It was the last thing Toushin had wanted to do, but he was left without options. His constantly flailing at the spy network his daughter had set up would only get him so far, and when he needed it most the Assassin King had finally hit a wall. With the return of Chikamatsu Shin on the wrong side of things, Uzu knew he had only mere days before the planned rebellion to enact a strategy to ensure the former Kazekage didn’t interrupt their coup. He needed to get back into Chiyo’s meticulously planned spy network, or else wouldn’t be able to set up emergency fall back plans set up with Sousuke; or other plans if those failed due to Shin’s return. He, rightfully, assumed that Chiyoko had just been patiently waiting for her father to pour all of his chips onto her hard work to trap him into a situation where they had, to meet up. With a simple phone call she had halted all of his progress and work; with a simple phone call she could allow it all back.
The temptation to use an extremely public place had been incredibly tempting. To say Toushin was sweating bullets at this meeting was putting it lightly. Twenty, goddamned years he had pretended to be dead for her sake only to find she was far beyond the clutches of any of his perceived enemies; and anything that slipped past her guard had to contend with the defacto leader of the Toraono. While he had little to no love for Michino, the assassin had long since learned to respect his martial ability. Chiyo, clearly did as well. In the twenty years away not a single hair of her head had been harmed. In fact, it seemed the opposite as the Uzumoreru Princess had managed to corral the bag of cats that was the Toraono women into respecting her. Many of them had attempted to fight for her lover’s hand, believing her “out of clan hussy status” to be far below the Toraono bloodline - it took exactly one “honorable combat,” to prove otherwise.
The place selected for the meeting was an old run down bar that doubled as a safe house for her spies. It offered privacy they needed in a back room. The walls, floor, and even ceiling were all one big concrete box with a single round table in the middle made from cheap wood. Placed onto that table was a bottle of the finest tequila in all of Suna: Dripping Diamond. The light source for the room was a single, slightly swaying, lamp that hung from a hook on the ceiling. Ventilation in the back far too small for anyone to fit through was the only source of oxygen as the door itself sealed with an airlock to prevent sound escaping. The floor themselves were stained with a rustic brown in spots; indications of torture. It was clear what the room was used for, and that he had trapped himself - such was his desperation.
Toushin was a man who planned for the future. Without his daughter’s spy network he would have to rebuild and that would take money and, most importantly time, that he did not have. So he paced back and forth waiting to see if Chiyoko would even answer his summons, or if she was going to send a proxy. Or just straight up kill him by filling the room with poison. Or…just kill him with her own hands. All the cards were on the table with this meeting as he had no idea how his violence prone daughter was about to react to seeing him, now nearly the same age as her, standing in her safehouse to ask for help.
By the Kami, how the times had changed…
The temptation to use an extremely public place had been incredibly tempting. To say Toushin was sweating bullets at this meeting was putting it lightly. Twenty, goddamned years he had pretended to be dead for her sake only to find she was far beyond the clutches of any of his perceived enemies; and anything that slipped past her guard had to contend with the defacto leader of the Toraono. While he had little to no love for Michino, the assassin had long since learned to respect his martial ability. Chiyo, clearly did as well. In the twenty years away not a single hair of her head had been harmed. In fact, it seemed the opposite as the Uzumoreru Princess had managed to corral the bag of cats that was the Toraono women into respecting her. Many of them had attempted to fight for her lover’s hand, believing her “out of clan hussy status” to be far below the Toraono bloodline - it took exactly one “honorable combat,” to prove otherwise.
The place selected for the meeting was an old run down bar that doubled as a safe house for her spies. It offered privacy they needed in a back room. The walls, floor, and even ceiling were all one big concrete box with a single round table in the middle made from cheap wood. Placed onto that table was a bottle of the finest tequila in all of Suna: Dripping Diamond. The light source for the room was a single, slightly swaying, lamp that hung from a hook on the ceiling. Ventilation in the back far too small for anyone to fit through was the only source of oxygen as the door itself sealed with an airlock to prevent sound escaping. The floor themselves were stained with a rustic brown in spots; indications of torture. It was clear what the room was used for, and that he had trapped himself - such was his desperation.
Toushin was a man who planned for the future. Without his daughter’s spy network he would have to rebuild and that would take money and, most importantly time, that he did not have. So he paced back and forth waiting to see if Chiyoko would even answer his summons, or if she was going to send a proxy. Or just straight up kill him by filling the room with poison. Or…just kill him with her own hands. All the cards were on the table with this meeting as he had no idea how his violence prone daughter was about to react to seeing him, now nearly the same age as her, standing in her safehouse to ask for help.
By the Kami, how the times had changed…