Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Unlocking Secrets [SMM]

Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The training halls has been emptied out, the people had been sent home for the night, but one man stayed behind. One man was there to teach a student under the request of the ANBU Sennin. He should have been finished by now and should have been able to go home and relax. But this was a request made by a Sennin and it was something that would not be ignored so easily. The message had come to him personally and right now he needed to make sure that he followed the orders that he had been given, it was clear that the reason was probably a good one and he needed to make sure that he had all the tools at his disposal.

“I guess the Sennin has a request, seems this kid came to his attention and has yet to unlock a bloodline, that is fine. We can work on that today and make sure that we have the night to focus on getting this task done. I am sure the Sennin was joking when he said that I was not to leave here until he walked out understand what his bloodline was. Or even what powers he was able to use, we shall see what happens”

The teacher sighed to himself in that few seconds knowing full well that he still had to prepare the room, as he pushed clear the objects that were around the room leaving a wide sparring matt into the middle of the room in a few seconds. He glanced around this was normally the training that most students would be required to do when entering. They would see if their potential was truly worth them enrolling in the training program. This one has seemed to slip through the nets during his training but that would be sorted today.

The blinds were drawn, and dim lights lit the room up for those that were around to see. Though how much light was needed could of course be adjusted in all due course. It was key to make sure that people knew about all the bloodlines and the teachers where no different for that. They had the abilities to push the limits of students to bring out either the best or in some cases the worse of them. Though how much could be done today would be up to the open-minded thinking of the man that would be attending.

With the preparation completed the teacher stood silently in the middle of the room, he waited to see who would enter. Very little information had been given about why he was there or who would be coming. But still the test would be waiting, and the skills drawn out and if needed by force. It would be something that would test most people. IT seemed that now it was just a case of waiting for the night to slowly pass by and waiting for the member of the village to turn up. The teacher stood silent like a sentinel in the room he was familiar with.

[TWC: 512/3,000]
It was the next day. And Ziren got a message from Takeshi about needing him. Probably to teach him, or carrying out a mission of some kind. He took a look at the paper that told him what classroom he needs to go to.
His words echoed in his mind. What I have, I not a curse, Ziren thought to himself. He finally came upon the door in which leads into the classroom. He entered and noticed only one other person standing in the center. There were other stuff lying about, equipment and such. The man was also standing on a sparring mat.

"So is this where we are meeting Takeshi? And what's up with all of this stuff?" Ziren has a feeling what it's for. And he has got to say, he is still sore from just getting back into training from the other day. But he didn't want to show any weakness in front of the person.

If Ziren is right about what they are about to do, he needs to focus and calm down. If he doesn't, then nothing might even happen in regards to finding out his bloodline.

"Wait, I think I might know what's up. Does it involve super intense training?" He tried to joke a little bit, to ease the tension.
But he can't lie to himself. He was mixed in emotions. With excited, nervous, curiosity, and dread.
Only a small part of him dreaded finding out. And that is because once he finds out who he is, then he might understand why he was hunted down for so many years before he made it to the Leaf.
But he pushed the thought out of his mind and smiled again. He closed the door behind him and watched the other guy, waiting for a reply.
Word count: 301
The tutor would watch as the student entered the class room as he looked towards Ziren for a few seconds it was clear that this was the boy that Takeshi had sent to him. The tutor judged him for a few seconds as he pondered about what the boy would be unlocking today he always tried to judge in a few seconds but knew full well that he needed to see if the boy would be able to do anything now. Rather than just throwing himself into the deep end he knew full well that he had to get this task started or he would find himself being punished for not unlock the kids true power.

“Takeshi will not be attending, I will be your tutor for this. By the end of today we will have unlocked your abilities and will be progressing you to understand the full potential of the bloodline that runs within you. So, let us see where to start. Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Weapons….”

The tutor though about what or how he was going to start the training at that exact moment in time. The tutor walked over to the weapons locker, he would have to see if the bloodline was activated by using a weapon. It was safe to say that today he would be working hard on the unlocking of these key features. Unsure whether it would be throwing blade work or threw jutsu use, he would have his answer by the end of the night and so would Ziren on what calling he had to himself.

The tutor threw a sword to the student though before he would even be able to catch it the tutor was already slashing out, though he knew full well that the blade would only scratch the surface of the man’s clothes ripped form the precision of the tutor as wounds opened on both his side and his leg, simple cuts from the sword as the precision of the teacher became clear with each strike of his blade. By the end of the assault it seemed that the tutor had managed to get through the guard of the student before he even managed to react. It was clear that he had been practising the sword for longer than Ziren had been around for as he retracted the weapon taking a few steps back and bringing a guard back up.

His eyes scanned the man that was in front of him for that moment in time as he tried to gauge how much damage had been done, the boy would be in pain as blood ran free from multiple cuts from his blade as he looked towards him for a few seconds.

“Looks like you were not prepared for the attack, it looks like you struggle with weapons by the wounds that you have in front of you. Though that at least rules swords out, shall we continue to test you or do you want to call it a quick now and run away?”

[TWC: 1,017/2,000]
Ziren had absolutely no idea what was happening. One minute the teacher was talking to him, the next he was attacking him before the sword he threw towards Ziren was even caught in his hands.

"What!? Hey! Dude what are you doing! Are you trying to kill me!?" Ziren was slightly annoyed by what was going on. The guy was obviously using his superior knowledge in combat to best the living sense out of Ziren. It was no good trying to be calm. His teacher will obviously won't let him even think for a millisecond.
But then thinking back on it. The rogue ninja that he escaped years ago didn't just sit there and wait for him to do anything. His scar on his arm is a constant reminder of that.
Ziren forced a smile. "Who said anything about running away? I will not give up no matter what you throw at me. Even if both of us have to stay here for the whole night I'm not giving up."
Ziren the promptly charged at his teacher with his sword. With no surprise the teacher blocked all of his attacks. That is, until Ziren seen the smallest of openings. He lunged and managed to make a small cut in his teacher's clothing.
Ziren wanted to congratulate himself for such a small feat, but he knew better than to do such things.
"Hope that wasn't your favorite shirt. I'm sorry if it is. Mainly because you have a bad taste in style." Okay maybe a little bit of taunting was allowed. But he's sure that he may have pissed his teacher off.
Ziren readied himself for the next attack. He then felt something in his eyes, but didn't dare rub them, in case the teacher decides that time to strike.
Unknowing to Ziren, the white around his eyes turned blood red. Not like when the Uchiha use their sharingan, but it looked like the blood vessels in the eyes have popped leaving an eerie look in his eyes, especially since he has yellow eyes.
Ziren could suddenly feel a strange sensation. For some reason he wanted to see blood. In fact, the very blood that he is bleeding out is exciting him further. He let go of the sword and entered into his own kind of fighting stance.
He had one hand down low, ready to guard from low attacks. And the other hand close to his chest, ready to block away the attacks that are going to the upper half of his body.

"You are really underestimating me. You should know that I'm not just some weakling if Takeshi has ordered you to help me unlock my bloodline. Now are we ready to go on to the next session or are you going to run on home to get a different shirt just because the one you have now has a small itty bitty cut on it." Before, the cuts that are all over Ziren's body kind of scared him. The fact that the pain alone was hurting him. But now he was enjoying himself. The sight of his own blood facinated him.
A small part of his mind was on red alert. He couldn't remember where but he did remember reading about a specific clan that was closely embraced with blood as the actual power.
But that thought was quickly washed away as he could smell his own blood. It smelled sweet. He then remembered that he wasn't alone. There was the teacher before him. Ziren waited for his move.

Word count: 892
It seemed that the tutor had taken a small scratch from him, the kid was improving quickly in combat. It was impressive that he had learned this quick and that he was able to adjust as the teacher backed out slightly he knew full well that this would be harder, the guy in front of him seemed to be having a lot more coming out and shinning now he was under the pressure of combat. As the Tutor once more spun the sword in his fingers allowing it to whoosh threw the air as it sliced the air as he focused his eyes on the man that stood in front of him.

“Not too bad at all, but now let’s if I really can push those limits of yours, beside I am only just getting warmed up. It seems you are changing slightly but still have a lot of work set out in front of you to progress with today’s goal. I will make sure that by the end of this you understand why I am the tutor. Of course, the pain will cause you problems, but right now that’s not my concern I have my orders and I will make sure I carry them out to you.”

Instantly the tutor was on the move in a split second, its seemed that he would be pushing Ziren to the limits, as his blade begun to swing out once more, it was clear that the boy was improving and quickly it would seem. Each slash was block and less and less of the attacks that he was using where finding their way through the defence more cuts begun to appear on Ziren skin as the blade continued to gouge flesh free from his body for each attack that he forgot to block, or blocked wrong. It was clear that he still had work to do but he could still improve, and it was coming clear.

During each slash and each damaging cut that was carried out it seemed that the tutor was noticing a chance in the boy, his eyes where becoming red thick as he allowed a small smirk coming to his lips in that split second. As he watched the eyes change and it was clear that he was still managing to activate his bloodline slowly. It was clear that each second that went by with blade flashing was a second closer to achieving the goal set out in front of them.

“It seems that you are learning, this is good, but you are not quite there yet. You still need to improve yourself, let’s see if we cannot push that any further. I will have you suffering by the end of this tutor session”

It seems that the Tutor was going to be pushing the boy to excel, his blade continued to come down hard and fast as it smashed into him. He allowed himself to continue to bring the blade in with hard and fast strikes not letting Ziren have a moment to pause or to even collect his thoughts, it was faster than he was before but the boy was adapting in the trial of combat that much was clear.

[TWC: 1,551/2,000]
Perhaps Ziren shouldn't have been as cocky as before. But as the battle ensued, he was getting more and more confident. He was even enjoying the pain. Enjoying the cuts and blood that he is bleeding. He was becoming more in tuned with fighting the teacher. And to a point he was almost getting predictable. Hard fast hits coming from everywhere as humanly possible.

Ziren then starting to dish out his own flurry of sword swings, as he had to pick the sword up again. He then sliced upwards, making the second cut on his teacher. He hesitated for a brief second to see if the guy was okay. Which he obviously was for he even pushed Ziren even harder than before. That's when Ziren seen the blood seeping through the teachers shirt. Maybe I should stop this before it gets out of hand, Ziren thought to himself.

That's when he heard it. It sounded like rushing waters. And the source of the sound? Was none other than the teacher himself. Ziren kept swinging his sword faster and faster, and as a result, the sound of rushing water intensifies as the teacher kept blocking. But wait, Ziren thought. That's not water... That's blood. He seen a red little droplet fall from the teachers wound and could hear as it fell through the air and hit the ground.

Again, Ziren had that small thought enter his mind, something about blood and power that made him falter. He turned away from the teacher trying to figure out what this means. Just then, he heard the sound of blood again. This time, it was going straight towards him. He turned around as fast as he could, bringing up his sword, using the flat of the blade to knock the sword out of his teacher's hands.

"Remember when you said that the pain will cause me problems? It's weird but it feels as if you only energized me. Because for right now, I don't see why anyone else could have trained me." Ziren then looked down at himself, there were cuts all over his body, blood everywhere, most of which is his. "Oh, that's why. I didn't even realize that."

He then looked at the teacher. He could hear the blood flow slow down considerably. Not to the point of death or shock, more like for the fact that he is calming himself down. The teacher dropped his sword by his side and looked at Ziren.
Ziren did the same. He has to remind himself to get himself a sword, he was surprised by how well he learned to wield it and want to have one for himself. Sword session is done, he guess.

"That all you got? I'm not even suffering. You told me that you were gonna make me suffer. How else are you going to do it? You are actually starting to make me think that you're not all talk like you say you are."

Ziren was satisfied with himself. He was getting more and more relaxed. He waited for the teachers response. No doubt he must be surprised that a Genin like himself was able to do such things in the mere matter of minutes. Has it only been a few minutes? Ziren took a look on the clock, it has actually been three almost four hours. And to his surprise, he felt perfectly fine. Energized even. Like nothing is going to slow him down at all.

Word count: 1469
It seemed that the boy was unlocking his talents right now, he was improving in front of them and it was clear that he was progressing himself further than he had ever done before. Though for a student to be unlocking his bloodline was nothing unusual at this point in their career. It was only naturally that they had to push themselves to unlock the abilities that they had. Nothing would be proven just by talking about it and discussing the options that they had. No this was something that everyone had to go threw themselves. Different abilities unlocked different traits in a user form the start.

“Your doing well for a kid, that much can be said, though there is still a lot more that you have to learn. We will push you to the very limits of your abilities, it seems that you are close to realizing your full potential though for how much longer it will take for you to understand I am unsure”

The Tutor allowed his blade to flash out in a split second, he was clearly still wanting to push the boy that had been sent to him by the ANBU Sennin. Though the training had been extreme and would probably be frowned upon by others it was clear that this work that needed to be done had been accomplished. The boy had become to show that he did in fact have some potential, this was key in his future training and the Tutor made a note to explain this to the ANBU Sennin later.

It seemed that the tutor had managed to push the boy to unlock the beginning of his skills. He knew full well that there was a bit more power inside of the young student that had been sent his way. Though it was clear that effort had been put in by Ziren at the exit point in time. The tutor couldn’t help but think about how much more work had to be done for him to truly understand the powers that he could. The tutor allowed his blade to come out and start slashing his blade forward, making sure that each cut and slash drew blood form the student. It was hit turn to learn about the true potential that was inside of him, and he still had a fair bit of work to ahead of him. In that second the tutor threw the blade on the weapon rack that stockpiled the academy’s gear.

“We are done here, I will tell Takeshi that you have started to learn the abilities and report on what took place today. I would suggest you keep practicing and learn what is lingering inside of you. With that we are done here, I suggest you find your place inside of this village and find it quickly. You know that now you have this strength I don’t expect to see you misusing.”

The Tutor spoke his last works before he walked out of the door to leave the boy to his own thoughts and his own decisions to make.

[Topic Left]
[Please hit your 2,000 words but this mission is completed]
[Rewards Requested]
Ziren was surprised by how fast the teacher brought his sword back up and started swinging again. The only thing that saved him was that the teacher obviously had the no kill policy. And Ziren hearing the teacher's blood flow faster.

They kept going for what felt like another half hour until the teacher finally called it quits for the night. And by the way he was talking it sounded like Ziren has finally achieved his bloodline. The teacher then promptly left without letting Ziren say anything else.
He then rubbed his eyes, trying to get the itch out of his eyes. He then cleaned the sword and looked at the reflection. He seen a little bit of red, before it disappeared back to white of the eyes. He didn't see any tomoe that of which the Uchiha has. Which brings Ziren to the only other clan that he knows of that has red eyes, under the strain of fighting.
He looked down at himself. His shirt is in shreds along with his skin. Though he was surprised to see that all the blood has dried up. Even the most recent cuts are dried up.

"What the fuck is this?" Ziren asked himself. He looked at the clock. It was almost midnight. Better head home and take a shower, he thought to himself.
After he was done with cleaning himself up, he noticed that when the water washed away all of the dried blood, the cuts were still there, but no blood came out. This confused Ziren even more.
"Okay. First thing I do tomorrow is go straight to the library to find out who I am. Just read through the diagnostics of each clan and match them with what I've been showing, and doing." He had a plan set out. And he was going to follow it through.
That night, he slept with on going nightmares full of blood and gore. When he finally woke up, he went straight to the mirror to look at his eyes. They were normal for the fact that they were yellow. But otherwise, he didn't see the blood red color surrounding the iris like before.
He then ran towards the library with purpose. Once he was there, he then looked up for the book about bloodlines. He finally found it, on the very top shelf of the very old book section. He flipped the endless pages, reading through all of the clans, not one of them matching his characteristics until he finally found it. The Chigokai clan. Known for their sinister abilities with blood, most people think of them as evil. Ziren sat there, reading that one small sentence, over and over again.

"Bull shit... I can't be that, can I?" He closed the book and checked it out at the check out line. Deep down, he thinks he knew it all along, when he first heard of that clan and it being almost the center piece of him researching about cursed bloodlines.
And now he knows why he is such a big target. It's because of his clan. The powers they possess. Ziren tried to look at it from a positive perspective. But he couldn't really find one. What if all of his family members have killed countless innocent people? And those who are left alive want to cry out for revenge and blood.

But no, he wasn't going to be like his family members. He will find a way to be better than that. To use his newfound powers for good.

Word count:2059

Current Ninpocho Time:
