Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 11:56:51

Private [Tutor Nobu] This ain't for the weak.

He sat outside, it was cold, it had snowed heavily... and he himself was pretty sure he would get a bruise soon from the human fall flat game. 'Pretty sure that is not how you would play the game... but at least the path to the Byoin is free of snow and ice for now...' A heavy sigh was given as he was taking out his smoke, coffee mug sat in the snow beside him. With a simple set of hand signs, he would summon his Yokai around. "Jibril... I know you will soon be up to no good... But I wish to have you around the Byoin as soon as I will start to teach this kid..." Jibril who would come elegantly out of his shadow already held a smirk. "And why did you get me instead of your Kami friend?" "Frankly enough... you do not laugh when elderly people fall down..." "As bad as I can be... How much we know about humans... Human fall flat is only funny when it happens to the master."

He felt like being joked on. "YOU SAW?!" "We share a bond... remember?" "Y-yeah..." He would mutter as he couldn't exactly fight with his yokai over this. The other day he had a tutor that involved that being dissected, today this kid had to fill it with the frogs. "Not sure where they found them with this cold... But that is fine with me... At least they can learn a bit more about the human body through a frog.." He breathed out the smoke and as soon as they were done he would start to walk inside to grab the file of who he exactly would teach.

[Tutor Nobu]
[WC: 285/1500]
Nobu walked into the clan house from the evening tasks that he had been assigned, since his promotion to the rank of Chunin it seemed that his life would just be getting busy and that it did in the most interesting ways. Though his operation that he had set up continued to strive and move forward it seemed that he still had a lot to do around the place, and even running the behind the scenes of the bar, that combined with the missions that he seemed to find himself needing to complete it was becoming clear that these small moments where the ones he enjoyed most, the ones where he would be able to crash in the bed and not have to worry about the world around him and just let sleep taking him.

"Ah Nobu, your back it seems, remember that you have that teaching at the Hospital today, I am sure I told you about it a week ago but maybe you forgot, it should be starting soon but I would watch the weather it can be slippy out there so just be careful when walking."

The quick flash of annoyance came across his face as he looked back to the man that was speaking to him. He sighed slightly as he dropped his usual mission bag off at the door, the leaf headband swinging gently from his belt as he ran his hand through his hair. He had changed a lot since his first trip to the hospital for information, he wondered how much that building had changed since he had been there.

"Yeah completely forgot, I will head out there now, anything else on the list today or is it just that?"

"That is all"

With that Nobu knew his plate was clear after he got this out the way, while he understood the aspects of wanting to learn and he needed to get some basic medical understanding in he still had a lot of work ahead of him. As he slunk from the Clan house that they had taken root in he headed instantly for the hospital making sure that he took the quickest route to it to save time, after all, he just wanted to get there and start learning. There was no point in making this take any longer than it needed to even he understood and appreciated that.

As he arrived at the hospital his eyes caught sight of Nao, it seemed that she was still in charge, and was as always running the hospital. It seemed that the man was the one to give him all of the information that he was here to learn. Nobu walked up to the man as he stood there on the steps in the cold as anything as he eyed up the surrounding he knew full well that he was the one to be giving the instructions.

"Hello again, seems like it's been a long time since we have last met, how are you doing and what am I here to learn today?"

[MFT: 509]
[WC: 509/1,500]
[Post: 1/5]
As Nobu walked up Jibril would eye the man with her unique set of eyes. "Hmm... New playtoy?" Nao would just sigh heavily at those words. "Sorry about Jibril... Nobu, this is Jibril, my yokai contract, Jibril this is Nobu, the person I am teaching." He would introduce them towards each other before he would walk towards the Byoin, mentioning Nobu to follow him while Jibril would stay behind and wave. Before hovering away to look for trapped elderly around the place.

"It is a while... Heard you made a promotion, congratulations on that kid... You seem to be heading far." Nobu commented and offered Nobu something to drink, he himself got a fresh mint tea to warm up again from the cold. "It isn't that much... But today you will be taught about human functions... from a frog. They aren't that much alike, but at least it gives you a very good picture of what does what and where..." He would walk inside the little makeshift room at this point as the Byoin was started to flood with people from the nasty weather. "Need to call in more plasters tomorrow..." He would sigh towards himself as he saw the waiting room before he entered the makeshift place.

A frog would be on a tray already spread out with its limbs. "As you go through the frog, I will explain the majority of what it does by a human and where you can find them by the human.. But first..." He himself would grab the blue medical gloves and handed Nobu a set that would fit his hands too.
"Hope you are man enough for this... I had adults fainting at this..." The memory of that certain moment would leave him without a smile on his lips. "First things first... Normally you would need to place the frog in the pan and pin him... To skip a bit of time I have already done so for you... Now beware, this scaple is the same materials that we use in operation tables... However, this one isn't 100% cleaned like we usually do... please don't cut yourself with it..." He would show it and place it beside the tray. "Since you gained promotion... do you wish to learn what is a fatal wound also or..?" He would ask in case he had to make ever a live or death situation call.
Nobu declined the drink that was offered to him, it seemed that he would be spoken to by the contract first, he knew full well that he did have a few options in front of him that he would have to look into taking out. He pondered for a few minutes on the best way to reply, after all a lot had happened since he had been promoted with himself. As he looked to Nao and followed her inside of the makeshift room that had been created for them.

"Thank you, It was a hard way they're but glad I made it, honestly made it faster than expected but sometimes that is just the way things work out. How about yourself how is life treating you then? After all, seems to be getting busier around here each day that goes by."

Nobu listened about the fact that today they would be looking at frogs, he pondered what they would actually be learning about as he looked down to the tray with the frog in it, it seemed that he would be having to understand a few things about the creature right now, sensing its death already he had that twitch that thought of bringing it back to life but kept his emotions in check. Grabbing the gloves he put them on as he glanced across to Nao as the Sennin spoke.

"I am just here to learn what is taught, so whatever is easier to learn would probably be the best option forward. After all education in itself is the education of one's self, that is something I was always taught."

"Thank you for preparing this for me, I appreciate the fact that it has been prepared in such a way that will make things quicker to achieve the goal, and I understand to be careful with the scale after all that is not something I really intend to cut myself with today, but that just be me, not my idea of fun to inflict self-inflicted injuries upon myself"

Nobu stood there waiting for instructions on what he would need to do, after all, he would be having to learn the basics from start to finish, he didn't expect to have an easy lesson after all whenever medicine was involved he knew instantly that no matter what he did it wouldn't be an easy ride. Waiting patiently he wanted to see where this teaching session would go.

[WC: 917/1,500]
[Post: 2/5]
"Ehh... After something transpired last time... I have a couple of hawks at me around the byoin making sure I don't overwork myself... Namely, the cause was I didn't take off time altogether when I have wounded myself and... Doctors orders I didn't listen to was a move as little as possible..." He would scratch the bad of his head as he would slowly make a way in front of the table where Nobu would be sitting.

"So... first things first... we start with beginning the first skin incision... Begin the first skin incision by using the forceps to lift the skin midway between the rear legs of the frog. Using the scalpel, make a cut along the center, or midline, of the frog, bisecting it equally..." he would wait for the other to start doing what he had told before going further down with the other instructions. "Yup... Just like that, continue on with the skin incision, use the scissors to cut all the way up to the frog's body to the neck.. Careful that you don't snip too deep or I will get you another frog... Please pin the skin flaps... We have staples for that..." And with that, he would place down a unique staple machine. "Don't worry about the frog, natural death by the way... we didn't kill him for this tutor..." He would say soft and lean against the table. "So yeah... I had my ass handled by people working below me too..." he would try to keep it a rather casual kind of tutor with chattering in between.

As they went through the whole progress of opening up the frog, cutting the muscles, continue on the muscles, turn the scissors blade, and everything... and eventually, the frog would be laying there with the insides wide open. "So... from what you see right now.. What can you already identify right of the bat... and..." He would wheelchair a fake human and once removing the torso, all the human organs would be on display. "where do you think they are with the humans..?"
Nobu listened to the words being spoken it seemed that Nao had a bad habit of overworking himself but that was to be expected of a Sennin after all they were expected to work until they dropped. As he listened he nodded to the next words that came from the Sennin and the instructions he was to carry out, it seemed like a pretty mundane task but he would take it in his stride and make sure it was completed to the high standard that he continued to hold himself to in any situation. Following the instruction he made the quick and clean cut with the scalpel and using the provided forceps he lifted the skin away as per the instructions. Following up the bisected it equally leaving it displayed in the order that had been given to him.

"So this part is done, I presume you want me to keep going, that isn't a problem at all, I will just keep following the instructions that you are giving to make sure this is done the exact way that you wanted to follow it in"

He followed the next instructions moving the knife through the skin, he knew full well that he was expected to make sure that all of the work was done exactly as given, taking the staples and spinning the skin out of the way for a few moments. Listening it seemed that he had managed to display the entire frog with all of it on display and pinned back into place to make sure that access to it was easier, as he followed the instructions he gently put the tools down on the table knowing full well that he was right up tot eh point that the Sennin wanted to get him down to. It seemed that the conversation would go somewhere else.

"Well you probably were working to hard, I mean after all its not like you are having to do this on your own, you do have lots of other people below you to help lighten the load, you should try and delegate more. its what I do and find that it makes life a lot easier in the long run."

"Looking at the basic organs everything seems the same as a human in terms of what is required, heart etc to keep blood flowing, so my guess is on a human your looking for around the same place after all the muscles exist to protect the organs so I presume that on the human it would be here around the other side of where the stomach is located after all this would give it protection and allow for it to be safe, while not going into a position that is taken by the lungs and hearts"

It seemed that Nobu had been studying human anatomy, but for what reason he wasn't going to give up that information after all since becoming a Dark Sage he had learned a lot about the limits of a body and what he could push it to.

[WC: 1,426/1,500]
[Post: 3/5]
He listened towards the other as he was prepping up the frog for the lesson itself. "hmm hmm... That seems about right... There is just this tricky thing... People often view others as toys or use objects. Work till they are too done for... The leader of an organization is at the pinnacle of that organization and at the same time, he is its slave. A leader must be more than willing to commit any atrocity to ensure the organization's survival. I won't let them suffer for what I cannot do... The more I can do, the more it hopefully inspires them to even out. Yet there is only so much we can bear... even if it means cutting people off from the organization... to ensure we can blossom further." He would watch how he had fully prepped it and nodded, clear to go ahead with it.

"Seems like you really have changed from last time... Perhaps I did underestimate your knowledge a little..." He was rather pleased to say that as he was looking and hearing towards him. "It seems that we could almost leave the anatomy since you know the basics of that and the functions... Once you are in the field... and you do not have a medical ninja... it is often the case that the highest in rank, if you are the chuunin of the group of leading genins... that you have to make calls. Sometimes impossible to make.. Fore example if your group has gotten wounded, it is often better to know which wounds to heal and whatnot. Or which aren't possible due to damage from the inside..." He would grab a needle with a pin and stab it in the frog. "The blue bullet needle... cannot hurt the frog too much to kill it..." he would place another one, at first glance it might not have done much. "This one went straight through a vital organ..." he would say and if Nobu would move around the needle he would soon spot why. He would explain where that would be on a human and why that one wound wouldn't show much in the beginning. "While there is never enough blood... The toxics of the stomach acid will cover the other organs unless you treat this immediately, there is no saying how you would survive..." He would then point out a couple more locations and the reasons. Even pinpointing them. In his mind, learning the kid how to know which wounds were lethal, which to treat first but never the intent to kill even if ht other would think of this.
Nobu watched Nao for a bit as he was preparing the other frog it seemed that he was willing to push himself to the limits, but there was pushing yourself to the limit and pushing yourself to the point of breaking, these where the strange things in life and each one of them seemed to have a different opinion about what was required to achieve a goal in life. Nobu knew full well that he wanted to make sure that each step of the way was one that was determined by the actions that people took and not by the actions of others. Leaning back he continued to listen to the conversation.

"Basic first aid is a requirement everyone should have, I do agree on that frontline it should be down to each team leader to have an understanding of what is required in order to allow for a team to function correctly. I can see that point in case and understand where that information is required to be used."

Nobu watched towards the frog as the Sennin stabbed it, it seemed that he was going to be given a lesson on wounds as well, he looked towards the blue needle looking at the frog he nodded soaking in the works that were being spoken to him. It was clear that she was going to be teaching him as much as possible about the wounds that could be caused and how they would affect someone even on the surface if they looked like nothing.

"Its always worth taking your time to get the correct diagnosis as rushing it may lead to impacts like not spotting how serious this wound would be, after all an injury to an internal organ will lead to most people dying if untreated, the key for most people in the field is stabilised not cure, after all, we don't have the knowledge or experience to do the job properly, instead we just aim to stabilise the patient getting them to a hospital that is the simple goal."

[TWC: 1,766/1,500]
[Post: 4/5]
Nobu gave as much as possible on this tutor as he could with a simple frog and a mannequin. It seemed that this was working as the other was indeed catching up quite quickly. Taking a nip from his tea he would look towards the kid as he started to speak up. "That is true, but if someone on the field gave a wrong judgment on certain calls... then the death would be on their hands too... Hence why I am as keen as possible to teach them at least the basic if not advanced medical field treatment... yet no everyone seems to keen upon it... Wonder how they will safe themselves..." he would mutter and Jibril would soon be found in front of the glass door and slip through the shadow inside. "Master..." Jibril started to complain and Nao simply shove the tea towards her and she took it with delight.

"With all this explained... Hope you learned about the anatomy a little bit more than you knew.. along with more fatal wounds... You already knew so much about anatomy that I placed in the wounds on the geck go..." He would be honest in that matter as he himself had not planned that for this tutor but the kid was smart. "Are you left with any other questions?"

[TWC: 1685 / 1500]
[Tutor complete after your post.]
Nobu stretched his arms for a few minutes, it seemed that Nao wanted to make this as quickly as he could, that would free Nobu up for the rest of the day, even he had to admit that he was currently happy with the information he had learned and of course would have to put it to the test outside in the field. Looking towards the contract that was talking with the Sennin he knew full well that he had completed the tasks that were required for the tutor session, as he listened to the words been discussed between the two fo them.

"No I don't have any questions at all to ask, I can understand that you are busy and do appreciate you taking the time to teach me today, I am sure that we will run into each other at some point, of course, I do need to make sure that I am always around if you ever need a hand, try not to keep pushing yourself so hard. After all, if you run out of energy and burn yourself out the hospital will be in a worse situation having no head Sennin that one that is deligating all the work to others"

With that wording Nobu had given his fuel for thought to the Sennin, he knew full well that he shouldn't take any more of the Senin time up. Turning around Nobu walked away from the makeshift tent that he had been learning in today, wondering what the day would hold for him now he had managed to get that small task out of the way. As he looked towards the sky a small smile crept across his lips as he ticked another box completed. It seemed the Hospital was stretched as well as more information he could use in the future.

[TWC: 2,000+/1,500]
[Post: 5/5]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 11:56:51
