Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Waking the dead

Oct 23, 2012
Furious cumulonimbus filled the unnatural sky with streaks of incandescent purples, reds and whites. Thunder rolled in one unending rumble, declaring the storms anger to any who could (or would) listen. An oddly lilac coloured sea was driven by the storm raging above it, forcing a repeated assault on the narrow stretch of green, crystal like sand that formed the oceans shore. The shoreline metaphorically mocked the impotent waves as they crashed endlessly, trying desperately to increase their reach out of their natural domain. Cyclopean cliffs of a strange red stone stretched to such a momentous height that the top was lost in the clouds. The cliffs spanned seemingly endlessly towards either horizon. The cliffs and ocean bordered almost parallel on either side of the thin stretch of beach with no natural curvature of shore or cliff.

This world was ordered chaos.

A stone statue sat cross-legged on a small stone platform on the shore as the storm raged around it, a lone point of tranquillity in a realm of unbridled anger. The eyes appeared closed gently, not forced shut tightly, as if in a light sleep. His fingertips placed together on his lap forming circles in a traditional meditative position. An invisible chakra aura evaporated the raging seas spray as is spit venom towards the tranquil statue placed just out of its wrathful reach.

“How long we have waited… Yang… We are done waiting!”

The throat that spoke the words materialised as the words themselves formed in the air (classic chicken/egg), the neck, spine and skeletal system quickly followed, as a new circulatory system crept like blood-worms through the quickly forming body.

“We want to breath… to run… to fight… to fuck… We want to move Yang! We want to fucking move!”

Muscle wrapped bone, blood pumped through new veins and organs, wild eyes filled empty sockets and skin spread like a cancer across exposed flesh. A porcelain white male now stood, unashamed in his nakedness, stepping angrily towards the statue and slamming his newly formed fist against the wall of invisible force surrounding the statue and apparent source, or at least current target of the man’s frustration.

A single word echoed through the air of this place, this world between worlds. It carried on the gentle breeze beneath the raging storm and surging winds… it whispered above the rolling thunder…


The word rocked the man as if struck with a physical blow, he gnashed his teeth in animalistic rage before leaping back at the statue, raining blows against the unrelenting barrier surrounding it.

“NO! We have been patient Yang! FUCK PATIENCE! We have wasted too much time with patience…”

A whisper on the breeze once more twisted through the storm.

“…Time is an illusion…”

The man’s rage began to subside as he lent his hands across the unseen force, head slacking as if in defeat.

“Not it isn’t… We want to be free… free of this prison?”

He spread his fingers across the surface of the invisible shell, furious eyes framed by a face filled with despair stared at the perpetually closed eyes of the statue.

The voice on the wind on the other hand, resonated a tone of mirth, a total contradiction to the despair shown by the man.

“…Very soon…”

The man let out a bitter laugh as he put more weight on the barrier, simultaneously taking the strain off of his own new feet.

“Ha! We said time is an illusion, how is ‘very soon’ even a thing in this place Yang? When is soon? Time is no illusion to us! WHEN IS SOON!”

He slammed his fists down onto the field surrounding the statue again, still with no apparent effect other than to sting his hands. But there was an effect, the statue’s left hand whipped out at lightning speed, passed unrestrained through the barrier and clasped around the man’s wrist in an ironic stone like grip.

The statues eyes opened slowly as the maelstrom and surging waves calmed in an instant, the wind whispered voice sounded like it had a smile as it rippled through the now calm atmosphere.

“…Now Yin…”

I red chakra seal formed simultaneously on each of their respective foreheads, resembling pursed lips though spreading out like a poisons web. A grin came over the man’s face as the limited world around them literally fractured away from the pair into non-reality until, rapidly, only the void remained.



The God-Queen of the deep waters floated majestically through the air as if it was water around the prostrate man’s long term hospital bed. They were within the stone walls of the Myakashi medical facility hidden in the mountains on the outskirts of the country of fire, normally an almost impenetrable and secret facility. But the God-Queen could always know where her champion was if she merely willed it, no mere walls could keep her away if she so desired it.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked over her champion. His once strong arms now lay atrophied upon cushions beside his deathly still body, wires, cords and tubes connecting him to the peanut gallery of sophisticated medical machines monitoring closely his ‘signs of life’. Tape held cotton over his closed eyes, breathing tubes and feeding tubes both filled and obscured his mouth and nose. Queen lent forward, her face stopping only millimetres away from the medical apparatus obscuring his once handsome but now gaunt features.

“You have rested long enough my Champion… Come back to me…”

The God-Queen closed her eyes as she gently placing her lips onto the man’s cold though clammy forehead, just as she had once done oh so many years before. The chakra of the Goddess flowed into him once more, activating long dormant curse seals spread externally and internally around his body. The machines almost simultaneously began to alarm, ding, beep, gurgle and ping in earnest as their patient’s vital signs danced in chaotic staccato and his body convulsed violently. A chocked sound and a muffled cry and Yong had completed his trip from the non-world between the living and the dead.

The long, gentle hands of the goddess began to methodically remove the medical intrusions upon her champion, starting with the eye coverings (Which caused the machines to panic even more as their patient had completely died to their limited senses). As his atrophied eyes blinked in the brilliance of the dimly lit room his involuntary panic quickly subsided. He stared calmly at the face of his Goddess, a smile spreading across her unnaturally perfect features as their eyes met.

“Welcome back my champion... I have bad news...”

The Queens words were barely out of her lips when she turned to face the doorway, she turned quickly back to her champion with a smile and a wink. Then she was gone, her body fading away in a mist of sea spray leaving the subtle trace of ocean breeze in the sterile medical facility room. Yong quickly heard the reason for her departure as heavy footfalls echoed down the corridors, he rolled off the bed but overestimated his current condition as he tumbled to the floor in a crumpled heap, face pressed painfully against the cold tiles.


The voice of a young man accompanied a pair of as familiar Myakashi combat boots filled his vision filled his vision. He felt himself lifted like a child and gently placed back into his bed. The youth quickly turned to a second rapidly approaching young man who looked strikingly similar to himself and barked a command.

“Get Doku quickly! Dads awake!”

The second nodded and quickly sprinted away down the echoing corridors once more.

Confusion wracked his brain, these boys seemed so familiar, then realisation hit him…

Of course she looked the same, she is a god… but these boys? My twins? How long?!


[OOC: Topic entered]
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He sat at a with his elbows propped up against the table and let the warmth of the tea he held in his hands spread through his fingers whilst he blew on it gently. Doku wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around him, he had been here for a while now and the surprise of what he had found here had somewhat worn off but not completely. He had been away for so long chasing other members of his family that he had forgotten about those that he had left behind. He should have been paying more attention.

One of Yong's boys came running up to Doku where he was sitting, the urgency of his message plainly evident on his face. "Doku! Dads awake!" was all that that he said but it was enough to get him moving. In a moment he was on his feet and running towards the room where Yong was being treated. The two men covered the distance in moments taking no care to soften the sound of their footsteps which echoed down the halls. When they entered the room they did so almost simultaneously and were greeted with the sight of an skeleton of a man being helped back onto his bed by his other child. A chuckle escaped Doku's lips though it was clear it was somewhat forced "I knew you wouldn't be able to stay out of the action for too long, a nice nap does do a man good however from time to time." He tried to keep his eyes and his voice light but it was obvious he had been worried.

[Word Count: 273]
His ironically tired eyes looked around the room as some of his family arrived at his bedside. His voice caught in his atrophied vocal cords as he tried to respond, he reached to his throat with a gaunt hand. Instinctively he switched modes of communication, transferring his speech directly into the three present Myakashi’s minds ear.

“Joben, Seijun! My Boys! You have grown so much! And you Doku Senpai… well you look exactly the same…”

I smile spread across his tired face as he ‘spoke’ the last, his spirits high.

“Quick boys, fetch your Mother and Kiko… And your grandfathers… And Migoya! They can’t be far.”

As he locked eyes with those of his son the grin quickly faded from his haggard face, the young man’s forlorn expression telling much. The training that the youth had undertaken took over before the tears swelling in his eyes could fully form. Standing at attention his expression became passive, his eyes staring blankly forward.

“Status of Requested Myakashi:

Myakashi Atsume – KIA

Myakashi Kiko – MIA

Hirato Yong – KIA

Hakanai Hisao – KIA

Myakashi Migoya – MIA, presumed dead…”

The teen swallowed deeply, his expression remaining passive though his eyes flickered to his fathers for a split second before he tried to continue.

“Enough Joben… Please stop…”

Tears ran unbidden down his cheeks as he forced the words into their minds ear. The world had broken in one short list. His wife, his father, his sensei’s and his daughter… all gone… complicated lives reduced to statistics…

He whipped the tears as he remembered who he was, who they were. They are shinobi…

The bedridden man closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Cursed chakra coiled through his circulatory system as he released a series of dormant seals placed throughout his body, aided by the chakra granted recently to him by the queens kiss. As the healing chakra slowly, though visibly began to heal atrophied limbs Yong swung his legs once more off the side of the bed making a second attempt to stand. He began to slide forward, slightly off balance, though he was able to regain his equilibrium as his unshod feet touched the cold, medical tiled floor. His son reached out to aid him but Yong lifted a hand in dismissal. Black cursed seal lines began to dance over his skin as more chakra was forced through his body, forcing protesting muscles to once more do their job.

”I am sorry I was gone so long… Doku… boys… what happened?”

[WC: 414]
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His spirits soared as he heard his brother 'speak' after such a long time and seeing his smile made him start to feel hope that their family was once more finally reunited... his next words dashed that hope visciously. Yong asked after the rest of their family and Doku's heart sunk.

“Status of Requested Myakashi:

Myakashi Atsume – KIA

Myakashi Kiko – MIA

Hirato Yong – KIA

Hakanai Hisao – KIA

Myakashi Migoya – MIA, presumed dead…”

Came the report from Joben kun and Doku witnessed his nephew truly crying for the first time. His own eyes welled up but he blinked away the tears and stood firm for his family. He watched on stoicly as Yong made the effort to stand once more and refused the assistance of his son. Once upright Yong addressed the others with his silent voice, ”I am sorry I was gone so long… Doku… boys… what happened?”

"I... I am not truly certain. I had not seen my brother's for a long time and was in a faraway land when it happened. It seems that both Hisao and Yong returned and infiltrated Konoha, to what end I do not know though I have my guesses. There has been no annoucement of their death but they did not return and so I am certain that they are no longer with us in this world. Of Migoya I am even less certain, he was there one day and gone the next though his dissapearance occured about the same time as our brothers and so I suspect he is grieving." Doku paused, he did not know enough about what happened to Atsume or Kiko and he had not pushed the boys for details while they were clearly not ready. "I will let Joben and Seijun fill you in on the rest."

Doku felt a wetness on his cheek and was suddenly aware that he had let a single tear escape whilst he had been talking. The wounds were still fresh in his heart and though they would never completely heal they would start to hurt less as time passed or so he hoped.

[Word Count: 356]
Yong chuckled coldly as Doku told his story, Migoya had just disappeared...

"Boys, do you know why the Myakashi have made an enemy of the great Konohagakure?" The mental words somehow had a passive tone to them, though the question was not rhetorical.

"Konoha is evil, a plague on the land. They murder children, make soldiers of them, make meat for the war machine to feed on. We fight this, for the people." Joben responded, the sentence said with true emotion.

Yong cleared his throat as the cursed chakra restored atrophied vocal cords.

"You... You are wrong my boy..."

Yong flexed his newly reforming muscles as he began to remove his hospital gown and replace it with his armour which had been conveniently stored within his room.

"This feud started because of a single slight... A long time ago the family had been part of Konoha, working within its walls for the betterment of its people. The Myakashi had made quite a name for itself, making an extensive underground network in both the illegal and legal markets. Grandfather Migoya, who was head of the clan at the time, had seen himself as equal to the Kages... The Hokage did not agree.
Migoya had gone to the Hokage with words of caution, the Hokage dismissed him and his words, putting him in his place as a common shinobi, beneath the Hokage's notice... This drove fury into Migoya's heart, revealing a darkside that none had predicted.
The Hokage had been right to dismiss Migoya's fury as the Myakashi fought a covert war against Konoha with deaths on both sides... The Hokage had out manoeuvred Migoya at every turn with the forces of Konoha at his command. The covert war eventually culminated in the showdown at the Sennin's Dojo and surprisingly merciful banishment of the Myakashi from Konoha borders. The forces of leaf had won... But Migoya and your grandfathers did not see this... And they have payed for it..."

The boys looked confused, this was not the history.

"Konoha is not the villain in this history, do not let familiarity blind you... The Myakashi are... You have seen the labs, the experiments... We do... We are not the hero's..."

The now armoured shinobi gave the boys a grin as the Queens cursed chakra coiled through his nervous system almost forcibly calming and relaxing his tensed muscles.

He turned to his uncle, the last remaining member of the 'Brotherhood of Four'.

"The real question now is do we claim vengeance for the fallen... As those that felled them claimed vengeance for those before them and so on and so until everyone lays dead? I would have your thoughts Doku-Sempai"

Current Ninpocho Time:
