Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Unusual family dinner [Private]


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
Ayame walked towards the home of Satou and his lover. The girl was accompanied by a beautiful blonde woman in her early 20s.


- I can't wait to meet your fathers, Ayame. You sure are one unusual family.
Ayame smiled softly at the woman. In one hand she was holding a bottle in red ribbon of Suna's finest wine. Stolen, of course
- I'm kinda worried, tho... - said the woman.
- Why, honey?
- Well, you got a present for one of your fathers, but what about the other?
A wicked smile appeared on the girl's face.
- His present is here, darling.
The woman could not understand what Ayame meant. Ayame met this woman 2 weeks ago and thought she'd be the best present for Satou. The woman looked so delicious, so the girl flirt with her and caught her in her web. She never drank for her, she was saving her for this meeting. Ayame didn't feel a thing towards her, it was all just a game she enjoyed so much.

Since the first meeting the girl had with Satou she was abandoned by her father. This was a pain she could not learn to live with. She loved him as he was her real father, he gave her home and meaning to exist, but he took everything away in just one night. She lived in an inn outside of the village, she met dangerous people and forged alliances with them.
But the sorrow she felt could not leave her be. She missed Nataku so bad. And then.... he took charge.
He helped her. She drank blood and felt happiness and peace. The memory of Nataku wasn't painful anymore. Nothing was painful. The deal they had helped her a lot. She fed him blood and the girl didn't had nightmares anymore, hallucinations were long gone and the bad feeling never occurred. Just one drinking that helped her go through the week.
But the girl was hungry. She drank always when she had an opportunity. She liked the iron taste of the blood and the high she got from it. A feeling she wanted to have forever. Ayame was hungry little she-devil and the demon enjoyed that a lot. At first they argued a lot, but when she started to listen to him... everything became better. The demon knew what he was doing - stripping her off of her human emotions. Everything was a game for her and she loved her new life. She was grateful to her creator. He gave her a new life that she enjoyed so much. Ayame was reborn. That's why she was asking herself why? Why does he drink rat's blood? Why was he running away from the beautiful life that this... thing provided?
"I'm really against this. Go back and let's have fun with this girl." said the demon.
"Come oooon. He won't make me against you, you know I adore you." answered the girl.

Ayame never met his lover. She had some dreams about him, but only this. Ayame hoped he'd play this family game, so the woman won't question this whole story she made up - she being adopted by them.
The girl knocked on the door. She'd hand the bottle at Satou's lover and hoped he'd see the little greeting card, on which was written "Please, play with me" and would say:
- Hello, father!

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Clan NPC ~ Miroku Kaza

It wasn't often Kaza found himself answering doors at the Toraono Dojo, but he had needed to send a message to someone. Satou had yet to rise they had been making the most of being in Sunagakure. The Emissary found himself moments away from opening the door when he heard a knock on the other side. Kaza paused briefly, he had unkempt bed hair. Had borrowed one of his lovers suits as his own had been torn or misplaced. Hanging out of his lips was an unlit smoke, being out of his quarters he'd chosen to wait until being outside before lighting it up. Hand inches from the door suspended in the air as he deliberated. 'What if its an official whose just arrived?'ll be okay, I'm sure it's a traveler.' he would think slightly less concerned about who may be on the other side of the door.

Opening the door he gave a sigh of relief, there was a young shinobi & a woman. 'Certainly they would not be visiting dignitaries...' he thought until she handed him a small card. What on earth could it be, the young Agent had no idea as he opened it. There was a simple message upon the card 'Please play with me.' he briefly wondered if there was some Toraono child care program going on. Until she said "Hello, father." he wondered if this other woman had been roped into the game as well. Those forest green eyes held their brief look of being perplexed before saying "Where have you been? I was just about to come looking for you." he would say sternly to his 'daughter' those forest green eyes moving to the woman beside her.

They gave her an appraising look then moved back to the young kunoichi "Where are your manners? Who's your friend?" he would say his eyes gaining a warm look to them. That warm friendly innocent smile played upon his face as he asked himself along he would have to do this for. Little did he know that the girl before him was now tied to Satou in a way that would be understood by few & feared by many. Behind that mask of warmth & parental protectiveness, the calculated spy had no idea the 'game' the girl had in mind for him & his lover. More importantly how would he react when he found out what his lover had done?

Sorry on the wait busy couple days & Merry Christmas! (Happy holidays!) ^-^
Oct 22, 2012
(*Rolls along in with broken leg and sore eyes from binge playing Skyrim(PS4) for christmas* happy holidays indeed)

The sound of his beating heart left his side. Not his words, or his touch roused him from the dreams he had. Deep within his mind, laying in fields of flowers, Buried in a sea of colors and smells. It was only when Kaza left the bed, to venture out of the room, that Satou felt an empty lonesome feeling in his dream. There was no sound of Kaza's soft heartbeat next to his ear. His eyes opened slowly, the room was filtered through shades of light coming from the window nearby the bed. It was daylight out, his eyes took a few blinks to adjust to sudden light.

Mouth opened and immediately regretting the nasty dryness. Much like one had to reach for water to parch their throats in the morning. Satou's hand reached for a metal flask by the bedside he kept filled regularly with an assortment of animals blood. Course he could have venture out for his lover's warm embrace and feed upon Kaza. Though Satou felt Kaza had enough to deal with lately, he wouldn't dare risk weakening his love when his job required so much energy. As well as drinking the blood of humans made the urge that much more stronger each time. It was why he only fed from Kaza in dire need. If too much, Satou would just find himself addicted to drinking human blood and it would take several bodies to sate the bloodlust then.

His hands were searching for the cool metal tin, but found nothing. Satou cussed out loud as his sleepy walking about the room looking through some cloths for the flask. It was in the cloths Kaza was wearing the moment his love was answering the door near the front of the dojo. Satou was frantically pacing around the room, the more he move the more dry and coarse his throat felt. @!#$ must of left it in some other cloths somewhere. Maybe one of the maids had grabbed it with laundry? @!$%

He left the room and had left in the opposite direction of the entrance, as he wasn't too familiar with the place as well as having piss poor sense of direction on just waking up. As he paced slowly down the hallways he was lucky enough to stumble his way into the kitchen. No one was around this time. He searched around the fridges. Knowing they had to have some raw meat, maybe it was fresh and bloody. The thought of blood made his skin crawl and the chilling joy of finding a container of bloody meat made Satou smile.

He fished out a cup and drained half the blood from the dish into one full cup. "@!#$ yes!" He mumbled as he took the cup with both hands, it was cold, but that didn't bother him much. He was used to feeding on small animals. The blood only stayed warm when feeding on larger creatures or humans. The thought of sinking his fangs into flesh while he sipped from the glass made his entire body shake.

I'm gonna need to hunt down Kaza after. Images of Kaza inches from his face, the feeling of his lips, the taste of his skin as Satou kissed that neck. He had to breath when emptying the cup of chilled blood. Satou's hands were still shaking as he filled the second cup and had emptied the container of any blood. He drank the cup slowly but paced around more to think and take his mind away from feeding, two small cups of blood was no where near enough to satisfy him.

It was as though wetting his pallet made it worse. He wanted more. He wanted to feed on a human. He could remember feeding off her, Ayame. Her blood was warm like Kaza's, it felt incredible to drink from another human. He wanted to go out last night and feed on the village. Images of random passerby's being attacked, throwing them to the ground and taring out their throats.

Satou splashed ice cold water over his face before leaving the kitchen. Walking aimlessly through the halls to the smell of Kaza's blood. Like a bloodhound on the trail he followed the footsteps, listening for voices as he walked slowly to find himself near the front entrance and hearing his lovers voice, but also a familiar one. "Ayame-chan?" Was all he mumbled as he stepped before the trio. It was not just Ayame-chan and Kaza. But a third, a human girl. Satou swallowed hard.

Satou was dressed in a simple white T-shirt and black slacks. His hair whetted from the water and ruffled back to give a messy look, his warm chocolate eyes were burning into a nice charcoal red as he looked among them. His skin looked as pale as the snow up on the mountains around Kumogakure. He looked weak and tired, bags under his eyes yet he could have sworn he was asleep last night.

"Ayame-chan, I see you've decided to come join us." He tried smiling, it looked as tired as his eyes were. "Please, come, come in. Make yourselves at home. Just wait inside while, me and my man here, have a smoke break." He took this as an opportunity to yank the cigarette from Kaza's mouth, sticking it into his and lighting the cigarette with a snap of his fingers.

A sharp long inhale that took half the cigarette filled his head with a lot of delicious chemicals that eased the tension. Breathing out a cloud as he quickly slipped the cigarette back onto Kaza's lips and guided them both out the door while almost shoving Ayame and her female friend inside and closing the door behind him in bout the speed of blinking.

He paced away from the entrance with Kaza. while his hands were greedily looking through Kaza's cloths for the flask. "I have a bit to explain." He mumbled making sure no one was in hearing distance.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
Ayame smiled. That man here decided to play her game and this was all she wanted.
She looked at him from head to toe, remembering every little detail of his appearance. He had an unlit smoke that made Ayame think these two lovers shared also a big love about cigarettes.
Why? Why were they smoking? Ayame could understand drinking, she had her first big encounter with alcohol some time after Satou put the demon in her, but smoking? She never tasted a cigarette before and she thought the taste was awful by the smell of the cigarette smoke. Well... she thought so about blood, never ever imagined she'd have to taste this thing, but here she was - enjoying it more than anything.
It seemed that Satou's lover was just getting out of bed. She guessed that they were spending some good quality time and she ruined it. Felt bad for a second, but hoped that the good wine she brought was good reason to forgive her, and the treat she got for Satou should be enough too.

After that... incident happened, Ayame felt like nothing has changed. Then he spoke to her. They talked. She felt good, because the creature was smart and helped her in a lot of situations. When things were rough he took control, because Ayame was paying the price. Feeding once a week was enough for a start, but after her first hunt it became a daily practice, because she was enjoying the taste of the blood and the high she got from it. After a while she realized that she liked playing with her victims, like the poor girl here. It was fun and children loved games. She had no feeling towards the blonde woman, but she played the role of a lover so well and enjoyed so much the fact that she fooled her.
The demon was filled with joy too.

When Kaza said to her to introduce the girl, Ayame realized that she never made the effort to remember her name.
-Ehehehe - she laughed like a retard.
"Aiko." - whispered the demon in her mind.
- This is Aiko. We met in a park, she is 20 years old and works in a flower shop. She is great, we've been dating for a week now.
Once again the demon helped her. What would she do without him? How did she lived without the demon by her side?
The blonde girl smiled.
- Yes, you have an amazing daughter and...
The was the moment when she was interrupted by Satou.
Ayame noticed he was worried and anxious. Was it because she was here? The girl didn't want to make a trouble, but when he pushed the girls, closed the door and moved aside with Kaza she realized something was going on.
- Is there a problem, Ayame? Maybe we should come another time.
The girl was staring at the guys, without even paying attention to the blonde girl.
"I told you." - said the demon.
- Ayame?
"I guess you are right once again." - she answered to the demon, again ignoring Aiko.
"Of course I am."
- Ayame, do you even listen to me?
- WHAT?! - she answered aggressively.
Aiko seemed disappointed from her behavior.
- Maybe I should leave.
- I... I'm sorry - Ayame decided to play it nice, otherwise she'd have to make her stay by force and that... wasn't interesting - Everything is fine, I told you my fathers are strange. You'll get use to it.
The girl took her hand in hers and smiled, while waiting for Satou and Kaza and thinking if she should leave.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza's tired forest green eyes held a look of confusion when his 'daughter' giggled at his mention of introductions before stating the woman's name. The emissary looked upon the young kunoichi who had asked him to play this game & pondered what her plan could be. His gaze would slide to the blonde female he wanted to tell her she had no place being with this child. But he wondered if it was all apart of this game, he didn't know what to think. He needed a coffee, a smoke & his lover. Currently he was being denied all three, so his urge to hold down the blonde haired woman & let his kikaichu feast upon every bit of her chakra till she perished. However this was not his child, this was not his country & the Dojo was not only home to the Miroku. Aiko began to say how amazing his 'daughter' was when Satou stepped out mumbling something.

Before long he stepped forward speaking to the youth, her name was Ayame. It seemed Satou knew her, dinner? Kaza didn't know they were having dinner guests & if Satou knew the pair perhaps he wouldn't be able to kill the woman after all. Kaza held Satou in his 'you have a lot of explaining to do' look, meanwhile his lover asked the two to excuse them for a moment. Satou reclaiming his smoke & igniting it in a fashionable manner. Kaza watched him take a long draw of the smoke, perhaps he was trying to work out how best to explain himself to the Aburame. Then in the blink of an eye the smoke was back in his mouth & they were outside the dojo doors. Satou began rummaging through his suit jacket & Kaza smiled he knew what he was looking for. Reaching into his back trouser pocket he pulled out the flask & held it behind him as he spoke his words. "You certainly do..." as he passed the flask over, taking a long inhale of the nicotine filled smoke in the hopes that it would help ease what he hoped wasn't about to be too big of a head ache.

'Gods...what has he done?' he thought to himself holding his lover in that discerning gaze of his. He knew he should have just left the message until the next morning, now he had the unshakable feeling that something was going on. Kaza knew from the look on Satou's face he had done something that he thought might displease the emissary. That was the most concerning thing, being in the espionage business, he had learn to accept that the world is not as simple as some people would like to believe. All he knew was that if Satou had gotten into trouble Kaza would do all he could to fix it.

OOC: So sorry on the wait was hard to get this post right on the Kaza response. XD
Oct 22, 2012
Feeling his lover close to him calmed him, knowing that Ayame was close by and he could now keep an eye on her also made him feel more at ease. His eyes looking about as Kaza handed him the flask. He avoided eye contact, he felt nails at the back of his neck as he paced where they had stopped. He took a few moments to collect his thoughts, uncorking the flask and drinking the blood. Feeling lukewarm, it wasn't as good as drinking from the source. To drink human blood, and every time the demon would assault him with images of feeding in his mind. He always shook with a shiver when stopping himself from emptying the entire flask. He had to conserve what he could get. He breathed when slipping the flask back into Kaza's pocket and kissed his cheek.

Satou sat against the nearby wall of the dojo. "I thought I could stop it. I didn't think it would ever choose someone." He folded his legs up and rested his arms on his knees. His hands running through his hair. "The day after we came here, I felt bad about-"He paused, didn't wish to mention his moment of weakness that put Kaza in danger. "I wanted to make you a nice meal, something healthy. To help give you a strong heart. When I bought everything in the marketplace, I was mugged of the food, but Ayame stole from the thief. I then went back and bought the food again, after that I wanted to see why the man stole the food. So I had Ayame help me find where the person ran off to, turns out it was a decoy to trap Ayame. Some thugs wanted to steal her Uchiha eyes."

"I couldn't let them just get the upper hand on her. I wounded two of them, superficial and mental. The boss I busted his windpipe as he was trying to choke Ayame unconscious. She then murdered him. And I then find out that she has a several mental problems because of the Sharingan. She was forced into a parallel zone by an elder uchiha, her father. Her mind wasn't capable of handling such a place. It ruined her, she begged me. She begged the demon. She begged us for help. And all I could do was sit there, staring at her. Wondering what to do, I wish you were there. If you were there, then maybe she could have gotten better help. But the demon had other plans. It took over so quickly, I didn't even breath before blacking out. Next I wake up to Ayame feeding from my open wrist. Her neck bleeding. I had fed on her and she upon me. My blood tainted her, It turned her into a monster."

He wanted a cigarette, the packet shot to his hand and he was puffing deep as he throw the pack on the ground in front of him. He couldn't look at Kasa, he felt the swirling void wanting to swallow him when he said it aloud. "Now I hear it talking once in awhile, as if talking to someone other than me. I think it's mentally connected to her." He mumbled while in between puffs.

Ayame could feel fingernails tap her shoulder and a low, low voice soothes to her ears as if the demon was standing beside her now "Well girl you chose nicely, a delectable meal. I think Satou will enjoy it. I know I will. But savor the moment, soon, soon." The demon whispers to her slowly.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
[OOC: sorry for my slow reply, I was in my first modded fight :D ]​

The girl traced Satou and and Kaza with her eyes, while they left the room and closed the door. She could only guess what was this about, but still wanted to make sure.
Ayame got close to the door and tried to eavesdropping against the door.
- Ayame - Aiko whispered - what are you doing?! This is not okay!
But Ayame had no manners at all. She shushed her girlfriend and continued.
"I thought I could stop it. I didn't think it would ever choose someone."
Her eyes widened while listening to everything. The moment Ayame started losing patience and decided to burst out of the door she felt fingernails tapping her shoulder, stopping her to do that. This was unexpected and she turned to see if Aiko was the one doing it. But she wasn't that close to her, so she coulnd't do it and return to her position so fast.
- What's wrong Ayame?
"Well girl you chose nicely, a delectable meal. I think Satou will enjoy it. I know I will. But savor the moment, soon, soon."
Until now the demon was only talking to her, but now she felt a physical sensation. The red-eyed girl kept staring at Aiko with shocked expression on her face.

Aiko felt really weird. She realized this wasn't the best time for visiting Ayame's parents and maybe something wrong was happening right now. The beautiful lady couldn't stand Ayame's behavior, so she decided to leave this strange place.
- I'm sorry, Ayame, things are not working out.
She went to the door and grabbed the door's handle.
- You're not going anywhere!
A black chakra unfolded around Ayame, like a cloak, just like Satou's. Her eyes slowly the began to glow a heated ember. Ayame pushed the blonde woman against the wall behind her. The poor lady fell and looked Ayame with fear in her eyes.
- What... what happened to you? What are you?!
The demon girl was smiling. This was just a game for her that started too early, but it was still fun. Her creator and his lover were still outside, talking, but they could hear a scream that ended forcibly after the sound of something breaking. And then a child's laughter.

- Aaaah, I didn't want it to happen like that - Ayame crossed her hands, looking at Aiko that was unconscious - now what do I do?
She knelt before her, still with the black chakra around her and the ember eyes - the demon was always there to help and assist her. Ayame didn't understand why Satou disliked the demon. Ayame fed him, talked to him and in return he kept her hallucinations and nightmares away. Also, he was helping her in fights and showed her new worlds.... sure, sometimes he was too demanding, but that was normal.
Ayame could not realize how dangerous the creature really was.

The girl moved Aiko's hair that covered her neck and stared. Blood was coming out of the top of her head, because Ayame broke a vase there. She could hear her heartbeat, even the blood flowing in her veins.
- I made a big oopsie...
She sat next to the unconscious woman, wiped a little drop of blood with her finger and licked it. Her canine teeth became longer and sharper - the demon realized Ayame was really bad at sucking blood, she made too big holes and most of the blood was going to waste and no one taught her how to do it, so he again helped her.

"I sure brought a delicious gift to Satou..." she thought and leaned against the wall. It was hard not to sink her little sharp teeth in her warm neck, but Satou had to be the first to do that. The girl placed her head on the unconscious woman's shoulder and waited for the couple.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza held Satou in that stern gaze which only turned to disbelief as he heard the explanation that was given to him. The more Satou spoke the more worry grew within the Agent, how could the Demon have been so foolish how could Satou? Now this girl was linked to the demon, a sunan nonetheless. How would he explain this to Kuro when he saw the Sennin. He stood their wordlessly listening to the man he loved tell him how their whole world could end, he didn't know the sunans. "I will deal with you later my love, why don't we deal with one thing at the time for now." he would say with a warm & sympathetic smile. This could be considered an act of war, he sighed he'd need to clean up the mess & make a deal with this creature. First he needed to deal with the immediate & greatest probability for exposure...Ayame.

The young emissary centered himself with a deep breathe, letting that coldness wash over him as he took on his work persona. Reaching for the door his gaze turned to his lover wearing the expression of a warm lover & concerned parent he said "Why don't we check on our daughter before things get out of ha..." he was unable to finish what he was going to say because a crash came from the other side of the door. "Shall we?" opening the door he found Ayame hunched over Aiko, the remains of a vase scattered around her & blood trickling down her head.

In the most renowned building in Sunagakure, at its greeting hall he was just glad that it was late & no one was currently present. It was late at luckily with all the extra security forces the Toraono Dojo had gained their was less concern with this area. Every factions present in the Dojo had security forces that monitored their respective factions. They were just fortunate it seemed no one else had business or the need to be here right now. "Now Ayame this is not what we do..this is a public place. We share this home with many others so I'm going to have to put down some ground rules for you & your new friend. But why don't we deal with our current problem.." he would say as he knelt next to Aiko a faint blue chakra covering his hand. Placing it over her head he slowly healed the wound his 'daughter' had inflicted upon them.

Dropping a kikaichu onto her head as she woke up he would look at her warmly "Are you okay? You said you felt weird & then you tried to attack Ayame. She had to knock you out, you'll be okay though I'm a medic. I'd feel more comfortable if I could give you a proper check up, why don't we go to our clan quarters?" he would croon to her his voice soft & warm. Inviting her to trust him the man who offered her help while casting doubt on any thoughts she might have on what happened. Kaza did so perfectly as if it was an almost reflexive action to do so, lying was as easy as breathing for the agent. Deception was a job requirement when it came to the game of espionage, those forest green eyes held no hint of lies or deception.

[OOC: Kaza will show you how to hunt =P ]
Oct 22, 2012
(Tis oki :p)

Sitting outside the doors of the dojo the world around him was swimming with images. Images of what could or would happen if he didn't keep an eye on the girl. His fears tried to swallow his consciousness, but he pulled himself from his mind while listening to Kaza's words, even if there weren't many to listen to. Just the talk of continuing the subject another time, and then to go back to Ayame and her friend. His heart pounded in his chest when he thought of the nameless girl and heard the demons laugh in the back of his head. Son of a b@!#$

Just as he was getting up and Kaza reaching for the door, there came a shortened scream and the sound of something smashing. Satou cursing under his breath as he was seconds in the room after Kaza, his eyes on Ayame, then the girl Kaza was far more quick to react to this Satou just stood there, staring at Ayame with disbelief. What have I done? Have I made a monster? To which the demon replied with a scoffing laugh. No, I made a new vessel. Immediately Satou closed his eyes and sent himself into the room.
The room warmed as the fire ignited in the small cobblestone fireplace at the end of the library room. Book shelves all around filled with volumes upon volumes of his life. Satou sitting in his winged chair, beside him sat the demon, it's coiling tendrils slithering along the fabric. It breathed a heavy sigh. "How long do you think this vessel will hold, your body that is?" Without words, in seconds of sitting still Satou had gotten up, smashing the winged chair across the room and rushed the demon, grabbing it by the neck of its suit as Satou's demonic aura burst around him. "It matters not if my body is deteriorating! You do not get to choose another hapless soul to torture you vile @!#$ing monster!" He raised his fist to strike the demon, but was backhanded by invisible kinetic energy that punched him hard enough to the face to ragdoll him.

The demon laugh, brushing its suit where Satou had lunged for. It stood with poise and elegance in its slithering form as its tendrils glided along wooden flooring. "No, You, my dear vessel." The creature knelt down to the weak Satou who tried to get up and retaliate but was soon smashed into the wooden floor by the same energy that struck him. "You, do not get to make choices for me, my dear Satou." It's disgusting three figured hand brushed Satou's cheek as Satou pulled away, as if the creatures touch felt like acid to his skin.

"Whether you admit it or not, you fighting me all the time. You're destroying yourself, drinking alcohol none stop. Refusing to feed on mortals blood and flesh. Refusing me to have time outside this room even. You have done, so very much, to thwart me. Halting my efforts even to defile that beautiful girl Kahako. You stopped my fun with that beautiful creature Kaza, and you now think you can stop me from choosing another to invest my powers into. Silly silly Satou, you never had a choice in any of this." Satou laid there as the demon mocked him and laughed, he tried forcing his body past the energy that held him to the ground. He could feel the bones in his chest rattle and crack from the pressure. "I will stop you, again, and again." He kept forcing himself up, his chest caving in, he could feel his bones stabbing his organs as he felt the red trickle of blood from his mouth. Coughing and spitting his poisoned blood at the demon. "Even if it kills us both, I will stop you!" With that he was forced out the illusion and into the real world.

Reality spun for a moment, he had to grab the wall nearby. Guiding himself to sit somewhere close, his head hung low for a few moments. Listening as Kaza played his roll all too well, and instructing Ayame that this wasn't how they operated. He was so glad to have Kaza around, Satou didn't know what he'd do without him by his side. Once Kaza helped the poor girl to her feet and was guiding her away. Satou looked up at Ayame with burning eyes, they looked like warm embers in a dying fire. His face looked colorless, his posture exhausted. "I thought I asked of you, no humans." He mumbled a few feet away from the girl.

"I asked you not to look to humans as sustenance. Dogs, cats and rats but never humans." His voice was low, tired, he shook his head sighing as he leaned back against the wall he sat. "Don't listen to it, if it is you it talks to. Whatever words it whispers into your head, ignore it. If not, it'll be the death of us all Ayame." He had to speak of this circumstance. Looking at the ground he noticed the fragments scattered about, and with a wave of his hand, the pieces slowly came back together and the finished product gently sat back upon its perched display. Of course, it was just being held together on weak structure, the next person to touch it the vase would shatter and blame would be on someone else. Even he had to clean up a bit after his "daughter." The though sent chills up his spine as the demon laughed in his mind once more. "We'll figure out something out. Some way to make this work without drawing attention to us." He mumbled looking about the room.

He sat there, leaning his head back and trying to breath calmly and slowly. Trying to figure out what to say or do to guide Ayame away from the monster. You could kill her, take her now and run away with the body. Destroy it, burn it to ashes. Then she won't be my new vessel, you'll have saved her soul! Again its infernal laughter echoed in his mind. Could he? Would he? No, never in his nightmares would he murder a child, even if the child was something he inadvertently turned into a monster.

An image of a little girl with flowing black hair, dressed in a long white robe staring at him flashed in his mind. He shook it off, looking around the room only to see Ayame still there. He waved her over to sit beside him and wait till Kaza returned. Satou was unsure of what else to do.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
Kaza went back to Ayame. He knelt down, speaking something. The thing that "hit" Ayame was "put down some ground rules". Rules?! Why? Rules were boring and in her entire lifetime no one ever spoke to her like that or told her that there would be rules. No parents, in the orphanage she never obeyed any rules and when they decided that she have to obey them she made a mess and escaped.
The girl was free spirit, only doing what she thought was best.
Ayame was pouting at the moment at Kaza. She was 13 now, she considered herself to be grown up, what rules?
She was about to argue, when Kaza said he'd deal with her current problem. Her black aura disappeared, but her demon eyes - warm embers, remained. The girl just nodded and looked at Satou.
Something was going on. She could feel the demon's powers. She could feel he was using them, but not on her. So... he was using them on Satou.
Satou and Ayame were too close, so she was able to feel what was happening inside of him. He was resisting, fighting back at the demon.
He grabbed the wall, and guided himself to sit. He looked tired, exhausted, as if he was sick. Then she looked at Kaza, as he went somewhere with the woman.
[OOC: Song that reminds me of your character's relationship xD]​

Ayame realized that this was the person who was holding Satou on his feet. Without him he'd be lost.
He was the one to bring him back to reality, to hold him when he was weak, to help him stand, even when he couldn't lift his head.
Is this what love is? Is this what family is for?
The girl realized that she had never seen two people loving each other.

"I asked you not to look to humans as sustenance. Dogs, cats and rats but never humans."
"Don't listen to it, if it is you it talks to. Whatever words it whispers into your head, ignore it. If not, it'll be the death of us all Ayame."

She looked the other way with disappointment. Seconds later Ayame noticed the pieces of the vase coming back together.

"We'll figure out something out. Some way to make this work without drawing attention to us."

She was still sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall. Why was he like this? Why was he resisting this? He could live so much better, if he just give into this.
Satou waved to Ayame and she sat beside him, but still starring at her feet. She smiled.
- I have a deal with the demon, Satou. I give him human blood and he helps me. I've seen only good from him. The blood is delicious, I've never tasted anything like this. And the high you get form it is... I...I can't describe it. You know... I told you when we first met about Nataku or what he calls himself now Senkaku, that I fear he would leave me. Well I was right. I fought him... I mean I fought Senkaku. I don't really know who... and I lost. He showed me I was a mistake and left. And I felt sad. But the demon was there. And now he doesn't let me feel sad about him. If something sad happens, if I tell him he'd remove the sadness once again. I sleep like a baby, no nightmares. I live like a normal person - no hallucinations anymore. I don't know why you hate him so much...
A moment of silence and Ayame continued with smile.
- You're lucky guy, having Kaza, you know that? You live in this beautiful place, when you're feeling down, when you're feeling like you're losing yourself there's Kaza that will always come and save you from yourself or someone else. You'll lay in your comfortable bed, he'd hug you, kiss you, cover you and you'll be fine. This demon is like my Kaza. The only difference is that I'm paying him with blood that we both enjoy, not with love.

She wasn't lying - the demon was good to her, because she fed him well and he'd prove she was doing the right thing. She didn't knew, but after this, the girl would fight a S rank killing machine, where the demon would help her [ OOC: The bmodded fight with Akira Amaya, using the Junchuuriki kin]. And the first mutation would happen.
- But Satou-san, I'm here to thank you. In a strange way, but it is coming from the heart. So... enjoy this night with your lover. We'll have fun, I promise. And then you'll never see me again and I won't feel like I owe you something. I hate feeling like I owe something to someone.
She leaned against the wall and looked up at the ceiling.
- Hmmmm... I wonder where Kaza-san went... I really want get to know him as much as possible this night. He seem very special. And I have a very interesting game I have to show to you both. I like playing it so much...

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza walked down the hall out of sight of the two demons, kikaichu swarmed from him turning into a clone & taking the disorientated Aiko from him. He leaned against the wall, his heart racing from the thoughts of everything that could go wrong. How could he have been so careless, why had he not set a detail of Agents to watch his love. With a sigh the spoke to the girl "Aiko my clone is going to take you back to our quarters so you may rest. I'm going to go get some equipment to give you a quick check-up.." he would calmly say to her as his clone walked away with the woman. "Alright Kaza you can do this..." he thought to himself as he stood up straight & proceeded back to the two demons.

When he entered the greeting hall once more both Satou & Ayame were sitting down leaning against the wall. Satou looked distressed & Ayame looked confused. Of course she was Satou struggled to resist the urges of the demon within him, how had he expected a child to be able to withstand such a creature. He stopped when he was before them both he gave them both, with a sigh he said his next words. "What am I going to do with you both?" as he knelt down placing a hand on each of them. As if to comfort them before saying "This place...we share it with other clans. Here are my rules; from now on we only hunt as a family unit. Acceptable prey will be the undesirables of society, criminals or those who would try to bring harm to us..." he hesitated & those forest green eyes seemed to hold a coldness to them, his grip tightening on their legs as he said his next words.
King Kaza!​

<B>" may think its the demon you need to worry about. But if my people are jeopardized again, I will drain every last bit of chakra from your bodies & rip that bastard out of you both myself. Do we have an understanding?" there was a coldness to his words & a hint of malice. A few kikaichu burrowed our of each hand crawling along their limbs. No doubt his words would be uneasy to hear, after all he was host to thousands of chakra devouring creatures. When he was sure that he had made his point the kikaichu would retreat back into his body, the small tunnel-like holes healing up behind them. With a small playful slap on both of their legs a warm smile would once more play upon his lips.

"Now little Ayame why don't I show you how to hunt...we can't exactly have you stumbling around trying to learn it all by yourself. Can we now my love?" he would say as his gaze slid to his lover when he finished speaking, standing up he would offer out a hand for them both. After helping them up he would smile, what a story this would be. Having to teach a pair of demon infused shinobi how to hunt without leaving any evidence behind. Their lessons would start today, the first had been damage control. Soon they would see how one truly hunted, the kikaichu he had placed on Aiko & the few stragglers that would find their way to her would slowly drain what little chakra she had. She would find herself weak & vulnerable, unable to move. When that happened she would be prepared by the kikaichu clone, placed upon a table presented for supper. There would be no screams, she wouldn't have the strength for that. No when they took her life she would barely have the strength to keep her eyes open.

[OOC: Oooh love the song! So good for them! Sorry on the wait, I went to do a post after you had Ayame. But got distracted & session timed out, lost the whole thing. Was so devastated I gave up xD anyways here's another.]
Oct 22, 2012
As he sat there and listened to the girl, his deep ember eyes glowed as he glanced over to her while whispering between her words. "I'm sorry you had to fight him. I'm sure it was painful just the same for him." He remained quiet as he listened to her words. She was truly joyful with this new life, this new form of living as a monster in human flesh. She spoke of how the demon in her mind was now helping her, keeping her sane. When for him, he lives a constant nightmare. "He is not so kind as you believe, the demon. It will trick you into caring for it, in accepting it. Do not accept it, it is no blessing. It is a curse upon humanity, nothing more." He drew back to himself when she brought up Kaza and how much Kaza meant to him, all the while the demon was laughing in his head. It made him worry and feel uneasy. "Yes, Kaza means the world to me. The only humanity I have left to hold onto." He whispered, as though saying this allowed was his greatest weakness. His love for Kaza, he would shatter without him.

It made him frown and feel slightly ill inside for having a hand in making Ayame into a monster like this, and now she speaks of ill omens, and to leave him? His mind wandered to all the horrific things that would happen if someone knew of what she was capable of. He was going to interject to her being alone. But then Kaza interrupted by returning sooner than expected. His love entered the room with an air about him. His poise, his voice, it was nothing like his lover before. Speaking of rules and holding a form of leadership among the three.

It was then that Kaza did something Satou wouldn't expect him to do. Threaten him. His whole body stiffened when the bugs crawled on him. He didn't move, didn't even appeared fazed. He held his gaze to the ground, just a low grumbled voice from his lips. "Yeah." He breathed as soon as the message was given, the bugs returned to Kaza. Satou didn't look up at him. He just stared at the ground till he was offered a hand up. Without looking he took Kaza's hand and stood while saying. "No humans. Good or bad, it does not matter. We order blood from a butcher in town, we scavenge wild animals, rats even if we must. Never humans!" He spoke in a low voice, not making eye contact with anyone in the room as he paced away slowly, not noticing what Kaza was doing.

Once he saw the barely conscious girl being placed on the dinner table Satou glared upon Kaza with burning eyes of fire. "Kaza? What is the meaning of this?" His eyes held a puzzled gaze, looking from him to Ayame. What was he planning, what was this twisted game he got himself involved in?


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
[OOC: Satou, the girl placed on the table is not Ayame. It's her friend]​

Satou sat there, listening to the girl.
"I'm sorry you had to fight him." - he said - "I'm sure it was painful just the same for him."
The girl laughed. He was wrong.
Satou kept speaking, telling her that the demon wasn't kind. She knew this very well. She didn't need kindness. The girl clearly had not idea what was inside of her, but honestly... as long as she felt good and powerful she didn't cared.

Kaza came - the only humanity Saitou have left to hold onto. His lover asked what was he going to do with them, then knelt down placing a hand on each of them and started explaining the rules.
Rules!? Ayame had never followed a rules. What was he thinking? The rules weren't for her well being, but for theirs. One of his words confused the girl. "from now on we only hunt as a family unit."
"What?!" - came to her mind.
"Acceptable prey will be the undesirables of society, criminals or those who would try to bring harm to us..."
What was he thinking?!
Family unit, hunting only criminals and such. Kaza clearly had no idea to who he was talking. Ayame was free from family and rules on the day she was "born" or thrown from the other dimension to this. She then tried, but failed so hard. Why start now? Having a family was not a working model obviously and even if deep down inside some part of her wanted it, it was just something that would end badly.

Kaza's grip tightened on their legs as he said: " may think its the demon you need to worry about. But if my people are jeopardized again, I will drain every last bit of chakra from your bodies & rip that bastard out of you both myself. Do we have an understanding?"
Some strange bugs burrowed out of each hand crawling along their limbs.
Was he threatening her? Was he really threatening her?
The girl looked at Satou. He was starring at the ground. He seemed.... guilty?
Ayame didn't move, the only thing she did was to grin at Каза. For some time now she wasn't able to feel fear, so this whole thing was funny to her.
Little did Kaza knew was that she wasn't like Satou. She wasn't worried about the demon. In fact she wasn't worried about anything.

The bugs retreated back to his body with a small playful slap on both of their legs and a warm smile.
Ayame had no idea how to react. Her grin disappeared, replaced with confusion. She was just about to oppose him, but the situation changed. For her the world was only black and white. So she'd know how to act if he kept threatening her - opposing him, making a fuss, threatening him too. This was what always happened back in the days.
She kept starring like an idiot at Kaza, until Satou said something when they started walking to the other room that Ayame didn't liked at all.
"No humans. Good or bad, it does not matter. We order blood from a butcher in town, we scavenge wild animals, rats even if we must. Never humans!"
- Are you insane? You can't tell me what to do, I came here, because I felt obligated to thank you for this. I can decide what to eat and what not. I'm not asking you for a permission, I am an individual who decides for himself.
It was the typical talk from a teenage girl.
- No one can tell me what to do, I know better. And I came here to thank you with something amazing, you should be happy, not act like that. And what happened? I came here with the present, rules started raining from you both, threats, and now my present is gone, most likely free and... OH MY GOD KAZA, YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!!
Ayame started jumping around out of joy when she saw Aiko placed upon the table presented.
She ran towards the table with a smile on her face and poked the girl.
- Eh… but she is too weak. I can’t play with her.
Ayame liked to play with her victims, like every normal kid would…
- She can’t scream or run… that’s no fun, Kaza-san.
Aiko moved and looked at Ayame.
- My father… don’t… he needs me… he is..
Ayame immediately activated her sharingan and made her to stop talking. What Aiko had to say would make Satou feel even guiltier.
But Ayame’s sharingan was strange. It was different. The demon was able to change even the color and the pattern.
Ayame grinned once again at Aiko.
- Shush there.
She got close to her and smelled her neck. Her canine teeth became longer and sharper. She wanted to wait for Satou. She wanted him to taste her present first, but could not resist. Just when she was about to sink her teeth into her pretty neck she saw Satou.
His hands were shaking, he looked so confused, his dark aura was visible. It seemed that the whole world was on his shoulders right now.
The girl made one step back and stared at him.
Something wasn’t right.
- Kaza-san… - she said quietly – … is Satou-san dying?
She then looked at the girl on the table.
- This was a mistake… - Ayame spoke – I thought it would be a good present for you Satou-san… but for some reason you’re resisting it. And maybe you’re slowly dying because you don’t want to drink human blood.

She started to circle slowly around the table, with her hand placed there.
- Now I see the difference between you and me. You try so hard to be a human. And I try so hard to be a monster… but you know what’s the difference between human and monsters and why monsters are superior? Because they don’t need as much luck as the humans. Let me tell you a story… Once there was a girl that everyday had to travel through the woods in which a monster, a wolf hide. She returned to her house. One she was in bed she said “What a fine night! What a good walk! I knew that the wolf wouldn’t find me.” Then the wolf appeared on her window, saying “Oh, but you must travel through the woods again and again… and you must be lucky to avoid the wolf every time..
Then her eyes shifted to the girl on the table.

- Taste at least the wine I brought for Kaza-san.
Then she sank her long and sharp canine teeth into Aiko’s neck. The warm blood filled her mouth. A metallic taste she adored. She felt joy. The back of her head became numb. A warm wave washed over her body. The world became more vivid, beautiful. She felt euphoric, like she can to anything, without any consequences. She felt a sense of security and safety, and the demon kept rewarding her with these feelings. She could hear Aiko’s heartbeat. She could hear her own heartbeat.
The table became bloody. Ayame’s mouth and neck were stained with blood. She was impatient. The girl bit her neck in couple of places, because she got bored sucking from only one.
She’d soon move to her wrists. The demon was laughing in her head. It felt like he was right next to her, stroking gently her head, hugging her, keeping her safe, rewarding her for the way she kept him always fed.
At this time there was no Kaza, no Satou. It was only her, Aiko and the demon.

All things truly wicked start from an innocence. And her innocence was taken away the first time she succumb to the hunger and tasted blood.
She felt like… she was born again.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Things had gone as well as he could've hoped, they had both followed him to his quarters without much of a fuss. Satou once more said that they would order blood from a local butcher, that they would not be drinking from humans. Of course Ayame then began to give her argument to them both saying she was her own individual & that they could not tell her what to do. Stating she had just come here to thank Satou for the gift he had given her. She proceeded to go on about how they had tried to enforce their rules upon her, bringing up that her gift had been taken from her. Now concerned it had gotten away, however her tune changed when she saw Aiko a top the dining table presented for the demons. Ayame said Kaza was amazing dashing towards the table, although she quickly complained her prey was too weak.

'So she's already addicted to the hunt...' he thought with a sigh, Satou looked from them both asking what was going on here. The Agent looked to his lover giving him a small apologetic smile, the girl spoke but he was pleased to see Ayame quickly dealt with that. It seemed she was learning, if this was how she wanted to live they would need to take certain steps. Ayame's features changed as she leaned over her prey, when she looked up at Satou she took a step back. Asking Kaza if Satou was dying, the question made him briefly falter that confident face quickly changing to one of worry & uncertainty. Before he could ask his lover anything Ayame began moving around Aiko speaking to them as she did so.
Sin Eater​

Saying this had been a mistake that she shouldn't have come here, before saying it was because Satou had chosen not to drink human blood that he was dying. Then stating she was unlike him, we're he fought to keep his humanity she wanted to rid herself of hers. Young Ayame began to remind Kaza of his Lord Akkuma, for the Demon had not always been the monster he was today. Ayame story was quite enjoyable, for someone so young she had already learned to embrace her darkness instead of fighting it. The young kunoichi said Satou should at least try the wine she had brought for Kaza before beginning to feed. He could see her lost in the euphoria of the act, he moved to Satou his hand placed upon his chest. Beginning to speak to him <B>"If you truly want to protect her & keep her safe this is the only way...look at her." he would say as his gaze moved back to the monstrous girl.

She had fed from multiple places upon the woman he doubted she was even aware of them being there in this moment. "If we don't train her she won't survive for long...should she be discovered they will come for you. You're the guest of my clan, the repercussions would fall upon us. From what I understand Sousuke the Kazekage doesn't approve of his shinobi being turned into monsters. You had a moment of weakness & in that time you created her I get that. But don't be naive, you cannot protect her without doing this. I can't risk you...I won't. I will be your Sin Eater." he would say, when he finished speaking the young agent held a pleading look in his eyes.

"Forgive me..." he would say pulling out a blade, with a quick motion he slashed his hand. Crimson liquid spilled from the wound "Demon I know you're watching paying close attention...I...I want to make a deal. Take your offering..." he'd say his voice fierce, though his face betrayed him. The guilt he felt at putting his love through this, the terror of not knowing if this would push his love away. If this demon would consume him, Kaza played with forces he didn't fully understand all he knew was he would do anything to keep his love alive. Kaza had forgotten one thing though, the demon was not within the one vessel now.

edited to add song
Oct 22, 2012
When Satou stood around these two individuals. One his lover, someone he gave his heart to. Someone he's trusted more than others, now he looked to his lover with a confused look in his eyes. And the other was a girl he barely knew much of but a tragic story. A girl who he met but nights before, seemed so ordinary and noble, begging him to save her from madness. Satou's deep crimson burning eyes looked over her now. Now as she scolds him, for telling her how to conceal herself more, almost as though she wore this curse as a blessing.

It was then that he knew his ill error. As the child went into a rant, Satou's malevolent chakra grew dense around his form as his fist clenched. But he did nothing more as he watched Ayame play with Aiko as if she were a thing and not a human. 'I didn't save a girl, I just let the monster out.' The girl Aiko was still conscious and aware, Satou was going to react, going to stop Ayame. But the girl had Silenced Aiko compleatly and was going to wait for Satou to take her. Her words halted him, asking Kaza if Satou was dying from lack of feeding. Satou did nothing to reply.

But the girl Aiko, her whimpers of family didn't fall to deaf ears, Satou's chest tightened. Holding back the swell of anger, rage and disgust. But most of all, his urge to join in. He merely held a blank, saddened look on his face. This is what he had done, and she was now his responsibility. As the girl fed, she stopped and started to say something, Satou was lost within his mind for a few moments. Only to come back when Ayame finished her questioning of his actions and her story. All of his chakra slowly faded around him as his fists loosened and he breathed sharply the smell of the girls blood. Ayame was biting the girl repeatedly, bleeding the poor girl out.

He stood there as he spoke softly, just loud enough if someone listened. "It's like water. Constantly I need it, constantly I crave it. It sustains me, keeps me healthy, and it stops the demon from tormenting my mind. But every time I drank from humans. I've always wanted more. No matter how much I drank, the thirst, the ache, the dry soreness in my throat and chest wouldn't be relieved. After so many years Ayame-chan. I can drain half this village of every man, woman and child, all while still asking you to fill my cup. That, is why I do not hunt down humans. Because the more I take, the more I want. The more it wants. The demon is the embodiment of all sins. And Gluttony is it's favorite." He breathed as he added to her story. "And someday, that wolf will need luck. To avoid the Huntsman who will avenge his dead daughter."

He felt defeated as he watched her, turning to his love. Hope to that Kaza would be a voice of reason. His love spoke of how this was all they could do for her. Feeling Kaza's hand on his chest, Satou held it to him. Holding it tightly. Kaza's words rang some truth to him. This was his responsibility and they had to teach Ayame how to survive i this world. But how? She acted rebellious to his suggestions before. What would stop her from violent outbursts against them or random innocent villagers?

As Satou was trying to think, to clear his head as the smell of Aiko's blood filled his lungs, and soon Kaza spoke of being Satou's sin eater as he asked for Satou's forgiveness. Satou clued in what he wanted to do as the knife was drawn along his lovers hand and the smell of his blood mixed with the smell of Aiko's. Drowning out anything in the room, as Satou's eyes couldn't look away from the spill of red. Only tears down his cheek "Kaza, what have you-" was all he could say as his lover uttered.

"Demon I know you're watching, paying close attention...I...I want to make a deal. Take your offering..."

Satou's eyes changed, the heat intensified as if fire was leaking from his eye sockets for a moment. Till the heat became fine pupils. Hand reaching out to take Kaza's, pulling the bleeding limb, Satou's long serpent-like tongue slithered out and slid along the wound, lapping up all the blood that spilled from the cut. "Must you be so dramatic my pet? Slicing you're pretty hands like this." It continued licking till the wound stopped bleeding. "If you wanted a deal, just had to ask me what you wish." The demon grinned through Satou's lips. He stood with more poise and relaxed. The demon turned its attention quickly to Ayame In a blurring swivel.

"Girl! Stop playing with your food! Act civilized! You are a demon, not some common filthy animal that slathers over a corpse like some dog." He flicked the air and sent a Kinetic finger jab to Ayame's forehead. "Clean up those wounds, remember! No dead! We have to be polite when in someone else's home. If you don't mind you're manners, i'll give you horrible visions for several days if you don't listen." The demon sounded like a disgruntled parent scolding its child. Once done talking to Ayame. The demon immediately took Kaza and whisked him about the room in Satou's arms. The demon kissing Kaza with bloody lips as they slow dance around the room.

"So tell me my pet, what is it you need of me? Hmm?" The demons grin widened. "Oh, and I would not recommend to use you're little critters on me." He leaned in to whisper. "It would have a very, "Explosive" effect on them." He snickered lightly as he continued their slow dance. "Oh it's so good to be out and about again."
Inside Satou was fuming, he sat in the winged chair before the fireplace. Getting up in one whole movement. Stood and heft the chair over his head as if it weighed a feather and flung it with so much force it tore apart before the pieces shattered across bookshelves. "Aaaargh! Why!? Why do you do this?! Why?!" He cried out as he punched and jabbed at the wooden floor, Splinters shattering into his fists as he didn't stop pummeling the ground, he thought his fists would break before the ground but the wood gave way to blackened soil.

What stopped him is what laid in the soil. His Kaza, his beloved. Laying there, staring up at him. Same eyes, same skin, and same fanged smile as his. He just stayed there, staring at his Kaza, turned into a monster like himself and Ayame. Satou's lips quivering "No..gods, no please...." He reach out to touch Kaza's face. But what took Kaza's place was the demon, and Satou's hand shot back as the monster laughed at the pathetic sight

Satou stayed kneeling there, His body erupting in malevolent chakra as the hand he pulled away, clenched into a fist and began driving it into the demons face with blind fury as he screamed. "@!#$ DIE YOU DISGUSTING PILE OF @!#$!!!:" He yelled so loud it felt as if his lungs would rupture. His fist hammering into the squid like face, It's laughter morbid and twisted as it's face became more disfigured with each blow till it was silence in a mash of fluid. He stopped, breathing, heaving from exhaustion. Standing, walking slowly to the double door to the library.

He pushed against it. Wouldn't budge. He shoved at the doors. Not an inch moved. He breathed as he leaned against them. "I told you.....don't !@#$ing touch him. If you did, I would bring you down with me." His aura burning around him, turning as he let out all of his chakra in violent blasts, taring bookshelves apart, burning the books that held parts of his life, parts of the demons.

The demon slowly stopped, it looked, disoriented and dizzy. It took a few moments to focus, breathing, its smile slightly turned into a frown. "He's not happy, he's getting desperate. Best hurry with your demands my pet." Blood lightly trickled down from his nose, the demon wiped it away calmly. "He'll give himself brain damage if he keeps this up." The demon mumbled.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
Ayame kept feeding from Aiko. She felt so good she forgot about the people in the room. With every sip she wanted more and more. Nothing made her feel better, nothing mattered - the past and the future were all gone. She couldn't even hear what Kaza and Satou were talking, but she didn't cared.
The only thing she heard was "And someday, that wolf will need luck. To avoid the Huntsman who will avenge his dead daughter."
Ayame lifted her head and started laughing hysterically.
- The father will avenge his daughter – she laughed again – you really think that?! No father will go this far for his daughter. Believe me. I had two – my real one that, who sent me to another dimension as a baby to go mad and the one who adopted me, who crushed my sanity. I will go to her father with Aiko, I’ll say that I did this to his sweet little daughter. You’ll see he’ll do nothing when I hold his life in my hands.
She looked at Aiko with hatred and started biting furiously.
Biting from different places was pleasing. The blood tasted the same, but the reactions of Aiko were what amused Ayame. If she couldn't play hide and seek with her, the least she could do is to think of a different game. Playing with the pray was almost as good as sucking their blood.

The girl had no idea what was happening in the room, her attention was focused at Aiko's reactions. Ayame could always find a way to entertain herself, before or while eating.
The smell of Aiko's blood was strong, but Ayame quickly realized there was another scent in the room. She lifted her head to see what was happening and saw Kaza bleeding from his hand.
Suddenly Satou... no it wasn't Satou. It was the demon. The demon spoke to Ayame, ordering her to stop playing with her food. The girl received kinetic finger jab to the forehead, meant to bring her back to reality and got a threat from the demon that was coming from both Satou and inside of her head.
She took a few steps backwards and shook her head, as if she was trying to get rid of the voice inside.
The girl looked confused, this night the demon acted like never before. First the sensation of fingernails tapping her shoulder and now this.
"Is he... is he trying to show dominance over me?" - was what she thought. She clearly had no idea what the demon was capable of.
Ayame concentrated her attentions towards the dancing people. She had no idea what happened, but started to put the pieces together. Kaza's wound, the demon taking over Satou's body and the sensation of someone being trapped somewhere.
Kaza has made an offering.

“Kaza… is this love? To be a sinner, because of love… are you really going to go through all this?”
He was dancing with the demon across the room, but every step seemed like a game of chess. They both tried to dominate over each other. They were both confident, but deliberate in their actions, at least that’s what Ayame thought.
This dance seemed like a dangerous and yet elegant game between two cunning individuals.

Ayame wiped off the blood on her mouth with the back of her hand, but ignored the demon’s orders - she had to show him he wasn't the one giving the orders.

From what Ayame learned Satou was trapped and could give himself brain damage - that meant he was fighting the demon on the inside. He knew what was about to happen and tried to stop it.
"Kaza..." - she thought, while looking at the man. Even if he was dancing with a demon he still seemed in control.

Almost all of the pieces were put together, but one. Why Kaza did this? Most likely he tried to protect his lover. Maybe he wanted the demon inside him, that way he'd be able to learn more about the demon and maybe try to tame him and help Satou?
Satou never wanted this and now he was trapped inside his mind. But Ayame was still free. So... the demon was thinking Ayame wasn't a threat. The part of the demon that was inside Ayame wasn't that strong or so she thought.

She could feel Satou’s rage from the demon inside of her. He knew what was about to happen and he was fighting it so hard. For a moment Ayame felt dizzy.
And that was the moment when she had to act – the demon was weakened by Satou and the real Ayame showed up. She was hiding behind the mask of darkness, but something made her to take it off at this moment - some emotions were hard to ignore, even in a state like this.
Kaza reminded her of… herself.

Back in the days when she wanted to protect and keep Nataku to herself. She’d do anything to make sure he was okay. She’d do anything for her adoptive father just to be close to him and accept her. Without him all the madness in her head was free to torture her. But she didn’t care about that. She needed him, just because she loved him as a father. A father who was a demon. So she had to become one, it was the only logical thing her childish mind could think of. Maybe if she was a demon he wouldn’t leave.

So she met a guy. It turned out he was also a demon. She found out his weakness and used against him, just to become demon, just to keep Nataku.
So she became a demon. But she lost Nataku.
Everything was in vain, but at least that demon made her feel good and kept the madness away.

“I know what you’re planning to do, child. I’m in your head and it’s in your interest no to do this…”
Ayame didn’t cared. She was about to run towards the couple, when after the second step she felt as if something was holding her leg. The girl looked down, but nothing was there.
“The demon…”
- Kaza, please don’t do this! I can feel Satou, he is furious and desperate! You don’t need to do this to keep him safe!

Satou might be trapped, but Ayame was still free. She thought she had to do this.

- I had no idea that things would turn out like this when I came here! It was a mistake! I made a mistake coming here! But you… you don’t have to make a mistake like me. I know you love him. I loved someone, but as a father. Believe me, this wasn’t the way to save him.

The demon pushed her and she fell on the ground.
Ayame admired the relationship between Satou and Kaza. In her entire life she had no idea how a family looked like and how people could love each other, but when she came here she saw them. Loving each other, caring for each other. Despite everything they were together and together they were strong.

- I don’t want to ruin your family! I don’t plan on staying in Sand. I’ll disappear and no one will know that Satou did this, I promise you.

The demon lifted her up and pinned her in the middle of a wall. His black aura covered Ayame’s body, to keep her on the wall.
Then she’d turn to Satou.
- Satou, please, return to…
“You made a mistake…” – the demon spoke to her and she stopped in the middle of the sentence – “You remember how you begged Nataku to return too? You were pathetic and you failed to keep the only thing that was meaningful in your life. You couldn't save him. And you won't save them.”
For a moment she saw Satou as Nataku. The black aura covered Ayame’s mouth and she wasn’t able to talk. The demon knew where to push to cause pain. Horror and confusion was written on her face. Tears started falling from the girl’s eyes. She tried to release herself from the demon’s grip, but with no luck. Still she was trying and trying, exhausting herself. It's like the most terrifying moment in her life was happening again and she wasn't able to help.
And that’s what he wanted.
If Kaza make a deal with him, the moment she was exhausted and miserable enough the demon would take over her body and feast from Kaza from both Satou’s and Ayame’s bodies.

"What have I done?"

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza felt a twang of pain & guilt at that look in his lovers eyes. It was as if he couldn't recognize the Agent anymore, had he kept that much of himself hidden from Satou? Things seemed to escalate but everything that had followed, Kaza's desperate actions now led him here. The intensity of its gaze brought him back from his almost dream-like reflection of the moments that led him here. That rage in Ayame's eyes, no not rage but pain. He understood now the thought that Aiko would have someone to fight for her while she had no one. He danced with the demon slowly releasing kikaichu onto the ground as they danced. It spoke of his actions being dramatic, but he knew it would be pleased with this scene.

They danced their cursed waltz as Kaza prepared to make a deal with the demon, it disciplined Ayame but Kaza disproved she was a child. When Ayame spoke her words to the Agent he would sigh, if only she knew there wasn't anything he wouldn't do to protect his lover. No action beyond his capability to save the man who commanded his heart. Those forest green eyes flashed with a deadliness as he spoke his next words "You will do no such thing to for my kikaichu, they are more then willing to die for their host." he would say to the demon as they waltzed around the room, Ayame ran towards him before stopping something seemed wrong with her, she started to cry out to him saying he didn't need to do this to keep him safe.

Saying it was a mistake for her to come here that she didn't know things would turn out like this, crying out that he couldn't save Satou this way. Saying she would disappear that she had no intentions of staying in Sunagakure. Tears began to fall done his face he she asked Satou return "I failed you both...if I had been more alert this never would have happened...please forgive me." he would say to the girl his gaze now moving to the demon as they danced. An unwavering intensity burned within his eyes, determined & unwavering was his will. "Stop tormenting them both...ease their hunger, give them a chance to enjoy this time. If you do I'll give you one day a month with me...just the two of us." even though his will did not waver he couldn't hide the desperation in his words, as he whispered his offer into the demons ear. Ease their burden for the opportunity to inflict pain on Satou one day a month by having a night with the Agent, Kaza knew the demon would see the opportunities it would provide him with.

"Do we have an agreement?" he would ask worried that his love would go too far, his kikaichu continued dispersing along the floor slowly forming a subtle yet massive glyph. Their formation was almost complete, if things went wrong he'd have one chance...if things went according to plan. His mind flashed back to that night with the demon, his heart raced would it be like that again? Would it be worse? The agent prepared himself for anything, wondering how he could possibly make amends for inflicting this pain upon his love. How he would make amends to Ayame, if he'd been more vigilante...if he'd stationed agents to shadow Satou perhaps he could have spared her. Now he needed to show them both that he wouldn't fail them again, that he would be there for them no matter the cost.

MFT for Kaza [so I can get him some crpj xD]
OOC: couldn't pick a song for this post, sorry on the lateness the passed week has been relentless.
Oct 22, 2012
The demons twisted smile never faded. The demon was glad the girl was'nt so stupid to fall into her natural needs. As the demon danced in Satou's body, holding his lover. Satou inside the demons mind was going wild in a furious rampage. And the demon felt every bit of Satou's rage. The infernal screaming and destruction of the library. Satou's mind, his memories. He was risking everything to try and stopping the demon from having its way. The demon knew if Satou continued, he'd suffer brain damage for several years. Maybe even forgetting everything about Kumogakure, Kahako, Kaza and Ayame. Maybe even enough damage to wipe his mind completely.

Satou had tried this before, and the results were several decades wandering the earth like a brain dead zombie till his brain healed. The demon did not wish to end this fun so soon. It had to prevent Satou from ruining its fun.
While Satou roared and flung about the shelves, blasted books with waves of kinetic energy. Taring pages and the room itself apart, he could feel his mind taring away. Pieces fading here and there of places and people he's met. He collapses to his knee's as he feels himself splitting apart mentally. Breathing and heaving as he tries standing But feels someone kick his legs out from underneath him.

Falling he caught himself and spun about to throw a punch but stopped when standing before him was Kaza. Satou's eyes widened. "Kaza?" He mumbled before his lover reeled back and punched him in the face with such force it laid him flat out on the ground and sliding along the wood floor a few feet. He slowly tried getting up, everything spinning. But soon Kaza's Foot collided to his face, stomping his head into the wooden floor. "How many times are you gonna make yourself suffer? Hmm? HOW MANY TIMES?! Or maybe i'll just kill Kaza now and have my fun for today." The demon laughed as it continued stomping Satou's face till Satou's hands shot up, grabbing "Kaza's" foot and shot upright with the foot still in his hands, Lifting the demon into the air and began slamming it's body into the wooden lacquered floor by holding its leg tightly.

Slam, slam.

The demons infernal laughing, Satou continue rag-dolling the body into the ground. Blood splattering his rage filled face as he mauled "Kaza's" body.

Slam, slam.

The sounds of bones and flesh mashing and taring till Satou stopped.

Holding nothing but a bloody leg, shaking, crying as before him was his lover, dead and mauled. Kaza smiling up at him in a mix twisted disfigured face. The demons laughter coming through Kaza's twisted smile.

As the laughing grew louder, the sadness ebbed away from Satou's face, only to be drown out in pure, unadulterated rage. He raised the dismembered leg. Leaped upon the bloody corpse and began smashing the face of his lover till he couldn't make out the face anymore. Lost in his mindless screaming rage.

The demon's coy smile widened, thinking that would keep Satou busy for awhile longer. Then for some reason his little Ayame seemed to act out of turn. Acting rather crass as she begged and tried to stop Kaza from fulfilling his wishes. No, no no the demon could have none of that. But it seems the girl would act up and be flung about in some sort of fit, the demon silenced her whimpers.

The demon stopped the dancing, stood there and stared at Ayame rather perplexed. "Get down from there girl, stop acting so silly." A wave of its hand pried the poor girl off the wall like a human sticker and plopped her on her feet. The demon let go of Kaza and slowly sauntered over to the girl. "Stop you're crying now silly little girl." He wiped her eyes and wiped the darkness from her lips so she can talk. "Stop being so silly, silly, silly. my little monster."

He frizzled and played with her hair. "My little monster, go now, clean up the girl. Claim her as yours Ayame. But don't kill her or torment her father. It's more amusing to let a man live in darkness squirming in the unknown of his daughters fate. And you fulfilling all your whims with her body and mind. Go go, go have your fun while daddy has a talk with daddy." The demon laughed as he playfully shoved the girl back to the weakened creature laying helpless before Ayame.
Become my true child, learn from me Ayame. Don't stop me child. It whispers into her mind.

And so the demon went back to Kaza, dancing around the strange formation of bugs on the floor. The demon laughed, did Kaza think the demon was clueless. "Oh Kaza, Kaza, kaza, Kaza. You think yourself so clever my little pet. Hmm." The Demon scratched its chin looking down at all the bugs, making it apparent to Kaza that the demon knew Kaza was scheming something. "Maybe you are smart, maybe smarter than most humans in this village or any other. Maybe thats why I like you, you're cunning. Sneaky. I like that, reminds me of the first humans of civilization. How they evolved in nothing but schemes. Schemes on how to be better than others, how to win, how to rule over others." The demon tip toed danced back to Kaza, wrapping its arms around Kaza and hugging him gently. Kissing him softly as he listened to Kaza's words.

The demon looks off as if thinking on Kaza's preposal. "Hmmmmm, nope. No I don't think I will change them. Or rather my dear Kaza, I can't change them. What has happened to both Satou and Ayame. They are my children, they both have my blood coursing through their veins. They are demons, their hunger and pain is their own. Ayame, my sweet Ayame is such a good girl that she eats and feeds herself. So she will be able to handle the hunger if she eats right and as often as need be." He shot Ayame a glance. "I mean it, make sure you get enough but don't overdo it young Missy! " He stuck his tongue at her and laughed if she gave him any sass.

He turned his burning eyes on Kaza. "And Satou, Satou, Satou, Satou. Do you know, he has been keeping little secrets from you my pet? My blood being one, another that his lack of feeding is actually, causing his body to deteriorate and increasing his blood lust. So much that over years his hunger has changed, not only to feeding on blood. He eats flesh too. But he sticks to drinking rats,cats and dogs every couple of hours. When he should be drinking blood as much as you humans drink water, and eating the bodies of humans like you do chicken,cows and fish. Lastly, my sweet, sweet Kaza." He leaned in close to whisper softly.

"If Satou and I ever seperate. Satou will die." And with that he let go of Kaza and stepped back with open arms. "So, what are you gonna do now my pet?" It looked along the ground at the insects. "Gonna try and seal me? You can try, but it will not work. Maybe, pull me from this living corpse? Would you even be able to? If you could, could you? Could you bring yourself to kill your new found love?" The demon started laughing, laughing hysterically.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
Ayame watched them with her bloody red eyes as they danced around the room. The demon threatened Ayame, but Kaza, for some reason, was by her side. She had no idea what these bugs were capable of or what Kaza was capable of.
As she said this was a mistake and she'd disappear from here she noticed that Kaza was in tears.
He said he failed them both. He asked for forgiveness.
But he just met Ayame. Why he was so emotional towards her? She was a stranger to him. He had no idea who she was, what she was. This reminded her of the first time she met Nataku. She felt the same way - confused and scared from his will to give her a better life. But that ended up so badly.

Kaza offered him a deal - one day a month with him, just the two of them and he'd have to stop tormenting them... both. The girl didn't want this. She didn't need... no, she didn't want any help. All this time on her own, she felt like she knew what was best for her. But also - she didn't want Kaza to be put on risk, because of her.
The girl tried to say something, but she was silenced by the demon. She was able to feel Satou's rage and desperation - after all the shared the same demon. With time her demon would be entirely separated from his, with his own consciousness, because he'd connect more and more with Ayame, but for now she was able to feel his inner world [OOC: You ok with this, Satou?].
This was a nightmare. She had no idea the demon was capable of doing this. Keeping Satou locked inside his own mind for so long, even the fact he was trying to take control of his own body so badly. She never realized what kind of creature she invited inside her body and mind. This was the first time she questioned the decision she made out of desperation. She didn't want to lose control of her body like Satou.

No. She also didn't want to be his child. She wanted the demon to be her slave. But... it wasn't possible. He was stronger than her. He was even stronger than Satou! And now... Satou was just like Nataku.
Ayame remembered how Nataku was lost in the eyes of Senkaku. How Senkaku controlled his body and she wasn't able to see the warmth in Nataku's eyes anymore. Nataku was lost. Forever. She lost him. And now, when the past was repeating itself she felt helpless once again. Weak, confused, useless... scared. She did all of this and for what? To end up in a situation similar to Nataku.

- NO! - the girl shouted - NO!
And she ran towards Satou, separating him from Kaza. She started hitting him on the chest, but nothing more. Ayame knew she couldn't hurt him. After all... this was Satou's body.
Her eyes were filled with rage, regret and tears.
- Let him go! - she screamed at the demon - Stop this! - another hit. Even is she was way shorted than Satou, barely reaching his chest, she continued - Go away from Kaza, go away from here, let him go!
Another hit and another. She lost herself in this rage, in this act of desperation...
WC: 561​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
