Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

What a lovely chair you have! [Req. Kitsune]

Suzuki Setsu

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tama sat in the Medical Sennin's office, staring at the blank from in front of her. Kitsune's assistant had handed it to her before showing her in and saying the Sennin would be with her shortly. Tama looked around, Kicchan's got some fancy stuff! But what caught her attention the most was the big comfortable chair behind the desk. "That's a lovely looking chair, it would be much easier to fill out this form while sitting in it rather than sitting on this couch." She pondered for a moment the consequences sitting on said chair might entail, but decided that the comfort that the chair would provide, far outweighed any consequences that might arise from such an action.

She sat down and placed the form on the desk, beginning to fill it out. She hummed a small tune as she did so, adding unnecessary epithets and elaborations to the story by which she obtained her new powers and altered body. She described her trials in the tomb with great detail, adding in sound effects when appropriate, and focusing on her achievements. When she got to the fight with Haruki and Haruko though she paused. Tama knew she had to talk about it, but she didn't like mentioning how she was outwitted or the fact that she lost a fight. While she pondered how to word it in a way that would be the most flattering to her, she leaned back into the comfortable desk chair. Truly it was a marvel of ergonomic design, the contours of the chair seemed to perfectly fit her body. It was so comfortable in fact, that Tama began to fall asleep in the chair. When Kitsune eventually entered her office, she would find the young chuunin curled up on her chair with the half-filled kinjutsu registration form on her desk.

[MFT WC:305]
[Topic Entered]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune entered her office, carrying a pile of papers in one hand, and her trusty tablet in the other. The stack of papers was various analyses and graphs regarding the performance of her wireless networking idea. So far she had managed to make multiple computers talk to each other, sending and receiving files, even given them actual identifying names on the network. She had then begun making the wireless receivers smaller and smaller. Eventually, small enough to be put into the tablet she carried around. And with some further tweaks, it could be hooked up to the network at her home. Then what came after would probably be having the wires put into the hospital walls, to enable another wireless network there, so the hospital computers could be interconnected and provide doctors with easy access to the entire medical library right in their offices.

When Kitsune neared her desk, she noticed Tama lying in it, seemingly asleep. Kitsune shook her head and sighed, putting the papers on the desk and putting the tablet on top of them. She cleared her throat and said ”Surely that’s the wrong chair you’re occupying, Tama-chan.” in a loud voice that’d surely wake Tama up. If it didn’t? Then Kitsune would tip the chair so Tama rolled out of it and onto the floor. Either way, Tama would be gone from Kitsunes chair, and all would be well.

Suzuki Setsu

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The medical sennin's voice did wake Tama up, but only partially. Half-asleep she mumbled, "Kicchan? Let me cuddle Shiri-tan some more. Just five more min--," the chuunin was rudely interrupted during her stereotypical 'don't want to get up' response. Thrown out of the chair, Tama rolled underneath the desk, and hit the back of it with a squeak. Now fully awake, she crawled out and brushed herself off. "Hi Kicchan! I was just filling out this form, and your chair was just so comfortable, I decided to see if it would help me fill it out more, uh, more faster. It was an experiment, research I say, research! On the first test it seems my hypothesis was incorrect, but I need to conduct more tests to see if the results are consistent right?"

Tama then moved to discuss what she originally came here for, "So this Kinjutsu thingy. What else do I need to fill out? And did Tomo fill one out already? Can I just copy his? It's basically the same." But she was soon distracted by the device in the sennin's hand. "Ooh! Kicchan! What's that? Can I see it?" Tama hadn't really been exposed to much new technology. Radios she knew of, and regularly used in village work, televisions she had heard of, though she never really cared much for them. Live performances were the best after all.

Tama stopped, once again reminding herself of her purpose here. She needed to fill out the kinjutsu registration form. Apparently, bad things would happen to her if she did not. And while the chuunin was confident she could handle these bad things, since Tomo had gone to the trouble of registering, Tama supposed she should follow suit. Because she didn't want to lose face or standing in the village, and definitely not because it might cause Tomo trouble. All the same, Tama was curious about the device, and if she could find out more about it while getting her form properly filled out, well that would be a win-win situation.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
”No, you have to fill it out properly. On your own. Get to it, Tama-chan.” Kitsune said, poking Tama’s nose. ”This? It’s a ‘tablet’. Basically a handheld computational device, allowing me to take notes and saving a copy of them onto a disk. I’m working on a way that’ll allow me to save them not on a disk inside the device itself, but somewhere else entirely. That’d allow me to sit at home in one room, and save a file a machine located in another. Pretty interesting stuff, in my opinion.” she explained and nodded.

Surely that explanation would satisfy Tama’s curiosity, and if not, too bad. The form had to be filled out, and Kitsune wouldn’t let Tama leave until it had been finished and filed into the archive. Plain and simple.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

A small bird suddenly entered the room, landing on the desk and glancing around calmly before turning to face Kitsune specifically. The animal would take a quick flight to the edge of the desk, then pecked it's beak towards a small canister on it's right leg that had a piece of rolled parchment within. It broke the binding which kept the canister in place, letting it fall on the desk before flying off out of the window.

Message Wrote said:
Medical Sennin, your appearance is required at the conference room within the Torre Celeste on matters that pertain to an assault charge. The reason you have been requested is due to the charge being levied against a shinobi of the medical branch who is also a kinjutsu holder by the name of Kubisuki. He holds the powers of a Rikudou Sennin. Please respond as quickly as possible.

[Messenger Entered/Left]

Suzuki Setsu

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
"Oh, boo. That's no fun," Tama sulked as she actually went about filling out the rest of the form. "Kicchan, I'm just gonna give you the short version," Tama said as she crumpled up the form she had scribbled, and drooled on a bit while sleeping in Kitsune's chair. Kitsune's assistant had apparently thought this was how it would turn out, and had provided Tama with a second copy of the form, just in case.

As Kitsune answered Tama's question about the shiny device as well as explain her plans for expanding its capabilities, Tama briefly filled the form out:
Registration Form said:
Name: Mochizuki Tama
DOB: August 31st, XXXX
Sex: F
Bloodline: None
Kinjutsu Name: Chimera
Location Obtained: Creepy Temple, Solum de Asphodelus, The Rolling Hills, Kaminari no Kuni
Method Obtained: Kinda accidentally triggered a ritual to allow spirits to possess Tomo's and my bodies. Our bodies fused with the dead shinobi but our spirits/minds/thingies didn't
Bodies used in conjuntion with Kinjutsu's Origins: Ashes of dead kunoichi infused with her chakra and collected spiritual energy.
Name of contact who can verify: Mochizuki Tomo​

She signed and dated the form with a flourish, then handed it to Kitsune. "Hmm, well I don't really get it, but it's sorta like being able to go to library and read books without having to go to the library? It sounds pretty neat! Though there are times when I think just going to the library would be better. Still, good luck with it Kicchan!" A bird then flew in, landed on the desk and dropped a small scroll before leaving. Tama picked it up and handed it Kitsune, she knew enough not to open someone else's mail. "It's for you, Kicchan! What's it say? What's it say?"

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
”Hm. That’ll do, Tama-chan.” she said and signed the form as well, and filed it away. ”It’s kinda like that, yes. But think about how neat it’ll be to be able to read any book you want to, at any time you want to.” she continued before picking up the letter on the desk. ”Well if you pipe down so I can think, I’ll find out what it says.” she said and shook her head before opening it and reading the contents.
[spoilername="Letter"]Medical Sennin, your appearance is required at the conference room within the Torre Celeste on matters that pertain to an assault charge. The reason you have been requested is due to the charge being levied against a shinobi of the medical branch who is also a kinjutsu holder by the name of Kubisuki. He holds the powers of a Rikudou Sennin. Please respond as quickly as possible.[/spoilername]

”Well now. It’s a summon. One of my mednins have acted like a damn moron. An assault charge? Raiden dammit…” she swore and folded up the letter before sticking it inside her clothes. ”Tama-chan, I gotta run, don’t mess with my stuff, or sleep in my chair again, or I’ll make sure you take a loooooong nap. Got it?” she said to the curious chuunin before storming out of the office.

[Topic Left]

Suzuki Setsu

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tama nodded. Kitsune had troubles enough to deal with, before she could play any more games involving comfortable furniture with Tama. She gave a mock salute as the medical sennin stormed out of the room. Tama was glad that she was not going to be on the receiving end of that glare, and almost felt sorry for whoever was. But the young woman quickly dismissed such thoughts, as she straightened up the mess her commotion had made. No need to earn the ire of the busty doctor herself. She considered following the sennin, curious as to who exactly was the idiot, but again decided the curiosity had gotten her into enough shenanigans for one twenty-four hour period today. Maybe she'd go punch something. With that thought in her head, Tama opened the window of the Seninn office and jumped out, using short blasts of wind to control her descent.

She supposed she would find out what happened eventually, assault charges would be something people would be talking about. Tama reasoned that someone would be mentioning it in the plaza or at a bar. Heck, someone in the troupe would probably know. Kimiki especially kept tabs on that sort of thing. She hit the ground with a whoosh, and took off running in the direction of the coliseum. First punching something was in order, then sating her curiosity. Hopefully she would be up against someone who could take a hit. A lot of the nameless flunkies who frequented the place couldn't take a hit. And Tama felt she would be packing quite the punch today, so the standard beat 'em ups just wouldn't suffice.

[Topic Left]
{MFT WC: 273}

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
