Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Turning a new leaf (Req. Kitsune)

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Sifting through the files before him, Junko pondered on the individuals. Junko didn't talk to one of the individuals much. In fact, they didn't talk at all even though they worked in the same place. Junko held no bad blood against the individual, but It was as if animosity or hate was there. For what, Junko didn't know.

If anything, it would've made sense if things were the other way around. After all, she played a hand in his sensei's death by covering it up and simply sitting and watching as he died. Shaking his head, Junko didn't understand. It didn't matter though, a second in command needed to be officially chosen under Junko's reign of command. While he was away, he allowed his assistant to cover majority of the responsibility. Although she did well, Junko didn't know who he could fully trust to call the shots while he was away.

So, proper evaluation was needed, but not just of Kitsune. This included all the medics. Leaning back in the chair, Junko sighed as he rubbed his eyes. As he was brought from the reality of profiles and paperwork, the rushing noise of training surrounded him. It was the sentou henka training facility in their scheduled combat medic practice which would follow up with a trauma simulation that Junko had to watch over.

Having Kitsune scheduled to meet him, Junko awaited patiently as the young ones trained.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune had been keeping herself busy. Performing surgeries, doing research, basically whatever fancied her at this point. Being head of the research division meant that she had quite a lot of freedom in terms of what she wanted to spend her time doing, so long as progress was made. Just recently she had finished a clinical study of a new type of painkiller that could be provided to mothers giving birth, or people with near-chronic pain. There was plenty options for the usage of the drug, but first, they had to make sure there wasn’t any issues with people getting addicted or anything. The clinical trials ended a bit inconclusive, so she’d have to schedule another round of them, but with a bigger sample size.

That was for another day, however, as she’d been called to a meeting with the medical sennin in the Sentou Henkan facilities of all places. She shrugged at the location and made her way there at a leisurely pace. She arrived right on time and walked up to where Junko was sitting. ”You requested my presence?” she inquired and looked at him. Ordinarily she’d do anything she could to avoid a meeting with Junko, but lately she’d decided to turn her anger at being screwed out of the job as sennin, at the council and the Raikage. They were the ones that ignored protocol and promoted Junko instead of the second in command at the time, i.e. Kitsune. ”Seems like they’re doing well with their training.” she commented and gestured towards the trainees on the field.

[MFT; WC: 261]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

"Right on time." Junko thought looking at his watch as Kitsune approached. A part of Junko probably didn't want to have this meeting deep down inside, but the leader in him triumphed over feelings. Feelings didn't matter in this situation. Leadership was needed and that was all to it as there would be other instances when Junko would be away.

”You requested my presence?”

"Indeed Kitsune-San. Good to have you. Watch with me." Junko said giving Kitsune a genuine smirk with a nod before continuing to observe the training at hand.

”Seems like they’re doing well with their training.”

"I agree."

The large open dojo wooden floor filled with four groups of two. Each group sparred at a medium to high intensity while being observed by Junko and now Kitsune. As a master combat medic diverse in ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, and kinjutsu, It wasn't much that could surprise the sennin. Especially from trainees, but Kitsune was right. They were doing well and could likely be deemed experienced combat medics with a few real fights.

"What do you see?" Junko asked while analyzing the trainees many exchanges.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
”I see potential.” she replied, watching them. ”Lots of raw unbridled potential. With some actual battles, they’d be ready for prime time.” she continued, crossing her arms under her bust. ”So… Why am I really here? I mean, surely you didn’t call for the Head of the Research Department to evaluate Sentou Henkan trainees. Unless you’re wanting to start an experimental training program that requires a scientific backing in the form of experimental drugs and what not…” she stated and began writing something down on a notepad, along with various formulae and how it’d affect the human body.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

”I see potential.”

”Lots of raw unbridled potential. With some actual battles, they’d be ready for prime time.”

Listening to Kitsune as she pushed forward to "why am I really here?", Junko somewhat ignored the statement and continued.

"Pure potential and the future of our village is what we see." Junko said sliding back from the table and slowly standing. "well, it's part of our job to ensure this potential is unlocked and the future of our village is left in good hands." Junko said as he began a more serious tone.

"I have yet to pick a second in command for myself. One to entrust the branch to during my absence and ... " Junko said with a pause as he gestured towards the children. "Our future."

"Kahako trusted you to be her second. Without a doubt, your medical skills are some of the best this world has ever seen. You've even ran this branch before." Junko said with another pause, his eyes locked into Kitsunes. "Looking upon the many people to choose, It's only a select few that meets the qualifications.. I want to ask, why should I trust you to be my second? Especially as we look at the past. Would you go into battle with me without hesitation?"

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune chuckled. So that’s what this was about. ”Why? Well, I’ve already been doing the job as is. Did you see the kinjutsu form on your desk, by the way? As for the past, it’s the past. It can’t be changed. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone does things they might end up regretting. I regret lacking the combat skills to have assisted Daisuke and Shin. I’ve since made up for that by mastering a variety of elements and other ‘fun’ little things.” she said, taking a short breath ”Without hesitation? No. I’m a lover, not a fighter. But if it was necessary, I would.”

She shifted her weight from one leg to the other, ”Bear in mind, you’re talking to someone that’s been dead twice. It’s not something you get used to, nor something pleasant. I still remember being stabbed through my throat. I still have a scar there, hidden under this choker.” she said and tapped the front of it, ”That’s why I’m averse to fighting, if it can be avoided. And, thank you. For the compliment on my skills.” she finished, looking at Junko. Having her skills recognized as being world-class by Junko surprised her. Obviously he’d have looked into her skills, but straight up calling them some of the best the world has ever seen? That was Karubin-level recognition.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Listening to Kitsune, Junko nodded. She was right, the past was the past and no grudges were held against her. She was weak at the time. Now, she supposedly had made up for where she lacked in the past.

Despite her growth though, she deemed herself a lover and not a fighter. Unfortunately, this was something that didn't sit right with Junko if Kitsune was deeming herself a shinobi. Especially one of Kumogakure. They had finally reached an era of peace and growth within the village, but it wouldn't last forever.

Pondering on the shinrya's words for a few moments, Junko began making his way towards the trainees. Grabbing their attention instantly, they came to a halt. "Clear the room." Junko said stepping onto the training floor. The sound of a small army exited the room as dozens of thuds hit the floor.

"Kitsune, a dislike of fighting is fine. As a true sennin, second in command, medical chief, or shinobi of any kind.... you are a fighter. If not, you'll only continue to find yourself too weak and more lives will be loss. So come, allow me to evaluate these elements and "fun" little things." Junko said bluntly as he's now put his medical chief through a test.

[Calling B-Mod]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
She sighed. So it had come to this. Junko was going to be a dick and force her to fight because he’s got a battle-boner. Fine. With no other choice than to give a display of power, she shook her head and walked onto the arena floor. ”Well if you insist.”


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Junko vs Kitsune said:

HP: 36,000 - 0 = 36,000 HP
CP: 37,200 - 3,318 + 1,170 = 35,052 CP
AP: 10 - 7.5 = 11 NR


Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
HP: 10,584 - 0 + 1,170 = 10,584 HP (Maxed)|

Kinniku Baka (Path)
HP: 36,000 - 0 = 36,000 HP
CP: 37,200 - 3,318 + 1,170 = 35,052 CP
AP: 10 - 7.5 = 11 NR

HP: 42,000 - 1000 + 1,260 = 42,000 HP (Maxed)
CP: 36,000 - 6,057 = 29,943 CP
AP: 10 - 8.5 = 11 NR
Shadow Garb Active
Demon statue effect:
-3 Dodge
10% Chance to be Auto-hit
10% chance to Auto-miss
Defensive Mode Active (-4 Acc, +2 Dodge)[/col3]

Round 1 said:
~ 0.00 Sec -- Junko utilizes his Duelist and his Combat Instinct abilities to focus on Kitsune
~ 0.00 Sec -- Kitsune utilizes his Duelist ability to focus on Junko

~ 0.50 Sec -- Junko uses a "Flash Bomb" Targeting Kitsune - No accuracy chosen, random roll: Ranged
--------- 1st check - 26 vs 36, Miss

~ 2.50 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Underworld Prison" [Mastered] Targeting Junko
--------- 1st check - 34 vs 25, Hit, Junko is now bound!
--------- Junko takes 4% max CP damage
--------- 10% chance to auto-dodge - Rolled 41, Failed

~ 4.50 Sec -- Junko attempts to escape from Kitsune's bind
--------- 15% chance, Rolled - 97, failed - Still Bound

~ 4.50 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Ionic Borealis" [Mastered] Targeting Junko
--------- Bind is broken but Junko will take -3 dodge to this technique
--------- 1st check - 26 vs 30, Miss

~ 7.50 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Shadow Garb" [Mastered]

~ 7.50 Sec -- Junko Summons "Demonic Statue of the Outer Path" [Mastered] (Aura will attempt to effect Kitsune)
--------- 1st check - 39 vs 38, Success - Kitsune is 'Affected' for the round
--------- Kitsune has some chakra stolen by the statue

~ 8.00 Sec -- Kitsune draws her weapon; "Battle Gloves"

~ 8.50 Sec -- Kitsune enters "Defensive Mode"

~ 9.50 Sec -- Junko uses "Path of God" to summon his path; Kinniku Baka

~ Battle Conditions: No cover / well lit area (Open: -3 Stealth - Bright: -2 Stealth)
~ When it comes to percentages, a 15% chance would amount to a 1-15 on a d100 (just how I do it)
~ Junko wanted to perform more actions, but ran out of time
~ Recovery effects happen at the start of the round (Healing factor is the only exception)
~ Junko's path does not have its own pools, I just added it to make things look nice and uniform

EDIT: Forgot to factor in Junko's "Pressure" passive which increases Kitsune's costs by 20%, it has no been factored and changed

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Even though she sighed, she stepped onto the floor for her evaluation. That was good, she at least had the courage to face an opponent of a higher caliber. Unlike her younger prey at the gates, Junko was on a completely different level. "I suggest, you take this serious." Junko said with his rather blunt and deadly stare.

The sennin's chakra began to pour, shaking the very room around them. A part of Junko felt as if he could feel kitsunes resentment of combat or was that fear? The shinrya had cheated death twice, looking into the face of it and prevailed. If anything, fighting should've been her main focus so she wouldn't die again. Perhaps Junko would get her to realize that.

Beginning, Junko made a simple move. Nothing flashy. Upon throwing a flash bang, kitsunes Sharingan pierced right through Junko's movement. Easily moving out of the way, her hands began to form signs. Junko's shadow seemingly locked onto him, stopping the stationary man from making any sudden movements.

"Show me something...anything..." Junko thought watching Kitsunes movements. Her movements were easy to read, making things slightly disappointing. Fortunately, this was only the beginning. Reading Kitsunes attack as she sent specs of plasma towards him, Junko sent a burst of chakra through his body to disrupt the bind and properly evaded the attack with large step back.

"I'm going to have to push her." Junko thought snapping his fingers. Immediately a summoning explosion occurred, revealing his demonic statue. With another snap, another summoning explosion occurred, revealing another path of Junko's. "As if her life was on the line."

The intensity was about to turn up.

[Actions Sent]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
So his first move was a flashbang, eh? Fortunately for Kitsune, her eyes were too sharp for it to even work on her. She then bound him with his own shadow and sapped some of his chakra away. Neat. Sadly the Ionic Borealis didn’t take and missed. Lastly, Kitsune cloaked herself in shadows and put on her combat gloves. Soon, she’d feel energized by wearing them.

[Actions Sent]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Junko vs Kitsune said:

HP: 36,000 - 5,324 + 900 = 31,576 HP
CP: 35,052 + 1,170 - 5,401 = 30,821 CP
AP: 11 - 9.5 = 11 NR


Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
HP: 10,584 + 1,170 - 5,324 = 5,260 HP|

Kinniku Baka (Path)
HP: 36,000 - 5,324 + 900 = 31,576 HP
CP: 35,052 + 1,170 - 5,401 = 30,821 CP
AP: 11 - 9.5 = 11 NR

HP: 42,000 + 840 - 7,282 + 1,260 = 34,718 HP
CP: 29,943 + 1,800 - 10,712 = 21,031 CP
AP: 11 - 10 = 11 NR
Shadow Garb Active
'Chakra Sever' (2% max CP damage/Rnd)
Pressured (+20% CP costs)
Demon statue effect:
-3 Dodge
10% Chance to be Auto-hit
10% chance to Auto-miss
Defensive Mode Active (-4 Acc, +2 Dodge)
Lightning Barrier HP: 0[/col3]

Round 2 said:
~ 0.00 Sec -- Junko maintains Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
~ 0.00 Sec -- Kitsune maintains Shadow Garb and Defensive Mode
~ 0.00 Sec -- Baka focuses his "Duelist" ability on Kitsune and starts the battle in Earth Style: After Quake mode

~ 0.00 Sec -- Kitsune uses his "Initiative" ability to activate his "Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan"

~ 0.00 Sec -- Demonic Statue of the Outer Path attempts to affect Kitsune
--------- 1st check - 46 vs 29, Success, Kitsune is debuffed for the round
--------- The statue steals some chakra from Kitsune

~ 1.36 Sec -- Baka uses "Anti-Gravity" [Mastered]

~ 2.72 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Gate of Enma" [Mastered] w/ affinity move Debilitate, targeting Junko, Baka and the statue
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Miss - Rolled: 70, Failed, attack continues as normal
--------- Check vs Junko - 38 vs 30, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Dodge - Rolled: 56, Failed
--------- Check vs Baka - 38 vs 45, Miss
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Hit Baka - Rolled: 85, Failed
--------- Statue is auto-hit
--------- 50% (44% plus affinity move) for 'Bind' and 'Non-Elemental' - Junko - Rolled: 87, Failed
--------- 50% (44% plus affinity move) for 'Bind' and 'Non-Elemental' - The Statue - Rolled: 99, Failed

~ 3.18 Sec -- Baka uses "Gravitational Pull" [Mastered] Targeting Kitsune
--------- 1st check - 51 vs 35, Critical Hit!!!
--------- +15% chance of activating effects for a nat 20 rolled
--------- 55% chance of Kitsune's next action being interrupted

~ 3.18 Sec -- Baka instantly follows up with "Shinra Tensei" [Mastered] with affinity move Focus, Targeting Kitsune
--------- 1st check - 36 vs 36, 50% Partial Hit
--------- 10% chance to be Auto-Hit - Rolled: 58
--------- Baka utilizes Earth Style to maintain this jutsu
--------- Ground Impact check - 32 vs 34, Failed

~ 5.45 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Natures Guard" [Mastered] w/ Lightning affinity
--------- 55% chance of being 'interrupted' - Rolled: 65, Action continues as normal
--------- Lightning barrier with 5,500 HP is created!

~ 5.90 Sec -- Junko uses "Perfected Rasengan" [Mastered] w/ affinity move Feint.
--------- Uses Ninjutsu Accuracy - 'Rasenshuriken'
--------- +2 Accuracy and -20% Cp cost, but deal -10% base damage
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Hit - Rolled: 36, Failed
--------- 1st check - 37 vs 37, 50% Partial (75% Partial due to Feint) [This is just for papertrail, forgot barriers are auto hit, so this becomes a full hit] Barrier: 5,500 - 1,115 = 4,345
--------- 2ndcheck - 37 vs 33, Hit! - Barrier: 4,345 - 1,155 = 3,190
--------- 3rd check - 42 vs 39, Hit! - Barrier: 3,190- 1,155 = 2,035
--------- 4th check - 52 vs 44, Critical Hit!!! - Barrier: 2,035- 2,598= 0 HP with 563 damage left over for Kitsune to take
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - Rolled: 49, Failed
--------- 44% chance of activating 'Chakra Sever' - Rolled: 17, Success!
--------- 5th check - 50 vs 45, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Dodge - Rolled: 96, Failed
--------- 44% chance of activating 'Chakra Sever' - Rolled: 12, Success!
--------- 6th check - 34 vs 30, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Dodge - Rolled: 93, Failed
--------- 44% chance of activating 'Chakra Sever' - Rolled: 90, Failed

~ 8.18 Sec -- Kitsune performs a 'Hidden Action'
--------- 50% chance of being revealed (Baka path's 'Insight' ability) - Rolled: 81, stays hidden
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Miss - Rolled: 70, attack continues as normal
--------- 1st check - 31 vs 37, Miss
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Hit- Rolled: 34, Failed

~ Battle Conditions: No cover / well lit area (Open: -3 Stealth - Bright: -2 Stealth)

EDIT: Fixed Kitsune's CP regen, forgot about 'Hyperactive'
EDIT: Rasenshuriken has 6 checks, updating now, also Feint raises partial hits by one step

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Kitsune's eyes began to morph, twisting, and mixing to reveal the legendary Mangekyo sharingan. Now, Kitsune was getting serious. Junko had seen these eyes before. Although different in pattern, his brother Aiko held the same power.

For the first time, Junko had the chance to see these eyes as foe and not ally. Perhaps the sennin would get to see the full extent of this legendary power if it was in the hands of a master. By Kitsunes hand signs, she was about to play hard ball.

A rip in reality slowly opened revealing what seemed like hell itself as intense flames flickered throughout the void. In an instant, dark arms launched from the rift. Standing still, Junko simply lifted up his forearm in attempt to block the attack away with a simple swipe of his hand.
Upon contact, Junko swung, but the arm latched on, causing pain to shoot through Junko's arm while attempting to stop his movements.

Realizing the strategy at hand, Junko moved out of the way of the dark arms before they latched onto his other body. Kitsune would have to do more than simply try to hold the sennin down.


As Junko utilized Baka by outstretching his hand forward. Chakra began to accumulate in Junko's hand and waves of energy pulsated through the dojo. As the waves consumed Kitsunes area, her body began to slide towards Junko as it was pulled by the gravitational force.


In a single second, Kitsunes body was flying through the air coming straight for the prodigy brother. Just as Kitsune was about to collide with Junko, the Jutsu reversed and the pull became an almighty push that only partially hit the woman. Still, the pressure was still enough to launch her body once more through the air and collide with the back wall to create a crack.

As Kitsune was likely breathing heavy from the drain being placed upon her body in addition to her chakra usage, Junko slowly moved forward. Each step echoed like something out of a horror story. Junko was the predator and Kitsune was the prey. Perhaps she knew that as well, because her instincts kicked in and a chakra barrier rose between the two individuals. That was the funny thing about prey, they did everything to get from danger.

Just as fast as the barrier was up, the barrier was down in a fraction of a second. Molding and infusing chakra in his bare hands, Junko created the devastating rasen-shuriken and blasted through the wall as if it was nothing. He hadn't used much chakra, taken much damage, or aimed to truly hurt Kitsune yet.

"Sensei... this is who you had at your side?..." Junko thought looking at the shinrya. Junko could still remember his senseis cold dead body while doing the autopsy, uncovering Kitsunes work while being emotionally destroyed in that same moment.

[Actions sent]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune pondered her new plan of attack. Regardless of effectivity, one couldn’t argue with the excellent timing of her barrier which took the brunt of Junko’s Rasenshuriken. Sadly, it would seem her genjutsu didn’t take hold of his mind. Oh well. At least she managed to inflict a not insubstantial damage to that annoying statue.

[Actions Sent]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Junko vs Kitsune said:

HP: 31,576 - 750 + 900 = 31,726 HP
CP: 30,821 + 1,050 - 6,991 = 24,880 CP
AP: 11 - 11 = 10 NR


Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
HP: 5,260 - 6,875 = -1,615 HP|

Kinniku Baka (Path)
HP: 31,576 - 750 + 900 = 31,726 HP
CP: 30,821 + 1,050 - 6,991 = 24,880 CP
AP: 11 - 11 = 10 NR

HP: 34,718 + 840 - 5,290 + 1,260 = 31,528 HP
CP: 21,031 + 1,800 - 10,953 = 11,878 CP
AP: 11 - 11 = 10 NR
Ground Impacted (-1 Acc/Dodge)
-2 Accuracy and Dodge
5% chance to be auto-hit
AP loss effects get +10% chance of activating
'Chakra Sever' (3% max CP damage/Rnd)
[/u]Pressured (+20% CP costs)
Defensive Mode Active (-4 Acc, +2 Dodge)[/col3]

Round 3 said:
~ 0.00 Sec -- Junko maintains Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and Shinrei Tensei
~ 0.00 Sec -- Kitsune maintains EMS, and Defensive Stance, dropping Shadow Garb

~ 0.00 Sec -- 'Chakra Sever' procs - Kitsune loses some chakra

~ 0.00 Sec -- Demonic Statue of the Outer Path attempts to affect Kitsune
--------- 1st check - 37 vs 40, Failed
--------- The statue does not steals some chakra from Kitsune

~ 0.00 Sec -- Baka's maintained "Shinra Tensei" [Mastered] attempts to strike again at -2 Acc and -10% Base damage
--------- 1st check - 34 vs 30, Hit!
--------- 28% chance of being unable to be auto-dodged and interrupting the targets next action - Rolled 97, Failed
--------- 10% chance of Auto-Dodging - Rolled: 60, Failed

~ 1.81 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Heat Wave" [Mastered]

~ 2.72 Sec -- Junko uses "Hurricane" [Mastered] w/ affinity move Focus, Targeting Kitsune
--------- 1st check - 46 vs 48, MIss

~ 4.54 Sec -- Baka uses "Gravity Distortion" [Mastered] w/ affinity move Control, Targeting Kitsune
--------- 1st check - 43 vs 41, Hit!
--------- 10% chance of Auto-Dodging - Rolled: 11, Failed
--------- Ground Impact check - 51 vs 32, Success - -1 Dodge and Acc to the Kitsune for the remainder of the round

~ 4.54 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Dragon Flame Bomb" [Mastered] Targeting the Statue
--------- Statue is auto hit
--------- Statue was destroyed

~ 5.0 Sec -- Kitsune uses a "Stun Grenade" Targeting Junko
--------- 1st check - 34 vs 42, Miss

~ 7.27 Sec -- Junko uses "Chakra Vacuum" [Mastered] Targeting Kitsune
--------- 1st check - 45 vs 45, 50% Partial
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Dodge - Rolled 97, Failed
--------- 5% chance to be Auto-Hit- Rolled 8, Failed

~ 7.27 Sec -- Kitsune Performs a hidden action
--------- 50% chance to be revealed - Rolled: 57, Failed
--------- 1st check - 52 vs 39, Critical Hit!

~ 10.0 Sec -- Junko uses "Perfected Rasengan" [Mastered] w/ affinity move feint, Targeting Kitsune
--------- Junko utilizes "Strike the Spirit"
--------- Uses Ninjutsu Accuracy - 'Rasenshuriken'
--------- +2 Accuracy and -20% Cp cost, but deal -10% base damage
--------- 1st check - 51 vs 36, Critical Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - Rolled: 13, Failed
--------- 44% chance of activating 'Chakra Sever' - Rolled: 59, Failed
--------- 2nd check - 37 vs 40, Miss
--------- 5% chance to be Auto-Hit - Rolled: 92, Failed
--------- 3rd check - 38 vs 42, Miss
--------- 5% chance to be Auto-Hit - Rolled: 22, Failed
--------- 4th check - 39 vs 35, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - Rolled: 28, Failed
--------- 44% chance of activating 'Chakra Sever' - Rolled: 74, Failed
--------- 5th check - 44 vs 46, Miss
--------- 5% chance to be Auto-Hit - Rolled: 50, Failed
--------- 6th check - 41 vs 30, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - Rolled: 5, Success!
--------- 5% chance to Auto-Hit - Rolled: 78, Failed
--------- 44% chance of activating 'Chakra Sever' - Rolled: 24, Success!

~ 10.0 Sec -- Kitsune performs a hidden action
--------- 50% chance to be revealed - Rolled: 99, Failed
--------- 1st check - 38 vs 41, Miss

~ Battle Conditions: No cover / well lit area (Open: -3 Stealth - Bright: -2 Stealth)
~ Battle Conditions: Heat Wave - All Fire-based Ninjutsu -10% chakra cost and +8% chance of activating secondary effects. Water-based Jutsu cost +15% Cp and have a 24% chance of dealing -10% base damage. [Ends Round 6 @1.81 Seconds]

EDIT: Forgot to factor in 'Chakra Sever' Kitsune's CP has been adjusted

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The statue was gone. The bigger of the pains in Kitsunes rear was now destroyed and it couldn’t come back, now only Junko remained. Him and his annoying earthy path would have to be dealt with. It also seemed that something Kitsune did had affected Junko, which was excellent as it’d make things a little easier.

[Actions Sent]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Silence floated around the dojo of this simple evaluation after the two exchanged blows once more.

Junko had seen everything he needed to see. Now, only a decision needed to be made to decide Kitsune's future within the medical branch.

Foot steps could be heard as medical personnel came about to view what was actually going on. Upon looking at Kitsune, they seen her not in the best of shapes, but it was something about seeing her that caused whispers involving the simple spar.

It was obvious, Kitsune was being evaluated and was on the road of true redemption. The only question was, could she handle the road ahead?

[Actions been sent]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Junko vs Kitsune said:

HP: 31,726 - 15,822 + 900 = 16,804 HP
CP: 24,880 + 2,100 - 8,353 = 18,627 CP
AP: 10 - 7 = 11 NR
Wither w/ Overload
374 Illusionary damage/Rnd
+20% Ninjutsu damage taken
Hidden Power
+1 to all
Combat Instinct
+1 to all
Atmospheric Pressure
3% max CP loss a round
Fire and Lightning based damage against them
have a 12% chance of activating the 'Overcharge' effect

Kinniku Baka (Path)
HP: 31,726 - 15,822 + 900 = 16,804 HP
CP: 24,880 + 2,100 - 8,353 = 18,627 CP
AP: 10 - 7 = 11 NR
Wither w/ Overload
+20% Ninjutsu damage taken
Combat Instinct
+1 to all
Atmospheric Pressure
3% max CP loss a round
Fire and Lightning based damage against them
have a 12% chance of activating the 'Overcharge' effect

HP: 31,528 + 840 - 10,914 - 2,568 + 1,260 = 20,146 HP
CP: 12,472 + 1,800 - 15,556 = 0 CP (1,284 CP usage went into the negatives, translates to 2,568 in CP burn damage to HP)
AP: 10 - 9.25 = 10.75 NR
Bleed Rank 1
-2 Accuracy and Dodge
5% chance to be auto-hit
AP loss effects get +10% chance of activating
'Chakra Sever' (2% max CP damage/Rnd)
Pressured (+20% CP costs)[/col3]

Round 4 said:
~ 0.00 Sec -- Junko maintains Shinrei Tensei, Anti-Gravity, Gravity Distortion and Chakra Vacuum
~ 0.00 Sec -- Kitsune maintains EMS, ??? and Heat Wave, dropping Defensive Stance

~ 0.00 Sec -- 'Chakra Sever' procs - Kitsune loses some chakra

~ 0.00 Sec -- Junko makes a save check vs ???
--------- 1st check - 32 vs 46, Failed, still affected

~ 0.00 Sec -- Baka's maintained "Shinra Tensei" [Mastered] attempts to strike again at -2 Acc and -10% Base damage
--------- 1st check - 39 vs 41, Miss
--------- 5% chance of being Auto-Hit - Rolled: 71, Failed

~ 0.00 Sec -- Kitsune uses her "Initiative" ability to quickly activate his Curse Seal

~ 1.00 Sec -- Junko uses "Raijin's Vengeance" [Mastered] in conjunction with "Strike the Spirit" and the special action
--------- 1st check - 47 vs 38, Hit!
--------- 44% chance of activating the 'Photon Flash' effect - Rolled: 70, Failed
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - Rolled: 84, Failed

~ 2.00 Sec -- Kitsune's Curse Seal is now active

~ 3.00 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Atmospheric Pressure" [Mastered] w/ affinity move focus, Targeting Junko and Baka
--------- Baka reflexively uses Gravel Shift [Mastered] targeting Kitsune
--------- Gravel Shift check - 49 vs 34, Hit: -2 Dodge penalty to the next action that hits Kitsune
--------- 1st check vs Junko - 36 vs 26, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Dodge - Rolled: 93, Failed
--------- 1st check vs Baka - 36 vs 31, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-Dodge - Rolled: 48, Failed

~ 4.00 Sec -- Junko uses "Perfected Rasengan" [Mastered] w/ affinity move Combo, Targeting Kitsune
--------- Uses Ninjutsu Accuracy - 'Rasenshuriken'
--------- +2 Accuracy and -20% Cp cost, but deal -10% base damage
--------- 1st check - 47 vs 32, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - Rolled: 3, Success!
--------- 5% chance to Auto-Hit: 13, Failed
--------- 2nd check - 46 vs 38, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - 75, Failed
--------- 5% chance to be Auto-Hit - Rolled: 43, Failed
--------- 44% chance of activating 'Chakra Sever' - Rolled: 70, Failed
--------- 3rd check - 35 vs 35, 50% Partial
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - 24, Failed
--------- 5% chance to be Auto-Hit - Rolled: 20, Failed
--------- 4th check - 38 vs 43, Miss
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - 70, Failed
--------- 5% chance to Auto-Hit: 62, Failed
--------- 5th check - 49 vs 32, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - 57, Failed
--------- 5% chance to be Auto-Hit - Rolled: 60, Failed
--------- 44% chance of activating 'Chakra Sever' - Rolled: 69, Failed
--------- 6th check - 34 vs 44, Miss
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - 34, Failed
--------- 5% chance to Auto-Hit: 66, Failed

~ 4.00 Sec -- Junko combos into "Zephyr's Grace" [Mastered] w/ affinity move Combo, Targeting Kitsune
--------- 1st check - 39 vs 37, Hit!
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Kitsune) - 54, Failed
--------- 5% chance to Auto-Hit: 63, Failed
--------- 28% chance of causing the 'Gaspless' and 'Wind Slice' effects - Rolled: 27, Success!
--------- - The 'Wind Slice; effect causes the attack to deal +5% base damage and raise bleeding one level.
--------- - The 'Gaspless' effect inflicts suppression and causes the victim to pay +10% AP to their next action.

~ 5.75 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Wither" [Mastered] w/ Genjutsu move "Overload" Targeting Junko
--------- 50% chance to be revealed - Rolled: 32, Success
--------- 1st check - 43 vs 30, Hit

~ 8.75 Sec -- Kitsune Performs a hidden action
--------- 50% chance to be revealed - Rolled: 53, Failed
--------- 1st check - 46 vs 37, Hit
--------- Kitsune gets 7.66 AP to spend

~ 3.91 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Sol Fire Tempest" [Mastered] Using the 2nd special action 3 times, targeting Junko
--------- Strikes next round, no checks until then (please see notes)

~ 7.83 Sec -- Kitsune uses "Dragon Flame Bomb" [Mastered] Targeting Junko
--------- 1st check - 49 vs 29, Critical Hit!!!
--------- No need to check for afire since there is no next round
--------- 10% chance to Auto-dodge (Junko) - 49, Failed

~ 10.0 Sec -- Kitsune wanted to perform more actions, but ran out of time and AP

~ Battle Conditions: No cover / well lit area (Open: -3 Stealth - Bright: -2 Stealth)
~ Battle Conditions: Heat Wave - All Fire-based Ninjutsu -10% chakra cost and +8% chance of activating secondary effects. Water-based Jutsu cost +15% Cp and have a 24% chance of dealing -10% base damage. [Ends Round 6 @1.81 Seconds]
~ Initiative won't increase the speed of when a curse seal activates, It still activates at 2 seconds into the round
~ Since Atmospheric Pressure is a Ninjutsu and not a Genjutsu, it can effect both paths, essentially 6% max CP a round
~ So I messed up - Passive Auto Dodge (Ex. Hyuuga 360 Degree Vision): Is modded as dodging each hit separately upon contact. (Each hit has a check)
I have updated the past rounds and this current round to show the changes, sorry about that...
~ End result, Kitsune has 1 less stack of "Chakra Sever" going into this round and 1 less check hit from Junko's Rasengan last round, CP has been restored
~ Sol Fire Tempest - This jutsu may only be used once per battle. This Jutsu does not strike until a full round after use. (Therefore there was no effect in the round within a round, other than CP spent)

EDIT: Forgot to add in the extra damage taken from things, Junko's damage/hp has been updated

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Kitsune's body began to pulsate a darker aura as runic markings crept over her body. "Curse seal." Junko thought with a sudden mix of hand seals. A flame could be seen in the depths of Kitsunes sharingan eyes. A flame of anger and possibly hate that burned deep within. Spreading like the wild fire it was, Junko could feel Kitsunes emotion through the constant exchanges that occurred in this fight.

Knowing the shinrya's strength would be increased ten fold due to the curse seal, Junko knew he could also bump things up a notch. Kitsune would likely withstand more damage. therefore, Junko would simply deliver more damage.

His hand began to surge with trickling sparks of lightning. Rushing forward in what would seem like a flash, Junko would somewhat mimic his wife as he utilized a palm strike like a hyuuga. Connecting directly with Kitsunes stomach, Junko sent the huge surge of lightning through her entire body system.

Pushing Kitsune back more with his separate path as if it was about to attack, Junko continued with another swirl of condensed chakra. In an instant, Junko's separate path moved out of the way as Junko dropped from above with the large chakra shuriken.


Upon a full hit, an explosion occurred in the room and it launched dense winds. Seeing an opportunity in the moment, Junko used the vast winds from the attack to create another attack instantly. The shredding winds began to rapidly swirl, forming a powerful dragon like creature. As the winds started to bend and motion towards Kitsune, the jutsu swallowed its prey whole.

Barely standing, Junko looked into the eyes of a beaten and bloody woman. In that single moment... that was Junko's mistake....

[Actions coming]

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Due to recent events, the Administration team has discussed and decided on the following resolution;

The remaining players in battle (a grand total of Junko himself) must decide between;
  • Ending the the battle and thread now, with Junko being decided as the victor. However, Kitsune's character cannot be killed, maimed, or otherwise harmed beyond having been defeated by Junko. The thread will be ended, with both characters being sent on their way.
  • Alternatively, Junko may choose to place the battle "on hold" until the duration of Kitsune's ban is completed (November 3rd); at which point the battle will continue normally, with no other rules or stipulations.
To be clear, this will not be a precedent; any future scenario's dealing with on-going battles and banned players will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Any comments or concerns regarding this should be sent to the Admin team either through a PM or Discord, not through this topic itself.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
