Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

What th....{ReqEntrance}

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma walked at the front of the clan, loud music blasting and their menagerie of exotic animals roaring. The guards of Iwagakure would hear the procession of the clan long before they saw it. Banners flying the clan symbol were held aloft by those astride those amazing beasts. Blood red eyes took in the two large statues guarding the entrance to Iwagakure, Akkuma looked upon the structures with amazement. 'Now that's impressive...' he thought to himself letting out an impressed whistle. "Uzi...would you check out those impressive statues. I wonder what the rest of the place is like..." with those words he would proceed forwards towards the gates ahead of the clan. Naturally Uziuke would accompany his brother to the gates. The clan came to a halt as Akkuma raised his hand for silence, still walking forwards the clans ruckus would die to silence. None disobeyed their clan leader the punishment was something far worse then death.

"Iwagakure-nin! Greetings from the Miroku Clan!" he would call out in his powerful voice full of warmth and joy. He wondered how many looked upon the horde that was before their gates. The robed demon with his various scrolls adorning him stood there proudly awaiting whoever would greet them. Akkuma wondered what kind of a greeting they would get with such a large group. Granted it was just Akkuma and Uziuke who approached the gates but many of the clans members wished to do trade and earn some yen. After all how else would they make their living, the Miroku Clan intended to leave a good lasting impression. They definitely had an entrance beasts of all sizes and natures were among his clan, beasts for trade and ones for entertainment. But that was just one of many things they offered, they catered to all needs civilian and shinobi alike.

Akkuma stood at his impressive height of 6'2" robes billowing in the wind. Two horns protruded from his forehead large and full of tainted chakra. The half-demons blood coloured eyes were ready to focus upon any who approached them. The look in his eyes showed warmth and the eagerness of being at a new destination. Now all they needed was to be let in, hopefully their journey hadn't been for nought.

Gates entered with Uziuke


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="The Cold One Lurks"]
Strictly business, that was Snow's priority and this included drowning out the fanfare trailing the beings whom approached the gates. His body rested atop the of one of the Statues, the youngest to be exact as he overlooked the proceeding below scanning for any potential signs of foul play beforehand. Satisfied at least by an overhead scan, his body would suddenly blur from the spot in which it formerly rested before appearing in a crouching position a few yards in front of Akuuma. Standing up fully, he matched the man's size and stature which could be noticed even through his Anbu cloak and gear. There was no lack of noticing fine detail from his point of view and while he took note of the smaller appearance differences he also spoke three simple words, though his voice was darker and muffled beneath the mask than what was natural of his tone.

"Alias and Business", this would be directed to both men of the party.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke couldn't help but be astounded by the village's architecture either. He had a slight hangover and was still trying to fully wake himself up. "If this is what the outside looks like, I can only imagine the inside is just as amazing... if not better!" The boy's eyes tried to adjust to view his surroundings, but due to his intoxication, everything seemed to be bouncing a bit. He could feel a pit in the bottom of his stomach roaring. 'Hopefully we'll be let into this village. I really need a soft bed.' The boy shouted for the lion that he was riding to halt, slowly getting off of it and walking up next to Akkuma. The clansmen weren't too far behind. They continued chatter until Akkuma motioned for them to be quiet.

They were greeted by an Anbu that seemed to just manifest himself into existence before the two. It was a bit too much for the teen to handle. Suddenly, the boy burst into laughter. Afterwards the boy began to speak. "Dude, you can't sneak up on people like that!" The boy looked to Akkuma. "One minute we're here like, do we have a way in? and then, BOOM! The dude is right here now." The boy wiped a tear from his right eye. The red orbs laid on the Anbu before them, the black swirls staying still rather than spinning in motion. "This guy is so damn ninja. He needs a medal or something!"

The boy then realized that he was speaking in a drunken slur. He cleared his throat, understanding the seriousness of the situation. "I mean... Hello Anbu~San. We're a group of travelers from The Hidden Mist Village. Our village has been taken by a drastic frost that became unbearable to live in." The boy paused, wiping another tear that rolled down his left cheek. "I wasn't even able to finish my Chuunin Exams. I bet I would have made a fine Chuunin too." The boy looked over to Akkuma, "I was this close brother. This close." The boy began to whisper as he moved his fingers away from one another, trying to show how close he was to passing. Once again the boy caught himself getting off topic.

Once again he cleared his throat. "We would like to come into the village to do trade, provide a bit of work, and maybe entertain the folk within your village a bit. These days it's our only way of survival." The boy smiled, looking closely at the Anbu's mask. He didn't know if it was the design of the mask or him, but it seemed to be laughing at him. 'I have to lay off the sake for a while.'

[ MFT | WC: +500 ]
[ Arrival at Gates with Akkuma and Clan ]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="The Ties that bind."]Again, at the gates, doing duties as he always did. Souji noticed that there was an ANBU Trainee on duty today. 'Cute.' he'd think to himself, though it was not something he took lightly, ANBU And Guardians worked side by side. Some with masks some without. However they were all here for the same duty and job. How they did their jobs was the only real difference to Souji in the end. "Budu jen na okraj sledoval, ale nenechte se vstoupit. Jsme už dost zaplněný jako je. . . jeho podezřelé, jak všichni tito lidé přicházejí s takovými vysokými duchovními přítomnosti. . . musíme pokračovat v pořádku?", Souji would chime in from the top of the statues and rocks looking down at the trio below. He would not move nor gesture just yet, but he was making sure the trainee listened to orders for now. Souji was a Higher Ranking Officer. Though, it could be debated that he was merely a Chuunin at best. Watching like a hawk to its prey he'd continue looking down as he'd be close enough to hear what was going on and what was said, but fare enough to have his distance and watch.

'Balance... is the sanctuary of the mind many will never reach.', he'd think to himself, but he wanted to know...
How deep did the Heart of Stone go before you reached flesh again...?​

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma chuckled at his brothers comments "Your right brother the Iwa shadow was quite stealthy, very formal too." His words were carried on a charming tone, as he smiled at the shadow. Those blood red eyes held Uziuke in their gaze as he spoke informing the Iwa ninja of who they were, although he got distracted by his thoughts of chuunin exams. 'Of course I must arrange for him to go up against a chuunin here, so he can see he'd be more than capable as a chuunin.' he thought with a small smile. Clearing his throat once more Uziuke continued to give the shadow their reasoning for wishing to enter the village.

"Well done brother I'm proud of you." he gave his brother a playful push before looking at the shadow once more and bowing. "We are the Miroku Clan..." straightening up he continued speaking "I am Akkuma, Head of the Clan. Demon Sage and S-Rank Mercenary, this is my brother Uziuke." he would say motioning to the white his white haired brother. Standing there he heard a new voice descending to from the one of the statues. Akkuma looked up at the shadow with a wave before looking down to the one who was processing them. 'There must be many here to ensure a group this large has no ill intentions.' he thought with a smile, those blood red eyes looking into the holes of the blank masked shadow before him him.

"I also wish to speak to your Tsuchikage..." he would smile devilishly before rubbing his head and going "So if you could help me get that underway...or tell me where I can go to request a meeting I would be most appreciative." the half demon would say wondering what would happen, perhaps they would have somewhere in particular he had to go like cloud. He'd find out soon enough, though he couldn't help wondering what the other shadow had said to the one before them.

Hello! ^_<
Edited to fix coding


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="The Cold One Lurks"]
True to his demeanor and personality, given the various responses he had received within a short period of time it would have been an amazement to some of the people around him that he did not budge or move from his position. The Anbu was truly dedicated solely to his job and understood that unlike others of his rank who seemed to delve into personal conversation for jobs that truthfully didn't require it, he was equally the black sheep in that department. No matter how the travelers acted or spoke, he was only interested in completing his job though the words spoken by Souji did make him mentally question the meanings. The village had an open door policy to refugees as far as he had known and had not been informed otherwise that former civilians of Water or Fire Countries were to be labeled in such a way. He even found the pretense of such words to be on the border of paranoia considering the types of people already lingering within the walls just fine. However never physically acknowledging Souji's appearance as that would mean looking away and distracting himself from his job, the Anbu spoke finally towards Akkuma and Uziuke.

"Personal Identification is required at all Gate Requests as per protocol of the Hidden Stone Village. Being that you are supposedly from the Hidden Mist, you should still be in possession of something that proves this."

His cold stare behind his mask never lifted however if it was true that these two was from the Land of Water then that would mean they would potentially be aware of the certain trait most from that land, at least those from within the Hidden Mist were all mainly aware of. His voice spoke out again as he aimed to ensure that they were from where they truly said they were from.

"Se vera tiam vi scias, kion mi diras", the language of water was spoken in a stoic and unrefined tone. He was not fluent in mizugo and did not carry a dialect as he was only taught so much by his father who had been in the ranks of Kirigakure, but he was taught enough words to make a simple sentence. If they were from the Hidden Mist then they would recognize and respond. It was his secondary fail-safe to confirming their origins. While he waited for their responses he spoke out again in a different dialect though this one he was obviously more natural with in speaking and was aimed towards Souji, though without once again making eye contact. "Já jen sledovat, jak jsem byl poučen, jak zvládnout tyto situace. Nic více či méně ovlivňuje mé volání.".

The last thing he spoke would be in a tone and dialect that neither party would be familiar with but it flowed from his tongue smoothly, something he had been speaking since he was old enough to talk and something that was the language of his people. "Eigin skynfærin er ekki að fara að stoppa mig frá vinnunni minni."

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="The Ties that bind."]"Slušný. Nicméně nejste oprávněni "vytvořit svůj vlastní rozhodnutí" o této situaci. Národní bezpečnost, a naučit se víc věřit své nadřízené o některých hovorů a může být škodlivé pro blaho našeho národa a jejích občanů.", nodding he'd not acknowledge the others merely looking at the situation and listening in to what was being said. Kanki was following the protocol. So he wouldnt have much else to say to the kid. Though, he himself from his records came from Kirigakure, or water country, so part of Souji wondered if there was a bias from people in Kirigakure. However, seeing as how young this kid was, the bias his father had might not have transferred to his son. Either way, there might be something there and Souji would not ignore it. However, it was not the time to bring that up.

"Pokračovat. Nicméně, pokud je necháte vstoupit, budu muset zavolat ho do hlavy opatrovníka.", nodding he wondered how the kid would take what he said. Apply it. And move on. Though again he was a trainee and Souji was showing him the ropes and seeing what he did with the information being given to him. Different scenarios would be brought up and under a live situation this would turn into a fun little examination for the boy. Maybe he'd recommend him for a promotion, but there was something odd... he spoke a language that he'd heard from Katsumi. Different sounding from a boy who basically grew up in Iwa. So the tone was different than that of a native he'd heard speak it fluently. Though.... it didnt mean he knew what was said. Be it an insult to Souji or some information Kanki was giving them. All in all. Strikes and shots were fired.

". . . Nedělají to těžké padlý sníh. . . Prosím."


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
While his older brother spoke, the teen Uchiha became a bit sidetrack. Once again his curiosity began to peak. Thanks to the boy's eyes he noticed a moderate sized chakra aura while marveling at the statues once. 'Another shinobi. There must be a few of them out here watching the gates.' He remembered something similar before entering Kumo. The stranger in the distance shouted something, but Uzi couldn't make out what was said.

The boy put his focus back on the topic at hand. Alumna introduced the group as the Miroku Clan. The boy's ties to the clan were deep. As second in command he had to upkeep with his responsibilities, maturing him a bit more quickly than most teens his age. A meeting with the Kage was requested as well. 'Iwagakure. If the Kage here is willing to hear us out I'm sure it'll be understood that we aren't here to cause chaos.'

As the Anbu spoke once more Uziuke kept his eyes on him. He then spoke in a language that Uzi was all too familiar with. It was the language of his native land. The boy shift his red robes in a way to reveal his torso. The kanji for hell and astral were written on his chest. The curse seals were etched into the boy, the kanji never seemed to fade until he actually activated the seals. But what the boy was showing the Anbu had nothing to do with the curse seals. Plastered across the boy's stomach was a mark from his native land, Kirigakure. A lone wolf surrounded by flames lay etched in the boy's skin. It was his Chakra Mark, something that individuals from The Hidden Mist Village would carry forever.

"Chakra Marks estis donitaj al la shinobi de Kirigakure. Estas ĉio, kion mi lasis por pruvi, ke mi estas el Kirigakure. Ĉu ĉi tio kaj mia kono de Mizugo sufiĉi por vin preni nia parolo pri ĝi? " The language would flow smoothly from the boy's vocals.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled and gave a bow to the man yet again he'd found himself surprised in this land, a foreigner who spoke the tongue of his native land. "Jes mi scias Mizugo. Honeste mi ne pensas ke mi devus aŭdi ĝin esti parolata auxdas ... se vi bezonos pli da pruvo Uziuke pravas. Tio estas lia chakra markon, la mia estas kaŝita krom se sub chakra vidpovon. A sango ruĝa koloraj Wyrm kun flugiloj, ĝi estas marko sur mian vizagxon." he would say with a smile wondering if the Anbu before him would realize that meant he had been an Anbu. Smiling that devilishly charming grin of his he said "Ĉu vi kredas ke via Tsuchikage min vidos?" he would ask the man hoping the answer would be yes. After all he had much to do he just hoped the Tsuchikage would be able to find the time to see him, most of all he hoped the kage would be interested in what he had to propose.

Standing there he wondered what was going through the shadows mind, would they be allowed into the village? Or would their honesty cost them entrance into the village before them when they had come so close. With the way things had been going he was certain they would be allowed in, though he wondered if they would have an escort while within the village. But so far they'd been honest and they had no ill intentions towards the village or those within it. 'Fates be kind...' he would think to himself not wanting his good luck to end here. Those blood red eyes locked onto those of the man before him, waiting for his judgement.

OOC: sorry for crappy post so tired ><; next one will be better.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="The Cold One Lurks"]
No words passed by his ears without being taken into heavy consideration even if his physical appearance did not show it. Every word Souji spoke was carefully restated within his mind and acknowledged with an unyielding sense of responsibility in knowing that this call would be his to make, but also his to be accountable for should things go south. His eyes were not strained from the lack of blinking, having never taken his gaze off the two including the split second movement it would take to simply shutter ones eyelids. While the two did not possess documentation in the form of a passport or written piece of evidence they both carried something that could not be simply forged. Each spoke the language of Mizugo and unlike him they held the accents associated with those who had been taught it while within shinobi ranks of the village, he knew this much because they held the same accent as his father. The most compelling however was their knowledge and possession of chakra marks, chakra imprinted brands that were placed on every single mist shinobi and from his memory from time spent with his father he knew that the color of the marks was a symbol to the rank they possessed prior to Kirigakure's destruction.

"Jsou, kteří říkají, že jsou domorodci z vody země a bývalí členové mlhy. Mají i jazyk a znaky se ukáží jako, takže odepření vstupu se nebude můj hovor na toto téma. Nicméně oni chtějí audienci u zemského stínu, něco, co přirozeně padne do rukou. Máte-li otázku jejich motivy, můžete se ponořit více do jejich uvažování a zároveň je vidět na věži. Měl by fungovat i tímto způsobem.", his speech was fluid and quick as he spoke with a tone one could only interpret as nothing more than business though the language obviously was directed towards Souji.

"Entrance and your audience with the Earth Shadow will be handled by the Guardian. This village is one steeped in the understanding and acknowledgement of all things religious and or spiritual, so if you clan has a deity or religious practice prosecution for openly showing this at the location known as the Temple of the Five. You may find the region known as Inner Maruishi houses all of your trade and market needs as well as numerous places to host a warm bed. Guardian of the Shadows will take it from here..."

The Anbu's speech like his previous seemed to be stoic and well versed, he was nothing more than a professional shinobi under the Hidden Stone's banner and did nothing other than what he was taught and instructed to do. Moving to the side just slightly, he would remain as long as they remained outside of the gate and wouldn't leave until every member of the party as well as their belongings were within the walls. Naturally he'd assume that Souji would come down and take over from here, as far as their request to see the Tsuchikage went.

[Topic Left when all participants have left]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="The Ties that bind."]Leaping down from his perch he'd summon a bird under him allowing a swift glide down to the floor. Humanity was so weighted. They could never seem to take flight even if the birds of prey were much larger and bulky. It was like they weighed a ton without even thinking about it. Either way, Souji would hold out a hand to the entrants, "Before you move. Let me finalize this. I will explain the situation for you in plain common language.", looking first to Kanki then back to the entrants, Souji would bring his hand not pushed forth to them to his headset.

"~//~Shadow to the Spire, this is the Guardian of Shadows reporting to the Spire. I have two Kirigakurian warriors standing here, as per the influx of refugees from their nation I'd like official consent to allow them entry or to push them to remain to Outer Maruishi.~//~", this was an honest question of him he had been running the gates alone for a while and he noticed all of the people coming. This just seemed a bit late to be letting refugees come in and seek refuge. Then again he could he could be mistaken. Though he didnt ask them quite yet. That would happen soon. "Fair enough boys? You know how security and such works at the gates... Or at least I assume you'd know. Its something we're all taught here.", nodding he'd await the call from the spire. Though Souji might have ignored orders depending on his judgement as well as who answered.

[PMing The ANBU Sennin/Main Branch Sennin/Kage to respond.]


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
Kamaru blinked as the headset went off but he continued to sip coffee casually as he listened. Placing the cup down he thought for a bit about the transmission, it wasn’t stated they were looking to speak with someone from Leaf City or Fire Country nor had it been stated they had business requests to give or ask for work from the Main Branch. So why call him as well?

”I’d leave the decision mostly up to the judgment of the Kage of Stone, the Guardian on site’s Sennin, and the Guardian on site himself.” Kamaru said into the head set as he stood up buttoning his coat. ”If there are other refugees from Mist in Iwa I would cross reference those individuals to see if these two warriors are known or not. It would be due diligence to make sure the people are not prone to negative… “outbursts”. If I’m needed on site please feel free to let me know and to the Guardian of Shadows when you have free time… come seek me out.”

The mention of the influx of refugees did raise a flag of sorts in Kamaru’s mind and it was unclear if the people in question sought refugee status and possible citizenship or a place to stay as drifters for some time before moving on. In any event Kamaru had some things to look into it seemed since he was now curious.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sighing, Endo looked at his headset and shook his head. It seemed that he never got enough time in the day to just enjoy being a young man. Not wishing to keep his old friend waiting, Endo rushed off towards the gates which he never seemed to be too far from. Arriving in a timely enough fashion, he walked up beside Souji and upon acknowledging his presence, nodded his head and began his well orchestrated role. "Welcome. I am Tsuchikage Inu Endo, how may I be of service to you? As I am to understand, you seek entrance into our village?" Nodding his head as he spoke, he slid a hand up to keep his silver framed glasses up against his face. Flashing a smile his earthen toned skin against the backdrop of his simple black Kage robes. His own personal taste was put aside today but he was really going to have to actually go shopping for new clothes at this rate. He was handling far too many meetings now a days. "Forgive me if I've missed the obvious but why Iwa of all places? We're farther North than I'd imagine most Kirigakurians to travel, and we're not exactly the sea faring type either." A few questions to get things going, and Endo was sure that they'd have this case solved in a jiffy.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="The Ties that bind."]"Alright, Tsuchikage-sama, There are a few things.", shaking his head he'd hold his arm out infront of Endo holding him back from treading forth, "My friend. You should not have actually come here. I already received word from the Main Branch Sennin. They will have to come back after all is said and done, we have to work out policies and such.... Things that are out of my control.", looking the Kage up and down for a moment, "You gained weight.", shaking his head, Souji was joking but he honestly didnt have time to be overruled by the Kage right now. They had to handle things and then press forward with action.

"Go back to your office. I'll finish up here and schedule a return date.", shaking his head once more, Souji was the Onyx Guard. If they woudl stop the Kage from leaving he might have stopped them... but there wasnt much else to do aside from send them on their way and for him to go back to his normal duties. "Aye, I'm going to be watching the gates like normal. So dont worry about too many things getting by me while I'm on duty.", Souji sometimes didnt trust the kage after the talk of war many months back. Though he respected the position, however, there was only so far he could give respect before it would have to be re-earned. "Is this fair enough for you Tsuchikage-sama?", he'd leave it at that with his hand still outstretched to the man...

[Denying Akkuma and Uziuke entry until further notice.]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
My apologies for the wait!
Akkuma watched the events unfold before him listening to what the Guardian said, a small smile crossed his lips. "Naturally..." of course he knew Gate procedures he'd been a member of Kirigakures Anbu. The half-demon raised an eyebrow in surprise as the Tsuchikage himself came to greet them, asking how he could be of service. Before he could answer the Tsuchikage continued one asking why they had chosen Iwa, as it wasn't a sea faring nation. Before he could answer though the Guardians hand went up and he told the Tsuchikage what would happen. The smile spread across his face even wider one of disbelief it appeared Cloud wasn't the only place where the Kage was apparently ordered around by his shinobi. He listened to the banter the Guardian made as he tried to send away the Kage, the half-demon would bow.

"Please forgive me if I speak out of place but is the Tsuchikage not 'your' leader?" he would ask the Guardian, it was a rhetorical question in his mind. Akkuma would bow to the Tsuchikage "I apologize if my previous statement was rude, but my clan and myself have traveled far for this moment. Endo-sama I will not take much of your time, I appreciate you coming down to the Gates to meet us." he would say straightening up, those blood red eyes meeting the gaze of the Tsuchikage. "In truth I'm not bothered on whether or not I enter your fine village. Although I do have clan members who wish to practice their trades amongst your village in a hopes of gaining supplies and making purchases themselves. They are all civilians Uziuke and myself are the only shinobi amongst us, although you will note that all of my clan possess Curse Seals. Although I assure you they are no risk, although if it would make you more comfortable I'd be more then happy to place temporary restrictive seals upon them. To ease any concerns there would be from yourself or your citizens." he would say a warm friendly smile, he understood where the Guardian was coming from although he would not be hampered by an underling. Not when he had traveled so far, he had no intentions of causing trouble nor would he disobey any order given to him by the Kage. All he wanted was to be heard, what they did after that would be up to them.

"The reason I sought an audience with you Endo-sama, the main reason at least is I would like to discuss the possibility of establishing an alliance between your fine village and my clan. Or at least some kind of trade agreement, I understand you may need to confer with your Council on this matter." his voice was charming and he possessed the aura of a man not to be underestimated. Pausing he decided the best way to go about answering the next question the Tsuchikage had for him "Well you see we don't intend on settling in any of the major nations, in truth Iwagakure has not been our only destination. Kumogakure was our stop before this I'm in the middle of arranging an alliance between my clan and that of Cloud. The Raikage Hayate Shin will be meeting with me soon, to further discuss the matter while we do a mission together. I'm simply trying to ensure that my clan is at least on neutral ground with the great nations. After Cloud Iwagakure seemed the most logical place to travel to, there were many a rumor and merchant who raved about the wonders to be seen within your village so naturally my curiosity was peaked. In truth my clan is not a sea faring one, we travel via the land using our beasts. Our clan is devoted to archiving any information in relation to Shinobi. We also utilize a free trade of this information, for we see it as the only way to truly ensure it continues on. Each member naturally has their own profession, we have many skilled workers and our merchants are eager to trade." he would say before his smile widened to that of a more devilish one, for he himself had one more thing to say to the Tsuchikage.

"I also offer you my services as a Mercenary, as a shinobi with ties to no village I assume you understand the advantages of having such a shinobi at your disposal? I'm an S-Class shinobi and I specialize in the Kinjutsu art known as 'Dark Sage'. I'm also a former Anbu of Kirigakure. Would you be interested in further discussing this? Or shall my clan and myself leave these lands as directed by your 'Guardian' of the gates?" he would ask that same friendly expression upon his face, he had no doubt that the Tsuchikage would be interested in further discussing the matter. But if not they would depart as directed without any argument, on to their next destination. But already if what Akkuma had said was true he was not your typical mercenary.

Sorry for the wait...and for Akkuma xD but he is who he is =P looking forward to roleplaying if it continues if not, laters/?

Edited to put MFT


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Souji really wished to cause a scene, no? Why in the world would he test Endo this openly in front of shinobi not of Iwa at all times? If he could, Endo would have slapped his own face. Alas, Endo had to play it cool and not make a scene. Playing it cool just so happened to be a card that he was exceptionally gifted in playing. Adjusting his glasses, Endo chuckled. "Only because I should be on the battlefield with my fellow shinobi and not pushing papers. Alas, this is your expertise, I won't go against your better judgement." he nodded to Souji and slapped him on the back. Turning to the guest though, he smiled and apologized. "You'll have to forgive us. Here in Iwa all voices are valued and a Kage is not the tyrant type to always force his hand. However, no matter how my friend here judges, you have my ear as far as trade goes. Please don't do anything drastic to force the 'Gate Guardians' hand. I'd very much like to entertain your prospects in the future." With that being said, Endo bowed to all and took his respective leave. At this rate he was going to be the laughingstock in all of land if he kept on being told to go back to his desk. The Kirigakurians talked a good game. Hopefully Souji had woken up on the right side of the bed this morning.

OOC: Topic left

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled a warm friendly smile at the Tsuchikage's words standing at his fullest height the half-demon would give the Tsuchikage and the Gate Guardian a deep bow. "I am truly glad to hear that...I will see you soon then! I'll hold you to your word on entertain my idea's on trade between us! he would say before giving a final wave. And a mixed eruption of 'Boo's and We Still Love You Iwa! and Won't someone think of the children!' cries erupted as the horde turned back towards the way it had come, the only question now was where would they set up camp to await the change in policy. 'Ahh perhaps those stone woods we keep hearing so much about...' he would think to himself with a sigh before stepping through a void to re-appear in front of the horde with his brother Uziuke. "Brother you must watch over the clan for me...there's something I have to do..." he would say to his brother before vanishing into another void. Akkuma always seemed to find the most random to times to need to vanish from the group, usually things got very interesting for them afterwards so hopefully there would not be many complaints from them. Unfortunately it couldn't be helped there was something that required his finesse, in this particularly sensitive time in history.

Topic Left with Uziuke and the Clan
Edited to fix coding error

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