Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private What will I learn today? [Tutor]

Uchiha Souta

New Ninja
Jan 26, 2022
Souta was excited. It was not his first day at the Konoha Academy, but it was his first time with a tutor. Somebody who will personally teach him something entirely new. He was only told to wait in one of the school grounds, where there were open space. Probably for the best, when considering that this is children being dealt with.

He was in his typical garb today, dressed from head to toe in black. He wore a light jacket today, greyish in color and with the Uchiha logo printed in the back. He checked his equipment, making sure he had what he need. For now, his equipment were pretty limited. Expected of course, not because he was still young but that he had only recently joined the Academy. Others his age who joined earlier had already started to develop their own 'personalities', inclusive of their equipment choices.

Souta looked around, trying to find the person who would be his tutor for the day. He hoped he would be able to learn a lot. A minor wave of nervousness washed over him as his mind wandered and he began to think about his lacking capability to activate his Sharingan. Surely his tutor would know at least what his clan name was, and the expectation that comes with it. He honestly was rather late in activating his Sharingan even compared to the 'slower growers' in his clan. But he had to remind himself, it was not a race. He had his reasons for why it has not happened. At least, not happened again. It's okay if he is asked. They would not judge him. No... they would not. It was fine.

Souta shook his head, a physical activity to correspondingly mentally shake his concerns away. Let's focus on the moment.

[Thread entered]
[MFT, WC: 296]
Inside the academy, Nao was going over the file of the student. "Fresh huh..." He spoke and the man would nod a few times. "Sorry to be asking you this Nao-San. But we are a bit tight on manpower to even send in the fields, leave alone to teach these young children." Nao would nod a few times. Everyone knew that he never liked Uchiha's much, but few knew the reason behind this. It was all the more reason that they apologized that he was about to be teaching one. 'As long as they aren't all rotten I guess..' He thought towards himself and would make his way towards the classroom. There he would move a few tables and chairs out of the way so that there was more space.

As the time was nearing for the lesson, so was the bad weather that had been forecasted. Quickly he would make his way towards the grounds where he could see a young child with bright red hairs. 'Not every day you see with them...' He would then make his way and look a bit more stoic than he would be normally. "Uchiha Souta I may assume..?" He would ask upfront before saying who he was. "Sazuki Nao, Medical Sennin. I will be teaching you today if you please would follow me." He would speak and turn around to start walking to the classroom he had prepped by moving the tables and chairs till there was enough space in the middle.

" Normally I teach outside the classes, but there is bad weather forecast and I rather not have children catching a cold... Now if you please, what do you already know regards of Chakra, your tomoe's and your own chakra...?" He would ask these questions so he could form a better makeshift lesson for this child.

[Thread entered]
[MFT, WC: 307]
Finally, someone called out to him. He turned towards Nao, seeing the tall, silver-haired man. He introduced himself to Souta as Sazuki Nao, the Medical Sennin...

Medical Sennin... how did Souta have the luck to have such a high ranking shinobi as his tutor today? Was there something inherent, behind the scene he was not aware of? Was it something to do with his... condition? Were they taking his history into account, and perhaps decided someone that may potentially be able to be more understanding of his situation take him on so that they would not cause him hurted feelings? It was easy enough to gloss over what he had been through, and be pretty cavalier with hurtful words after all. But Souta did not want any special treatment either.

He was fine!

THAT, almost pushed him into the realm of anger. It was easy for someone who felt conscious about themself like him feel that way.

Souta took a deep breath, not physically, externally, but internally, within his mind. He reminded him of what his siblings said to help him manage his emotions.

Souta followed Nao to the classroom, where he was finally asked the questions he dreaded.

He was asked about his tomoe.

Okay. Calm down, calm down. There were questions about chakra as well. He is not just asking me about my tomoe because of my history, no no, don't worry, don't worry.

Souta's thoughts whirled around like a hurricane, buffeting his mind and not letting him think clearly for the moment. His anxiety welled up in waves, crashing upon him, before drawing out... away, and away, ready to strike back in a massive tsunami.

Calm down... calm... down...

The tsunami did not come. The hurricane dissipated. He cleared his mind, for now.

"Chakra... I understand it is present in all living beings... something that permeates all of us. If I am not wrong, we all have certain affinities and depths when it comes to chakra. Some of us have more than others. And... I think... I have a wind affinity?" That last bit was not with too much confidence. He was young, and while he wanted to be confident - and are a lot of the time, it was hard for him. Especially the next part. "My..."

He paused. And time seemed to slow, yet at the same time he felt like it was going too fast. Instead of just answering, he instead focused on wondering what Nao was now thinking, about him, about why he has yet to answer, what that would mean. His mind began to race again. He needed to speak, but he could not. But he needed to. "My tomoe..."

It was so hard. Come on, just speak!

By now, his eyes have became teary, and his voice was starting to break.

"Mine appeared when I was young, about when I was five." Souta gulped. "But... I suffered an accident, and I could not activate it anymore."

[MFT, WC: 480]
He didn't treat the child based on background, little did he know about that or rather much at all. He was simply one that wasn't to keep on getting wet either when it wasn't needed. His own condition was finally stable and he rarely got ill himself anymore. Regards of the few illness spikes he got, which weren't that severe anymore either.

"I see... you think you have wind affinity..." He would move his hand till he was holding his chin a little in thoughts. He would listen towards the child as it kept talking and he remained silent to hear. It seemed that there was something to bother him... And once he told he could somewhat understand.

"You are correct on the point that it is all around is and in every living being." He would comment and continue on while going through his clothing to find something that he often had with him. "Chakra is formed by combining two other energies: Physical energy and Spiritual energy. Physical energy can be increased through training and exertion, and spiritual energy is increased by experience and meditation. Chakra is unique to the individual, with each having their own color and “feel” based on their personality and lineage." He explained along as he finally pulled something from out of his pocket and looked at the paper, judging if that were to be right to be used.

"Sharingan... Often known as copy wheel eye but also as the eye that reflects the heart." He would pause as he placed the paper in front of the child on a desk if he were to be seated already. Otherwise, just hand it towards him. "Most of the time, members of the Uchiha clan have an affinity towards the fire nature."

"Use this paper, it will tell the affinity you really have. Fire: the paper will ignite and turn to ash. Wind: the paper will split in two. Lightning: the paper will wrinkle. Earth: the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away. Water: the paper will become wet/damp." He explained but wouldn't be able to showcase as he was something of an oddball himself right now, knowing all affinities and jutsu's... he even had a hard time remembering which one was the first he originally had...

Current Ninpocho Time:
