Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Unusual family dinner [Private]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Kaza stopped moving as the demon spoke to Ayame, before noticing his plan. It seemed that the demon would not bargain with him, so it had decided to take the difficult path. Lowering his head tears began to flow down his face as Ayame struck the demon demanding it get away from him. Kaza grabbed a hold of it, placing his arms around him & holding it tight.

"Your right...I can't separate you. There's no way I could live without him..." he would say as thousands of kikaichu began streaming from him flying around the three of them. They were a danger to this village, if he couldn't find some way to make things work they needed to be eliminated. That was a burden he would not carry. Chakra was siphoned from them, as kikaichu died from the power of their chakra more filled the ranks.

When he spoke next the words would thunder around them, as if he spoke through the very kikaichu. "If there is no way for us to come to an agreement then we shall depart this place together..." as he spoke the kikaichu began to glow it's chakra as they swarmed around the three in a monstrous swarm. He needed to make sure it understood the severity of the situation it had gotten itself into, he would make the demon succumb to his will.

"...did you know the kikaichu can be detonated? In such a close proximity to the hive..." this time his words were not repeated by the insects as he tightened his grip on the demon. So many of the emotions he used for this treachery stemmed from his true feelings, his deception would be impeccable. After all the best lies contained small truths. "Satou I'm sorry...I love you. Please forgive me..." as he said his farewells the energy within the beetles would reach its full explosive potential.

Would he be successful in his attempt to fool the demon, to gain his chance at brokering a deal or would the demon best him again. Through the tears there was a certainty in those eyes, the Aburame would not live with his love. But had the demon known he would be so willing to throw it all away? Humans were known for there unpredictable behaviour when they were in love. Some were known to be down right dangerous, all he needed was it to think he was willing to do what needed to be done.

[OOC ^_^ No worries Ayame]
Edited to fix auto correct
Oct 22, 2012
(Sall good :) )

What a delicious moment it was, his little family bickering about. The child monster, slamming at her fathers chest with her anger, demanding it to leave and never return. Her punches hammered his flesh and yet the Demon didn't appear physically effected, only slightly saddened. The demon only looked down upon her with and spoke wearily. "Soon Ayame, soon."Blood teared in his right eye. "Our dear Satou, is rather troublesome. My time is being cut short." It stared coldly with bleeding eyes at Satou'a lover, he who threatening to end all three of them in a rather interesting light show. It was rather humorous. And the demon stood, still as a statue. Unwavering stature in the face of destruction. Satou's skin felt cold, as if all the blood was drawing inward. Face paling in color and lips tinging slight blue. Yet the demon held a calm smile, it's free hand stopped Ayame and held her close to Satou's body, it's was shaking, cold as if going into shock.

The demon spoke calmly, trying not to speak too quickly. It didn't want to rush the moment. "Don't worry my sweet child, I'm sure you'll have Satou back in a moment." It was after those words Kaza could feel it in Satou's hand, the sudden slack of strength in grip, cold chilled fingers. It began shaking, It's eye's would drift and fade then focus back in before Satou's legs began to give and topple into Ayame when Kaza held the demon firm.
Satou knelt there in the pool of blood and mess around him. His beloved Kaza was dealing with the monster living inside his head. This imitation of Kaza laid dead and destroyed before him. Even though the ordeal scared him, seeing his lover killed by his own hands was something he wished torn from his mind. Maybe he should do just that. Satou didn't waste time, he knew the demon would push Kaza into trying something reckless. Quickly Satou began destroying the books more and more, he could feel parts of his memory being torn like pieces of paper. People and names, dissipating like whispers in the wind.

Of course, every time he did he would spasm in pain, his body would mentally break little by little till the Demon would give up and let him out for fear of going brain dead. Satou laughed but groaned from the sheer pain of his skull pounding and aching. Let me out!" He yelled, he punched an entire bookshelf and sent enough energy through it to splinter everything. "Let me out!" Was all he remember saying before everything went dark.

Satou's body couldn't handle this mental strain on top of sudden chakra drain, poor nourishment. The demon wanted to yank Kaza forward, rip into that soft throat and have a nice drink while being set ablaze. Of course, It would think it could survive such a blast. Satou's body has survived quite a list of physical torment. Though the Demon had to think of Ayame, and it's delicious play thing. It didn't want the game to end, but Kaza was playing hard to get and Satou was wrecking havoc in his own brain. The demon had to give up for today. "You win Kaza. You have bested me for today. " It whispered as It allowed Satou to pass out. His body limp and cold, breathing shallow. His demon blood seeped from his nose and eyes. Lips moving, whispering Kaza's name.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
What a strange turn of events. Ayame had no idea things would turn out to be like this. Exciting, but sad. Sad, because these two loved each other more than death loved harvesting souls. It was pure love, both sweet and destructive. Something Ayame could never understand, probably. Love with no boundaries, without wanting anything in return. How and why, questions that could never be answered and if so, would never be understood by the little girl. But who needed to understand it? People needed to just feel it, things didn't always need an explanation.

So she didn't need an explanation for Kaza's desire to blow this place apart with her inside. It was her fault that this happened, so she deserved to die like this, by him. She was aware of that, so running was not an option. Maybe dying was a chance to make things better. Maybe there was something out there, a new life, waiting for her just to end her breath. This world was full of surprises, so it seemed like a possibility. But, shit, man... this world just turned to be something interesting. With the thing inside her that just made things bearable.

Kaza was talking. Satou, no, the demon was talking. He called her his child. God, it felt good. And damn, she didn't deserve to be called his child, even if it was a demon. But... but it felt good and she couldn't change the way she felt. So... so maybe... there was something inside of her that wanted the demon to stay for a little longer. And then... the demon just stopped Ayame and held her close. His body cold, shaking, but she didn't care. Yes, she would accept the love of a demon, because well... that was probably the best she could get from this world.

The demon in her was silent, like never before. The thing must've put a lot of effort to try and keep Satou away. And when the man fell on the ground, Ayame's eyes widened. The girl sighed, opened her mouth as her little pointy canine teeth went through her wrist and the red life ran down her hand. She knelt in front of Satou and moved her wrist over his mouth, as the bloody drops fell on his mouth. "I apologize" a silent, guilty words came out of her mouth as her hand was shaking a bit. She didn't realize when her eyes teared up, but not a single tear appeared on her cheek.
Poor people... "What have I done..." she though.
[MFT; WC: 428]​

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The scene unraveled before him as the demon comforted Ayame a peculiar sight to behold. For the briefest moment he'd thought his Satou was back. It's words about Satou cutting its time short concerned him. If what it had said earlier was to believed it only meant his beloved had reached such a breaking point even the demon couldn't push him any further. There was a sharp pain in his chest upon this realization, but it meant one thing. If he maintained this persona of utter conviction in their demise it would submit to his will. For the briefest moment he thought the demon was going to kill him. A shudder ran down his spine 'Could it survive the blast?' the thought of Satou coming to in that scene of carnage. A tear rolled down his face while he embraced his love, then the demon spoke to him saying he had won for today.

With those words Satou collapsed his body looked as if death itself held him in its grasp. Ayame quickly acted slicing her wrist & letting the blood flow into Satou's mouth. But the Agent knew it wouldn't be enough so he moved to the table, to the gift Ayame had brought for the man they cared for. Grabbing the woman's body he dragged her across the room to Satou removing a blade from his waist. "Don't you dare leave us!" he would order his love as he slid his blade across the woman's throat, she awoke panic fresh in her eyes as the blood gushed out of her throat. That crimson liquid spurting out over the two demonic beings before him,
a practiced ease came with the motion. It wasn't the first throat he'd slit he doubted it would be the last. "I order you to drink." he would command his love. The act had been done without hesitation, in this state his instincts would undoubtedly drive him to do exactly as ordered by his love. Drink.

"We can't have him killing you my dear can we. How would Kaza feel if he drained our daughter?" he would ask her with a warm smile. Even though he had been threatening to blow them all into oblivion only moments ago. Those deadly chakra eating & potentially explosive beetles returned to their hive. Tunneling into his body once more as looked at the blood covered blade in his hand. "Perhaps I may have been a bit over zealous." he would joke raising his free hand to his head & scratching as he laughed. It was a warm & calming sound as he scratched his head with embarrassment he would realize he had blood all over himself. Perhaps he was trying to make light of the situation ease the pain the young kunoichi was feeling.

"You cannot blame yourself Ayame. Nor can I allow it. That burden is not your's to bear. We know the consequences of our actions & the risks we take in life..." he would say as he reached down gently lifting her head up to meet his gaze. "Never. Never apologize for being who you are. Be proud of who you are for you are our daughter Ayame. Rise above guilt & shame it will only do you harm in this life." he would say his gaze shifting to Satou, for he knew it was his loves guilt that burdened him the most. "So long as you follow your dreams I will always be proud of you. No matter what those dreams are. For that is what it means to be one of the Miroku. Hold your head with pride, shinobi are meant to endure. None know that burden more so then us." he would say letting go of her & giving her a warm smile.
[Clan NPC Kaza]
Oct 22, 2012
The darkness that surrounded him was cold and unbearably quiet. It was like floating in a space where there was no light. He couldn't move. couldn't speak. Couldn't see or hear anything or anyone. He was dead to the world for but those few moments. Even the silence without the demons voice. Those quiet moments of death, Satou cherished the silence of his own demise.

But in the silence, he was able to taste something. He could feel his mouth open to a warmth that wormed past his lips, drenching them. His parched throat whetted. The warmth and life began to spread through his limbs again. He wanted more, he wanted to drink more. And so he did, he latched onto this small drink weakly, his limbs were moving again. His lips formed a smile while he was feeding on Ayame's wrist, his hands weakly grasping at her soft skin to hold her bleeding wrist.

The darkness slowly ebbed to light as his eyes were adjusting. He could hear muffled sounds as he felt brain tissue slowly regenerate in his skull. It was like the feeling of inflating a deflated balloon in his skull, all the blood was pushing around and reforming brain matter that was burned out or damaged.

The wrist was taken from him, but for a brief moment the world grew dark again. He could faintly make out someone pushing a body towards him, A young girl, her head tilted back, the look of fear on her face as blood seeped from her throat. There was no hesitation in his need for this girls slipping life force. He latched onto the poor girl, like a depraved animal Satou weakly dragged the girl a few feet from where he was laid, and began feeding sloppily from the neck wound. Gorging himself on the warm thick blood that ebbed and dripped from the long slice across the skin. He bit and chewed into the wound, his hearing could only pick up the soft fumbling of words a few feet away, but more so he only heard all to clear the soft silent cries of the victim in his arms. Her tears hit his cheek.

Images flashed through his mind as he drank, memories flood while his brain continued healing. A small movie played in his mind. He was in a large, grand palace of Onyx stone. In his arms was a young girl whom he loved, dying in his arms. Her throat torn, bleeding out over his arms and cloths. Her blood smeared on his face as he knelt there, crying with her in his arms as tears and blood painted her face.

Satou stopped feeding, the dreams were gone. The girl in his mind was long since dead, and now this young creature before him. Given to him like a sacrificial lamb. He just stayed there, kneeling in Kaza's room, with this dead girl before him. He licked his fingers when staring at the bloody mess on him. What had happened? Where was he? His mind was fuzzy as all the images flooding his mind was similar to watching multiple movies all at once on fast forward. His brain was trying to collect the vast well of information tucked in his mind and the Demon within him.

There it was, the demon, he could hear the sickening laughed as he wiped the blood from his mouth, couldn't help licking his fingers. My my, you were quite hungry weren't you my friend. Shut the @!#$ up you @#$%ing prick. How dare you take control of me, you know what i'd do if you tried shit like that. Oh yes, yes I do know. and I like playing once in awhile, see if you really have the balls as a man to make the choice. Would you be able to destroy yourself? We both know the answer to that, don't we.

Satou slowly stood, he didn't wanna turn and look at them, he could smell them in the room. Could smell this dead girls blood on them as well. He was still so very hungry, now more then this morning when opened his eyes in bed with his love. He felt the burning run along his chest and up his throat, the demon's whispers in his mind More, more, you have to have more. Satou could feel his chest hallow out, needing something to fill the void. His lips parted as he breathed aloud a deep sigh. His breath was so hot it gave a mist to the air.

His demonic eyes slowly turned on the two, the blood pumping through their veins, he could smell their blood so clearly that his lips moistened from the dryness at the thought of feeding more. Satou slowly lurched forward, each step he could feel his brain slosh around in head fluid. He had to pause a few steps because he felt vertigo hit him, and the feeling of falling. But he kept his balance. Just had to move slowly. "Kaza." He whispered as blood smeared over his lips and lower face. His burning eyes and glances over Kaza easily suggested what he wanted.

It would be up to Kaza, even though he body screamed for it. As Satou finally took hold of his lover and giving a weak tug, Satou almost fell into him. Hoping Kaza could hold him upright. Satou laid his head upon his lovers shoulder, his warm bloody lips kissing Kaza's neck. Satou's voice came out a bit hoarse and weak still. "Don't #@#$ing do that again. That @!#$ing hurt." He coughed a laugh and groaned as pain shot through his skull from the vibration of a simple cough. His deep Ember eyes glanced from one side, then slowly turned his face to see Ayame. "Hey, now you get to help me hide a dead body after we clean up. That's family bonding right?" He smirked at her, then hid his face in Kaza's neck. Kissing it some more as he just wanted Kaza to carry him to bed. Wanting his lips to part just a bit more, sink those fangs into Kaza's soft neck and drink that warm blood under his skin.

Satou breathed, catching himself, kissing the skin instead of biting. But soon as his brain takes proper shape again, he knew he had to fix this mistake laying dead in his lover's bedroom.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
Ayame just stood there, watching him feed off of her blood, feeling the crimson life slipping through her veins and the cold touch of his thirsty mouth. Yes, Satou, feed like you let her feed from you back then. It was a sensation she would not forget. The first taste of blood, warm, soothing. The first couple of sips felt rather strange, but then she realized... it was something she enjoyed more than everything. She wasn't going to stop him, Ayame owed him this. But his love knew best. As Kaza brought the body, Ayame moved back, watching with some kind of interest and concern, while she licked her wrist. It wasn't bad. Her own blood. It wasn't bad at all...

It was... beautiful. The way Kaza cared for that man. With love. Passion. Held his life with just words that were enough to pull Satou back from his oblivion. And then... leave us? The girl looked around, unaware that maybe he was talking about him and her. Then he spoke something about draining their daughter. She hasn't seen another girl around here. Ayame looked at her wrist... did he? She looked back at Kaza, raising a suspicious eyebrow, watching his warm smile, then back at her wrist, trying to understand what he was talking about. Did he mean her? Was he totally insane? She could swear he looked like the most normal guy around, but, damn... the facts pointed to the opposite. And... after everything, he managed to compose himself and tried to soothe Ayame's mind. Something about being a shinobi, she shouldn't blame herself, being a Miroku But... what?! Wha did he just say? She was their daughter? Woah! Ayame took a deep breath and looked the top of her wrist as if she was wearing a watch, her whole body activating her alerting systems, alarming her that this wasn't the plan, this was something new and scary. "Oh my, guys! Look at the time, I have stuff to do!" And she just turned around, her little body drenched in blood, taking a few steps towards the door. But there was a movement. Ayame turned her head and stopped right at her place, watching Satou standing up. The man seemed so weak, trying not to fall on the ground once again, in hope for reaching his lover for a support. Because that's what people who loved each other do - seeking the support of their loved one. And that's what made her stop and take a look a both of them.

The girl tilted her head at what Satou said, but this wasn't the thing that bothered her mind right now. She was thinking of something else. To be honest she didn't imagine Satou like this when she first met him. He seemed perfectly fine, Ayame had no idea things were this bad. Must've been hard for him to deal with this every single day and still act like everything was fine. Exhausting, sad... Must've been even harder for Kaza. To know your loved one was in pain every day, on the edge of insanity and to try to keep his head clear, his mind intact by the thing inside of him. Kaza fought a war every day with this demon of his and it seemed that he was on the winning side, even now. Ayame huffed a laugh and shook her head slightly. Damn. Did they need some kind of a distraction? Because she couldn't understand the deal with her being a part of their crazy family. Not that she wouldn't blend in, but that meant only more trouble for both of them and it seemed they had enough already. Did they come to this point where they wanted a child? Ayame was aware that two males couldn't bring a child of their own in this world. So what, they saw something in her? And if so, was she the right choice? Was she able to bring smiles to both of them or only troubles? And what if, god forbid, she actually start caring for them and loving them as a real family? And what if after that they just decide to leave like Nataku? But maybe they weren't like that. It seemed life wasn't easy on them, but they were able to endure everything so far, didn't give up on each other. So maybe there was a chance for her too? Oh, how pathetic just to think about this...

Ayame continued torturing her head with these thoughts. Thinking if she should go or stay. Family bonding.... what was wrong with these guys? "Fuck it" she thought and headed for the door when she stopped again and looked at the couple "Really? A family? Real family? With me?"

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The agent watched his lover drag the woman's body away as he fed. Using the time to check & make sure Ayame was okay. Re-assuring her that it was not her fault. Kaza tried not to let the pain of what his love must be going through as he took the woman's life. He didn't want to further distress the young kunoichi anymore. Something seemed to change in the girl at his words, an uncomfortable look. Looking at her bloody wrist she would exclaim about the time as if she'd been wearing a watch. When she jumped up & began moving to the door he would merely give her a small smile. After all with what had just happened he couldn't blame the young demon for wanting to leave. It was at that moment he heart the sound of the lifeless body hitting the floor.

Turning he saw Satou standing those eyes burning with hunger as he held them in his gaze. He whispered his name & Kaza dashed towards his love. Giving him the support he needed, Satou weakly told him to never do something like that again. Trying to re-assure Kaza in his own way by adding some of his usual humor to the remark. " you wish my love." he would say a single tear rolling down his cheek. Very aware of the pain he'd put his love through in his efforts to challenge the demon. Satou's attention moved down to the Agent's throat & he knew what his lover wanted. Once more his love spoke this time to Ayame his words made the Agent chuckle, perhaps not tonight. His beetles could deal with the corpse, he wondered what was going through the young kunoichi's mind as she stood there before the door.

Her words made him smile warmly "Of course...but only if you too. Who else could fit our family so perfectly?" he would ask her with that grin upon his face. It was true he was a diplomatic spy & assassin. His lover an ancient shinobi inhabited by a demon even older still. Then there was Ayame capable of being as cunning & tenacious as Kaza. Yet charming & bloodthirsty, yet not without remorse. She was very much like the two shinobi before her even if she didn't realize it. While they spoke Satou turned his attention once more to Kaza's neck he would chuckle at his loves actions. Releasing a small swarm of kikaichu from his hand he had the creatures begin consuming the lifeless corpse in the room. Those green eyes moved to hold Ayame once more in their gaze. Wondering what she was thinking & how she felt. What would she choose if anything.

Oct 22, 2012
Satou stayed by Kaza's side. Holding onto him for support as the room kept trying to spin in his vision. His hunger pounding his chest as he could smell Kaza in his arms. He was so close, it would only take him a second and the burning would be eased by his lovers blood. But this wasn't the time nor place. The sudden sight and sound of countless tiny insects eating a dead body made Satou shiver in Kaza's arms. Not from the sight of what was going on, but a mental image in Satou's mind, of Satou standing before a mound of demonic twisted insects devouring villagers from some kind of village never seen. The demon's twisted, unnatural smile on Satou's lips.

The image played a bit in his mind, but he snapped to reality when hearing Ayame's voice. Satou was from Kaza, to Ayame within that breath of time. Wrapping his arms gently around her and picking the girl up. His warm burning eyes held a hearth fire warmth as he spoke. "Of course, of course we'll be family." He held her close, as if sheltering her, wanting to keep her safe. She was his creation now, he had played a hand in making her like this so he was responsible for her actions. He had to be by her side, wherever she run off too he'd be not far behind. Making sure his daughter was safe. The very word played in his mind. He couldn't stop smiling. And a red tear rolled down his cheek. "My daughter, lets be off and get something to eat. Or someone. But this time." He looked to the pile of bugs cleaning bone and all on the floor.

"No more bodies, even if Kaza has a nifty way to get rid of them. We can't risk something like this again. I'll show you some neat tricks I've learned. Come!" Even though he beckoned he carried the girl in his arms instead of letting her go. He bounded out the room with her tucked in his arms. Even with his brain matter reforming, the images skewing his vision. He acted as if nothing was wrong, he paused outside the hall.

He couldn't remember the area. The Images weren't coming to him. His mind couldn't fathom even the name of the place. Yet he wanted to explore this new home with Ayame in his arms. He called out to Kaza from the hall. "Hey love, once your creepy crawlies done munching. Wanna, help me find where the @!#$ i'm going?" He gave a laugh and bounded down the hall wanting Kaza to come chasing after him in a light jog.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
When she watched them, Ayame was wondering if this is her future. If she'd be like Satou in the future with the demon in her. Satou needed Kaza, he held his sanity, so Aya wondered if she'd need someone to keep her from losing it. It was frightening to know that maybe, when the time comes, she'd be unable to resist the demon growing inside of her and she'd be devoured by hallucinations until the demon takes control of her body, leaving her soul locked in the place where he was now. No, that's not something she wanted. All she wanted were the powers that came with the demon, but the price... she didn't know about the price she had to pay for the rest of her life. Was it worth? "Of course it's worth!" she thought "It's so fun and exciting! Everything is worth!" For her, everything was just fun and games with no consequences. So, at least for now, it was exactly what she wanted.

Kaza's words snapped her out of her thoughts and she widened her red eyes at him. Who else could fit their family so perfectly? She watched the grin on his face with wonder on her own face. A small smile appeared on her bloody mouth and her eyes shifted to the bugs that ate away the corpse. Just then she remembered about the girl. Sadly, she couldn't feel guilt yet. Ayame chose her to be a victim long ago and she could only see her like a sacrificial lamb. Aya opened her mouth to say something but shut her mouth when Satou took her in his arms. Aya raised her eyebrows, she was surprised. The girl could barely hear his words when he held her close as if sheltering her, keeping her safe from something. Ayame was overwhelmed with emotions and just bit her lower lip, furrowing her eyebrows to hold her tears. "Daughter?" she asked herself "Really?"
Suddenly, memories about Nataku flooded her mind. What if... what if they abandon her too? The thought quickly disappeared, when she heard about getting someone to eat. She looked at Satou with an excitement that quickly vanished when he said that they should be careful. "But where's the fun in that?"

When they got out of the room, Ayame wrapped her tiny arms around Satou's neck and looked at Kaza, stretching her arm towards him "I want Kaza to come too. Kaza, come, please!"
The girl obviously wanted to spend time with both of them. She wanted to get to know them. They were... strange. Different. She liked that. She liked them. She wanted to stay with them.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
