Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [tutor] A new lesson to be taught.

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He was woken up by someone out of the clan. “Shion… OI… Wake up…” It was one of the households who woke up the little grumpy man. “Like this and you will be late..!” She scuffed him once more and that was once Shion finally got in motion. There would be breakfast waiting for him, yet Shion still after all this time, had to get used to the fact he had a roof, a bed, and even food to grab… He took an apple and the toast as breakfast and as he made his way towards the academy grounds… he would wonder who, what, and or even where was waiting on him to teach him.

’ Reminds me… I need to ask Zatoru where he hid those smokes…’ it was only an assumption that his friend had them. ’ or maybe I lost them myself…’ He started to shrug softly and started to make a bit of haste so he was still on time at the grounds. “Tsk… Milo…” He summoned his Yokai and gazed towards it. “It was here right?” The yokai started to nod in his wolf form. “It certainly was.” “Nyeeegh… I could have stayed longer in bed…” It was already a fact that he had gotten little sleep over the days.

ooc said:
Shion Speech
Shion thoughts
Shion's demonic speaking.

Milo speech
Milo thoughts
Milo's demonic speaking.

pvt. soku
"You are most certainly in the right location."

The Captain would utter stepping towards the boy as if she had been there all along. Well in truth, no. Soku had just barely gotten there a couple of minutes before the student in question not knowing what on Raiden's good earth she had been summoned for. One of the Academy instructors had called in sick and as such, it fell to her, a captain of the ANBU to take whomever this young pupil was under her wing for the day. The thought was almost insulting in a sense but Soku didn't mind it as she covered a yawn with her mouth giving a brief nod to the boy's wolven companion who made for a very interesting add-on. That would make this all the more fun for the little thing she had set up for them. You see, the ANBU had chosen the Academy training grounds for a very specfic reason.

That reason would happen to be in front of Shion's eyes as at the direct instruction of the kunoichI, the grounds usually wide and open for plenty of students to train in was now adorned with a various of obstacles including hurdles, trainiing dummys, pitfalls and a tightrope to walk across as Soku gestured to her magenificent obstacle course in which she had toiled endlessly to set up. At the end of this obstacle course encased in a metal cage with a padlock lay a wooden chest old and dusty but nevertheless, it must have contained some interesting content if they would have to go through all that to get to it. Only one question remained, where on earth was the key? "I'll be your instructor for today's..practical excercise as you can see."

Her lips would curl upwards in a small smirk nodding towards the maze of everything Shion would have to overcome. It was clear what the purpose of this lesson would be. "As for introductions, the only thing you need to know about me is that I'll be your new best friend if you hope to get through this thing without a scratch. It's not as easy as it looks." As if on cue, the Captain makes a handsign and one of the training dummies sputters to life flinging a small fireball at the ground before dying down. Clearly, she was going to have fun with this particular assignment. "Today's task is simple, consider it a mock misson of sorts."

She paused to let that sink in before continuing. "Navigate the maze and get to the cage and unlock it to retrieve the contents of the chest. Easy enough, right?" There was a catch though. There always was. "One more thing. you'll need a key to unlock the cage." As for where it was, that was anyone's best guess and Soku was not about to ruin the entire purpose of this misson. "You'll see it when the time is right."

"Any questions?"

PC: 1/5
WC: 493/1500
With hands in his jacket he looked for the figure standing there. "oi, oi... sneaking up on a student is bad..." He would comment just a little bit salty also because he didn't notice her there earlier. "I ain't blind no.." He mentioned to her 'i'll be your instructor'. It really was that plain, the fact she was the only one here around and commented on the fact that he was at the right location. 'Perhaps I should have gotten out earlier and get coffee...' He now thought as this started to feel like a long, very long training session.
"Best friend..?" His eyes darted to Milo before back to the shinobi. 'Game..? Is this perhaps just a game..? Teamwork..? We already are being hammered with that !@#$ in the classes...' "Sure..." His gaze rested a little as he let his eyes glide over the parkour. "Mock... mission..." He muttered the words after as he looked towards Soku once more. 'So that is the little adder under the grass huh... The cage needs to be unlocked... But so far there is no key in the field...' He would cock his head backward as he groaned. "Pain in the ass..." He would sigh. "alright... Since so far I see... there is no key into play yet is there?" He would look towards the person in front of him. "Also... My name is Shion.... I never got yours, so may I have something to call you instead of an old hag, lady, miss, girl.." He would be frankly honest with her. Even if this would be a one-timer, it was handy to know if someone or even something.

"How do we start... when do we start... what is allowed and what isn't..?" Those were pretty basic questions so far as he thought.

ooc said:
Shion Speech
Shion thoughts
Shion's demonic speaking.

Milo speech
Milo thoughts
Milo's demonic speaking.

pvt. soku
Her eyebrow raised at the assortment of adjectives he used to describe her. Soku defintely was not in the buisness of being called an old hag and her expression threatened to break out into a frown. For an academy student, the boy had clearly left his mannerisims somewhere at the door and it showed. She really wasn't that old, was she? "You may call me Soku." The kunoichi said calmly tiliting her head as she looked at him before answering his inquiry about the key. "As for your question, no, there is no key. Not yet, anyways." He eyes twinkled knowingly with that knowledge wondering just what exactly she had signed up for. Shion was different, he was not the type of student she was used to, much more bolder and confident. Whether that was a good thing or bad thing, they were about to find out very quickly.

"Well, you may use only physical means to navigate through the obstacle course." Soku said gesturing to the obstacles she had set up before turning her attention back to Shion. "Any sort of ninjutsu or genjutsu use will automatically fail you." Taijutsu worked since it technically was just exerting oneself without the use of chakra so Soku figured it fit into that category. She mainly wanted to gauge how much of these students could actually cope without relying too much on their chakra. These days, ninja had become so reliant on their chakra that they neglected the more physical portions of their training and that typically ended up being their undoing. Soku was known for her unorthodox training methods and this while perhaps not the worst, it was most certainly one of her more unique ones.

"Oh, and do try to get to the end under ten minutes." Soku added folding her arms in front of her. "Otherwise, the cage will disappear and that would be a most unforunate inconvenice for you." The Captain said adding a grin as she reached into her black cloak that was flapping around in the wind withdrawing a kunai. Right, time to get this show on the road, if they just kept chit-chatting all day, the moon would be out before they even got on with the lesson. "As soon as the kunai hits the ground, you may begin." Soku would say waiting a couple seconds for him to take in his surroundings from the start point which composed of a few logs that Shion would have to jump over quickly followed by a net of barbed wire that could only be bypassed by crawling underneath it and finally that led to a series of rocks that the boy would have to jump from one to the other, the gap between each rock bigger than the next.

Finally, it would conclude with the cage which lay behind a rock climbing wall which Shion would have to scale and come down the other side to even set gaze on the blasted thing. A slight wind breeze picked up as the projectile left Soku's hand traveling for a while before embedding itself into the grassy surface at Soku's feet. "You may begin." And just like that, she began mentally counting off the minutes in her head settling in to see what potential this particular boy brought to the playing field.

PC: 2/5
WC: 1046/1500
OOC: You can use any means to navigate through the obstacle course ICLY as you wish but Shion won't be able to open the cage just yet. I have a plan for that in my next post!
Shion left it up to her about what she wanted to be called, that was only fair, right? He had no problem calling her an old hag if she wanted to. "Soku-Senpai it is..." He had always some mannerisms, but safe to say not all the time. "Knew it... pain in the butt..." He would sigh as he would have to go through the course and as he heard her, then figure out what to do without a key. "Eah... That's quite easy if you are a Tai user..." He would start to stretch as he listened more to her. "Hmm..? Just ten..?" He left it up to her to fill in if that were to sound little or more than enough. "Kunai as a starter signal..?" He was a bit baffled by that as there was no 'go, run' but this was something more of this time... "Milo... you sit this out, no ninjutsu allowed... means no contract summoning Jutsu either boy..." The yokai would nod slowly as he got it and disappeared into the boy's shadow.

The boy would finish up a stretch and look to the kunai. ' Any sort of ninjutsu or Genjutsu use will automatically fail you.' The words of the kunoichi went through his head. ' No nin no gen... that does limit it... however, she never said anything regards of core ability... or chakra limitation... Meaning I could easily use chakra on the sole of my feet to climb and do stuff easier...' He grinned as he saw it land. He had a plan...

Unlike many could have been thinking, he didn't completely start to run like an idiot. He started to jog as the logs were getting closer. 'Just a few jumping hurdles...' he would leniently jump over them, to be met by a net... 'We know something else...' He started to make speed. "Low sweep." He would use the unarmed taijutsu in order to make more of a motion, to then get flat on the ground, leg first to shove as far as possible if not past the net. If he didn't make it all the way, he would attempt to roll to get flat on his stomach to crawl forwards again. As he went for the rocks... Thoughts were crossing him. 'I only know unarmed taijutsu... If I had known puppet... I would probably be able to throw a puppet to a stone to frog over it... Like the old games... But That is not something I can do now... Gotta roll with it..' He gritted his teeth at the lack of known Jutsu's.

So with more space, each of the rocks held. The more trouble he was getting. "THIS IS OVER MY LENGTH!" He pointed out at one point and looking back... He saw the mistake he made. He halted here because he took a moment to jump back before he would somewhat get serious on this course. Almost as if he was lazy till he actually had to produce productiveness. "Tsk..." He started to gain more speed which would slow down a bit with each stepping stone till he made the last one. He almost didn't make it, but by using chakra on the hand palm, he managed to have a firm grip on the rock. Not being too bothered that the rock made a skit mark on his knee. He moved along.

The wall was something he had a little problem with, as Soku had mentioned, he wasn't allowed to use Ninjutsu or Genjustu, but there was no mention of using chakra. With that, he would glue his feet to the structure. "Eaah... getting better at this..." He was surprised he didn't fling himself off at the first try... Yet with the smirk, he started to run up the wall instead of climbing it. At the top he was prepared to dodge whatever could come at this way and going down he didn't trust himself well enough with the walking on surfaces so he climbed that bit down. But going down was often easier than going up... because gravity did their thing. This was exactly such a case as he let himself go a fourth part of the wall and roll down. "Freestyle running is handy.. should ask Za to do it more..." He was baffled by it and would finally have eyes on the cage. "Hehe. So... now how to open this... Should I perhaps just Dragon Assault it... she never said the state of the cage it had to be after opening..."

ooc said:
Shion Speech
Shion thoughts
Shion's demonic speaking.

Milo speech
Milo thoughts
Milo's demonic speaking.

pvt. soku
(726+518=) 1.244 /1500

Jutsu used:
Low Sweep [M]
The ANBU had to give it to the boy, he certainly did not lack in any physical aspect as far as she saw watching him as he navigated through the majority of the course with relative ease breaking a sweat here and there. That was until he got to the rock jumping portion watching as he started off easily enough but it was the bigger gaps that got to him as evidenced by the complaint he voiced to her perhaps to see if she would show pity on him. "You had better make it work then." Soku responded smirking folding her arms watching as he attempted again and sure enough, the boy managed to make the distance putting those series of annoying obstalces behind him. The issue that presented him now was the rock wall, on which the other side, there lay the caged chest in question he was after.

That meant she had better start getting her little trap ready. Well, not really a trap but no class was complete without a little twist. Soku appeared to be fumbling with something in her hands glancing back to see Shion analyzing the cage as if trying to determine how best to go about this particular problem. "You were asking about a key, right?" The ANBU piped up walking forth a bit so that her voice could carry clearly over to him, her gaze darting between him and the cage. "Catch." Suddenly, her hand rose flinging a old stone key at them but that probelm was more complicated than it appeared.

Attached to the old rusty key tied by a piece of rope happened to be a paper bomb and as the key hurtled through the air straight on a collision course for Shion, the fuse began to tick away and Soku waited to see how he would react. On one end, he needed the key to get through the padlock but on the other end, the explosive would reduce the key to rubble making the end goal improabable. Soku was keen to see how Shion dealt with this rather annoying twist in the lesson covering a yawn with her mouth as her eyes followed the key as the fuse began to near it's end dangerously close to exploding.

PC: 3/5
WC: 1424/1500
The wall didn't seem to be an issue at all as he used an out-of-the-box method... But now he stood in front of the cage and he was a bit taken back. He had heard about it being a little thing that would come later... and once the Kunoichi started to talk his eyes shifted towards her. "uhu..." He replied to her question regards of a key.

He slowly turned in a blank stare, the key was being thrown and he watched towards the kunoichi. "look... for some I might be a small child... but a) I am 15 years old, I will still grow." He would sigh and cross his arms. "That being said, in order to get that key... I either have to put myself in harm's way to get that note off... since I am an unarmed Taijutsu user, who is already prohibited to use ninjutsu or Genjutsu. There is no way I cannot get the bomb to detach from the key.. so no matter what I would be doing.." And with that, he heard the paper bomb go off. "We are taught, own safety first... so then I will go back to my own method of doing... which brings to me c) It's kind of bold to assume that every student has a thrown weapon too... I certainly don't as I just use demonic claws... D) Either I can use Taijutsu Unarmed, to smash the key open, since you, the teacher, never specify the state of the cage should be after this mission." It was just like his exam a while ago.... "Assuming you wish to use this cage the next time... I will just pick the lock..." He sighed heavily before he would get a tool out of his pocket and then another one. "Wouldn't that key break off anyway..? It looked like closed to rubbles too..." He casually asked the teacher as he picked the lock.

ooc said:
Shion Speech
Shion thoughts
Shion's demonic speaking.

Milo speech
Milo thoughts
Milo's demonic speaking.

pvt. soku
(1.244+322=) 1566 /1500
A mixture of expressions crossed her face as she watched the student rant on about the pointless purpose of the key Soku had so delicately prepared. She had to admit, he had her dead to rights with his logic about the various alternatives he could use as the key clattered to the ground but the paper bomb note that clung to it did not actually go off. A trained eye would be able to tell it was a dud, a fake that she had handmade herself that Soku thought would at least get a good scare out of her next willing victims but instead much to her disappointment, Shion had seen through the ruse which was a very impressive feat to say the least eyes shifiing from the key back to the cage as if struggling for words on how to formulate a reply. "Well, I do have to say, that was a certainly a first. Not many would think along the same lines as you."

He had at least achieved the primary purpose of this lesson which to Soku was twofold. There were always two ways to do things and if the first objective seemed unreasonable, you opted for another option which in this case, the academy student had peformed in hte most excellent manner. Honestly though, the ANBU Captain held just a little bit of resentment that he had actually managed to navigate through her trial without as much as breaking a sweat. Soku was not known for being an very simple instructor nor were her lessons that much simple to pass so the woman guessed in that sense, he sort of had bragging rights.

There was a thud as the lock gave way to his tool snapping open clattering to the ground. The caged door swung open allowing him entry to where the chest lay. There was no great plentiful reward awaiting Shion within the chest like heaps of yen or perhaps even a rare, valuable artifact he could try to peddle off. No, instead if Shion would dare to open the chest was instead packaged in some plastic wrap some dango sticks. "Congratualtions. That's your reward." Soku would say walking over and picking up the lock casting it a disappointed look. "Speaking of which, I really need to take a few pointer from you or something because you breezed through that that like it was nothing."

PC: 4/5
WC: 1824/1500
He had no idea if it was or wasn't real... But he treated it like it had been real. Listening to the kunoichi she seemed to be a bit displeased... and in his head, he would hum a little. Once he had cracked the lock he would grab the little chest, and only once Soku said congratulations that is your reward... He decided to open it up. "eaah..." He would unpack them and offer one to the kunoichi. Since he was raised on the streets... you could never be too careful with free food. You never knew what could have happened to them.. On such occasion, he would only eat once she did, otherwise, he would leave it be for now.

"Hmm.. Pointers huh... " He would sit down on the spot and think about it, going over the course once more with his eyes. "Given the fact that I am a taijutsu user... so I always been top-notch... " He muttered as his brain was racing to find objects that were hard... The only one he actually had a bit of difficulty with was the stepping stones... but that was because he couldn't make the speed to gain the upper hand of the jump... and his height didn't help that much with them. "But I guess to make it difficult for a taijutsu user... give them multiple things to think about. Balance while exerting physical motions." He started to think as he would think a bit about what he trained himself with. "What I use to train myself with is a balance board... Have a round object as a base with a board over it... That way, you have to balance yourself and move... but not fall. It's... tricky..." He spoke and subconsciously he started to reach for his shoulder on which the memory lingered harsh. He remembered even Zatoru having to pop it back in once.

"I guess... to make it harder for a Taijutsu user, give them limitations other than Ninjutsu and Genjutsu... Since we barely use those anyways.. Give us something that we have to combine, for example, ninjutsu while doing taijutsu... Sounds odd... But for me to have a fire going while doing, for example, the rock climb. Would be difficult... Or just tell them no chakra control on the feet... I mean... at the stepping stones and the wall I used those... The net... Is for kids. 'crawl under it or else...' If a Tai user knows low sweep that is an easy gain... and... I would say, use more nature against them. Rain, to make things slippery, wind to try to get one out of balance... Or heat like coal walking.." He would try to give the other amount of tips, but he never knew if she was or wasn't going to follow them.

"In the streets... the objects you face here. Are basically taught on age... Crawl, to get away from people, squeeze yourself through walls... For example, the great wall that protects us... Don't worry, Takeshi already got that fixed... For the climbing wall, I used real walls that... For example the bakery, they didn't put enough cement between the bricks so tiny fingers could get hold and through that... you got by a window for some fresh bread..." He wasn't hiding the fact he stole that, but then again, never did the bakery file a complaint. "The stepping stones... I just something we cannot teach ourselves... Jumping hurdles... Try to dodge, jump and run while getting away from other groups in the streets... If you failed... you were a goner."

"If... I might be correct... You might be Ninjutsu or a Genjutsu user... This I think through the fact you only tried something as a small kids obstacle course. A Taijutsu user wouldn't place mercy in a course... What would you think of a horror Ninjutsu or Genjutsu course?" He would summery a thought. "Now... I know little about those two... but... One could say I have a trick up my sleeve. For a Genjustu user... fighting Genjustu itself isn't always as easy... they can spot one faster... but what if you linger one of the other so that they start to question themselves... For example, use a false surrounding at first... but then lead them to a make-shift surrounding, so once they end it... They are baffled non less, it wasn't the same as before. And as the wish to look back... Stuck. The entrance closed off... Have clones running around in a maze of the sort... It would be the best mind freckles there is... For a ninjutsu user, you might want to take a sensory away... Smell... Sound... sight... or even a sense of feeling."

Without thinking who was exactly with him, he reached for his jacket and got a smoke pack out, offered one to the other before he would take one himself and light it with a match stick. "If you really want... Someday, I could leave my own training schedule behind..? Gives you an idea what a Taijutsu user could be intentionally be doing..."

ooc said:
Shion's Speech
Shion's thoughts
Shion's demonic speaking.

Milo's speech
Milo's thoughts
Milo's demonic speaking.

pvt. soku
Well, he had certainly the plethora of ideas to offer to her Soku silently watching as he launched into his barrage of words on how this little obstacle course of hers could be improved a hundred times over. He did have a couple points and they were all good points Soku filed away for reference. If anything, Shion had only helped secure the fate of the next potential poor Academy students who would have the unforunate fate of sitting through an lesson with her should the ANBU Captain decide that an new and improved version of the obstacle course was due. After all, ideas had to be tested but from the way he was talking about it, Soku had very little doubt that his particular version had any drawbacks if any. "Gotta hand it to ya, you are a step up above your peers." She commented nodding.

Maybe that was why he had been able to get through her little course so easily. Soku liked to think that it put up somewhat of a challenge even if it was rather simplistic in nature. She bit into one of the treats that was offered before gesturing to Shion to dig in. Well, at least not all his mannerisms were gone, they had started off on a rocky foot but Soku felt they gotten along pretty well at the end. "Your ideas are most certainly something I will take into account. After all, they say teaching can go both ways." A smile threatened to escape at that idea as Soku realized she was the one learning here too, they both were reaping the benefits of this particular scenario.

A win-win situation. "Thanks." The kunoichi would say accepting the offer of the smoke. She was surprised he even had the things on standby but then again, most shinobi these days tended to have the most awkward inventions she had stumbled across so this was hardly the most shocking thing to be fussing over. "Well, I suppose I should be wrapping this up." Soku said shooting a glance at her mini course. She would have to pack all those things away or else Asuka would have her head. Well, not like she needed an excuse for that as Soku strolled on over to start the cleanup process. "Unless you have any other questions or want to help with the cleanup here, you are dismissed. I certainly look forward to seeing more of you, Shion."

Most certainly. He was an interesting kid, that much was for sure.

PC: 5/5
WC: 2221/1500
[Topic Left Unless Stopped]
"Step up huh..." It was only after she ate that he was able to eat, now that he knew it wasn't poisoned. "I am just 15... nothing big going on though..." he would sigh and really thought he may have outdone himself, for better or worse. "It's just... Many kids these days think too simple... Or I just learned the right way to think about things. Value things that other people don't... Or use brains..." He simply said and would place the stick back in the box with the wrapping. It was a nice little snack, he had to agree with that.

"Hm hmm... we should... You came and set this up... but... Just one question. How the hell do you plan to lift that rock... I mean... if we were to push it... it could possibly fall on the school... Not sure that would work... then again... The school is due for renovations..."He would mutter as he would take a puff of his smoke and lean back a little to crack his back. Making it looser. "Well..." He would listen towards her and move a bit. "Tell me what you need and where... I will just help out. Got nothing else to do at the moment. But don't think you will see this boy all that mu-- no wait, you would see me much."

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
