” The boy was struggling against the toxin with the will to not cave in. Maru moved his fingers continuously, trying to shake off the toxin but to no avail.

He started to yawn, then he chuckled lazily with half closed eyes. “I'm still up. I'm feelin’ fine….. This… Poison… ain't…–” Maru's head fell forward into the desk and he began to sleep. Exhausted from the battle with the poison. In the end the poison was victorious.
Mikasa was certain that the lad was quite annoyed with the antics of attempting to assess his state of awareness. “Intriguing, your eyes – I mean.” she comments, before allowing the lad to place the eye wear upon his features once again. Despite his best attempts to appear prideful, the mighty lad fell victim to effects of the toxins, rubbing at his eyes as if a child proclaiming the need to slumber. “Exhaustion? Perhaps a different form of anesthesia could be created from this?” she inquires with interest, jotting down the potential uses on the parchment – the quill rattle rapidly to and fro. All the while the medical-nin failed to realize Maru was on the verge of falling victim completely to the poison.


Adjusting her own spectacles, does her attention settle against the snoozing academy student. Admittedly she would not fault him for being unable to continue, the Yamanaka Clans poisons were unforgiving. “You did very well, I am sure this will aid our future developments.” she whispers aloud, pressing against the armchair to rise to a stand. Silently Mikasa glides across the tile, the usually loud leather boots ceasing to produce noise. Cautiously the woman produces an ivory coat, far too big for Maru, covering his shoulders. Hopefully he would be able to grow into the jacket and shine in the field, if he were truly aiming to join the field.

“An agreement is an agreement.” she murmurs, returning to her armchair to begin writing a letter for the academy to review.
To whom it may concern,

I would like for you to consider placing Dokuso Maru under the care of Tsukasa Mikasa of the Konohagakure Medical Corporation as a Medical Intern. He has displayed the bravery of exploring the potential advancements of medicine and deduced on his own the effects of several toxins. To waste his talents on ordinary classes alone, we wish to have him studying under the wing of a trained professional within the field.

While under the care of Tsukasa Mikasa, he is to attend regular classes at the academy and then to immediately report to the Konoha Byoin where he will be supervised for ongoing studies.

Tsukasa Mikasa
Konohagakure Medical Corporation Kunoichi

The letter would be left in front of Maru, the remaining toxins removed from the desktop and carefully she would attach a multitude of chakra threads against the body of the lad; not that this would feel any different than a gentle kiss. Silently the woman strolls through the hallways, the lad floating within the air as to not disturb him via the chakra threads. Once Maru would come to, he would find himself at the academy grounds, laid before an oak tree in the shadow - to his left the letter and Mikasa no where to be found.

Of course the chance of Maru declining the invitation could occur, but after their day together this was an item the woman disregarded. Dokuso Maru had promise, he just needed the right guidance and one which the Medic vowed to perform to the best of her abilities.

[OOC: Mission complete! Topic Left]
[OOC 2: MIkasa WC: 4,091 and Maru WC: 5,391]​

As the moments went on, Maru started to stir a few hours of having been sleeping under a tree. “Mmn,” his hand moved up to grounds, although he was halfway expecting to awaken to in the office of the mysterious woman, he found himself outside instead. He was on the academy grounds, sitting underneath an oak tree, with a ivory coat over his shoulders. At first, he thought that he might have been thrown out because he wasn't able to drink all the the vials without falling completely victim to the toxin. At least he got a nice coat and a kunai out of it, he thought trying to stay positive. Maru moved his hand to his face to adjust his glasses, and he was about to push himself up until his left hand brushed against a neatly folded paper.

Maru blinked a couple times to get the sleepiness out of his eyes before taking the paper into his hand, unfolding the paper to read word for word what it had to say...
To whom it may concern,

I would like for you to consider placing Dokuso Maru under the care of Tsukasa Mikasa of the Konohagakure Medical Corporation as a Medical Intern. He has displayed the bravery of exploring the potential advancements of medicine and deduced on his own the effects of several toxins. To waste his talents on ordinary classes alone, we wish to have him studying under the wing of a trained professional within the field.

While under the care of Tsukasa Mikasa, he is to attend regular classes at the academy and then to immediately report to the Konoha Byoin where he will be supervised for ongoing studies.

Tsukasa Mikasa
Konohagakure Medical Corporation Kunoichi​

When he read this his eyes widened with excitement of the review the Medical Kunoichi Mikasa had written out for him. The boy would be real Medical Intern and at the rank of a Genin no less! He read the letter again to make sure what he was reading was right, and he snapped to his feet full of energy. “Heh I guess I didn't do half as bad as I thought I did,” he laughed to himself. Rolling the sleeves to his new coat up to his elbows, although he wasn't to sure about working with the medical kunoichi before, she did have the power guiding him to the right direction in becoming stronger. How lucky he was to meet the woman on that stormy evening, more importantly how much pull did this woman hold?

Perhaps him and the medical kunoichi shared the same ideas or goals. Whatever the case, Maru placed the letter into his pocket then began walking towards the academy doors to break the good news to them to let them know that they will be soon looking at the newest face in medicine. “We'll meet again soon Mikasa, see you then.” He thought, although in a moments ago he was excited to be a part of the medical kunoichi’s world. That list for power was still present in the heart of Maru.

Trust me I'm a doctor completed!

[Maru Left Happily]

WCT: 5912

Current Ninpocho Time:
