Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:44:01

Visiting the Newly Weds

Sato Daigo

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 9, 2012
OOC Rank
After a lengthy discussion with his head secretary the two formed a compromise for where Shin should the strangers from Kirigakure. For all intents and purposes, the two visitor's reason for being here were sound but ever since the recent attacks against the noblemen of Lightning Country everyone has been in edge. Evidently there were great reason to dear for Shin's safety because if the Kingslayers were able to kidnap Shin they would be able to take the whole country hostage. At least if Shin were to meet this strangers from Water Country he would reasonable sense of safety. The day was cool and brezing and thr district was still busy with the open pedestrian of the day. Shin was currently seen sittimg on a bench with his face covered under a book as he waited dor his guests. On the left and the right stood two stout ANBU guards quietly surveying the area. Shin paused for a moment as he pulled a silver object from his inner pocket. The beveled casing flipped open revealing an analog clock.
Takehiko just barely withheld a sigh as he scanned the area once more, but one thing bothered him it really did - how could the Raikage just be reading a book right now? Come on now there was a possibility of getting into a fight just like that no questions asked, yet he seemed completely relaxed, was he just that confident? It really was a mystery to him, but then again the young man wasn't getting payed to be thinking. He had work and he was going to keep to being professional as much as possible.

The ANBU, well trainee though that didn't matter, leaned backwards until his back touched the bench, his eyes still scanning the area carefully. It was just a matter of time before the meeting began and he had to be ready for pretty much anything. Hopefully his colleague was thinking the same think right now, because their eyes met for a very brief second.

The Sentinel was wearing his special uniform, which was more body tight than normal uniforms, mainly for the mobility that provided. After all his work required speed and that was something he hoped he had. His fox mask guarded his identity, which meant he didn't really have to keep up any sort of appearances right now. He was a ghost and he intended to keep it that way as much as he possibly could.

[Topic Entered/ Mask equipped]
[Sorry I couldn't really think of much to write]

Kushin and his mask - Kushin has green hair however.


Kushin said as he arrived. He was bored but he'd received a call requesting a mednin to come along with the Raikage on an official visit every mednin he turned to was busy. It was almost to the point where Kushin was going to order someone out of whatever they were doing and do it himself so they could go walkabouts with the Raikage. Instead Kushin decided he'd waste his time with this nonsense.

Pulling a mask out of his pocket he waved it before him. He'd not used this in a very long time, about eight years ago he'd been an ANBU Trainee. In that time he'd changed to Medical Trainee, Mednin, Medical Chief and then successfully blackmailed the Sennin into deferring to him as the mans replacement. Kogan now worked for Kushin as a member of his personal medical team, the Harvesters.

Placing the ANBU mask on his face the cracks running along it told of the time it had spent in battle, the three teardrops under the right eye was the symbol that Kushin was the third student of Myoumi Akuhei, the only man who Kushin knew that shared his love of bloodshed. Perhaps it was because of that mans training that Kushin did as much as he did.

Still this was a diplomatic mission, and placing the mask on Kushin explained himself For appearances sake.

"May Gaia guide my foot steps. . . may Cereza be safe. . ."

Damn, they were unto him and his plan! What plan? No plan, there was no plan. Then why, did the Raikage of all people wish to speak to him? Who the heck knows but with how this life would end up he wouldnt take any risks. There was too much at stake to make a mis<i></i>take now. So, leaving his weaponry and equipment with Cereza he would smile and kiss her forehead before whispering into her ear, 'I'll be back, if I do not come back within the next two hours. Leave everything and run. Take our children and just leave the village. We'll rendezvous in the port city in Water country. Okay?' he didnt wait for her answer but he meant every word of it. Dressed in his attire he made it himself, all blue with golden tassels and buttons. Black undershirt and a blue jacket. Rozan was not prepared for an ambush, though his heart raced as if there would be one coming.

It would take a while for him to reach the designated position, but he wasnt accustomed to Kumogakure. There was alot he had not ventured into quite yet. He was still collecting data so the only thing they would see would be his notepad with white gloves. The clanking of his black boots against the pavement, the brick? Maybe it was he didnt know but soon after he would lift his eyes up to the man, sitting with two very strong ANBU guardians. 'Thats him.' Rozan would think to himself lowly before bowing his head into a nod. Visibly he had nothing on him and before he would finish his approach he'd stop about fifteen feet away from them, holding his hands up, notepad in one fitted glove and a pen in the other. The information seen on the pad was written in both common english and the sacred text of the Katai.

"I'm guessing you are the Raikage, that asked to speak with me and my wife? Well sorry one half of us is sitting in the Inn sick with children in her belly. Hehe, I wouldnt have her come out on such a call when I'm the head of the family. She trusts my words and decisions as I trust her's.", clearing his throat a bit he eyed both the ANBU with sweat dropping from his brow slowly, was Rozan nervous? No. . . but it was apparent he was on edge meeting with the Kage on short notice. Rozan was a Jounin, simple. He taught classes in Kirigakure, a principal at the school, a revered historian but that was self proclaimed. The Sage of Earth. So he felt. Though, they would not know this. . . the most info they likely had on him was, he had a wooden left arm. Though it wasnt like a puppet limb, it actually looked and formed a muscular structure, unlike that of a prosthetic. However, it was not visible to them at this current moment.

"You may check me. I am unarmed, but unarmed shinobi still may deal damage. . . so I'm not sure what checking me would do aside from a general show of faith that I do indeed come without hostility towards your fine people." and with a simple half smile and a nod he would await what was to come soon. . . Hopefully this wasnt something that would get him killed, but then again it was uncharted territory for him. A man in his position had to be cautious, or at least loose enough to show that he would be no harm to them as he was not that sort of man.

[Topic entered]
Shin could see a man from a distance walked toward the area dressed in a professional dark militant suit. The man looked upright and stern as he calmly walked toward him. It was easy to see that the man was concern for his safety vacillated his movements. The man showed his hands up showing that he was no threat, at least the man was wise with his actions. Shin closed his book and slid it underneath his robe as he walked over toward the man to greet him.

As Shin faced the man he could see his brow glistering with cold sweat like the morning due. Certainly this man was fearful his life more for his wife rather for himself. It rather unlikely that this man had anything to hide; however, it would still be foolish of him to assume anything. At least Shin attempted to relieve the man's burden by presenting him a generous smile and a stern handshake.

"I am a man of perception; I am certain that you have nothing to hide. I hope that the hospital is serving your wife well." Shin said. "Now, what brings you and your wife to Kumogakure no Sato."
'Interesting I haven't seen that mask before'(I was a little confused regarding how you worded it) Takehiko thought as he tensed his muscles, ready to jump up at any time. Sure he was lazy and didn't really want to do much, but it was his job to be careful and keep his client alive. No matter his new partner was a cloud shinobi for sure, considering there was no real reaction from Shin whatsoever. In fact he appeared somewhat familiar, but from where he didn't quite know (Acting on Sennin being somewhat renown). Again there was no real point in thinking about that. It was almost time for the actual meeting.

Soon enough there he was. Takehiko had been shown a picture of the person, with whom the Kage was meeting, before he accepted the mission, but it was somewhat interesting to see his fear. Sure he was a shinobi from a different village, who was called by that villages Kage, though he was still a weapon of mass destruction. Why was he afraid and what for? They were born to fight and die on the field nothing more nothing less. It was just something the young man didn't understand. Concepts like love and fear for someone elses life were foreign to him at least for now. He was a thief who just wanted to live day for day, hence why he never really planned for anything, although that doesn't mean he was actively looking to die.

The AiT tensed once more as Shin offered to shake Rozan's hand, but he quickly relaxed once more. For now it seemed there was no danger, but who knew. Anything can happen.

He stood a step behind the Raikage and to the right of the man. His mast was transfixed on the pair before him. The man who the Raikage was meeting with and the Raikage himself. Kushin knew only too well that acting bored wouldn't be what his ANBU Sensei would want seen of his ex-pupil, and so he'd play the role of the silent ANBU guardian.

The mans wife and child to be were in the hospital. That was all good, there would be mednin looking after her with more expertise than Kushin offered in that area. It also meant that he could contact the location immediately should Shin wish it with all the authority that his title brought with it.

This meeting seemed a touch strange to him. This man had been here for a bit, and was now being summoned. What was it that Shin wanted?

A question like that must surely only be the opening sequence of the questions, something to lead onto the point. A question like that could have been asked by anyone, or was Shin less trusting than to allow the perceptions of others be his eyes? His questions were silently mulled over in his thoughts as he watched the conversation before him.

Hm, lets see where this goes. . . shall we?

Nodding he would take into consideration everything going on around him. The silence of the two. . . the upstanding nature of the man, this Raikage, approaching him and Rozan returning a nice firm handshake a a half smile, though his eye still calculating his chances of survival if this happened to break out into a fight. Why would that happen? This is NC, anything could happen. Anywho, Rozan would bow his head low, proper respect and a general culture to culture sign of lowering yourself before another in the act of respect. So, with that he'd lift his head and begin speaking, as a gust of cool wind, a silent breeze, passed through him. "Nothing to hide indeed. My wife and I left the hostpial just a few days ago and one of your very noble Baroness treated her with the utmost respects. Something that I believe, is working into our favor. She was very nice and kind to my wife, Cereza. . . Answering all her questions and being as forefront as possible as to what we're dealing with."

Looking then to the two ANBU with him, the power surging from them was. . . amazing. He wouldnt last long if a fight happened. . . then again he wouldnt attack he would merely defend. "Uhm, well we were travelling the four shinobi nations. . . in search of a hospital that could properly take care of my wife. We left during an attack on our people. . . and I decided leaving would be the best course of action. They know we left though, so I'm in no way a Rogue. I assure you.", he almost was though, either way. . . Smiles and nods were the best way to make things happen. . .


"Though, if I may. . . Raikage-dono. . . Why did you request my appearance here? I'm confused. . . I'm a normal man. Regular Jounin Teacher. . . Though I'm more of a Historian and linguist. . .", taking a second he would just await the responses. . .

Baroness. Shin could not understand why shinobi would consider themselves as part of nobility, especially considering the strong contrast between military ranks and social status. Regardless, such things did not seem to matter to Shin, the real concern is why the two Kirigakure shinobi came to lightning country.

"Interesting.." Shin said with a commanding pause."Well it appears you have already answer most of my questions. What I find odd is why you would require medical assistance at a hidden military facility hundreds of miles away from your country, especially for a c-section. Could you not have gone to a hospital in water country? I am sorry I being overly presumptuous I tend to be overzealous."

"May I ask what is going on in water country?"
For now it seemed like the waters of this lake of wits was rather calm. Sure this wasn't exactly his cup of tea, but Takehiko was trying to figure out what was going on really. He was lacking information in what was going on, but hopefully as the meeting progressed that would be fixed. For now though it seemed like there was nothing he could do. Neither side was trying to do anything at all, so there was no need for him to do anything for now at the very least.

[I honestly have nothing to do here, but repeat what you two are saying/stare at people/get lost in memories. My apologies for the quality of my posts.]

"Okay. . . Okay. . . One step at a time."

Eh? What was he talking about? A C-section? What was this man talking about? Quite the odd man indeed, but Rozan liked him. Very formal and concerned for his guest. Though, Rozan would love to learn more about this man and maybe be of some assistance to Kumogakure in the future, so if he played his cards right he would be settin sail in the good graces of the Raikage and if he were to ever be acknowledged as a Sennin in Mist there would be a great ally in Kumo. "Oh, sorry for my lack of. . . information. But, Kirigakure was under a great monster attack. All the men and women of our village were under siege for weeks. Shortly after the attacks started I found out my wife was pregnant, so I secured the children in the Academy. . . and took her out the village to definite safety.", taking in the information Rozan would begin nodding his head and making sure he took to the details of all the people here. The Raikage was a man that cherished his own life and he seemed to be very strong himself. . . He didnt have any showing bloodlines or abilities that gave him any outward appearances or. . . anything else that altered his vision and body. So no signs of Kinjutsu. . .

"We met some problems, but we're fine now. We went to Fire country. . . but there was nothing there for us. Then Sunagakure. . . where we met a very wonderful Tiger demon. . . man. . . thing. . .", scratching the back of his head he didnt know how to fully explain the Toraono man. Though, he was very nice. . . studious, but his village was a waste. . . people dying in the streets, women holding babies up to him and Cereza and their hospital was blown to bits by a 'Djinn' or something. He only heard through the grapevine. "Anyways, He was very nice. . . but. . . Suna people are. . . I dont know how to explain it. However, I will be telling my Kage that they are not people that we need to be aligned with. Just personal opinion though. . . He can take it or leave it.", shrugging Rozan would look deeply into the eyes of Shin and thinking a bit more, he would exact a question into his mind. Something that Rozan would love to teach his children and an equal exchange would be nice right? "Sir, I know this may be an odd time to be speaking on such terms, however, do you think I could find out how to learn the language of your people? I know I can teach you the language of mine. . . Its a native language and its better to communicate in such a way. I actually have a book from common language to Mizugo.", nodding he would wonder if this would work. The book was legit. . . Rozan loved speaking in Mizugo. It would be good for the Kage of this nation to know the language for future events. Never know if there is an Evil Kage that needs to be taken care of and talking nonsense behind your back. . .

"So? Equal exchange. I promise to teach you the language of the Kirigakurians.", Cereza would be happy to know something else good would have happened in this trip. . . every bit of info would be used. Kumo was a good ally. Sand was not. Leaf, was a dull place. . . so Mist and Cloud would benefit from a future treaty. Rozan would love to have had a hand in paving the way for such an eventful thing to happen. Maybe he could earn his stripes. . . and he could help Cereza get her promotion. She deserved it. Though, one step at a time. This would be the beginning of a great relationship. . .

[OOC: I thought it would be okay to just post because I dont want you guys having to post 50 words of nonsense with no direct interaction. So sorry for skipping you Kushin.]
Rozan's answers only raised more questions in Shin's mind. What was this monster? Was the monster destroyed? Where did it come from? Why did Rozan expressed ill-will against Sunagakure? All questions that he should consider at another time. Most importantly, Rozan presented an interesting proposition that Shin feared could devastate the relations with Kigakure and Sunagakure. As an astute historian, Shin understood how sacred language can be to a country. Languages are the cornerstones of any culture and to simply hand it to a foreign country may be unsettling. Shin's countenance remained inquisitive as his dark gray eyes peek out of his glasses toward Rozan. "What is the purpose for this man to learn the mother tongue of Kumogakure." Shin thought to himself.

"You present a favorable proposition, Rozan-san is it." Shin said. "However, I will need a pardon from your mizukage and I will have to speak with council. Would you mind following me we can see if we can contact Kirigakure through telegram." Shin said.

[[Leaving Topic w/ group]]

"Wait wait. . . Thats my job. . ."

. . . Okay. This was jumping a bit ahead, Rozan wanted to do this himself, more so for Cereza, she had trouble doing things in ANBU, but he only knew from the nights she would come home alittle frustrated at how things worked in Mist. He promised to make things better. Which he was attempting to do. During this trip he had collected necessary information that they both could use. . . as well as making silent alliances with people of the other countries. Mainly Kumo, this meeting with the Raikage would go as planned. Right? He didnt plan to be here but he did want to meet the man. . . a wonderful county and a very inquisitive leader. He was one to want information for himself, and Rozan was a history book waiting to happen. "If I may sir. . . Not to be rude, but a request.", pushing his glasses back upon his face and smiling.

"The reason for me learning the language that is native to your people is for future services to your village. I may not be a member of this fine place but, I am a member of my own home. If I may take any info you wish to deliver, I could take it personally.", nodding and coughing a bit into a gloved hand, "Its to ensure the best course of action so when we send you information its solid and you know its directly from myself or my wife. I know you wouldnt want the language to be widely placed out. . . ", fumbling his hands a bit trying to think of the context in which he wanted to use to explain his point. "Itd odd really, but if you would have a show of faith. . . I'm sure we could work something out. . .", information you can give out because he could and would not name the colors for the ranks and such else. Even so, ANBU's color was not notable. There had different symbols altogether.

"So please sir. . . This is my one request. . . On top of openly teaching you our language so your people may be better able to communicate with us and to send letters to our people without outsiders being able to nab them and read the contents. Its both a security check and as long as its labeled from either you or the Sennin of your grand village. . . ", hopefully this worked . . . it wasnt that he didnt want anyone to know where he was. . . He had actually told people they would be in Kumo or Suna. So it all made sense, either way, he wanted to do this himself for his family. If he could by chance gain more status by his efforts then things would likely begin working in his favor. . . he wanted the Main branch Sennin position. . . and Cereza was going to be a shoe in for ANBU if things worked out right. However, he just needed this from Shin. . . one thing.

[Stopping from leaving - Though not forcefully.]
Despite Rozan's reclusive nature he remained fervent invhus request. He refused Shin's offer to contact Kirigakure through but rather speak to his ppeople personally. He continued in speaking to Shin defending his true reasons for wishing to learn ancient kumo simply as a means for security and identity. It was disappointing to not hear the words "sharing of culture" or any euphemistic word like it. If ancient kumo was not so endearing to this country would Rozan requested to learn the language. Shin did not know. There were too many variables, too many possibilities for error. Alas, if this was the only way to open a gateway between Kumogakure and Kirigakure then so be it.

"So be it." Shin said maintaining his composure. "I do have one condition I will to have a shinobi from Kumo accompany you and your wife to verify what has beem said. I would go myself but there are certain circumstances that is keeping me in the country. Please do not take this as distrust but a way for me to cover my basis. I will provide fundd and supplies for your trip." Shin said. "Also , you are considered a civilian in the village, this includes your wife and unborn kin. Do not worry your children will not be forced into our ranks. Now if there are no morr questions why dont we see how wife is doing you?

[[Leaving Topic w/ Rozan]]
Kushin gave a sidelong glance at Shin. A foreigner learning their language? He didn't like that, no matter how good the will was between the man and the village.

Still he couldn't question the decision there, and it'd be too late to do so later.

Leaving with the two Kushin maintained his composure, and kept his ANBU facade up, as that was the duty he had before him on this day.

[Topic left]

"Alright sir. . . As you wish."

This was going to be fair fine and dandy. Rozan would smile, nod and listen to the man's every word caught intently on the things he would be saying as well as the venture he would be setting off to do with his wife and their newly born children. "You may have anyone accompany us, we're good people. If you're worried about being attacked I'll defend them like I would defend my wife. With my life, I am serious when it comes to the life of others. . .", his face growing stern and persistent. Looking down to his left arm he would continue speaking subtly though, "I have the scars to show the hurt of loss. So, you have my word as a man. . . and as a warrior of Kirigakure and the Katai clan. I'll even escort your people back to here and present you with the written statement myself.", nodding once again his frown would turn into a smile towards the end. HIs efforts would begin maybe a shaking. . . the culture of the people here, he loved it.

They were good people, and he would treat them with the respect that they had given him. Never in his life had he been around a group of people that he truly enjoyed so much, he would like to live here but it wasnt his home. River country. . . Kirigakure. . . that was home. Home was anywhere he could lay with his wife in peace and without any angst. He didnt want to deal with nonsense anymore, so there would definitely be a change and a stirring soon within him, the great beasts within him no longer swallowed him whole with their thoughts and notions."Whomever you wish to send. . . Have them meet us at the gates in five days time. . . We will be prepared then. If thats good for you sir."

Smiling Rozan would nod and begin walking with the Kage towards the direction of his wife. . . maybe this would be a good personal relationship. Shin was a good man, he could feel it. His chakra senses were tingling. . . and he could literally taste it. . . along with the power that came with all the people in this area. The roots of the ground connected to the surface levels of the ground allowing him to feel the things around him. . . sensory from his bloodline traits. "No questions. . . but well maybe one? Do you enjoy chilled peppermint tea?", he would speak as he walked into the distance, maybe these two could be friends outside of all the politics. . . He could sit down with this man and speak feeling comfortable. . . Hm, Maybe if Rozan was more important he would take him more seriously. 'Welp, I do want that Sennin position if it ever comes up. . .'

[Topic Left w/ Shin]
As much as Takehiko enjoyed politics this was boring him quite a bit. Then again he was getting paid more then generously for this, so he couldn't really complain now. The moment when he got paid any better than this for something else then he could complain, but now - no way.

He just had to continue with the group and wait, watch, observe.
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:44:01
