Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Tsuchikage Tournament

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
The dark of the area was dank, a bit bleak, and to say it very clearly, this place smelled foul but not in the sense of something rotting. Oh no, it smelled much like the area had seen it's fair share of chaos among other things. Huh, what a nice place, right? With a hand reached out to the front of the area, Haruka would pull up a large switch that would run it's courses through all of the electrical currents in the walls and illuminate the area. The soil of the floor had a red hue to it from blood stains passed. Dropping her arms down to her side, the metal of the outfit she wore would make a clamor at the motion. Stepping forward, the high heeled boots she wore would sink into the loose dirt as she peered around the area. There were enough seats in this place to allow the entire village and then some to spectate whatever horrors would take place here. Round like a ring, it was almost like an underground colosseum. A place that Haruka could really appreciate for it's architectural design and fun stuff such as that. Pacing her way to the center of the so called ring, the woman would look around. There were no other souls here just as of yet, but she was certain that there would be a flood of fools and hard headed people here soon enough. Drawing in a careful breath, Haruka would raise a hand to her headset and depress the button there inside of it.

"For all the men, women, and even children who want to bear the plight of fighting for the so called prestigious position of Tsuchikage, please make your way to the Obsidian Ring just beneath of the spire. All who wish to spectate may make an appearance as well. The rules are simple: One. No killing as we simply do not have the numbers for death at this point in time. Two. My word is law and if you argue my decision, you will find yourself missing a few limbs. Three. Don't waste my time. All who wish to fight, please show up within the next ten minutes. Spectators will be allowed for the entire duration of this tournament. Over." The broadcast would spill out through the entire village. Now it was time to wait patiently for whomever would show up now.

Whatever Gods there may have been better have mercy on whomever won this tournament... After all, troubling times were in store for them.

Kazehi Ryu

Oct 23, 2012
The announcement was clear, concise, and right to the point; Ryu looked up from his duties and blinked. This was...certainly an unprecedented turn of events; anyone who felt that they were best suited to the task would be gunning for position as Tsuchikage, the strongest member of Stone. Some might find it venerable but the position in and of itself was binding to the person within it but their decisions tended to make or break the future. So far, the village was falling down around them, the Stone being worn away and eroded slowly but surely. His father taught him to always be ready to move at a moment's notice, carry just what you need and nothing more; Ryu set his project, a small bangle of four woven bands with a tiny emerald encased in a simple cage as its feature point, into one of his pouches and launched towards the Obsidian Ring.

Towering though he may be, the man wasn't overly encumbered by his height or weight, so he made it to the dismal place in under four minutes, dropping down into the ring itself and kicking up a small cloud of dirt as he landed in a crouch, looking at the Daimyo with wary violet-blue eyes. Why was he here? He didn't think before acting this time, he simply jumped into a mess he might not be able to get out of; did he really want the position that would have him in the eyes of the entire village? Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps he really just wanted to make sure that whoever did become the leader was truly cut out for the position. Although there were some potentials among the most recent class of graduates, mainly those fine students who proved themselves at the previous Tournament, but who in the village would truly be able to hold up to the weight of the title.

Straightening up, Ryu held himself high and let out a small, hesitant sigh; his blood was broiling at this chance to test members of this village and himself, to prove their strength not only against one another but maybe to even prove their loyalty to the village. "Lady Daimyo." He stood across the empty ring from her and gave a polite bow as was expected. "Kazehi Ryu, Jounin. I come to prove the strength the village holds, if you'll permit me." He rose from the bow smoothly, casting his long dark, crimson highlighted hair over his shoulders to hang down his back properly. Though he kept his voice and face neutral, respectful, and stoic...inside his heart was hammering against his ribs eagerly. He wondered if he would see those two guardians participate here and if he would have the pleasure of seeing how they had grown first hand. It would make an aging man happy to see the power of everyone in this, to see the Stone come together and show their entire village what they could do when they were faced with enemies. "I don't suppose you will be the final participant to judge the future, Daimyo?" If she were, it would make for a rather interesting conclusion; the ruler of the country testing the might of the one who would lead the Stone? Spectacular might be a better term?


Jan 24, 2014
The small piece of metal hooked around her ear had become such an integral part of her wardrobe that, more often than not, Kimi forgot it existed. So, when the Daimyo's voice rang through the device, she was momentarily confused. The words that were being said registered shortly afterwards, and she frowned, deep in thought. Could she do it? She'd come a long way from that small, scared girl walking into the Academy that first day, but she still had so far to go. So much more she can learn. So many skills she has yet to hone to perfection. At the same time, why shouldn't she go for it? She had been looking for a way to prove herself, to show that she had been doing something with herself since that last tournament. She won the student tournament. But that was a long time ago. So much has happened since then, and while Kimi would never think herself good enough to win, she felt she owed it to the citizens of Iwagakure, as well as her fellow shinobi, to do her very best. And, part of doing her best was going for those types of challenges she never thought she would succeed at. Aw...why not. What harm could it do. Sure, Kimi wasn't all about fighting, but there was nothing wrong with a good fight every so often.

Before she could change her mind, she slid away from her desk. Setting her headphones on the desk, she picked up her violin case. Not even pausing, she sprinted from the house. It didn't take long for her to find her destination. She spent more than one late night walk exploring the city and everywhere associated with it. She knew well the sort of fights that went on there. She paused at the edge, hesitating before jumping in head-first. After taking a deep breath, she pulled out her violin. She wasn't going to play yet...there wouldn't be a point to that. It would be more of an interruption than anything else. Her violin would be in hand, however. Of that much she was certain. Having mentally prepared herself, she lept down the hole. Her battle dress flared out around her, providing a little unwanted drama to her entrance.

"Daimyo." she bent her head in respect. She then turned towards the now-familiar towering figure. She gave a nod to him as well, acknowledging that he was there. Interesting. It seemed as though she would finally get to see him in action, so to speak. An introduction would probably be wise. The Daimyo certainly couldn't be expected to remember everybody's name and face. Then again, they had been in close proximity not too long ago for the branch meeting. Even so, there had to be some sort of protocol for this type of event. But how would she go about it? Their branch was supposed to become a little more private, more about keeping their identity secret. As such, should she really go out and announce that she was one of them, one of the elite? Then again, why not be proud of what she did for the village? "Kimi. One of Stone's Guardians." a slight pause. She should probably say something about why she showed up. Why she was doing this. "I am here to show the people of Iwagakure that I can and will fight for them. That I am strong enough to protect them. And even possibly lead them." she finished softly, giving another small bow of respect. She then tilted her head. She didn't hear anybody else there yet. She sure hoped other people showed up.

If not...well, it would be an interesting, albeit short, fight.



Nov 21, 2012
[legend=""Anarchists Cook Book""]

It was the moment she has suspected would come sooner rather than later, Haruka hadn’t told her outright but she’d heard things she probably wasn’t meant to or perhaps she was meant to. It mattered not now, she had prepared long ago and she merely needed to pick up some equipment before she was off, out of the window of her bedroom, the place she had receded to after being banned from the library. As she dashed over the rooftops silently her mind began to fill up with all the questions she’d been holding off asking herself, did she really want to fight? Did she think she could win? Would she be able to hold back on killing people? She was more than aware of her situation, her powers were self-destructive and apocalyptic by most standards and more than anything she was scared that her other half would show itself and would likely show a clear disregard for the rules. That said she had a plan for dealing with Shaitan and though it was naught but a theory she was willing to put her body on the line in more ways than anyone would expect of a mere student, a rank she had long ago outgrown.

Her thoughts would need to be answered through actions however as her foot landed atop the Obsidian Rings outer walls, she looked down over the seats and then across the stained dirt with a sombre look on her face, still unable, or was it unwilling to smile. Her neon pink hair was tied back into twin braids that reached down to her ankles, her bright emerald eyes framed by a border of poorly applied and very thick black eyeliner and eye shadow, she’d managed to find black lipstick to match though that made the scars coming from the corners of her moth all the more noticeable as some of the black had bled into the damaged skin. As she stood above them all she would be seen holding an open book in one of her hands but instead of reading it she was taking the time to gaze upon the two other people that were here to be combatants, one was a girl most likely around her own age and a man, big was how she’d describe him, she seemed to recall his face but her mind was such a mess that she couldn’t be too sure. Next her eyes would scan up toward Haruka, her mother, just how shocked would the woman be to see her here? It was possible that she’d try to stop the small girl from even competing though it was doubtful.

With one leg she would propel herself forwards and with a flip she landed upon the life soiled ground. She would then start to move forwards toward the pair that also stood in this area though her eyes were now set upon her reading material as she walked. She would come to a stop when she was next to the man and girl and whilst continuing to read she would speak. “I apologize ahead of time, if I hurt any of you. I have nothing against any of you; I simply fear for your lives and my own…” She would then turn a page in her book, those interested or looking close enough would notice that it was a medical textbook of some sort and the page she’d just turned to had a diagram of a human brain on it.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
An unexpected event for an unexpected visit. But boy was her timing appropriate. Here today was to be a fight amongst Iwagakurians for the title of Tsuchikage. There was a woman whom seemed to be overseeing the event or probably one of the very combatants. Good posture. Concise. Clearly not a woman of foolishness. You would have thought that the supposed demon whom slain the late Kage would have been elected as the new Kage but today was an obvious conclusion to that whole debacle she had witnessed at the Sennin Office. There was obviously more to Iwagakure’s politics than she could possibly know- not that she thought too much about it. To Kudaranai Iwagakure was simply a barbaric place. Old practices and unrefined people. But clearly they were capable to come to some type of agreement for the newly elected Tsuchikage. But the woman wasn’t the only one there. There were combatants already entering within the ring whom didn't seem to care too much about the spectators. They probably had more on their minds than those whom merely watched eh? But with all good shows there was a need for a good performance else it was simply boring. But it was too early to judge.

The woman was somewhat playful today despite her callous expression. She would simply find herself a good seat close to the front stands so she could get a closer view of the upcoming battle. For those whom would have witnessed the woman they would see her in her usual attire which was a white lab coat, brown slacks and her rainbow colored hair a mess like a lion’s mane.


Now the waiting game began. She didn’t have one person to speak with. To the left was nothing and the right was just the same. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was early or because people were simply wary about her presence?

Then suddenly…


That was exactly the sound made. No Joke. And from the smoke emerged a rather unusual little rascal that Kudaranai had long forgotten about- yet how could she? This little one was practically attached to her hip the moment she had laid eyes upon her.


Kuna-sempai! Kuna-sempai!”, The little turtle would blurt out hopping atop of Kudaranai’s head getting all cozy within that mess Kudaranai called hair. Her name was Airi and possibly one of the worst invitees you could bring to any event. She was talkative, loud and filled of energy. That was youth for you. Not even human and she had a clear similarity to any humans’ child.

“Airi.” The woman would call her name and pause for a moment. “Time and time again I keep telling you to not just poof in like that… One day you might end up in a gators stomach.”

“Nope, Kuna-sempai will take care of me. Aito-dono said so. Besides, you wouldn’t be inside a gator’s stomach. Silly Kuna-sempai.”

<B>“Aito says a lot of things… However, today seems to be your lucky day you get to see a glimpse of Iwagakure's barbaric nature.”<i></i> A large grin would be imprinted to the woman’s lips baring her jagged shark-like teeth.

[Topic Entered/Spectating]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Physical Age: 21
Height: 5 feet 10 inches tall
Weight: ????
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Hazel
Village: Iwagakure
Alignment: ????
Rank: Medical Shinobi[Jounin]

Physical Description: For a male, Akujin is very short. He stands at only 5 feet 10 inches tall and he is a very scrawny individual due to living in the mines with his parents, now deceased, for all of his life. He has blue, shoulder length hair and his eyes are hazel colored. He has a marking on his stomach from his encounter with his religion's God and he wears glasses due to losing nearly all of his sight in his left eye and the fact that he cannot see anything without his glasses on. When he starts to use the Hachimon, his skin turns a darker color typically brownish with his eyes losing their pupil when using this hidden power that was given to him by God. Also, he typically wears a robe due to his faith and being a monk.But, when he is working in the hospital, he wears the traditional white medical outfit provided to him and it usually has blood all over it when he is done at night. If he is out in public, he can be seen wearing his robe or if he is going to an important event, he will be wearing his uniform that consists of a blue jacket, black pants, a black belt with a golden cross symbol at the buckle, black boots, and a white shirt with a cross typically around his neck.

Mental Description: Mentally, Akujin is pretty much normal but he does have a few problems. Due to his parents both dying at early ages for him, he blames himself for their losses and believes it is all his fault that they are dead and that he failed them as a son. Also, he always looks on the bad side of things and has struggled to fight his depression multiple times; it never lead to suicide or any attempts, but he does have depression and can we blame him since he works in the medical field and sees so many people dying coming into the hospital and then losing some of those people's lives right between his own two hands? But, aside from his depression, he also has a obsession with training and trying to perfect his arts of taijutsu and genjutsu. He also grew an obsession with his faith after encounter God in his mediation once and promising to read the copy of the book that his dad had. In other words, he is very religious with a side of obsession of faith and training with some depression.​

So, the day had finally come for the tournament to crown the new Tsuchikage of the village and it was going to happen in the Obsidian Ring according to the Daimyo of the village. An interesting place to have the challenge considering it was away from most of the village isolated near the "political" center of the village. But, that location did not matter. What mattered was Akujin getting his butt to the area in the time range stated which meant that he had to dash from the hospital with barely any time to recuperate or change out of his scrubs. However, he managed to get to the area in time and made his entrance into the "arena" where it seemed three other combatants had made it there already and another individual presumably the Daimyo was standing there. Taking his place beside the neon pink haired girl, he would look at them all and then the "Daimyo" before stating: "Akujin, medical shinobi."

So this was it, he had decided to do the tournament for his parents and his Lord. Would it be a wise choice or would he have made a grim mistake. Only time would tell the end results of his choice but in the eyes of the Lord he had to have done the right choice. It was obvious what would happen if the Kanemoto boy won the tournament and got to take the title of Tsuchikage, but that is a tale for another day. For now, it was time to get this show on the road and see how all the fights and sparring would go for him and everyone else. Hopefully, everyone would have themselves under control and nobody would get harmed during the fights to the point where death would occur accidentally or limbs, bones, tendons, etc were severally harmed.

[Topic Entered
MFT: 305]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
A tournament to determine the future leader of the village; it was strange, but understandable given the people's culture. Intelligence didn't matter; age didn't matter; rank didn't matter; all that did was one's strength and ability to hold themselves to a level above all others. She, like the others before her, walked the brownish red dirt to the woman: the apparent daimyo. It was an arena they were coming to; they were entertaining the masses, quite like what the arena the Mist islands. The Stone people were making a spectacle of themselves and they seemed to enjoy it; why Kari came...why, she simply wanted to see what these people could do, firsthand.

A voice, the woman's voice, came into the transmission on the headset. Her words didn't concern Kari; they were simply sound as she approached the center of the pit where the others were. There were seats finally beginning to fill in as she made her way towards the five -- four others ahead of her, facing the daimyo: a familiar man, some girl, another girl Kari had seen from the academy, and another man. She could see as she approached: in turn they opened their mouths as to say something, likely introductions, to the daimyo.

She wouldn't speak once she reached the others; she'd glance to the daimyo, meeting her glare if she took notice of the girl, but nothing more. Her being there was acknowledgement enough; she was a contender: if she wasn't intending to take full responsibility with what the tournament entailed, did she really need a name beyond that? Perhaps; but if one was needed, she'd provide eventually.

For now, she was just ready for the games to get underway.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
”She always seems to demand attention.” Akechi laughed, staring at his beloved fiancé from the top of the arena. Haruka was definitely the commander of attention, but as her words described, the new leader of the village would be decided today and by a trial of fire. The “strongest” of the village would gather in the arena, prove their valor, and be rewarded with Kageship. They’d instantly become royalty, and their families would instantly be promoted from insignificance to the history books. However, Akechi wondered what was the point of following such archaic tradition when it came to the future of an entire country. The strongest shinobi wasn’t always the “smartest” shinobi, and the smartest didn’t guarantee strong leadership. The fallacy in these archaic designs would ultimately invite calamity and inner turmoil back into Iwagakure. Who picks up the pieces again? Haruka? The woman who stood in the center of the arena, ready to take on all of the responsibility before being forsaken by these preposterous traditions of a past nation. Or someone else? Perhaps a benevolent that could drag them toward peace, or a warmonger that sought his own personal form of valor as Endo did.

Under these conditions, Akechi had to wonder if Haruka truly changed anything at all by “relieving” Endo of his position. Then again, maybe it was Haruka that would truly be leading her village toward salvation. After all, she held the prestigious title of “Daimyo,” and she could use her influence to guide the new Kage and Iwagakure toward a brighter future. So many questions. So many possibilities. Honestly, the scientist in Akechi truly wanted to witness what events would unfold as a result of this tournament. Maybe a new Uchiha would emerge, and Akechi could sire him into their family…

”Is this seat taken, Kuda-chan?” Akechi would speak, a kind smile forming across his face as he “plopped” down next to her. Yup… she’d have the pleasure of having his company, whether she wanted to or not. ”I thought that you had disappeared along with Kane to be honest. You know… you wouldn’t have to. I can cover you now,” Akechi commented, alluding to the fact that he can cover her tracks if she wanted to stay awhile. After all, he was a Medical ninja of Iwagakure now. He was more than just a guest, and he could ensure that any more overzealous “Ryujin-like” goons wouldn’t follow her around. That was within his realm of power… so to speak.

”Who is Kuna, by the way? Wait… who is that turtle?”

[Topic Entered/In the stands w/ Kudaranai]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kudaranai was slightly surprised to be graced by the one known as Akechi. The golden boy of her research, the Uchiha. It has been sometime since she had last seen him and although she couldn’t put a finger on it, he somehow seemed slightly different. Perhaps a tad more mature or maybe it was simply her eyes playing tricks on her. But the woman wasn’t in an irritable mood by his disappearance. She was more so “content” that his existence still remained amongst the living. There were so many irrational things happening in Iwagakure as of late that the safety and whereabouts of her test subjects was more than questionable. Heck Keiatsu had disappeared yet again from her grasps. She was sure if she met up with him again she would shackle him like a dog. She had been lenient and even more so with Akechi but her wariness was more so because of misunderstanding. Not knowing. Ignorance of his full potential. But today it seemed they were going to enjoy something a tad simpler than the plans of the previous Kurenjingu-en. A pity how months of planning had suddenly crumbled in an instance due to petty squabbles. But no matter….

“Akechi-san.” The woman would shortly comment. Even a grin would surface to her lips welcoming him which shown how much Kudaranai had valued him unconsciously. “You asked a question in which you didn't intend to hear a response to. You never do change. I somehow wondered where you have been but here you are… even more surprisingly an Iwagakurian Shinobi now. Won’t you miss your freedom? What reasons would you join this barbaric society?”</B><i></i> She would wait for his response. To believe the man she seen as a leader had once more returned in becoming a dog of the military.

“As for the name Kuna… this little one here keeps calling me that despite my disfavor of it. Her name is Airi.”, she would slightly bow her head so he could get a better view of the small turtle whom was grinning ear to ear.



“Aye! I’m Kuna-sempai’s apprentice, Airi-chan. Pleased to meet yah~”

Kudaranai then suddenly began to wobble her head so the turtle would land unto her lap. <B>“Introductions aside. One moment I was being enticed by a challenge of intelligence and now I’m suddenly known as the Sage of the Prehistoric Turtles after being adopted into their… rather /unique/ family.”<i></i> She would put great emphasis on unique as a speaking turtle was nowhere normal and this was simply the baby of the group.

[Since nothing is happening yet just going to chat with you Mister Akechi~ :U]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Animals. Every single last one of them, not even subtracting the one that she called her daughter from the mix. Leave it to these kinds of people to skitter like rats to where an opportunity arose. It really almost made her want to roll her eyes. "You could only wish for the opportunity to fight me, Kazehi-san." After all, if she were to fight someone, it would only be to bring them the sweet, sweet release of death. Now, a chuckle would echo from her lips as she stood up straight, kicking some of the stray dirt now lightly. "What a piss poor number of the strongest men and women of this village. Well, girls really. You'd think more would jump on this opportunity. Let me lay down some ground rules: The only person allowed to kill in this arena is me. Medical shinobi, since they are in such great need, will not be permitted to succeed, only participate. Don't like that? Get out and go whine to your Sennin. We don't need babies here. If you don't like how you're judged, take it up with someone else because I won't listen. When it comes to picking the male or female who will be a leader in my country, I will only pick the best and the brightest. We do not need another idiot like Inu Endo taking over the good name of Iwagakure." Holding her hands behind her back, she would keep a very serious look plastered on her features. Naturally she was only going to pick the best, and the ones who did not show their fealty at this moment were becoming slowly cast aside candidates in her mind. After all... What good was it when one had an uprising on their hands? Hah. Turning her gaze from every person here in the area, she would let out a small breath.

"As you all are aware, it is not recommended for Academy Student to fight in this type of battle. However, I will allow it for this day even though it is highly dangerous. The opponents will be matched up shortly, as soon as Hissori and Tamashii show their faces here."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It didn't take long standing there before the lady presumably the daimyo began to talk again. The words that gushed out of her mouth were cocky, irritating and downright degrading to the challengers and the village as a whole. However, what really got to Akujin was that she practically kicked him out of winning the whole contest before he even begun. It might be true that the medical branch was lacking compared to the other two branches, but one would think that having a Tsuchikage that was a medical shinobi who gradually increase the amount of students and shinobi going into the field since they would have a big role model to look up to: the Tsuchikage. Still, Akujin could not completely disagree with what his Sennin would say, but he wondered if the Sennin was still Uka or someone different because one would think the Sennin of all branches would be appearing to watch the fights but the names of Hissori and Tamashii didn't exactly ring any bells.

The fact of not allowing him to succeed should have knocked him down and made him quit, but he needed to do this for his parents, his village, his Lord! He would just have to believe in himself and show everyone that he was the right individual for the job even if they didn't like it. The question at large was what would happen if Akujin actually won the whole tournament and beat everyone that stood in his way. It was easily possible, but would winning the whole thing be nulled still? The other issue was how she addressed them all in front of a crowd. Understandably she had to show authority to them all as she was the daimyo of the country, but her word selection was not necessarily the best towards "her" people. Besides, why would she decide who was best fit for the role and not a majority of the village? So many questions were coming into his mind, but he kept his mouth shut out of respect and just folded his arms at her.

She couldn't do anything to him if he didn't talk, but his body language would say it all. He was annoyed, irritated and if he had lower morals there would have been a big, rude gesture towards her involving his middle fingers. He was ready for this fight. Go on, call on him first to fight and he will prove to you why he is the best fit.

[MFT: 415 Words]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
After hearing of this Kage tournament, it wasn't all too hard to find its location. An event as large as this one would attract loads of attention and he was correct in his thoughts. A fairly large stadium and very many participants. As he was making his approach he had plenty of time to scan the many many spectators of the crowd. Low and behold there were a few he recognized. Deciding to make his way to them it took a few minutes to weave his way through the crowds and make his way to Akechi and Kudaranai. Approaching from behind he thought to say something cryptic.

Been a while since I've seen you two. Guess I was dead longer then I thought. He had come from behind and was sitting a row behind them still wearing his blindfold and dreadlocks, the two of them would know it was him.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
“Sorry I’m late Lady Haruka. I got caught up in an emergency surgery. A young child got cut with a kunai. He severed his artery, I was in surgery for five and a half hours. I apologize for my lateness.” Hissori would say with a bow as he looked out on the scene. He certainly didn’t feel comfortable watching allies battle to near death situations to pick who the next leader of their country, but that was their tradition so Ii Hissori had to live with it unless there was so Ii Hissori had to live with until he had the option to change it.

The Strawberry Blond male would then wait. He’d hope the Daimyo would not be to angry that he was late to this coordination because he saved a child’s life, but if that would be the result then so be it. He would stand to her side for a couple of moments to let her talk to him as he just looked ominously down at the ring that was below him. He would move around the satchel that hung around his skinny shoulders down to his hip. If there was going to be a reply needed towards the Diaymo whom he had with discussions with, Hissori would turn to look around.

“Oi! Buru, Kinji lets go.” Hissori said to his two companions as he started to go look to find a place to sit with his two companions. Hissori would find his seat on the other side of Akechi. Offering a smile, he would bow and lean over to shake the new medic’s hand. He was interrupted by the large golden furred lion sitting down with a heavy snort. Sitting back on his haunches, the lion would tower over them watching what he considered a barbaric and chaotic act of ruthless fighting.

“Sorry Akechi-San for that interruption. This large cat is my guide Raion Kinji. It would be polite for you to say hello Kinji.” Hissori told the lion who just gave out a low grunt.

"Why do you make me to come to such a chaotic mess? This is beneath me, and you for that matter silly child."The lion gruffly said towards the medical sennin who blushed a bit and frowned.

"I'm sorry for the overgrown house cat he can get in moods sometime like most things do his age." Hissori said in an annoyed tone as he tugged on the golden mane of Kinji a bit as a form of punishment for talking bad towards him. Hissori though was then distrcted by the large wet tongue of Buru licking across his check as the dogs icy blue eyes stared at Akechi before closing them with a content look on his muzzle.

Buru said in a happy way concealing the fact that he actually knew to speak as he continued to nudge Hissori around. This was Hissori, his family, and the medical sennin for this village. What a interesting man he was.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
A little wake up call, no? Taking his place among the many assembled, he made his way past the Sennin and chipped in, "Woof indeed." Finding a seat a little ways closer to the actual action. You would have thought that they'd be expecting a feature film or something, perhaps the "Avengers Prime versus the Fantastic Four"? Thinking on it, that would be rather entertaining to watch, but who would play the title roles? Blah, nothing but questions upon questions. It was better that he cleared his mind in order to see what was going to come up next. Daimyo, no Kage . . . Sennin . . . late much? The three amigos were far from the typical "Sannin" of lore but to be honest, Iwa was far from Konohas legendary Nakata Daic . . . Uzumaki Naruto. Memory lane was a peaceful place, but the rose tinted glasses were beginning to give him a headache. His red hooded cloak keeping him relatively unidentifiable underneath, the student sat down to pay rapt attention to the masters.

Kazehi Ryu

Oct 23, 2012
[OOC: Dat 4th wall uma xD]

In response to the woman's blatantly demeaning, disrespectful and quite sour words after a measured amount of neutral respect for her as Daimyo, Ryu's eyebrows knit together and he simply shook his head. He would have gladly gone toe-to-toe with the woman, not for blood to be spilled or even for one of them to die; rather he would have done it for the delight in seeing the "ruler" of this country and just what she could do. To experience the knowledge of someone first hand was to gain a deeper understanding of them without words to get in the way. Her words and her actions soured his opinion of her, but in all reality it didn't matter one bit what any of their opinions were.

Actually, it didn't seem like she cared at all; or, for that matter, that any of them might have 'strength' beyond physical force. It frustrated him to see a leader treat those before her like vermin beneath her feet, though he knew full well their position here was nothing but mere weapons, having venomous spite directed at him for being who and what he was made his skin crawl. But he kept his face stoic and neutral, betrayed nothing of his opinion. Why? It didn't matter. It wouldn't change her, nor the situation of the village; action would have to suffice.

The man stepped away and moved over to the face he recognized, standing beside Kimi who he now knew the name as the Guardian of Silence, and the little prodigy who managed to impress the people of the village along side all the others in the previous Tournament. "Pushing your limits." He muttered to her, keeping his voice down while Haruka continued to speak. "I approve, I hope to face you in this. And if not, then we'll do so another time." He wished to mark her growth over the time since he'd seen her in action. She was full of potential but the man figured she was a touch out of her league for this, but maybe it was because he was only going off outdated information.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

'We are the Monsters. . . We are. . . We are. . .'

</FONTFACE><FONTFACE fontface="san-serif">OOC: I need to do this efficiently so alittle bit will be changing to make it more smooth. My apologies but read my post and you'll understand.

Things seemed to be dulling out a bit as Haruka would speak. Thus Tamashii would step forth and begin. "I, Tamashii og the Yumoto Clan predecessor of the Yukata clan. Will be stepping in as Haruka takes a break from duty. For she is expecting. . . a gift soon.", he'd smirk a bit before turning back to the crowd. It was simple, he'd warp to the middle of the arena before nodding to the combatants. "I need three more participants. We're going to do things alittle differently this time around. . .", looking around he;d continue, "Only those with legitimate Stone citizens are wanted.", he'd look into the crowd.

"Once I have the final three participants we can begin thie next phase of the tournament and get things rolling. . ."

OOC: Only those with the Stone banner may join. So please enter immediately. I'd say Stone born but I dont have room for that at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
[ Please have all appropriate posts done here within 24 hours of this post. If you do not post in the proper time frame, you will be disqualified. Thank you! ]


Nov 21, 2012
[legend=""Anarchists Cook Book""]
The fourth and fifth turned up shortly after she’d made her entrance, she’d let her eyes gaze over to them, the first was a male who introduced himself along with his rank, medical shinobi, someone she’d likely be working along with in the future should they both make it there. The second was a girl who Reishii recognised almost instantly because of the vivid red hair that she possessed, it hadn’t come to her in their previous meeting but she found the girl rather striking and she would need to introduce herself again once the fighting was over, her gaze would linger a little longer on her face before she was shook back to reality by the voice of the Daimyo. She would turn her emerald eyes to bore against the womans sapphire hues and listen to what she had to say and was less than amused at the declaration she gave concerning medical ninja since that was the path she was headed down herself and whether she won this tournament or not she would pursue a deeper understanding of the medical team.

She would close the book she had since stopped paying attention to thanks to the red heads arrival and gripped it tightly at the spine. Then without a hint of hesitation she pulled her arm back and threw the book straight at Haruka, she would never expect the thing to hit but she felt her mother was being a little more of a bitch that was usual today and she sure wasn’t afraid of pointing that out. “When I win this tournament and become kage, will you try and stop me from attaining my Doctorate? You may be both my boss and my mother, but I shan’t allow such close mindedness to hinder my future.” She would fold her arms and tilt her head to the side slightly as she continued. “In fact what is making you so grumpy hmm? Blood sugar perhaps… maybe stress? For now I suggest you find a cookie and maybe calm down a little, miss Daimyo.” She would say with a cheeky grin on her lips. “Else I fear for myself and Kei picking up bad habits as we mature.” Perhaps that was a little too close to home? Maybe and she’d probably regret it later, for now though she couldn’t afford to worry about that and simply awaited a response if it was to come.

[MFT - 404]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Pointless words. The daimyo was correlating rank with skill; she was setting strict rules: that only she could kill, as she was amidst a field of trained killers. She didn't say how close to death we could bring our opponent; rather, she seemed to suggest we could get them rather close, given that she was ordering medics to be ready and standing by. She was brash; she was wanting them to follow her without question. This daimyo was wanting to assert total control -- rather like Hoshikata was in Kiri, in that regard; the parallel was almost amusing. Almost.

Everyone who came here wanted that title of Tsuchikage, save herself; it was unlikely they came unprepared. Each of them, no doubt, had some savage trick they perfected as their own. Some ace that would set them apart from the others. She was curious of what they all could do. She, too, was curious of what, and how well, she could do.

No killing? Fine. She didn't intend to. The audience was too large and the pool of fighters too small for her to get away with anything without remaining entirely unnoticed. Too dangerous, this soon, too, to reveal the Isaki's corpse. That would have to wait, likely until after the tournament -- perhaps whenever the victor was coronated, if this country did such things.

Kari's glare remained on the daimyo even as the two men she was waiting on finally arrived.

They were waiting for the sennin to arrive: Hissori, Kari's former student in Kirigakure, and Tamashii...the man Kari had met no long ago, with the threat she had made. It seemed he wasn't reported since then. Two interesting men, no doubt. The third sennin -- that academy person -- wasn't here. It didn't matter, but it was an odd observation.

As like last time, she gave no response, opting to remain silent prior to the battles. No that everyone was here, things were soon to begin.

Short and late post is short and late.


Jan 24, 2014
Wow. Kimi blinked. Was this seriously happening? While Kimi hadn't had much to do with the Daimyo before, the past two meetings involving both her and the figurehead have done nothing but prove that she deserves nothing less than to be kicked out of Iwa...or even killed. But, Kimi wouldn't say that. No, now wasn't the time for that. Even so, keeping quiet was proving difficult. They had all come at the Daimyo's call, showing nothing but respect for, not necessarily her, but the position she held, and she did nothing but disrespect them. She was rude. A familiar voice broke into her thought process, providing something for Kimi to momentarily distract herself with. "I'm here for Iwagakure." she muttered under her breath in response to Ryu's comment. "But yes. We shall have to test one another sometime soon." she only hoped she spoke loud enough for even him to hear. She then turned towards the Daimyo.

A pause. What was the use of this conversation? They were here to prove themselves in combat. Anything beyond that is secondary. Those who showed obviously felt in some way that they could win, they were confident in their skills and that was all that mattered. Ultimately, whether the Daimyo thought they could do it or not didn't matter. She was not the one to decide the winner. The winner would be decided through combat alone. That was fortunate. Some of the things she said did not give Kimi any confidence in her leadership abilities. Fighting only to kill? That wasn't something the leader of the country should be saying. "What of the Main Branch Sennin, Daimyo? Should we not wait for him to arrive before continuing?" she inquired, her face a mask of emotionless perfection. Was she purposefully starting something? Nah. She would never do that. It was just a simple observation.

Kimi frowned. Everything was getting complicated.
She really hated complicated.
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