Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Unknown Places? [open]

Oct 31, 2017
"Uhm... excuse me mam?" A voice said behind the samurai. From the sounds the owner of the voice had made prior to speaking, Rui had already known that there was probably a nurse who had approached her, the way she was walking had given it away, it was fast but not rushed or in a hurry, fitting of someone who always had to be on the go. She was also wering small heals, or atleast shoes who had those, but that was a far more trivial topic. In a response the woman who had approached her, as a sign that she had taken notice, Rui let out a low voiced, "Hm?", without looking behind her, nor letting her crossed arms relax, keeping them infront of her chest with her sword Noroi in her left Hand. Although the sword seemed ready to be drawn, there was no il intention coming from the only daughter of the Tachibana, holding her sword had simply become a habbit she couldnt shake off and neither did she try to.

"I... was just wondering if I could help you, you have been standing here for atleast three minutes and..." The question could have seemed strange with not knowing the context, so it has to be mentione that Rui wasn't simply standing around in the hospital, she had found herself in the deepest parts of the top most floor and at the end of the final hallway, just to be now standing there and debating for herself if it would be wise to cut down the wall to be able to keep going. "Don't worry, I am fine." Rui simply answered, still staring at the wall, concluding that right now would be a really bad idea to cut anything down really. "I'm sorry, you just seemed lost." At the words of the nurse one of Ruis eyes twitched for a second, before she turned around and looked at the nurse, "Oh, don't kid around, how could I get lost while exploring the Hospital." To be honest, she actually had wanted to visit a ramen shop and even let someone give her directions since she hadn't been too long resident in Konoha, but she decided to take a 'shortcut' and somehow ended up in the hospital - not even she knew how that happened. Not saying another word she left the nurse standing there dumbfounded.

Moving down she reached what she thought was the exit, only to find that she had arrived on a ward where there seemed to be a lot of kids stationed. By now she was just one staircase away from the exit, but she had already no clue where in the hospital she was, so she proceeded to look like a lost puppy, standing in the middle of the hallway.

'Ugh! Where is she!? Tsukasa... Where are you!' thinking to himself that he couldnt be anymore daft to come to the hospital without knowing his way around. Still being completely new to it he hadnt needed to be here much and when he was here he was merely following others without the need to pay attention to his sense of direction, but he seemed to continue to jog down the halls. Muttering to himself, you see... Tsukasa and him were supposed to be getting set to leave for the Land of the Buried Bones! He'd wanted to learn about Senjutsu for a long time ever since. He woke early today packed his things on the inclination that he could bribe Tsukasa into coming right then and there. Though he knew her schedule was fierce some.

Subsequently, Sushi would not burn out as fast as he did in previous years and he was still getting over his look becoming and growing into his own. Since the Tournament he'd been working even harder to catch up to those he never got the chance to battle. Even if they lost they might fair better against him than the opponent they lost against, especially Kouza, to which he still didnt have a clue on why he lost to Yaboi, but that wasnt a thought he'd let cross his mind again. Everything after that was a blur because of his mind racing on where the location of Tsukasa.

Making his way through the halls, walking fast, his face was gassed so he was homebound, and it happened to be that it was then when he heard a voice, caught him off guard, it was nice. Cute even. Though now she was just standing their in the midst of an empty hallway, 'Maybe she's as lost as I am?...' taking a moment he would roll his shoulders back as if to prepare for something before he made his move. "Oioi, Miss are ya lost? Cause I'm tryna find my way around this place too... I'm not one for hospitals.", nodding he would stand next to her, eyeing her for a moment before lending a hand out to greet her.
"Aye, I'm Minamoto Suyashi. And you are?"
Standing in the hallway, with one foot tapping on the ground in annoyance, Rui was staring holes in the air. The truth was that after saying that she knew her way around to the nurse earlier, she now was to proud to admit she had been lost, which also contained her not wanting to ask anyone for the way, which would be way to embarassing. Noticing someone approaching her, seemingly headig straight for her, her ears perked up and without turning around yet she moved her eyes to the side. She couldn't quite figure out what kind of person had approached her this time, maybe it was a ninja this time? They all seemed to have so different yet confident ways of walking.

When she heard a young mans voice that was most likely part of the person who had approached her. She gave the boy infront of her a cool gaze, judging him from his first approach already. She wasn't sure if she could say he had manners or not, but he didn't seem like a bad boy. He was around her age if she had to take a guess, but with his build he could have been an aldult already, if not for a hint of childishness in his face. Answering on his words wasn't too easy to her, since she didn't want to admit she was lost, but she also didn't want to lie to him like this. "I... guess I am lost..." She said in a defeated sigh. "I don't actually have a reason to be here, I figured there was a shortcut through the hospital..." A faint hint of her blushing could be seen to the attentive observer. "My name is Tachibana Rui and I am quite new to this village." She looked him straight in the face this time, her blush having vanishd as fast as it had appeared and she was completely straight faced again. "You said you were lost aswell? How about you help me get out of here? I wanted to grab something to eat, if you help I'll invite you, how's that sound?" He seemed fine to her and was about her age, so why not try and make some friends? Afterall she had been alone the last few days since arriving in Konoha.
Defeat, something Sushi didnt know much of but he knew of something called pride. And for this girl to let off the sigh as she did, he knew how he'd feel if he would have to admit something he didnt want to admit. Like Defeat to someone he was sure he could defeat. Losing to Kouza at anything. He could sympathize, but she didnt look like someone who wanted to be sympathized with, so he would take this in stride, "Ah, I was looking for one of the doctors here... Actually the one that runs the entire hospital. She was supposed to take me out training a bit.", though with his observations he would miss the blushing a to be met with a straight stern visage.

"Rui, eh? I'm new myself, I'm from Kirigakure, though my family migrated over since the village froze over... Where are you from?", tilting his head and he would look around trying to get a jist of where they were. Though none of these walls looked familiar, in all honesty, as she spoke about going out to lunch and catching some food, he felt his stomach gargle at the sound and thought of food. "Oh, Sure sure. Tsukasa is probably too busy to train with me... I'm trying out this blade I made... Its not as good as the one my mother gave to me but, its got some cool knick knacks to it.", nodding he'd show her the hilt of a Redwood Casted blade that deemed to have a wood finish but there was a thin silver lining on the edge of the blade that was as sharp as a Katana.

"Maybe if you're up to is... Or if you're even a warrior of this village, which I assume you are because I can smell your chakra... Hehe. Maybe if we go to lunch, then I'll show you the stylings of Kirigakure's Best Swordsman." he said with a smirk. He could sniff out shinobi now, his training was becoming more inherited to his common senses, and it allowed him to get the drop on people. However, maybe it was her chakra? Or maybe something else that gave it away. He didnt see this girl as a slacker of any sort. And maybe he was in over his head. Who knew just yet.
A medical Ninja? Or what did they call him? Maybe he was a male nurse to be? She atleast wouldn't have guessed from his appearance and body language. Maybe there was more to it though, maybe he just had really good connections? She caught herself wondering if the woman running the hospital was strong, but she probably wouldn't be able to tell that the head of the hospital was standing infront of her, even if she was he worlds best medic. Ninja were so different from her people afterall. "So, are you learning about medicine then? Shouldn't you know your way around hospital then?" She tilted her head, now that she said it out loud, she wasn't so sure if her assumption had been correct at all.

"Oh you are not from here either? Hm, I assume my name is not a give-away outside of my birthplace, I am coming from one the most well known samurai families from the land of iron. Although I don't much appreciate my family since I... you could say I was exiled." She said the last words in a bitter tone, trying to hide a little anger that was rising up inside of her. Her mind was already on to the next thing that the boy had said. He had agreed to come with her, but what really caught her attention was the fact that he had mentioned something about a blade. Her eyes wandered downwards looking at what he was showing her. It wasn't of bad quality, but it certainly wasn't on the level of her Noroi, but few swords in the world were as good as a real Nanjirou blade, that's what she believed and had be taught and it held true so far. Rui's hand tightened around grip of her sword and she could feel how it was looking to square of against the boys blade.

"I, well I decided to become a warrior of this village, but I am probably the most unique one here, since I am a samurai and more so rely on my weapon then any jutsu." She didn't say she didn't know jutsu, but in the end what she knew wasn't really a matter to this boy, since she wouldn't just show of anything she knew for anyone. Yet again though, she found a new interest in the boy as he calimed to know of the art of the best swordsman of his country. By now she felt like pulling her sword from it's sheath to get to sparring right here and now, but she refrained from it, she couldn't get herself in trouble, especially not here. "I would like to see the technique of someone with such a nickname. Maybe I could show you some of my own abilities? She was now burning up and eager to not let any shame come to her name, but at the same time her pride gave her confidence in being able to show off if only in sword fighting.
"Gah! Nooo! I'm not one of the medicine types, Tsukasa might want me to join but thats not the way I want my legacy to be remembered, I'm not a doctor in the sense that... I heal people. However, It is my sworn goal and Honor to protect those in need. Weather it be with my blade or by my fists, I will give my life to protect my friends... family... and this village.", almost in a heroic tone Suyashi would pride himself as he spoke. It was his nindo. 'By Any means Necessary.' They said there would be scenarios where you would have to choose the one or the one hundred. Choose to Save the Village or the Kage. And to Sushi, there was always a third choice. He would always find a way to save everyone. And if he couldnt the maximization of the people that he would save would allow him more honor by giving all of himself to the cause of protection.

Coughing though as he stood valiantly for a moment he'd smirk looking back to the woman, "Ahem... Sorry. I just dont think of myself as the doctoring type... is all. But with how many times I've come here there seems to be no way of knowing if they are constantly adding to it? Or Moving things around... So I'm always turned around when I come here..."

Sighing and scratching the back of his head for a moment he'd notice the air shift, as she clutched her Katana. Was the talk of him speaking about his blade wanting her to battle him right here? Maybe one day... but not today it would seem, as she clutched the blade the air calmed for a moment allowing her to speak, "Exiled? Huh... Well two peas in a pod I guess, I was forced out of my home as well, but my mother always said that those things that force the hand of nature for or against you, happens within the reasons of fate and destiny.", nodding once again he'd look around the hall way from which he came, maybe he would be better off chancing it by retracing his steps? Maybe that would help but, even if it didnt he had some interesting company.

"Ah, That is quite interesting, do you choose not to know any other jutsu? Or is it that you cant? Because I was born unable to weave Genjutsu, so it wouldnt be too farfetched a thought... Alas, I can wield -some- ninjutsu but my ability for ranged combat is lacking... I used to be really good at it but then my eyes started to go a bit bad so I cant see all that far.", nodding again he would begin walking toward where he came from, "I'm surely willing to show you my abilities, as I'm sure you're a host to a great deal of Kenjutsu. Its like your sword is attached to you, you and it are one... but thats just the gist of what my senses tell me about you... I feel there is a great deal more than you are leading me to believe... Hehe.", nodding once again he'd continue walking.

"So tell me more about where you're from?... Life before exile..?"
Her gaze stayed at the boys face for a little while as he said he wanted to be someone who protects. "I don't think there is anything wrong with being remembered as a medic, they are the unsung heroes of the battlefield and even for every little thing we bother them for. Don't get me wrong though, I personally thin kthere is more honor in preventing harm itself, that would already make a lot of lifes easier. I hope you can accomplish that goal of yours, aslong as you are fighting, you got my support, just don't go do anything sstupid for heroism." She couldn't read minds, so she wasn't gonna know that he wanted to protct everyone or she would have told him that that was wish thinking, that was an ideal, but there were situation were you could only protect one of you parents and it was those moments that one had to choose. Rui was different from the boy, from having to survive alone in the world the last few years she had gathered quite a bit of wisdom, even if it was arguable that she had as many flaws to her.

People always tell me I have the direction sense of a dead fish on land, but I wanna say that is wrong, I mean everybody takes the wrong path every once in a while." She said that, but it took her a few years to Konoha, a journey that should have taken a few weeks or less, but she wasn't ever gonna tell anyone about it, right now she was just trying to lighten up the mood a bit anyways.

Fate and destiny? She didn't really believe in those things, she wanted to forge her own path and her being exiled was due t her being a stupid child back then. Now she could pick her decisions more thought through and she could live with the consequences way better as long as she believed in what she did. "Fate, hm? I guess if that was the reason, then I can call myself lucky for fate to have had those plans for me, I would have never enjoyed life being sold of to marriage..." She cut off. This wasn't a topic she really felt comfortabe talking about with strangers, she only got caught up in their conversation.

"It is similiar for me, I am adapt at taijutsu and kenjutsu, as a samurai that is in my blood, but my mother was also a kunoichi, so I seem to have some talent for ninjutsu atleast. As for genjutsu... well I think relying on illusions is for cowards and far from honorable, so I will keep myself away from those." SHe followed his steps but stood still for a moment longer before she decided to catch up to him. Getting out of here was on second priority right now as she far more was into talking to Suyashi, finally someone who didn't seem like a kill-you-from-the-shadows kind of ninja, she despised those, to her a duel had to be fair and honorable - a weakness to be honest, but it showed her upbringing, even through the uncontrolled rage she felt from time to time, she was an honorable person or so she thought. The boys senses though were something else she couldn't understand, the seemed like those of an animal who could smell danger, except he as a human could explain it. It is the sword." She said carefully. "I can feel when it wants me to hurt or kill others. Luckily the owner is different. My Kenjutsu though, has to keep growing, I have a lot to learn, no, I don't know if I will ever be done learning, every experience should be worth something."

She could talk to him, he made her feel atleast a little more comfortable then the judging stares of the Konoha Ninja who seemed to dislike Samurai for some reason, but she wasn't enitrely comfortable with telling him about her past in detail yet. "I... come from the land Iron, from a clan of samurai called Tachibana, branch family of the Nanjirou. We lived in the forest outside of the regular villages... I am not entirely comfortable talkng about this, so let's say I was supposed to be wed off to a family I have never met, a politicing inbetween families goes... My interest in sword fighting eventually got me in trouble and so I had to run away." She had a kind of weak and tired smile on her face as she said those words, her usual energy seemingly lost.
Nodding as he would take into ccount that everyone had a differing point of opinion about nurses, and even Tsukasa was strong in her own right being that she knew just so many different jutsu, and used them in so many different ways. "Ah, there is no better way. I will give my life for my ideals like my father... But Alas, I'm not going out on any mission with the assumption of dying. Thats the last thing on my mind. You've got my word on that.", nodding again he'd turn to the hallway, thinking more along the lines of knowing the life that would come with the essential pleasantries that they held dear. His mother had always talked about times of peace, and the world that they now lived in was dangerous but more peaceful than it'd ever been.

"It takes a wrong path and a bad decision to know whats right... or at least thats what I've heard. I think we're in the same boat... A wrong turn has led us into our meeting. Who is to say what will happen from here? Maybe we become best friends? Bitter rivals? It would have never happened if we never met each other... Right? Heh.", wise beyond his years outside of battle but within the boy was a lunatic. Taking outlandish risks that usually came out with well rounded results... but one day he'd run into that wall. Something he woud not want to get into, nor would he want to happen but it would eventually happen. He would run into a problem that he couldnt solve by brute force of will or chakra alone.

"Sold into Marriage? That sucks. No one should be forced to do something like that against their will... but I meant that we make the choices that fate leads us to make. I see it as every decision is a fork in the road. Your decision triggers fate's path for you. So you're making the decisions and fate determines the curves in the road.", nodding though he was simply speaking the things that e felt and he'd talked to Kouza, and his mother about. Ideas that gathered into one vessel within his being. He was a sponge for these ideas that he took to the next conversation, ultimately crafting him as a man, and as a human being. Though she would continue on about prowess of Genjutsu and such causing him to smirk, "I couldnt agree more. Genjutsu is a unholy attack... but I'd rather it be on my side than used against me. I know people in this village are strong with Genjutsu... They like us, are only good with their ability to manipulate that chakra but have zero hand to hand combat skills. So I just say its an even trade off..." nodding again.

'Her sword wants her to hurt people? Interesting... is it living?', questions questions questions, but he would never have the answers if he never asked. Though he would continue listening to her. This was, something that he liked about Rui, or at least he was growing fond of. She was open and seemingly honest about her disposition, as was Suyashi. "Oh wow... I didnt think it would hinder you, but why would they want you to wed off to someone you'd never met? Thats your choice... What about love and all that?", shaking his head he'd look around squinting his eyes as he would not be able to see all that well but his nose picked up on something.

"I can smell food... Maybe its this way?", he'd swviel his face and nose down a hallway with a few doctors and nurses travelling about. Who knew though, maybe this was to the cafeteria? But he for sure could smell food.
Manzo walked through the halls listening to his stomach growl at him. Sure it he could keep letting it talk to him but that was not something he partially wanted to do. He had to fast before his blood work so he was partially hungry. This was part of the price he had to pay for coming home after being gone for so long. Now that all of his medical nonsense was done he was ready to stop by the cafeteria and get some food.

The problem was this new hospital had been built while he was gone and he had no idea where he was supposed to go. He was starting to get convinced that this building was built in a way to discourage people from eating. The quicker to get people at of the hospital that way.

As he turned the corner he saw a couple walked ahead of him. They were far enough ahead of him that he could not hear their conversation, expect for the passing word. The one that peaked his interest was the one that made his stomach growl again. Food.

Jogging to catch up to them, perhaps they would know how to navigate this labyrinth. As he got closer he realized that he did not recognize them. Not surprising but still a disappointment. It seemed that every where he went there was new faces.

”Excuse me, any chance you know where the cafeteria is?“ He asked the couple, standing before them with no markings making him to be a shinobi but a long sleeve on his left side, covering his left arm ending with a glove on his hand and his right being short sleeve. He was short in stature but his middle seemed to want to try and compete with his height but he seemed to have a smile on his face as he asked his question.

[Topic Entered]

Current Ninpocho Time:
