Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Waking the demon [Tutoring]

May 7, 2017
he wasn't quite sure how this would go, leaning against a tree he gazed out at the academy as he waited for Maru. Yukio had asked the boy to meet him here and though he knew he would most likely show it still didn't fill him with confidence thinking about how this lesson would go. If anything needed to be done first it would be a test of Maru's skills and experience, depending on how much he had would depend on the next steps between the two of them. With that in mind what made the Hyuuga uneasy was what would happen while testing Maru.

Ever since the tournament and observing his bloodthirsty nature there was no guarantee that this wouldn't go south and quickly for all he could handle the situation with relative ease it wouldn't speak well for him it if returned Maru to the hospital as quickly as he had been released, that was an explanation to Mikasa he wasn't looking forward to making if it came to that. But in hindsight it shouldn't come to that todays lesson would be a simple one and had a wide margin for error with cleanup being more than a bit easy if things got a tad messy.

Sighing to himself he crossed his arms closing his eyes in that moment as he let the breeze move across his silver hair it was a good day, the sun bright in the sky leaving a warm sensation on the skin, Yukio wearing his gloves as per expected however his attire was a lot more causal that what would be expected, a light shirt and black trousers keeping him light and limber in the warmer weather but what he had in mind for the young student would not be what he expected.

"This is going to be interesting to say the least, so many unstable elements I can predict with certainty."

He muttered this to himself tilting his head to the side when the numerous images of how this could go running through his mind, safe to say he was prepared for the worst if it came to it but if Maru had sense then it wouldn't come to such things.

[WC: 370]

Maru walked along the academy training grounds single step by single step, today was his first private tutoring session with the Hyuuga and the little devil was a bit sleep deprived from sending last night's message and creating a new doll that had been taking hours to complete. However the half demon was prepared for what was to come of today's tutoring. Today he was to show what he knows so far to the Hyuuga, from there Maru will know what he needed to improve on to become stronger so he can exact vengeance the way he wanted to. Through the blood of his enemies….

The young shinobi seemingly taking his time on getting to his tutorer, he was already fifthteen minutes late as it was but the way he was simply strolling along, as if to purposely keep the man waiting, he was about 45 minutes late! Maru chuckled to himself deeply, then he finally approach his tutorer who had been just standing there thinking. “So you got me here steroid eyes.” Maru made a quick insult about the man, tilting his head to one side to loosen up the joints in his neck then finished up his statement.

“Added a couple new features to my Kawaii, and made some improvements on her other weapons.” Maru said but not giving the man too much detail, but he'll find out soon enough. The half demon smiled. Maru was a bit unsure if he could keep his cool when battling the man, but of course Mikasa didn't tell him to play nice so perhaps he may get away with him being a little bloodthirsty. Maru's goal for himself was simple….

Cut the Hyuuga and make him bleed.

Things could go South quickly, but there was a bright side to it. If he got hurt Maru wouldn't have to worry about big hospital bills because he knew the medical chief their. So free treatment!

To calm himself a bit he decided to address the message on hokage rock that had been written in big bold letters saying 'I HATE YOMI!!!’ in ink. “I wonder who was mad to address his hatred for the hatred for the hokage.” Maru gave a mischievous chuckle as though claiming responsibility for vandalizing the historical landmark. But Yukio couldn't prove that it was Maru so the half demon could care less.

WC: 394
Watching the student approach him Yukio simply cracked his neck, what he'd done was no concern of his however it may be easier to use this as an opportunity to teach the young man some much needed manners. At least that was the idea as the Hyuuga grinned a rather menacing grin it was clear he would not stop such activities but directing him away from ones that could get him in serious trouble would be beneficial to both of them in both the near and far future as he took a deep breath a rather dark and foul aura beginning to creep off his person as his glare set on the student his voice growing cold.

"Maru do you mind explaining why you think this is a game? I thought you wanted to get stronger or do you just want to waste time?"

He lit the Aura sit in place for a while giving the student time to soak in what he was experiencing before pushing himself off the tree and walking towards him bringing his hands together and dispelling this aura his face returning to his normal as if non of it had happened. It was done to make a point that getting them both in trouble would not be tolerated and anything done further in the future would be met with very much the same response.

"I called you here today to go over the most obvious thing at this point, your weaknesses something you have many of but there is one that sticks out to me the most"

Gesturing his hand to Maru in a rather casual manner his tone is still rather monotone and serious.

"Bring Kawaii out for me, we're going to get this out the way in our first lesson but first I wish to see what changes you have made to your companion"

[WC: 315]
Maru subjected to Devastating Aura
The young shinobi took in the Aura of the angry Hyuuga calmly, it was dark and somehow changed the Hyuuga. Of course, Maru thought that he could just calmly take in the aura because he was a half demon so a mere man couldn't scare him. But, Maru was kind of trembling from the man's aura but played it off this best he could. He would have answered the question with a smart remark but he waited till the aura went down first. Calming himself down a bit before answering. “Well I am here to get stronger otherwise I wouldn't be here Hyuuga.” Maru said, making a mental note to improve his ability to be immune to fear.

After a moment, it would seem like the Hyuuga wanted to get the weaknesses taken care of. Maru already decided what his weakness was, at least to him it was a weakness. “I think the weakness I have is my human parentage. I don't know about you but my human side is to fragile and needy.” Maru said folding his arms, but then his tutorer asked to see the improvements he made on his beloved puppet. And who was he to deny the man of seeing the updated features on his Kawaii puppet. Maru reached in his ninja pouch to pull out a weapons a pink scroll with a sticker of a cute, blue eyed girl with mechanical finger's holding up a peace sign. He held the scroll in front of him and opened it up to reveal the Japanese characters 可愛い which began to glow.


"WELL HELLO THERE.. HEHEHE…. ARE YOU READY FOR PLAYTIME!!” The shrill voice came from the dolls speakers, however the doll seemed the same. Same blonde hair with adorable pigtails, same blue eyes that sparkle, same burgundy laced corset with a blood red dress to match with her corset and a white shoulderless feminine dress shirt that covered her small chest. Even her mechanical arms looked to be pretty much the same. Maru flicked his middle and index finger down so Kawaii could hike her dress up and crouched down on one knee. A tube popped out of her kneecap, firing metallic musket balls in all directs at the tree his tutorer was just standing by! Taking a chunk of the tree with it.



"Added more projectile weapons to kawaii, of course we do focus more on melee fight but I guess it's a better method in dealing with those ninja's who hide behind elemental shields so I can hurt myself. “ Maru said, pretty satisfied with himself from having making his beloved puppet a ruthless killing machine. “But of course if I was to use natural weapon with her….” His chakra threads turned from blue to a crimson red, the evil chakra taking whole of the puppet causing Kawaii to wriggle and writhe as the evil Chakra transformed her into a mad, razor teeth, doll from hell! “ and she is unstoppable....” Maru's eyes turned red like hellfire. The young shinobi didn't attack the man just yet, he wanted to hear his opinion on the matter.

[Magnet Missile C Rank + Natural weapon]
He chucked watching Maru raising an eyebrow at his actions as his hands came together, he had something in mind he knew what Maru cared about more than anything or so that seemed to be the case making a series of hand seals as it slowly formed into Kawaii the doll shifting and moving as Maru's does as he paces behind it looking upon with intrigue and curiosity.

"An unstoppable puppet hmm? But tell me how much do you really care for it, could you strike it if that very same puppet was turned against you, could you stop anyone who took her tell me that"

He crossed his arms as the doll tilted it's head towards it's copy giggles and making the same clicks that his did, everything about it seemed identical it was almost disturbing as Yukio played out the motions of Chakra strings his eyes tracing the pair in front of him. It was true a puppet users weakness was the same as any other Tai users, having their weapon taken away, but this was different how attached was Maru to his doll and if the time came could he bring himself to do what needed to be done for the greater good of himself and the village.

"She really is an interesting one to say the least, almost perfect however that won't always save you what's your back up if such perfection should fall short? Do you have a wide range of Jutsu at your disposal to defend yourself should someone attack you directly. That was your short coming in my eyes, you weakness and your greatest fault."

He taunted the student but made no distinct moves and attack that came in his direction being met with the Kawaii of his own her voice trembling if he got close.

"Would you hurt me Maru, would you do that to your Kawaii?"


“Well I be dammed.” Maru said as he was his beloved doll on the other side. He looked at the Kawaii he had in his hand, then back at Kawaii's copy of herself. It made the same giggling noises as his cherished doll, the same clicking noises, everything about this doll was completely identical. The crimson aura seemingly calmed slightly but it hadn't vanished. "Pft if someone tried to take her I'll simply take her back!” Maru began to twitch, he honestly didn't know what he'd do if Kawaii would turn against him at some point. If the Hyuuga didn't have this copy of Kawaii between them, he would've already attacked him without a second thought. Now that the copy had been in his way, Maru was reluctant to attack.

“Well I have two other puppets ya know!” Maru remarked, the young shinobi took one step closer and was about to charge at the man but when the other Kawaii spoke in a the same voice sounding like she was trembling, the young shinobi stopped. Then glared at the other Kawaii, the man wasn't even attacking nor trying to make a move against him. It was quite pathetic, Maru was quick to raise his hand take the life of an actual person… but when it came to going against his own creation he made with his own hands, he couldn't even strike it.

Maru growled then snapped at Yukio “Common and attack with her already! It'll be easier to fight her if she's trying to hurt me so just do it already!” Seems like the Hyuuga got Maru against the wall with a simple trick, the young shinobi decided to make him attack so he'd have to defend against his own doll. The real Kawaii crossing her arms into an “X” so she would be ready to attack when the fake Kawaii decided to make her move.

WC: 317
The Hyuuga's devious grin returned as he observed Maru's reaction to his rather unexpected display, it was true he had expected something to come of this action but nothing on this scale the copy putting him immediately on the defensive as a sigh escaped him. It was true this would need some work at least to improve his ability to fight with or without Kawaii being this attached to the puppet was not healthy for the boy.

"You see my point Maru? Tell me this if you got into a situation like this out in the field do you think I would still be standing here talking to you in that moment you hesitated. I could have ended your life numerous times in these last few moments but luckily for you this is the academy and your still learning. So what you have to realise is are there going to be times you can fight without your puppets if you fear this much for their safety."

Fear, the most prominent word in that whole statement compared to the forced senses he had created before this was different it was real and Yukio could see what it meant to Maru to have to face a situation which was one anyone who knew him well enough could use against him maybe not to this scale but still possible. If Yukio was going to help the student then this harsh method of teaching was going to be the best way to get through to him, turning on his heels he walked back over to the tree sitting on the ground before raising his hand.

"So tell me, will you always be stuck like this or are you going to be willing to learn from me and from others to improve all aspects of your skills, or" With a snap of his fingers the mirror clone cried out shattering into pieces and scattering onto the mud "Will you watch yourself lose what you care for because you couldn't protect it?"

Patting the floor next to him as a gesture for Maru to take a seat the Hyuuga's eyes were locked on Maru, his voice cold enough to send a chill down the spine it was clear he was being serious about this the only thing he cared about being that Maru's actions didn't one day get himself or his teammates killed out in the field.

"Take a seat, and let's go over what you think you should do next"

[WC: 415]

The young half demon had clearly took a more defensive approach in dealing with the copy, honestly Maru was a bit ashamed that he couldn't even destroy a copy of the same creation he spoke so highly of. Maru never did imagine that his cherished puppet would fall into the wrong hands nor did he imagine himself without Kawaii. Perhaps his attachment to kawaii was a bit like an unhealthy obsession but then again Maru hated to be wrong.

“Tch” maru literally had nothing to say at this point. There was no smart remark, no smug attitude, not even that bloodlust that he usually had when he used his demonic powers. Eventually the evil chakra went down, then the nightmarish Kawaii formed back into her usual self. The Hyuuga had exposed another flaw he had, they say your greatest strength could sometimes be your greatest weakness. Maru built Kawaii up to become his ultimate weapon and a companion to hopefully bring to life one day. But of course anyone who knew him already could tell that his Kawaii puppet meant a great deal to him, without it he had nothing. Maru simply listened to what the Hyuuga had to say, the young shinobi had to learn how to fight on his own without having Kawaii to protect him all the time. If Maru can't fight for himself, he's literally keeping back at the sidelines and letting Kawaii do all the work.

When the man finished his statement, Maru watched as the copy of his puppet being shattered. The half demon saw before his eyes how quickly Kawaii could be vanished in an instant, all because he isn't strong enough to protect her… Maru held his head and began to laugh. Laughing at how a simple trick managed to get him to show how he really was. After a moment of laughing off his own embarrassment, Maru decided he should say something finally. “Very clever. You managed to actually do something to get me to shut my trap.” Maru states, Kawaii beginning to stand on her own feet now. “I think I understand. I've improved my Kawaii, building her up to be a ultimate weapon while and we make a good team me and her. Without her there's really not much I can do. That much is accurate. “ Maru had to admit, the Hyuuga was right but he wouldn't use the actual word because he didn't like using words like that for other people.

Maru walked over to where the man had gestures for him to sit with his doll walking beside him like a normal person, the Hyuuga’s tone was serious but Maru kept his cool. The little trick got him out of his “Kill or be Killed I don't care” mode and Maru began to act like a student. Sitting beside the Hyuuga, Maru folded his arms. “Alright so seem as though you know so much you tell me what I need to do next.” Maru said a bit spitefully to try and keep the rebellious attitude going

WC: 509
The boys reaction was understandable at this point, he had seen what he cared about most be turned on him in an instant then shattered into nothing with the snap of the fingers. It was a harsh lesson but one he needed to learn to keep moving forward in order to become stronger as Yukio sighed slightly tilting his head to the young student. He had to explain his actions now for all they were self explanatory it was always better to speak the meaning just in case.

"I'm not telling you to stop using Kawaii no user of Taijustu or the puppet arts can" He closed his hands into fists around his gloves "It would be like telling me I can't use my combat gloves, I've had these since I was a student and they have never left my side. But I think of you and your situation is so much worse than that, you worry about losing a companion and the closest thing you have to a friend right now."

He looked at the puppet though he did not speak out of pity more he acknowledged Maru's way of thinking that his puppet Kawaii was the only thing he had in this world, he had been much the same once upon a time. The blood, the sweat and the tears were the only life he knew and had continued to know until recent times so his perspective on feeling isolated was a unique one.

"If you want to improve then I would say expand your knowledge into all areas of Jutsu, find a trump card something to fall back on if you find your back to the wall. That is the first step into improving your skills and making sure your never in this situation again." He tilted his head the next thing being something Maru would probably not want to hear but needed to be said "I would also say find someone you can work with, you don't have to be their friend and it could be anyone even me but bouncing ideas off someone or sparring with them to hone that killing intent you have will make you more effective than you ever thought you could be."

[WC: 371]

Maru waited for the man to say what he had to say, the coldness in his voice lead Maru to believe that he was about to be scolded but surprisingly the Hyuuga seemed to level with Maru. He wasn't telling Maru to stop using his Kawaii nor try and not be so attached to her– not that Maru would ever consider that– but he wanted Maru to have a backup plan in case there was a time he didn't have Kawaii to protect him. “Well most people will find my attachment to her as irrational, mostly because she is a mere object.” maru said, his arms unfolding revealing his chakra threads were still attached to his beloved puppet. “I guess I can relate more to her than most people can, Kawaii was nothing more than a hollow doll however like most dolls she seeks to fill that void. Having that emptiness is something me and Kawaii both share."

Strange as it may had been, Kawaii seemed to be the only thing in this world that Maru came close to caring about. Kawaii would never unfriend him because of his really bad attitude nor would she treat him differently because of his demonic parentage. The young shinobi saw an enemy around every corner, so naturally he treated everyone as an enemy because Maru considered himself to be evil. The Hyuuga was trying to get Maru to expand to all different areas of justu instead of relying solely upon his puppets. That much Maru could agree with the Hyuuga with. But the next thing he said about finding someone to hone his skills Maru didn't agree with much.

“Pft! You're my tutorer right? It's your job for me to learn from you so I can be stronger, if I go around learning from everyone in the village there's really no use for you is there?” Maru said, of course probably the wrong way in going about saying he wanted to learn from the man because truth be told he got along with very few people within the village. “What are you getting lazy already Hyuuga? After all you seem to be pretty soft for a Anbu.” Maru said, a smirk appearing on his face as he challenged the man.
He sighed at Maru's comments, it seemed he didn't quite understand completely what he was getting at. Yukio wouldn't be around forever to train him in the academy missions and work for the ANBU called him away frequently and as for those missions it was going to be interesting to watch him work in a team. "You seem to miss the point here how are you going to function during team missions, some aren't exactly a cake walk if you can't watch your own back and have no one there to do it for you then what happens to you when things go south?"

It was a fact that no one could survive in the world forever but at the end of the day it was the boys choice as to how he would act in the end, it was going to be interesting to watch how he grew going forward to say the least as the Hyuuga rose to his feet tilting his head to Maru with a piercing stare. "I may be your tutor and promised to train you but don't try my patience, there is a finite amount of it and I am not afraid to show you the real difference between the two of us"

The look in his eye showed that of a man who's seen his fair share of things but the most striking things was the lack of mercy in his tone, it was clear he had no issues with proving what he could do if provoked enough into acting however he made no moves to give Maru what he wanted in that moment. "Your done for today, we will meet again soon and I hope you prepare yourself for that, unless you want to spend another session freezing up and helpless before me"

With that he walked away leaving Maru to think on his actions.

[Topic left unless stopped, Tutor complete]

Despite wanting to get stronger, Maru wasn't exactly sure if he could actually work with a team. Of course there will come a day where he needed to learn from someone other than the Hyuuga but Maru is the sort to think that a team will only slow him down in the end. “If I get strong enough, I won't need help from anyone. After all a te am relies upon trust, no?” Maru stated seemingly peering at the Hyuuga. “Afterall I proved myself as being a very untrustworthy individual, so needless to say if I was on a team we'd get nothing done.” The young shinobi finalized.

The Hyuuga remained patient with Maru, but gave him fair warning that he had a breaking point too. His tutorer was now being serious, the young half demon knew his strengths and knew what his biggest weakness was. That much the Hyuuga did get Maru understand and he planned to work on improving himself when it all came down to it. With that Yukio dismissed Maru, letting the Hyuuga leave him there to think things over. “Alright Hyuuga, you've played your cards well this time.” The young shinobi stood to his feet, looking over at Kawaii Maru decided that the both of them should walk side by side. Still a bit shaken up about seeing how quickly she can be gone.

“Well we know what I need to work on if I want to be as strong as you right?” Maru said, the doll beginning to speak through her speakers by Maru merely thinking what she would say. “HeHeHe. Well we learned something about you didn't we! You don’t have a care in the world for other people but when it comes to me you're a big softy. Don't you know feelings get people killed?” Maru turned his head, staring at the side of Kawaii who paused for a moment before speaking again. Her glass eyes looking over to give Maru a glance. The young shinobi is always going on about how everyone didn't have enough darkness within them when Maru, with all kill or be killed attitude, couldn't even strike a copy of this doll he built up to be his companion.

“Tell ya what! If he does that again just turn your head and let the original smash those fakes for ya with that evil chakra you like using so much… Next time don't be a baby about it and just attack!“ Maru smiled a bit, at the idea. Losing himself in the illusion that he was actually having a conservation with the doll that seemed so real, one would actually believe that the doll was alive.“Alright Alright Kawaii, let myself slip a bit but I doubt the same trick will work on me twice. Next time we'll really show what we are made of!” Maru exclaimed, laughing to.himself as he began walking to exit the academy grounds, a small but unnoticeable voice came from Kawaii's speakers.

‘You hope HeHe’... Maru grinned, holding his hand over his face and stopped. "You know I really need to work on bring you to life. It'll probably make me feel less like I'm talking to myself. "

And truth be told... He was.

[Maru has left the topic]

Current Ninpocho Time:
