Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Walking with Gods [Contract Search]

Ryoku revealed a triumphant smile as his Falcon Punch made contact with Hope, knocking her back several meters with surprisingly high velocity. He noticed that his teammate was preparing to strike Hope before she recovered, summoning another barrage of comets to rain down upon her. Ryoku wanted to make sure she wouldn’t escape the barrage unharmed this time, so he did some hand seals and punched the ground, causing spires of earth to emerge from the ground, converging on Hope. In order to avoid them, she would have to jump up, forcing her into the comets.


It appeared as though their attacks made full contact, but as the smoke cleared, Hope appeared to be able to continue fighting. Ryoku was surprised, but he would be lying if he said he was disappointed. This was the most exciting fight he had ever been a part of so he didn’t mind clashing with gods. However, both unfortunately and fortunately for Ryoku, Hope was struck down by a swift bolt of lightning that tore through the sky.

“Whoa! What the..” Ryoku said looking over to the Kami, wondering if she had cast the powerful jutsu that had finished her sister. Then he looked up to the sky and saw a blinding light accompanied by the voice of a child echoing through the clouds. “Ina?” Ryoku repeated, pondering who this could have been. Another Kami? Was this one friend or foe? The new kami to join the fray struck down Hope, but was this because she was a traitor or because she couldn’t handle a human? Ryoku didn’t drop his guard, especially since he couldn’t get a good look at whoever was emanating that incredibly bright light. He couldn’t help but notice that the Kami hadn’t attacked him yet, and it didn’t seem to mean him any harm, so he relaxed his guard a little bit and turned to the Kami he had been fighting alongside. ”Did we win?”
“Yes, me.” Ina said as the clouds began to part to show a kingdom made of gold behind her. The goddess floated down from the golden clouds then elegantly landed where Hope laid defeated. The Kami wasn't exactly what you'd expect a overlord of all the Kami's to look like, she stood four feet in height and had the resemblance of that of an eight year old child. This small Kami has blondish colored hair, aqua green colored eyes and her hairstyle placed within a simple pigtail to the side, which only furthered the illusion of her childishness despite her attempts in seeming more adult. Her attire also consists of very frilly dresses, with her favorite being a pink colored dress, and what she wears to compliment her fashion sense tends to include scarfs, boots and bangles. Which provides her a very elegant yet adorable appearance due to her size. She also wears a rose like crown which is normally seen lopsided at the side of her head.

Ina gave off a calming aura, a holy aura that made the duo know that they didn't need to fight anymore and that they won the battle. The Kami's aura like wings dispersed then Ina smiled at the brave human child and her faithful Kami as a congratulations for something. ”I’d like to thank you two for bringing Hope out of hiding, she was able to snoop pass most of our means of tracking her when she went rouge but thanks to you and Hera I can finally see to it that Hope is no longer a threat.” Ina said, revealing Ryoku Kami's name was Hera. When the overlord thanked the two for bringing the rogue out of hiding she looked at the defeated Kami at her feet then frowned. Ina felt sorry for Hera since she knew the feeling of having your own kin turn against you, the same thing happened with her and Ena. Unfortunately for Hope, she will be have her Kami abilities revoked and be banished to the abyss. ”Hope…. due to your crimes against our world and this one, you are now considered a fallen. You're now Cursed…. Prepare for Ena and her Youkai.”

Hope was guilty, and was now banished from both the world of the Kami and the earth realm. Ina stepped back, Hope looked at the Kami overlord with hate as the overlord had sliced open a rift to open up portal to the nether realm…. From the rift, two demons stepped out of the portal Gozu and Mezu, two demonic generals who act similar to hells Anbu who bring back sneaky souls who escaped from the underworld. They were both huge, ogre like demons with one who has the head of an Ox and the other had the head of a Horse. Ina turned away and Hera turned, not wanting to watch as the two demons each grabbed a wing from hopes back then RIPPED THEM OFF, before tossing the wings to the side like trash. Hope screamed I pain then cursed at the overlord, swearing that she'll rain down hell on the Kami realm as the demons grabbed the fallen Kami by her arms then took Hope to Jigoku where she will remain for the rest of her eternal life. The demons just do their job, then dragged the Kami to hell. No hi, bye, or Snickery comment. The Ox did look at Ryoku as if to say that he'll be meeting them again before going back into the portal where the boy could see crimson red sky's, bats, and wails of pain from souls living out their punishments then as quickly as they came they vanished...

As the bright light subsided, Ryoku could see a beautiful kingdom behind the clouds, and a wave of calm washed over him. This force did not mean him any harm. In fact, this “force” had the body of a prepubescent girl. Despite her stature, it was proven mere seconds ago that this kami packed quite a punch. And judging by the way that she spoke, she was pretty important among the Kami community. Possibly a queen or military general. It was hard to tell, but Ryoku felt that it was an honor to meet her.

”Hera,” Ryoku repeated, a smile slowly creeping its way across his face as he looked over to the Kami he had been fighting alongside. Her name felt nice coming across his lips. It was almost soothing. “It’s nice to officially meet you, Hera-san.”

As the ogre-like demons emerged from a rift that Ina had opened, Ryoku looked on in pure amazement. This otherworldly power was amazing. Ina and Hera averted their gaze for a moment, causing Ryoku to question why until the two demons brutally ripped her wings from her body, causing her to screech in agony. As they carried her to the rift that they came from, the one with the Ox-like features met eyes with Ryoku. The vibe given off by the demon made Ryoku quite uncomfortable. As the demons stepped back through the portal, Ryoku caught a glimpse of their realm, and it was the polar opposite of the golden kingdom that Ina had come from. Just being exposed to it barely for a few seconds filled him with dread. Hope was going to live in suffering for all of eternity. Ryoku couldn’t help but pity her. But her actions lead to her own fate.

Hate leads to suffering.

”Sooooo..” Ryoku began with a large smile, immediately pushing the negative emotions away with an attempt to shift the mood. “Hera-san said I’d be ‘rewarded greatly’ for helping her out. So, what do I get? Can I get some cool wings like that? ‘Cause that’d be awesome! Oh! Or a cool holy weapon? Or can you teach me some of those cool jutsus you were using?!”
‘Hm?’ Hera way so focused on getting her Lance back before her sister that she forgot to actually introduce herself to the boy, she didn't even realize that he didn't know her name until now. If he asked then she would've told him but then again she was a Kami so maybe the boy thought that she would be offended. ”Nice to properly meet you too, forgive me if it seemed like I didn't want to tell you my name. I had other things on my mind at the time.”<i></i> she apologized, and despite having stopped her sister she still haven't found where her Lance was but thankfully her fallen sister wouldn't be back any time soon. It was unfortunate that it had to come to this but she had to believe that it was for the best. The heavy atmosphere was broken when the young shinobi began to ask her if there was some kind of reward for him. ”Well… I don't know about the wings but the holy weapon and being able to teach you my justu can be arranged.”<i></i> she looked over at Ina. ”That’s if you don't have any objections.”<i></i>

Ina giggled, putting her hands behind her back she gave the duo a sweet smile innocent smile. ”No objections, I'll allow you to teach the young mortal and watch over him if you choose to do so. He seems worthy enough and I trust he won't corrupt you right?”<i></i> she waited for Hera's answer. The Kami nodded to the overlord then assured her that she won't be corrupted, while Ina believed her she had to make sure that the corruption of her kin wasn't due to interacting with humans. She had a fair share turn from Kami to Youkai and that was due to the owner of the Kami pact being corrupted. Regardless she will allow her to stay with the young one. Ina held her hands out to the child then he felt a warmth growing around his chest as a bright light began to appear from the child's chest. The orb of light gracefully floated towards the overlord and when she tapped the orb of light it brought forth the contract known as the Writ of the Tengoku. The contract didn't take the form of a simple scroll, no it took on a item that represented a secret desire that the holder wanted. The light turned into a pair of gauntlets made of solid gold, decorated around the knuckles were glowing heavenly gemstones. The gauntlets represented the desire for power, Writ of the Tengoku took on a lot of forms like a person seeking knowledge the contract manifest itself as a book or a scroll, if its power then a weapon, if peace then a shield, and so on.

The Kami overlord held out the gauntlets to the young shinobi. ”For your bravery against a fallen god, you are gifted with the Writ of the Tengoku which for you represents the desire for power. Wear the gloves young one and accept the chakra of the gods for you are blessed. Should you need aid, you may call upon Hera or any other of my angels so long as you have these. Are you sure that this is what you desire or do you desire something different, Ryoku Mortal of Fire Country?”<i></i> Ina asked, patiently waiting on the young shinobi to accept the gauntlets, it would be able to be summoned when the time comes and if he learns the summoning technique these will always appear on his hands.

Ryoku had to admit to himself that when he was coming up with all of those ideas for his reward, his requests were incredibly optimistic. He did not actually expect any of his requests to be granted. Then Hera spoke to him, saying that she was willing to teach him, and even provide him with a holy weapon. After offering this she looked over to Ina for approval. Ryoku also looked at her, curious at the events that were about to transpire. Was he about to be trained by a Kami? Not many people can say that they were given such an opportunity, and it would definitely help him gain the strength that he had been yearning for.

Ina did not seem to object to Hera’s offer, but she did seem concerned with the possibility that Ryoku could potentially “corrupt” Hera. Ryoku looked towards Hera with a question floating in his mind. “Was Hope corrupted by a human?” It seemed almost unlikely, but also possible, given how much she hated humans. Hera seemed pretty confident that he would not corrupt her, so he let himself relax about the situation. He did not know how a Kami would be corrupted. Did Ryoku have to be evil for that to happen? To manipulate her into heinous acts. Into a twisted state of mind that caused her to justify impure actions? If that were the case, she had nothing to worry about. He did not have a negative bone in his body. His mind was innocent and his intentions were pure.

Ina held her hands out towards Ryoku, causing a warm feeling to start growing in his chest. It was almost soothing. Ryoku looked down to see what was happening and noticed that his chest had begun glowing. What was happening? What are the Kami capable of? The light gradually grew brighter until an orb of light emerged from his chest. He steadily floated over to Ina, who then lightly tapped it, causing it to transform into a pair of golden gauntlets, adorned with light blue gemstones. The gauntlets were glowing and giving off a soothing aura, similar to the one that Hera had been emanating all day. This must be the holy weapon that they had offered.

“Wow..” Ryoku muttered to himself as he began to walk closer to the gauntlets to get a better look. He observed them in awe and admired the design and the beauty of the gems that adorned them. “The Writ of Tengoku, huh? These are so cool.” When he got close enough, he reached out his hands to touch them. He hesitated for a second and looked over to Ina, who did not seem to oppose him reaching for them.

When he touched them, they almost seemed to disintegrate into nothing, slightly startling Ryoku, who thought he had done something terribly wrong and broken the gauntlets somehow. That was until they slowly began to rematerialize on his hands. When the Writ of Tengoku had fully materialized on his hands, he clenched his fists and suddenly felt a wave of some kind of power wash over him. It was a soothing and beautiful aura that he had felt, and it was almost as if all of the injuries he had suffered from their encounter with Hope had been healed all at once. “Wow this feels amazing,” Ryoku said with a wide smile as he looked between Hera and Ina, too excited to really process anything but the gloves. Especially since he could apparently use the gauntlets to fight alongside Hera again. He had enjoyed his time with her and would love to fight by her side again.

And he would even be able to summon other Kami. He could not help but wonder what other powerful Kami he would be able to meet after all of this. How much did they differ in appearance and power? Was Ina the most powerful one? How many of them would be willing to spar with him? How much did they have to teach him? The whole situation was somewhat overwhelming for Ryoku. He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly in an attempt to calm and center himself. He turned to Ina and bowed deeply. “This is perfect, Ina-sama! Thank you for everything!” He said, his face still looking directly at the ground.

After a short while in his deep bow, Ryoku straightened himself again and turned towards Hera, quickly returning down to his bowing position. “Hera-san! Thank you for offering to train me! I look forward to our time together and I guarantee that I will not disappoint in my progress!” He was very unsure of what a Kami would teach to a human, but the possibilities began to cause the excitement within him to swell up yet again. But of course the thought of her somehow teaching him how to fly was at the forefront of his hopes and dreams at this point. Was it possible? She said that they were not going to be able to give him wings, but that did not mean that all hope was lost right?

”Nah..” Ryoku thought to himself. ”Imma fly.” He had way too many thoughts running through his mind at any given time for all of them to always be reasonable. He was still a child after all. A child that now had a goddess training him to become more powerful. Once again, Ryoku could not wait to brag to Jun when he finally returned home from this exciting adventure. He could guarantee that Jun's day off was not nearly as interesting. At the most, he probably spent his day training in order to compensate for the fact that Ryoku was being trained by the Former Main Branch Sennin, due to his competitive nature. Once he found out that Ryoku is also training under an angelic being from another realm, he was going to freak out. Something that Ryoku would get a kick out of witnessing.

Ryoku straightened his back and gave Hera a determined look, so that she would know that he meant business.

Ina smiled, the boy was without a doubt worthy so with the price being paid power was his. With the pact between the child and Hera fulfilled, Ina began to float upwards, smiling downwards as she went back to her home in the clouds. 'With our pact completed, your name is now in the book of life. Should you stay on the path of righteousness you'll be able to join me and the other gods in the afterlife. We have a golden mansion and a wonderful garden just waiting for you on the other side. Stay pure, don't lose hope, follow your dreams, and never make a deal with someone from the abyss. Live on the path of good and you will join us as one of our angels…. Farewell Young Shinobi.” she was beginning to fade into gold but before she did she gave Hera's Lance to her since the lance wasn't exactly near the base of the tree but buried beneath the tree. Oh! I'll give you your weapon Hera, it's kinda underground and would hate for you to get filthy after you aided us in getting rid of the 'Bad Apple’ stay strong and learn. and with that she vanished in a puff of golden holy chakra that fell to the ground like snowflakes.

When the holy chakra fell to the earth, it almost seemed like when Ina left that nothing would happen… but then in the center of the crater from the battle began to glow with a holy light and Hera knowing what it was had been drawn in like a moth to a flame to reach her hands out and as she did the holy energy began to take the form of a weapon. A shimmering spear that looked brand new, never growing old, never dulling, and it was casting a faint light. Hera return to the child with then smiled shifting her lance to her left hand so she could use the right one to ruffle the boys hair. 'Well, let's hurry out of here. I think we should go to the side of the forest that isn't dangerous. While we head out, I'll tell you a little bit more about myself and help you with if you really want to fly. Depending on what you already are, flying shouldn't be an issue.’ and with that the two story will go on. Whether the boy had actually chosen Hera to be his guardian angel or another Kami up until this point was unknown but she was willing to teach the boy all she has to teach….


Years Later

Hope was suddenly pulled from hell then fell within a Forest, she didn't know how long she's been there. Years was more like it, 30 years in fact. A mysterious man scratched his head.

'Dammit, wrong youkai.’

'W….Who the hell are you wrench.’

'Hmm? I can understand you?’

'Why wouldn't you? You brought me here.’

’Oh! It's just cause most of the demons I got can't speak besides one of my meaner youkai. I'm actually planning something.’

'What is it?’

'Well you see.. I kinda have a problem with the heavens since I can't become holy nor any of my children, I'm guessing it's because those gods keep on wanting us demons who are trying to be good to stay stuck where we are. Hate that they are always looking down while we are looking up at them so I'm planning on going to war with them..’


'You can help. Besides I need more followers if you're interested….

’Bold… I have a bone to pick with them too.’

'Common.. let's go for a walk. Want you to see your new friends.’

[Ooc: Contract Search completed under the grounds that Ryoku has already done 7074 words in RPing! No need to drag this along so Congratulations!]

[Ooc: Can use Hera as your contract or choose another just make sure you slap that request up and make sure you exit.]

Ryoku Word total: 7074
Maru's Word total:7440
Ryoku smiled widely at Ina and waved as she departed. “Thanks for everything Ina-sama!” he called out to her. He was no longer astonished at the fact that she disappeared in a burst of bright light, or the fact that Hera’s lance materialized out of basically nothing. The amazing feats of the Kami were becoming rather normal considering the events that transpired that day.

As he followed Hera to the forest’s exit, Ryoku looked down at the ornate gauntlets that now adorned his fists with a rather inquisitive expression, wondering how to make them dematerialize. He went to remove one of them, but before he was even able to move more than an entire inch, both of the gloves vanished entirely from his hands. “Wow,” he muttered to himself, a large goofy grin crawling its way across his face. All he had to do was think them away and they would dematerialize. He was going to have fun with that.

He tried to make them reappear on his hands, but apparently it wasn’t as simple as thinking it into existence this time. Hera began to giggle slightly, giving away that she noticed Ryoku struggling to figure out how to use the gauntlets. “Yeah it’ll take a little bit of practice,” Ryoku said, followed by a quick chuckle. As they exited the forest, the two shared parting words. Hera promised him that she would see him again very soon and that she would help him gain the strength he sought. As he walked home, he could only feel excitement for his newfound friendship.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
