Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [Tutor] Takeshi, back to missing things.



The young doctor was wondering why this individual had signed up for a tutor... but once he thought it over a time or two, he couldn't exactly argue with it. Everyone had their own way of approach to things, especially in the medical world. Now all he had to think... As this person was a bit more advanced into things, what could he train that not many knew... It took him a rather long while to ponder over it, but in the end, he did thought he had a rather interesting subject for the other. One that he was too familiar with, but others were often not. Now all he needed to know if this person knew a thing or two regards human anatomy. He made a mental note to check that over later.

As he stood in the small classroom inside this medical bay... He had a moment of nostalgia. His hands went over the black schoolboard as his gaze went towards the benches. Now he couldn't... really suspect him to sit in there, it would be a joy sight though. He went over the bandage as he reminded himself that he had to keep preparing before he honestly would lose track of time. After all, this was his one day he could take it easy.

Once the things were set in place, a bandage, a belt, a rope, a doll, and a few prostheses. He would go over his paperwork... He was getting a bit nervous... After all, this man was the Hokage he was about to teach, and it wasn't an everyday thing he would teach someone. But it would be an important one to be taught as it could save many lives on and off the battlefield. "alright... I think... with this done I am ready." At one point the doctor was relieved, it was an adult, not a brat. Now it was waiting till the time of tutor would start and or the person walking into the place.

OOC said:
Tutor for Takeshi.
[Topic Entered with NPC Ranji]

Rules: The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have is that players post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 1/5
WC: 333
TWC: 333 / 1500
Yawning to himself the Hokage checked his watch, it had been a long time since he had manged to find himself time to visit the hospital, after all since taking on the role of Hokage his focused had been on more healing the village than killing those that threatened it.He had other people for that job and understood those that took that role would be training there lives away to achive the perfect art of killing. Though that lingered on him like a bad rash, what he had been taught by everyone the life that he had chosen to live even with his mentor. He chucked slightly to himself as he pushed away from the desk and grabbed the white lab coat that stood on the pillar next tot he Hokage robes. He knew that Man was alive that was enough for him now and he accepted that fact.

With the coat on he felt a small smile scape his lips, the black robes that hid him from the world traded for white ones, two very different meanings almost like Ying and Yang, but he did need to brush up on his skills as he allowed so much time to pass since he had actually been in the hospital let alone treated another patient. Locking the office behind him he took a casual stroll through the streets, stopping a few times to greet with people that made an effort to talk with him. He still had time and knew that conversation could always pull up some intresting facts about life in and out of the village. After all rumors did have to start with some truth behind them and information was always a good way to keep in touch with people.

Finally as he turned up to the hospital, heading through the entrance he allowed himself to wing through teh familiar corridors towards the teaching rooms. Wondering waht would be in store for him today and who he would have teaching him. As he found the room that they had agreed to for the training he let his hand slide the door open before stepping inside of it and closing the door behind him. He allowed himself to glance around the room it seemd that it would be back to basics for the Hokage. Though he relished the idea of having a quick refresh on everything after all his memory was probably lapsing. Seeing the bandages, belt, rope, doll and other things he wondered how back to basics this would be going. Turning his attention to the one giving him this refresher he smiled.

“Hello, hope I am not late, things can get quite busy from time to time”

[Topic Entered]
[Word Count: 450/1500]


Check, check, and double-checked... he did think he had everything that he needed for this class... He sat down on the desk as he didn't really like sitting down on a chair and waiting. As a little bit of time passed of the time, they would be supposed to meet the man walked in. At a certain point, he was glad this person didn't walk in with a regular robe and hat.. but a little bit more hidden away from the world it seemed. Just a regular lab coat, yet he couldn't help but watch the eyes of his. Bright and crimson red... He knew all too well what those were. "Seeming lively.." He would simply mutter under his breath as he stood up from the table.

"Hmm?" Was a humming sound formed into a question? Yet as he lay eyes on the person he would smile softly. "You aren't, don't worry about it." He would move towards him, hold his hand out as a form of greeting. "Ranji, Medical Chief, nice to meet you, Hokage." He would then back away a little back to the table. "I know your qualities, as I have often heard around the place... But no matter how good someone is, there is always room for learning and improving... I brought a subject on which often medicals forget on a battlefield or even when they need to save themselves. I heard of a few losing limbs recently... So I went ahead and prepared a lesson in that matter, along with differences for later on use." He would point towards his own foot with that matter, but truth to be told he forgot to bring most of the prototypes, he only had a few at hand here which were fine to use but not in future ideas. "At the end of the class, all you need to do is 'save' a doll..." He would slowly shrug as he moved towards the table. "Tell me when you are ready to start."

OOC said:
Rules: The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have is that players post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 1/5
WC: 334
TWC: 667 / 1500
Takeshi studied the medical chief for a few minutes, he couldn’t remember seeing her name on the rosters but a lot had happened and changed since his time inside of Leaf and even he had to admit that meeting with people was what he could consider a new experience very time as new faces and names where showing up everywhere he would go. But he put that aside to himself as he listened to her introducing herself in that small few minutes. Taking her name into his memory and storing it there so he could keep tabs on who she was and what she was doing in the village.

“Glad to meet you Ranji.”

His reply to the point as he listened to her speaking, It seemed that the task for this refresher was going to be jumping into the deep end. That didn’t bother him that much as he remembered every single bit of training he had gone through to get to where he was. This was just a simple case of making sure that he used all of those skills all of that hard work and put it into practise on a doll, well at least it would be an easier task than what he was normally faced with so he had to give some credit on that front.

Walking over to the table full of equipment he ran his fingers over each piece remembering what their purpose was and what he was expected to achieve this lesson, as he allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips as it seemed forever since he had last been in a situation like this. It was good to come back to his roots and he understood and respected that decision that was made. Glancing back up to the medical CHief he nodded slightly before speaking.

“I am ready to start”

[WC: 761/1500]
[Posts: 2 of 5]


As the other stated he was ready, he would nod towards the other and start walking towards the doll. "So as we are combat medicals, we often have to keep people from dying. Yet as I have seen lately, people seem to be losing limbs left and right, in some cases the limbs could have been saved other times couldn't. All I am going to teach you is how to clean amputate one, attach a temporary one that you can craft with basically any nature of Chakra. " He started to explain about the chakra nerves again and the blood vessels. What would be the case with some other idiot tried to attempt it? Then he would showcase how to handle if it were to happen with himself... The rope would be the worst example. It was nice to use but it was too smooth and once tying up against the doll... it would quickly loosen up once tying. "This is the reason you do not use rope... Only use this if you honestly have no other method... Do take in mind, these are methods if you have to preserve or out of Chakra." He would continue on to display other methods... even with fire chakra in order to burn. He told him not to ever use lava... as that would scorch the skin till a point it couldn't repair it's own cells anymore.
Now to make a temporary one, this can be done by yourself as you have to focus also on controlling it, you can point others to it... The easiest one to use its water. As I have found out, just not for legs. For legs, you need sturdy ones... Think of earth or Wood... For arms, you can also use wind, lightning... anything basically. Just make people beware of the fact that it isn't their limb before they would face palm..."

OOC said:
Rules: The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have is that players post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 3/5
WC: 314
TWC: 981 / 1500
Takeshi listened to the words of the teacher for a few minutes, he studied the words and considered the options that he was being given by the Medical Chief. It seemed that he would be working on replacing limbs. Or at least stopping someone from having blood loss, but no use of rope. That struck him as being something weird as he was always taught that a medical tourniquet was the best way to stop blood flow from a wound quickly. Sure that the part below would lose blood flow and become useless. But right now he would listen instead to the options that were given to him. Fire was an obvious one as it would cauterize the wound and stop the bleeding instantly, but that depended on how well the patient could deal with pain, as normally this would be done with them still awake to stop the bleeding on the spot.

“I mean looking at the nature of the wounds, I guess this also depends on if the wound is a shredding one or a straight cut, as from the two the shredding would have an issue with closing the wound as the bleeding would continue to take place on multiple fronts wouldn’t it?”

His question was a fair one as it seemed that more and more people were coming in with injuries that needed to be adapted to be healed. He could fully admit that he needed to brush up on his knowledge. And it seemed with severed limbs where there were a few options to heal them but some of them needed to be explored more after all the burning would be something to consider given his natural talent in that font.

“With the fire, is there a limited time before the burning will damage the nerve endings? Are we trying to save that nerve ending or just leave them to die at that point? With the water as well, are you using it as a pressure to keep the wound closed, or just to keep the circulation running smoothly?”

[WC: 1,104/1,500]
[Post ⅗]


A smile crept on his face, it seemed he didn't have any person around here... But one that actually thought further on ahead. "Hm hmm, that is correct." He said towards the other as he would cross his arms slowly. "If the wound is jagged it is harder to do so. But in the end, it remained the same with fire... now if you run out of chakra it is a lot harder... If a jagged wound is there... the best to clean that out is to cut it off clean then cauterize it.. as jagged wounds cannot heal properly either." With the other question, He would slowly tilt his head a bit, thinking about it before he would answer. "To tell the truth, water to pressure wouldn't handle very well... Water is a liquid state and so is your blood. Your blood things out and makes sure the wound wouldn't form a crust on its own. as it keeps in this liquid state. If you want to keep the blood from stopping... the other option is then to freeze it. However, over time the nerfs would die out due to frostbite. With too much heat, as in a third rate burning.. you would do further damage. This is why I try to leave is the second maximum, a second degree still does able... and the fact we can almost heal that fully back too. The nerfs, the human brain is amazing. Sometimes it actually re-attaches a part of the nerf... Sometimes with a bit of help through medical shinobi's such as us... as we are a lot more comprehensible then the most other non-chakra doctors around."

"I wish to see from you, multiple forms on how you think you would have stopped bleeding before the lesson... and now that you learned this thing or two..."

OOC said:
Rules: The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have is that players post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 4/5
WC: 306
TWC: 1.287 / 1500
Listening to the teacher speaking, it was still something he wasn’t used to after all normally he would be the one teaching in this situation but now he was here to learn. He allowed himself to consider the response to his earlier questions knowing full well that they each had a point for the future. Though he had his own opinions and how he would treat things the point of this session was to make sure that he came in with an open mind and was willing to understand that there were always other options. No matter the situation a medical shinobi would go into it treating them differently after all everyone was a unique individual and with that came the acceptance of differences in opinion.

“Makes sense to me and the way to look at it. I do admit that I never considered the other options. If you would like a demonstration I can do so but I would rather speak it out with you, as it's hard to find conversation on this subject like this and I am enjoying the talk.”

He would do what the teacher asked if pushed, though he prayed that they could just talk it out he still had so many questions to ask and get opinions on but he would formulate a solution to the question that he had been posed one would be with Chakra the other would be the tourniquet technique a bit more old fashioned.

“To answer your question in description. Method number one would be old fashioned with a deep cut or wound using something like rope, cloth to create a wrap above the area, tightening it using wood or anything else that can be fashioned from to cut the blood flow to the limb and suppress the bleeding. Thus stopping the person bleeding out quickly and efficiently. Crude oh very, loss of limb risk high but effective to stop the bleeding.”

“Second option with Chakra, using ice Jutsu for this one, while I appreciate your fire and water method, causing ice to form around the wound would compress the wound, stop the bleeding and making sure that they could be moved to be stabilized properly to stop the bleeding and hopefully allow the person to have there limb saved. What do you think of the two options then?”

[Post: ⅘]


He was in a moment of hesitation... Would or wouldn't he take enough with the other only doing it is a 'written' exam rather than a visual one... He pondered for a moment, but slowly he made a hand movement for that it would be fine. "Alright, you may do so." As he gave the free go, he was listening, occasionally shifting his stance as he didn't know exactly how to stand still... That was something he only just now noticed on himself.

"The first one goes without any problem, that one gets a pass... However the second one, I wish to hear a little more. This due to the stages of frostbite that often goes with. Stage 1 is called Frostnip it's red, cold feeling with numbness going around and maybe irritated. Stage 2 is superficial frostbite, the skin feels swarm, a sign of serious skin involvement is going on... Blisters appear proximately appear after 24 hours after rewarming the skin... Sometimes a bit of damage may already appear on this... but the third phase is the worst, deep frostbite... now, this is purely numb, the muscles or joints no longer work and large blisters form between 24 u[ to 48 hours after rewarming the skin. The area turns black and the hard tissue dies off along with everything inside. Where do you re-heat the wound before matters turn to worse? Where do you draw the line or perhaps try to prevent this from happening?"

He waited for an answer from the other, nodding as he took it in as knowledge from him and a thought process behind it. Slowly he started to nod once more and made up his mind. "You have passed this class... I hope you did learn a thing one or two from this, as well as positive feedback for myself as a teacher... As I do not do it often, I do wish to do this a little bit more in the near future." With that, he announced that the had made it through the class.

OOC said:
Rules: The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have is that players post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 5/5
WC: 341
TWC: 1.628 / 1500

Takeshi passed the tutor, please finish up the requirements and claim the tutor rewards.

Current Ninpocho Time:
