Kirei Zoro & FuwaFuwa-sama
Zoro happily hummed to himself as he finished folding the last of his clothes. Today was the day his new best friend was going to drop by for a visit. The boy put the clothes away in the dresser and looked to FuwaFuwa-sama. "You still aren't done with your sweaters?" *bark* "Oh, don't give me the whole, 'no opposable thumbs' excuse. You don't need them for folding." *grrr* "Alright, alright. I'll help. Geez." Zoro sat beside his canine companion and helped the dog fold the rest of his sweaters. Once they were done, Zoro placed them in the lowest drawer of his dresser. "There. Let's do one final check." The boy scanned his room, looking over his pristine bed, his dustless dresser, the pure white refrigerator, and the small wooden table in the center of the room. The nightstand beside Zoro's bed was the only thing that had something on it, the book the blonde boy had borrowed from Osuteno. Zoro smiled and made a mental note to thank his friend. The book had taught Zoro two new water jutsu, the Water Whip and Rinse Off. Obviously Zoro liked the latter jutsu the best.
The boy looked out of his window towards the midday sun. Osuteno would be here soon. Opening the fridge, Zoro pulled out some rice balls and sushi he had made for the occasion. He felt a little bad that his culinary skills only amounted to 'roll random things into rice with seaweed', but he figured it was better than nothing. Also, he had no desire to actually learn how to make anything else. Once the dishes were neatly placed on the table, Zoro patiently waited in room K3 of the academy dorms for his super best friend to arrive.
[Topic Started with NPC]