Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

What Goes Bump in the Night.....[AiT Exam]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
The forest was dark next to no light had managed to penetrate from the thick foliage that encases the forest like walls. It was like it had been swallowed by some great abyssal creature. The breeze flowed through the trees carrying the cold sting of the nights' air, there as next to no visibility the outline of the trees were a solid dark blue against the inky black of twilight. Just because they have the cover of darkness didn’t mean that they were safe, their spot in the mouth of the forest they were being watched by at least 10 pairs of eyes, tracking them then, feeding information back of their location and actions back to Yuki.

“Clever, of extremely foolish” Yuki spoke to herself, seemingly oblivious to the other ANBU that where at her side “They don’t seem to be moving from the mouth the forest, “She grinned a fox-like grin. “Let’s give them some motivation” The Haku closed her eyes and placed her hands on the ground, it shook and cracked forming a fissure in the surface, slowly from the darkness within the earth a lumbering roar echoed from the whole the sounds of crystal hitting crystal carried on the night breeze before a large serpentine body emerged from the wound in the earth, it twisted itself body out before curling itself on the ground before its mistress. The creature was a large dragon, its body made of midnight black crystal that glinted in the starlight like an oil slick, its horns and spikes that ran down the length of its back were razor sharp crystalline structures. It bowed its head to the female. “ Go have fun, frighten them but don’t kill them” She smiled placing her hand of the head of the beast, it didn’t take must persuading before the creature through itself in the air heading towards the mouth of the forest and its prey.

[OCC- Sorry for the delay RL hit me in the face but we all good now]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi's gaze was going towards all the sides. He was slowly thinking about a couple of things. How did you get clean water, what was the easiest way to get something to eat in here. What would you be able to eat? Many questions and he knew he had to go on a small scout to find that answer out. He had answers, he just needed to literally find them before he could use use-full.
It was that there happened an action inside that group which was a more surprising thing for himself.
He thought he heard someone say something about a stone golem... and he started to look around till he saw Kuro had been bending down in order to summon something. In his mind, a big monster would spawn with a lot of moss sticking to the creature... Yet... what he didn't saw coming was the fact that it was a rather small and little creature... He started to it, the thing that made a nod before moving away... His expression went from a faint smile.... to a deadpan expression and the white-haired male really gave himself a big facepalm once he had let go of the arrow and the bow for a second. The bow hanging around his wrist and scooted down to the elbow. Izumi let the arrow sink back into the socket and would hold his bow ready when needed. He knew he was fairly quick with pulling an arrow.

He had turned to Kuro and back towards Arashi since he was going to sign a little thing. 'Already a break?' was the thing he signed and he held a frown upon his forehead. A set of confused but serious eyes for now.
He knew he could say it... but he wasn't comfortable with him speaking and knew he still made a couple of errors in between the sentences or wasn't the quickest with speaking, which is why he kept with the whole signing thing.

A chill ran down his spine and he had an idea something was about to happen, it made him restless, to say the least as he was playing with how he held his bow... It was a tick he had when feeling restless yet couldn't let go of an object. He started to make a half circle in order to walk backward for a small moment... And what he saw in the distance made him have a rather... awkward smile... A half like a grin and he stopped walking... 1 second... 2 seconds... those went by before he started to react and alarm the group which was first my making a whistle noise and having his bow ready at the point where he had seen the creature. Then looking to the group with his body a quarter turned to the group, able to defend or run which was needed first. He had a couple of jutu's at hand he was able to use, but from this range, he knew he couldn't hit it just yet. But was awaiting word from Arashi on what they were going to do.


New Member
Oct 6, 2016
As Kuro saw the golem quickly waddle away into the distance, he noticed the ground shake when a loud roar reverberated throughout the forest. What was that? He squinted while looking around the area before the sound of heavy steps started to cause the Earth beneath them to tremble. "We have to leave.....NOW!" Kuro exclaimed in a loud voice, then all of a sudden a towering shadow slowly appeared a mile away from the back of the group. "What is that?" He silently whispered to himself when the shadow revealed itself to be a dragon, covered in a glistening black crystal. Then at the corner of his eyes, he noticed a few shadows jumping from tree to tree causing his full attention to be diverted, Who the hell was that? He released his Demonic Aura surround the area so he could notice anything out of the ordinary during the encounter with the dragon.

Hase Aki

New Member
Jun 28, 2017
A roar, and then the mute reacted in a frightened way but the kids were already on their way. They had just started to move away from the first meeting area when the dragon set upon them, covered in crystals. She gasped and dashed backward, keeping the boy on her back, facing the opposite way of danger. Her clay clone, the one set up to look like her, dove forward at the dragon, leaping into the air throwing out fireballs to distract the dragon from it's intended targets, doing a strafe motion to draw it away as the clone closed in on it. That way, if it hit the clone it would detonate, blowing a big old injury into the dragon. The clay small creature was still running ahead, scouting and try to set traps off ahead.

"HAHA LET'S GO BEFORE THE REAL ME GETS EATEN!" the real her prompted, hopefully making one or more people assume that the real her was fighting the dragon, or at least the dragon would think so. She would take off into the forest, hopefully followed by the entourage, as she didn't have time to wait for an order considering she was carrying the precious cargo!

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
“And you are sure that there is no-one else that can handle this, I am in the middle of something?” The female looked out towards the night, once hand cover her ear to block out the ambient noses the filling the night around them. She paced on the stop waiting for a response. There was a slight crackle of static as the voice on the other answered her. “No, I understand, I will be there immediately,” Yuki took the headset off and handed it to one of the ANBU that where stationed at that staging area, she returned to the darkness and back towards the forest.

Arrows hit the body of the dragon, hitting the obsidian and bouncing off, it looked down towards Izumi its red eyes focusing on the mute ninja. It grew closer to them as it was peppered with arrows, I in a rage the crystalline dragon opened his mouth and roared the noise echoed through the night like thunder cracking the sky. Whipping its tail around, the power of the swipe impacting with the first line of the trees knocking down the weaker ones, slinters erupted into the nights air, exposing the group to the night air, the crimson eye looked down at the group seeing the young female trying to run away, slamming its tail down it blocked her exit forcing them to remain where they are. It roared once more demanding the attention of the students. Silence filled the air the sound of clapping replaced the sounds of panic and chaos that had filled the student only moments ago, Yuki walked through the cold air stepping over the broken bodies of the trees towards the group.
“Well, I am glad to see that you are all still alive, I am not impressed but you have shown me enough. I have urgent business to attend to, so I am calling the exam off here. I am going to be give all of you then rank of ANBU in Training, apart from you,” Yuki pointed towards Arashi. “While you do have passed this time, do not think that you have shown the best of your abilities, that I have yet to see.” She placed her hands on her hips. “You will be getting summoned shortly in front of the branch to receive your mask and teams.” Yuki walked away from the student and back into the night she had to be elsewhere.

[OOC – I am ending the exam here as is it taking far longer then it was meant to, Izumi, Kuroguro and Yasu Yoshi have all gained the rank of AiT and will be given their banner shortly]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
