Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [Tutor] Fresh in!

Sai looked a bit shocked once he saw the kunai stick in the spot. He had seen many things, major things, tiny things. but this was new for him despite the age he was carrying. "Uhm..." he would reach out but Nao shook his head. He was so calm in this situation and kneeled down by the boy. "Alright... Guess this was it." He would say and look towards the kid that was already nearing the ground.

"Sai... Please use Mystical force directly once the kunai is out..." Sai nodded and would get his hands closer to the boy while Nao attempted to lay him down so they could do this swiftly. "Shun... I want you to count to three..." Yet Sai and him knew enough and would do it once he started counting already. "breathe in and out... in and out..." Nao repeated in a soft tune in the hope the boy would listen or at least attempt to listen. For the smaller cuts, Nao placed bandaids out his medical kit and healed the bigger ones.

"How about you seek me out next time and show me what you learned? Later... as we are going to call it quits today. You can pick a time and place." Nao would smile and Sai waved just behind Nao with a huge grin. With that he would grab some chocolate from his pouch and hand it over. "Just nibble if you feel dizzy... don't munch in one go..."
Shun focused on Nao's words, a bit disappointed that he got himself injured and had to cut the training short. He laid back as Nao guided, nodding his head when he was instructed to count. "One...ah-" his breath left him quickly when the kunai was removed before he was expecting it, feeling a soothing cold fill the area that was pained. He took deep breaths, focusing on Nao's voice as the teacher worked on his other smaller wounds.

His head spun for a little while from the removal of the weapon, but he cleared up fairly quick once the wounds were healed up well. He sat up slowly as to not dizzy himself again, taking the chocolate with a small nod of thanks. "I appreciate it. It was nice seeing you in action as a Med Nin...though hopefully I won't need it again after some time," Shun laughed softly.

He was ready to head home after nibbling a bit on the chocolate, standing up slowly and readjusting his bag on his shoulder. He would make sure to train hard from now on. He had a lot to improve, and he wanted to prove himself the next time he met with Nao. "I look forward to meeting with you again! I'll learn a few tricks for next time," he joked casually.

With his head straight on his shoulders again and most of the pain healed by the jutsu used on him, Shun returned the kunai he used to train and gave a polite bow to both Nao and Sai in thanks for taking time out of their day to train him. Shun made his way away from the campus, making his way home to inform his dad of all the things he learned.

OOC said:
WC: 292

Shun speech
Shun thoughts

Topic left unless stopped. Thank you for the training session!
Nao had handled it rather quickly and even Sai couldn't help but not stop grinning as he was adjusting the heavy healing jutsu and he himself just multiple smaller ones. "trust me... This wasn't even active mode at all.." he laughed a bit as a farmer with a tooth ache as he looked at shun getting up and ready to leave. "I see..." He too would start to get up and get ready to leave. "Just take care..." Nao said and Sai would get closer and gave him a set to practice with. "We will see you once you badly hurt yourself anyway... We are always in and around actively in the village and are often the first responders as we are shorter staffed... That being said..." ANd there went the attention back to Nao who got a scolding of his contract for not looking properly after himself. "Hai hai...." And with that, they both went their own way.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
