Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Under the night sky (open)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

The night in the ancient forest was quiet. The stars in the sky. A passing comet flashed in and out of existence. A man laid in some high branches, looking up at the night sky.

He had brown hair, dark tan skin with a metal left arm. His right, a scar that wrapped around the whole arm, at one point, going as deep as a person being able to see bone. But that is an old scar, one that the man. His eyes were red. But they were not that of an Uchiha. But rather, different. They seem to not have any pupils, just blood that swirl around.

His name. He goes by Ziren. Chigokai Ziren. He isn't originally from this Village. Well... Yes and no in a strange sense. He was born here, but taken away for safety. Right now, he's trying to see if this Village is safe for his family, been here for almost a year, but all that time was to just be with his family, making up for time lost of him going into a two year coma some time before.

"Come on. Give me a reason to trust the people of Cloud. That it is possible for me to not worry about my children growing up in a community of hate. So they won't end up like their father, of being in the shadows, helping all those he can, taking more wounds than I can handle." He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular. Mainly to the falling star. Comet, whatever.

They say that making a wish upon a falling star can make a wish come true. This is what Ziren wishes. For his family. So that he knows that they are safe.

(Topic entered as npc Ziren)

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
A lonely gunshot could be heard through the trees, causing the leaves to move ever so slightly in this silent night due to the immense pressure from her massive rifle. After the cracking of distant thunder, an equally loud crashing sound could be heard as Nozomi threw her signature rifle down upon the ground, splitting the weapon in twain. Placing her rear upon a log, she sat with her elbows rested upon her knees, glancing down at the broken rifle. A weapon she used for nearly a decade was now of absolutely no use to her. Her aiming eye, her left eye, was now covered in an eye-patch with the emblem of the sun upon it. Her location wasn't hard to discern due to her actually giving off her own light. She was a miniature sun in her own right, giving off her own light and a bit of heat. Her new weapon, the Spear of Destiny sat next to a tree, wrapped up in cloth. The weapon, too, gave off a brilliant light. There was no way for her to hide in the dark like she used to. There was no way for her to shoot like she used to. Sacrifices had to be made in order for her to stay alive. Everything that she had known up until now resided in that broken rifle sitting upon the ground.

She turned her head to look at the radiant weapon for a moment and then back towards the broken weapon. While she appreciated the 'divine' intervention that saved her life, she is still trying to cope with the fact that she isn't exactly the same person she was several days ago. It only took her dying to become this grossly incandescent. The anger and frustration continued to brew within her before she curled up into a little ball and let out a yell. She was reborn and had to live another life. This large change was putting a lot of stress on her, the kind of stress she wasn't used to. Confusion lead to anger and she didn't know any way to cope with anger; an emotion she hasn't felt in years. All she could do was scream in the forest where she believed to be all by herself.

Out of frustration, she stood up and reached out to the Spear of Destiny, grabbed it firmly in her hand, and gestured in order to throw it. Before releasing it from her hand she stopped and thought for a moment. If she didn't accept this spear, she would be a statistic in the village. Nobody would miss her, nobody would have cared. Just another assassin that got themselves in-too-deep and got killed in the process. Her lip started to curl a bit in anger before she swung the weapon into a tree, letting out the word "FUCK!" really loud proceeded by a dull thud as she slammed the blade of the weapon into a tree. Shaking her head, she pulled the weapon out and started to walk through the forest in an attempt to cool herself down. She left her broken signature rifle behind.

She walked through the forest, being a shining and glowing beacon in the darkness, even passing under where Ziren might have been sitting.

[Topic Entered]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren heard a gunshot, and admittedly he jumped. He never heard such a sound before. Followed by someone cursing. He honed in on the blood flow in which he was a bit surprised. It sounded familiar, but he doesn't exactly know from where. He was listening if there was another blood flow in that general direction of the noise, but no.

The Chigokai closed his eyes for a little bit and calmed down a bit, knowing that nothing really happened after that sound, as far as he knows. That was when a blinding light came out from underneath him? Even with his eyes closed, he could tell that the light was coming from the blood flow he heard earlier. With a sigh, he thought back to what his wife had talked to him about meeting new people and actually talking to others.

He opened his eyes and looked down at the person walking. Ziren coughed a little bit to try and get her attention so that she won't be as surprised as if he were to just start talking. "Hey. You okay? Heard a loud noise and someone cursing."

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Nozomi wasn't in the best of moods and she didn't even notice the person who took roost in the tree above her. Her senses were being dulled slowly due to the founding of this new power of hers. She quickly grabbed the handle of the large spear and pointed it up towards the one named Ziren. Her eyes showed signs of swelling, as if she was crying for a while and her eyes were blood-shot, betraying the immaculate and heavenly appearance with the divine glow around her. "Better question is. Who are you?" she asked as she took a couple steps back and reached for her Peacemaker, instinctively at her hip with her free-hand. She had almost forgotten that she had broken most of her fire-arms due to not being able to fire them properly. Habit still caused her to reach to her side, only finding the Starbringer Sword. The blade didn't respond to him being a monster, so that much was reassuring.

"The loud noise and cursing was me," she simply responded. She was so frustrated with the fact that she was unable to wield any form of firearm; something that defined who she was for so many years. The weapons that she mastered were because of her inability to save her sisters from death. The fact that she was so bad at shooting a rifle was the reason her twin sister died and it was for that reason that she vowed to never be bad at firing any firearms. Now that she was unable to fire a weapon accurately, at all, she had troubles reconciling what to do with herself.

The spear in her hand, her body, and even her eyes glowed in the darkness of the night. It was a shame that she had dark gray eyes, otherwise her eyes would be piercing, in color, during the night time. Nozomi realized her glowing body the very same night that she became like this, which also made hunting and sniping nearly impossible for her to do. Kind of difficult to do either if you stick out like a bright beacon with a "kill me" sign strapped to your back.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The glowing power emanating from the woman seems to clash against the darkness inside Ziren, a dark sage. His skin started to steam, he felt the pain but ignored it. He stayed up in his tree, in the sitting position that he was in. The Chigokai kept his distance for the fact that he doesn't want to cause any troubles. That and it seems the woman has a lot on her own mind.

She didn't really trust him, but he doesn't mind. Only natural that she would point a weapon at him. And then she asked for his name. "Ziren. Chigokai Ziren. Yours?" He still can't shake the feeling of the blood flow that he's getting from the woman.

When she told him that it was her that made the loud noise and cursing, Ziren nodded. "What happened? If I may so ask?"

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
"Kanagawa Nozomi. Kinda lost an eye," she said as she pointed to the black eyepatch with the red-and-yellow sun design upon it; something she quickly whipped up to cover the loss of her gun-eye. "I can't shoot rifles any more because of this," she said as she looked around for a moment, making sure there wasn't anyone else around. "Mind coming down so I can speak to you like a person?" she stated in a frank manner. She disliked looking up to speak to people; reminds her of her days as a child soldier. Looking up and speaking to the adults that commanded her to kill innocent people with a rifle. Certainly, the loss of her ability to fire a rifle or any fire-arm properly should make her feel better, to not have to remember painful memories, but that was all she knew. Having a part of your identity ripped away from you in exchange for your life was a small price to pay, but it meant a lot to her.

"I don't recognize you. Where do you come from?" she asked as she lowered the Spear of Destiny down to her side, wrapping it back up before strapping it back over her back. This wasn't a weapon she should be flaunting as an idle threat to people. No. This was a weapon of destruction and ought to be treated as such. "And... Why are you out here alone at night? It's dangerous here at night with all the monsters and other things out."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Kanagawa Nozomi. Name certainly doesn't ring a bell. But that blood flow... He may have passed by her a couple times while out in town? He certainly don't remember any girls missing an eye. Suddenly, he had a flashback. Back in Kitsune Park. Him, his wife, and one other person were all knocked out by Takeshi. He wanted Ziren to cut his own arm off, to save his wife from having her own eyes ripped out. And the flashback stopped as the pain suddenly came back to his left arm.

Instinctively, he grabbed at the stump, where the metal arm is connected to. Damn this PTSD. The pain was even worst than the light that has been slightly burning him from the girl's weapon. "Sorry to hear that." She then asked if he can come down, to speak more in person.

Ziren didn't argue, for he saw no point in it, and swung his legs over and hopped down. Landing on both of his feet, he put his hands in his pockets as he straightened back up. She then started to ask where he is from, and why he was alone out here.

The Chigokai, was never really all about lying, so he told her the truth. "I come from Leaf. As for why I'm out here alone at night, it's simple. Calm and quiet. For me being a Chigokai, I always hear blood flows, so sometimes I find peace where there's not as much blood flows around me. As for monsters and other things, well. I once fought a crazed muerderer, who is all about the whole Apex predator theory, while also fighting monsters and creatures in Water. I did end up in a two year coma. But I got better. Sort of."

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Nozomi spit at the mention of Leaf. The atrocities she witnessed when the refugees came around and her little interaction with the Hokage during the Lunar Festival just left a foul taste in her mouth. The fact that they encouraged the murder of children, regardless of their innocence, isn't something Nozomi tolerated. Just thinking about that village made her stomach turn. Her hand twitched, reaching to her side for her side-arm only to come up with absolutely nothing. After hearing and seeing the crimes against humanity, making her reflect upon her horrible past, she drew out her weapon and pointed it at Ziren.

This wasn't like the previous Nozomi who would keep herself cool and collected. Being bequeathed this new power flared up her emotions to a level she had issues controlling. It was the emotion of fear that caused her to be unable to save her twin sister and it was the emotion of rage that caused her to act like this. Her hands were unsteady causing the tip of the weapon to shake. She tried to control her emotions, to keep them in check, but this was to no avail. The feelings of anger and rage that she had kept pent up for many years was starting to flow out of her causing her luminescence to kick into overdrive. Her incandescence started to increase in lumens, turning her into what appeared to be a blinding ball of light; as if she was starting to become the sun, itself. Steam started to form upon the surface of her skin as her sweat began to burn off of her.

"You're a shinobi of Leaf!" she shouted out. "You are from a village that allowed the murder of children! Such indescribable acts of cruelty should NEVER go unpunished!" she shouted out. Anger started to take a grip upon her. A part of her restrained herself from just attacking and killing Ziren for the accident of being born in the wrong village. Her drive to protect the people of Kumogakure also spun her into a fury. The new power that she obtained, just the other day, wasn't something she was still able to control well and the fact that he said he was from Leaf just caused her emotions to flare violently.

"Tell me you aren't one of those cruel bastards who allowed that to happen! Tell me!" she said, holding herself back. She was caught between pure rancor and confusion right now. Her reactions will depend on Ziren's answer. Control yourself, Kozue! This isn't you! she thought to herself as she held her divine spear with a consistently shaking hand.

WC: 438

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing her blood flow, before she drew out her weapon, Ziren could tell that she was heated. But even as his life is being threatened right now, he kept his cool. Her very own light started to burn Ziren even more. He felt the pain and ignored it. His eyes studying her, of how she seemed to be shaking. What exactly did Leaf do to her to make her like this?

And then he got his answer. He had only heard about the crimes against humanity Takeshi has made some weeks after he had woken up from his coma in Water. She then screamed at to tell her who exactly he is.

"I was once a shinobi of Leaf. After I woke from my coma, I had heard of the atrocities that had happened in my absence. Back then, I used to tolerate the current Hokage. But after hearing him pardoning child murderers, I was glad that I had moved my family here during the war on Frost before I sent out on a mission. Why have I tolerated the man, even before the crimes against humanity? He forced me to cut off my own arm, and if I didn't, he would have gouged my wife's eyes out. He had compared me to someone that was exiled, even when I did more right things than they have. But now? I despise him for what he has done. And to add insult to injury, when I sent an urgent message to Leaf, of me finding a potential threat, nobody came for me. I found that out, and him pardoning the child murderers some time after I woke up from my two year coma."

The Chigokai reached up to his left arm with his right hand. With a small tug, the metal arm came off, chakra escaping out, as that was the only thing holding the metal arm to the stump. Setting the metal arm down, he instinctively winced, remembering the pain. Of what had happened all those years ago. Ziren opened his eyes to look at the woman.

"I have killed people. But never children. That is something I will never do. Nor will I ever think that is okay. I promise, with the breaking of that promise being my death." Ziren has kept a cool head this whole time. He's been in life threatening situations more times than he can count. There was one thing to know, when shit hits the fan. Keeping a calm head can mean the difference between life and death.

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
"He's cool, Kanagawa-san," a wary voice called out from just beyond where the two stood.

Paranoia, sleeplessness, urgency. All of Rei's waking (and otherwise) moments had been consumed with the memories she'd stolen from the leader of Kumogakure's newest enemy. Since her recent release from the hospital, she'd spent much of her time in the lesser-known outer ridges of the village. The Ancient Forest was a prime spot for the type of… patrol? she was conducting - a perfect location for someone (or something) to go unnoticed, to lie in wait. One might question the wisdom in her effort, considering it was true that she wasn't yet entirely sure exactly what she was looking for, how to find it, or how to deal with it if she did. But she couldn't sit around and do nothing.

Tonight, it had been Nozomi's radiance that had drawn her. While she suspected it to be a hunter setting up camp at first, the nature of the light's movement piqued her paranoia. When she finally saw what was actually happening and heard what Ziren was saying, she wasn't sure if she could really even be all that relieved. As she drew nearer, tip-toeing in the surrounding darkness, it wasn't until she was all but on top of them that she identified the woman as Nozomi and felt comfortable intervening by calling out to them. The Jounin looked like she'd been through it, though the Genin knew nothing of what had transpired to leave the woman without an eye. Perhaps this would explain why the usually emotionless, even-tempered kunoichi had gone off the handle so quickly - or maybe she'd just put on a great face in the Raikage's audience.

Stepping into the light her superior officer gave off, the Nanjirou positioned herself between the two in the least aggressive manner she could. Attempting to calm the tension, Rei gave a light smile and put both hands slightly in the air. "Ziren is a friend… though perhaps it will mean more to say that he's also a victim, the very man Raikage Kogami-sama asked about at the end of our meeting. The metal arm should confirm that much, yea?"

Turning to look at Ziren as she waved her hand in his direction, she raised her eyebrows. "As for you my friend, keep in mind that this village is still allied with our former home. Thankfully Kanagawa-san here already knows what all went down back there, but I would advise you to keep that information close to the chest from now on. Please." While she'd kept a fairly even tone, her final word held some weight with a hint of desperation. The three refugees who had arrived several months before Ziren had gone to great lengths to keep their story to themselves, and they had no shortage of reasons. It would be a shame if they all had to find a new place to live, again, because Ziren started saying too much before the village was ready to receive what he had to say.

Turning back to Nozomi, Rei gave a soft smile again, taking note of her trembling hand and deciding that this wasn't simply the 'out of the office' version of her. "Are you alright, senpai?"

[Topic Entered]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
The feeling of anger started to subside as Ziren started to tell his tale. The glow started to grow more and more faint, causing her to lower her weapon. She sighed outwardly for a moment as her anger and rage started to settle down. A familiar voice broke through the darkness causing her to alertness to grow for a moment. The urge to throw the Spear of Destiny towards the source of the noise was high, but the fact that it was a familiar voice gave her a reason to not demolish a large portion of the forest with her new and uncontrolled power (and her new and uncontrolled emotions). Nozomi placed a hand upon her chest and took a deep breath in with an audible sigh outward. "Reicheru," she simply said before listening to her explanation of who this man was.

It seemed like their stories were corroborating with one another, which means that it must be true that the Hokage forced him to cut his own arm off after hurting his wife. "Why are people like that allowed to live? Huh?" she asked before replacing the weapon upon her back. She listened to what Reicheru said and nodded her head. The blinding glow started to fade away, leaving behind her now-normal incandescence. A bright and burning beacon in the darkness; the sun of Kumogakure. She turned her head towards Ziren, running her fingers through her hair to remove the hair from her bad eye (just out of habit). "Sorry about that. I'm having a bit of trouble controlling my new power," she said outloud before saying, in more of an inaudible mumble.

</GLOW>"And my emotions"<i></i>
She turned to look towards Reicheru and snapped her fingers. "<GLOW glow="cyan">Oh yeah! I wanted to check up on you, Reicheru. I also have something I want to show you," she said as she turned to an empty spot on the ground before a video could be seen, with light coming from her only good eye to project the scene upon the ground. Her Snapshot showed her encountering the Hokage during the Lunar Festival. Lanterns littered the sky as she saw the Hokage, speaking to him in what sounded like a sarcastic tone. She let the entire snapshot continue before closing her eyes, killing the feed. Her eyes returned to their normally grossly incandescence afterward.

"Yeah, I know it isn't much, but it seems like he's still alive. Surprised he didn't have an entourage with him especially since all of this happened just after you, Maikeru, and Daenirisu became Cloud shinobi," she stated before closing her eyes and holding out her hand. A dull white orb of light appeared floating upon her palm with scenes of that snapshot playing without sound faintly in the orb.

"Take it and show it to Maikeru and Daenirisu if you wish," she said, willing to transfer the snapshot over to Reicheru.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren heard another blood flow closing in on them, it was one that he was very familiar with. But he kept his attention on Nozomi. She lowered her weapon until the blood flow had made its presence known.

Reicheru. She then backed Ziren up about how he was talked about by the Raikage at the end of some meeting both her and Nozomi were at. That made Ziren scratch his head. So a select few people already know of him. Of at least the hell he has been put through at times. "Power and enough powerful people to back him up." Ziren said as an answer to what Nozomi asked.

Reicheru then begged Ziren to keep who he is to himself. He had realized the mistake it was to so carelessly say who he was and where he came from. His thoughts ran through his head, thinking up a false name and new place of origin. Something he has done many times when he was once just an ANBU in training, way before his time of being a Medical Chief. "Okay. From now on, call me Inutsuga Amaro. And as for the place I hail from. Since it is pretty obvious that people won't buy me living here my whole life, I come from Moon." Bringing out a small moon pendant he had bought at the store when he really was at Moon.

He turned back to Nozomi as she apologized for having trouble controlling her power. "No need to apologise. You are good." Ziren said. She then said something else, but he didn't quite catch what she had said.

But then after that, she talked about showing Reicheru something. It was a snapshot. And from the looks of it, the Lunar Festival? He doesn't really remember her there, at least not remembering her face. But the blood flow... The Chigokai watched the snapshot through it all, and he has got to admit it. She has spunk.

With a small sigh, Ziren said, "I was also there. Though I didn't get any snapshot, I was merely there observing. Hearing about the child murders and him pardoning the murderers, made me want to go to Hokage Rock, and just listen to the people around me. He was there. And just like Nozomi's snapshot, he seemed carefree. As if the very things I had heard he has done doesn't even bother him one bit. Even his blood flow was flowing normally as if he didn't have a care in the world."

Another sigh from Ziren. "I went out on a mission, while Leaf was still at war with Frost. Met the very man that had killed my parents. I fought him, along with a lot of creatures and monsters that reside on that frozen wasteland. I ended up in a two year coma. And you know the first things I did? I gathered Intel on what has happened since I was gone. It was first the child murders. And then the Lunar Festival. As if the war against Frost has never even happened. It was also, when I figured out the time I was out, that they never sent anyone to come and find me on Water. It's stupid. Their Medical Chief sent a message out to them that he is out on a very dangerous mission, and they didn't even send anyone out. That was during a war. Made me realize that all that talk of everyone is worth something to the Hokage was completely a lie. But then again, I've learned to not believe anything that comes out of that man's mouth."

He grabbed the metal arm and reattached it to his stump. "Coincidentally enough, if either of you need to find me, best places to look for me are at the hospital, where the Raikage thinks I will be the most help at, as a mednin. Or up in the mountains, near the time of sunset, reflecting on life and whatnot."

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
"Why are people like that allowed to live? Huh?" Certainly not an unexpected question; in fact, Rei had asked herself the very same on more than one occasion. Usually she could talk herself back from that ledge of anger and hatred with a simple 'who are you to choose who should live and die - that's the whole problem' mantra. In recent days, however, that type of rationale had been harder for her to sit in. It irritated the mark on her chest and was easily combated by the paranoid voices in the back of her mind. The inner conflict between her core beliefs and the foreign emotions fighting for control left her unable to answer. Nodding apathetically to Ziren's thoughts on the matter, Rei's saddened eyes turned to Nozomi and offered apathetically (or perhaps with a sense of defeat), "I don't know."

Her frustration increased with the sight of the memory Nozomi played. It was just like him, to pretend as though nothing had happened. It was how he'd always dealt with it. Pretend, pretend like everything was okay… though, perhaps for him it wasn't an act. Which, of course, only made the Konoha native angrier. "Yea… they might like to know. Thank you," Rei said quietly as she reached out to accept the snapshot. In truth, she wasn't sure what good it would do her two companions. If anything, she thought it might further spur Maikeru. Was that… was that what she wanted? Vengeance had never been her style, but the words of the King echoed in her mind and she looked at the green haired man in the memory: "Your world will burn and you will know true terror!"

Turns out Ziren had been speaking while she fought internally, finally tuning back in as he mentioned being abandoned by Leaf while out on a mission. She cocked an eyebrow in confusion at one piece of his story. It seemed logical to her that the village wouldn't have been able to spare someone to go find him if they were busy fighting a war on their home turf… but she supposed now was not the time. They'd both been hurt by that place, now was the time to build each other up. "I'm sorry to hear that Z--Amaro. I'll need to get used to that. Anyway, I'm glad you're alright at least. Konoha's loss is certainly Kumo's gain where you're concerned - your help at the hospital was much appreciated."

Turning back to Nozomi, Rei's face turned slightly red as she finally forced herself to ask, "Speaking of hospitals… if you don't mind my asking, Kanagawa-san… what happened to your eye? If I remember correctly, you had wanted to spar Danii and I as a sort of test before allowing our Chuunin exam… you gonna be able to keep up, eh?" Of course, the power that had just been displayed was answer enough to that question - she had thrown it in with a smile to try to keep the conversation light as she delved into perhaps painful territory.

[Accepting Nozomi's Screenshot.]
[OOC: Sorry for the delay, meant to have this done before I went out of town. Pls forgive.]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
She listened to Ziren speak in reference to being there at the Hokage Rock. She looked at him inquisitively, raising a brow in question about where he was. At that time, she had a very watchful eye and even at a distance (and at night time) she would have easily spotted him. She wasn't able to put two-and-two together to realize he was the masked man that gave her the note. So many people trying to impart wisdom to a bereaved woman trying to bury her past; or at the least, put it to rest. "Of course he wouldn't feel anything for that. It takes a real sociopath to be able to sleep at night for the sins he had committed," she went on. She didn't sleep well most nights due to some of the atrocities she was forced to commit. Even her job as an assassin made her lose several nights of sleep. The look of her victim's faces twisted in horror before she killed them never left her. While it was a job for the good of the village (at least it was in her mind), she was still a human being who thought about that kind of stuff. Even the most dastardly villain is still a human at the end of the day.

It was then that Ziren mentioned the war on Frost. She tilted her head, changing her demeanor from angered to completely confused. Why wouldn't Leaf had asked for aid in that time of crisis. Not that she would have went willingly to help their leadership anyway. No, if anything, she'd do what she could to liberate the lost souls stuck in that hellish landscape with a despotic leader. Why wouldn't he ask for help for his people? Was it his plan to watch his people die while he sat comfortably in his floating castle? These questions remained in her mind when Reicheru asked her about what happened to her eye. She turned her head towards Rei and covered her yellow-colored eye. A glass-eye that was just put in the place of what used to be her main weapon eye.

"Oh. I died," she said in a matter-of-fact fashion. "A creature said I could obtain the power of the sun and live on. So it took my eye and brought me back to life. And now I glow like a lamp and I can't shoot a gun every again," she said, pursing her lips. She was obviously trying to hide anger and frustration. This new-found power took away the last 13 years of her life; the life of the gun. That was all she knew until very recently. Making a contract with the devil before a Dragon Statue. If she only knew that her lifespan was short and that her soul was forfeit to that bastardized white creature. No, it wouldn't serve her well to tell Rei and Ziren that she only had 5 years to live before being taken down to hell.

"Don't worry. It won't affect my job in the slightest," she said giving a comforting smile towards Rei. There was a hint of sadness and a little bit of 'cover-up' in those words. She isn't going to press forward with those words, however.

[OOC: Just pretend my character always looked like this. Retroactively changing appearances yeah]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren noticed that Nozomi had raised her eyebrows as he had told them of his experience in the Lunar Festival, of being there when the infamous Hokage had shown up. She was there, at Hokage Rock, that's all he knows. Her blood flow being somewhat familiar means they may have unknowingly bumped into each other at one point.

The Chigokai nodded as she had called the current Hokage a sociopath. He had always thought of those he had killed. Even the two that have wronged him the most. Jirosho. The Mercenary.

He turned his attention to Reicheru as she talked of Leaf's loss and Cloud's gain, of how she was thankful that Ziren had shown up at the hospital and helped out, and then asked Nozomi about her eye.

The woman then went on to speak about what exactly happened. The explanation didn't seem that bad, but something didn't seem right. "That sounds..." His voice trailed off. Him being a Dark Sage, meant having his own soul being torn apart, piece by piece from a demonic entity. The man was always suspicious of things, especially if they seem too good of a deal. Granted, an eye for life, there is more then meets the... Eye. He just hopes the woman knows what she is doing.

She then said that her missing eye won't effect her mission, as to what Reicheru had asked about a chunin exam. Ziren had missed a lot, he didn't even know what happened after leaving in the middle of giving an exam to Reicheru. "Just because a person is slightly injured permanently, doesn't mean they can't do the job. But the way I see it. I've stepped up farther, faster than I ever been. I haven't looked for, or waited for someone to pity me since I have only one arm. Nor would I expect to be treated any different, even in sparring combat or actual combat. I was once known back in Leaf as the Leaf Chief, Combat Medic Head. So never underestimate your opponents, even if they seem to have a handicap."

He turned to Reicheru. "Good luck Reicheru. On your Chunin exam. At least you won't have to deal with cassette tapes for this next exam, since listening to riddles and clues have nothing to do with fighting. Haha." He left that as a joke, since the exam he first ever made, he wanted to be different than the usual catch a dog exam.

It felt good. To talk and whatnot. Even though it was just small joking about something that Nozomi would probably not know about. But like all good things, it must come to an end. But not on a bad note. "Well. I have to get back to my family. Yuna and Moji are quite a handful. They usually take up a lot of my time when I'm home. But I don't mind that, it's been good to finally be with my family again. And that's what matters to me "

With that, Ziren turned around, and waved a farewell, leaving the two females there in the Forest.

(Topic left as npc Ziren)

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
"Oh. I died."

Ah, yes. A perfectly normal explanation. Rei scratched the back of her tilted head with a confused grin as the older girl who'd been placed in charge of her gave a succinct explanation of the major, life-changing (uh, life-giving?) event she'd been through. How could she be so… chill? Perhaps the old Nozomi was in fact still in there. Rei considered the surface-level similarity between their situations. Though she herself hadn't actually died, she hadn't been far. Now, the price she paid for living was this… thing, this mark that she felt might drive her mad. That she had to fight internally, continually, to keep control over. She fumbled to find the words she'd want to hear in order to offer them to the older girl, but yet again she found language to be so limited and could only offer a return of the smile.

Ziren made up for her silence, offering the best encouragement he could before taking his leave. The dark-haired kunoichi chuckled at the mention of the cassette tapes before a melancholy smile settled on her face. The genin exam Ziren had proctored remained one of her treasured memories, though in the moment she'd been stressed beyond belief and ultimately failed. Yet it was one of the last time she'd been with all three boys, each one of them being classically… well, them, even in spite of the role reversal they'd been forced into. "Thanks, Ziren. Catch you later," a little wave as the medic disappeared into the woods.

Turning back to Nozomi, Rei suddenly felt an awkwardness creep over her as she was reminded that she still had no idea how to follow up on what she'd shared. So, she didn't. "Oh, while I have you here, I should let you know that I'm planning on meeting with Kagetsu Yuii-sama as soon as possible. I'm going to request a transfer to the Kaibutsu Hunters," Rei paused, wondering if Nozomi would still maintain the assignment to keep an eye on her or if that duty would transfer to her new division leader. She knew that Noz had wanted to see one of them go into Merces, so she offered, "I've given it a lot of thought, and really think it's the best move for me and the village. I'm not sure what Danii's thinking though, you may want to check in with her before Suika pulls her in," with a grin.

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Nozomi let the two speak only for her to raise her hand in parting to Ziren. He had a wife and child to return to and she wasn't going to keep them waiting. Every child needs family; a good family. She wouldn't forgive this Ziren person if he didn't raise his child to be well-adjusted and happy. Nor would she forgive him if he turned her into an orphan. Children need a family. An orphanage wasn't good enough for children in their most formative years. Sadly, Nozomi spent her more formative years killing people out of fear of being killed herself. That's a tale for another time.

She noticed the strange expression upon Reicheru's face after her explanation about her dying. She figured nobody would buy the explanation which made it all the better. She could be seen as 'joking around' with something like that, even though what she said was entirely the truth. At least nobody could call her a liar. Reicheru then started on an explanation about joining the Monster Hunters. It was fine. Even if she joined a different branch or a different sub-branch, she would still be in charge of them and take full responsibility for their action (or inaction). It was her job to keep them in-line and to be productive members of Kumo Society. Having these two go rogue would do nothing but bring dishonor to herself. Personal honor wasn't very important to her. What was more important to her was her ability to serve the village. However, being dishonored may hinder her ability to serve the village at a higher capacity; not that she had any real hopes of progression anyway. The life of a grunt was where she'd stay.

"It's fine if you wish to go to the Hunters. As long as the two of you are productive and bring honor to the village, that's all that matters. However," she said as she drew her spear and took a step back, pointing the weapon at Reicheru. "I've been meaning to do this before. I want to see if I vouched for weaklings or if I vouched for the strong. Lift your weapon, Rei," she said, holding the weapon dead-still with the tip of the weapon pointed straight at her nose. "Show me your 'Will of Fire'. I'll smother it with the 'Force of Lightning'," she said before taking an aggressive combat stance.

[Calling B-Mod]


Oct 23, 2012

Aight Chillins', it is I Sanyu here to mod yo fight, I just got a few requirements:
  • Link all your stuff in your actions, if you're using a jutsu, link it. If you're using an affinity move, link to the list. If you're using a dependent action from a CA/BL, link to the CA/BL.
  • List your passives, just make a list one time and copy pasta it into ever action cause I promise you I will forget something.
  • If you have any concerns contact me on Discord, if I don't respond immediately I'm either at work (I have discord on my phone) or I'm being lazy and don't care for that moment.
  • I'm quite the stickler for wordings and rules so make sure to double check your stuff before you send them.
  • If something is wrong in your profile, even if it was approved incorecctly, its wrong and unusable. (ie. Shinobi 101 written wrong, Wrong class becomes rookie class.)

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Nozomi's tone change just before drawing her weapon was enough to signal to the younger what was about to happen. She'd felt this energy enough times now to know when someone was going to start a fight; funny, how the air thickened all the same whether it was a simple spar or a true life-or-death battle. The mark on just below her collar bone grew warm as it reacted to the adrenaline rising in her, though she continued to fight to keep it in check. She'd seen what these powers she didn't fully understand yet had done to that bear. Beyond that, she wasn't sure how much her superior shinobi actually knew about the gate incident. No, she would continue to shut this thing and it's urgings out of her mind and body. It didn't belong there, after all.

"If you wanted to see the Will of Fire, I'm sorry to say you'll be disappointed," Rei said with a grin as she placed her hand on the hilt of the jian on her back. "That hasn't existed for a long time. Though you seem confident you'd put it out; looks like we have something in common." Taking up a stance of her own, the mark screaming all the while as she tried to put on a show for an audience of one. Looks like some of Maikeru had rubbed off on her after all. "They call me the Fire Tamer, after all." With a final smirk, the showdown would begin.

[Actions Sent]


Oct 23, 2012

HP: 36000[lb][/lb]
CP: 33000 - 6087 = 26913[lb][/lb]
AP: 10[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: [lb][/lb]
Status: [lb2]

Clone 1[lb]
HP: 1870 [lb]
CP: 1870 [lb]
AP: 2.5 [lb2]

Clone 2[lb]
HP: 1870 [lb]
CP: 1870 [lb]
AP: 2.5 [lb2]

Clone 3[lb]
HP: 1870 - 871- 871 - 1404 = -1276 [lb]
CP: 1870 [lb]
AP: 2.5 [lb2]

Anna Rose[lb]
HP: 27000 - 866- 866 - 1701 = 23567[lb][/lb]
CP: 27000 - 600 = 26400[lb][/lb]
AP: 5 - 2.5 = 2.5[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 6[lb][/lb]

HP: 30975 - 4685 - 750 = 25540[lb][/lb]
CP: 36225 - 5036 = 31189[lb][/lb]
AP: 10 - 10 = 0[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 10[lb][/lb]
Maintains: Cursed Seal, Wrath Seal[lb][/lb]
Status: Chakra Severed x2[lb2]

HP: 25200[lb][/lb]
CP: 25200[lb][/lb]
AP: 5[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 6[lb][/lb]



0.00sNozomi declares her duel against Reicheru![lb]
[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color] switches to Iajutsu & Defensive stance![lb]
[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color]'s cursed seal begins to activate![lb]
1.00s[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color] does a hidden action
2.00s[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color]' activates her wrath seal, her cursed seal also activates! All the seals!
3.25s[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color] does a hidden action
  • Miss!
[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color]: 205
3.50sNozomi summons a giant dinosaur for wtfever reason![lb]
Anna Rose's Intimidate Dread aura Activates
  • Anna: 27
  • Rei: 29
  • Rei is Unaffected.

Nozomi: 3600
5.00sNozomi makes some non elemental clones!
  • Nozomi's Stealth: 40
  • Rei's Awareness: 26
  • Rei is unaware!

Nozomi draws her Spear of Destiny
Nozomi: 562
5.50s[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color] uses Battojutsu: Kill Driver on Nozomi; Using Energy Slash & Lethality
  • Auto-Hit (10%): 79
  • Rei: 36, 27, 38, 43, 40, 26, 42, 35, 39, 33
  • Noz: 31, 35, 37, 41, 29, 28, 25, 35, 38, 32
  • Hit, Miss, 75%, Crit, Crit, Miss, Crit, 50%, 75% Crit, 75%
  • Its a clone!
  • Bleed R3
  • Bleed Chance (10%): 19
  • CLEAVE![lb2]
  • Auto-Hit (10%): 88
  • Rei: 28, 43, 40, 26, 43, 33, 42, 43, 26, 34
  • Anna Rose: 31, 31, 24, 25, 30, 32, 29, 21, 31, 29
  • Miss, Crit, Hit, Crit, 75%, Crit, 75%, Crit, Miss, Hit
  • Bleed R4
  • Bleed (5%): 68
Nozomi Clone 3: 871- 871 - 1404[lb]
Anna Rose: 866- 866 - 1701
[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color]: 781
8.00sNozomi uses Perfected Rasengan on Reicheru!
  • Noz: 47, 54, 39, 47, 41, 58
  • Rei: 46, 31, 36, 35, 46, 44
  • 50%, Hit, 50%, Hit, Miss, Crit
  • Chakra Sever (66%): 51,72,33
  • Chakra Severed x2

Nozomi's clones all strike at Reicheru!
  • Clones: 29, 37, 34
  • Rei: 48, 32, 47
  • Miss, Hit, Miss
[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color]: 4685Nozomi: 1925
8.50sAnna Rose does a hidden action
  • Crit!
[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color]: 750Anna Rose: 600
9.00s[color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color] summons LEROY![color=#FF040]Reicheru[/color]: 4025


Notes ------

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
