Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Wayward Son [Masaru Clan]


Faithful Ninja
Oct 14, 2012
The face of a spirit haunted him in his slumber. It was the face of the Reaper, a deity as old as time. It seemed that he had done something to upset this creature something costly that he had been courted to his domain in his sleep. The world of death was more pleasant than some might imagine, there were souls who lingered there, and as such he was one who governed over them. The Reaper was but a term for a collection of many who would obtain the souls of those condemned or already sentenced.

"Masaru Yuuto, son of Lightning, and bringer of Shadows. Cursed with the mark of a Necromancer, able to commune with the spirits. You made a pact with us and sought us to consume the Soul of your Primordial Lord. You understand that the use of the Reaper means the use of your soul though you had others who offered up bits of themselves in order to lessen your end. Even more so you attempted to swindel us feeding the Reaper with the shadows of that decrepit realm. Then you took from us claiming the soul of your creature for yourself when it should have rightfully hung here. Now what do you have to say for yourself?" Six spirits sat in front of him, on thrones of their own each one bearing a unique symbol. They wore the cloth of the shinigami who consumed the soul earlier, but they were different and felt more ancient.

Each word spoken was serious and ominous. Just what else could Yuuto have done wrong. He sighed unsure of where he was or if any of this was real. "What's the use in arguing or denying. I did all that you claimed, and for my own selfish human reasons. I plan to offer the soul of that creature to my allies. I cannot die not until my Clan is freed from our curse. You have to understand I am looking at a picture bigger than myself. I do not seek forgiveness for my actions only understanding. I needed your services to take the souls of the Primordial Lords, but I need their souls contained in my realm to be offered to a power for greater reasons than myself. While I cannot repay this debt by their souls what of their realm? Surely you saw the White light beckoning something blank right? I believe that realm is being destroyed and with each lord I take down I believe more will become null and void. Now you have to wonder what happens to all of those creatures who inhabit the realm? Most likely souls waiting to be picked ripe. I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. Each time I kill a Primordial Lord instead of munching on us, you munch on the other souls." He stood silent now awaiting judgement from the "Reapers". They spoke among themselves deliberating a result for Yuuto.

"We have reached a verdict. Masaru Yuuto, your bargain has been heard and accepted. However if you try to betray this deal in any way shape or form the souls of the Masaru Clan will be forfeit and wiped from existence. You will be left to wander this world with no kin and damned to eternal suffering. Do you accept these terms." Yuuto would nod his head lucky to get any type of deal from the Shinigami. "Fantastic, now we require your signature and this will truly be your acceptance of this bargain. Make no mistake this will not come easy, nor is there a choice in the matter if you wish to see your clan's safety. You will willingly offer a piece of yourself to us. We have already consumed some, and it will simply be a matter of you giving more. Regardless of what you want, this is the way things must be in order to fulfill the contract. Do you accept?" A giant scroll would appear in front of him, his name was there written in soot and next to it a list of terms. He read over carefully not wanting to miss anything but the reapers hung true to their word. All he had to do was literally give up a piece of his essence more than had already been taken. Yuuto signed pressing his hand against the scroll and willing his life force onto it. The reapers smiled, and the world began to collapse casting him away and back into the conscious realm.


He came back to, with the Clan's doctors over him using Lightning Jutsu to kick-start his heart. It seemed that he had passed out and died who knew how many times. He sprang up gasping for air and turning his head to look at every face who was there. His mother, father, uncle, and the clan elder Masaru Ken. The old man was fierce in his prime and still scary now. He grabbed the shocked Anbu's shoulders and laid him back down. "Be still my son you are still not out of the woods yet." The doctors checked over him utilizing medical jutsu to over-view his vitals while he focused on his breathing. A light green aura scanned his body and then the doctor would leave him to speak to the parents privately. Ken however would stay and stare before speaking.

"You were dropped off here by some strange men who seemed to be in a hurry to leave. We of course did not let them questioning them about what happened to you. They gave us this orb and said it belonged to you. Explained that you were in a top secret mission and gravely injured. However they looked like they had seen hell itself and were more than compliant to give up this orb. What is this energy Yuuto? Clearly it's a jusu containing it, but I've never seen signatures like this. So I need you to explain what this..."

"I can't... I'm sorry but I just can't explain it to you right now. I promise I will but only when the time is right. You have to understand what I've done, I would have never done without knowing it would have worked. There is no way I could put us through such troubles without considering the aspects of everything first. I promise you elder when this is done, I will personally explain everything." Ken crossed his arms staring into Yuuto's eyes before sighing. It was clear he was not going to push further when his kinsmen had been in such bad condition. "Fine I won't push further, but there is something you need to know. The doctor has found something bad, but I knew right away from seeing you. The physical injuries, while bad pale in comparison to the internal injuries. I used my Shadow Sense on you and analyzed your patterns. It's as if a piece of your chakra is missing completely. You may not be able to be a shinobi anymore Yuuto, I hope whatever you did was worth it." He walked out of the room disappointed but firm.

Yuuto sat there with his head hung low. He had only received a brief report of the true injuries and he was sure that they were more grave than Ken had mentioned. This issue would not die down, he'd be wrapped in this for a while. As the room emptied his mind became more rampant with thoughts and theories. He started to get angry that he could potentially lose everything he worked so hard for, but this one situation would not deter him. He would rise from it and create a solution. This occurrence had only built more conviction as he still had a goal to complete.

[Topic Entered/Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
