Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Waking the sleeping dragon [Private]


Faithful Ninja
Oct 8, 2012
Myoumi Akuhei
ANBU Captain

Akuhei received the call from Akira. It had been the second call in a short period of time asking about Kushin, but this time it was to get him. Something was going on, Akuhei knew that much, but it would be nice to see the unsmiling face of his finest student. Koumyou seemed far too interested in women and things which were not combat related. Certainly gifted in the art of combat, the kid (albeit now mid twenties) had evaded death twice. Evidence almost made it seem as though he didn't so much evade the lethal blow but rather just didn't end up dying.

It was something he was surprised no-one had decided to haul him to the Hospital and perform an autopsy on him to figure out how.

Still, he was glad they hadn't, though in truth it might have been because if they had there would have been a miniature civil war with a number of the villages most fierce warriors doing as much damage as possible before being put down. The other reason could have been Kushin's secret soft spot for Koumyou, though it was only something Akuhei guessed at, certainly not something evidenced.

He knocked on the door, his ANBU mask not on his face so that Kushin's wife would recognize him.

She opened the door, as beautiful as ever, saw who it was and her face fell.

What do you want Akuhei?
Your husband.
You know he's not here.
He told me I could contact him from here.

She stopped and looked him in the eye, clearly not impressed with the idea of his doing so.

Why do you want to contact him?
Akira Saito said that there was a man from Konoha here who said they had business. I am simply here to inform him so he can decide what to do.
No. You can't contact him. I don't want him back here. Things are fine the way they are!
Excuse me. He said pushing her aside.

She wasn't shinobi trained, her training had been in how to be a good wife, and she'd failed miserably. If it weren't for her raising what was clearly Kushin's son Akuhei would have killed her years ago. He walked in, her screaming falling on deaf ears as he wandered around the house, searching for something. The woman continued screaming and then stopped, he looked to her a smile on her face. Something she'd said irked him. Did she say he'd never find it? She did, and she was confident of that. Had she hidden it? No, if she had Kushin would have returned, he had it here to keep in contact with his kids.

His kids.

Kanyuu! He called, her face fell, he knew he had the right idea.

Kanyuu! He called again and a child's face appeared from a door. He didn't seem distressed as his mothers screaming and his hair was cut short, spiked. He must have been about five.

Uncle Akuhei! The boy said and came running. It had been a while since they'd seen each other, but the boy remembered him. No training could stop Akuhei from feeling happy about that. Akuhei gave him a cuddle before pulling him away.

I need to speak to your father, can you help me? Akuhei turned to look at Karei who turned away and left. She'd lost, she couldn't stop them.

Yeah! Come on! Youthful exuberance, any excuse to see his dad it seemed.

Pulling on Akuhei's hand he took Akuhei to the center garden of the house, letting go to kneel by the pool. Forming a couple of seals he placed his hand on the pool and suddenly there were no pebbles and carp beneath the surface, but rather a room. The room didn't seem quite the same as normal, it looked like it was filled with water. There were what seemed to be scrolls, but they weren't paper, rather they were seaweed or something. There was a figure, one who Akuhei would never mistake.

Dad! Kanyuu called, his fathers head moved quickly looking directly into his son's eyes, a look of love clear on his face. Uncle Akuhei asked me to show you to him. the boy continued happily, but then Kushin's eyes moved to Akuhei and his look changed. It wasn't anger, it was sobriety. The only reason the change would have been noticeable was because of the initial look which only his sons were likely to ever see. Getting up from his study Kushin moved over to the mirror.

Kushin, a man has entered the village from Leaf. He says that the two of you have business. Kushin nodded, saying nothing but holding up a finger as if to give him a moment. He went off, some sound of speaking could be heard and then Kushin returned.

His hand moved towards them, then suddenly it was physically there, through the water and gripped to the edge of the pool. Kanyuu stepped back and so did Akuhei. Pulling himself up through the pool Kushin stood, water falling from him as though it never existed, he stood before them, Akuhei could feel the danger in his former pupil's aura. It was Akuhei's greatest pride.

Kushin's hand fell on his son's head, ruffling his hair before the pair departed. Akuhei knew based on the ease of the travel that Kushin had never truly left Cloud, he must have visited often to spend time with his son, this was also evidenced by the lack of surprise in Kanyuu's face when his father came through.


Kushin was back in Cloud.

[topic entered/left
Run Time - S-Rank]

Current Ninpocho Time:
