Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Welcome to leaf! [Class]

Feb 20, 2018
Asuka decided to walk the halls of the Academy today, get away from the paperwork sitting at her desk. She loved her job, the interactions she was able to have, the experiences. The one thing she hated was the paperwork, it never ended. Every time she thought she had finished, more came through her door. A never ending pain the butt.

But today was different, she decided to take over one of the classrooms. Or rather, place a summon notice on the board and hoped someone would show up. Even if they didn't, it would still mean free time to read one of her books. With a sigh walked up to the third floor and opened the first door on the right. Indeed it was an empty classroom, she took her seat at the teacher's desk and waited for the bell to ring. Someone would hopefully come, she liked seeing the students. Telling the difference between who had potential and who wasn't even going to graduate.

Let's see who showed up!

[Class started]

[Note= Welcome to the Class! To pass the class it's pretty simple. You need to have 1,500 words over 5 posts. Meaning about 300 words each post. Tip! Don't forget it's 1,500 OVER 5 posts. Meaning you can have 100 in your 1st post and 500 in your 2nd post, giving you the 600 words you need to be on par. If you need any questions don't hesitate to message me]
Yuuto yawned a little as he walked through the halls, he was wearing a black hoodie like shirt with the five golden bracelets glittering on his right arm. The boy had his sling of books. The boy had made it about half of the six books. Most were of his clan, but there was one about disease and plagues. An odd read for a 13 year old but he had his reasons. He had only been in the academy for a few days now and saw a summoning notice on the board and decided to follow it along to where it was. Perhaps this class he found himself heading towards would shed some light on what his possible path as a ninja would be. Maybe he could even discover why he couldn't activate his Sharingan since his mother's death.

The young Uchiha made it to the classroom and stepped inside. He was quiet and calm. A composure that wasn't normally found in a teenager. He saw a woman sitting there in the teacher's seat. This must have been the person who left the summons.

Yuuto smiled and bowed slightly. "Hello Sensei."

He took a seat with his sling of books and stared back at her with observant eyes.

WC: 208
Another student could be seen in the same hallway, not nearly as silent or subtle as her soon-to-be classmate. Ishidou Aguri skipped/ran through the hallways of school; having only been recently enrolled into the academy, she still held the starry-eyed look of a hyperactive child discovering something new. It was through this observation that she noticed the board that otherwise would’ve been ignored, taking the time to read it and sparking her curiosity. Apparently, one Uchiha Asuka was available for classes on the third floor.

“Uchiha…” Was the first thought that went through Aguri’s mind, with a small amount of disdain. The epitome of those born into power; a concept she held a great dislike for… but she quickly pushed those thoughts to the side. This was a new class that could be really cool! Who knows? Maybe the Uchiha is nice!

With a grin and an objective, she turns and sprints to the designated classroom, almost bumping into several classmates and teachers along the way, “Watch it!” “No sprinting in the hallways!” “Whoa!” were sure-fire ways of being able to tell where Aguri was. “Sorry, sorry!” She said, grin still plastered on her face as she approached the classroom.

Inside, they’d be able to hear the rapidly approaching steps of a brat before the door swung open with a loud, “YO!” From the girl who opened it, greeting whoever was in there.

It was most definitely a stark contrast to the silent Uchiha that had just entered before her.

She took a moment to look, a pang of disappointment hitting her upon seeing that there were only two people. But whatever, she’d maintain her grin and close the door behind her, stepping forward and waving at them, “My name’s Aguri. Pleased to meetcha guys!” She said chipperly.

After introductions were complete, she took a seat on the other side of class, though this did not mean she sat still. She seemed like she was about to jump off the walls any second, her left leg bouncing with energy and excitement at the new class.

In short, she was a teacher’s nightmare.

Posts/Word Count/Total Word Count: 1/351/351
Asuka yawned as she waited in class. Moving her feet up in a childish matter, it wasn't long before the people arrived at the class. First it was a boy, kinda serious on some regard. He seemed interested on the summons but rather carried himself with dignity. Asuka snorted a bit, sheesh.... this kid reminded her of Yukio. Although it was nice to see something different. Asuka waved slightly to the boy. "Alo!" She spoke with a bright smile.

The other student was the complete opposite. A loud WHAM was heard with a simple.... half-word being spoken. Her style of walking, the smile she brought with her face. For some reason seemed familiar. That's when it hit. 'Oh gods.... this girl is me.' She thought, Leaf only needed one idiot amongst it's ranks. Two and she wouldn't be surprised if the village burned to the ground.

But Asuka couldn't help but laugh out loud, covering her mouth. "It is quite interesting seeing two sides of a coin." She spoke lowering her hand with a happy sigh "On one hand we got the calm and collected teenager, eager to become stronger through hard work and study. You remind me of the ANBU Sennin. Calm, collected, hears everything but says nothing. Ideal person to confide in." She nodded to Yuuto.

"Then we got the opposite." Asuka's head moved to Aguri. "Loud, obnoxious, no care in consequences, goes day to day doing whatever and living out with luck constantly keeping you alive." Asuka smiled "You remind me of myself back when I was a student."

Asuka cleared her throat. "Hello, I'm Uchiha Asuka. Main Branch Sennin, your sensei for today!" With that, Asuka scratched the back of her head. "Having said that, I forgot to prepare anything..... so..... anything you kids wanna learn from me? I'm open to answer all your questions."

Yuuto was almost a little speechless as the girl kicked the door open and walked in. Who in the hell was she? Did all students act this way? No that can't be right, he had met plenty prior to this and they didn't act that way. He sighed and looked down at one of his books.

He would wait for the Sennin to begin the class. And this book would provide him with more help than this clown girl that seemed to want to bounce around the room and all. Where did she get the energy. The attitude?

Yuuto was surprised to hear though, that he reminded Asuka of one of the Sennin. He had met the man in question, but only for a tutoring session. He had learned more about Kinjutsu and the importance of implementing abilities to make your fighting style better. Yuuto was flattered, but it worried him to hear that his force of nature bumbling about and using an outside voice reminded the Sennin of herself. This Aguri. A young blonde headed girl with fiery eyes. Deep within him there was a sense of competition but it was buried under his analyzing of her and the situation they had come into with their teach. Yuuto shook his head with an audible scoff as he read a bit more until Asuka was ready to teach.

When the Sennin began to speak, it surprised Yuuto to know that it was up to the two students to decide what they would learn here. The Uchiha breathed in. "I have gained a little more knowledge on fighting and the different jutsus associated with a ninja's battle arsenal under the Anbu Sennin. I was hoping to learn how to manipulate Lightning and Fire further with my fighting style. Anything would help, Asuka-sensei."

He was certain that that would have some sort of impact on the teacher. He hoped it set him apart from this obnoxious blow horn sitting next to him. Aguri hadn't sat still at all since she got into the class room. At first, Yuuto was a little concerned that she might have some kind of issue but the more she talked the more it just seemed she was loud, rude and overly confident.

Yuuto shook his head. He shouldn't think that way about a possible comrade. She has her reasons, he was sure of that. Maybe he just needed to take a moment to get to know her. However easy that would be... He thought to himself over her loud exclaiming and talking.

Though not quite showing it, Aguri was gauging the reactions of the people before her. The black-haired boy just sighed and went back to his books with no small amount of condescension. He hadn’t even had the decency to respond to her introduction! Just who did he think he was!? She puffed her cheeks and threw a look at the boy, crossing her arms and looking away like a petulant child. She said nothing, however, choosing instead to pay attention to her teacher and quickly forgetting her classmate’s perceived rudeness.

To her surprise, she laughed, causing the girl to tilt her head in confusion. The unasked question was answered as Asuka controlled herself and explained, citing their characteristics. Indeed, Aguri and Yuuto could not possibly be any more different with how they carried themselves, how they thought, and what their values were. “Hey, who are you to judge me!?” She exclaimed, pointing at the Sennin flippantly, before suddenly deflating, “… But I guess you’re right…” Then lightbulb went off in her head, “Wait, can the sharingan read minds!?” She suddenly asked.

Then Yuuto scoffed and Aguri almost instantly snapped a sideways look at him. Again, she didn’t say anything. At least not directly. This time, she turned her attention back to their teacher while muttering something about sticks and backsides.

But after that little outburst, she seemed to calm down, listening to Asuka introduce herself. Just like that, Aguri got all starry-eyed and excited again, “You’re a Sennin? Wow, you must be so cool!” She said, barely able to contain herself. Being taught by a Sennin? That had to be one of the coolest things out there; definitely not something she ever imagined being privileged enough to have.

But now wasn’t the time to get excited, now was the time to learn! The open question posed by Asuka, so she took the opportunity to answer, containing herself somewhat, “I’m not much of a ninjutsu kinda gall. Taijutsu is more up my alley, and there’s a ton of techniques that you can do! When I was younger, I used to punch and hope for the best, but I really want to evolve my taijutsu to the next level!” She explained, “I hear the Sharingan can copy whatever it sees, so I bet you must know a ton of techniques! Could you teach me?” The request to be taught was said in an unusually respectful manner, different from Aguri’s usual tone.

Posts/Word Count/Total Word Count: 2/409/760
Asuka found the difference in their personalities quite entertaining, She would indeed divuldge their interests and try and help them on their way to become stronger. "Nice to meet you both." Asuka giggled with a smile on her face. But now, down to buisness. It was time to get to the point.

"I'll happily answer your questions." Asuka looked at Yuuto. "So let's start with you." Asuka took a deep breath and simply took a few deep breaths. Sending Chakra to her hand, as it left it. It crackled, blue lightning started to appear. "I don't want to use fire since it may burn some stuff. So I'll answer your question like this."

She did the same with her other hand bringing lightning forward. "Think of the elements as part of you, don't think of them as forces to be manipulated to your will. But as conduits. Learn that the elements are extremely powerful forces on their own. Once you see them as partners and not as means, you'll find a way to get stronger with them."

And now finally, to Aguri. "Taijutsu isn't my strong suit." She spoke, the lightning vanishing from her hands. "But I do know a few things that might help." Asuka started to move around with fluid motions, a dance of sorts. "But the use of hand to hand combat is all about fluidity. Moving from one punch to the next without loosing any motion." She punched with her left hand, followed by a kick with her left. "Never stop, only fluidity." Doing a spin she held her arm up "Attack, to defense. All in a single motion."

With that Asuka lowered her hands, looking back at her students. Hoping to see if they had any questions left. She was enjoying this demonstration and couldn't wait to see how much each of them grew.

Yuuto listened carefully to the Sennin's word. The key was to partner with the elements? He certainly never considered it but she was the Sennin here. Yuuto rose his hand and managed a few sparks. He could do more but he remained tame because of their being in doors. The young man then watched Asuka's impressive display of Taijutsu and despite her claims of it not being her strong suit, Yuuto could see she was far beyond anything he had ever witnessed. He nodded and slightly clapped for the older woman. She was truly an awesome ninja. Yuuto had a slight idea that combat was about fluidity. At least in his sparring matches with his mother it seemed to be that way.

"That's very helpful, Asuka-Sensei... I'll try my best to work with the elements from now. I only know some low level ninjutsu but I'm trying to strengthen my arsenal. But I will focus on making the elements more like an ally than a weapon. As for the taijutsu, are there recommended ways to merge it with Ninjutsu in situations and such?"

He paused for a moment before speaking again. "And I believe that I can't access the Amaterasu without having the Mangekyō Sharingan, correct? Even though it's a fire release, it's only a Dōjutsu of the Sharingan eyes, I think..." Yuuto looked down to think about this.

Yuuto also rolled his eyes and glanced for to Aguri to see exactly how much she was foaming at the mouth or flipping her desk. The Uchiha imagined this would be the first and last day he spent with this girl. It was clear she was a bit of an airhead... and much too loud. The young boy just waited to hear what kind of outburst the blonde would have for the Sennin. So he leaned back into his chair with a bit of a sigh as he cracked his book open and had it open to an information chapter to look at while listening to Asuka's lessons.

Yet again, the Sennin laughed, causing Aguri to become confused. What was she laughing at this time? A slightly confused look from Aguri… but ah, whatevs. Either way, Asuka seemed really cool for an Uchiha! All the stories she’d heard were of them being stuck up bell ends and going on and on about how their eyes were the best in the world and that nothing could defeat them. Bloodlines left a bad taste in her mouth, so that only made her resentful. Clearly, she was wrong, because Asuka was nice!

Asuka chose first to explain how to better incorporate ninjutsu into your fighting style. While it was interesting, she never really saw herself using elemental ninjutsu, and just sat there without really taking it in. ‘Sides, she didn’t want to do the same stuff as the arsehole of a classmate she had!

Then he mentioned the Sharingan. Aguri blinked, but a second of thought left her unsurprised. Stereotypes existed for a reason, and this Uchiha guy fit everything about it so far… except the boastfulness. “He’ll probably do that sometime soon…”

Her thoughts were cut short by Asuka, who was now getting ready for the taijutsu demonstration. For this, Aguri really focused, getting ready to absorb everything she saw. She did wonder whether it’d be useful or not, but for her part, Asuka delivered. Aguri did know the basic principles about momentum in a fight, but the way it was applied here showed a very high degree of skill for someone that claimed taijutsu wasn’t their strong suit. Throughout the demonstration, Aguri was muttering to herself, “Hmm… I see…” “Maybe I could… no…” “Yeah... yeah that could work…” She didn’t notice it herself, too focused on analysing Asuka’s movements and a concentrated look on her face for once.

This continued for a few moments after the demonstration, until Aguri suddenly got back her usual smile, “Thanks! That was really cool, sensei!” She said to her. That seemed to be the end of it… but Aguri suddenly perked up and asked another question, “Oh, oh! Barrier jutsu! Know anything about barrier jutsu? I think it’d be a good thing to add to my repertoire, but I’m not sure where to start.”

Posts/Word Count/Total Word Count: 3/371/1,131
Asuka gave a warm smile to Yuuto. "I'm glad you think on working hard. Always remember that the easy path usually has the biggest cost." She tilted her head in thought for a second, should she explain the properties of the Mangekyou Sharingan this early? Should she indulge him in such advanced techniques? On one hand it would be better if he went up the skill ladder slowly and steadily, but looking back at how she trained.... she wasn't that much different.

With a sigh she decided to let it go. "Amaterasu is the highest level of fire release I know of. Only the ones who have the Mangekyou Sharingan unlocked are able to use it. So to answer your question; Yes, it's Mangekyou Sharingan exclusive but even then achieving the Mangekyou is hard enough on itself." Asuka pinched her nose, it was better to lay it all out beforehand. "If you get the Mangekyou, and that's one hell of an IF, do not use Amaterasu blindly. It takes a lot of Chakra and it will burn you up of you're not careful. Even though it is powerful and really useful, it's dangerous by itself." Answering his question, Asuka turned to Aguri.

She gave a giggle as she heard her speak out loud about how to combine the techniques. It seemed as though this generation had was quite the interesting bunched. She just hoped they would be able to stay like this, hard working, always looking to improve their skills.

"There are a lot of different types of barriers." She said thinking about her own arsenal. "Some are huge, create arena's by itself like a Lightning Jutsu called Thunderdome. As it's name suggest, it creates a dome like structure of lightning that's able to keep enemies out." She sighed "But do take into account two things. Barriers have limited usage, or rather a limited amount of how much damage it can take. It is usually relative to how much chakra you put into it."

"Secondly, elemental barriers are weak to their counterpart. For example, the fire arena barrier jutsu called "Ring of Fire" can block almost any attack. Water Jutsus can pass through it without a hint of ring of fire stopping it. Which is why it's awesome to have multiple types of barriers."

With a smile on her face she clapped her hands together. "I'm all open for questions if you got anymore."


Current Ninpocho Time:
