Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

What a Strange World? [Open to Cloud]


New Ninja
May 30, 2016
Yuu walked within the inner village with little to no aim other than to pass the time. Her ebony skin reflecting the mid day sun as her hoodie was pulled down to show her black hair. There wasn't much for her to do today, but that is exactly why she was just wandering down in the village.... she was bored to hell! It was about five in the evening when the young girl decided to just sit down and lean against a wall and wait for something to take her attention away from her boring thirteen year old life.
Yamazaki Akihiko was walking along at random this day, much like Oniyata (though of course, he or she didn't know), with no particular goal in mind. He was just slowly enjoying a bento box this day; slowly because he chewed everything so meticulously, as if trying to draw out the flavor. Not that it needed any more flavor, in his opinion, the bento box was perfect just the way it is. Akihiko was a decent cook, after all.

It was quite clear that while he was walking, he wasn't able to see diddly over the bento box up in his face. He was completely absorbed in eating this masterfully crafted box of Kumo-Akihiko cuisine, to the point where it was possibly detrimental to his health, and maybe someone else's. Of course, that's where this post takes a turn for the worst. Not that much worse, but worse than it was before.

He simply tripped over some random thing - he didn't even know what it was - and the bento box was suddenly airborne, flinging the delicacies into the crisp and sweet air, but only to fall and land on the cold, heartless stone floor, complete with dirt, rocks, and all manner of things. Luckily, he didn't get anything on him. If the thing he tripped on got any food on it, well, that was unfortunate.

But not as unfortunate as losing a perfectly good bento box. The horror.
Yuu started to drift off into her boredom with literally no cure in sight. She shoved her head into her hoodie and lowered her head so she can rest. She maybe got about five to ten minutes worth of a nap before something snags onto her leg and she is covered in what seems like someones lunch. At first she just sat there in silence. She spitefully took her hood off again as it was covered in food.

"What the heck you little bug! Whats a kid like you doing not paying attention to who is sitting there! And what the heck did you get all over me?" The young ninja raved as she started to chew the ear off of the boy. Her face calm but it was obvious she was a mix of happy that she found something to pass the time with and angry that it happened to literally drop in on her out of nowhere!
"What the heck you little bug! Whats a kid like you doing not paying attention to who is sitting there! And what the heck did you get all over me?"

Akihiko's face immediately fell into a frown. Somehow this was HIS fault?!? What person in their right mind was lying around on the ground for no apparent reason?!? He got up, shaking the dust from his clothing and making sure he hadn't gotten any bruises. Then he looked to the box lying on the ground, overturned. Oh, the tragedy! Such a perfect bento box, so delightfully prepared, was now ant food.

He turned to the girl, interrupting her chewing. "Well, it's not MY fault that someone felt the need to lie down on the ground in the middle of where people were walking! I was walking oh so perfectly fine until you sat and tripped me!" Now it was his turn to chew her ear! For justice! For nice bento boxes! "If you wanted to lay around, why not go, I don't know, HOME?"

He sighed, exasperated. "What fell on you was my best bento box EVER! And now it's all ruined!" He glared. Now he was going to have to make another one.
“A little rude, wouldn’t you say? Calling your fellow man an insect over an accident?” Came a voice from behind, as the tall frame of Makoto loomed out from a side alley, standing a head above the group. Kneeling down he offered a hand to Akihoko, “On your feet mate, not becoming of a man to be lounging in the dirt.” He turned his head towards Iolanta, nodding his acknowledgement, he had not seen her since the Hellcat incident.

Current Ninpocho Time:
